Support group - Miscarriages

destonia, my first af was extremely heavy. It beacame norma on the 2nd time.

auggal, great to know that all went smoothly. Nice to have a good closure. Please take care of your health for now. You're lucky to be offered the laughing gas and delivered in teh delivery suite.

why didnt ur hospital given u laughing gas?
thot is the most common pain relieve?
i hope ur endo wont come back
meanwhile do take some food to detox to clear any suspected endo clots in ur tummy
actually organic diet are very good, u may consider that after ur one mth confinement...

thks hamasaki
Firstly, they removed me from my room as they say my previous wound from my operation on endo is rather new, so they're afraid the contraction would cause it to burst, so they kept me in an observation ward which is not meant for delivery, so they don't have the equipment, and not the right nurse I guess, cos they did not believe that I was about to deliver even when my contraction was unbearable. In the end I was left to push out bb on my own.

Detox can help endo? I'm long doen with confinement. All happened 4mths ago.

hama, how have you been? Still resting at home?
hi lyn,
thanks, saw your site. your collages are so nice!
and you and your hubby looked so good together in the burma pix.. very blissful, v romantic, esp the bed pose ;)
hi destitonia, my 1st AF was like spot spot spot then AF then spot. 2nd AF more normal. I still remember my AF came when I was in BKK but didnt care lah...still shopped non-stop. Hee hee...

hi auggal, thks. It is a mystery why my boy left us. The cord is fine. I did blood test, GTT, everything is ok. I have stop asking why because I realise the human body is too complex. Do rest well, nothing is more important then your health now.

Hi Choo, I understand how u feel, I hope u can find the courage soon, but TTC only when u feel ready. Take care.

Thanks ladies, I will stay happy.
oh I see coral,
then it must be hard for u cos I cant imagine how am I gng to tahan the pain without the laughing gas
but ur husband was with you when u pushing right?
husband support is very impt too during the critical pushing period

ya endo can cure naturally by detox,
I believe, cos I hv a book bought from centerpoint guardian pharmacy many months ago before I conceived in June
the book title is 'Balancing Hormones Naturally' written by Kate Neil & Patrick Holford

though I do not hv endo/ fibroid history,
this book still very useful to ladies that hv irregular or painful menses, do look out for the book

so I think no point finding out
most impt for u is to be happy n healthy nw for this pregnancy
how many mths u are nw?
Pray alot also for ur little one

Yup will rest as much as I can

hi auggal, glad to see u back you are another of the "1 in 1000" cord accident unlucky mother, just like me...really ask and ask why am i the unlucky 1, why cant i be the other 999.. sigh..

u delievered in delivery suite ar..that means got bleeding first rite?? i delivered in the ward bed cos got no bleeding at all then nurse and gynae kept saying not yet not yet..the pain, i really cannot tahan leh..inject painkiller also no differnce, less than 15 min after the painkiller, baby come out prior husband say i like pain until lose my senses hehehee

anyway, the only regret that i have is i did not carry my baby at all..luckily got pics of him..if not wont even know how he looked u take care and do your confinement and bu yr body back ok..

Dear all ladies, thanks for information on first af..i think will jus pack one box of week see gynae will ask him whether its ok to use tampons for first af..if cannot use then i sian liao..
Hi auggal, thanks for the recommendations, I'll go fidn the book.

Unfortunately, my hb was not allowed to stay with me in the ward, so I was all alone when pushing. When bb was out I shouted for help, then nurse came in and hb was shocked to see bb out already.
ya lor, so our case is very similar
our bb inside us were too active liao, must be boringt playing eith the cord till it twisted/tangle watever...

when insert the 2nd pill then hv brown spotting only
all 1st 3 pills were done in normal ward
then no more spotting till 4th pill insert in the delivery suite
after short while water bag burst n the rest happen very fast
ihtense contraction n delivery etc...
aiyo the painkiller injection no use at all, all I depends is the laughing gas
otherwise can faint/die manz...:p
yalor my hubby said the samething too

