Support group - Miscarriages


Yee...guess what I also read prev postings n realise I have told u. Ha about to "suan" u already.

Wah I realise I only come in once in a while so didn't follow most of the conversation, including the episode on the detox thingy. Aiyoh ...**shake head**

auggal, yes pamper yrself. Make yrself mei mei for the chinese new year. I miss doing pedicure eh...

Hi coral,
Thank you very much for your encouraging words
I really appreciate it
. I think mine gonna be a gal... I will be going for a detailed scan just before Chinese New Year. Yesterday wanted to shop at Suntec after meeting my clients. But we met till 8.30pm.. and my hubby bought movie tickets for 9pm... So end up no time to shop. Today I looked through my wardrobe and clear the clothes that I cannot wear already. I am glad that I found 3 stretchable skirts that I can still wear and looks how I wanted it to be
Just that now got tummy. I am looking for dress or skirts that do not looked hanging from my tummy. hee.. dunno whether you get what I mean...

Hi hama,
Oops... Sorry... Have I let the cat out of the bag? :p
So far, I have a dress from Mphosis, 5 babydoll tops, a maternity pants (still gotta bring it to the tailor to alter the length), 2 low waist jeans that I can still wear
. Now got 3 stretchable skirts
Now will look for jackets cos I am feeling cold lately.
I bought two hair clips... kekeke... I am thinking of going for a haircut again
My hubby said go back to the salon at Paragon and tell the hairdresser he cut till everyone said I looked ugly and ask him to cut again...

Hi destitonia,
Hugs hugs... Do take good care of your health
Try to think on the positive side and be happy

Thank you very much
Wish your dreams will come true soon
Stay cheerful and happy

Hi droopy,
kekeke... I feel like I still haven't find a way to dress up myself during this time that will make me looks good. Furthermore, I feel that the maternity wear here dun suit my taste. And the material not to my liking too.. kekeke.. very mafan hor...

Any of you know where can I bring my hubby to dine? I want somewhere romantic, western food. He loves to eat steak. hee... His birthday this Friday... Just now he was asking me where I gonna bring him... kekeke... Then he said he gonna pay anyway.. hahaha.. I told him, I can sign his sub-card and he just pay the credit card bill... hahaha...

I did pedicure once during pregnant,
think is ok...maybe u want to do?

Dest,Droopy, Coral
I didnt hv any message lady do message after I deliver,
I knw it will shrink back but how abt the position?
I am worry that it wont be back into the original place/position...
cos I only realise, if do message and it will be push back to the position,hiaz...
Dest, Droopy n Coral,
ops I forgot to type is uterus
I worry my uterus will not be back to original position
as I did not hv message
pls advise, thks

u can try lawry or outback or prego... these r the 3 steak places me and my hubby will hunt down...
auggal. when you go back to gynae for check upm they can usually tell if your uterus has go back to normal and if the positioning is alright.

Lyn, how about buying those body-hugging skirts that's really stretchable? I got one from Mango in the past, I believe project shop blood bros has got some too. They show off the nice contour of he tummy. When I'm preggy, I'll be so proud to show off the tummy and I think it look kind of sexy too. Happy Dressing up!

I've sold off my house, new place wont be ready till end of 2007. Might have to rent a place or move in with inlaws by end Aug. Hope I'll be preg and into safe trimester by then so that I can handle the moving...Sometimes I think I think too much...Hehehe
hi auggal, have a nice time shopping and pamper urself for this coming CNY...

hi lyn, its okie.. actually dun wanna disclose it here cos it was an M/C thread.. feel like not that good to say it out..
yup, I will pamper myself,hee....
aiyah it's ok if u announce ur pregnancy here, we will all be happy for u

how many mths liao?

ok thks for the adivse
I am like u think too much liao :p
oh ur new hse will be ready in 2007?
same as me, right nw staying at a rented house frm a relative of mine
look fwd to my new hse next yr 07

hee..if I were u,
will let my hubby n family members to do the packing/shifting
Hi military wife,
Where is Outback? It will be very interesting to try steak at somewhere new to us

If you are interested, Dan Ryan at Tanglin is very good for steak too...

