Support group - Miscarriages

<font color="aa00aa">Lyn,</font>
I know which female gynae u referring to. I read your posting somewhere b4. Dunno why that female gynae gave ur fren such advise. I always thot gynae will tell pple to try natural birth 1st. If really bo bian, then c-section.

Whatever it is, I always think it's best to discuss with HB &amp; if need be, seek 2nd opinion. Cos juz believe in 1 gynae's statement not enough. That gynae maybe very subjective. On the other hand, others may think once u engaged this gynae, hv to trust her. Depends on individual lor....

My female gynae who delivered my gal is good. I like her. But cos of bad memories of that hospital, the downstairs x-ray room, her clinic bed etc...I dun wish to return to her if I strike again. Still scared lor.....even she sent me reminder to see her for pap smear test I also didn't go.
Today CD40. I did not take temp leh. Yesterday, in office felt very cold so thought might me coming down with fever so took temp, 36.9.
Hello n morning gals

Aiyo! Time is flying very fast leh, i still have a lot of work to do n its already 11++ liao. yalor! nice weather today n how nice i can stay at home n sleep.

Lyn - yo! 1 day didnt take temp shoulb be alright bah. But i find taking temp or OPK very stressful leh. Although it's juz a indication, it really give me pressure.

Pochacco - So sad to hear your story. me too went to the wrong gynae n in the end ....
nevermind tis time if i were to get pregnant again i go look for a experience gynae liao (Dr Datuk Chew)
Ya! u better write down those question u want to ask the gynae. so that u'll know the condition n wont be worrying so much liao. Pls rememeber not to stress yourself n must have plenty of rest.

AF still not here yet. I thinking coming soon liao leh cos stomach bloated n still having soar breast. Got a feeling AF coming soon.
<font color="ff6000">Yasmin,</font>
U go office liao then take temp, so that temp buay zun lah. Gotta take at the same time in the morning when u 1st wake up. Wah...CD40 already!!! Normally your cycle is how many days? Seem like very high chance...if u record ur BBT every morning &amp; u notice ur temp is high these few days, then maybe can try to use HPT liao. Good luck!
Hi Lyn

How are you?? Went for another opinion on Tuesday at Mt E. Charges are ex but the gynae is good. He is very thorough in his check and scanning and he even goes into the extend of scanning my kidneys and gall-bladder to made sure that they are ok..
Hi beary,
I am fine, thank you
. Can email to me which doc? I am looking around for "backup" gynae, just in case if I need to see a gynae and my gynae overseas... Is the gynae positive about your case?

I have found something to keep myself busy
hehe.. in fact very busy... Now is hubby wait for me to come home at nite...
I am finding out about two MLM business. One that I am trying to find out more is about healthcare products. It amazed me how the company has expanded so fast with only 4 products. My friend's family tried the products and results very good. I bought a set for my mum cos she's having painful "trigger fingers". I wonder if the products will help us in TTC... kekeke... So far, I only know my friend's kid at 15 months already has 18 teeth! His wife took the products while pregnant and feed his boy boy from birth till now... Amazing... Let me discover more

I will be attending a course this weekend, hoping to find out what it takes to be a successful person
. What I realised so far from talking to other successful people is that, we gotta think positive and ask positive questions. For example, normal people will ask "why I have no time?". The successful people will ask "what can I do to have more time?".
aiya... bluebells, cannot PM you....
Anyway, it's very easy.

1) For the transparent, chewy bits. Tapioca flour - Pour flour in bowl and mix with hot boiling water and stir. Add flour if too much water till you can handle with your hands. Make into shapes you like. Boil in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Switch off the fire. Cover, and let it stand. The flour will become transparent.
NB: Add colour if you want more colours.

2) Boil some sago pearls (I chose the big ones).
Bring water to boil. Then add pearls and boil for 40 minutes. Then switch off fire, cover and leave to stand.

2) Red Sweet potato and Yam.
Cut into cubes of approx equal sizes and steam them. Steam Yam separately cos need to steam longer than the sweet potatoes.

3) For syrup.
Boil water, sugar (best with gula melaka to add more fragrant taste), 2 knotted pandan leaves till boil and sugar dissolved.
Then add Kara brand coconut cream. I add bit by bit to suit my taste. The more coconut milk, the thicker the syrup, the more tasty it will be, but more cholesterol....

That's easy, rite? heh.. it takes a bit of practice to get the tapioca flour part rite...

This bubur chacha will taste nice with some bananas
. I just slice some Delmonte bananas and put in the bowl and pour the hot syrup over to let it stand a bit. Alternatively, you can boil the bananas with the syrup till the bananas is soft. Becos not everyone in my home eat bananas, so I just slice and put in the bowl when serving.
Lyn, Confused, Qwer - me back alreadi, doc say if hormones level ok, brownish spotting is alright... Hmmm... funny thing is this morning dun have any spotting lei...
took my blood test again, wait for tommorrow then know if everything alright.

