Support group - Miscarriages

Hello gals

hamasaki - ya! that's y i'm always very busy with work.

qwer - ok thanks. yalor! time flies, going to see my princess soon. But i oso stress lor cos i was told life will be different once my princess is here.

Oic. Glad that you are fine now. ya! Dont give yourself stress liao. Njoy every moment with your little princess.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Confused,</font>
Don't worry. When time to come, you'll be able to get used to confident of yourself :)
Hi auggal, since you'll be seeing gynae soon, then do think too much now. Just take the chance to enjoy a quiet xmas at home. And maybe you and hb can have your own prayers and mass at he.

Confused, your princess must the greatest xmas gift. Cherish it. And like qwer say, you'll live up to it when the moment comes. Jia you.

Hb and I will check into Shang on Sat so that we can avaoid the traffic hm after the xmas countdown in town. have yet to decide wehre to hv our xmas eve dinner. My fren coming back from states so we'll be celebrating together. Sun is the usual dinner with inlaws and family. Not a big thing for my hb family so no gift exchange. We just bought some smalls gifts for my parents and inlaws.
Hama, how will you be celebrating xmas this year?
hi coral, i will be having a bbq.. kkekekek.. its been abt 2 yrs since i had a bbq session..

cant wait to enjoy myself this sun bbq those food and makan it.. hahahaha..
Hi Lyn, Elmo, Athlete,
Thanks for the advice on the pains. I am actually a bit paranoid, wondering if there is still something stuck in my Fallopian tubes. But of course there isn't, cos the lab report on the contents of D&amp;C showed that the products of conception have been evacuated already. And my paranoia is not for no reason... the other day, I passed out a bit of greyish tissue which is the size of a cockle. On one side of it is some old dark red clots, but when I tried to break it apart, it wouldn't split up i.e. the texture is like a cockle! So I got a bit kan cheong thinking maybe there is still stuff in me! *sigh* I think I need to relax abit more ;)

(To the Gals who love cockles... hope the above description won't put you off your cockles next time... sorry, but it's the best description I can find!)

Hi Athlete,
Sorry to hear about your loss. Take good care of yourself. If you need someone to talk to, we are all here for you.
Hi gals,
thanks for all your kind words and support...they really help in my healing process...

hi sophie, i'm still spotting after 2 weeks, and sometimes i see dark red brownish clots. i was told bleeding should last for up to 2 weeks, dunno if i should be worried... if you don't mind me asking, was this your 1st preg?

did u check wif ur gynae abt the ? bld clot?

after my d &amp; c, i suddenly got a heavy blood flow. so i went back to my gynae and did a repeat d &amp; c. the 2nd time was horrible. i oni given a painkiller supp. and even after the 2nd d &amp; c, i still have to go back to the gynae eod to scan cos there was still a clot inside my womb. and my urine preg test was still positive.

this went on for 2 weeks till i finally got a negative results on my urine preg test.

hubby was so worried and he actually quite afraid to try for a baby now cos he said he cannot bear to see me suffer agn for this

so gals, if you do noticed abnormal symptoms after d &amp; c, do check wif your gynae.

take care
ho ho ho!! Xmas is coming! kekekek

hw r u gals?? currently been busy with my work and started TTC le.. keke :p

sorry about ur loss athlete, sophie &amp; Military wife.. take good care
Hi Hama, yum yum. Nice cool waether for bbq!
Wow Sophie, that sounds like a shocker. Think military wife is right, you should describe this to your gynae and ask what is that. Maybe it's nothing to worry about, or maybe gynae would then suggest more thourough checks.
Militayr wife, I guess it's diff for your hb to watch you suffer and yet he's helpless. Soemtimes they are under alot of stress too. But we all gotta be strong lor. Hb told me to relax in the next preg. He said he knows it's inevitable for me to get more worried, but he ask me to remember every preg is diff lor.
Hi hama,
Wow... nice to have a bbq!

Hi Sophie, athlete,
Do call your gynae and ask if you experience abnormal or excessive bleeding after D&amp;C. After my first D&amp;C, I called my gynae every few days... hahaha... Oh yes, do rest well and avoid doing any housework. Cos last time, I was bored at home and started sweeping and mopping the floor, and I started bleeding more...

Hi military wife,
Sorry to hear about the horrible D&amp;C you gotta go through.
Your hubby will become stronger when you become stronger
. It's not easy for them to overcome the loss too... Everytime my hubby will cry also, but not in front of me...

