Support group - Miscarriages

Show something interesting.. haha..

<font color="0000ff">Quick hide! Mummy come liao...</font>

<font color="0000ff">Oops, jialat! Mummy caught us liao..</font>

Java, tt time mine gave birth hor, ppl say cannot touch the babies hamsters, or else their body smell will goes off and mother hamster will eat them up! Is it true?
Ocean, yah, I think I posted in these photos in the feb/mar thread b4. Don't worry abt cherish's weight. As long as she is healthy, that's more impt. YX is at the higher end percentile for weight as well, so she is heavier than most babies born in mar as well.

Hi Hi,
Wow, today is really like a reunion for old timers.

Hi Miao,
so happy to see yr posting. Jia you jia you. I think Ocean is right, Tubby's EDD is one week later than yours.

Hi Ocean,
As long as Cherish is healthy, her weight is not a big issue. Hope she don't need to go for therapy soon. So, you still in contact with Tubby?? Hope she will post soon to update us.

I "hate" you. Post so many ugly hamsters pictures here............they make my hair stands on end.

Hi Folic,
YX is really very chubby leh. So cute.
Hey Java, I thought those hamsters belong to you. I used to have about 9 of them. Cried like mad when each one passes on. Promised myself never to keep any pets from then on. Too emotional liao.

Hi Miao2. Hope you will have a smooth delivery too. So fast didn't realise that you are so close to delivery as well. Heard about the coconut juice part though not the raspberry tea. Not sure if it works or not... but I'm just happily drinking it now since I like it and nobody will stop me :p I heard that you need to start drinking like 1 month before your due date. I think if you are interested, you can start now. I'm taking it at an irregular rate... only when the opportunity arises. Don't really go all out to look for it.

Ocean... I hope your baby girl will do well at the next checkup!!! Really ah... then good lah... nobody has told me about lower chances of getting jaundice. I just feel so heavy... and getting a little impatient liao :p

Folic... thanks for sharing the photos!!! I like the 3rd photo alot. So sweet

Joyce's boys are really cute too. When I saw the expression on their face... buay tahan... so funny ;)
hi Ocean, hope baby Cherish will get better soon and she will not need to go for any therapy ever again..

hi odie and miao2, wish u gals a smooth delivery.. God Bless..
<font color="119911">Hi all</font>,

<font color="aa00aa">THANK YOU SO MUCH!</font>

<font color="ff6000">All the best everybody!!</font>

Hi everyone,

since it's the reunion of the 'old birds' today, how can i not post rite??

my backache is quite jialat at times... veri 'suan' feelings... did try to do the pelvic tilt exercise but onie helps for a while...

hi Joyce,
thks for asking abt me on a few occasions... i am hybernating at home cos basically can't walk much nowadays... was thinking of buying lunch for myself for dis few weeks liao... cos i kenot stand in the kitchen for too long... washing the dishes is quite a challenge to me now... ur lil' boy is so handsome... i like his hair.. makes him look veri 'si1 wen2'

hey java,
i think i'm like tiantian... scared of furry stuffs... i think 1 hamster looks cute on pic... but not a bunch... makes my hair stand!!! ;p

dear tiantian,
JIA YOU JIA YOU okie!!! will always be on the lookout for ur good news...

hi folic,
YX looks veri cute!! sure brightens up my day!!!

hey miaomiao,
abit confusion over our EDD hor... hehee... actually i'm one week earlier than u... jus stop my contraction pill dis week &amp; now, my womb contracts quite often... especially at nite... i dunno whether it's a sign dat i'll deliver early... but both me &amp; hubby on standby mode liao...
thks for leaving ur email, will get in touch wif u ya... will look out for ur birth story here...

hey Odie,
been thinking of u...
wish u a smooth delivery ya... can't wait to hear ur birth story...
i think hor, when i reach 37 weeks, i will ask gynae to induce me liao... dunno whether will kena scolding anot... ;p

dear Ocean,
thks for helping me to update here... &amp; ur encouraging emails... been quite emotional lately... i hope it's normal as i'm approaching my EDD...
thks for ur sweet SMS....

lastly, dear missy!!!
i'm oso on the lookout for ur good news!!! will be praying for u!!

can't write any longer, must lie down liao... take care everyone!!!
No, Joyce, think maybe u drink
not enough milk!!?? Must take alot and alot.... I notice that my hair dropped alot too... so pple tell me that other than i breastfeed, my calcium intake was not enough!
Me also trying to increase my calcium intake....

