Support group - Miscarriages

Hi gals,

I'm back from my vacation.

Regarding on my delayed menses, it finally came on the day i was suppose to fly off. But its a relieve for me too cos at least i know that I'm not pregnant and can go ahead to try ski and all the other stuff like soak in a hot tub, hotsprings, etc.

I also visited my gynae this morning and told him about the delayed menses. He didn't really dwell much into that and said that delayed menses can be due to a lot of reasons like stress.

He also scan me and found i have an egg and im ovulating and said i can try tonight

Anyway, above is just and update for you gals.

Hope I have good news to share next month with you all.

Happy 2006!

hi lyn, till now, i have no plans on how to celebrate the last day of yr 2005 tmr.. so sian..

think might juz stuck at home to count-down instead.. feel so sian and bored when i think of it...
Happy New Year to All!
Feel so good, did a spring cleaning of my office desk this morning, now so neat and tidy!
New Year new beginning!
Happy New Year to ALL!!

Hi sophie,
My AF just came 2 days ago, yah heavier than usual.. I am still monioring on it cos i also had bad cramps. My spotting stops like 1 week after the procedures.

You have to take care and relax okie, meanwhile me also decide to tender liaos.
Hi Icy,
Congratulations! AF come means everything going back to normal! Take care with the cramps... I am taking my flaxseed oil more regularly now cos I read that it contains the good prostaglandins (P1 & P3) that will help reduce cramps, and also in replacement for fish oil cos I am not a very big meat-eater.

To be on the kiasu end, I am also popping my multi-vits, flaxseed oil, folic acid & Vit C very faithfully everyday, with an alarm set on my phone to remind me. I'll be TTC-ing again in 3-4 mths time, even though gynae said I can TTC immediately. This is cos I read a Nutrional Supplement book which says that eggs and sperm takes 3 months for a full cycle to mature, so I am taking this next 3 months to build up & bu.

When I read about the 3 months cycle for the egg to mature, I actually started blaming myself again for the miscarriage. Due to pressure from relatives to find work after I came back from overseas with husband, I got a job and had to go for a chest X-ray. Of course at that time I wasn't pregnant, and most books say that X-ray before conceiving does not affect anything. X-ray was taken about 1.5mths before I conceived. So now that I read about the 3-month cycle, I sometimes blame myself for having taken the job and thus having to do the X-ray.

But of course it's all over now, and I have since left the job. So all I tell myself is that if the X-ray before conception really affected the eggs, it was not an intentional thing I did. And now I'm just building up me and my husband's body to try again for a healthy pregnancy and baby next time.

You take care of yourself and before you go overseas, try and find out about the medical facilities of the place you're going to, like whether you require insurance etc. So when you become pregnant again, you know how to go about seeing a gynae/ob there.
Sophie, does it mean that we should wait for a few months before ttc if we just had an xray? I just got an xray in Dec so gotta wait till Mar before i try? So the egg was actually in our boday and exposed to the xray...?
Hi coral,
I'm not sure if there is any specific/scientific evidence about the effects of an X-ray 3 months before conception, so I really can't advise you if you should wait the 3 months cos this will affect your TTC plans. The reasons why the book recommended a 3-4 mths waiting period is so that "it will give you plenty of time to spring-clean your system and correct any nutritional deficiencies". It also states that "it takes around 3 mths for your partner to produce a new batch of sperm and also 3 mths for your egg to mature, ready for ovulation". This book talks about complementary medicine, not alternative medicine. Difference is that complementary medicine "complements" western medicine e.g. nutrition, whereas some alternative medicine tells pple to stop western medication and just do their alternative therapies.

After reading this thing about the 3-mth maturity period, I felt guilty again cos I think that maybe some of my eggs were on the way to maturity, and there I go, doing an X-ray around Aug. Although there were 2 mentrual periods in between the X-ray and my LMP of my pregnancy (end-Sep), I thought maybe the x-ray affected the quality of those eggs that were on their way to maturity.