Hi Coral,
Yes, every pregnancy is different
. Take care.
dear all

really thankful for this forum.

is hard sharing this wif pp who nv been true cos they will always say' u're still young, dun worry'


hope i did not 'shao' anybody's 'xin'...
Hi military wife,
Initially, I also felt the same as you. I became drawn away from my circle of friends for a while cos nobody understand what we had gone through... Along the way, we will meet people who say things that we might feel hurt. But we gotta be strong
Others might not know how we felt, and they are just out of goodwill

Take good care
hi lyn and coral...

looking forward to this coming sun bbq.. think got many goodies to eat.. hahahaha.. getting hungry now... opps...
dear all
wat's ur big plan for X'mas and New Yr celebration?

thank you

wow... bbq... love bbq food drooling now...
i supposed to hv a x'mas party on boxing day but was being postphoned to 2/1/06...

enjoy ur hotel stay! i will be spending xmas day in Hyatt too... and still got no idea where to go for gd xmas dinner... any ideas to share wif me?

good luck and hope u spread me some baby dust too!
Hama, you preparing for the bbq or is it potluck? I love bbq chicken wings I an eat only that.

military wife, we still have not decided too. Might just dine in Shang since everywhere is just as expensive. Do you have any place in mind? Food in Hyatt quite good too. I'm actually trying to find a place with dinner and a count down party. But Shang only has count down for New Year.
last year we had dinner at Prime Ribs in Paragon then count down at Indochine.
Your hb also from SAF?

cos my grp of frds (6 couples incl me n spouse and thir kids, 9 kids total)also meet up for gathering at somebody's place... normally ph then we organise...
but majority of them are Christians and Catholics so they have prog in their church lor...
so postphoned to 2/1/06
any idea wat food to get on tt day? cos i supposed to buy tuckey n ham if this is boxing day party...

my hubby a bit sian over the hyatt food leh. he say want to order fr cold storage or carrefour to pig out... can u imagine jus the 2 of us eating so much food? OMG
i spent my 03 xmas at carlton hotel and forgot where we go for dinner but i think was lawrys too. 04 i spent my xmas in europe but was so boring cos everywhere was so quiet...
thanks military wife &amp; Hama hor
will "shun qi zhi ran" keke

military.. hw old r u?? am very sian to hear this sentence liao.. "nvm, u're still young" young doesnt means fertile lor..
hi coral and military wife...

me and hb, mil and some other relatives will be helping to prepare all those stuffs...
coral, its bbq and we have already booked the pit..

oh yah.. X"mas time.. Christians have to go to church and they have some sort of programs..

some of my friends are too so they can only come by after their church service..
oh, hama, what i meant was are you preparing all the food or every one bring a bit for bbq. Good, at least got people to help you prepapre else lots of marinating and skewing to do.

military wife, it's nice to buy food and pig out, but like you say lor, too much, cos cold storage portion alot. Kenny Rogers used to have take aways too. For the 2 Jan party since it's so far from Xmas, you're no longer restricted to Xmas food right?

sign... me already 30 this yr... though compared to my gf... i am the last to hold my ad... am consider lucky (or unluckly) cos 1 oni tried one time without protection and i got preg

one couple frd of ours... tried since 02 and they jus delivered their 1st baby in oct 05.

but still very sad lor... esp now the gathering is not the same anymore cos we are the only couple without kid...

ya lor... my frds reminded me NOT to get ham and turkey for the new yr party... ha ha
military wife, do be sad. Let's jia you. My hb's frens all have kids too. Like you we also one try then got bb but in the end...Well, let's take consolation that we can et preg. jia you!
Hi Lynn and Elmo,

Understand that the both of you went through an etopic pregnancy. Do you mind if I ask for some help. I just underwent an operation on Monday for my etopic pregnancy, it was in my left tube. The sac was removed and the gyne cut off a part of the tube. But it seems that he did not tie the tubes back together again becox he says the chanes of another etopic on the same tube is gg to be very high. Plus I shold still have another good right tube.
. Is that the same case with you two? Or did you go through the injection or did your doc tie back the tube for you? I am so depressed. This is my first.

Are your trying again or are your already preggie? How long must i wait again before I try again and what kind of test should I ask my gyne to do before I try to conceiev again. Please advice. Thanks. ANy other information you can share with me, to help me through this time.
hi coral, everyone is required to bring 1 or 2 items..

then all will gather early to do all those washing of food, preparing and marinating and skewing etc etc...
Hi athlete,
Yep, this was my first pregnancy.