Qwer, i forget alreadi, what CD are u today???
Hi Pochacco,
Glad that the doctor said everything is alright and monitoring your hormones level closely
Gotta stay positive and do have enough rest.
<font color="0000ff">Pochacco,</font>
No spotting is very good sign...stay positive. Dun say it's 'funny' leh....pray &amp; pray....will pray for you a smooth pregnancy. Btw, I'm quite 'pantang' one, I dunno abt now, talk must think twice then talk ok. Dun anyhow say things. Like the old folks say - Dun shift any furniture in ur house now, especially your bed.

Today CD25 liao. Temp today is 36.9
Lyn, U forgot to take ur Temp today.. never mind, cos its only a day.. For me at times i can missed taking it for 2 days or so..

every week sure got empty slots in it (hehehehhehe)
Pochacco, glad to hear that ur doc said that things are well for U and baby.. Continue to take care and leave all heavy and housework stuffs to hubby..
yasmin, ur hubby so funnie.. Need to choose an asupicious day to test.. hahahahha

All the best to U and inform us of the result.. Bet u are feeling so excited and anxious..
thanks 4 the receipe.
yah.. i look and look.. how come u didn't send me yet. hee hee..
btw, what's gula melaka? And where can i get it?
wah.. really takes lotsa effort hor. i shall try it when my HB is back. Now, let me take down ur receipe first.

talking abt "pantang". i also believe in such things. but the worst part is, i have not heard that cannot shift the bed! i heard abt not being around when renovating..etc. But ask you.. when we change bedsheet, how not to shift the bed? esp if floor is parquet floor, sure will move when pushed, then pushed back again.
but now that i know, i told my HB, next time he shall change bedsheet, i not going 2 b around.

haiz, sometime thought that ignorance is bliss, but when things occur, sometimes just wonder why i didn't follow 'religiously'.
bluebells, i too will ask hubby to change the bed sheet, bolster etc etc in future.. My hubby is more Pan Tang than me..

anyway, its best to listen to what some old folks said.. Be safe than to be sorry..
Good news. take care! rest more.
And yah, dun do any renov in ur hse now. If really must, make excuse and get out of the hse. Leave it to HB.
hi hamasaki,
but the problem is hor.. no one tells me abt old wives' tales till it happened.
U get wat i mean? that's 2 late rite?
but maybe they mean well by not telling us. But when happened, then my MIL asked, did we shift the TV set etc. Hey, how am i supposed to know cannot shift. [tho at that time, my tv set not in yet]. But the whole point is... it's 2 late rite? sigh sigh...
<font color="119911">Pochacco,</font>
Ya lor, so many pple here waiting to test. U lead us lah....many pple will be joining u liao....

<font color="ff0000">Bluebells,</font>
Ya, ask ur HB to change bedsheets. I remembered when I was still pregnant with my gal gal 3 yrs ago, I notice my hse rubbish chute got cockroach eggs!!! Yucks &amp; disgusting everytime I throw rubbish. I told HB to clean up that area &amp; remove the eggs. But my HB refused leh. That time he said I was pregnant, better dun destroy others (in this case was an insect) egg. So waited till I gave birth then HB clean up that yucky area!!
Pochacco - oic. in another few more weeks u can hear n see baby heartbeat liao. Yeah must be positive n leave any housework stuff to your hubby. I believe baby very Pan tang. So pls dont say those pan tang thing.

i experience it b4. During CNY i had a huge quarrel with hubby. (i went back to my parent's place for reunion dinner n while on the way back to hubby house, we talk abt PIL n SIL. Hubby say want to hold a meeting with them to sort everything out - wat not happy abt me then i told him better dont. i say if u want bb to go(die) go ahead to hold this meeting. Then he say he's no objective for me to go abortion n he's not concern whether have tis bb or not. after hearing tis i break down i cry very hard) n on next day CNY(chu 1)nite PIL wants him to fetch them, he fall down (his leg was bleeding very seriously)

So its better to be pan tang then sorry. i experience tis liao so next time pregnant i dont bother/care too much abt them. i juz concentrate on my pregnancy n looking forward to see my bb. (that's my wish)
When I first started plotting the BBT, I have lots of empty slots... keke... I dun like missing dots cos the plot dun look nice le... vain hor? hehe...

"Gula Melaka" is dark brown in colour. It's a type of pine sugar which comes in block. I dunno where to buy it in Singapore cos I got it from Melaka... You can replace it with dark brown sugar.

kekeke... we will have lots of good news in this thread soon!
Leader being Pochacco! Yeah! hehe... It will certainly add some life to this thread again!
Bluebell - Dont be upset liao. Now you know those pan tang thing.And it's still not too late to have bb. So try to avoid on your next pregnancy. I was told no sewing, no stitching n sharp objects on the bed. no shifting furniture, cabinet n ... n most importantly dont talk negative things abt baby.

gals - do u believe ppl saying that dont tell anyone that you are pregnant until u pass the 1st tri?
<font color="0000ff">Confused,</font>
Ya lor, I also think baby very pantang one. My 2nd unsuccessful pregnancy also like that. My gal left lots of toys in the living room 1 day. I tripped her toy drum &amp; fell down. Hurt my ankle badly. But then I still dunno I pregnant. Also attended my late colleagues funeral wake &amp; visted her in the hospital b4 she passed away. 1 wk later I found out I pregnant &amp; I told my HB that I didn't believe it cos the wk b4, I juz fell very badly, how come bb can still ok? Come to think of it, really gotta slap myself. After that, few days later I bled liao.

