Support group - Miscarriages

Hi charis,
Sorry to hear about your loss. How many weeks were you?
I had two and both I opted for DnC. If you opted for natural m/c, do monitor your bleeding. If bleeding or for too long, do see your gynae to check for infection.
Take good care...

wow....4mths oreadi registered man!
now i m still in the process of waiting for my mense to come leh......btw wan to c a sinseh for advise too....has actually got over my mc liao but den hesitant to try after 2cycles (advise fm my gynae to TTC after 2 cycles)
recently my appetite nt as gd as before..seems like after the D&C, my appetite has decreased...dunno y too....
HI lyn, in my previous pre-natal class I was told not to massage the tummy as it may cause early contraction...Maybe what you gyane taught your hb is different. But just be careful when massaging tummy...My ms is getting really bad now, every night struggle to sleep due to discomfort and nausea feelings.

Charis, do go back for a thourough scan if you opt for natural m/c to ensure that there's nothing remaining else might be bad for your health...Take care.
Hi Gals!
Long time no "See"! :p
Hope everyone is doing well.
I see someone here having good news!

Congrats Coral!!!
Take good care of yourself and don't worry too much about work. BB is most important!
Hi Charis,
How are you now?
*Hugs* please take good care of yourself and make sure you have enuff rest and bu when everything clears.. it's very impt!
Hi Charis,
Sorry to hear abt yr loss.Yeah, it's impt to bu n rest well before u start ttc. Do go through a mini-confinement.

Lyn, I am also thinking of piano or violin
I want to get but m clueless abt a pure piano CD as well...I only know Richard Claydeman...dun know how to spell.
sorry to hear of ur loss Charis.. if there is anything, juz voice out and i'm sure the gals here will support u.. Pls do take care...
sori to hear abt ur take care, rest well n i m sure u will b successdul one dae.....
*some of the gals haf succeeded*
Hi ladies,
For pure piano CD, u may try Kevin Kern's CD - More Than Words and other of his CDs. All are piano music. U can also try Chopin's Norturne or Debussy's Suite Bergamasque. These are more easily absorbed, more tuneful....

Hallo Elmo,
Ya...long time no 'see'...where have u been?
How're u?
Hi dwoof,
It will take some time for everything to become normal again
. LAst time my first menses took 8 weeks to come.

Hi coral,
Okie... I will take note about the massage part
Thank you for sharing
Your nausea comes at nite? Try to eat well and drink lots of water when you dun feel the nausea

Hi elmo,
How are you doing? Everything ok?

Hi droopy,
I dun consider Richard Clayderman is pure piano music. I dun really like the background mix... kekeke... I prefer only piano music... Then I wun fall asleep...

Hi qwer,
Thank you
Ok, I will look out for Kevin Kern...

Hi charis,
Do take care of the bleeding. If it's too much, do look for your gynae and make sure you have bloodtest and scan to make sure it's completely clear. Natural m/c will take some time... Gotta becareful of infection...
Hello Elmo, long time no hear. You've been busy travelling? Thank you for your well wishes.

Lyn, I know of a japanese lady who has pur piano album too and her music are light and cheerful but can't remember her name leh, but I see them in major music stores. Might be Yuki something...

Think I need to relaax man. been having lots of cramp in tummy and quite a lot of discharge.
take care coral... if there is anything, ask ur gynae to give u MC so that u can rest well at home...

2 days ago, i had a bad scare when i see red that i quickly sent myself to the hospital yesterday... (sigh).. why why...
hama, evrything ok now? Do rest hor. The whole 9 months just gotta take care lor. Jst called my mum to cook me some chicken essence to bu my womb. Feel so tired everyday. Now I sleep early every night but still not enough rest. Feel so alone and helpless, nothing hb can do to help me.
don't that your hormone is changing, it is normal to feel extremely lethargic even though you have slept early the nite b4. It is normal. try to do things at a moderate pace and do not exert yourself at all. slowly you will be able to overcome it.

are u ok now? did gynae told u why suddenly see red? the same goes for you...try to do things slowly and stay cheerful everyday. cos your mood will influence the little one

i really hope that everyone here will have a smooth pregnancy and delivery! God Bless!!
Thank qwer. I'm so tempted to take leave to go home n sleep, but don't want boss to think I'm troublesome. But damn distracted man. Wake up wake up!
hi coral.. i am feeling so-so now.. juz cant help thinking of it...