I will be seeing a gynae next Monday with a long list of questions, so I think I shall add this question in! What does your gynae advise you?
Dear Sophie

Please don't blame urself for the m/c. I believe ur baby and ur hubby will be upset if u think this way.

Must stay strong and think positive ok?
Sophie, I lost my baby end Jul so it's been 5mths. The recent xray is to check for stone and endo. My gynae has been urging me to ttc.
Hi military wife,
Thanks for your words of encouragement. Sometimes I think I have gotten over this, and then when I read something, I start feeling guilty all over again, or I start feeling like I want to cry all over again. *sigh* Now I have resorted to reading some Positive Thinking book, and am trying meditation to calm myself down. But I will definitely try to stay strong. Afterall, there are lots of gals here who have gone through worse, and they are so strong and supportive.

Hi Coral,
Like I said earlier, I am not in the best position to give you any advice since I am not a doctor, just a kiasu woman who wants to build up my body for my next pregnancy.

Actually, my gynae said I may have this thing called adenomyosis which is a form of endo, but it happens when the lining gets built up quite thickly each cycle (hence heavy flow), and this may have likely caused the miscarriage, as well as chromosonal factors of the egg and sperm. She said the best solution is to have a baby, and it may get corrected, but I really don't see how one can have a baby if this problem causes a higher chance of miscarriage. I checked up the web on adenomyosis and it says if symptoms are severe, may need a hysterectomy! Of course she said I may have, and it doesn't mean I am diagnosed with it. But I would still like to find out more about it, that's why I started reading up the books on nutrition instead, to see if it could be food we eat (hormones injected into animals), lifestyle etc that is the root cause of this problem.

Your gynae would have his own reasons for urging you to TTC now. E.g. maybe he is afraid that the endo or stone or something you were previously diagnosed with will appear again?
Hi gals,
It's been 4 weeks since my d & C, had my AF last week and I'm still spotting. I'm getting quite frustrated cos, on one hand, i want to start TTC again immediately...but on the other hand I feel like I should rest and slowly strengthen my system also... My gynae says I can start trying whenever I'm ready...

Hi Sophie,
I feel like we're quite similar, I also like to do research on whatever condition I have, sometime up to the point where I scare myself whenver I read something on the internet! Although I must say you're v gd about taking supplements...since my miscarriage, I've stopped taking my folic acid, vit c etc... But I should start again soon, I know.
Also like you,its so hard for me to stay postitive and not think about what I've been through. Although actually, I've been holding up ok, until New Year's Eve, when I found out that my SIL, who just gave birth in Aug 05, is pregnant again (and EDD's same as mine would be). I couldn't help it, I cried the whole night!

Anyway, just wanted to share my feelings...
Hi Mei2,

Yes I just started TTC end December. How about you? I had a m/c in Dec 04 and had waited for a yr before attempting. The long wait is also due to my work as I have transfer to a new dept.

Hi Coral,

Which gynae are u seeing? If your gynae has advised u to TTC, you are still not comfortable? Maybe in your next visit you can ask him/her about the x-ray and whether it has any effect or not?
Hi athlete,
Seems like our situations are really similar. During a follow-up visit after my D&C, I met a friend at the clinic and found out she is pregnant. Of course I was very happy for her, but after I saw the doc and the doc says my spotting/bleeding will last another 2 weeks (I had expected it to finish by the follow-up date), and that my AF will not come until another 6 weeks later, I went home and cried big time too! Cos I had expected to TTC immediately after my first AF, and those news that the doc told me means I could not start immediately.

Anyway, do try and keep up with your nutritional supplements! It's good for you and your hubby in the long term, even if not for conception purpose. I believe that due to processing, pesticides, hormone injections & genetic modification of the foods that we eat, our bodies are no longer able to absorb as much nutrients as it should have, so taking these supplements will definitely be beneficial to us in the long term.