I really hv no regrets holding my bb
nw whenever i close my eyes, can remember her sweetness n cuteness
just wish I can hold her longer that day...
at least u can see his pics
for me seeing the ultrascan pics reminds me her

yup yest start bu liao bath really cannot tahan
today will bath wif herbs liao
food wise all are well taken care

wah u very brave,
give birth alone in ward wif no laughing gas n husband company
ya do nurse well ur health, indeed count our blessings wif a healthy body
my gynae always say "it's always better to have an active baby than to have one than hardly moves" haiyo..move too much liao ..

u bathing oredi ar... good good..for me, my mum and mil made sure i waited at least one week before the first herbal bath..wa lau..buah tahan..esp the hair part..

i read somewhere on the net that it may be due to insufficient wharton's jelly, that's why the cord gets tangled, dunno how true it is..will ask gynae when i see him next week..
dest, what is insufficient wharton's jelly ? how will and how does it affect a baby.. I dunno what is that cos never heard it be4..

do tell us when u know the answer.. thanks..
ya let us know what is insufficent wharton jelly?
hope it can be prevented
actually I hv no mood to surf net find out the cord accident
cos I believe every pregnancy is diff n really pray it will be 1st n last time that accident will happen to me n bb...

ya bath but wif warm herb water
so very warm n pespire alot...cant tahan manz...
hee...i wash hair just nw with warm heater water
think better not, otherwise get nagging again frm my hubby n mum :p

wat fruits can we eat beside apples?
at least fruits is nt warm n I deprieve it alot :p
hi hama, auggal, when i came back from hospital, and gyna told me was a cord accident, i was really not very satisfied with the answer, really want to find out more so surf around the net and try to find answers..

Wharton's jelly is a specialized tissue serving many purposes for the developing fetus. Its specialized cells contain gelatin-like mucus that encase fibers. These properties give it an elastic and cushion effect, which can tolerate the vibration, bending, stretching and twisting of an active fetus. In addition, it holds the vessels together, may regulate blood flow, plays a role in providing nutrition to the fetus, stores chemistry for the onset of labor, and protects the supply line.
Umbilical cords without much Wharton's jelly are more prone to compression, and complete absence is usually associated with fetal death. If an umbilical cord is twisted or knotted, it is more likely to tighten where there is less resistance, such as an area low in Wharton's jelly.

It is believed that males have more Wharton's jelly content than do females and that good nutrition increases the amount. Wharton's jelly tends to reduce with gestational age and can disappear when pregnancies go beyond 40 weeks. Because these cases tend to have fetal heart rate changes, the level of Wharton's jelly is a consideration when obstetricians plan the deliveries of pregnancies low on amniotic fluid.
Extracted from

some other references that i found :

hope the above info is useful
thks for the info,
will discuss the issue with my gynae during the checkup in Jan

but wharton's jelly, is not inherited right?
think diff pregnancy will hv diff formation of this jelly
so just pray that next pregnancy this wharton's jelly n cord will be strong n healthy
frankly i also dunno much abt the wharton jelly..what i know came from the website only...will be checking out with my af came today glad..scared will stop for some time
Hello gals!
I am back from Penang
hee... I took a bus there.. The journey was not too bad

Hi Coral,
Wow... I love the sunsets and sunrise in Bagan too!
It's very nice and romantic. hmm... maybe I shall go there in October next time.
I went in April and it was the very hot season. For us, we hired a car and driver from Yangon, then drive all the way up to Mandalay. Next time, I will just go to Bagan again and Inle Lake by the internal flight
I feel that Bagan is a romantic place

Hi hama,
Nope... No more MS already
Only on and off at nite after I take something not good, especially char kuay tiao. I ate a lot of junk food when in Penang
. So guilty... How are you lately?

Hi Jaslyn,
Yap, the combination of juice is nice
You can add a quater of lemon and it will taste very refreshing
Beetroot has high folic acid, so during first trimester of pregnancy, it's very good for baby
. I do not recommend juice fasting to anyone unless that person is determined enough. Cos if not done properly, it will cause more harm to the body.
I strongly think that you should do something about your frequency of going to the toilet.
You might not agree with me that the normal frequency should be daily. I read about cancers and many other diseases. Mostly start from many years of going to the toilet infrequently
So do take care

Hi droopy...
hmm... talking about KL, I feel like going for shopping
. Think my MIL will say cannot... I was too busy to go shopping when in Penang.

