Support group - Miscarriages

Hello gals, this is my bb gal pic

oh I usually go to Favenails at Citilink, most of the gals there are not bad
I will go for pedicure and eyebrow trimming

Ya orange is nice! very cheerful colour,
must look bright n cheerful mah so u n bb mood will be cheery also

oh ur HB also in SAF...
ya hope u will be relax in Feb,hee...valentines day coming

congrats to ur bb gal
Destitonia, dun be sad.. try again after ur AF ends.. All the best to you...

Like me, I was sad when i see red every mth.. but it did not make me lose hope and motivate me even more to work harder the next mth...

confused, ur baby is so sweet and lovely.. smiling face...
hi icy,
i had the same experience as you... after my 1st AF after D & C, i continued spotting and having brown discharge up to my CD10... so dun worry..
hama - thanks. Ya! she smile at us on the first day.

coral - Thanks. hee! but i'm doing confinement during CNY n dont think i'm going to bring bb out.

military wife - Most people say she look like me.
confused, yr gal gal looks contented, after drinking milk milk izit?
I think yr bb 1st month celebration will be still be within the 15 days of new year right? Then can collect ang bows. Hee hee...

Looks like Fave nails very popular. But think I may not have time leh, gotta do shoppin these two weekends for new year stuff for my in-laws n parents.

Dest, I can understand the feeling, but just take it as an extra month to bu your body.
Jia you jia you!
Hello gals...
I have tried to reply the forum, but this forum seems to be down pretty often lately
I wasted my time and was angry when what I had typed were gone... Let me try again, but not in much details already...

I had my laparoscopy in July 05, full detox program in Aug 05. Sep 05 conceive already
. Pretty fast and I was shocked... kekeke... Gynae was pretty happy of the news when I saw him...
Wish you good luck!
Baby dusts to you

Hi military wife,
Thank you
Baby dusts to you...

Hi Coral,
Good luck! Jia you!
Dun over stress yourself ok? Try not to think too much of the future
Be positive
Maybe you ovulate early before going overseas? Baby dusts to you

Hi Confused,
CONGRATULATIONS on the arrival of your baby gal!
How are you getting on? Are you breast feeding? Next time gotta ask you for advice liao.. kekeke... Your baby gal indeed looks adorable and she will be a beautiful gal when she grows up
I am going for my detailed scan on 27 Jan...

Hi droopy,
Wow... Orange color... I like that.. kekeke... I like bright colors cos it make me happy and more cheerful.
I haven't been to Perfect Mum and Swell. Everytime when I wanna go shopping at Suntec, I will be too busy to shop... lol... On Monday, I went to Spring for a quick look for only 5 minutes and I gotta meet my clients already... then meet till all the shops closed.. lol... I thought my clients will be late and I can shop all the 3 maternity shops at the Sky garden. My hubby dun like to go to Suntec on weekends and weekends is hubby day... So no time on weekends to shop there also...
I still dun have anything to wear for CNY. Still looking around...

Hi destitonia,
Dun give up
Try to remain positive and dun get too stress
Baby dusts to you

Hi icy,
Have you done something strenous? Or walked too much? After D&C, gotta rest well

Aiyoyo... I am a "nite owl" tonite... Just now went for a buffet dinner with my hubby and had 2 cups of coffee! Havent had coffee for more than a year already... lol... Now still wanna puke and cannot sleep...
This weekend will be spring cleaning. Next weekend will be birthday celebration for Hb. Following weekend will be CNY! Wow! Looks like no time to jus bum around.
Happy preparation to all!

Lyn, what I often do is copy my own message, so when it hang I just paste again...
coral, you fly here fly there so often must take care ok..

hama, lyn, auggal, droopy, thks for your encouragement..will jia you jia you again....

auggal : my first cycle of ttc..maybe the ovulation time cannot calculate properly cos AF still not stable? i also dunno leh..will try again.. my first af came after 6 weeks of delivery..
Just back from shopping, bought a pair of orange shoes...looks like I m really turning into a mandarin orange. Now waiting for my hubby to come home to go shopping again. Hee heee...

Lyn, dun drink too much coffee ah...

Dest, did u monitor yr cervical mucus also? Quite accurate too. To be kiasu, can BD on alternate days from a few days after menses till u r sure ovulation over. I did that.
yo babes! been MIA for awhile as bz with work :p

CONGRAT HAMA!! take care ya!

well.. my AF juz report yday.. keke so happy as i know i'm not preggie coz i drank alot of liquor during xmas's eve & new year's eve.. keke got to take my clomid later again.. to TTC again
wish me luck ya.. mayb will have a post valentine's news for hubby :p

lyn.. take care ya!

