Support group - Miscarriages

Gals - thanks. yah! now pray hard n leave everything to god (i believe everything is fated)

Bellybutton - gynae say maybe due to stress n that's y blood clot is back. he did the scan for me n say bb ok leh. (think of it so scary, juz bleed - fresh blood suudenly) maybe i had 2 fright in the morning(hubby drove me to my parent's plc n nearly got accident n when i drove to work i nearly got accident too. yeah! i m on bed rest for 1 week.

Hi confused! Glad that yr bb is ok. Do rest well, must be gua gua hah.

Yest morning when hubby drove me to work, the cars in front of us nearly crashed too, gave me such a bad scare, I actually screamed & held on to hubby's arm. Think if I were to drive, I will not be as calm as my hubby. Heh heh...
Hi Yasmin

Sad & sorry to hear of ur case. Made me think of my own baby. I was hving tis same prob a few wks ago..... Dun broad too much & "bu" back ur health b4 u try again

Tat time I had only 1 week of hospitalisation leave. Some gynaes only give 3 days or so. So if u still not feeling well, pls request for more fr the gynae

Also try not to rush into another pregnancy after D&C cos need to give time for the womb to heal. If not according to my gynae the same case will happen again. She say best is wait for 3 months. But some other gynaes beleive can try after ur 1st menses.

Sorry for the long post but pls take care & rest well....

sorry to hear abt your lost. I was given a week MC last time and when i went for review at end of 1 week, was given another week to rest. Do rest well and not rush back to work. Be strong.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Yasmin,</font>
I am sorry for what you gotta go through... ***HUGS***
I hope you will recover soon and have a good rest.
Take care.

<font color="0000ff">Hi confused,</font>
It's not the end yet... There's still hope. Do stay positive

<font color="0000ff">Hi Droopy,</font>
Thank you... I have enjoyed myself this weekend
. Friday nite went for a very heavy dinner and the dinner ended with a slice of chocolate banana cake from Secret Recipe... yum... I was very happy cos my relatives said I slim down already and look prettier now

Heh... Then breakfast also chocolate banana cake... yummilicious... Then went shopping at Taka. Only managed to buy some shirts and pants for my hubby, not enough time to buy something for myself. Maybe tomolo afternoon, shop again... and then to a wedding dinner
Gonna buy a bag to use for the dinner
Just now was walking around Taka, but cannot find the shop I want... find till all the shops closed...

What type of courses are you looking for? It might be good to go for some courses to increase your knowledge.

I think we gotta stop thinking about the past. I dun think about it a lot already, and I dun have nightmares every night already
It's our subconscious mind working when we have night mares. heh... recently, I have been day dreaming that I am pregnant.. haha..

Oh ya... Last nite when I went for the dinner, I was carrying and playing with my cousin's 7mth old cute baby...
Then I started to day dream again... haha... Another cousin asked me if I feel the "urge" to have baby now... and I said "no". heh.. bluffing...

Hey, I am also looking for durians... haha... very long time never eat durians already...
Good Morning Ladies.

Hi Lyn, glad u have enjoyed yourself.

I am looking for a Chinese course, something I have always wanted to do. I was contemplating a Graduate Diploma (But I did not take Chinese back in Uni, just hope my working experience can make up for it) or a degree. For the 1st 2, I will need a couple of years &amp; I have reservations coz in case I "strike", I may have to defer. So may take a diploma which takes only a year. But course commences in July &amp; I have missed the registration. So I'm looking for another institution loh.

Yeah, u are right, I also feel that I shld move forward &amp; do things I have always wanted to do before I get pregnant again.

Talking about hubby bought some last weekend fr Balestier. Omigosh, fantastic! &amp; I personally like the durians at Bugis Village (the corner shop opposite the hawker centre), very good. Better than Geylang.
hee.. i love durians.. talking about it makes me drool. there's the durian stall at serangoon that supposedly sell very good durian! other than just sellig durian, they also use their durian to make delicious pastry and puffs.

they are called 717 durian, no is 6283 4454. before i go, i always call them up and ask them if their durian today is good. they are very honest and will tell you the truth.

lyn, good to hear you've slimmed down! i am still heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight by about 3kg. a lot of people say i'm visabily bigger framed. how ah? must really start working off the fats right after the doctor certifies that i'm ok to exercise!