Hi coral,
Yap, I like those body hugging tops. My mum said very ugly lor
Think she cannot accept that. I told her it's the fashion. Then she told me no need to follow fashion. That day I bought a very stretchable top and wore for a wedding, she said I looked so ugly. I was so sad cos I bought that for the pregnancy and quite expensive. Now I just found those body hugging skirts to wear, dunno ugly to her or not. My hubby said nice
cos can see the contour of tummy.

Must take good care not to carry heavy things and climb too high ok? Do you believe in "pantang"? During pregnancy, got a lot of "pantang" things that we cannot do, especially in moving house. Preggie are not suppose to be around when the moving is taking place. Even now when I gotta change the bedsheets, also got "pantang". haha... Good excuse for me not to change, my hubby will change.. hahaha.. I cannot be in the room some more. The first time he changed was so funny cos he dunno how to get the duvet cover over the duvet, and made him sweat so much. He gotta walk out of the room and keep asking me how... hahaha...
Wow, I never know the pantang thing get to such details. When I was preg I did not do these things, but I was in the room to give hb instructions. My plan is to start packing from now on and then my hb and my mum will prob have to take over if i get preg (keeping my fingers crossed. Will ttc after this round of AF.)
So actually if I'm preg, I'll have good reasons to excuse myself from the house mving stuff, but my poor hb will have to take charge...Hehehe
My hb love to see me in those body hugging clothes when preg cos it really show-off the bb in us. Most importantly is whether you feel comfortable and confident in the clothes you wear.

Outback is in Milenia Walk.

Hama, don't feel bad. It's encouraging for the rest of us. Gives us hope. Looking forward to be a graduate too.

coral alreadi ans ur question... i nv been to dan ryan but hubby been there b4 and he dun quite like...
Lyn, just realise our hb's b'day very near. My hb's b'day on 21. We're eating at Raffles cos I have the dien at Raffles card and we get a free bottle of wine. Cheapo, heehee.

Eating at the Raffles courtyard can be a nice experience (provided it doesn't rain.) There'll be someone singing nice romantic songs and some diners will dance to the tune. It's a lay back, casual environment. But it's seafood not steak.
Hi Droopy, Hama,
I didn't know both of you were pregnant too, till I read the postings above. Congrats!

Hama, even though this is an m/c thread, it's good for me to know that both of you are pregnant. It gives me hope and encouragement that people who m/c eventually do get pregnant again, and of course I hope to get to that stage one day too.

Hey lyn,
I didn't know preggie women are not supposed to change bedsheets ;) It's good to know, and not too late, so next time I can get hubby to change it too!

Morton's of Chicago at Oriental Hotel is pretty good for steak too. Unfortunately, I don't know if Oriental Hotel have finished with their renovations and are opened yet... I haven't been to that area for ages... maybe you can try Morton's next time if they are not open this time round.

i think they r opened since oct 05... but very ex right tt place?


tt's how i celebrated my hubby bd last yr... we use the feeds at raffles hotel voucher and the free wine voucher... hee hee
Hi Coral,
I also did not know till my fengshui master told me that I cannot even change bedsheets. No shifting of the marital bed too. For bedsheets, I cannot be in the room and watch. haha... So I just leave it to my hubby. Eh... it's very good reason not to be too involved in the house shifting.. kekeke.. Rem not to knock any nails or any holes in the house. Most importantly, dun carry heavy things and climb up and down...
My hubby also likes me to wear the body hugging clothes
Now I am wearing babydoll tops and whatever bottom that I can fit in. lol...

Hi military wife,
Thank you...