*most importantly.. dun get stress and dun fuss over O-ing, juz do it!!

gotta sleep nw.. nite gals
wah Droppy,
you indeed very 'orange' leh
keke...just joking

Hi Mei2,

hope to hear ur valentine's day baby

prehaps change back my nick to Valerie liao
eversince my miscarrige, was very fearful other ppl to know my miscarriage in this forum
so past 1 mth use another nick, auggal to 'hide'
but now I am back to happy Valerie again

some frens been asking me why I MIA in this thread
well, next mth suppose to be my EDD,
but I know God will give me the strenth to overcome again
hee..alot of frens come to me say that I am very brave of wat happen to me last mth
but I am not strong la, it's my God, Lord Jesus Christ give me this strenth, hope and future to face my future
Because He Lives, All Glory to God!
hi valerie, are you the one with trinity and your gynae is dr eunice? cos i remember chatting with you through this forum before...
hi valerie, very sorry to hear about your loss... have read finished your past postings via auggal id and understood what actually happened.
this is the first time that my eyes were teary when reading the forum. maybe cos i kind of know you for quite some time through this forum and didn't expect it to happen... occasionally i will think of the old batch of ttc gals, including you, when i surf the ttc thread. cos one after another got bfp and have left the thread. kind of miss those days when the thread used to move very fast within a day and everyone is so excited and encouraging when one's ovulation day is coming.
take care, sister-in-christ! i admire your courage and faith in god during this difficult period. if you remember, i had 2 miscarriages and i already cannot take it when i lost them though both were in the early stage of pregnancy. then again, i am mindful of giving thanks to god in all circumstances as i also believe that god's timing is perfect...
Hi Val,

Yeah loh, I am a big mandarin orange tis year. Hee gynae was surprised yest that I put on 2 kg in 2 weeks. Must be the supper loh.
Try to keep yrself occupied n to me u hv always been very very strong.
thks val

glad that u've buck upself up already... take care ya! indeed was shock to learn that "auggal" is u.. well its already the past.. dun dwell abt it anymore..

beatiful, u too do take care ya.. wats belong to us will soon come back.
hi Beautiful,
ya indeed those days at the TTC thread were memorable,
we share ups n dwns with one another

well, I am sorry to hear you had 2 miscarriage before,
so are you ttcing now?
dun be too stress and God will bless u a successful pregnancy.
Alot of ladies hv succeed to be pregnant again n after 10 mths, hold their miracle baby!
So I believe, u & I and other ladies will be too

Hang on to God's faith and indeed His timing is perfect

ya is me lor...
yup will continue to move on n each day is a beautiful day!

i went to Fave @ Citylink on Fri... better cos they r not as busy as shaw ( i think la) so they can spend more time on ur nails

u mentioned ur hubby gg away in Feb right? then r u gg back to stay wif ur mum?
Hi Droopy,
Yap... Will not drink coffee and eat buffet anymore... I suffered for 3 days after the buffet dinner...

Hi Mei,
Lots and lots of baby dust to you

Hi Valerie,
Big big hugs to you...
I am sure you are a very brave gal. You definitely have the strength to move on.
The incident will not be forgotten, but we will definitely be able to control ourselves when we think of it.
Take care, gal. May God bless you.

Hi beautiful,
There are a lot of things that we and our doctors cannot control.
Gotta try to move on and try again
. Remember to take good care of your health. You will be a mother soon...

May the stork visit all of you soon...
military wife, auggal
yah, i am still monitoring, cos the discharge became spottings now.. even find blood clots now. *sigh* mil say that was becos i drank cold stuff and my body havent "bleed" enough after the d&c.

yah, me also trying to adapt to my new figure. cant bear to throw all my pants, hoping somne days i can wear them back.

congrats to you, she is so sweet.

Dont think i did anything strenous except i went kind of diet.. wonder if that is the reason why it weaken my body or what.
Hi icy,
Do have more bed rest if bleeding continues
Last time, I even get more bleeding after going out with my brother in the car. I did not get out of the car to walk around. Just go downstairs, walk to the car, sit in the car, then go home.. next day bleed again when bleeding already stopped... Do have more rest
Take care...

if it persist too long u better go check wif ur dr... take care


r u the one looking for steak place? the long bar steak hse at raffles not bad too...
hee...u will look nice la
thks for ur encouragement

Lyn n Military wife,
thks for ur wishes

M Wife,
no lar wont go back my mum's place unless I am pregnant lor...

are you still on mc?
better reast as much as you can on bed,
hiyo so worry when you mention u hv bloodclots
do montior and see ur gynae if possible...
avoid drink cold drinks nw and eat more healthily nw
Hi military wife,
Yap yap... Thank you for the recommendation
. I celebrated my hubby's birthday going for a seafood and international buffet dinner instead... kekeke...
This Sat is our first customary wedding anniversary... but I am going to Penang for the weekend... kekeke... My hubby gonna work on Sat nite though... hee... business more important now... :p
Val, glad to see you standing up and moving on.

