Support group - Miscarriages

hi yasmin
sayang sayang.
don't think too much first. there's still growth on the sac, means there's still hope. just rest well and eat well....
can get 2nd opinion, too.

Try to listen to soothing music and calm down... Think of positive and happy things... I think it's better to go and get your work done, instead of letting your mind run wild while staying at home. At least the sac has grown
There's still hope, cos it's still growing
I really hope for a miracle but am truly feeling that its gone. I feel so numb now. Is this normal? I am afraid to go for D&C. Very scared.

And I really dont feel like working now. I want to think, feel whatever I can for this baby while I still have her. I keep thinking its a gal and i have also chose a name for her, Izabelle.

If you do not feel like working, then dun go. Stay at home and rest... Rest is very important too.

You are normal... If I were in your position, I will feel the same... But try to stay positive... I know it's difficult.. but gotta try... It's still growing...

Why not go for a second opinion this afternoon? At least you are trying to solve the problem...
Yasmin, frankly speaking, if i am u, i probably stay at home! Have some rest and talk u ur BB. Afterall, u r estimated to be at 7wks. Maybe u ovulated later.

I guess the blood test will tell cos it measure the HcG. If there is an increase, it mean that ur BB is growing! Try to stay positive. I noe it is hard... but pls jia you!

We are here to support each other mah! Stay in touch hor..


Dont be sad abt it. I also dont know how to console you. Just think this way, if the b b meant to be yours, it will b with you. If not your, no matter how worried you are, you also cant cure the problem.

Share with you my expereince....
If you got no preg symptoms that I guess no gd lor. My Previous mc, I do not hv preg symptoms also. Wk 6, I got b b heartbeat, wk 8 no more heartbeat and I hv to do a D&C.
Hi lyn, no I dont have MSN. Thanks for wanting to chat with me.
I am now waiting for my husband to come back from work, we are going to go see Dr Douglas Ong frm Mt E who has a clinic at Bt Pjg Plaza for 2nd opinion.

Yup I think I ovulated late cos b4 this scan the scan results showed I shld be in wk 5 instead. So cld be still early......

Will keep all posted of my results frm 2nd opinion.
dear angry,

i am also participating in the ivf/icsi support group, you can join me to have a chat if you want advice on tis..

me too, just when i tot i had no morning sickness, i started nausea and before that the scan said no fetal heartbeat/irregular sac BUT just when i thot no hope,doc said give some time and one wk later got bb heartbeat...

and then the progress was considered slow but the doctor said give it 2 more wks and it grown 1mm so it cannot be

so have to do d n c next monday when my gynae comes back

wat else did you eat during your mini confinement?

this wld be my third mc in the last 8 yrs..
lyn, thanks, am more active in the other boards but have "visited" here a couple of times and read some of your stories...i think like some other active forumer, you are a pillar of strength in tis thread...u take care too on your ttc journey..

Sorry to hear your plight.

Sharing my story and pls comment.

I got spotting on wk 6, went to see Gynae, he gave me jab n tablet. Since I got no experience in preg, I ask him whether can I walk about. The Dr said YES! I can walk. After the jab, my spotting stop. I thot everything is ok. Wk 6, b b got heartbeat. On Wk 8, I went for check up and the Dr told me that no heartbeat. Then he said, you come bk 4 days later and then we decide whether to D&C. Me of cos angry, cos if the b b no heartbeat. Whats the point to keep in my womb right?

my 1st visit
when I know I preg, I showed to gynae the preg test kit which my co. Dr has tested. I ask him whether can I take long flight cos I am flying to Europe...Dr say ok!

During my 9 days in Europ, I spot v v llittle

2nd visit
Dr can see sac, cant see b b. This time, he asked me this STUPID question. Are you sure you preg? Your preg test kit show dark or faint line huh?
How do I know right? Since I dont plan to get preg, suddenly it strike me also ka lang ka boh. Me also dont know what is dark or faint thats y I bring the test kit to you right?

3rd visit (my 6wks)
Can see b b, but why no heart beat? Dr said, err, may be you ovulate late. Why not you come next wk and we see how.

3 days later, I got spotting, Still wk 6, Dr gave ma a jab. This time he can see the heartbaet liao.....Phew! Relieve liao. Not finished yet...Dr said b b heartbeat weak! Go bk to see him in 2 wks time

4th visit
No heart beat. Ask me go bk 4 days later to decided whether to D&C.
If the b b no heartbeat. Whats the point to keep in my womb right?