think we will feel tired thruout our 9mths of pregnancy.. cos we are getting heavier each passing days...
hi qwer, the gynae din really tell me the reason... i dun even know why it happened suddenly...

really makes my mood so bad....
hama, cheer up. You also don't want bb to feel moody right?
Don't think about it lor. Watch Tv or listen to music. If you can sleep more. I'm in such a dilemma. SHould I quit. My MIL will definitely say I make a big fuss over small things She keep comparing me to her lor, say during her time, things were so easy dunno why I like that. Must be my body is weak. I also don't want to be like this wat. If one can cruise through the 9mths, who don't want? I'm soooooooooooo tired. Can't concentrate on work, and also worry about the dull pain in tummy. Agrrrrr!
thanks coral.. will try to cheer up.. now listening to some music to cool myself down...

the dull pain? did u consult ur gynae abt it...
Dun care what ur mil said... no one knows ur body well than u urself.. if u feel that u simply is too tired and needed to rest well these 9 mths, then believe ur own instinct and do what u feel right and quit ur job..

nothing is more important than the little one inside u now...
I called the nurse, she asked me to go see the gynae. Maybe I'll go donw after work. From last expereince it's due to to womb not being relaxed enuf lor. Guess this time as well since I've been rushing around for meetings and presentations.
hi coral,
yes, like what hama said, nothing is more impt then the little one inside u. work is never ending...see gynae, take MC and rest. To me, my family and my health is more impt. Work too hard, don't know my office will appreciate or not... At least I work hard for my family & love ones, they know.

If u stil feeling the dull pain, go and see gynae now...don't wait till knock off. U may say I'm kiasu, but I'm like this me bb is much much more important than work. If your boss said work not finish cannot leave, hack care her lah...hee hee!

don't think too much ok...from now on, try to do things super slow and juz relax. can rent those VCDs and watch at home...or read story whatever u like to pass time and not to think abt it.
actually I'm feeling so tired that I feel liek just hoping into a cab and go hm to rest after work. The pain come and go leh, not sure if I sure see gynae or not leh. USually have to wait an hour and now I'm just soooooo tired lor.
good hama. that's what this forum is for. Let us shae and also let off steam. It's what's keep me going in the office now. I can't tell anyone how I feel or any of my frustration. Can only ome in and nag at you ladies.
hi coral,
will your gynae be in tomolo? maybe now don't work, go home rest and then tomolo see your gynae
I remembered I felt super tired during my 1st pregnancy. I remembered I fell asleep b4 8pm and slept throughout the nite. Next morning in office, still sleepy!!

As for your MIL, don't bother abt MIL also always say lots of 'ugly' things which I don't like to hear. She also treats my daughter in a 'special' way and always make my gal cry
I really cannot tolerate her but she is the MIL, and it is her mouth....we cannot stop them from talking, we can only tell ourselves to treat it as bird singing! haha...1 ear in and 1 ear out... U saw the chinese movie "I'm not stupid too"? The children were like that...1 ear in and 1 ear out, when their parents and grandma were talking and nagging to them, hee hee!!
Ya, if tmrw still don feel well I'll go see gynae. Now I just want some food then a good sleep. Ya, i try not to think abt MIL too. Thinking abt unhappy things only make ourselves miserable.I'm going off now. Have a great wkend!
Hi Gals,

Hama, take more rest. Yeah dun think too much, do talk to bb more.

Coral, if it's the crampy feeling, could it be yr womb expanding? I dun think we are kicking a big fuss, I thot of quiting too coz gotta drag myself to work during the 1st trimester. Also got a colleague who need to take MC frequently coz of MS. Can u work from home? Maybe can have some arrangement with the company?
hello ladies,
i m kind of lost liao.....can all those we haf mc b4 n now pregnant share their experiences?

coz at first all tok abt mc den suddenly abt bbs.....
Morning Ladies,

Hi d woof, mmph...sorry for making u feel lost. For me, I lost my 1st bb during the 2nd trimester last year, went through a miniconfinement n TTC after 1st AF. I strike after a few cycles. The experience however made this pregnancy very stressful. It is a conscientious effort to stay positive and happy. As there were no signs, no symptoms, no reasons why I lost my 1st bb, I am very paranoid during this pregnancy. But, I consider myself very blessed coz I have nice colleagues, supportive family n in-laws, a patient gynae and this forum.

How about u? Are u starting to TTC already? It is impt to bu yr body back, exercise and relax when TTC.
hi ladies...

