Support group - Miscarriages

Hi athlete

u did not activate ur PM mode so can't send u a message.

Hi Val
i've PM u

Actuali i only grief in my heart, i do not talk to those around me.
If i say so, they will definitely tell me that "i could try again"
so i better keep to myself and if im feeling sad, i will just come here and talk it out

Hi woof and bestwishes, glad to see you both getting so crazy and happy. May everyone else here be happy too.

Lyn, hope your blues are gone now.

Happy minds are the gateways to healthy body.

Does anyone here know if preggy can go for massage?
hi athlete
i've PM u

hi coral
Talking about shopping and buying things does make us happy <(*@*)>

i think not advisable for preggy to go for massage, never heard preggy go massage before.
hey bestwishes,
u r so cute...ya lor..nx time muz try to strain my eyes to look ard whether those ladies haf clover necklace or nt....if i spot one wif the apple design i will cud be u...haha
oh yes...todae i went for a movie...saw BITS AND PIECES oso sellin this clover thingy...their price almost the same as julierobert but no apple design...anyway their design not very nice leh.....i tink tis clover thingy will be in trend soon....

oh sleep early..i used to be a late nite owl too but den i wan to try to turn in as early as i can.....

if u feel very uncomfortable, i tink the best is to tok it out rather than let it trap it inside u.....certain things are unavoidable...

oh i agree wif u...pple will say stop thinking of the past...get over it n try again.....same old verse...anyway i almost got over it liao...but den at times when i c preggie ladies i will imagine myself being one..hehe n if i happen to c bb related stuff will take a glance lor...oso at the same time, look out for quality when u nid it, u wun panic....

if i happen to get one...will update u n make u gian..hehe.....

i guess i get a lot of support n encouraging words fm u pple n oso the pple ard me...i feel tat no pt looking backwards n the best is to get gng n make it a better one in future! as for massage, i tink beta not lah...mayb ask professional beta.....
remember to ask the boss if more ppl buy, got discount o not..

But hor, my colleagues told me that this 4 leave clover not lasting..after a few yrs it will withered off..duno how true leh

better dun go for massage lar..cos they press here n there..duno wat would happen mar..
I was looking around at this julieroberts website..then I saw they had put in the story which I read in cleo mag..

eh..they also need distributors leh..think this is a profitable biz
Coral, not advisable to go for massage now..

unless u go to those who holds cert and are professional in handling preggie ladies.. then, its safe..
hi zhuzhu

ok i shall look out for gals using as HP strap

haha..u interested to be distributor? Let us know so that we will go and patron u instead.

hi gals
Add u to my msn and nice chatting to u

Take care and look forward to see all of u online soon.

u pregnant??
wah ask can pregnant go for message n gt one spotting then stop
hee...sounds like pregfnancy symptoms leh
I've not visit my gynae, will be seeing him on 25 Feb. And for superstitious reason, I'm told not to talk abt it until later...So you gals know wat I mean right? So save any best wishes you have until later. For me, life as per normal...
u here?
want to ask u something...
u mention u hv spotting for 1 week due to ovulation right?

like to find out when u gals hv AF after delivery? exclude lochia

cos hor, been 8 weeks this week after my delivery,7th Dec 05
then monday,6th feb, i gt spotting, so thot is menses coming it has been like this on/off spottingfor tues n wed as well,went to see gynae
she scanned n saw my right ovary hv some liquid there n my uterus lining has formed, is quite thick, so she say maybe ovulation spotting or Af comig v soon,

u gals hv such epxperience?
today my discharge seems heavier,
dunno is menses leh?
I gt some mild cramp, dunno why after delivery
menses/ovulation so funny

so confuse!
For me, it was about 28-29days after delivery. My first AF was extremely heavy, thereaft, things were normal, and cycle maintain around 29-30 days.Usually discharge is heavier before ovulation, then there's a dry period leading up to AF...

Hama, thank you. I'll keep a healthy body and mind.
Val., the tansparent stretchy mucus usually appear some time before ovulation.
I think keeping a healthy diet and moderate amount of exercise/activities help to regulate menses. Actually I'm quite lucky that stress didn't get to me. In teh past, whenever I'm stressed, my AF will stop for a month or so. Nowadays I really try to control my emotions and stress level. The key is not thinking too much or dwelling on something for too long. Not easy, I still fall into that state very often, but I pull myself out quickly as I don't want to bear the consquences of worrying too much.
Avoid cold food and water. I heard that it's better to avoid cafeine before Af too else more cramps.
halo everyone,
wa...haf been reading the posts...very informative leh.....

val, hw many kids do u haf? i m still waiting for my spotting to stop leh......

meanwhile muz take xtra care hor....
I just take folic acid only.. heehee dunno wanna ttc or not, cos i following my hb soon to overseas.. things are moving and i apply visa.