From the 1st visit till the last visit, each visit is very discouraging. My hubby didnt allow me to go bk to him anymore...NO NO NO...thats y I seek 2nd opinion and went to another gynae/

After my mc, I get to know this forum. I was so damn angry with the Dr. Why didnt he caution me not to walk since I got spotting or give me 1 wk bedrest neh??? Why the Dr treat it so lightly ???
Dear Angry,

So sorry to hear about tis..

How old are you? Was about 27 when i had my first miscarr...was spotting, doc gave jab and said it wld still continue, had just started my new job and din want to take leave...bleeding non stop and i miscarr in the toilet...blur blur waited one wk before seeing doc again...gone case....

second time was ivf miscarriage, third time also, if you are free, u can read my story on the other boards..only my first miscarr was a naturally conceived one, then i had my son and then came the two ivf miscarrs..

slow heartbeat may mean fetal devt is not so good already...same as me...slow ovulation may mean slow progress and slower development as compared to normal ovulation

i found tis website on baby heartbeat, maybe you wld like to visit it,its as follows:

sometimes the fetal devt in early stages can result in slow heartbeat which was wat happened to me

and bedrest is not medically proven that it can prevent miscarriage

hope you take heart and have the courage to face it...

smtimes bleeding can be due to implantation bleeding which is not so dangerous unlike FRESH RED bleeding..

Maybe when you free, you explore some websites to read more, like, etc

take care
Hi Angry,
So sorry for what you have been through. I hope you are recoveing well. I can understand the stress that you have gone through. I also been through that type of stress. I also like you, unexpected pregnancy so ka lang ka bok.
I had a high risk pregnancy, so I see my gynae weekly. That burnt a hole in my pocket too. I had jabs and tablets. Everytime I saw my gynae, I got bad news. None was good news. Gynae kept telling me that we had done our best. I also have to face people around me asking me to abort the pregnancy. Till the very last visit when gynae suggested that the baby was not growing, and I broke down...

Now I think:
What is yours will be yours... What is not, will never be...

Take care.
hi yasmin, as what the other gals had said, dun lose hope.. fight till the very end.. also try to think positive if u can though it might be hard.. But pls do try...

keep us update of ur 2nd visit to another doc and bring us back some gd news..

God bless U..
hi angry..

so sorry to hear about you. i read somewhere that 70% of 1st trimester miscarriage is a result of chromosomal or genetic abnormalitiy, or that some error occured when the egg and sperm fused together. perhaps it's just bad luck that it happened.. but to look on the bright side.. maybe it's a blessing in disguise that it happened earlier than later in the pregnancy especially when you realise something may be seem right with the bb... i have experienced the latter, it is very painful if you realise your bb is not healthy and you need to make a decision if you want to keep the bb or not.. my wish is that none of you girls here have to experience that..

i know it is very disappointing and heartbreaking that you have experienced a m/c. but perhaps it is nature's way of quality control? forget about all the insensitive things that people have said.. just concentrate on resting well and building up your body as well as your hubby's so you can produce healthy sperm and eggs to try again?

that's what i keep telling myself everyday..
hi gals, hope today will be a brighter day for all..

Been reading quite a number of sad stories these days and can't help but feeling moody and down..

hope all will cheer up to a wonderful future and do pls try to think positive..

Take care and God Bless...
hope ur gynae visit today goes well.
like u say, the gauge in timing might be wrong. might still be a very very young baby.
Do share what's the outcome, but watever it is, we hope for the best!

how r u coping? everything okie?
rest well... read a book, watch telly...

am also like u in the intial stage of my m/c.
i kept wondering if the doc diagnose wrongly, why she didn't tell me abt this or tat... but when i came to my senses, i realised that everything has pointed out that that's the path i shd take. very upset. but i guess time will heal.. but not forget wound.
cheer up...

if these upset you, try to think.. there are also others who got the bb dust and r going to sprinkle some on us soon...!

ps.. mummies-to-be.. quick come, we need the BB dust...
hi everyone..

thanks for your concern..

coping better.. but sometimes still feel very sad and empty...especially when night falls or when i'm reading some sad stories..or when my little niece wants me to play the "pretend game" with her, she likes to pretend that she's a little baby and i need to cuddle her like a baby and feed her milk.. can't help but feel sad!!

do you girls get backache huh? i do you know, especially after surfing the net.. so there seemed to be some truth in wat the old folks say! they say during confinement month, must lie down as much as you can, cannot bend or sit for too long.. hm..
<font color="0000ff">Hi hamasaki,</font>

Read some happy stories instead
Then go out for a walk, or go shopping

It's <font color="aa00aa">Friday</font> today!

heh... I am going to JB tonite for dinner with my big big family to celebrate father's day and my mum's birthday
. Then tomolo go to Taka for shopping while hubby go Centerpoint to cut hair
shop shop shop... kekeke... shop till I drop

<font color="0000ff">Hi Bellybutton,</font>
Try to read something happy
It will make you happier
Listen to some soothing music may help too
. When I was resting at home and feeling very upset, I played the piano
It helped me
It's like transfering my upset to energy and music.
Hi Everybody,

I'm feeling ok. Only got angry yday when I was accused for causing my mc.