Hi Coral,
Is there nice steak at Raffles? Wow... Eating at the courtyard with dance sounds very romantic... plus diners dancing to the tunes. Wah... it will be a very different experience. hmm... If it's raining, how will their arrangement be like? Do you know? I suppose they have salad rite? Maybe I will eat salad only. I just remembered I have some vouchers for Raffles. kekeke... gotta go and dig them out and see whether expire already or not.. haha...
My customary wedding anniversary on 21...
Hee... I just had my birthday last Sunday
I celebrated my birthday with my family at home with steamboat lunch
And I had 3 cakes! The most number of cakes I got for my birthday...

Hi Sophie,
Thank you...
hee... I have heard of Mortons but never try before
Hi Lyn,
I'm not too sure about their arrangment for rainy days. Maybe you can check with them.
Nice steak is at their Long Bar Steakhouse.At the courtyard, they have all sort of seafood and vegetables cooked in your preferred style. But more of Asian style.
Wow, so now we know there are 3 mommies here, Lyn, Hama and Droopy.

I only know Mei2 and myself trying.

I saw my gynae last month and happen he checked that I'm ovulating that day and ask me to try.

My menses is due anytime this weekend, but dont think my strike chance is high though cos already have the feeling that AF is coming to visit soon and also have PMS!

So Lyn, Hama and Droopy, care to share how long have you gals tried b4 getting successful?
hi coral...
i hope this will motivate u... u will be a proud mummy one day.. baby dust to you..

hi Sophie,
.. thanks.. ur baby dream will come true one day.. Like many of the graduates here who manage to make it...
thanks Starlite and Gardenline for ur blessings...

Starlite, I never really take note on how long i tried.. many mths on and off basics.. cos i had many stress and pressure from in-laws side...

When i dun feel any stress coming from them, then will i try.. kekekek...
Lyn, Hama, Droopy

have yet to CONGRATS u 3! do keep us posted abt ur pogress, mommies!
Thank you hama. I'll start trying from this weekend.

Starlite and Mei2 I'll be joining you guys in ttc. Jia you jia you. Baby dust to us all who're trying.

Lyn, I heard Morton is very good in the US, never tried the one in Spore yet. Oriental has completed their renovation last year. So should be safe. I think Morton in Spore is rather ex. but haven't been there, you can call and check.
Military wife, we got a lot in common leh. We both use our wedding banquet hotel stay for the Xmas, then the feed at Raffles voucher...Haha. Last year we forgotten to use, so this year must use. 21 for hb b'day, and 29 (but gotta eat on 27 due to CNY)for our wedding anniversary. 21 we'll eat at Prego and 27 we'll either eat at Raffles Courtyard or Raffles Grill. Been eating too much steak at Long Bar.
Hello gals

Long time didnt chat with u gals liao. I've given birth liao n on maternity leave. (can chat with u gals liao)

Hama - Congratulation to you. Have a smooth 9months

Lyn - Wow! u into 2nd tri? U know your bb gender liao mah?

Droopy - thanks for the wishes. Btw, when's your EDD?

think i nv chat wif u b4... by still CONGRATS! how's life as a mommy?


tmr i will be using the hotel voucher agn at Raffles the Plaza and will use the wine voucher to get drunk...

the rest of the vouchers i book it for may and dec... very KS hor... hee hee hee...
military wife, don't feel bad. That's how we save money for bbs. Hehehe.

Confused, congratulations! Still got time to chat with us ah? Thought bb will keep you really busy. So nice to be Mummy hor. I'll jia you too.
<font color="0000ff">hi confused,</font>
How're u? I'm sure you're coping well with the help your of mum. Own mum is still the best!! Take care! Btw, got photos of your bb or not? :p
military wife - thanks. ya! we never chat before. Very tiring cos tis is my 1st child n no experience.

