Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Coral,
Do keep us updated on yr visit. On a positive note, bad ms is a good sign that yr hormones are doing well...that's what my gynae said when I had ms in the 1st trimester.

Hi hamasaki, do take care of yrself, everything will be fine

hi all,

read thru the thread & heard abt yr stories, feeling very sad & can understand that m/c is a painful thing.

my friend also have a m/c last yr cause she is stress with work & part studies. After the incident, she went to c chinese physician to 'tian yang' the body and abt 1/2 yr later she told me she is pregnant & now given birth to a healthy bb girl.

seeing how u all have the determination to conceive, i believe u all will be mummies one day....
Hi everyone,
Not sure if you guys still remember me. I've been reading this thread daily, but have not been posting cos I couldn't really catch up with what's going on. But I just needed someone to talk to, esp. when my husband is away overseas now. I had an m/c in Nov last year, and have been on oral contraceptives for the last 3 cycles as I had a follicle that didn't rupture on my left ovary, so gynae wanted to monitor it. Hopefully, it will be reabsorbed by the body itself and not become a cyst. Tomorrow is my gynae appointment and I am quite afraid... afraid of the waiting, afraid of the scan, afraid that it wouldn't go away, afraid that gynae will say I cannot start to TTC yet *sigh* Plus I still get funny pain on my lower right abdomen, like the kind you get when you run too fast.

Coming into this thread brings me hope that one day I'll be a graduate like Hama, Droopy, Lyn & Coral too.

Btw, Coral, Congrats!
hi Sophie, dun think of too many negative thoughts that will affect ur mood..
U will one day graduate to be a mummy.. just like many of the gals here who made it successfully..
Stay Positive..
hi woofy
she seema to be quite popular as u need to wait for at least 1 hr

i will get the contact from u when i m ready.

hi galleria
tks for your encouragement and inspiration. We will work hard

hi sophie
What do u mean by follice din rupture on ovary? Any symptoms? I've been getting cramps on and off, very worried about it but i hate to visit the gynae so hope to get the facts right before i decided to see 1.
Thanks for your reply, I'm trying to stay positive and visualizing that later, the doc will say everything is OK
What were you doing up at midnight?!

Hi bestwishes,
Every month, a follicle (in the ovary) will mature and rupture, producing an egg which will then travel down the Fallopian tube. After my D&C, I think my hormones went haywire (as with lots of gals here when I read their previous archived threads). The doctor said that due to the hormonal imbalance, my follicle was mature, but did not rupture to produce the egg i.e. I had my first AF without ovulating. She said it's very common, especially after a stressful thing like an m/c, so she just put me on oral contraceptives to see if the body re-absorbs the follicle. It's apparently a quite common thing even with women who haven't had m/c, and it normally goes undetected. Most of the time, the body re-absorbs the follicle back & it disappears, so you can technically leave it alone. But if it doesn't, it becomes a follicular cyst, which the doc says is OK if I don't get sharp intense pain especially during sex. But if it causes pain, then have to remove it.

Symptoms are not cramps, so don't worry about your cramps. I told 2 doctors about my cramps and both said it's nothing to do with the D&C and my current situation! So I figured the cramps could be a muscle strain or something... maybe they did some acrobatic stunts in the op theatre
cos after the D&C, I had muscle aches on my stomach area, like the kind you get when your PE teacher forced you to do 100 crunches. Now just being sedated for awhile and not doing any exercises and walking very slowly like a grandmother!
Hi ladies,

I just went for a d & c procedure yesterday. During my gynae visit on Sat, we found out that the baby's heart had stopped beating. Gynae estimated that the baby had stopped growing about 10 days after my last visit to him (which was before CNY eve). My case is a missed miscarriage as my body didn't automatically start the m/c process.
Hello gals...
Sorry I have been very busy lately... Just popped in.. Going out in 5 minutes

Keep positive thoughts ok? I just bought a "tai jiao" book to read. It states that many preggie think negatively when they have MS.. and that will hinder baby's brain and emotional development...

Keep positive
baby will be fine
Jia you...

K I gotta go out.. tata.. will come in again..
Hi cookies gal...

Truly sorry for yr loss..n I understand wat u goin thru. Its ok to grief..Dont surpress yr feelings.