My last preg came too sudden.. Our 2nd try strike liao. 1st mth, we just ML as and when we feel li. Den on 2nd mth, we ML alternate days frm CD10-CD20, den strike liao lo.

I agree wif Lynn, what yours is yours.

Thanks for your info. Me old liao leh.....35 liao.

I only felt sad for a day or 2. I'm lucky to hv a very supportive hubby and I recovered super fast. I'm no longer feeling sad and am looking forward to TTC.

I no longer angry about it liao. Whats over is over. Today is FRIDAY.....Stay HAPPY and dont spoil my wkend mood.....hahaha

In this forum, let's encourage each other to strike our objective....CHEERS!
hi blue and lyn,
thanks for ur comfort.. Okie, i switch to reading some happy stories..

wow Lyn, U're are so packed with activities for the next 2 days.. so good. can eat, shop, eat shop non-stop.. Enjoyed ur dinner later and shopping tmr..

Yap yap... Weekends is hubby's day
if he's not working...

Last nite, my hubby so sweet... He knocked off from work at 8pm and wanna give me a surprise to reach home early and have dinner togather... cos I complained very long time never have dinner togather during weekdays already... But then hor, I went out! Then he gotta settle his own dinner in the end... And he waited for me to return home... kekeke... now the reverse...

Hi Angry,
We will TTC togather with the other gals here
BellyButton, Angry and Hamasaki! Glad that u all r feeling better!!

Yap, it is Friday!!! Stay happy!!
hi Lyn, hahahah poor lad that he got to stay at home and makan alone.. But that's kind and nice of him to do so..

So how are U now.. Is ur work going well and smoothly.. and is ur thesis almost finishing soon..
TNSW and Angry... sorry to hear about your lost. Especially to Angry... do not take it too hard about what others say. Miscarriage happens by chance. You can do everything right but still turn out wrong in the end. It definitely has nothing to do with how fast you walk or what you eat.

Yasmin... have faith ok? Its not surprising that you might have ovulated late. I had panic attacks too when I went for my first gynae visit after testing positive. There was no pregnancy sac spotted at all and no symptoms. But it turned out all to be a bad scare.

Tubby... rest well and have a smooth delivery!!!

And last but not least a big CONGRATS to Jujube!!! Wow so fast 20 weeks liao. How come everyone seem to progress so fast with their pregnancy but I feel like I'm perpetually pregnant :p
Hi All,
Got bad news to share. The 2nd opinion turned out that baby had not grown at all. still at 3mm and baby confirmed no heart beat. This doc said that baby even at 1-1.5 mm shld be able to detect heartbeat which cld be baby only 1-2 wks old. So he said the scan i had 2 wks earlier shld be able to detect that something is wrong. Now, he said there are blood clots already and shld be beginning to bleed most probably over the weekend. He wants me not to delay the D&amp;C. So tomorrow morning I am scheduled for D&amp;C at 8.30am.
This doc is compassionate and caring and took his time to explain everything. Both my hubby and I feel very comfortable with him and I feel I am in good hands. The gynae I was seeing in NUH wants me to wait another week and said I will probably bleed but wld still need a D&amp;C. He also not compassionate and referred to me as excretion of uterus. I hate him! My hubby and I have never been comfortable with him from the 1st place. This doc also said that I am young and shld be able to try again as soon as I get my next menses.

Can I know how many days medical leave is normally given for D&amp;C. I dont know if my mgr is going to be angry with me but I really got no choice leh.
Hi all,
Just want to share my story with u all too...

actually i was having regular period. I tested at CD35, CD41 both are negative. But at CD51, I tested positive. but sad to say, failed to keep after 20 days... worst case is that my 1st gynae didn't really pay attention for me... noticed he always play ard his palm top when i visited him.... **sad**... (known that he is quite famous gynae in Spore, he is work at TMC). Even I have brown discharge, he just say shld be ok, gave me a jab that's bed rest no medicine... after 5 days he told me... "sorry cannot keep..." the worst thing is he never show any concern to me or console me...he only play with his palm top when he break the news to me... he know i wait so long to have it and so happy to see positive... of cos so hurt to me when he told me that... he is a specialist in this area, why he can have this kind of attitude?