i love secret recipe cake too - especially the chocolate indulgence.. heavenly..
hi yasmin,
I read about what happened last Friday, but no time to post. I'm sorry you had to go through this again. The previous time was it a blighted ovum as well? Maybe you can ask your gynae to put you on aspirin in the next preg to improve the blood flow around the sac. I know its easy for me to say "next preg", but I understand too well that it will take alot of courage on your side. Be brave!
hi yasmin,
sad to hear this news, but pls take care of urself.

dun worri abt ur work or mgr, i find that shd b the least of all ur worries. if they r compassionate enuff, they shd b more worried abt ur health than anything.

ask doc for hospitalisation leave. this will not "eat" into your MC (unless ur company has no distinction btw MC and hospitalisation.)
Hi Yasmin,
very sorry to know that your have to go thru another D&amp;C again. "HUGZ" Pls take care and have a mini confinment. The other time I was given 5 days hospitalisation leave.

Hi Karen and Angry
MAy I know the name of the male gynae is TMC. I am currently seeing one from TMC, hope he is not the one you are referring to.

Hi WhiteFloral,
Nice to see u post again. I read from somewhere that you are expecting now. Congrats!!! How many weeks now??
<font color="aa00aa">Dear Yasmin,</font>
I'm sorry to hear abt the loss. Pls be strong ok....

<font color="0000ff">Confused,</font>
Dun worry, think of happy things....the baby will be happy!

<font color="119911">Dear all,</font>
I won't be able to log in to this thread often anymore. My office IT staff are monitoring closely. Even now I'm taking a risk. Do PM me if anybody wan2 talk to me or ask me anything. To those who knows my hp no....can also sms me when u wish to talk to me, keke... I'll still check my emails regularly. I'm thinking of subscribing to jetpack plan or broadband....still comtemplating which one. I hope I can get it down soon, then I can chat with u gals at nite when I reach home. Take care all!!
Hi Droopy and Bellybutton...

heh... I told my dad that I feel like eating durian and he bought 2 for me
. Then I had durian breakfast this morning! I tot just eat one or two, but I cannot stop eating till everything finished! hahaha...

Last nite, I went for a wedding dinner. It was a nine-course dinner... guess what... I just dun feel full! Cannot believe it that I am eating so much lately! heh... scared I put on weight again...

Just do more excercise and watch diet
then can slim down already
Reduce or avoid deep fried food. Less oil. No soft drinks, only plain water or fresh fruit juice. All these helped me to slim down
. For fruit juice, I drink carrot with green apple, or watermelon
I had not taken fast food for the past 9 months already!

Yap yap... I love secret recipe cakes too
. Lately, I am having cravings for chocolates! haha... my strange PMS again... Last nite, during the dinner, I finished up my chocolates and my hubby's chocolate too.. haha.. fattening ah...
Good Morning,
I am doing better now. I've only shed a few tears after the D&amp;C, kept telling myself that I shld not cry during confinement cos i need to heal fast and am telling myself to let it go and move on with life. Yes, I will never forget this experience nor my unborn baby. Just feel so sorry to let go in such a way. Saw two big bottles in the op theatre.... so sad my baby has to end up in those bottles and washed down or disposed off in such a manner

In the op theatre i was so scared and was shaking by the time my gynae came in. The nurses saw me shaking and 1 of them was very nice and asked is this your 1st time and just nodded her head as if she understood. I had to force back my tears from flowing down. Those big big lights flashing down and the 2 iron rods that my leg was tied to are things that I will never forget.
But i will not cry... I wrote a petition to Novena while waiting at the day surgery ward b4 being pushed to the op theatre. I asked Mother Mary why she let this happen to me and asked her to heal me. There was this voice in my head that said God loves me too much that when He realised that I was having a unhealthy baby He took the baby back. He will give me my baby back when my baby is healthy...thats how much He loves me.

