Support group - Miscarriages

Dear all,

Diappointing news to share early in the morning.

Didnt get a BFP this morning when tested with Guardian brand again with 1st urine.

Notice that the control and test window only half red after I have wet the stick thoroughly with the stick. But control window lines turn out obvious just that there is no line at the test window

I also dont know what to do now. Menses never come and not preggie.

Hello Starlite,
Hugs hugs... maybe you are very stressed? You wanna see gynae if still havent come? Do you have a very accurate cycle? If you do, it's better to see gynae cos it's almost one week late already...

Dun worry too much, try to think of the solutions and how to solve the problem ok? Hugs hugs... take care...
Hi Lyn,

I dont remember myself been really that stressed for the pass few weeks.

My cycle has been around 29th - 31st day for the past couple of months. So when this month my menses still havent come on 34th day, I thought may have news.

The thing is I'm leaving for my holiday this Sat night for a week and only be back on xmas eve.

Was thinking to see gynae after the trip.

dun worry if there isnt any answer abt warton's jelly,
well each pregnancy is diff mah...must think this way

mind if i ask u how long u try and conceived that time?
I try abt 4/5 mths n conceived, hopefully this time rounmd also...

ya do bring fwd to see ur gynae before ur trip
dun worry, is quite norm to delay menses abit
who knws ur AF come before sat, relax gal
hi Starlite, think like what the gals had said...
better see ur gynae abt it.. hopefully that will clear all ur worries and doubts..

all the best to you...
Hello Babes!!

hw r u all?? misses u gals so much
finally AF reported and its my CD7 today.. keke :p took clomid this time.. trying again

hi starlite.. cheer up ya

hmm... saw sumthin abt Clearblue Digital HPT, u will see "Pregnant" when ur HCG is above 50

so means that early preggie like misses AF for 4-5 days cant see the "Pregnant" word
starlite, don't stress. sometimes menses late doesn't mean big issue. Maybe you change something abt your lifestyle so cause the delay? Go see gynae to find out, better than all these guesses and worry.
Me hope to ttc but travel so much, this month will miss my fertile period again, when I'm back in Spore it'll by CD19. Next two months also got business trip. Just told hb think I wamt to quit after Dec then look for another job. Not sure if I'm just being too desparate to have bb.
I second to what Mei2 said...

When I 1st tested pregnant on the clearblue digital HCG should be above 50...after i had a miscarriage and I did another show "not pregnant"..but the blood test show that my HCG was about 43.

Doc told me a non pregnant woman HCG should be less than 3...
I did some research on the Internet and it says most test kit are only effective 1wk after we miss menses as they're not so sensitive to pick up lower HCG level.

Hi Missy, been well?
Hi gals,
How are you doing?

Hi Starlite, dun worry too much.
Do you feel any pain in your womb area?.. if no, should be alright... You wait another 1 week and test again if menses still not here... sometimes could be external factor causing some havoc in our system...

I'm now in China.
Very cold here
I went to see a GP yesterday regarding my delayed menses cos tot of requesting for blood test instead to check my HCG level.

But according to the GP he said that blood test is almost as accurate as urine test. I not sure how true is that cos i tot normally blood can detect very very early pregnancy compared to urine.

Nonetheless, he adv. me its not necessary to do the blood test at this stage and i can go for my trip as per normal. If i worried, i can bring the test kit along to test.

elmo: sometimes i do feel pain in my womb area. it comes on and off. especially when im under great stress i will feel the pain even more.
elmo, I'm in China too. Now in Shanghai, going Beijing tomorrow. Which city are you at?

Starlite, the GP used to tell me bloodtest much more accurate leh...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Starlite,</font>
Ya <font color="aa00aa">Zhuzhu</font> is right. Not pregnant, HCG is less than 3. In my opinion, blood test is the most accurate. It can detect pregnancy even if it is very very early. If u still worry and in doubt, go to see your gynae and do a blood test to confirm. You'll know the results in abt 2 hours time. The results is 100% true.
halo gals,
today is the 9th day of my confinement,
but yest start n seems to hv on/off dull cramp at lower abdomen
isit norm? hmm...
but my lochia has turn to brownish red n is lesser
Hi auggal, I think it's normal. Your body is trying to return to pre-preg state so you'll experience some pain. that's what gynae told me the last time.
hi confused, what work are u doing now.. seems like u're so super busy all the while..