Val &amp; bestwishes,
Yes, I had spottings for a week, 3-4 days after my 1st AF. So i went back to doc and she says that was becos i was ovulation and the lining not strong. so when the egg implant on the lining, the new lining still can "stick" to the new clean virginal.. results in spottings. ie.. to mil is body weak... *rolleyes*
hi icy,
my af after d&amp;C vvv heavy leh, and then spotting for about 3- 5 days after that... so meaning the new lining cannot 'stick' that's why spotting?
i get v annoyed cos have to keep using panty liner, then cannot BD, hehe..
hey icy,
when will u b gng overseas? wa..very chim leh.....wat egg stick to the new clean virginal will results in spotting.....

how heavi is the flow? wakao usually i haf cramps leh....afraid tat itz too heavi till cant work....btw how long does ur AF last before the spotting for 3-5daes?
ya lor, can understand....use panty liner n cant BD....
must find some lobangs for extra incomes mar..

need to save for milk powder in the future

*whisper* congrats...
heavy flow about 3-4 days,lots of huge blood clots. then light flow for about another 3 days, and then spotting 3-4 days after that. my 1st and 2nd AF after D&amp;C like this, same pattern. V long right? But then hor, i used to get v bad crapms, but suprisingly, both AF this time no cramps leh...
take care!
wa...seems like the AF wif spotting will last for almost 10 daes......i hope tat ur 3rd AF will b back to normal...i oso haf a friend telling me tat aft D&amp;C her AF goes ur accurate?
i heard bfore tat cramps r due to the lining in out uterus so mayb the D&amp;C helps lor as it cleans the uterus....
Hi ladies, thank you.

I think AF for the first few time after can be irregular. Mine was so heavy that I used tampons and pad at the same time but can still stain skirt. But after the first time, things were very normal. So just bear with the inital weirdness.

icy, glad that you'll be going with hb. Since you're not working when overseas, might be the best time to start ttc. Relax mode can produce the best bbs.
yah yah same same. gynae say new lining so not 'firm' yet, but my case lasted 1 week also becos egg implant which even weaken the lining.

bestwishes &amp; coral,
Yeah, today is my LAST DAY! i think of tcc there, then i can take care of my own bb fulltime. but i a bit scare cos lots of flying ard. Scare will affect lor - phobia a bit, i went tour last time when i din know i preggy.. now i keep wonder it is because of flying then have mishap.

target to go by 19 feb, i going embassy next mon to get the visa and permit done.

I now had very bad cramp for my first and 2nd AF leh.. and the cramp area seemed to be different now.. it is higher side of my tummy.
My 2nd AF regulated by hormone pills.. the flow also heavy and keep cramping that i wake up in the middle of the night.. so i still monitoring.
hanor Coral,
think AF after deliver so funny one :p

like mine nw from Mon till Wed, only spotting
only thurs onwards flow is heavier, back to normal last time
aiyo dunno will it be v heavy later?
I only bring one medium pad to change, hope nt to be stained!

so the hormone pills give u painful cramps?
well, do u hv to rely on it often?
If not, maybe after ur AF, dun take lor
take natural supplements instead
Do u take english hearbal tea?
Lavender tea help to ease cramps and Red Rasberry tea helps to stregthen the uterus lining
Maybe you can take both of these tea after your AF

But do take onte take once a week hor? Cos over exceed will be too liang
icy, my coleeague who's preg has been flying around since day 1 and she's doing very well. Now already into her 6th months. Don't put the blame on yourself. Do you have to fly around with your hb? Maybe try to do less travelling in 1st tri, but many ppl can just handle that, but to be safe, try to reduce.
oh i c..tat will be abt a wk more to go....
cramp? izzit tat serious? did u consult ur gyane regarding this issue?
I am not sure if hormone pills r the one giving me cramps, but i will definately stop taking because it is making me very bloated. Gynae just gave me 2 weeks dosage for this mth only.

Does english herbal tea helps for cramp? oh.. din know Lavender tea and Red Rasberry tea are so usefully, i will definately buy to drink. :D Then during mense can drink?