Hi Bellybutton,
Thank you... hee.. the Burma collage is a few minutes job... I got not much time to slowly touch up :p. The bed pose was taken in Bagan. The housekeeping made it for us. It was a surprise

Hi Coral,
I do believe detox can help endo
. I have seen people with multiple cysts and fibroids, after doing detox, the cysts and fibroids gone without the need for surgery. Endo cannot be seen on scans, so I dunno of anyone with endo who have gone through detox and the endo gone. I do believe endo, cysts, fibroids or any other growths in the womb and breasts are due to the hormones.

Hi auggal,
Hugs... You are very brave
I also started having my shower within a week
But with those herbs. Really cannot stand it without shower

Hi destitonia,
Are there any special food that we need to take to increase the wharton jelly? Thanks for the infor... very interesting

Ok gals... I gotta log out already
Gonna concentrate on my work
Think I better disconnect from the internet to be able to concentrate on my work :p.

Take care...
hi hama, frankly, i did not think i put on weight until i tried on my working skirt..a bit the tight liao...maybe put on a lot of weight is a bit exagerrating..but definitely tummy bigger, i think the flesh expanded now loose mum say next time after giving birth better do massage so that tummy will not be fei fei..

lyn, once i asked my gynae will let all of u know...wonder whether he knows about wharton jelly..hehehe..
yalor my tummy flabby nw
cant wait to go exericse after 4 weeks :p

thks Lyn
sigh..maybe thats why people always say when a woman wants to bore a baby for the man, the man is very fortunate! see the things preg does to us!
dest, yup... women go thru so many body changes that men wun get a chance to witness it..

Lyn, I am fine... maybe when u are free, we can chat in msn more..
hi gals!
Busy lately so haven been coming in... hope everyone is doing well..

Aug, dun worry abt flabby... bu first... later than lose weight... just dun take too much carbo for now...
Lyn, welcome back. Sure can understand why you ate lots of junk food. They smell good don't they? Quite a bit of sales in KL, but I was too bust to shop too. Only manage to get the xmas gifts for family.
dest, thanks for the new knowledge. There's just so much to learn abt child birth.
dest & auggal, give yurself some more time. It'll take a while for the tummy to flatten.
Hi hama,
Sure... We can chat on MSN
. I will not log in very often now... Gotta log out of MSN and concentrate on my work, else very difficult to concentrate
. I will usually go onlin early in the morning for a while.

Hi coral,
Thank you...
Hope you will enjoy the Christmas festive shopping with your hubby
My relatives keep buying lots of food for me. The sinful food I had was two plates of char kuay teow, half a bowl of Penang laksa, 2 bowls of hokkien prawn noodles... and some "you tiao". I just cannot resist the tasty food. But I improved a lot already
. Last time, when I go to Penang, I could eat 3-4 bowls of Penang laksa a day and lots of rojak... Now gotta control
hee hama.... those are the sinful food I indulged in for the 3 days I was there... :p I still drink my fruit juice, eat other vege and fruits

Last time before I take care of my health, I really eat everything in large quantity till I feel super full the whole day one... :p
Nowadays, I learn to control my diet too. Not too much at one go. I tell myself, I still want to eat these goodies fro the rest of my life, so shall not finish my quota so soon.

Last night dunno why after half a plate of wanton noodles and I wanted to puke. I was wondering if too much x-ray and ultrasound in the afternoon.
halo ladies

okie, i actually gt 6 kg to lost....
hee..hope can trim off within 2 mths
ya Elmo, I only eat brown rice nad wholemeal bread since confinement

will be gng to roller blade and swimming once my gynae say I can exercise,
anyway been doing kegel exercise to stregthen the uterine muscles

well, Jan 2006, a new hope and faith

be healthy, well and pretty hee...
I am actually quite health conscious before pregnant, so will resume back my healthy diet again
but once awhile induldge in brownie and mud pie
to think since pregnant, I didnt take these 2 dessert!
Hi Ladies,

Would like to check with you gals on your experience in testing for pregnancy.