Have to take gd care of urself now that u're expecting..
oh so is normal to feel pain ah?
but i only had this pain yest,before that there's wasnt
thr pain comes only when I pee/poo leh, strange...
anyway thks
hmm sorry to trouble u all gals,

hmm...can we take herbal soup
like hei ji tang, gingseng chicken soup?
cos my mum wants me to take these soup once or twice a week
so far i drank 2 times liao

so far my confinement food are catered
mostly cook wif ginger,is ok rite?

i worried will womb bu guo tou or nt?

sorry n need assurance frm u all
oh, auggal, if it's pain when you pee, better check if it's urina infection which is rather common during this time if you don't bath much and with the bleeding and all. But some times it just the uterus contracting so the pain is nothing to worry about. Maybe you want to call your gynae to check/ They're usually nice and will give you good advice over the phone too.
I don't think you'll bu gou tou. Now is the time you need these nourishment. Just monitor yourself, once you feel too heaty, then cut down. Else this is a good chance to build your health.
me coming back next week... tomorrow still got to work.
but there's nothing much to do, so I think not too bad bah....

Hi Coral, I'm in Suzhou... very near you.

Hi Starlite, it is sharp pain at the side... if around fallopian tube... got to monitor... but dun worry too much... might not be anything...

Aug, might to UTI leh... better get it checked out... and remember dun use tampon now... use only during normal menstrual cycle....
now cannnot....
slight pain in ab area is normal....dun worry..
dun worry about too much tonic.. I had lots your body can absorb..take as much as you can... if start to feel heaty, then can start cutting down liao....
Hi elmo, just like you i gotta work over weekend too. Back next week as well. Heard that Suzhou is beautiful but everytime my trip to Shanghai is so packed with work, never had a chance to go over.
hi ladies, have u done yr christmas shopping already? I m beginning to feel the holiday mood, maybe coz bonus will be in the bank soon...Yippee!

auggal, u gotta monitor to see if u get heaty, if so, then cut down the bu. I think now yr body can still take it but after a while may need to cut down. Some people cannot bu too much, depends on individual.
thks thks

so pain still norm ah?
i worry cos 9th day liao, thot pain only occur on 1st few days only
oh i think is nt UTI cos i hv been drinking alot of red dates/logan tea n pee alot

i so far nt feelign heaty, perspiring alot n feel thirsty cos weather so hot!
just worry womb bu guo tou only

wah coral n elmo
both of u at cooling china, so envy hee...
njoy the cool weather there

yup Droopy,
I will monitor but nw still nt feeling heaty
hi elmo, tmr is Sat already.. u're coming home to SIN soon..

enjoy ur last few days at China and go sighseeing if u're free..
hello n morning gals

hamasaki - so sorry for the late reply. Thanks. ya! i very busy with work. (its a family business)
and i got to clear my work b4 i go maternity leave. i'm know that when i go back to work i sure stone stone.

qwer - so sorry for the late reply. how are u now? yeah! now i'm counting down. (very gan cheong) Worse ah! i got GD n bb growing very fast so gynae say i may have early delivery n maybe c section.
hi confused... din know that u're handling so many things and helping out in the family business..

Still do take gd care of urself and enjoy those special times and moments with ur little one..
Coral, I think Shanghai is more beautiful with the lighting at night at Shanghai Tan.... it's much nicer.....
weekend still got to work very sian hor? I'm feeling very tired at the end of the day today... seems like an exceptional long week..... but luckily it's not all the time... if not sure pengz....

Aug, yes.... normal to feel some pain.......
it could still be UTI... if you start feeling urgent all the time and still no urine... go see doc ASAP.. that's sign of UTI....
please take good care of yourself ok....
it's very cold here... a bit uncomfortable to be outside for too long...

I just found some interesting stuffs to eat... :p the mutton sticks are nice.. saw lots of people queing so I just join in the fun... it' like satay but 3 times bigger and cost the same per stick...kkekkek... *greedy*

Hamasaki, I got to work again tomorrow... think not much time to sightseeing... but there's not much sight seeing to do... last time I went to Shanghai but this trip no time.. so some other time bah....
I'm looking forward to going back next week... few more days to go...... but I will miss the cold air here... somehow I still prefer cold than hot. :p

Hope you gals are enjoying your weekends
Hi ladies,

I had a misabortion and did a D&amp;C 2 weeks back. I asked this qn in another thread but i thot i may get better answer if i post here as well. My qn is : does medishield cover D&amp;C altho' its only a day surgery? i paid for most of the charges thru' medisave and i am wondering if i can claim back thru' medishield?
hi Marble, hope you are feeling better now....

no.. medical insurance does not cover maternity claims..... unless you have a maternity risk cover... but maternity risk cover might not cover D&amp;C unless under certain situation.... like still birth
Hi everyone,
I'll like to find out if anyone gets sore breasts after D&amp;C? I had my D&amp;C done on 25 Nov at 9+ weeks of pregnancy, and am still spotting till today. The sore breasts feeling went off after the first week, but yesterday I started having sore breasts again. There has also been the occasional pain on the right lower abdomen... like where the Fallopian tubes are. And hmm... I haven't BD since the D&amp;C, and just last Sat, when I went to the gynae for the follow-up check-up, she saw my ovaries during the scan and said that I wasn't ovulating yet.