I jus had an m/c too a week ago. My gynae couldnt detect a heartbeat at 9 weeks, he said growth seemed to stop at 7 weeks..I saw 2 other gynaes to confirm these...cos i dont want to go thru a DNC w/o being very sure the baby alrd died..Gynae siad its a 'missed abortion' same w yr case..but I told him firmly that I dont wnt a body will expel it out naturally in due time. Well my body did jus last week...technically it was a whole month b4 I had the natural m/c..n i double-checked here n there in other websites tt many women opt for natural m/c, n some of them take more than a month to hav a natural m/c.
Galleria, thank you for yur encouragement.

Sophie, I understand how you feel. After my lost, I had a few health issue that I thought may prevent me from TTc agan and I was really scared and worried. But ladies here have been encouraging me to look on teh positive side. And look, now I hv some good news. So I'll tell you the same, don't give up believing. Whatever happen, do what is required to resolve and wait for the right time to TTC. Maybe it's not now, but some time soon, it'll be your turn. I always think that there's a reason for things to happen. So in a way it's good that I wasn't allowed to TTC earlier since that time I had such hectic travel schdule it might have been bad to conceive then.
Don't worry, stay clam and hear what your gynea has to say, things will be fine.
Hama, hope my ms will end soon. The last tie it only ended after the 5th month.
Lyn, I know, I was worried that my negativeity will affect bb, so been telling bb we'll both be well and bb will grow healthily.
cookie's gal,
really sori to hear all u haf to do is rest well n try not to dwell on it......look on the bright side.....i can really understand how u feel.....

so u mean choosing to haf natural mc is beta than d&c izzit....for my case i was bleeding and pain in the choice but to go for d&c as it is really i m waiting for my menses to come n meanwhile taking CM to strengthen my womb....
hi Sophie, I was surfing the net for some info so pop in and read the messages..

Hi Lyn, I will try to stay positive.. been talking and playing with my little one everyday..
hi everyone,
greetings from bangkok. i just came to bkk 2 days ago and be full time hsewife. Hopefully, maybe i will try TTC again in June.

cookie's gal,
hi, sorry to hear that, U take care and do a good mini confinement.

i also have the same qn as woof. is natural better then D&C?
Hi everyone,
I'm back from gynae... everything is back to normal
the cyst disappeared so I guess my body has re-absorbed it back, like what I was hoping for. Also got permission from gynae to TTC
so I'll see if I can pluck up the courage to try a Brazilian wax to seduce my hubby!

Hi Hama, Coral, Lyn,
Thanks for all your words of encouragement. I was reading through the archived threads and realized what a whole lot you guys have been through... with m/c, in-laws and family issues. Really admire you guys for being able to stay positive throughout all these!

Hi cookie's gal,
Sorry to hear about your loss. We are all here if you need someone to talk to. Take care if yourself and do a mini confinement... here are some links from past postings that I have bookmarked and found useful:
Elmo's tonic soup:

Elmo's recipes:
Hi dwoof..

Yup it is better to opt for natural m/c...I mean GOD has a designed our bodies to expel out..jus like menses flow n tissue..If baby is dead, i believe it will expel out naturally in due time..It cant stay in there forever right?! DNC is rather invasive, cos lining of womb is scrapped, n sometimes they scrap more than supposed ultrasound can guide u to how much to scrap..its guesswork. One gynae (my 3rd one, i saw 3 gynaes) actually told me its a 'stupid procedure'!
Except if there r complications in m/c, I think we shld avoid a DNC. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, depends on how safe/peace u feel. dwoof..i understand yr loss n yr anxiety at tat time..dont get me wrong. I went thru grief once the gynae told me my baby had no hb, n he called mine a 'missed abortion'. I cried for days. I too wanted to go for DNC at first as my 2nd gynae..My hubby couldnt stand a dead baby or deadness inside me..But we prayed n i realised tat if the baby's dead, it will come out its natural although it will take some time..

As 4 me..I jus endure the pain, i was bleeding like crazy, toilet was filled w blood, flushed the toilet over 15 times cos it ws all bloody. It lasted from 8pm-4am, the pain was terrible, i vomitted. Haha..but i recalled since i still cld smile at my hubby n not feel like fainting, I think i shld b ok! Furthermore i was very prepared i wld m/c i was extra alert n careful.

Do take care n GOD bless.
hi icy..

