Support group - Miscarriages

Thanks Destitonia
So I can drink DOM lar..

Even though I do not know your full story, but I do hope you enjoy ur trip with ur hubby *hugz*...

Hi destitonia, I went for a short trip to Bangkok earlier tis year as well. It will be a good break for u people. Do try the foot massages!
hi dest, hope u have an enjoyable trip with ur hb.. Its good to relax and wind down, and free ur mind from worries and sadness..

Enjoy ur holiday...
Hi Zhuzhu,
destitonia is right - eat lots of stuff with ginger during this confinement period.

You may just want to be careful about DOM though, cos DOM contains dang gui, and my gynae has told me not to take dang gui while I am still bleeding from the D&C. I had a haemorrage area next to the gestational sac and later when the heartbeat stopped, I did the D&C. Gynae said dang gui may cause more bleeding, and so advised me not to take anything containing dang gui while still bleeding after the D&C.

You situation may be different, so your gynae may have given you different advice.

Anyway, check out elmo's previous Post Number 3499 that is archived in "Archive through November 30, 2005". There are some yummy recipes there. The red date tea is yummy, even though I skipped some ingredients and only used longans, old ginger and red dates.

Take good care of yourself.
hi ladies

just came back from turkey.. had a great time there!
so many posting during my absence.. had a hard time catching up.. was quite amused at some of the postings that were fired at hardselling of detox program which in my opinin didn't quite happen in the first place. glad they subsided and we can all return to providing support for each other in this thread.

lyn, how you make the collage har? me thinking of making one from all the beautiful pics i took in turkey.. but i'm usually hopeless at such techi things. can bring to the photo shops and ask them to put together for you?

coral, be strong ok? your situation is just like mine!!! lots of problems cropped up just when i'm about to ttc again! came back from my trip with a cough that turned from bad to worse. even saw flashes of light when i coughed, followed by increased floaters. these are signs of retina detachments or tears, so made urgent appointment for detailed eye scans. thank God this is a false alarm, but doc said have to be careful since i'm highly myopic. then my routine health check-up showed extremely high cholestrol and blood in urine! went back for review of blood one month later, blood disappeared but got signs of urinary tract infection. so on antibiotics now. aiyah.. so suay. so many problems just when i'm thinking of ttc-ing. think better get all these problems out of the way first before ttc-ing.
was given 3 months to bring down my cholestrol by diet control.. have to kiss bye bye to my favourite pepper crabs, oysters and laksa. if doesn't come down, doc will have to put me on medication. was just thinking if cholestrol medication can be taken during pregnancy?

desti, hope you had a good rest during your mini confinement. happy that you're going for a trip, have lots of fun yah? but better avoid the animal section of cha-tu-chat, in case of bird flu. better play safe!

just took the anti-biotics for UTI. feel so nauseous now.. arrgh.. hate this feeling... going to buy some fruits for dinner! apparently, fibre can lower cholestrol! does anyone else has other tips for lowering cholestrol?
Hi BellyButton,
I heard Turkey is beautiful, and saw some friend's pics... they are gorgeous. I'm glad you had a good time there.

For lowering cholesterol, my ex-colleague told me oats help. She was threatened to be put on medication for cholesterol and her doctor told her to try eating oats for breakfast. She told me her cholesterol levels went back to "under control" levels after 6 months of faithful oats eating. You may want to try it. I love eating Quaker oats (the blue tin one) cooked with fresh milk and topped with a little honey and fruits for breakfast... quite yummy!

And please skip sotong... they're the highest in cholesterol in the aspect of seafood.

As for your UTI, I hope it gets better... drinking cranberry juice may help.
turkey is really beautiful. it's a country full of character, extremely historic and scenic. and people are very friendly. you should visit if you have the chance!
aiyah... i hate oats leh. mil made me a bowl during my confinement, and i spat out after the first mouth!! any other remedies???
i'm not a big fan of sotong (Thank God!), but i love fresh oyster, and crabs.. so sad.. must really abstain..

cranberry juice helps? ok. will go buy from supermarket. also heard that yogurt is good for UTI too. just took a pack of marigold low fat yogurt, yummy!

oh well.. really hope to get my health back to place first before i ttc.. dun want anything to go wrong again
Hello gals!
Good morning!

I went for a course over the weekends. Now, most of my friends know about my pregnancy
. I find it so "wen xing" when many of them, whether I know or dunno them, give me their encouraging words, advice and congratulations.

