Support group - Miscarriages

tata lyn,
i also going home liao.
angry.. the last half hr, my comp crash! my work gone to waste. angry.. going home liao.

hi droopy.. welcome back.. glad that u enjoyed ur trip though AF came at the wrong timing..

dun worry, try again next mth.. Let's all Jia you for one another.. all the best...
I did not had a nice sleep since last week.. SO after my last posting, I went to have a nap and was surprised that I slept for abt 3hrs..

was so tired that i just zoom off to wonderland... feel so refreshed after the sleep..

Now I'm feeling great and looking forward for my AF to end... Hehehehhe
Good morning gals!

Can recover back the lost work? Poor gal... It's the computer fault...

Hi hamasaki,
Hope you had a good sleep last nite
Good morning gals!

It's wednesday, isn't it?

ai.. i woke up with a start this morning.. trying to recall if today is wed or thurs. realised i dun even remember. tat bad huh.
i was hoping it's thurs, but no such luck!
Yap.. finally finished the big piles of clothes... kekeke... have been piling for two weeks till hubby said no more ironed shirt in the wardrobe already... kekeke...
<font color="0077aa">Hallo ladies,</font>

How's everybody today?

<font color="119911">Droopy,</font>
U feel better today? Still got the floatish feeling? I was told by my company GP that during AF, better to eat some dark green vege, red meat (pork/beef) &amp; liver
to replenish the blood loss. Even though normal days w/o AF can also eat these on &amp; off, so that AF come won't hv floatish feeling. Hope u feel better today.

<font color="ff0000">Lyn,</font>
for directing me to the Dr Fong's thread. Ya...sounds like he's helping his patients save some $$. But I find it really funny why he doesn't do urine test, blood pressure &amp; take weight for 1st trimester. Anyway, if I strike 1 day &amp; when I see him, will ask him myself.

Btw, I think I really ovulate late on CD22. Cos my temp dropped low on CD21 then shoot up high on CD22 (Mon) &amp; it remained the same till today. Wah, does that mean my luteal phase is only 6 days??! Very weird of me leh.....
I am feeling great today
There might be reasons for gynae doing certain things which we might not know. Maybe dun wan to make preggie worry too much by going through so many tests... not good psychologically...
Try not to "analyse" the temperature chart. It can get very stressful cos we are not experts in it
. It just make us worry and think negative... Just take down the temperature and bring to the doctor to let doc decide what's next... haha... else pay so much for what rite?
hmm... I read somewhere that antibiotics no good for TTC... I am not sure about chinese "bu".

Yesterday I came across a website selling some herbs (ang mo one) in capsules. I was reading and wondering "is it really that good". Apparently, from all their testimonies, people get pregnant after taking their products. And they even warn people that before taking their products we must be very sure we want a baby soon. Some took only one month and conceive already...
I know for general health: double boil pao shen (if can afford, dong cong cao) with red dates and gou qi with a little bit of meat. Then drink the soup and eat up everything...

Geez... I am floating today...
<font color="aa00aa">Bluebells,</font>
I dunno what 'bu' to take. Best to check with chinese physician. He can give u better advise cos dunno what u wan2 'bu' leh? 'Bu' the blood/leg/energise body etc? If tell u wrongly, 'bu' wrongly then cham ah. The safest is what Lyn mentioned - 'Dong Cong Cao' with lean meat &amp; double boil.
<font color="0000ff">Lyn,</font>
Good to hear that u feeling great today! Me too! Ya...I'll stop 'analyzing' the BBT. Thanks for reminding me....
thanks gals.
no.. my fren not TTC-ing. just tat she is taking lots of antibiotics for her cough..etc. And she feels weak. so asked if there's any general bu food to take to strength her body.
<font color="119911">Bluebells,</font>
'Dong Cong Cao' is good. She can try it. Dunno what other herbs she can take to 'bu' her lungs. Believe there are to consult physician.
hi gals, wish that everyone have a wonderful day today and always..

Lyn, I did not have a nice sleep last nite.. Guess I slept too much during the day so my eyes was wide open last nite.. Heheheheh...
qwer, nowadays I felt that i'm getting too tired and sian of taking my temp and analyze it..

