Support group - Miscarriages

hey girls.. i'm going back to my gynae for a check-up this friday, but thinking of asking him to extend my mc for another 2 weeks coz my parents and parents in law say must do confinement for a month. but i'm wondering how to ask him if physically i feel fine. any tips how to ask doc to extend your mc?

Hi Jan... apparently Sheng Yu is good for healing of wounds. Ngor Hee, salmon and cod fish are the other type of fishes that are more commonly rated as "better" fishes as well.

Joyce... not yet leh. I'm seeing my gynae tomorrow. Officially 40 weeks tomorrow. Think 100% likelihood to be induced. Should be anytime before end of this week.

Java... I have registered!!!!

Bellybutton... the best way is to ask outrightly for an extension?? And just cite the reason that your family would like you to take a longer break :p

Okay.... I need some assurance here
Somehow baby doesn't seem to be moving much since I woke up at 9 am. Not sure if its because I am just freaking myself out here. The longer the wait... the more panic attacks I get.
hey odie.. go drink a cup of sweet drink and observe if bb got move or not.. if still not much movement, perhaps you should contact your gynae and let him know??
Hi Bellybutton... glad that I was only scaring myself out just now. Baby is finally doing his morning stretching.

Jus tell Dr u feel weak easy way to keng MC.
Wah odie, 40th week liao. Your bb is very comfy inside leh.. still dun want to come out. In fact same as my J too, if I din c-section him out, wonder he gonna to stay how long in my womb. Haha

Anyway, wish you the best!
Hi Jan

There are 2 types of sheng yu in the market. The type your mum bought are from those huge sheng yu that weighs at least a few kgs and normally stall-holders will sell the meat only. The small ones are fresh-water sheng yu. Both are also good..
Hi Odie,
Wow 40th weeks liao and u are still around? Maybe yr bb too comfy inside u liao.

Hi Joyce,
Yr Jonas very handsome leh.

Hi Angry,
Hope yr gynae's last name is not Chang or Tseng.
hi Angry,

I have changed the permission rights of that forum. Only registered members (after log in) are able to read the messages. This is to protect the privacy of the members. If not, its no difference from posting messages here where its open and sundry to the public. That's the reason why I started this forum.
Thank you ladies.... if you don't see any posts from me for the next few days... it means my baby has finally been given the eviction notice by the doc... muwahahahah :p

Java... thanks for creating the new forum. I agree that there must be some form of control in order to protect the privacy
Hi Bellybutton,
I don't see your name in the memberlist. What did you register as? The email you provide izzit correct?

Hi Odie,
We look forward to hear your birth story! May you have a smooth and quick delivery!
Hi Folic & Odie,

How are you? It took me a while to pick up my life again. Then I had a wonderful dream where I had a really cute bb girl!!! So now it's back to TTC. I still come back to this forum a lot, it's a great community and helps keep me focused on the ultimate prize.

Folic, I'm very envious of you leh. Heh heh.. Was reading the rationale behind your girl's name. It's very beautiful.

HI Java,
I called up the Prof but was told that only recurrent miscarriages (ie 3 or more) need apply. Very disappointed.

NK cell testing is not common but definitely available here in UK. Have you checked with other regional hospitals?

Anyway, I did more research on this steriod thing. It's an asthma steriod that they used. They gave it to the TTC ladies 1-3 months before TTC. Must stop once TTC takes place cos' early stage foetal development is fragile. If you check with your doctor, steroids are given to preggies anyway for certain conditions so it's actually technically not that high risk. Steriods are steriods. No material difference between different classes of steriods.

I'm thinking hor.... since I'm a little desperate, I will take some steriods on my own for 30 days before trying. Am going to contact my hospital for some guidance. If it works, I'd let you know!

Take care,
Strangely, there are a lot of fertility related articles in the BBC lately. Here's another one for ladies.

'Avoid soya if you want a baby'
By Michelle Roberts
BBC News health reporter in Copenhagen

Women should avoid eating too much soya if they are trying for a baby, a UK fertility expert believes.
A study in humans has shown a compound in soya called genistein sabotages the sperm as it swims towards the egg.

Professor Lynn Fraser, from King's College London, said even tiny doses in the female tract could burn sperm out.

She told a European fertility conference that avoiding soya around women's most fertile days of the month might aid conception.

Long swim

Genistein is present in all soya-containing products such as soya milk and many vegetarian foods, as well as some pre-packed meals and pizzas.

Avoiding soya products for a few days a month is worth a try
Vegetarian Society

Professor Fraser tested what happened to human sperm exposed to the compound in a dish in the lab.

The compound kick-started a reaction in a large proportion of the sperm that gives them the ability to fertilise an egg.

In real life, this does not usually happen until the sperm have been inside the female for some hours and are close to completing their long swim towards the egg.

Therefore, if women have genistein in and around the womb this could hamper conception by making sperm peak too soon, believes Professor Fraser.

This could mean they would not be able to fertilise the egg, she told the annual meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology.

Low concentrations

In mice she found it took higher doses of genistein to cause the reaction, but in humans very small doses were enough.

"We were really surprised. Human sperm proved to be even more responsive than mouse sperm to genistein, responding to very low concentrations - well within the amounts that have been measured in people's blood."

She said it was not yet known how much soya might be a safe amount to avoid this effect.

"It's not a question of completely stopping eating products containing soya.

"But it might be best for a woman to avoid them for a few days around the time she is ovulating."