Hi Zhuzhu,
Sorry to hear about your loss. Try not to think about it too much
Do take care

Hi destitonia,
Wish you a good trip to Bangkok!

Hi Bellybutton,
You saw my collage? kekeke... It's quite easy to make. Without thinking about the design, within 5 minutes can make one ;). The software I used is called Adobe Photoshop. If you want, you can email to me your pictures and I can help you

How's your trip to Turkey? Turkey is mine and my hubby's dream place to travel
But now we are contemplating on going to Laos
Do take care of your health before starting to ttc
Cut down on seafood and meat
Take more vegetables and fruits. I will suggest you to drink FRESH carrot, green apple and celery juice.

For prevention of UTI, you can get those dried cranberries and eat
. I bought the non-preservatives, no added sugar dried cranberries from Carrefoure. UTI can also be caused by too much sugar intake. It's better to cut down on sugar intake too else it will come back again...
Yes, I do agree with Sophie. Taking oatmeal daily can help to reduce cholesterol too.
Hi Destitonia n Coral,

I just find out I lost my baby at 27 weeks,
will be gng for induce on coming wednesday n D & C
can both of u reveal to me wat will be the procedure like?
I very scared of pain n want to knw how long it will takes the whole procedure

maybe a bit of myself

I am a christian, and been praying for a healthy bb
over the weekend I did not feel movements of my bb
so I did think both positive and negative ways
Immediate today am went to see my gynae and discover the heartbeat stopped...

I was very upset but also osrt of mentally prepare
I thk God I hv Him, my Lord who is in control of everything,
I did not blame God why he take away my bb or why it happen to me...
I knw He has greater plans for me
well, my hubby grief together but at same time we can try next yr for bb again

meanwhile, church frens and pastor
our families love ones n outside frens give us a lot encouragement
thk god I hv faith in him, otherwise, i would hv sink into depression nw
those who are christians here, pls pray for my induce on wed morning, a smooth n fast one

my mum will do the confinement for me
so more or less know what food to take liao

update u al again after wed!

God bless u all

Sorry to hear about your loss...You are such strong gal and you will overcome this difficult time very soon....

For me,mine was D&C done when no more heartbeat from my bb at 9weeks was a very fast procedure and was under GA...when i woke up...everything was over....i was really glad I had supports from the gals here...if not I dun know how I survived through this....

Please take good care of yourself and most important is to nurse back your health...
Hi Auggal,
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Although I am not a Christian by baptism, I do believe in God and pray. I'll keep you in my prayers for a smooth inducing of labour and D&C, and most importantly, I'll pray that He will give you and your family the strength to pull through this episode.
Hi Bellybutton,
I have read that green tea may also help to lower cholesterol, but oats is still the best. Maybe you can just pinch your nose and just swallow the oats ;) Just think that you're doing it for the sake of cholesterol and future pregnancy!

Another place that sells dried cranberries is a health shop at the basement of Specialist Shopping Centre. Once you go down the stairs, it's the shop on your left. Name could be Regwell or something. I just bought a pack of dried cranberries there yesterday - no preservatives, sugar etc. It's $3.90 for a pack of 150gm... very delicious as a snack. They also sell an organic brand of cranberry juice by the brand Biotta, but I find it too expensive at $9.00 per bottle.

The company that produces these dried fruits can also be found at

Hi Lyn,
Is there a reason for drinking fresh carrot, green apple and celery juice for TTC? I am actually quite into these health and complementary therapies. In fact, 3 years ago, I have done a 6-day juice fast/detox to get rid of a rash I had, but I think I'll just stop here on the topic of detox less there be another uproar. ;)
hi auggal,
so sorry to hear about your loss. wish i can go over to give you a big hug. glad you have not lost faith in God. Dun worry so much about wed, God will see you through..

just to get yourself prepared.. inducement usually done through inserting tablets into your vagina to soften your cervix every four hourly. you'll experience pain similar to menstrual cramps, and as the effect of the medicine is cumulative, the cramps will intensify and usually last for 12-24 hours, before your cervix will fully dilate for delivery.
after that, gynae often will do a d&c under GA to dispel any remnants of foetal tissues. this is a very fast and simple procedure, usually over by 15 mins.
thereafter, you will have post procedural bleeding (similar to menses) for about 5 days, followed by intermittent spotting which lasted for about 2-3 weeks in my case. your menses will take about 2-3 cycles to regulate itself. gynae usually advise to abstain from ttc-ing for 3 menstrual cycles (not including the post procedural bleeding). He/she will usually give 2 weeks mc, after which you'll go back for review to ensure your uterus has shrunk back to normal size. thereafter you can request for longer mc if need be.