Thanks for the replies & encouragement..Im doin fine..Bleeding has subsided.
The m/c seems complete...a lot of blood & all the sac, placenta etc came out, excruciating hubby sat beside me in the toilet & massaged & prayed for was a time of bonding for us. Was in bed for 2 days cos of the ordeal. but im much better now, i've grieved our loss & believe my BB's in heaven, so that's a real comfort...hubby & mum in law helping out w cooking & chores.
Will go back to gynae as some of u advised maybe in 1-2 weeks time..
Will try again but not so soon...Im abstaining for 2-3 months..womb need to recover.

Thanks again ladies.
hi droopy,

care to share ur gynae with us?

hi charis
sorry to hear about ur loss. Did u opt for a natural mc rather than a D&C? Do u know the reason of ur mc?
It's an extremely painful ordeal, physically and emotionally. Glad that you are resting now.
Must take lots of nutritious food to recover ur health, very crucial for the next TTC.
Take care and rest well.

hi woofy
update us on ur sinseh session. If good, can make some recommendation.

Hi gals
After the 1st AF of D&C, when will the last 2nd AF come again?
Heard that our AF will become irregular as our hormones change?
Hi bestwishes..

Ya i opted for a natural m/c with much prayer & gynae's advice..didnt do a DNC.

I dont exactly know why, but most gynaes say cos baby not developing properly, but as a person who believes in GOD, HIS plan is perfect. I am a more convinced that it could be an environmental factor..if you want to know more, pls send me PM, I hve a book on 'how to understand m/c & the management of m/c' by the Medical Training Institute of America.
Morning ladies,

Hi bestwishes, my gynae is Dr SB Soon from Mt E. She is not as popular as some of the gynaes mentioned in this forum but she has been very patient and understanding with me.

For me, the 2nd AF was more or less regular and back to normal, no more spot spot spot already.
Hi Charis,
I had a miscarriage a week ago and was really sad and cried for 3 full day and was given a week MC. but now I'm back to being a cheerful gal. Mine was bleeding 3 days b4 2nd appt to hear bb's hearbeat. But gynae cannot hear the heartbeat and said it was not growing and predict i would have a miscarriage on the weekend. True enough, I had a tummy ache, bled a lot and soon I lost my bb. I called up the clinic the next day morning and asked for advise so they asked me to do for D & C to prevent any infection or tissue stayed inside my womb. Thinkng of conceiving it again so I had D & C. Right now, I think we need to take good care of our health then the next bb will stay healthily in our womb. Take a lo of tonic, I drink DOM now and mum-prepared tonic soup so that I can conceive in 2 months time (hopefully...)
I read a lot of them are already a mummy and some of us are still trying to conceive. 'jia you'...

oops ..can anyone tell me what is AF??? can't figure out what is that...
hi charis

I think u din activate ur PM so i can't send u a message. I thought most gynaes will recommend D&C as they want to make sure it's "clean" inside so that it wont cause infection.
Moreover doc will issue antibodies and painkiller. Pls see a doc immediately if u encounter any discomfort.

hi droopy
Thanks for sharing. So like to check with u, does 2nd AF resume to normal cycle? and not delay for 1-2weeks etc? like become irregular?

hi kkang
it's extremely devastating to encounter this unfortunate ordeal.
For me, all my frds around me started to "pop" after me and I feel sad that their tummy started to "pop" bigger and bigger but not me.
Just sheer bad luck i think and i hope next round will be successful!
Faith is very important!!
Glad that you are taking good care of ur health now, wat u are doing is right to prepare for the next TTC.
I believe u will success eventually *thumbs up*
AF mean aunty flow (menses)
Hi bestwishes, charis, Kkang

Actually I did not have DnC as well, as long as it's so called "clean", no residue of placenta tissue then dun need DnC, gynae gave me antibodies to prevent infection. And it is very important to scan again to make sure the womb has strunk n there is no residue.

My 1st AF was already quite regular except I had spotting spotting before n after AF, then 2nd AF went back to normal, but my gynae did mention for some women, it may go haywire. So dun worry, just monitor.

Ladies, physically shld be fine but mentally, the recovery process is not easy after the traumatic experience, but yes do be strong n have faith. BB dust to all
Hi bestwishes...

Hehe sorry i didnt know i hve to activate PM, I dont know how to actually.
Thanks anyway for advice. YUp most gynaes & docs do, but I heard from my 3rd gynae(I saw 3 gynaes!) that its jus std procedure but its not a must unless there r complications, he actually calls it a 'stupid procedure', cos they jus scrap n scrap the womb n dont know wat they r scraping..the American Medical book also calls it an unnecessary proc for most m/c. I went on several websites, n a lot of women opt for natural m/c.