Gals i will try again for another baby. i will never give up hope. i want another baby and i will have it. God will grant me my wish i am very sure. But I dont know when?

i have also stopped bleeding yesterday. Only bleeding on saturday itself which was also very light. Now nothing at all. Just abit of cramps. i drank black chicken soup on Saturday and have been eating porridge. I feel so empty without my baby inside so i keep stuffing myself with food and drink to fill up my stomach. The feeling of bloatedness somehow helps. I am on hospitalisation leave till next monday. My mgr called me this morning at 9 and said so u not coming in? I told i will be back on 28 and she just hung up. I called my snr mgr and told him my baby died, and will not be in till 28. he mentioned that i will not in last wk as well. I wonder how he knows of that, cos last wk he away to M'sia on a personal trip. Must be my mgr told him i not ard. Arggghhhhh, i dont care. let them think wat ever. work will always be there, but my baby? now is gone forever....
dear yasmin,

your manager and senior manager are soooo bad!! are they married and have children themselves??.. if yes, they should be more understanding! i'm angry with them too.. but dun bother about them lah.. if they're so selfish and care only about work and not about the welfare of their staff, then they are not worth you slogging for them, rite?

how come in the operating theatre they switch on the light and strap you to the iron rods first before they put you on GA?? so scary!! that was one thing that i feared before the operation. but thank God i was asleep before the light was even switched on.. i totally had no remembrance of anything that happened after that and when i woke up, everythign was over and i was pushed back into the ward.. which hospital did you go to?

so sorry you had to deal with the horrible memory of the iron rods and the big lights.. but i'm so proud of you for being so strong even after that!
hi lyn, wow.. you got a huge appetite!! but i understand the durian bit.. once you start you cannot stop! so you back to your pre-pregnancy weight liao? how long did you take to slim down?

at 24 weeks, i put on total of 6kg, after bb was out, net gain was 4kg. haven't weighed myself now but i think still have 3 kg to go.. so sian rite.. other people get fat during pregnancy but for a good cause - they get a baby at the end of the day.. sigh......
hello gals

yamine - glad that you are fine now. yeah! i agree god loves us so much that when he realise that the bb we carry unhealthy ones, he'll take it with him cos he dont want us to suffer. yes, when the healthy bb comes, god will give it to us.

In the mean time, pls take care of your health, bu your health so that its easier for u to get preggie again. Yeah! your manager so bad, dont bother abt them. when doctor say u can go back to work then ok if not stay at home n rest. ignore them.
Bellybutton - i'm juz like u. i put on alot of weight on my 1st pregnancy n failed. But i tell myself that i'm not going to give up n try again. jia you i'm sure u can make it. remember must bu yourself so that it's easier for u to get pregnant.
Hi Yasmin...

Hugs... Dun care about work now... Just have enough rest. Since your manager and senior manager dun really care, the more you gotta care for your own health. Work is just work...

I can imagine it's scary to see the lights switched on and legs being strapped to the iron rods... geesh... I already scared enough last time when they just put me on the the op table and cover me up... Which hospital did you go to? True, it will not be forgotten, but gotta accept it as the past and move forward

If you are hungry, just eat... It's not very healthy to stuff too much food. Gotta take care of your health

Take care... Hugs...
Hi Bellybutton,

I am now lighter than I was before I was pregnant
. I lost in total 8 kg already
I put on 4kg for being 10 weeks pregnant with multipe fibroids. I dunno how much my baby weigh.. but I think sure underweight... cos my fibroids already weigh 360g! The lab report that I got only states that it's not molar pregnancy, and products of conception received by them.

Gradual weight loss is more healthy... so dun skip your meals... Just eat when you are hungry, but eat healthy food.

Just think in a way that we get fat in preparation for pregnancy... and it's a blessing in disguise cos the baby not healthy
At least we experienced pregnancy before
Hi Yasmin... glad to see that you are strong. Take care and nurse yourself well. Ignore your superiors and their comments. Insensitive people like them don't deserve your attention. If you need more rest... don't hesitate to extend your leave.
Hi bellybutton,
Just follow a healthy diet can already
No deep fried food, less meat, more vegetables, less carbohydrates (but not completely dun have). And more excercise
. I go swimming sometimes

Gradual weight loss is better... If too much, too fast, the weight might not maintain, but double...
Hi Ladies,
Yes I want to just ignore them. If they want to talk abt me behind my back also can, I just dont care. just to share with all, my husband and myself had applied for Australia migration last year and we received a letter to go for our medical checkup and police clearance. After this, another month of processing time and we can go off to Australia. We were looking forward to it when we found out abt the pregnancy. We were happy 2 happy things happening to us just that Australia trip had to wait for next year after baby was born but now can go ahead. Even with such bosses I am ok cos I'm not going to stay here for too long. In a way, the Australia migration preparation is going to take my mind off the m/c.
I went Mt A hospital. The op theatre was busy that day before me was 2 cesarean and 1 boy ard 10 yrs old came in for surgery. After the delivery of 1 of the babies was my turn in. I became more afraid after seeing some blood stain on the lights. My mind went wild thinking how the blood stain got there probably thats why I was so nervous.