Hi military wife,
Hmm... sorry to hear about your horrid D&amp;C, and thanks for the advice.

Hi coral, lyn,
Thanks for your advice. I am trying not to call the gynae so often cos a bit paiseh, but I guess I shouldn't feel that way.

Yep, I am also tired of pple saying "you're still young". In fact, a friend who called me to console me ended up saying "I know of many thirty-something first-time mothers out there, so don't you worry". Now that got me all upset, and I had to find some excuse to cut the phone conversation short. She even wanted to bring her son along to visit me... sigh, I wonder how insensitive some people can be!
hi sophie,
this was my 1st pregnancy too...

hi gals,
all my hb's frens also have kids except us, it gets abit annoying at gatherings when pple start to ask questions...

do take care.

jus wanna share wif u my coll's experience...

she had a boy then her 2nd preg was an etopic and after op she oni left one tube. tt was in 1998.

now she is a proud mother of 3 boys and 1 girl!
Hi Hama, that sounds real fun. People busy preparing food, with some Xmas carol in the background. I can see a joyous picture! may you have a wonderful time and lots of yummy food.
Hey, it's Xmas, let's all be Merry. I know it'll be even better if we could have our bbs celebrate with us...tot tis will be my first Xmas as a Mum, but well...Shall look forward to a better 2006. Let's all Jia You. We gotta learn to be strong. Especially for ladies who just experience it. I know the pain is right there with you. But hope you'll be strong for your future and your bb who's looking over you in heaven. I'm sure bbs want us to be happy too. They're fine, we shall not weep and make them worry for us. Let's rejoice. I'm sure there's good reasons for bbs to go to heaven. Let's drink a toast to our bbs in heaven. Let them know how blessed we feel to ever have them.
Merry Christmas to All!
Hi military gal,

thanks, i guess its the up &amp; down emotions that goes with the operation. its really consoling to hear form pple who have similar experiences i really need the support to keep going on. Now trying to recuperate and hopefully will be able to try again soon.
really hope my chances will still be there given that i have only 1 tube left.
Hi angelsky, don give up. My colleague shared her story with me after I lost my bb. Just like you, she has only 1 tube left. But now she's a proud mother of 3 lovely children. You'll make it too!
hi coral... i hope the bbq session will be fun.. hehehehe.. looking forward to it...

yeah, let's have fun and be merry and forget all our pains and sorrows..

Look forward to a brand new 2006...
Hi hama,
haha... You craving for bbq food ah? good good... I am hosting a dinner at my home this Sunday
I gonna prepare spaghetti, roast potatoes, apple pork chop, steam broccoli, butter mushrooms, salad, fruits... hmm... dunno what else to cook already. Someone will bring honey roast ham though

Enjoy your Christmas celebration

Hi military wife,
Yap, Christmas in Europe is rather boring cos everyone hiding at home in the cold winter with their family to celebrate... but it's not bad in Amsterdam
. I spent one Christmas there. The museums are open on Christmas day and shops are open too
. Other places in Europe will be interesting before Christmas. I love the pre-Christmas mood with the interesting Christmas markets around Austria the most.

I am very soon reaching 30 too... and I still got people around me telling me that I am still young... I have groups of friends who just got married, I also have groups of friends who already planning for 3rd or 4th kids already! Ok la... I just tell myself I am not them, and I got my own life and preferences
. And I dun have to follow the social "norm" and be pressurised...

I also meet people with kids telling me about the fun and laughters they had with their kids.

Hi angelsky,
Hugs... sorry to hear what you have to go through... If the gynae cut off a part of the tube, perhaps the damage on the tube cannot be repaired which usually happens in an ectopic that has burst? Has the ectopic burst? Once we had ectopic before, our chances of another ectopic is higher, especially so if the tube not properly repaired. My ectopic was in the left tube too, but my left tube is still in tact. I went through laparoscopy to remove it. My gynae told me to wait for two months and I conceived naturally.
Have you been trying for some time already? What I can say to you is take good care of your health and your hubby's. It will not be difficult to conceive with a healthy body
. Try not to get too stressed too
. Jia you! Good luck!

Hi Sophie,
Dun be paiseh to call your gynae
. At the beginning, I saw my gynae every few days for bleeding... I called him and he asked me to go see him...