Coral - Yes cos now baby is sleeping (at last) she has been crying the whole nite n i didnt sleep at all. Yes, u jia you n baby dust to you. Hope to hear good news from you soon

qwer - Not gd leh. First time mummy very tiring (got to know why baby crying). Yes our mum is still the best. My mum n i didnt have a gd sleep for the past few days n now she's a bit not feeling well. Now i look after baby most of the time. And worse i still feel pain on my stitches. Maybe my hormone change, i really feel like crying.

u can use the 'upload attchment' button to attach ur princess pics...

spread some baby dust to me too...
Hi Confused, Congrats on the arrival of your princess! wow! like so fast leh, seems like only yesterday u announced your pregnacy, now a proud mummy already. so happy for u. share with us your birth story &amp; your bb's pix soon hor. i'm also anxiously waiting for march to come, can't wait to have my bb in my arms. i guess next will be me &amp; Droppy's turns, after which will be lyn &amp; hama. i hope more ladies on this board will join us soon. jia you jia you!

postnatal blues is rather common... especailly for 1st time mommies... do seek support fr ur hubby and ur family ok? take care


CONGRATS to u too...

hope starlite, mei2, coral and me can graduate soon!!!
confused, I think new mums' emotions are more sensitive, easily touched. So you're normal. After a while you'll be fine. Do share your feelings with love ones or us. Just let your emotion flow. It's alright.

Looks like this month can't ttc again. Need to go China next week, just when I'm fertile! So angry, Dec was in China when I was fertile too...At this rate how to get preg???
confused, so happy for you! That day when I kaypo into Jan MTB thread, was so happy to know yr gal gal has arrived! Yeah after giving birth, the hormone level will drop very fast so tend to be moody. My EDD is end March.

coral, maybe can get yr hubby to go China with u, then have a made-in-china bb!

military wife, thks!

starlite, I took abt 3 - 4 cycles, but the main thing is still to relax. &amp; yes, keep yr body healthy.

Lyn, happie belated birthday! Have u tried Perfect Mum or Swell? I just bought a tube dress for new year. Bright orange, my hubby says I look like a mandarin orange.

Yeah there are alot of pantangs in pregnancy, I also nvr chg bedsheet already.

auggal, like what coral says, do go back to yr gynae to make sure the uterus has strunk back n everything ok, then u can "fang xin" TTC.

jia you jia you to all now ttc!!
bb dust to all
auggal, where do u normally go for pedi? Now I m very tempted. I used to go K nails. Now very tempted to paint my toe nails orange to match my new dress.
hi ladies, hope everyone's doing fine..

these few days tot preg liao cos AF late for 3 days..secretly happy and hope AF dun come but felt that AF is coming..then today afternn to wait for next month..sigh..

missy, hope i will hop on board soon!!
hi hi,
:D I feel so sianz abt buying cny clothes, very sad cos seemed like after 1 experience on preggy and my figure haywire.. everything looks ugly on me, my backside get bigger and colleagues told me i should be on diet. but i already skip breakfast. *sigh* and my tummy cant get back in shape.

anyway does anyone have this exp? After my 1st AF after D&amp;C.. it suppose have end like 3 days ago.. somehow suddenly i getting back some brownish discharge and spotting again. i got a bit worried again.

sometimes after d &amp; c, the monthly af differs fr the previous mths... it happen to me la

maybe u wanna check wif ur dr?

in case u still sourcing for mani/pedi place... i recommend joyce fr Fave nail at Shaw building 6235 5015
<font color="0000ff">Hi Confused,</font>
Ya you can upload the pics like normally how we upload those cute cute icons. What you're feeling is perfectly normal. Don't worry ok...cos bb also has 'jetlag', so she is trying to adapt to the environment too.

I can understand how tired you &amp; your mom are. When I gave birth 3 yrs ago, my newborn bb gal also cried every nite! My mom said must thank my MIL for her words! Cos my mom is very pantang...I was doing confinement at my mom's place &amp; MIL visited. MIL said my bb very good...always sleep. Then that nite onwards cried every nite for 1 mth. My mom was so angry with my MIL.

