Support group - Miscarriages


nothing much lor. we both worked yest. so jus went for dinner at Raffles Hotel and stroll lor...
actually my upcoming xmas stay is for my 1st anni (cos i changed the 2nd night of bridal suite to anni stay)

Happy Wedding Anniv to Choo...

Early Blessings to Coral... for ur next year Wedding Anniv...

hehe nothing much also...cos ROM anniversary near to xmas ...hence we decided have dinner this sat..
yest just went for last min shopping and ate sakae sushi buffet..


wow! your AD on 22Dec too!

anyone know if DONG ZHI is always on 22 Dec?
My office allow us early dismisal hence go home at 3pm!
Thank you Hama.

I guess so long as two loves each other, spending time together is already very romantic and nice.

Choo, Dong Zhi follows the Chinese calendar. So not always on 22 Dec.
hi choo, coral, militarywife, congrats on your anniversary, enjoy yourself! my 2nd AD anniversary we celebrated in bangkok this year..hehehe..

haven't seen auggal for a while, wonder how she is...
Dear all,
Christmas is about hope,love,joy and peace

Hv a very blessed christmas!!
God bless all of us here

Hi Destitonia,
glad you hv awonderful trip in Bangkok
dear all

hope u all enjoyed the holidays!

looking forward to the New Yr's PH!
Hi coral, i snatched the most food to BBQ instead cos i like to play with the food at the pit area... hahahha.. so childish...
Hi gals, long time no "see"!!! Hope you gals had a good holiday

I was down with food poisoning when I reach Sing last week... then was so tired from the trip plus the food poisoning episode makes me real tired and had been kunning... Celebrated my anniversary last week as well.. but didnt do much cos my stomach not yet recover.. sob sob
but we did managed to catch a show and hubby brought me out and got me a present.
Tat's abt all I did last week. :p
Hi angelsky,
my tube was not remove but my recent HSG test shows that it was blocked... so no use anyway...
My gynae did mention tat sometimes there is a possibility of crossing over.... i.e. eggs moving to the other tube which is good... but I dun exactly know how tat works. :p So dun think too much...

I think you should do a hsg to see if your right tube is alright or least you know what is your next option... if your right tube is perfectly fine... your next option would be to either try naturally (if egg reserve is good) or consider options like SO-IUI which will improve your chances... but individual options are different, so you should talk to your gynae...
My advice is not to worry too much... you must believe that you will get preggy ....hugs*
I rest for 3 mths or so.... thinking of starting next cycle.. maybe. :p kekkeke....

hi military wife,
so sorry to hear your encounter...... please make sure you rest lots and bu enuff....hugs*
destitonia, I dun even have time to think about tat yet.. very bad hor.. :p
I think to get preggy would be a good thing to start with... kekekeke... :p
Hi elmo,
You mention your gynae said "the eggs can move to the other tube that is good" and didn't know how that works. I've actually read it in my book before, and here's the excerpt:

"The fimbria (finger-like projections of the tube) move back and forth across the ovary's surface like tentacles of a sea anemone, tasting the chemical messenger substances and wafting the egg into the tube. Sometimes the tube, if it is long and mobile, can reach the opposite ovary and it then begins to compete, trying to draw in the egg and on occasions actually succeeding. The fact that the egg can jump across to the opposite tube is known for certain because a high proportion of women who have had a tube removed, for instance due to ectopic pregnancy, can get pregnant in this way."

The above is taken from "Your Pregnancy: Month-by-Month" by Peter Suanders. It's a super wordy book, but it's very informative and reassuring, written by a UK obstetrician/gynaecologist with 30 years of experience.

Hope this helps you understand and be reassured that eggs moving to the other tube which is good does happen.
glad that everyone has a gd time during christmas
happy.gif ganna confine so cant go out till this Sun, 1st Jan, finally, my fren engagement party!

hope ur food poisoning no more liao

hee...can lose some weight also :p

Coral n Dest,
will both of u be sticking to your gynae for the future chkups n pregnancies?
cos some ladies becos of past unhappy/sad
just a thot but I will be stayin wif mine anyway,
my gynae is Dr Eunice Chua frm TMC cos I feel very comfy wif her n she had all my past medical history records
seeing her in 3 weeks time, beside scan n pap smear,
I am thinking doing a genetic/detailed bloodtest as well,
to be at ease n make sure nothing abnormal of my blood, hee....maybe i am too kiasu
did both of u do any?
glad that everyone has a gd time during christmas ganna confine so cant go out till this Sun, 1st Jan, finally, my fren engagement party!
BTW, pick up knitting during these period also
my gf so sweet, come n teach me and nw gt another new hobby to pick up

hope ur food poisoning no more liao
hee...can lose some weight also :p

Coral n Dest,
will both of u be sticking to your gynae for the future chkups n pregnancies?
cos some ladies becos of past unhappy/sad
just a thot but I will be stayin wif mine anyway,
my gynae is Dr Eunice Chua frm TMC cos I feel very comfy wif her n she had all my past medical history records
seeing her in 3 weeks time, beside scan n pap smear,
I am thinking doing a genetic/detailed bloodtest as well, to be at ease n make sure nothing abnormal of my blood, hee....maybe i am too kiasu
did both of u do any?
hi elmo, definitely..getting preg will be the best to start with!