Oh Joyce, ur ah boys are so cute!!
Jonas still sticking out his little tougue!
Aiyoh Tubby, you know I'm looking for you, why dun you reply me?!
Ok lah, you rest well, ya? Wish you a smooth pregnancy..
And miao too!
hi tubby,
Really very nice to hear from you after so long, my neighbour! The reason why you can't sit and stand for too long is because you haven't been walking around much right? I think your back muscles are weaken due to long periods of no exercise. Anyway if you find it difficult to cook nowadays, can always buy from Punggol Plaza or order tingkat dinner. Take care! Keep us posted after you deliver yah?
Hi Tubby,
Really sooooo happy to see your posting.
. I was telling Java that you will post very soon, hehehe. Been thinking of you and the rest. Take care ya,hope to hear yr birth story soon.

Hi <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Millie, where are you??</font></font>
aiya Joyce,
i dunno where to reply u lah... u not so active here &amp; i felt weird saying Hi to u at the other thread... hv asked Ocean to help me update liao... sorrie huh.... mabbe it's becos of my lousy table &amp; chair, not ergonomic enuff... sit for a while &amp; i will hv backache liao... ;p

halo java aka neighbour

it's true dat i neber walk much for the past few mths... cos of my premature contractions... i dare not exert myself... was thinking of doing brisk walking but now the muscles weak liao... guess i'll jus hv to tong dis few weeks lah... i've told hubby dat i will buy from punggol plaza if i dun feel like cooking nowadays...

hi tiantian,
happy to see ur postings too!!! brought back alot of memories while i was typing out the names yesterday... cos it's U pple dat encouraged me out of my darkest moments.... it's a long long journey &amp; i'm glad i hv u gals wif me...

*Big Hugz to everyone*
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> now blame on her table, chair, computer!!
But <font color="119911">Java</font>, really <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> must rest more! Maybe this BB sayang her, dun wanna her to move ard!!

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, i also din drink much milk or calcium intake until one of my collegues told me hair dropping is due to loss of calcium especially if u r breastfeedin!!
Oh wow!!! what a reunion! folic, tubby, miao, java, tiantian, joyce &amp; oceans!! its nice to see all your posts again!!

thanks <font color="0000ff">tubby</font> for still remembering me. i hope my turn will come soon too. remember to update us when u pop.
Hello! It's so good to 'see' all the 'old' people here again! Just to update, I am 20 weeks preggie now. EDD in early Nov.
Hi Ladies,

I;ve gotten my DC on April, can I start TTC?

Anybody got recipe to share how to heal or strengthen the womb?

Thanks in advance!
Hi jujube,
Congrats!!!! I was just thinking of you yesterday, tot what happen to you!! Do updated us on your progress.

Hi missy,
so nice to hear from you. How are you now?

hi tubby,
I din know you were having premature contractions. I'm sure you were given ventolin to suppress it. Take care! Now I must tell u dun move so much. :p

Its really a BIG REUNION!!! Now just wait for Linda Thea to come back. hahaha
Hi Jujube,

CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!! So long din hear fr u and u r 20 weeks preggie liao!!!! So, its a gal or boy???

Hi Missy,
Long time din hear fr u too. I read somewhere that u went for laproscopy in KKH. Hope u are ok now. Yes, I hope that yr turn will come soon. Take care
Hi AfterDC,
I don't have any receipe to strengthen the womb. I guess its the usual confinement food. But even after confinement, I still felt weak (I think I din observer the strict rules during confinement). My heart was racing while sleeping, bad dreams, constipation. I went to ma kuang, the physician say my pulse still very weak. Gave me some herbs to improve my constipation which in turn improve my sleep. With sufficient sleep, my health improve too. If you really want, you can try ma kuang, ask them to give you some herbs to strengthen womb.
Jujube! CONGRATS!!! and you keep this great news from us for 20 weeks??!! Bad girl!!
Take care yah?

Hi missy, good to see you post as well!

Now I calling for Millie ah millie! where r u??

wow, so happy to see all the old birds flocking in back to this thread..

Welcome Back Folic, Tubby, Joyce, TianTian, Ocean, Missy, Odie, Miao and Java..
Thanks Java!

I;ve done a mini confinement and Dr says that I am doing v well for the check up after a wk DC. I was thinking to TTC and am afriad that my womb is not strong enough to hold b b .

If you say Ma Kuang is good, I can give a try.

So how are you doing? When was yr MC and are you TTC?
Hi All,

I'm feeling lousy today. Pls allow me to vent my frustration here.

I jus had a MC. Immediately after my MC, my colleague was preg.This morning, she accused me saying that I did not take care properly, thats y I kana mc....if you guys were me, how do you feel?