You try to sleep &amp; rest whenever bb sleeps ok? That is the best time for you to rest. I also like that. My bb last time could sleep throught deeply in the day. Loud sound also couldn't wake her up. Then at nite started whining &amp; crying. So if u had a good rest in the day, at nite at least not so bad.

Another thing is, you &amp; your mum try to take turns to rest &amp; take turns to look after at nite. 2 persons tired together not so good. It is juz like guard duty. When u look after, your mom rest &amp; vice versa. Don't think &amp; worry too much ok...very soon, your bb will be adjusted to the environment and time and she will sleep throughout at nite.

1 more thing...hee..I think I very lor soh...if bb has colic, will cry too. That will have to check with paediatric liao. Cos mine wasn't having colic that time. She was juz crying &amp; we didn't know what to do also. Juz carried her all the way at nite.

Anything can always call me. Take care!!
ur 1st cycle of ttc ah?
it's ok try again....

ask u ah, will 1st AF be very heavy?
dunno when my 1st AF will come...
nw my lochia is reducing, some day hv reddish brown spotting, sometimes dun hv...
aiyo...dunno when will it stop, this week 5th week liao
do u hv backache?
I hv it this week, hiaz...aftermath of delivery

hi Military wife,
saw ur nick n just curious to ask are you or ur HB in army?

do not skip breakfast, try to eat as healthy as possible
hee..if want to skip shld be dinner mah...
think ur menses system is trying to regulate back to before so may still hv some spotting?
monitor for a week, if still hv on/off spotting, chk wif my gynae

oh can understand ur frustration of nt able to ttc during ur fertile period
anyway to change ur flying schedule?
is it always you flying n can exchange wif other colleague
I do hope you can ttc soon

dun be dishearted... cos my hb also always away when i am fertitle...
military wife,
oh same here, my hubby in army too
ya lor, I also feel sad when hubby away for training during my fertile period..

wat to do... sort of used to it alreadi... i got his work schedule and he is gg for 3 overseas posting this yr
military wife, auggal, my hb in navy, so SAF too. He travels too. But this two months much better, I'm the one with more travelling recently.
Droopy, it'll be very ex to ask hb to follow me, cos I'll be in Shanghai 1day. Guangzhou 1day then Beijing lots of flights involve. auggal, I'm the only 1 in my region doing research, so I gotta attend to all things related myself, can't rotate with colleague. Sad thing is we're trying to complete a few projects before CNY so lots of travelling durng this period. Keeping my fingers crossed, hope I have a more relaxed schedule in Feb.
icy, although I sort of lost weight after the episode, my hip is also wider now. No choice, sometimes the body shape just change an can't go back to before. I'm learning to love my new body shape...Do remeber a healthy diet is very important. Don't want to lose weight then become weak at the same time...
Droopy, I think orange is nice. So bright and cheerful. Two colleagues of mine are in orange today. If you want a pdei, book early cos this period they're usually packed. I'm going for medi and pedi, but shall choose a light colour so even if chip from doing house work also not so obvious. I've started to decorate my house for the new year. Thinking of buying those new year songs to add to the atmosphere. I'm so looking forward to a better and happier new year!

Hello gals

To all the gals here who's trying for BB - "Baby Dust to you gals". If we gals here can do it, so can u. Hope to hear good new from the gals here soon

Droopy - Hee! One of the Aug mummies (thanks to erowen)help me to imform the jan mtb. (Cos i left the contact in the office) Ya! Really hormone change. Sometimes really feel emotional. (Especially i got to do thing myself even though i'm still in pain) 2 helper is better than doing things alone.

Qwer - Ok thank. Afterwards i try to download n can boh. Thanks for the advise. Ya! my gal keep on crying the whole nite n refuse to sleep. Hopfully on monday when i bring my gal for review can help me slove tis problem. No wonder, someone comment why my gal always sleep then now she dont sleep liao. (sometimes it's better to be pantang)

Coral - Dont be sad.Try again next month. Perhaps next month try to avoid going overseas during your ovulation period.