I dun need fly ard with hb, but we move around every 6 mths and i had to fly back sg bah.. i prefer sg gynae since she already know my case. I now scare i flying without know i preggy like last time.

i havent consult.. cos i jsut consult her ard 3 weeks ago.. i guess i just tolerate with it and see waht happened next mth.
CONGRAT CORAL!!! its really a good news after Lyn
take care of urself ya and have a safe 9mths!

hopefully the next one will be me!! haha and all the rest of the babes here.. Jia you!
v happy n gald u are pregnant

but hor did u really ttc last cycle?
cos u actually wasnt expected to be pregnant right?
maybe can pm me more details if you nt comfortable to share here...

ya drink herbal tea really helps,
hmm...maybe u try to avoid during AF lor,
do take lavender 2 times for that week before ur Af comes
see if i t helps
ok ya do stop after the 2 weeks dosage

for those who are interested, do look at this website
is available at market place supermarket
I tried to go thro the posts but really cannot catch up...
but gals, do stay positive and the most important thing is to direct your energy to taking good care of your body, both emotionally and physically. It's pretty hard for the emotional part but try doing things to distract yourself from being sad coz stress will affect TTC process.

BB dust to all!
Hi Val, after I saw my gynae in Dec, we decide I'm healthy enuf to start ttc. However, I hv to travel in Jan, so I tot my chances of getting preg is low. But we tried a few times on days before I flew away on CD18. But I didn't think much of it cos I was still vy stress fm work. And then I kept feeling nauseous and menses didn't come so I tested on CD33 it was negative so tot not preg and drank wine on 2 occasion during CNY. Then menses still not here n on wk5 count from LMP I hv a spot so it's sort of a sign, and I also observe more discharge which is not normal if AF is near. It's more normal to hv increase discharge when preg. So decided to test again on CD38 and didn't want to look at kit and be disapointed. When I saw positive, I was thinking, well maybe it'll fade off soon. But it remains, the next day I did another test, it's still positive. So keeping fingers crossed. I have yet to get confirmation by gynae...
Coral, abit of wine will not harm bb but from now on, u gotta watch what u eat already. &amp; try to manage yr stress level. I know, it's easier said than done right? Besides, yr work needs frequent travelling right? My gynae offered to issue me a letter to inform my boss that I am pregnant and requires more rest. I didn't do that but luckily, my boss did not dare to stress me as he suspects I am pregnant. But having to juggle work n pregnancy is not easy. I am doubly stress when I am busy coz I am afraid bb will be tired as well. Nevertheless, I will not push myself too hard at work already, unlike last time. Work is still just work n no one is indispensible at work. Take care!
Dear dear Coral,
you also never expect to be pregnant so soon rite?
well, now you hv to keep up the positive spirit no matter wat,
I know is easier said than done cos if I am in your shoes now, I will be worry too cos of the phobia of our previous pregnancy
However, you hv to be calm, stress free and think of good and happy things, do your favourite things
hee...remember this song'My Favourite Things?' from 'Sound of music' listen and best watch this movie, all time favourite classic movie, watch umpteen times oso nt sian one....that time my m/c, one of my church frens bought this movie for me and I am so so happy!

So do rest more as often as you can,
inform your superior abt your pregnancy
avoid all hospitals and visits cos I remember you mention you had somehow contacted some germs/bacteria before...
so pls pls avoid,
load up your vitamin C, do get it frm your gynae to improve your immunity to fight against any infections/bacteria
flu bug is all everywhere nw,
cos sob sob I am down wif sorethraot and flu nw :p

Do go for fresh air if you stay near park/garden
it releases stress when you breathe in the fresh air and purify your lungs

Work area, when stress, do close your eyes and tell urself to relax and as wat Droppy say: do not push urselfr too hard

I will always keep you in prayer and really really pray hard you will hold yoour heathly baby in Oct 2006!!

God is always there for you

Smile and be positive, hey you are a MTB soon!!
Remember' my favourite things' hehe....:p
can PM me?
cos I wont come into this thread anymore
feel too expose :p

If you dont mind continue to hv a friendship wif me,
PM me and we can keep in touch by email,
too bad you dun hv MSN :p

hee...those hv MSN,
I see you all online

yeah I agree with Val, avoid hospitals and build up yr immunity with fruits rich in Vitamin C. &amp; oh yes, drink lots n lots of water. I am advised to drink more than 2 litres per day.

Val take care, alot of people down with the flu bug recently, may be the weather.