Yup natural m/c is better than DNC...except if hav complications. My views r supported by a lot of western ladies who also went thru natural m/c n western doctors..i got a booklet by the Medical Institute of America n went on several websites, to confirm tat i dont really need a DNC.
hi Sophie, so happy to read that ur check-up went well and smoothly and u're given the green light to start ttc...

that's a great news...
hi sophie,
how to know whether we are ovaluating? i tried for 2 cycles..not successful..recently been thinking of my son agian...sigh..
Hi cookie's gal, sorry to hear abt yr loss, hope this thread helps u.

hi sophie, great that u can start ttc again. Yeah seduce yr hubby n enjoy the times together, dun be too stressed on TTC

dest, r your cycles regular? u can monitor yr cervical mucus, will be clear n stretchy like eggwhite when u approach ovulation. Relax is the key word in TTC
Heh Droopy, you are right... I am trying not to be too stressed, so have resorted to taking taichi class on top of yoga now!

Hi Destinonia,
Don't be sad... you have to let your son go and look forward. Like I read in the archived threads, the gals here believe that our children are happily playing in a joyful place called Heaven. Although mine was just a foetus when I miscarried at 9weeks, I share the same view as the gals that my IronBaby is happy up there too. I actually had a dream on one night - that a little girl was playing in my room. She looked at me once and then continued playing; it's like I couldn't reach out to her at all. My husband and I named her IronBaby cos her heartbeat was so slow that the gynae said it will not survive, and I stupidly asked the gynae that maybe a miracle will happen? That maybe it's triathlete baby like those Ironman, cos those triathletes have very slow resting heartrate like 30+/min. I remembered gynae just looked at me and said we are very funny to view it that way. But it's always good to hope, so don't get depressed just cos you only tried for 2 cycles OK?

Actually, I don't really know track my ovulation... I think the seniors here like Droopy are more experienced. I found out I wasn't ovulating only because my first AF after D&C was super heavy, had to change 3 pads in 2 hours, so gynae asked me to go back for a scan and found that my follicle didn't rupture and that I didn't ovulate for that cycle.

For my previous pregnancy, I used the ClearPlan Digital Ovulation Kit which I think was not worth it. Very expensive and I did not get any smiley face (you are supposed to get a smiley face if ovulating). But I got pregnant that cycle, although it ended up in an m/c.

I think what Droopy said is correct, relax is the keyword. So I am giving up on these ovulation kits etc, and just relax and enjoy the BD
hey zhuzhu,
Painful or not? Will get ingrown hairs? I was thinking of doing it this Fri at Wax Affair, then when hubby comes back on Sun night, can give him a surprise... a bald surprise!
Hi Sophie, so happy for you! Hehe, I used to wgo for waxing but that was before I know hb and married him. So have not done waxing to seduce him before. That's a nice tot.

Destonia, when I saw your posting, tears just roll down. I miss my Kaden too. But let's remember they're now in good hands and I believe they're having a better life than they would have down here.

As for ho to track ovulation, both time I ttc, I observe my mucus. When yu have more discharge that's clear(sometimes, can be milky), stretchy. You're likely to be ovulating soon. The day when these mucus stop is alo the day when you ovulate. So you can ttc during days of the high discharge and the day it gets dry. If you don't ttc, you'll experience a wk or so of dryness and then you AF comes. Hope this helps. It was very effective for me the last two times. Strike on first try each time.
hi charis,
thanx for ur info but den one thing i m curious....u mentioned that no ultrasound can guide u to how much to scrap for D&C so hw do the doctors know? i feel tat there muz be something which is able to detect or monitor after tat if not how r they gng to guage whether itz ok or not...
if no d&C, will infection occurs? my colleague shared wif me tat her sis oso choose not to do anything abt it aft her mc n den she has infection....hw can we be sure tat natural mc will expel all the dirty or unwanted tissue in our body...wat happen if it din expel out completely?
sori for all the silly questions but den wan to expand my knowledge....
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all your concern. Yah, I'm at home doing mini-confinement right now. My mum is very particular that I take good care of myself now. She has spent quite a bit to buy herbs for me for bathing and making tea, and refuse to accept money from me for them. So paiseh.

I don't drink red date tea though, my mum says that must drink black date tea instead. She says that drinking plain water will make our tummies big!

Other than that, my diet so far is pretty simple. Just avoid all the toxic food and eat nutritious food with lots of ginger and sesame oil for now. Will start making herbal soups to drink in a few days time - my mum has bought the herbs already.