Before my mc, I was having spotting. SHE told me that little spotting is ok. As I do not hv experience, I went to my gynae and he told me that I m ok, when I ask whother can I walk about, the Dr say is ok. I take Dr advice and I walk about, my spotting get worst and lead to MC.

Why those ppl who never has MC before cant understand how we feel? Does anyone want to hv MC? I am already sad and yet she accused me for not handling my pregnancy well
Dear angry,

Dun be angry, things happen for a reason..i am also going to have a miscarr...d n c next monday

maybe chromosome wise, there were abnormalities thats why...the pregny din develop

dun take heart wat she said....i have been hurt by callous remarks before also..i hv been told to my face that as i was not showing yet when i was pregnt, it was okay to have a mc,wat crap..

Its other peoples mouths, let them be..we just care for yourselves

smtimes spotting cld be due to implantation bleeding...old blood is okay thats what i heard but if its fresh blood you have to take care

if a miscarr is meant to be, no amt of bedrest, not walking around wld dunblame yourself okay
Hey gals,

Need some advise:-

I had a miscarriage end Apr 05. 3 weeks after tat, i carried haevy things at work (more than 5kg i think) &amp; ended up e tummy area below my belly button pain &amp; soreness for 2 days. Then after 1 mth, i carried some heavy things &amp; same pain &amp; soreness lasted for 2 days. Then last weekend, i went shopping on sat &amp; sun (more than 3 hrs at 1 go) &amp; experience soreness at e same area...

Is this normal? Any1 who had similar experience like me? I'm worried
Hi gals,

Besides taking care of our body to ensure sufficient nutrients when trying for baby, wat abt hubby? Does hubby need to take care &amp; eat any particular food or vitamins to ensure being a father in tip top condition?

Currently, my hubby taking mega multivitamins (frm GNC). Don't noe it it alright or not?
He says he always feel tired easily (everyday after work) so decided to take... Dun noe can take or not when trying to conceive....
hi, jan,

different schools of thot wld say different things on carrying heavy stuff...i guess if smthing does not seem right to you, dun do..

is tis your first child ?
Hi AfterDC,
ai yoh mine is long story and long history. I'm one of the oldest member here liao. I had 2 stillbirths both lost at 35 weeks (See Support Group - Stillbirths). My second loss was in 22 Jan 2005. No I'm not TTC, no courage liao, maybe try again next year after CNY. Yes, maybe you can consult a physician in Ma Kuang to see if your body is ready. All the best to you!

Hi Angry,
I know how you feel and this is a very common topic in m/c thread. From our experiences, people who make such insensitive remarks are those who has not experience a loss before. ppl think that m/c, stillbirth is because never eat nutritious food, blah beah, which I think its totally ridiculous. I think you should simply ignore her and not let her remarks affect you so much. Feel free to vent your anger here. After all this is a support group.
Jujube, how can u tahan and not tell us till today!! Noti gal!!

But Congrats!

Millie, Jus, Snuffles, BabyMandy, Poohy, Adora... where are u all??

Sometimes, think it is sad that there are many of us, plus newcomers, all gather here....haiz...

I will never blame myself. I'm glad to hv a very understanding and supportive hubby. He had given me a lot of support.

Sorry to hear that you are going for D&amp;C. Pls do a mini confinement so that you can heal bk the womb. DO not eat cold stuff. One thing that I need to share with you, my Dr told me that I may suffer from depression after D&amp;C. Which is true, before D&amp;C I was very brave and after that I suffer a mild depression. Immediately I told my hubby about it. With his support and encouragment, I felt much better. Only felt lousy today when I heard her saying that I was to be blame.

I hope you wont hv depression after D&amp;C, pls remember to share with your hubby if you feel depress. Remember not to keep it to yourself.

Why do you drag till Monday? I wish you good luck and speedily recovery.
hi jan, i believe that guys too must take care of their own bodies.. and best still be in tip-top shape to ensure that their Sperms are healthy and strong..

So consuming vits are important for TTC couples not only to women but include husbands as well..
<font color="ff0000">Angry</font>, pls dun be angry! Yes, some pple really pass insensitive remarks!!
It is as if we dun wanna to take care of ourself.... I had a M/C last Mar'04. Also having spotting and the stupid doc told me not to worry! Within 2 wks, i had bleeding and the same told said y i din see doc... Urgghhh..... After tat, my MIL also asked y i din take care of myself...

Sigh... moving ahead, pls now have a mini confinement and drink more red dates drink to bu ur body!
where are the rest of the old birds?? millie, snuffles, jus, pageup, tiny, adora.... miss u gals!