I really don't know how to descbribe my feeling... it is hurt and sad.... i decide to change a new gyae who is more concern and pay attention with his patients although at last I still cannot keep it...

Sorry to tell u this sad thing but just to say out my angry ....

Btw, I done my D&amp;C 17days ago. And these days have some brown discharge and red spotting... is it means my AF coming soon? anyone can share with me if u have same experience with me after D&amp;C? normally how long we will have 1cycle of AF after D&amp;C? Thanks for listening my story....
hi yasmin, my heart break when i read ur story.. so sad that u have to go thru another D &amp; C..

Pls do take care..

I'm not too sure how many days MC U're needed.. A friend of mine took 2 wks MC or 10 days MC.. (forgot which one).. Do ask the doc for it.. See how many days U needed to rest at home..
(dun bothered abt that mgr of urs)..
yasmin... saw ur post in TTC... Pls.. really do take care.. its not ur fault ok... mayb juz really not fated.. *hugz *sayang
So sorry that the Dr had confirmed our worst fear...
Pls have a gd rest and do a mini confinement for 2wks!
hi yasmine - So sorry to hear that n u have to go through another time D&amp;C. Take care yeah! Remember to do a mini confinement to bu your health.

gals - i'm oso afraid cos i got bleeding on thurs afternoon (no pain n suddenly juz bleed)n gyane say now i got 2 blood clots. frankly spaking i have no faith in tis pregnancy oso.
yasmine.. *hugz*.. so sorry to hear that.. take good care of yourself okie? just know that when such things happen, it's nobody's fault.. just heed the "nice" gynae's advice.. take good care and try again, dun lose heart!

karenSG.. may i know the name of the gynae who plays with his palm top? i am comtemplating to see this gynae at TMC the next time i conceive, dunno whether it's the same guy..
hi confused.. i understand how you feel... especially if we have undergone an unsuccessful pregnancy previously, i think deep down inside, there's always this fear that history may repeat itself..
what did your gynae say to your blood clot? is it because you only waited one cycle? but even so, most importantly, would it affect the pregnancy? you're on bed rest now? make sure you rest as much as you can. i think at this point, that's the only thing we as mothers can do. the rest is really up to God!

Sorry to hear that. Your situation is similar to mine. Exactly same problem. Sometimes I wonder y Dr behave like that....really v v angry lor.

After D&amp;C, my Dr gave me 2wks hospitalisatin leave. When I return for my check up one wk later, she extended my hospitalisation leave by another week. Total I hv 3 wks rest.

Good luck to you and take great care.

Your case sounds similar to mine too! Yr Dr from TMC? Mine also leh! Wondering is it the same Dr. My Dr nvr play wif his palm top. Jus tat the way u describe him like no hew no chup type lor.

Immediately after D&amp;C, I got slight bleeding for few days. After abt 6wks, my AF came.

You must think positive and hv faith in yr preg. Pls take great care of yourself, rest more and eat well. Gd luck!

My previous STUPID Dr is from TMC leh.....wonder mine is the same one a not leh! His clinic is in the North.
Yasmin, **hugz** I am so sorry to hear abt your loss. Do rest well &amp; yes go through the confinement like what Ocean said. Dun worry about yr manager. Your health is more important than what he/she thinks. Take care, gal.

Confused, dun think too much, stay positive. Rest if you need to.

Sorry gals, I haven't been logging in much these days, will catch up with the postings now
Hi Angry &amp; Karen, sorry to hear any yr loss. It's irritating when the gynae is so distant. Actually at times, I also lose trust in my gynae coz after the m/c, I think very natural to blame the gynae at first but will snap out of it after a while. However, being indifferent to the patients is another issue. I am sticking to mine coz she handled my m/c very well. She even puts her arm around me to console me.

Gals dun be discouraged! We shall all TTC together!

Lyn, hope u have a "fruitful" trip today!
hi confused, pls dun think of the negative side.. Pray hard and believe in urself that this pregnancy will continue smoothly for the next 9 mths..

If U're worried, do visit or call up ur gynae.. Take care..
By the way gals, I wanna share with you gals what I did recently to feel happier &amp; more positive with life. Last month I had a lot of unpleasant dreams. This month, I still have some nightmares but relatively less.
Aside from swimming regularly (I think exercising is really an excellent way to destress!), I bought myself new gadgets, new clothes to distract me from being sad. (The GSS helps too!) I went on eating spree(s) doesn't sound healthy right? Hee hee... I try out new eating places at Geylang &amp; durian! Yes! The season for durian is here. &amp; I am looking out for courses to attend.