To work on being positive, I went to Kino during last weekend's sale and loaded up on a few meditation CDs! My mum-in-law also passed me another CD which is a hypnotherapy kind of CD and one track works on healing. I never got into a trance or got hypnotised while using it of course ;) But it's pretty useful for helping me visualise that my body is healed, that I stay calm, that there's someone watching over me from up there etc! It doesn't touch on anything religious though. And one night, I took my pulse rate and found it was only 54bpm! To think that before my pregnancy I was trying to do lots of running & swimming to attain that kind of pulse rate!

Maybe you can try to do some meditation and visualisation to help you get over it too?
Hi Sophie,
A miscarriage can happen due to many many unknown reasons. Even doctors also cannot explain them... It's not your fault
Dun blame yourself
Try to get your attention to other happy and positive things

I read from a medical journal that X-ray even during pregnancy will not affect the baby. I think it all depends on which research articles you and your doctor believe in. So dun blame yourself
. Some more you had a chest X-ray, which is quite far from your ovaries
It's good that you and your hubby are building up your health now for future pregnancy
. It's very important that both put in the efforts.
thanks for the info. Me thinking of having 6 mths break if possible. I kept forgeting my folic acid, *sigh* must be more onz in future. flaxseed oil also useful? perhaps I can also go and try on that. actually at the same time I also worry abt TTC when I overseas, I could be flying every 6 mths or even more, so scare that I preggy and then like last time fly around without knowing and then affect the fetus again.

anyway i realised that i still very week even after 1.5 mths. I cant even move the mattress an inch with hb when I changing bedsheet.. *sigh* so jia lat.
Hi hama,
How are you doing? I am very well
Thank you
I gotta start shopping to doll up myself already... Am getting a bit sad when I have nothing much to wear when I go out and people say I look ugly...
hee... seeing my gynae again tomolo...
Hi Sophie, don't worry, I'm just kiasu like you. It's likie, every piece of info I get, i scrutinise them and take them seriously. Cos I eally really don't wish to go thru the heartache again. But I know, no matter how careful we are , some things can't be avoided. My gynaes urge me to try cos I think they all believe that preg can help to prevent endo. And since now my sysem seem to be fine and i can get preg, they prob feel I should try before endo cause fertility problem for me.
Starlite, after going thru 7 gynaes in my prev preg, I'm now seeing a gynae in KKH. He is well aware of my xray cos he was the one who review it with me and told me to go ahead and ttc. Maybe i should stop worrying so much and just relax and let things happen.

Athlete, take care. Let out your sorrow and hope you'll be a pround Mum soon.
hi lyn... there are many maternity shops.. can try Maternity house at PS, dune design, Spring, Mums and babes etc etc..

i believe all preggie mums look great and dun care and bothered abt what others said abt u being ugly.. U're not ...

can keep me update of ur gynae visit tmr.. hehehehe... getting excited for u...
Hi icy,
It's normal to still feel weak. At the beginning, I couldn't even walk 10 steps without feeling tired, and that's after 4 full weeks of complete bedrest. Made me feel like an invalid! But you can build it up slowly and steadily by doing more slow walks or light exercise like swimming. As for changing mattress, it's better to get hubby to help out... afterall you won't want to strain your back even if not for the D&C!

Hi coral,
Since your gynae was the one who reviewed the xray with you, you should trust him. For myself, I will be seeing another gynae next Monday to see if I really have that similar-to-endo problem, and will ask him about when I can TTC. I actually hope to do it soon, but hubby is afraid of what I have to go through physically again if we don't build up and something happens, so I guess I still have to get his agreement... afterall, he is the sperm-contributor ;)

Hi lyn,
I agree with Hama says, that all mums look radiant, so ignore all other people's silly comments! I haven't really bought any maternity clothes before, so I don't know if Mothercare ones are nice, but I just saw a promo for DBS Women's card -> 10% off regular-priced merchandise with minimum spend of $50 at Mothercare. There's also another shop which I chanced upon at Great World City (cannot remember name), and they sometimes have a sales rack with maternity clothes going for as low as $20-30. I'm also very excited for you...Have fun shopping for maternity clothes!!!
hi Sophie, there are 2 maternity wears shops at GWC.. one is DUne Design and the another one is Motherworks...