Now my weight got back to pre pregnancy weight. I think I put on abt 2kg and after crying and lost of appetite b4 the d&amp;c, my weight gone down to pre-pregnancy weight.

Lyn, how long did it take you to loss that 8 kg. Thats quite abit leh. I wish I can also lose 8kg.

After D&amp;C, i was told to consume the pain killers when necessary. So far, I have been able to control the pain. The pain is the only remembrance of the baby and i dont want to take the easy way out.
Hello everyone,

I came across this article in the BBC this morning and I thought it was such great news! Maybe some of you can show this to your ostetrician? Personally, I'm going to call up the University to volunteer -- and tell them to give me the real steriod, not the dummy! heh heh.

And to all the old birds (Java, Folic, ocean etc), how are you guys??
Steroid may prevent miscarriages
By Michelle Roberts
BBC News health reporter in Copenhagen

Taking steroid tablets while trying to conceive could reduce the risk of miscarriage for some women, scientists at Liverpool University suggest.
Doctors there have already helped some women with histories of recurrent miscarriages to have healthy babies.

The steroid is thought to work by blocking immune cells that, in some women, appear to go into overdrive in the womb and stop embryos implanting.

A European fertility conference in Denmark heard more research is planned.

Anecdotally it seems fantastic. We need to prove it now with a large randomised controlled trial
Dr Siobhan Quenby

Previous research has shown that there are increased numbers of immune cells called natural killer (NK) cells in the wombs of women who suffer from recurrent miscarriages - when three or more pregnancies fail to go to term.

The condition affects two in every 100 women of reproductive age.

In half of cases, no obvious cause will be found and in a third of those, abnormally high numbers of NK cells are found in the womb lining.

The cells should make up no more than 5% of all those in the lining.

Dr Siobhan Quenby and colleagues at the Liverpool Women's Hospital believe the NK cells might attack the growing embryo and stop it from implanting properly in the womb, leading to miscarriage.

The cells have steroid hormone receptors on their surface, which led the researchers to question whether giving susceptible women steroid drugs might help prevent miscarriage.

Natural killer cells

They recruited 110 women who had severe recurrent miscarriage. They had experienced an average of six miscarriages with no known cause.

The researchers took samples of the women's womb linings and tested them to identify the quantity of NK cells.

Any women whose endometrial cells contained more than the normal range were offered 20mg of the oral steroid prednisolone for 21 days from the start of their menstrual cycle.

Out of a possible 33 women, 29 agreed to take the drug.

When the researchers took a second endometrial sample after the 21 days of prednisolone treatment, they found the steroid had significantly reduced the percentage of NK cells in the womb lining.

Dr Quenby told the 21st annual conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Copenhagen, Denmark: "The women had an average of 14% before treatment, with the highest percentage being 72%, and after treatment the average dropped to 9%."


Now that they have shown the treatment can lower NK cell count, the researchers plan to see if it will make a difference to miscarriage rate.

Dr Quenby's team has already had some success in using prednisolone to treat women who have undergone recurrent miscarriages.

The first was a woman who had had 19 miscarriages, who went on to have a baby in 2002 after receiving the steroid.

Since then, two more women have had babies, including Ruth Hirst, 42 and from Huddersfield.

Another three women are pregnant and doing well, said Dr Quenby.

Dr Quenby said: "Anecdotally it seems fantastic. But there are many unanswered questions.

"We need to prove it now with a large randomised controlled trial."

She is looking to recruit 700 women to take part in the study. Half would receive the steroid and half would receive a dummy pill.

It should begin in the next few months, she said, but added that they needed more women to come forward - and extra funding.