I missed my menses which is suppose to come last Wed 7 Dec. When till Sat (10 Dec) my menses still did not arrive, I did a test but its negative.

How long did you missed your menses before you start testing?

I'm a bit worried now that my menses is delayed and I'm not pregnant.

My girlfriend adv me to do another test tomorrow which is one week after my delayed menses.
hi Starlite, do you remember when did you last have sex? Try testing 20 days after that, to be sure (taking into consideration that sperm can survive for a few days in our uterus and after that...ovulation and the Luuteal Phase (which can be abt 14-15 days typically) .
Sometimes, it could be that Ovulation is delayed, thus the pregnancy is conceived later or could also be becos other reasons why your menses is delay.

When I had a BPF, it was couple of days before my menses was due, but everyone is different cos situation can be dun worry too much
Thanks Beautiful and Elmo.

Actually why i tested on Sat was i thought the test kit normally said can test as early as the day u missed your menses. So i thought on Sat i already missed for 4 days already so i tested.

I last had sex on 24th Nov. If i follow your 20 days, tomorrow is the 20th day?

Besides been pregnant and stress, any other reason can contribute to delayed menses?
May I asked what is BFP or BPF?

Btw, any use Guardian pharmacy brand of test kit? I know clear blue is probably the best but its also very ex. Can buy 2 Guardian test kit for the price of 1 clear blue.
I got something silly to share with you gals. Whenver I know that I'm going to do a pregnancy test the next morning, i always feel alot of anxiety.

I without fail will have dreams about myself taking the preganancy test. And last Friday, I actually dreamt 3 times that I took the test and all the results turn out positive.

However, when i did the actual test the next morning, it was negative. So i guess what they said is true, whatever you dream its always the opposite.
Starlite, try testing it first thing in the morning as the hcg is the highest in the morning.

Many reasons can cuase menses to delay. Sometimes change in eating pattern, change in job, stress, etc.

I just got back from gynae. He says tha scans and x-ray all show that I'm fine. I might have passed the stone out. And he told me to try for bb asap cos he say phyically I'm fine and he thinks I look very happy too. Think he's more anxious than my family.
Hi Starlite,
Good luck

Use first morning urine
I tested 3 days after I missed my menses using the guardian brand test kit. I think clearblue is a bit overpriced...
Hi Lyn, Coral,

I knew about HCG been highest in the 1st urine. I did the test on last saturday with that but it turns out to be negative.

I also used the Guardian brand but now i not sure whether i should stick to that? Any advice?
hi Starlite, then go ahead and test tomorrow morning. Any hpt is fine. Thou I heard some of the gals saying that watson ones (house brand) are more accurate.
Good Luck... wish you have BFP... yes, Big Fat Positive!!
that's gd news frm ur gynae!
at least u are in pink of health

so u can start TTC nw,take it easy gal

maybe u can try clearblue?
nw they hv this pregnant or not pregnant word display when u tested, ya test on am 1st urine,dun stress
hi hi busy busy again. Haiz...tis the season to be busy. I wanna take leave!!

Starlite, I heard clearblue good leh, I used clearblue but only like a week after I missed my menses. & 1st thing in the mornin. Good Luck!

Coral, so u shld be more confident now ... relax n enjoy the TTC process...

hi Starlite, i use guardian one..ok..told me i was preg last time..

ladies, visited my gynae today and asked him about wharton jelly. He said though gynaes are aware of the presence of wharton jelly and the implications they have on cords, noone knows how to increase the amount of wharton jelly..sigh..thats as good as no answer...

anyway he also said to rest and bu back my body for 3 to 6 months before ttc but he also said if now have also ok.. my mum said i did my confinement, ate all the bu stuff so is ok liao..anyway, i'm going to ttc liao...cant wait..i beleived my body is back to normal liao..ovalution started and soon after should be quite alrite..