most chinese believe in doing a mini-confinement for one-month after the d&c. ie drinking the usual red date tea and confinement food. My gynae didn't quite advocate that, but I still did it since both sets of parents insisted. but during the one-month, i heeded gynae's advice, to eat more fruits and vege (to aid shrinking and repair of uterus), avoid red dates, tang gwei, korean ginseng and alchohol(they cause heavy bleeding), and no strenous exercise and lifting of heavy stuff. other that these, can do anything that your parents insist.

apart from your physical health, it is equally important to take care of your emotional health. dun coop things inside your heart, if you feel like crying, just cry. if you want to talk, can always come to this forum. everyone of us have experienced a similar loss, so we all understand.. Do take your time to heal, dun rush, ok?..

i'm a Christian myself, up to now, i still didn't understand why it happened to me. but again, although God didn't promise us a life on a bed of roses, He did promise that He will always be with us.. I guess He has a higher plan for us which we will one day learn to understand. until then, let's just rest in the fact that He still loves us and He's still in control and that He'll never leave or forsake us..

so dear sister, I will be keeping you in my prayers.. be strong!
hi sophie,
i don't dare to eat oats and drink tea leh. heard so much about the beneficial properties of tea, but i'm just so scared of the tea smell. very strange hor?.. maybe that's why my cholestrol so high...

hi lyn,
i didn't see your collage leh. only heard you mention in your posting. but i'd love to see it.. can i??
hee.. so sweeeeeeet of you to offer your help. i'll go choose the nicest pics first. Thanks in advance!
btw, i like green apple, carrot, celery juice. yummy. ok, shall make it an effort to drink that more often!
all thks for ur console

well life has to go on, we always hv ups n down
so I take it down this time ad of cos pray that it's the 1st n last of this miscarriage chapter in my life
but it also teach me nt to take pregnnacy for granted, still gt to pray, monitor bb n take good care of our health being during pregnancy, when i pregnant again next time

thks for the detailed explaination
abt the medical procedure

ya I do feel upset n did ask God why it happen to us...
but as you said He is in control so I still hold my faith in Him

tomr my pastor n cell leaders n frens will come dwn to pray for us, and will minister to us abt miscarriage issue
think it wil benefits me and hubby alot so that our faith wll not be shaken mean cannot hv red dates during confinement?
i thot is a norm food for confinement period?
hi auggal, so sorry to hear about your loss.. know exactly how you felt right now.. i can even reenact what happened to me cos it happened in exactly the same way as yours..over weekend, no kicking which is abnormal cos my baby was very active..and also like you, discovered my baby's heartbeat has stopped at gynae. And also like you, went to hospital on wednesday night.

still very fresh in my memory the whole procedure.. the procedure is like what bellybutton has mentioned. i was admitted at 11pm at night, altogether had 3 pills inserted into my vagina, had some oral medicine also..the pain is like that of contractions when going to give prepared for some pain.. but it will be over soon. my baby left us at 8.30am the next morning..

Also, you may want to consider bringing a camera with you...though it bring back sad memories, but i think this is a memory worth keeping..My gynae lent his camera to my hubby to take a few pics of our baby..that was our only pic that we will ever have of our baby.

The only difference from what bellybutton is that when i asked gynae when can ttc again, he told me 4 to 6 weeks time, once i have my first mense. I think when it comes to trying again, different gynae has different advice. it wil be good to check with your gynae..

auggal, me and my hubby have gotten over the griefing part, we still think about our baby, who only left us one month ago..i think, we being free thinkers manage to get over it, i'm sure with a religion behind you, you will be able to hold yourself up very soon. Like what you said God has bigger plans for your baby or maybe your baby, like mine, is too handsome for earth...Be strong and recover well, we are all here with you..Take care..and come talk to us when you are home
Hi zhu zhu, sorry to hear about your lost. Please take care.

auggal, sorry, I just got back to Spore today so didn't have time to reply. Basically mine slightly different fm bellybutton. Doc insert pills to induce contraction, then I deliver Kaden like naturl birth, after delivery, I was sent into theatre and they numb my lower body, check if everything has been delivered (the placenta, etc). Check with your gynae how's your process going to be like. Should do a confinement after that as this is very similar to normal delivery. Please bu your body back.