Now Having a headache of whether to stop taking temp or still go ahead with it..
Afternoon gals, i am still having slight brownish spotting though it has been a week plus already...

hormones test are alright and i am still on hormones pills... dun know why??? headache...

tomorrow going to see doctor, see what he say???
is there any doctor able to check why there is spotting???
<font color="aa00aa">Pochacco,</font>
Ya, maybe can go for 2nd opinion. There's a gynae (he's a Prof) treating infertility problems &amp; high risk pregnancies at Gleneagles. JE physician ever recommended to me. I saw him many yrs ago. He's Prof Christopher Chen. He's charges is definitely expensive but heard he's careful, thorough &amp; good. Be prepared to wait cos queue is always long.;post=816374#POST816374;post=711530#POST711530
Pochacco, pls take care leh. I too think is better to seek 2nd opinion. I've also heard abt the gynae recommended by qwer. Heard he is good.

Today another day to waiting for AF....... have told HB I wanna test today. I also requested him to purchase the test kit. Can anyone recommend which brand to buy?
Yasmin - kekeke good luck to you... buy Clearblue one loh, easily available &amp; accurate and ur HB can buy anywhere...

Qwer - i went there before 2 yrs back to see if i have PCOS(no sign of it)... quene is terribily long and of course expensive. heard that if got spotting must go back there every day for injection... i think i cannot tahan...
OK thanks! I tried clearblue for my boy but showed -ve but AF was already due. Then went to GP after few days and showed +ve. And last yr m/c, I also used clearblue 2x with faint line. so got phobia on clearblue. Kekekekeke..... Though I am not expecting to be preggie cos think it is impossible for me to strike with ovulation 4 days after BD, thinking of seeing -ve makes me feel sad. Its all in Gods Hands now.
Hello gals

Wow!So many posting, very busy yesterday n today.

Pochacco - oh! u got to take care n rest well. U want to try my gynae? He's very experience n good. His clinic at Mt. E. he's 1 of the gynae that has a machine (so called 3D) can detect problem n even blood supply to the bb. My previous gynae didnt tell me that i've blood clot. When i went to this gynae (Dr Datuk Chew) he scan n told me that i've blood clot n its going to bleed soon.

its good to go for 2nd opinion.

yasmine - i try clearblu. (ithink tis brand quite accurate leh) my AF oso not here yet.
yasmine - not yet cos this few days very busy n no time to go shopping. if AF still not here yet then i test tis weekend. Very fuuny is that i used to have sore breast b4 AF coming (b4 going for D&amp;C) n after that b4 my 1st AF coming, my breast no feeling at all. Dont know why tis time (2nd AF) due date liao n breast still soar. Maybe my body system spoil liao. u leh? Any symptom?

Pochacco - his clinic is called SC Chew Clinic, #17-10 Mt. E. Contact 6734 0800/6734 0441
yasmin, i agree that its all fated and when the times comes, baby will find their way to Us..

But then, i still wanna wish u all the best.. Hope U're tested with a positive line..
hi gals....
Just now very tired so had a nap
Got woken up by those noisy fogging downstairs!

Hope you will get

Sorry, I was napping just now... Must take care. I thought spotting stopped for a while last week? Does it stop when you had ample rest? Then you must rest well...
Lyn - wah! so nice leh can go shopping liao. enjoy your shopping yeah!

hamasaki - thanks u too Baby Dust to u
Oso i find it very stressful to take temp or use OPK or... to detect O. (in my mind i'll be thinking when temp down or up, when o) very stressful leh n if mission fail i'll be even more upset. I prefer to let it go naturally. (eg : DB during CD11-17)

Bye, i going home liao. chat with u again tomoro
yes confused, i agree that its stressful to take temp and using OPK and other sorts of methods.. Worse still, if we can't predict when its our fertile time and mission fail...

ai yoh, really so sian and headache.. Now I'm thinking if I should stop taking temp..
its been some time since we last heard from Missy.. wondering how is she now and has her baby dreams come true liao for her..

hope she will announce some happy news and share with us soon..
no panic. take 2mrw lor.
a 'lobang' in the middle of the chart pose more challenge to ur gynae. Can test them out.. hee hee..