'Early days'

Professor Fraser's previous work in mice showed that compounds similar to genistein - one found in hop-based products like beer - affect sperm in the same way.

These compounds are all weak oestrogens, but Professor Fraser does not believe that their action on sperm is the same as the female sex hormone.

Instead, genistein seems to trigger the production of a signalling molecule in sperm called cyclic AMP.

Dr Allan Pacey, Senior Lecturer in Andrology at Sheffield University and Secretary of the British Fertility Society said: "It's early days, but clearly if what happens in the laboratory also occurs in the woman's fallopian tube as the sperm make their way to the egg, then there would be the potential for fertilisation to fail."

A spokeswoman from the Vegetarian Society said: "For anyone struggling to become pregnant, avoiding soya products for a few days a month is worth a try if there is even a slim chance that it will help increase fertility.

"Obviously many vegetarians and vegans use soya in their diet, however as there are lots of vegetarian and vegan alternatives to dairy, milk and meat on the market, it shouldn't pose a problem."

Story from BBC NEWS:
my name is not in the memberlist coz i din manage to register. at the registration page, i'm supposed to key in the confirmation code rite? but i dun see any code appearing on the screen, so cannot register.
hi java,
i managed to register, you can see my name on the memberlist, but i still cannot log in. error message - You have specified an incorrect or inactive username, or an invalid password.

is it possible to fix that? thanks.

Me went in but dont see any1 chatting leh! So sian.

I got one question to ask. Last nite I BD, den when hubby withdraw, he saw a patch of egg white liek thing (he not sure is egg white or sperm) it I O huh?

I thot sperm is milky /creamy colour? Thats y my hubby cant cfm it is sperm or egg white.

Me jus go toilet check....abit milky+egg white patch leh. Can only stretch for the most 2cm.

So what u think ?

Me think so also. I today everytime go toilet also go check leh. Somemore once I wipe, the sticky egg white come out. But hor, I can only stretch 2cm. I thought it suppose to be able to stretch more than 5cm?

Today here very quiet hor? Where hv u all gone to huh?
hi hamasaki...

hm.. actually i never really go and notice if hubby is milky or like egg white. maybe hamasaki is rite, it's during your fertile period - cervical mucus. din know cervical mucus so stretchable - 5cm????.. i must go check mine once my cycle goes back to normal.

Hubby swimmer is creamy colour...this one I know. Hubby swimmer not transparent one ma. Last time when hubby wear raincoat, so I can c the colour lo.
hmm..watever it is.. if u r ttc-ing, then just ttc these few days lor. Rather mistaken it for cervical mucus than missed the best time rite?
Hi Bluebells,

Thanks for yr advise!

Yes, I dont want to waste a chance. So I juz BD alternate day lor.

Why today so quiet ??? I so sleepy leh!
Hi K&K's Mom, I thought it was closed when I first came into the thread too.

Wow, a real quiet day today, where are the rest of the gals?
hi angry, its best to BD these few days juz in case its really ur fertile and *O* period.. gd luck...

hi belly, wish u success.. hope u strike soon..
Good morning Ladies!!


No need follow strictly la, I think after 2 cycle can cheong liao la.

Last nite no BD, cos I m extremely tired. Will do it tonite and alternate days all the way.
hi gals,
TGIF!!! yeah!

Confused and Sunny,
how r u 2 getting along?

how r u?

if u getting qwer, need to PM or sms her. cos she can't come in during office hrs.

where's our happy sunflower these days?
Hi Ladies,

Why so quiet lately? My wkend mood is here liao. No mood work leh!

Any intersting news to share?
Hi girls... just wanted to make my presence felt :p

Saw my gynae yesterday. Confirmed that placenta is still functioning at its optimal and amniotic fluid is at the right level... so gynae said that we can afford to wait another week before inducing. Can't believe that I will hit 41 weeks >.<
Glad to hear that everything is ok!

Yr b b enjoy swimming in side la, that y no come out still refused to come out....hahahahha

Anyway, as long as everything is ok....just let b b enjoy himself lor.
hi odie,
i tot u hv gone off for delivery, since didn't hear from you.

yah, as long as gynae says everything is okie, u r in good hands.
but i think hor, might be anytime soon...
god bless u hv a smooth delivery soon...
hey odie.. all the best!

went to my gynae for check-up today. though he felt it's not really necessary, he still gave me mc for another 2 weeks coz i asked for it.

well.. my uterus has contracted back to its original size.. and he had found nothing abnormal with the blood test results.. so he concluded what happened this time was a sporadic occurance, probably some error occured during the cell multiplication at the time of conception. so hopefully next pregnancy won't be so "suay"...

he also emphasized the importance of waiting for 3 menstrual cycles before becoming pregnant. he said the D&amp;C is very much like taking the turf off the football field, so the womb becomes very clean and bald after D&amp;C. so you need at least 3 cycles for the womb lining to grow back to a healthy state to ensure proper implantation and all. otherwise, there may be an increased chance of miscarriage. he said doctors always get headache when patients don't heed their advice and get pregnant earlier than they should, so doctors have to pump in "fertilisers" into the womb for the "grass" to quickly grow back so as to ensure proper implantation etc.

sounds logical hor? better heed such advice... better safe than sorry..

Alamak, Odie, i was thinking maybe u n tubby's BB can be having the birthdate!
Ur BB really very happy and comfortable inside ur womb hor!!
Aren't u excited?

Just to update, Tubby is 3cm dilated liao. Her doc said goin to induce her tml!!