hi auggal, i initially wanted to do the blood test but after talking to my gynae i decided not to do it. Main reason being even if there is something wrong, there's nothing that can be done..some of the cases that he highlight can be detected from the blood test are diabetes..which is not going to affect the baby unless you have very very high sugar level..the other one is some sickness which the mother is a carrier, but cannot do anyhting to cure..after he listed out all the diseases that will be tested by the blood test, and that nothing much can be done, and in addition with his assurance and confidence that my case is really pure accident and should not happen again, i decided not to do the test. Might as well take the money go buy more bu to eat
hubby was quite surprised that i did not want to do the test cos he scared history repeats itself..but i quite confident will not happen again *fingers crossed*

I will be sticking to my gyna, cos he has all my history and also i think he's patient enough and nice .. and also his clinic is quite near to my place (dun wan to travel all the way when im 8 months preg hehe )plus the fact that his charges are very cheap..
elmo, drink more water hor. Speedy recovery!

Hama, you so nice serve everybody and also get to have fun!

auggal, I'm sticking with one of the gynae I saw during last preg. He has all the history and both hb and I are comfortable with him.
i think it's up to individual. the last 2x i lost my bb, i also tot i wanna do the blood test but eventually i didnt do but like wat des said, there's nothing we can do unless if u know there is something wrong and u decide dun wanna tk risk to be preg. if u stil wanna TTC, then i fl no point. my hb respected my decision but he wanna go and do the sperm test. I let him do it cos i also respect his decision since he said that he may feel better to know if the cause of our 2 lost izzit bcos of him. And result turn out bad - show his sperm count is low and also a high percent are defective... after knowing the results, we really had a hard time cos cant decide whether stil wanna TTC. But we decided to try one more time... and thank god, tis round was so far ok....

for me, it's my hb dun wanna stick to the same gyn cos of the 2 unhappy lost so we changed gyn tis round.
Sophie, thanks for the information.

Hi auggal, me change gynae liao....not so much of the unhappy past... but cos of the negligence episode lor... so give myself another option lor... but if I find my last gynae still the best, then might go back in the end... who knows right? :p

Hi Coral, me ok liao.
Hello gals!

I can see some of you gals had great fun during Christmas!
Now is the post Christmas shopping season!
Time to pamper ourselves
ho! ho! ho!

Wish you gals "Happy New Year 2006!"
Wish all of you gals "Good Luck!"
and "May your dreams come true!" too.

Hi bulma,
Wish you a smooth 9 months
My past two m/c also could be due to the spermies... Well, that's the past already

Hi auggal,
I still go back to my gynae
I was tempted to change after the first m/c, but my hubby did not like that idea. I think it's good also cos he got all my history and records
hi babes

ELMO! hope u feelin better nw hor
misses u so much leh.. keke :p didnt see u online in MSN nw oso

hi auggal.. me oso picked up knitting abt 2mths ago.. am knitting a baby blanket.. to standby for my next bb.. haha
mei2, HELLO!!!!

Me busy lately that's why didnt join MSN liao... will try to go there when I have time.

Knitting?? Me also want to learn... :p kekekekek....
I was doing quilting a while back... but no time.. so project still half done only *guilty*.... think I should try to find some time to quickly get it done first... then I can do a bb blanket or something... but say only... hiaz... dunno when I can start.. :p
Hello Ladies...aiyoh, I abit blur, so cannot get into this site during the entire Christmas long weekend! Anyway I was in town for 3 days, shopping with my SILs...sooooo tiring! Today will be my last day of work for the year! Will only return to office next year! Yipee! Holiday mood now.
May 2006 be a good year for all of us!
hi all,
long time never drop by, cos i busy with work and work.. my hb oversea trip would be confirmed soon & i already decide follow him, but then it is hard to handle the look on the relatives face like "Why do u need to quit ur job to follow ur hb overseas and do nothing?"
I already feeling so tired, dunno when i wanna TTC again..altho' say 6 mths later, a bit scare liaos.. *sigh* Anyway, it is already like 5th week after the procedures & my aunty still dun wanna to come..
Hi hama,
The party was good fun
I had lots of left over food cos the people I invited seems to be watching their weight and avoiding carbohydrates... hahaha...
Happy New Year to you
I am attending a wedding on New Year's eve and day...