Dr Adam Balen, a gynaecologist from Leeds and member of the British Fertility Society, said: "This is promising research that requires explanation.

"It is essential to do a placebo study [using a dummy pill] to prove that prednisolone does work."
hi yasmin, no words can console u now.. All I wanna is to wish u a speedy recovery from ur wounds and pain..

Take gd care my dear Yasmin and may god bless U..
yasmine - ya! Dont care abt them. i oso agree no need to work so hard tis type of co. wow! so hsppy for u, going to migrate to Australia. yeah! look forward to the trip n forget abt those unwanted memory.
Hi Tiantian,

i haven't posted here for a few mths. took a break from posting coz somehow i can't get out of that lingering sadness. Have been following the thread on and off and happy to see the arrival of Cherish, Yi Xiuan and Jonas. I am in week 25 now, started trying again 3 mths after the loss. Now everyday is a blessing.

Bellybutton, didn't read your past posting but pls also be strong and recuperate well.
Hi all,

I did D&amp;C on 31 May. Had slight bleeding for 1 weeks (till 7 June). But, since 15 June till today, I am having brown discharge and have slight bleeding on and off (not much but just put a pantiliner). anyone have same experience as me? should I go to see gynae?
Hi Snuffles,
Long time never hear from you! Interesting article. Actually I've read so much about NK cells activity and even wanted to be tested for it. Unfortunately there is no such facility in Singapore to test for NK cells. Even the famous IVF centres here do not test for this, despite failures in IVF process in couples. Dr Kennth Kwek from the Peripartum dept in KKH told me that there is not enough evidence to show that reduced NK cells will improve pregnancy success rates. Apparently US studies are more positive. In fact a few reproductive immunology labs in US came out with their own protocol to reduce NK cell activity. Do come in here more often to talk to us!
Hi Karen,

After D&amp;C, I hv slight bleed for few days. After which 6wks later then I hv mensus. By the way, did you go bk to gynae for check up? I went bk after a wk to confirm everything ok. 2 mths later, I still need to go for another check up.
karen - yeah! u went for checkup liao mah? (abt 2 1 - 2 weeks later after your D&amp; C)? for my case after my D&amp;C i bleed (like menses) for abt 4 days n then stop n few days later come back again on off (lasted abt 12 days in total)then i went for checup n gynae say i went back to normal liao.

if your discharge non stop i think better call gynae n ask.
Hi tnsw,

Sorry missed out ur posting... Yes, it's my first pregancy... I went to my gynae last week check y my below stomach area sore &amp; pain when i carry heavy stuff. He did a scan for me &amp; said it's ok, mayb due to muscle strain.... But i hve some doubts though... Me still a bit worried... thinkg of seeking 2nd opinion but my hubby says shld trust him...
My gynae is W H Kee @ TMC... Any1 got experience w him?
hi... i did do my checkup after 2 week of D&amp;C. Gynae said i m ok. think will go back to see him if i still having bleeding.
Hi whitefloral, you also silently go and have a baby and never report here huh?
Glad to hear that things are going well! Take care and do write often to update us ok?

snuffles, good to hear from you too! Hope you succeed in TTC soon! For me, my 3 mth old gal is currently taking up most of my time and energy!

Hi Snuffles... its been a long while since you last posted. How are things with you.

Congrats whitefloral... enjoy your pregnancy and keep us posted.

Hi Karen... apparently everyone seem to have very different experience. The best person to talk to is your gynae. Try and schedule another appointment with him or her if the situation still doesn't improve by end of the month.
Hi, after miscarriage, is it true eat lots of fish is good? I have been eating often fish slices (bought in the wet market). Think is called Sheng1 Yu2 ?? Is this good? Coz i heard some fish types such as shark got high mercury level &amp; shld be avoided.

Any1 knows???
hi janteo,
i dunno about sheng yu... but i've been eating a lot of 'ngo hee' (in hokkein) during confinement, cooked with alcohol, sesame oil and lots of ginger. my MIL says ngo hee is very good.. so i listen to her.
Hi Jan

Yes, sheng yu is good for health esp for pple after surgery. Normally, the live ones are used and is cooked with herbs.
I took a lot of sheng yu after my op last yr, its helps to heal the wound faster..