Physically, I feel pretty normal already. Not tired or worn out. My mum says that I didn't look pale after my d&c (Thank God!) unlike another lady who went in for d&c at the same time as me. But still, better play safe and take care to prepare my body for my next attempt.

Hi Charis,

When I saw the ultrasound on Sat, even before the gynae broke the news to me, I sort of knew that the baby was gone coz during my last scan, I saw the heartbeat and I couldn't see it during Sat's scan. Plus, the shape/size of the baby wasn't right for its age. Hubby & I made the decision there and then to go for d&c. I think it's coz we're the sort who prefer to retain control of things we can rather then leaving them to chance.

Grieving wise, definitely felt a little sad. The hardest part for me was to take the 2 pills I was prescribed by the gynae on Sun nite before I went in for the d&C on Monday. The pills took effect almost immediately - they made me start bleeding. But the moment the bleeding started, I knew then that I had already let go of my grieve coz I could feel the gloom lifting up. What happened after was more of physically coping with the bleeding and d&c.
Hi woof..

I believe its jus basically its guesswork..even if they use ultrasound they cant really measure how much tissue is left..u cant really see..ultrsound is bouncing of soundwaves. But I heard there is another kind of procedure called heteroscopy that surgeons/gynaes can actually see the inside of the uterus/womb..i think they send a camera inside, but its not called a DNC..for abortions n clean-up after m/c they still use the DNC method..If u want to be sure can double-check w yr gynae..I went on the net on several books to confirm these.

As for infection, gynaes usually want to err on the safe side n tell women to go for DNC, in cse of infection...But there's always possibility of infection..even w a cut on yr skin...Even after DNC, there r reports of infection, scar tissue, incompetent cervix. So it all depends on how comfortable, safe, peace u feel..whether or not to do DNC or natural m/c. I think the womb has natural cleaning up mechanisms, jus like after do we know all tissue(womb lining) is expelled out n not cause infection? We cant be going to gynae every month or having DNC right? I believe for natural m/c, the womb will expel out all contents in a matter of time, may over 2-3 cycles..may not be immediately...i guess for some women tat may not happen efficiently so they hav infection..i dont know if taking antibiotics help.
So i think for DNC, they jus scrap watever they feel is there..

Whether there's infection or not, i think docs n gynaes monitor by blood test(check for DIC, see the level of red blood cells n platelets) n if there is fever n intense pain after the m/c.

As for me, despite all the info i collated from gynaes, websites n books, i still go by faith n prayer. Im praying i dont need a DNC at all after my m/ far it has been a 12 days since my m/c..bleeding stopped on Sun..but had some spotting yesterday n today. Im going back to gynae in abt 2 weeks time to check-up..hopefully gynae give all clear sign!
Hey Coral,
You did Brazilian before? Is it painful? I heard from friend's friends that it's painful *gulp* I've only done bikini wax before, which is tolerable, but a bit scared of Brazilian cos it's everything off down under... but just thought I'd do it to spice up BD, so we don't keep thinking of doing it to get preggy.
Hi Sophie
actually depends on ur threshold of pain lar..but definitely dun do it just b4 ur menses..the pain is double..I had done a few times at Strip...15mins should be able to complete the job..dun have to put those lotion that said to reduce the pain..dun think it helps..

hmmm dun think have ingrown hair leh...
hi sophie,

i also did my brazilian wax at strip, first time will be abit more painful but when u are used to it, then will not be so painful. Brazilian is more painful than bikini
hi charis
sorry for shooting so many qns to u as I m also curious about natural mc and hope to widen my horizon too.
After the D&C, i heard that the womb will be "clean" (no lining and tissue) and will bleed slightly for 5days.
Moreover doc will also issue antibodies to prevent infection.
Is there possibility that chances of infection be lower than natural mc because of the antibodies?
Will bleeding too much before and after natural mc affect our health and made us weaker?
I think abortion process is the same as D&C too. Since the doc say D&C is a stupid procedure and does only scrapping, does he encourage ppl to abort the foetus naturally at home too?