Dun believe also cannot ah....believe it or not you ladies decide. But I 100% believe. Next time if I lucky to strike again, will zip my mouth &amp; think b4 I talk.
Qwer - kekeke

Confused - Doc say if everything progress normally, i will be able to see the heartbeat this weekend... this time round only inform both parent but not to sidling... pantang alreadi... kekeke...
qwer - really sad. ya! dont believe oso cannot. ya! next time must say gd things abt bb.

me too will zip up my mouth. My hubby even ask me to go back to stay with parent if i pregnant. i was thinking siao ah!
hehe... pochacco, you haven't tell us... you only wrote down
Hope you will see baby's heartbeat this weekend... If you dun, dun be disappointed but still remain positive ok? cos some babies, heartbeat only can be detected as late as 8 weeks...
bluebells, i understand how u're feeling at that time..
Pat pat sayang.. In future, we got to be careful liao.. If we suspect that we are pregnant, then better dun do all those stuffs and push it to hubby to settle them..
hahahhaha Lyn, U so funnie.. when i saw those empty slots, i feel at ease leh.. (weird)... maybe there are no pressure on that day cos I do not need to see and think hard of when its my fertile time..
hi qwer and confused, i guess i can be pretty pan tang at times.. Yah lor, next time I must think twice be4 opening my mouth to talk..

My hubby wanted to announce the pregnancy as soon as we find out, but I'm quite relutant to do so.. Was thinking if its best to wait till after 1st trim..
hehe.. hamasaki, I am a perfectionist ma... I also feel paiseh of the empty slots when I show it to my gynae.
I also see it this way that if I have lots of empty slots, gynae also cannot see whether there's any problems with my cycle. It's just like collecting data and be consistent in order to give good results.
kekeke... anyway I got one empty slot this month already...
me so far have not a full completed slots.. Every mth, there be bound to have at least 3 or more empty slots in it.. Hahahhaha. I like that..

Hubby said I siao, but i feel happy leh to see the empty slots cos I do not need to think too much on when its my fertile time..
i agree that it will cause more confusion for gynae and he will have a hard time trying to analyse it...

so now I'm trying to kick this habit..
<font color="ff6000">Pochacco,</font>
Thank you, I catch it liao.

Ya, stay positive. Tell yourself - everything will be fine!!
I just came across an article. It's an interesting read of a story of a woman's journey in TTC. Pregnancy came as a surprise when she least expected it!

hahaha.. I was thinking, should I just give up hope and deny I want a baby? Strange thinking of mine... hmm... maybe I will bury myself in my new found "job" and stop dreaming about baby and throw away all the tests...

What do you gals think?
okie.. gotta go and shower and get ready to go out already
hehe... now is hubby waiting for me to come home... kekeke... last nite he already fell asleep when I came home...
Lyn, its up to u on which decision u wanna make..

No matter how hard I tried to not think of babies, my attempts all failed.. So I guess I have to stay on this way.. But dun put too much stress and pressure on urself.. try to maintain a relaxed and stress-free mind...
hi confused, I told him before, but it seems to me that he is pretty Kan cheong to tell to his mum.. Cos he wanted his mum to cook and buy tonics and Bu foods for me to makan..

So now both of us scratching our heads whether to wait or shoot our mouths once we find out...

Guess when the times comes, then we decide.. Its still too early for me to think of this cos me not preggie at all now.. (ai yoh)...
<font color="ff6000">Hallo ladies,</font>

Do u sleep well last nite? Aiyoh....I slept like a pig till this morning blur blur. Woke up to take my temp, but didn't record it &amp; went back to sleep for another 20mins! Then now I totally forgot what's my temp today!!
Hello gals...
Good morning!

Dun worry too much ok? I learnt something yesterday is not to worry too much

I did not sleep very well last nite. I went for a course and chatted with several successful people. I am inspired by them. Last nite, I was thinking about what I learnt last nite... Din sleep very well... hehe... this morning wake up still thinking le...

GOod mOrNing ladies,

2day, whilst waiting 4 MRT, i saw this couple wif a BB. BB looks go guai and peaceful, so much so i contemplate that hey, it would be nice if we have a bb.
The next minute i enter the train, there were these 2 kids. wah.. they were making so much noise.. screaming and wailing away, without their mum and dad doing much. could see the whole train quite affected by the noise level. hmmm.. then i tot again... shd i, or shd i not. haiz...