Tiantian, thanks for asking, i'm all well now &amp; am begining to ttc now. i also hope we all have the chance to spread some good news here.
Hi gals

Is it true that we must wait for 2 months after miscarriage before we can TTC again? Anyone knows the reason. I went back to the same gynae and same thing, that its early pregnacy and natural miscarriage, check with him what to do if i had brown discharge the next time? And he said to immediatley go to him after i discover pregnancy. Have top wait 2 more months. SIGH
Good morning Ladies!


I;m feeling better today. My hubby said the same things as what u gals said and ask me to ignore her. Actually me already dont felt sad abt my case till she mentioned again yesterday. Why must she dig my wound leh? Really siao right? Ai ya, me now simply boh chup ......not so stupid to get angry and fall into her trap.

Today is FRIDAY, I must mantain good mood...hahahha.........

Have a nice day LADIES!!!

Dont be dispair. I believe when the right time is coming soon, you will sure strike! Guess what you are doing is correct, go Ma kuang and first bu yr body first then you start TTC. May be u try to eat bu. Simple bu I share with u.

Red dates (without seeds) wif a little dried longan - this is to bu blood
Take bai fung wan - regulate mensus
Ba zhern - this one very bu for woman
Try not to eat cold stuff including cold veg. E,g cucumber, lettuce...etc
Try to eat food like u r doing confinement....not everyday la....but may be 2-3 times/wk.
E.g sesame oil, ginger n (chix OR liver n pork)


My Dr also advice me to wait for 2 cycle of mensus then start. But I kum cheong to start.
hi girls.

can take red dates meh??.. my gynae specifically told me not to take red dates, koreng ginseng and tung gwei for one month after the D&amp;C. he said being heaty, they open up your blood vessesls (that's why you feel hot after taking them) and cause more bleeding and possibly delay the healing of the womb..i think this is from the "western doctors" point of view.

so instead of taking the traditional red dates tea, my mom went to fry the unpolished rice, and make tea with it, adding longans and ginger.

gynae also advised to wait 3 cycles before ttc.. just to play safe and ensure that the womb has healed completely.
thanks, angry, will try to take care of myself and try not to get depressed..u too, glad you have a great and supportive husband who can be a pillar of strength for u when you need it...

take care
Good Morning,
I need some soothing words today. Yesterday, went to see gynae, he checked on my baby and said still no heart beat. He did a blood test yesterday and one more on saturday. If result not good then do D&amp;C. I already got no preggie symptoms dont know if it physcological. I am afraid now, feel very lonely. Pls help!
Oh dear, Yasmin
, how many wks r u supposed to be? A BB heartbeat by latest shld be ard wk 9 can be seen already.

I know u r feeling down and really, there is a fear somemore! Please, no matter wat, nothing is condusive now. So, try to stay positive n talk to ur little ones. Jia you! Jia you!!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Bellybutton,</font>
My gynae did not say cannot drink red dates le. I told him what I ate during the review, he said good. I drank red dates boiled with longan and black dates daily. This is to "bu" blood. My gynae also told me if I boil soup, eat the meat as well. Eat some pork's liver, and kailan for "bu" blood... Broccoli also can.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Yasmin,</font>
<font color="aa00aa">***Hugs***</font> There's still hope... Not everyone have preggie symptoms one... Try to think on the positive side...
Just something to share with you gals...

I am reading a book about health. There's one point from the book that I find may help us:

"Calcium deficiency has been linked to premenstrual syndrome by researchers from St Luke's Roosevet Hospital Center in New York. It was found that osteoporosis and osteomalecia are the best known calcium deficiency diseases, but there are others. Oral bone loss, colon cancer, hypertension, and preeclampsia, are believed to be affected by calcium deficiency.

The best natural sources of calcium include milk and milk products, nuts, green vegetables, beans and broccoli."
Thanks Ocean and Lyn,
I saw the scan yesterday, only water sac is there and that has grown but cld not see the baby at all and then gynae point out something really small like a dot and he said that is the baby but is too small. Already in wk 7 and still no heartbeat and way too small so said it does not look good. I feel scared, lonely and disappointed but at times feel numb. Dont know what to feel or think or do so lost. Dont know how to move on what to do next?
Today I have an assignment to complete but bcos of this news yesterday, I cld not focus on anything else other than myself. So today I did not go to office. My mgr called me and I told her my situation she said "So you are not in office? Hor, you want to rest at home okok, take care." and hung up. I feel so guilty of not going back to office, I really dont know what to do. Shld I go back to office and clear the work but really work is the least of my priority at this time.


I've done my mini confinement and drank alot of red dates without seeds (that wont make u heaty) and a small portin of dried longan everyday. After a wk when I went bk for check up, Dr said that my face very pinkish n I look v healthy. 1st time she ever see patient after DC so healthy.