Some people with kids and have not gone through what we did before, do not really understand what we went through. Those who managed to conceive easily will think that it's easy to conceive for everyone. I even have friends with kids bringing their kids to visit me in hospital after my first m/c, and they knew i just had d&amp;c.... But ok la.. I should appreciate their kindness of visiting me...
Most of the times, we cannot control what others think and feel, but we can certainly control how we think and feel
wow Lyn, seems like u will have great fun and a big bash this SUN too..

so many yummy foods u are going to prepare.. are u doing all these stuffs alone.. no one to help u out ?
Hi hama,
There will be 9 of us... So I decided to prepare
Initially was pot luck... but since not so many people, then ok la... I will cook
My hubby will help me carry the shopping and clean the house... kekeke...
hi angelsky

sorry abt ur ectopic.. hmm.. ok i discover i got ectopic when i was abt 5 weeks coz i didnt know i was preggie as no symptoms @ all.. was having red for 4 days and i presumed i wasnt preggie after that was spottin abt 1 week, juz took HPT and the +ve sign is very dark, i called gynae and told her abt it and ask me to go dw for Beta HCG bllod test, and indeed my level was 800+, i was confirm preggie.. and since its 800+ gynae was sayin that she should able to see a small little dot through scanning... but didnt see anything.. gynae ask me to go back 2 days later to take Beta HCG again.. and it went up to 1000+ and scan shows nothing @ all... after 5mins gynae saw a sumthin swollen @ my tube..ask me not to panic and wait for the next day to take Beta HCG again to see.. well.. it went up by a little and i know there's sumthin wrong already, i ask gynae dun need to checked again coz its confirm ectopic already, ask her when is she available to perform Laproscopy.. ans i did it the very nite, it was @ my right side, tube was not being removed, after 5 days went to blood test again to see whether my HCG dropped onot, must take till drop to less than 3 then can confirm not preggie le
had a jab to fasten the lowering of HCG too..

gynae ask me not to be preggie so fast as she's afraid that wound its not fully recover, so i rest for 4mths then started TTC again
me not preggie @ this moment.. juz started TTC-ing

ur tube is burst? that's y gynae remove it?
Hi Mei2,

He said since its an ectopic likely it is damaged, to keep it will mean that I will have another etopic, so he cut a part of it off &amp; tied it up. After the operation, he said that my uterus and the ovary and tube on the other side looks okie to him, so with that side which is the right side, i should have no problem conceiving again just that it may take a little longer since there is no guarantee that that right side will ovulate all the time. Both my ovaries are still intact. I think he removed it coz the sac was found very near the ovary so the chances of me having another is gg to be high. I am just worried about my ability to concieve again naturally with just one tube. I hear so many comforting stories about gals who managed to concived right after the 3 months whilst many go on for many years with no hope. I really hope to try to conceive naturally. GG for a follow up next Tuesday, so will ask him when I can start to TTC again.
Thanks so much for your support
Hi destitionia, glad you had a good trip. Must have lots of nice Thai food and lots of shopping bags...
Lyn, wow, you're so capable. And I can see you like hosting dinners. I'll be asking some friends over for New Year, but not sure if I'll be as ambitious. Might just prepare some nimbles.
Hama, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Talking about it already sound so exciting!
Angelsky, don't think too much else you affect your own hormones and the ovulation cycle. Take it easy. Don't be too hard on yourself.
hi coral, u too have a Merry Time this coming SUN.. let ur hair down and have fun... (kekekke)

Hi Lyn, yeah must ask ur hb to help u out with some things...

U too have a great time spending X'mas... Cheers !
angelsky.. no worries
dun think too much ya.. @ the mean time juz rest and "bu" back your body.. let womb rest too...
Hi all,
Here's wishing everyone a very Merry Xmas &amp; Happy New Year... Thanks for being a great help to me at a time when I needed support most!

Lots of Love,
morning all! :p

sorry didn't log in much recently! yesterday just celebrated my ROM anniversary!
The xmas feeling is so great and really glad to have my hubby,family,friends and all of you here!!

Praying that the New Year will be a smooth and great one! Haven't start TTC yet...enjoy a bit more'er ren shi jie'!


how are u?take good care!
glad u enjoyed urself!

i celebrated my anni yest too! not ROM anni but AD anni.

My 1st year ROM &amp; AD anniversary will be next month. Now thinking of how to celebrate this special day too.
Choo &amp; military wife, how did you and hbs share this special day?

Merry Merry Xmas to all. Happy gift unwrapping!