Hope that everything run well for u during your checkup. Are u planning to TTC soon?

hi sophie
Thank you very much for your detailed explanation
happy.gif's new knowledge to me.
congrats to ur good health! Glad to hear that everything is going well for u. Im tempting the idea of a brazilian wax too. More hygiene and sexy too.
Saw from the brazilian wax thread under "Beauty and Health" that Strip in Orchard is quite good?

hi dest
*pat pat* we must look on the bright side. I've agreed with the gals, sometimes dun focus too much on TTC, we should relax ourselves during BD.
Create a romantic ambience and soon u will succeed "jiayou jiayou"!

hi cookie
Glad that ur mum is taking good care to u and you are preparing ur body for the next TTC as well.
My situation was quite similar as urs, my gynae gave me pills and the bleeding started with cramps throughout the night before the o/ps. It's indeed a very devastating experience. Emotional and physically painful at the same time.
What i did was to take really good care of my health so the the next one will be a success.

Wish everyone of us be successful the next round, this agony we are facing nw will be the last!!
hi gals

saw from the webby of KKH that they have this pre conception healthcare for ladies and we will also get advise on nutrition before TTC

copy this down as I found it quite interesting
Eat "Right" Before Having a Baby
For most mothers-to-be, pregnancy is the time when they begin to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Few women realise that it is important to prepare their bodies before planning a pregnancy. Being well-nourished and of a healthy weight at the time of conception is one way of helping to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Grossly underweight or overweight men and women have reduced fertility and higher miscarriage rates. Obese women have problems with ovulation while massively obese men have reduced sperm count.

Under-nutrition at the time of conception is also associated with a higher rate of perinatal mortality and low birth weight. Nutritional imbalances during the early stage of pregnancy could have an adverse effect on early foetal development. This nutritional vulnerability will be present even before the pregnancy is suspected, which highlights the importance of planning ahead.

Pre-conception nutrition counselling by a dietitian can help to ensure that healthy eating habits are adopted by the time conception occurs. Pre-conception nutrition care is especially important for the following groups of women:

Those who have had three or more pregnancies in the past two years, as their nutrient stores may be depleted.
Those following restricted diets e.g. slimmers, recent vegetarians and those with poor or irregular eating habits.
Those who are underweight or overweight. Nutrition counselling should ideally be given 3 - 4 months before the intended time of conception. This will give them time to work towards an acceptable body weight and build up stores of nutrients in their bodies.
Women with established diabetes or other chronic diseases
Women with a history of poor pregnancy outcome

While planning a pregnancy, it is also advisable to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs inappropriately as important stages in your baby's development start right after conception.

Lastly, women who are planning a pregnancy should not make drastic changes to their diets or take over-the-counter nutrient supplements without their doctor's or dietitian's advice.

i wonder does diet effect the pregnancy. I was on very strict diet tat time, and damned extremely regretted it. Before i TTC, i think high chances that i will go for this first.
extracted from KK webby

What is a miscarriage?
A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy at any time in the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks.

How common is it?
It is estimated that one in four to six pregnancies end in a miscarriage. The risk of a miscarriage decreases as the pregnancy advances.

Certain medical conditions increase the risk of miscarriage. Miscarriages are more likely in multiple pregnancies.

What causes a miscarriage?
In most instances, we are unable to determine the exact cause of the miscarriage.

The pregnancy that miscarries is probably abnormal from the beginning. At the time of conception, the baby receives half the genes form the sperm and half from the egg. For unknown reasons, at this crucial time of the baby's development, some of the genetic information is lost. This results in a baby that has no chance of developing normally, resulting eventually in a miscarriage.

Certain maternal medical conditions may predispose to miscarriage including uncontrolled severe diabetes, thyroid disease or autoimmune disease.

Another possible cause of miscarriage is that the baby did not implant or bury itself in the womb lining properly.

What is certain is that a miscarriage does NOT result from eating specific foods, carrying heavy things, exercise or sexual intercourse. In short, a miscarriage does not occur as a direct result of something you or your partner has done during the pregnancy.

What symptoms should I look out for?
The common symptoms would be bleeding from the vagina and abdominal pain.

When should I consult a doctor?
If you have any bleeding from the vagina or abdominal pain in pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

What will the doctor do for me?
The doctor will do an abdominal and an internal examination. If you are more than six weeks pregnant, an ultrasound may be used to determine if your baby is alive.
Will I need to be admitted to the hospital?
This will depend on your symptoms and the ultrasound examination of the fetus.