Mei2, I hope to give hb good news during Valentine's Day too. Sahll work hard b4 and aft my trips.

icy, don't strain yourself and never carry heavy stuff for at least half a year.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Confused,</font>
Hey Congrats again! I love your bb's smile!! Her cheeks so radiant!! She is so adorable!!
thks gal

u hv MSN acct?
feel free to PM me

you gt any quest abt the umbilical cord?
I am seeing my gynae this sat after 6 weeks
finally, I got a whole loads of quest ot ask her,keke...

BTW, You hv MSN acct?
Feel free to PM me

then u will be alone during the cny? if u need somebody to talk we will be here...
Hi Val, I have no msn account. But you may PM me, too. Now, the most important thing is to eat well and think positive. Our bbs are in good hands. So you're spending CNY alone? If you need pple to talk to we're here. I'll be visiting relative on 1st day, 2nd day friends coming over for dinner, no plan for 3rd day. 4th day will be spa with hb. So looking for CNY break, but b4 that, gotta survive these two wks...You take care.
hi coral.... me took my lunch outside for these few wks.. no longer have the mood to cook 4 myself... kekekekke.. i am getting lazy...
hello gals..
how is everybody..
had been at the TTC thread all these while..suddenly everybody is getting pregnant, even my colleagues also...feeling abit sad for myself...maybe also abit jealous...
zhuzhu, I know what you mean. I see so many preggy around...feel happy for them and at the same time anxious to join them. We'll jia you ok? Don't give yourself too much stress.

Hama, eat out also good, then you don't have to go marketing. But do pick the healthier and nutritious meals.
Hi hama,
I am good
I needed bed rest these few days... but still can surf the web on my bed and make phone calls :p. So not so bored.
Remember to eat healthy food

Hi zhuzhu,
If visiting the ttc thread makes you feel sad or unhappy, then stop for a while
It might help
. I used to go there for some time, but not anymore for very long time ever since my second d&amp;c.
thanks coral &amp; lyn..
i just need another plc to vent my real feeling..tot I had gotten over it..but i guess deep down inside, it will always be there...

it just hurt esp when my colleague keep asking all those pregnancy stuff...not that I "blame" her (cos she duno about my chemical pregnancy), just feel jealous lor..haiz... i very bad hor..

now i suddenly siao on beautifying keep buying facial mask n body scrub...
hi zhuzhu,
i know how you feel.. and venting out is good i find...
btw, after my d &amp; c, i also went on a beautifying freak..kept buying new clothes, accessories, perfume etc...
Hi athlete so broke drawer is full of facial mask...and i still thinkin of getting somemore body scrubs...CNY coming...still need to set aside $$ for ang bao...sooo broke now..
hi valerie, yup me just started ttc but will be difficult cos hubby is currently working overseas... by the way, how much is dr eunice consultation fees? do you find that the clinic nurses are not that friendly? i only like the malay lady nurse...

Coral n M Wife,
thks and of course I will still come in to this thread
oh I wont feel lonely during my hubby's overseas trip,
thk God my parent's close for business for CNY,14 days... so will go to my family for dinner almost everyday

If not meetup my gfs to go dinner or shoppin lor
weekend will go church service, hee....plan my programmes liao

well, dun compare urself to others ok?
It will be ur turn soon

If I were to compare, well maybe till now I will be hiding myself in the room, not seeing anyone liao....
Think positive, at least u are fertile too , just that this time the egg n sperm did not 'blend' well this time,
if you are paranoid or worry, prehaps do some blood test?
Discuss wif ur gynae

yah me were frm Feb MTB,
aiya dun say like dat we were in horrible fate leh...
think positive, we maybe pregnant again same time in future and give birth at same time yeah?
*Pat Pat*

take ur time slowly....
Dr Eunice charges are $50 to old patients and$80 to new patients, I think so....I help you find out this sat

Huh? Nt friendly? They are very nice, they were compassionate, sad n shock of wat happen to me..
maybe i am 'old patient' there,been there for 2 yrs liao

You seeing which gynae?