Hi droopy..

Thanks for sharing yr story too, n i think jus like u say, i most likely go back to gynae to check, n see if i shld take anti-biotics..

Hi kkang..

Im sorry for yr loss & understand
wat u r going thru..cos Ive been there n was jus last week too..I borrowed some books on grieving, m/c, etc, so i can hve a proper closure. Mayb u want to go to the library n check out some books. Jus like i said n this brought me comfort, i dont know if u believe but i hope it may bring u some comfort or closure, my BB's in heaven, n yours is too...Take care.
hello droopy,
thanx for sharing. As for me now waiting for my AF to visit me. I did a D&C early this mth as i haf severe pain n bleeding din stop.....went back to gynae to scan a few daes later n will be gng back to c him this coming wk again. nah, wont start TTCing 3mths later....advice by my gynae tat nid to wait for at least 2 cycles....
i used to haf reg cycle but i m oso worried tat after d&c AF will go haywire...hopefully it will be like the past, report on time

hello kkang,
sori to hear tat but den no worries ok....get well n recover n start trying again....

i visited the sinseh yesterdae...said tat my womb is a bit weak..told her abt my mc too...i oso told her tat i took chicken essense as well as DOM everyday after my mc...she was shocked..she said tat my body is heaty but den womb is weak so i shldnt be taking heaty stuff..haf to avoid food tat is heaty too.....she oso mentioned tat DOM n chicken essense is actually for the body n not particularly for the womb so now my womb is weak i nid to build up first b4 TTC again...she said muz tiao bu for at least 3-4mths before TTC again..
as for charges, still ok lah...paid $58 for 2wks supplies of medicine as well as hb oso consult her too..his is $28...i haf more medicine than him coz i nid to take twice a dae while he nid to take once a dae....
oh btw, she told me tat folic acid is real gd for the body so muz take everydae...
i guess tat's abt all....
hi droopy
Tks, I will monitor mine closely

Hi Charis
You may have to go "options" to change ur PM setting.
Tks for ur enlightenment abt natural MC.
Mine was missed miscarriage so doc advised me to opt for D&C.
Did ur doc issue u some antibodies? Will it be better if u make an earlier appointment to scan again for any residue?

hi woofy
ur sinseh sounds good, did she advise what to take instead of chicken essence and dom?
Her medicine is in herbs or capsule form?
Sounds goods, tiao bu for at least 3-4mths, body will be in tip top condition to conceive soon *thumbs up*
How long was the consultation? Did she "bah mai" for u?
Oh..i've started to take folic acid soon though i do not intend to TTC so soon
hello bestwishes,
i cant really comment gd or not lah...muz see results in a few mths time..hehe...she says eat fruits like bananas actually very gd for bbs', meat muz eat more too.....
as for her medicine, it is in tablets and syrup form...was given abt 7 diff types of tablets n a bottle of syrup.....hb was given the same too..but den she mentioned tat syrup not the same...some medicine is to clear wind, strength the kidneys etc.......
hopefully i will b in tip top condition....maybe u can visit her when u r ready to too....

well actually this is recommened by other gals...they went on weekday so not long queue...but i went on sat n waited for almost 1hr before consultation....consultation oso take quite some time as after explaining to us, she has to get the medicine for us (everything by her)....oh yes, she did "bai mai" for both hands....
hello coral..
i am crossing fingers now that the bleeding dun start up again... hopefully everything is well..

how abt you.. is everything alright and who will be ur gynae...
hi qwer/lyn/Coral,
I'm fine. Just that I have been very busy with work the last few months.

take care! I will try to come in when I can.
hama, you'll be fine. Keep bb and yourself relaxed with all the music.

I'm still having bad ms lor. Seeing gynae tis Sat, hope all is fine. I'm seeing Dr Tony Tan from KKH.

elmo, you take care too. Please eat well even when busy. Hope's your slimming down plan getting along?

hi coral... u having bad MS.. all these will pass when u reach 2 trim..
I too had MS and it continued till abt mid 2nd trim... phew.....

I have been trying to relax myself by thinking of other things... Luckily, that day admitted to the hospital early, and the doc did a V-check and scanning of bb for me..

so this sat, u're able to see ur little one... that's great.. keep us update of ur visit.. everything will be fine... Pray hard and think positive..