Now, I'm back, suppose to go Shanghai & Beijing this Sunday, but told them I can't postpone my checkups anymore, so will travel next Wed after I have my scans on Mon and Tue. Maybe you gals are right could be ovulation pain, but hopw come on day 20+-30??? My AF was here on Sat and now no more pain, just very bad ache below during first day of AF.

beautiful, I'm not a Christian. But I do believe there's Greater beings than us and whichever religion it is, they teach us the good things and also how minute we are. Guess, that's why we shouldn't try so hard to control our life as many things are probably planned. Not being passive, but just think should not stretch ourselves too hard and let nature take its course. Hope I can be a mum some day...
Yes, my baby's picture is very precious to me. And it's nice to be able to carry him in my arms too. Those are memories that I held onto. It's been four months, but the pain the agony are still fresh.
My colleagues is not 4mths preg., I feel happy for her, yet I have to hold back tears when they discuss her preg. I just can't help remembering all the pain of losing Kaden.
yah I read your story and ours incident is excatly the same
think you n me heart was so suan/pain that moment when gynae doing ultra sound scan but cant see flickering right?
when I thought of that omment, my heart very very suan lor
hiaz....suddenly just leave us like dat
last night,I keep thinking wat happen on friday that may cause my bb heartbeat to stop?
I was thinknig if I went to my gynae on last friday, maybe it wont happen n so on etc....
hiaz it's too late n wish I could turn back the time to last fri
I wasnt feeling well n had a mild fever, I even called my gynae clinic and ask them if I can take norm panadol,
they said can so I took one only n my fever subside
hiaz..shld hv go dwn instead of calling n let my gynae chk

cos yest my gynae said that maybe is virus pass to my bb, cord incident or genetic incident as both my mum n MIL had miscarrige before
well, all investigation will only done when bb is out

hiaz....tomr is our 2nd wedding annivesary n yet hv to spent i hospital, it will be very memorable
so every yr onwards, we will celebrate n remember our bb depart us also, so next yr onwards will hv a greater meaning to us...

However, I still belive all these are God's will and we will hv better plans
At least I count my blessings everyday nw, I am still young n healthy to try for another bb again next yr and I hv a wonderful n loving husband

so ladies,
induce isit very pain?
my gynae said if I cant take induce n contract pain, can opt for epidural....what is your ladies opinion?

well, I still now dunno if I want to hold my baby n even take photograph...cos afraid I cant take it
my hubby love kids alot n he is very upset too so I wonder if he take the photo of our baby...

my gynae did advise us to rest for 2 or 3 cycles for TTC,
thinking of going to a short holiday next yr March for relax
and after TTC again...

ya God is in control for everything
there;s a time for everything
dun worry, you will be a mum soon
any of you order those confinement food service for one mth?
isit tingkat or something?
pls give me the link and recommendation, thks

my mum can only do for me for a week so the next 3 weeks, I got to order
A Testimony from my church
Pray that will bless all your hearts here


We were trying in vain to conceive our 2nd child. My wife suffered a miscarriage, and the doctor said that we only had a 1% chance of conception.
We prayed for a miracle. Then we discovered that she was pregnant with twins! It was amazing as we have no family history of twins nor had sought any fertility treatment!
Despite being born premature, both Faith and Jenelle were perfectly healthy and required minimal neonatal intensive care at birth.
THeir names, Faith and Jenelle( which means 'God is gracious'), have been choose to reflect God's faithfulness and grace.
Our God is an awesome God!

well, hope this true miracle story will motivate us here to have hope and faith in our God, the creator of this earth

I read with tears in my eyes...I really dun know what to say much....for one thing for sure...when at 9weeks plus my gynae used abdomonial scan for me and can't see any more flickering heart beat...i felt my world is ending...really very very heartpain...(opps...write till here tears dropping...thought i have got over it...) maybe my pain is not as great as yours as i lost my bb at a much much earlier stage...but the loss of our own bb is unbearable....I was so glad my hubby,my family and my parents in law were with me in the darkest days of my life...and i managed to put through...

I will always remember 7th Sept...the day my bb was found to have lost its heartbeat...and on 13th Sept i did my D&C...and my birthday was just mid sept...