If the bleeding is light and with no abdominal pain and the ultrasound examination confirms that the fetus is alive, your doctor may ask you to rest at home and return if your symptoms worsen.

Why is it necessary to evacuate the uterus if I have already had a miscarriage?
An evacuation of the uterus is a procedure where the neck of the womb is opened up and the womb is emptied. This is done to reduce the chances of infection and to reduce the amount of bleeding from the vagina.

When can we start trying again?
Normally, it is suggested that you wait for your first period and start trying from there. The exact timing will depend on when the couple is ready to start trying. Some couples will want to start trying straight away, while others need some time to get over their loss.

What can I do to improve my chances of having a baby the next time?
The fact that you have had one miscarriage does not mean that your next pregnancy will end in another miscarriage. Do not be discouraged by the miscarriage. You still have a very good chance of having a baby. If you have had three or more miscarriages, then your doctor may need to do some extra blood tests for you.

Leading a healthy lifestyle does help to improve your chances. This means you need to stop smoking, stop or at least reduce your alcohol intake, do regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, reduce stress and ensure that your weight is within the normal limits.

Taking folic acid when you have decide to start trying to conceive will help to reduce the baby's chances of having a spinal tube defect.
Hi Sophie, I did it twice before. I would say it can be quite painful for certain parts but it's over in a while. But I just feel so naked after that so did not went for more. I did it cos I thought it'll really help to keep clean, especially during AF time. But I don't like the in-grown hair and sometimes that irritate my skin and cause pimples. I've never done bikini wax before as my growth is restricted to a rather small area so they never show when I wear bikini so can't compare the pain threshold...
Hello gals,

How's everybody....have not come into this thread for a month plus due to my ever busy work schedule after my holiday....

Anybody here who's trying have good news to share?

Dest: Like you, I've also been trying for 2 cycles now. 1st attempt was a false alarm though menses till the 41th day!

2nd cycle not sure yet cos menses again delayed this month. Today is my 40th day. I've been holding on to the test due to 2 false alarm in Dec. Moroever, also did not feel any common symptoms of pregnancy like sore breasts, nauseaous, etc.

So far, i have not attempted to use any ovulation kit. Only estimated my ovulation thru' gut feel and monitor the discharge around 14 days before my next menses.

How r u monitoring yours?

Hello Lyn,

You've found out the gender of your bb already??
hi starlite
Like to check with u whether ur menses is regular previously?
Does a mc cause the cycle to become haywire? Did u have any symptoms in ur 1st attempt? Like feeling tired, nauseaous, cramping, constipation etc?
Day 41 was indeed abit long.
I am waiting for my second menses too. Very scared that my cycle will become haywire.
Hi bestwishes,

my menses is not very regular before my 1st pregnancy. Then after i gave birth to my 1st child, there's a series of events that took place.

My menses started becoming more regular from mid last year after a small surgery. But i did not try for pregnancy due to work.

But my menses was delayed for month of Dec 05 and now Feb 06.
Hi gals...
So much to catch up.. I have been busy running here and there everyday till no time for housework.. kekeke... my hubby complaining I haven't iron his shirts...

Hi Coral, hama,
Take good care and stay positive

Hi Starlite,
It's a boy
Jia you! Baby dusts to you
HI ladies,

for those that went thru D&C, how many months to wait before trying again? I just had D&C on Sat and Sunday was my wedding...It was a moment of being happy but yet hubby and myself were sad deep down inside..
Hi Charis,
i think you are very brave, i had to wait 2 days before my D&C and i got very miserable because i just feel something inside me just dun work anymore. But after D&C, i just feel db not the same, af cramps also not the same area.. feel like something inside me is different. start to wonder if it is all the 'side effect' of d&C.


it depends on ur personal condition. normally doc will advise like u can try after 1st AF. But that also depends on ur health condition and whether u want to do some 'preparation' before trying again.

1st attempt think i have sore breasts and abdominal discomfort and nauseous at times. but then again, these r also my pms so i did not deduce im pregnant.

This time round, not much symptoms but yesterday and today, i do feel the same type of abdominal discomfort like when menses is abt to come.

thinking of testing during weekends if my menses is still not here yet. but i have a feeling it shd arrive soon.

Hi Lyn,

So happy for you...always have this feeling that yours will be a girl...these days my gut feel are always wrong.
Hi zhuzhu, galleria, coral,
Thanks for the info on Brazilian; I'll take note and go after my AF which is happening now.