Good morning ladies,
it's thursday! count down to weekend.
oh, tomorrow i'm going for the play "It Takes Two" by selena and Hossan.

oh lyn,
i wan to ask. u said ur bobochacha was a success. can u pass me the receipe? thanks hor!!
<font color="0077aa">Good Day everybody,</font>

How's everyone today? Raining leh
284837.gif nice if can stay home &amp; sleep!!

<font color="ff6000">Lyn,</font>
Forgot to take 1 day never mind...keke...
Morning gals, how is everyone...

Confused - thanks for the information.

Lyn - seem that the spotting only in the morning... after that no more... dun care first, later go gynae and check check...

Yasmin/confused - any news for us???
Good morning gals!

Confused and hamasaki,
Taking temperature and OPK can be quite stressful. I think BBT can let your gynae see if there's any problem with the cycle. It cannot tell you when ovulation is going to happen, but it will tell if ovulation did happen. In other words, it tells you after ovulation already happened. I think it will be good if you can continue with the BBT, but dun analyse it. Just take, record, and put it aside. It will be less stressful that way. I think if you have a BBT when you see a gynae, show him the BBT, then he can rule out some of the problems from BBT. And can save a bit on uneccessary tests... That's what I think... Maybe you can consider.
yalor... so nice to sleep in this weather... This morning hubby woke up at 8.35am (1hr late) cos heard my sis's alarm clock! Then we jumped out of bed... Then I quickly prepare his vitamins
Maybe he subconsciously switch off his alarm clock and went back to sleep...

Must have enough rest le... My gynae also told me before that if I do get pregnant again, I gotta go and see him asap and take injections to support the pregnancy. I have another perception about that. Last time, I also take lots of vitamins and injections, but still no use... God's will la... You can dun believe in my perception... Dun be angry with me ok? What I am trying to say is maybe your gynae think likewise.
Lyn - hehehe, me not angry at all la...

a bit history of mine. Actually my first pregnancy m/c was indirectly caused by WK Tan... i went to first gynae, say my baby not growing as big as it should be, so i was given hormones pills and injection... later go to chinese doc, ask me go fong to take hormones test, so i go loh. baby heartbeat was there but test result hormones too low must take injection and pills. that was around chinese new year, so there was a family friend gathering by the Hb father side, the auntie say say say say WK Tan veri gd, veri experience though x but gd, so HB bring me there. when i go there, told WK Tan about the situation about the hormones &amp; even shown her the report and the pills i am on. she say the doctors are being veri kiasu onli. she scan baby heartbeat was there so ask me to gradually stop the hormones pill but once i stop, the next day bleeding... and heartbeat stop and that is the end....

so conclusion, not experience gynae will actually help... i think i quite bad to write out the whole story like that... hopefully jus circulate here onli... kekeke...
Good Morning!
AF still not here yet. I will be testing this Saturday (day picked by HB) if AF is still not here yet!

Nice weather to zzzzzzzzzzzz ...... no mood to work liao.
hmmm... Sorry about your experience... I dunno what to say... But I do think male gynae are more competent. I do agree with my GP that some female gynaes are complacent that we women will definitely go and see them cos we will be uncomfortable with the male gynaes. So there's no motivation for them to strive for the best and learn more. After reading about insensitive female gynaes, etc... I dun mind going to male gynae...

My friend has a female gynae in the east for her first pregnancy. She went to the gynae asking her for advice whether to go for natural birth of caesaerean cos my friend is very scared of pain. Instead of giving sound advice, the gynae told her that she has two kids and delivered by natural birth. And if she has the choice she would go for caesaerean! I was surprised. My friend is very "kia si", so after hearing that advice, she immediately opted for caesaerean. Anyway my friend regretted caesaerean.

<font color="119911">Pochacco,</font>
You going to see Dr Fong later right? I know how u feeling now....especially when we dunno the reason &amp; still spotting. Write down all your questions u can think of now &amp; shoot all your questions later on. I'm also very worried leh... Juz remember now, dun carry heavy things, raise up your arms too high or do houseworks - mopping the floor.