Hi icy,
I can understand the feeling of having to pick up the courage to quit your job and go overseas... and parents and relatives giving that weird look and start showing lots of concern... But if you think that's what you want, just go for it
Sometimes, others just dun understand the position you are in
Only you know best

Where will you be going? I can imagine it's so exciting to be going to another country, learning about another culture
Elmo, glad u ok liao
hee....I hope my kintting nt san fen zong re du :p

Mei2, sweet start to knit a baby blanket

well, I start frm basic, scarf..hee hope in time to give my hubby for birthday present cos his bday is in Jan

well ladies,
thks for ur replies

think will discuss do I need to go for blood test or nt
cos I feel more at ease...well hope for the best
hi icy, dun care abt what others said abt you..
Only u urself know best what is the best choice for u...

hi lyn, glad to hear that u had a wonderful time..

Wow wedding on New yr eve.. Think that wedding must have cost a bomb cos hotels tend to increase prices on such special days... Have a nice day and enjoy the yummy food.. (kekekek)
elmo, auggal, mei2, you all really got patience leh..i learnt a while then give up knitting fingers leh..or maybe no determination..good luck and press on to finish your work ok..
Hi ladies

It's good to see such a thread here. I'm new on this board, so bear with me.

Hubby and I started trying for a bb this yr. We finally got pregnant in July, but I had what was called a blighted ovum and it did not progress past the fertilisation stage. We tried again in Oct, and I had a positive pregnancy test last week (i was 1 week late), but my AF came 2 days later. We are really disappointed. I just want to know how many of you had more than 1 m/c consecutively. It really can be a downer. Anyway, am seeing a TCM doctor now and he's prescribing some stuff that's supposed to strengthen the womb. Sigh..who knew trying for a bb can be so difficult.
Hi Icy,
I was in the same boat as you. I left my job in April this year to go overseas cos my husband was posted there. It was supposed to be a longer trip, but it got cut short. My previous job also required me to travel quite often, so if I had stayed on my previous job, I would not have conceived in Oct this year cos both of us don't get to see each other that often, not to mention ovulation timing!

I had relatives asking me the same thing when I came back - when I am going to look for work, how come I am just staying at home etc etc. But I learnt how to ignore them and just tell them I am taking a break to do things I always wanted to do. Like what Hama says, try not to bother about what others say.

I believe you and I had pretty similar m/c. My procedure was also done about 4 weeks ago, and this Monday, my AF came, and it's horrid cos I was changing pads every 1-2 hours (the big overnight ones). I thought I was haemorraging cos I was still spotting since the procedure. After calling up doc to tell her the situation followed by a visit to her clinic, she found that the egg follicle in one of my ovaries did not rupture (could be due to stress from m/c), and so my AF is simply too heavy. So I am now on oral contraceptives for 1 cycle to regulate the AF and hopefully in 3 weeks' time, the scan will show that the 3cm follicle in the ovary has disappeared. If it does not disappear, I really don't know what will happen... think I was a bit stressed and overwhelmed today, and forgot to ask her, or if I asked her, I actually forgot what she said!

I just want to let you know after the procedure, the doc actually warned me that the AF may come late (6 to 8 wks) and will be haywired due to the stress from the m/c, so even though this AF came, it's also abit haywired as I gotta be put on hormone pills to regulate it. I am even doing relaxation techniques from CDs to lessen the stress.

Just try not to stress yourself so much and don't think about it OK?
Hi Elmo
Hope u r feeling better now..

Lyn...I like ur posting..soo cheerful so many icons...

Ladies, in case anyone like to shop at Mango...they are having 70% tomolo..
Dear Icy, don't worry just do what is good for your marriage. It's not easy for husband and wife to eb apart so I'll do likewise if hb is posted overseas.
nymeria, sorry to hear that you have to go thru this twice. Please bu your womb properly before you attempt again.
Sophie, I think you did the right thing. We can always find another job, but soemthigns in life you can't have again. So enjoy this time and have a smooth preg and delivery.
Hi nymeria,
It's good that you are trying to do something to strengthen your womb. What about your hubby side? Has he gone for a sperm analysis? It might not be your problem, hubby also could play a part in m/c.
I had two consecutively. It is not a good experience.. but we gotta face it and move on
Dun give up

Hi hama,
I am not sure about the cost though. I just know I gonna miss count down on New Year's Eve... lol... New Year's Eve and New Year's day occupied already...

Hi zhuzhu,
Thank you...
How are you?