hi all

feeling very upset nw, just did my d&c due to bb no heartbeat.
planned to ttc again. any precaution or any recommendation for good TCM?
just feel that perhaps might be due did not take good care of own body before ttc hence lead to m/c.
anybody who m/c had a successful pregnancy after the m/c? care to share? i need encouraging stories to boost my confidence.
tks in advances
Hi Sophie,
Thanks for your suggestions! I've actually been relaxing by shopping for new clothes, reading trashy novels, going for coffee with friends etc.
But I'm still frustrated cos, for 2 days my spotting stopped and I was so happy! But today, I have light beleeding again, and I'm getting worried. Will wait and see if it continues over the weekend, then go see my gynae on Monday.

Anyone had the same experience?

Hi Bestwishes,
Sorry about your loss. Just to share with you, 2 of my close friends m/c their 1st pregnancies and both got pregs again after a couple of months. So, i'm sure it will happen to all of us here... eventually...take care.
Hehe, Hama, I didn't know there are 2 maternity shops at GWC... I thought all the shops there are furniture shops!
The one I am referring to is the one outside at some life lobby, where you must walk through the 2 Best Denki units to get there... looks like some lift lobby going to the office towers/service apartments one.

Hi athlete,
I have the same problem too... my spotting stopped for 2 days, and then I went to do a bit of blading and it came back after that. I previously spoke with one of the girls in this forum, and she said her gynae told her to eat lots of fruits after D&C. I guess that makes sense cos fruits contain Vit-C which helps in healing. So I just made sure I ate at least some fruits everyday(excluding papaya & pineapple cos I find them too cooling). Don't know if the fruits helped, but my AF came a few days after that. Heh, trashy novels sounds like a nice way to relax! ;)
hi Sophie

i know which shop u're refering to.. its Motherworks... The shop sells bb items, some toys and some maternity wears..
Hi lyn, I find preg women beautiful all the time. So don't worry. But do remember to make yourself feel good about how you look. Actually nowadays you can get clothes suitable for preggy in mainstream stores too. Happy shopping and flaunt the beautiful swell you have now.
Hello hama,
I went to all the maternity shops in PS already. hee... I think I am rather picky, so did not manage to buy anything from there. I dun like the sales person in Mums and babes. I am a little bit offended when I was looking through the clothes with 50% off and I wanted to try one on another rack which is not on offer. That salesgal told me in a tone that it's like looking down on me that the top I wanna try is not on offer. I decided not to try instead and walked out... :p
I saw my gynae
I had blood test for diabetes and haemoglobin. Everything is normal and good
. The pain that I have been getting is at where the muscle is, so dun have to worry

Hi Coral,
I believe you do have a very good gynae who knows your case very well
Jia you!

hee... sometimes I dunno whether is it becos I am getting vain. I am rather conscious of how I look. I bought some hair clips to bun up my hair too
. My hubby bought me a bag for my birthday

Hi Icy,
It will take some time to get back our health. I had bedrest for more than a month after my first m/c and surgery. During the early recovery, I cannot even talk to my mum and I will faint just having a chat. Sometimes I even feel faint just sitting up... But after a few months, it got better

Hi Sophie,
Thank you for the encouraging words
Though it's my third pregnancy, it's my first time needing maternity wear and shopping around for them... So a bit "suaku".
I shopped on Thursday, Friday and whole of Saturday.. kekeke... I only managed to get a pair of pants and a top from one of the maternity shops in Paragon. I will be shopping in Suntec tomorrow
I am happier now
My hubby pampered me the last few days

Hi bestwishes,
Hugs hugs... Wish you a fast recovery
. Try not to think too much and look ahead to the future