I managed find this website..hope it is of use to u...
hi coral, glad you are go for yr check before leaving ok??

auggal, frankly, even if you had went to your gynae on friday, nothing could have been done cos the baby is too's the worst part, you know something is wrong and yet you are helpless..dun ever blame yourself for not going to the gyna earlier. Like my gynae told me "As a consolation, even if you had come earlier, i could not have done anything either" for myself, my mum and mil had no history of m/c. mine is purely an accident..

do not think of epidural yet..try to tahan..i think you will make gynae advised us against a post mortem before i went in to hospital cos he said usually post mortem can't find out much and its very costly. But when i delivered my baby, the reason was clear, it was the twisting of the cor dwhich cuts off the blood supply...anyway, when i see him nexy mon, i will be doing a blood test for myself, just to make sure there is nothing wrong with me. I dun want to go thru another of this got to make sure everything is fine before ttc again..
auggal, the contraction can be very painful but I manage to pull thru without the epi. In fact the nurse were too busy that time to even give me the jab to stop the pain. But thanks to the fact that our bbs are smaller at this time so might be less painful than full term delivery.

My post mortem show that bb was attacked by virus. I had fever twice during preg when I was in hospital, so could be during that time or the time when my boss had shingles and I had close rooms meetings with her...

I was afraid I could not control myself when I see bb, but I was calm and held back my tears all the time when he was with us. My hb's tears riolled the moment he saw bb but I told him to be strong and not let bb see us cry. We spent some quiet moment together. Then later on we let grandparents from both sides see him. I think it provides a good losure for us, though not the best ending, but we're glad that the family can see Kaden and he can see them too.

auggal, give your body some rest before you ttc. Now, I'm not even sure if I can have bb again. afraid my endo will cause infertility. I know hb very upset, but he's been a great support. He keep telling me, that I'll get well and we'll have healthy bbs after that. I'll have to thnk the same too. Not sure if I'll know by next week or I'll have to wait longer for the results...
thks for the confinement link, will chk it out

ya as we hv to move on in lifes, our bb will be deep in fond memory inside our hearts

coral n destitonia,
ok, I hope God will give me strength to tahan the contraction
n cope without epidural

u mean u hv endo after ur miscarriage?
thot do a D & C lean up womb is clear?
dun think negative ok?
God will bless u a better bb in His timing

ya i knw even if i went back on friday,
may not change the situation as well too
well, it's all God's will
hmm...dun think i will do any post mortem
hope is just the cord accident like yours
Hi auggal,
Hugs... Do have a mini confinement after the procedure. HE will protect you and give you the strength you need to get through this. Hope you will get back on your feet again soon. God Bless...

Hi Sophie,
I bought cranberries from Carrefoure, but I find them too sour, so I have stopped taking them :p. I cannot stand the taste now also... :p

There's no reason to drink fresh carrot, green apple and celery for TTC. This is more for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout... For TTC, drink fresh carrot, green apple and beetroot. Beetroot is high in folic acid, so during first trimester also can drink. I still take carrot, green apple and beetroot juice during pregnancy
. Sometimes I will add a bit of lemon and I will feel refresh

I did a one month juice fasting
It kinda gave me a surprise the month after my juice fasting... A bit too fast to believe... lol...
Hope you are coping well
Rest well and relax

Hi Bellybutton,
Oops.. I remembered wrongly... kekeke.. I tot you saw my collage before cos some of the gals here saw in my website before :p. You just select some of the pictures that you like most and send to me via email... You can choose those that you and your hubby posed the best, but the background is not what you like, etc...
thks happysunflower

coral n destitonia,
will we need medication/painkillers to prevent breast engorment or prevent milk supply?
cos i heard after induce n becos is in mid term miscarriage,
breast will engorge right?
auggal, I had very very bad engorment cos i did not eat the med immediately. In the end, went to emergency and they gave me extra strong pain killer to stop the pain. The cabbage trick that the burse taught did not help as my case was very bad. I had milk dripping down. But it's a case by case thingy, most say if can don eat the med, try not to eat. But the pain was very bad for me, the swell cause fever and pain.