Anyone has the same experience with the stopping and recurring of sore breasts after D&amp;C?
<font color="0000ff">good day!</font>
How's everybody?

<font color="ff6000">Hi Confused,</font>
U gotta rest more hor...don't tired yourself :) And try not to worry too much, very can carry your lovely princess in your arms!! Time really flies! I still remember that time in April when u announced your news to us...

Thanks for your concern, as for me...currently not seeing any gynae after my lap 2 mths ago. Didn't go for the GnRH jab suggested by the gynae. Now I juz take things easy. 1st AF after my lap juz over, so now juz BD anyhow lor... I strongly think that everything is really fated. If it is not meant to be mine, no matter how hard I try, I still can't have it. This kind of thing cannot stress and cannot force one...really can't do anything right now...juz bo chap attitude lor... Right now juz enjoy my time with my little gal :) Take care!!
<font color="119911">Hi Marble,</font>
I'm sorry to hear abt it....take things easy and not think too much ok. As for the medisave claim, U may want to call up CPF Board to check. I'm not sure if the medishield covers D&amp;C. I tried to claim &amp; even called up CPF last year after my D&amp;C. But was told that I couldn't claim. Reason - not bcos medishield doesn't cover D&amp;C, but was bcos the bill was less than the deductible. Thus I couldn't claim. They even worked out a breakdown and posted it to me for reference. Hope this helps. Take care!
hi all

i am tcc now... lost my baby at 8 weeks after my hm this yr in jan...
Hello Gals!

How are you gals doing? Christmas is coming! So is Santas
The economy seems to be picking up very well... Orchard is packed with shoppers, even during weekdays!
I have been doing lots of shopping lately and gonna prepare for a Christmas party at my home on Christmas day!
Hi Marble,
Sorry to hear about the loss. Medishield does not cover D&amp;C for misabortion. It only covers non-pregnancy related D&amp;C. Take care and rest well

Hi Sophie,
I think it's normal to have a bit of pain in the lower abdomen and the vagina. I had that pain last time and doc said it's becos the uterus is shrinking. As long as not much bleeding, you should be fine
Or you can call your gynae and ask

Hi elmo,
Wow... Mutton sticks.. yum yum... I also ate a lot of that when I went to China last time. Hot mutton sticks in the cold weather.. nice...

Do you have time to do some shopping there? How's Christmas shopping there?
Sophie, if you keep feeling sharp pain at the fallopian tube, get Gynae to check it out...
Not too sure about sore breast thou ab pains (cramp like) are normal....
Dun worry too much...

Hi Lyn,
kekekekek..... but very fattening hor... :p I think the cold weather makes me feel hungry.... :p
Me ah... not really cos I'm not really doing christmas shopping.... just going to churce to celebrate when I'm back...
There's lots of people but mostly people buying winter related stuffs.... Christmas atmosphere ok only... much lesser than in Singapore... at least that's how I feel.

I'm also been feeling tired from working during the weekend.
but it's been a busy week so time passes quickly.
I;m going back couple of days time.
Can see hubby liao!
I just had a miscarriage (missed abortion) D &amp; C done about 2 weeks ago....I was into my 8th week. Worse thing was I did not have any symptoms...No bleeding, no spotting, no abdominal I had very bad morning sickness (and I'd read somewhere that it was a gd sign if your MS is bad)... just wanted to share my experience...
Sophie, I also have occasional pain on my right abdomen...saw Gynae last sat and he mentioned that
it could be intestinal movements...
Hi elmo,
Yap, the mutton sticks are very fattening.. kekeke... But in the cold weather, you can burn more energy
Last time when I was overseas, I used to eat a lot and still can slim down in winter... kekeke...
Wah... You still gotta work during the weekends ah... Do sleep and rest well at night

Orchard is packed with shoppers even on weekday! You are coming back just in time for some Christmas shopping and the fantastic Christmas atmosphere
Hi athelte, sorry to hear about your loss. Please take good care.

Hi elmo, I agree the bund s beautifully lit at night, but some how I prefer BJ cos it's less cluttered and I feel I have more breathing space and it's richer in culture. My frens in SH bought me to eat lots of nice local stuff, when you next go, try the Ji Shi (Jess) local restuarant. Very nice food but sinful stuff.

Been a tiring weekend of work, but glad to get things done so I can come back earlier to Hb.

Gotta rush for Xmas shopping these few days, came back to find lots of Xmas gifts on my desk.

May all enjoy a Wonderful Xmas.
Hi gals,

so envy u all can go christmas shopping, sob sob gt to spent it at hm this yr...miss gng church for family service too

Hi Athelte,
sorry to hear abt ur loss,
hope you will take good care of your health

I mention before I had pain when pee/pooing right?
hmm...I scared my uterus prolapse!
anyway schedule to see my gynae this thurs,
meanwhile doing kegel exercise to strengthen the muscles
scared scared...