There are a few "old birds" who had left the forum and who are mothers now after going through m/c. I went through m/c twice. Now I am 4mth+ pregnant
. It will take time to heal, but the pain will never be forgotten. Most importantly is to learn from the past and look forward to the future
All the best and take care of your health
. Your hubby's health is important too for a stress free and healthy pregnancy in future

Hi un_discern,
Sorry, I cannot help you with that...
hello lyn, glad to hear that ur blood tests is well and normal... now u can breath in a huge relieve over it..

when is ur next check-up ?
halo gals,
happy new year to all of you

today is my 1st day at work, well most of my colleagues smile n welcome me back
very nice of them

then one the female colleague, already bless with 3 healthy n cute boys, came to my table n chat with me
I was surprise that she told me that before her 3 boys,
she actually had her 1st bb n is a gal but also heartbeat stop at 5 mths.....
so she can understand how i feel n we chatted,
but she also encourage me alot n say I will be like her, bless wif healthy babies
hee...I feel so much better n touched by her care n concern

a great motivation to start my work!
Next is detailed scan already on 27Jan... hahaha... just before Chinese New Year... just in time to answer relatives whether gonna be boy or gal... lol...
Lyn, time flies so fast.. u're in ur 2nd trim already...

soon u will know ur bb gender and start in ur shopping spree....
I have been shopping these few days... lol... for my clothes though... shopping for baby not on my mind yet... kekeke.. Have you started shopping for baby?
auggal, glad that your first day is so encouraging. It's a sign of a good year!

Hey Lyn, so glad for you. All is well and i'm sure you look very pretty. My colleague just scan and know she's expecting a gal. She's 5+mth now and she looks wonderful. I think it's still too early to shop for your bb, get the nice clothes for your self first and start shopping for bb after you know bb's gender.

Hama, you preg too? Congratulations!
hi lyn,
good to hear that you are in the safe trimester

auggal, good to hear that you had a great start..for me when i started work my colleagues were concerned and asked and so on..felt quite alright sharing with them .. but you know when my colleague who m/c at 8 weeks told me "I last time also went thru that", i really dun feel very good. Though i know she's concerned and dun mean it in a bad way, i just cant help but feel " how can my case be same as your? mine is already 6 mths.."

hama, congrats!
Good Morning Ladies. It is raining again

Lyn, I m also a very vain preggie, always looking out for accessories to go with my maternity wear.

Destitonia, think yr colleague meant well, dun take it to heart, I guess no matter when it happens, the heartache will be there loh.

bestwishes, take care of your body. Dun worry I am sure all of us will be blessed with bbs. I lost my 1st bb in the 2nd trimester. I m preggie again after a few months n now into my 3rd trimester. What is important is u take care of yr body well, okie. Like what Lyn said, there are many "graduates" in this thread who are proud mothers now. So jia you jia you okie!

Whoppie the rain hungry, me going for breakfast
auggal, great that u have a good 1st day at work. Happy to hear the heart warming story too.

Oui? Why m I still here, suppose to go for breakfast leh...
hey Hama n Droppy,
didnt know both of you are pregnant!

Droopy, Dest n Coral,
ya my colleague was touch by my colleague story n gesture

hee...nw u are another lady that boost my confidence
pray for u had a smooth delivery
u expecting boy or gal?

take care

update us ur detail scan

ya as wat Droopy said,
ur colleague mean well, think health is more impt than anything
hv a strong healthy body and hearty/cheerful mind n soul
thanks auggal, dest and coral for the blessings...

Wish u gals all the best in ur baby dreams.. dun despair and dun give up hope..

ur turn will come soon just like many of the graduates here who are proud mummies and mums-to-be now...

hehe...I very forgetful,
read previous posting that u mention to me u pregnant liao

oh congrats to ur little princess!
so sweet

yup there's is hope n I will not despair
so how many mths liao?

next week going to pamper myself,
rebond my hair n do pedicure for CNY!