I had endo, and resolve it last Aug. Then got preg in Feb, but now they suspect it's back again. Next week shall have a thorough check before we can confirm.
auggal, just remember the pain will go away and you can cope. Just tell yourself, a few more minutes a few more minutes...Soon it's over.
Hi hama,
I am great
Thank you
I just had my supper... kekeke... during dinner time cannot eat, but now hungry...
I will be going to Penang tomolo
kekeke... hubby went to Beijing for business, so I can travel

Hi Bellybutton,
Okie.. I will send the website to you by email
. I have been building the website since 2001
, but have stopped building for a while already... Now just go there and check my emails and chat with friends only... kekeke... So the photos are not very recent
. Most recent is Burma - April 2005
hi auggal, for me, the pain came two days after discharged from hospital, started in the morning felt slightly better so did not get any medicine.. it's up to you, if you feel you cannot tahan the pain, or your case is as bad as coral, then better get painkillers..
Hi lyn,
can forward me your website too? I took a fair bit of pics in Burma too. Esp Bagan, beautiful place, felt as if I was in heaven.
Hi Coral,
I love Bagan too
I will go back there again if there's a chance and stay there longer. It's a very beautiful place to be in. I will want to visit Bagan again and Inle Lake next time
Did you take the horsecarts around? I took a car when I was there, but next time when I go, I will take the horsecarts
I went there in the hot season. I was told that in the rainy season, the view of Bagan will be very different with all the stupas standing among the green green field of grass
hahaha... I am day dreaming again...
I took domestic flight to Mandalay, then a taxi along the way to Bagan then flight back to Yagon. In Bagan you should try cycl;ing around. I wne tin Oct. The place was all misty in the morning beautiful. I took a hotair ballon ride in the morning and breath taking view. I did this all alone that time. Now I think back I'm rather brave. Hehe.
At night I would climb up the pagodas and look at sunset. if got chance I'll send you some pics.
Thinking of such happy time helps.
Dear Lyn,

I'm trying the fresh carrot, green apple & beetroot juice. Taste nice...
ALways been interested abt how to detox our body but do not know how? Furthermore,i hv problem going to toilet (mayb 3-4 days once). Can you share abt your juice fasting.. my email [email protected] Many Thanks
Dear auggal

My heart aches for you. I lost my 1st bb earlier this year in my 2nd trimester. If you were to read my prev posts, my experience was similar to yours. & yes I still remember the heartache during my boy's last scan, no flickering. I took pills to stop the engorgement. It subsides quite quickly after the pills.

I started TTC a month after my 1st menses came and after 3rd or 4th cycle, I am pregnant again. It takes effort to stay positive with my current pregnancy, I have frequent mood swings but I know what I can do is to take good care of my body, I have to leave the rest to god.

I am glad you have the support from your church friends. Do stay strong.

Hi ladies who are back from your trips, glad u have enjoyed yourselves! Think the only place I will be going in the next few months is KL. Hee hee...
hi droopy..i also want to ttc after my first af leh..havent come ... should come mid dec..was yr af same time as b4 m/c? i going bkk on 15, dun even know when it will come..sigh..if like b4 m/c will be i pray it will come soon..then i can predict my ovalution time also hehehe
morning ladies...

you are so brave and positive!!my 2nd AF just ended 3days ago...but I am not trying until mid early jan i am going for a minor surgery on my neck...also i still have this fear that history will repeat itself..there is too much fear and concern for me...and I am afraid I might not be able to take it should bad things happen..I am very very pessismistic,right?
but i just don't have the courage to try again....


my first AF was ok...just that 1st two days it was heavier than my usual AF....then by third became lighter...but my AF gone haywire my 2nd AF came 8days late..which I always have 'zhun'AF...

hi gals,
I am back hm

yest was indeed a day I will never forget

pills for induce was inserted at 11am,
feel bearable menses like AF...
once every 3 hrs and till 4th pill at 8pm,
contraction become more intrense
at 9:30pm sent to delivery suite n everything seems so fast
pain more intense and thk God for the laughing gas is very useful for me
by 11pm, my gal was push out, she was clean up n i carry her
oh she is so cute n lifact looks like me!

Thank God reason of the cause is umbilical cord get twisted near her belly button, she must be very active n play the cord till it twisted n twisted n blood supply was cut off....
3 of us had a moment of together, said a prayer for her n trust that our Lord has give her soul to rest in heaven now

It was indeed a good closure to me,
my gal sweetness will always in my memory

the lochia is just like menses blood
will last for 2 weeks right?
then when will AF comes after the lochia?

hi Droppy,
congrats for ur pregnancy!
ya indeed God is faithful and He has bless you another child again

but wat was the reason that cause your 1st pregnancy to miscarried?