Coral, you so lucky... hair growth restricted to a small area.. haha, mine is like a tropical rainforest
so I always need to trim them

Hi Bestwishes, try the Brazilian wax then! I'll probably make my appt for this Sat, if the lady is available.

Starlite, I'll cross my fingers for you too!

Lyn, you must be excited knowing the gender of your baby... it'll be fun shopping for all the baby clothes!
hi ladies out there,
im glad to find this thread to share our experiences and ups & downs.

i just had miscarriage 1 mth ago..its a missed abortion. now back to wk but still quite tired. trying to look forward and hope to rebuild health to try again.
lets hope all the ladies here who is trying for the next baby will get one soon.

Hi bestwishes..

Answering yr i mentioned earlier..note ive done my research to give u all this info not anyhow ok..haha. I would say both ways its 50/50. DNC probably jus speed up the expelling..the surgeon scrap or vacuum out the sac, placenta..then they still hav to scrap the lining of the womb, tat is the tricky part...U see after menses, we dont need any help w the shedding of the womb lining right? So then how abt DNC b4 or after m/c? I think its unneccessary..UNLESS there r complications to the m/c. Even if the DNC helps or speed up the expelling..majority of women still bleed for a few days after DNC..same as someone who had natural m/c.

As for aborting a baby at home..well Im agst abortion..but i must answer yr qn..A natural m/c is ok cos the baby is not alive anymore, the body is designed to expel it out in a matter of time..similar to diarrhoea n vommiting in food poisoning. But aborting when baby is growing well in the womb is a different moral n medical issue..U may hve to induce labour. If u say abt taking medication (misoprostol & mifepristone, must be priscribed by doc/gynae), it can be dangerous or have side effects, so i dont think u're encouraged to abort at home. Miscarriage is different, its natural..but abortion is the deliberate end of the bb's life. But DNC is the same procedure done for abortion.

As for TTC, not so soon..we're abstaining for 2-3months from intercourse, cos we dont use contraceptives..haha..dont know if hubby can tahan! Its recommended by one of the medical journal I read..its recommended in the bible too..jus like after childbirth, confinement helps womb recover..Also cos cervix may not be closed yet after an m/c, then intercourse may introduce bad bacteria into vagina n womb. I hope my answers r gd enough for u find out more for yrself..its long u r comfortable w yr decisions..nobdy can n should make them for us right.
Hi icy...

Im sorry for yr loss..the fear n anxiety..the pain too. I was too cowardly to do a DNC 2nd gynae advised me too. On the night b4 my scheduled DNC, i was suddenly sick w flu n sore throat, so my hubby called up the nurse n she told me to recover first. Then we prayed w our pastor, n we jus trust GOD by faith things turn out well w the bb if not it will m/c naturally. i was still worried n wasnt sure if i shld go for DNC, but i also went on websites, search for references in medical journals abt DNC n natural m/c. Then we saw aa 3rd gynae, who told us DNC its not a must..worst case scenario is an infection, but he said most of time natural m/c turn out fine..only that it can take a while b4 m/c happens.
Hi Bestwishes,
My menses was haywire for a few cycles after m/c last time.

Hi Ryes,
Hugs... generally, doc will advice 3 months wait, but it should be ok... After my second m/c, doc only adviced 2 months... and I got pregnant in the second cycle. It's better to get back your health first for a problem free and hence stress free pregnancy.
My first m/c also before my wedding...

Hi icy,
After my first m/c, my pre-menstrual symptoms all changed. I used to have sore breasts exactly one week before AF, but after the m/c, no more sore breasts... I guess it's normal that our body go through different changes after m/c...

Hi starlite,
Thank you
hahaha... I also thought it will be a gal. But boy also good
Your dreams will come true very soon
Jia you!

Hi hama,
I am very well
. I just saw my gynae last Saturday. I have gained too much weight
Probably I am eating too much sweet food. I have been busy with biz recently...

How are you? Are you still resting?

Hi Sophie,
I try not to go shopping nowadays. It's not easy to refrain from buying those cute little things... kekeke...

Hi Jasmine,
Baby dust to you...

Hi lyn,
thanks for the dust! i really need it.
congrats to u. so fast got a baby areadi.
how many wks are u now?
how are u feeling?

take good care oke.
