Support group - Miscarriages

hi all, I have been trying to follow the thread but not successful, it moves too fast/my work moves too fast.
anyway, just feel like sharing my feelings here. i am disappointed yet again. this is my 4th cycle since the m/c. it gets worse every month. i always try to cheer myself up after every month's failure, but this month is especially bad, with 2 colleagues' pregnant news in the office.
i came back and immediately checked the ovulation calculator, and found that it actually did coincide with the days i BD. but still, my efforts were futile. i booked appt with my gynae next week. i know it is not even a year, but the pain of disappointment every month is getting harder and harder to bear. i cried on the bus home. i even contemplated buying a pregnancy kit to test, hoping that i am pregnant and it is only implantation spotting. i am beginning to think i rather have another m/c than not be pregnant. i am just desperate. sigh....

Hi decimal,
Hugs... dun give up hope. Try not to give yourself so much stress. TTC can be very stressful but gotta try not to think about it too much.

I am in my 6th cycle after m/c. That's excluding my first AF was 2 months after D&C. I just started plotting on a new sheet of temperature chart which my gynae gave me. This is my 5th cycle of plotting the temperature everyday. Anyway today is CD10! Time flies... I was very stressed a few months ago and I am not as stress about TTC now. Now I will wonder and get sad, but not tears anymore
. It's not easy, but gotta try. We will work hard togather to try not to be so stressed about TTC ok? You are not alone, gal...
Yes, I think it's fated... Just have to wait patiently. Forcing things will only give us lots of disappointments and frustrations.

I just had an hour chat with my BIL's wife! They are also TTC. A few years already... And I just realised they have already spent a lot of money. She even tried clomid and go for all the follicles scan, but still like that... I think it's fate la...
lyn: agree. my hb also stress lei.... he always said i "rape" him like a sex monster
....but he does agree tat man's role is much more simpler than us tat is juz to provide strong sperm....

decimal pt: ***bear hug*** B brave & strong ok. perhaps we hv to console ourself that it will b our turn soon
thanks girls... what gets to me is that I seem to be doing all the right things, diligently checking my discharge and recording the changes, bd at the suspected time, and I am not being unrealistic, I got my hopes high only yesterday CD33, only to see red today. why??? I am really dissappointed. Nobody can understand our feelings, why we are so anxious to be pregnant. I am really starting to lose faith.
hi cafe, qwer, sunny and bluebells, thanks for ur comforting words.. I will try again.. actually I'm just a bit upset, but flare up more when hubby said something hurtful to me yesterday that trigger me off even worse..

Let's all jia you and work hard together.. hope we have baby news coming in the next mth and onwards..
hi cafe, qwer, sunny and bluebells, thanks for ur comforting words.. I will try again.. actually I'm just a bit upset, but flare up more when hubby said something hurtful to me yesterday that trigger me off even worse..

Let's all jia you and work hard together.. hope we have baby news coming in the next mth and onwards..
hi lyn and confused, its true that Royal Jelly is good for both women and men.. It works best for us ladies.. It will helps to increase fertitly, so makes us more fertile and have healthy eggs.. Plus, it will make us look younger and youthful as well..
so sad to hear that qwer, confused and yasmin have horrible MIL, PIL and SIL.. relationship is so terrible and sour..

Juz dun understand why are there such people ard that make us so pissed off with them.. Come on, we are all one big family.. Why are they making our lives so miserable.. Does they really feel so happy to see us sad and angry.. Dun understand these people leh....
Hi cafe,
I think when we are stressed, our hubby will be stress also. Sometimes, when my hubby see me very stress, he will feel stress and sad too. hahaha... I think with the current society, it's not easy to provide strong soldiers le...

Hi decimal,
I think even my hubby also will not understand the disappointment that we gals go through. A few months ago, I was staring at my temperature chart everyday and trying to make out what it tells me. And I check my discharge everyday, bd hard at the supposed fertile time, etc.. Last month, I even tried OPK. All these did not work for me too...

Lose faith if you want... It might help you in conceiving...
I find life is so ironic sometimes. When you dun wan something, it will come... When you die to have it, it will be gone...
Hugs hugs... dun despair ok? I think we have given you false hopes to bring your hopes high high... sorry... we still can try again the next cycle
lyn: yes, u r absolutely right. my hb aso share the same sentiment like us (ie. stress). i can still recall b4 my first pregnancy, wen he was sick during my fertile period, i aso dragged him to BD lei.... me scary hor
& of course, i did not preggie for tat cycle coz his soldier aso "sick" like him
from there i knw tat it is pointless to BD if ur partner is ill. juz now i even tease my hb tat shall we go for IUI??? Without hesitation, my hb replied me "NO" as he want me to conceive in the natural way. actually i expected his reply based on my understanding abt him. i will try nt to let this ttc thing "torture" or "stress" me in this mth wen trying
hi Lyn, dun say sorry to me.. Its no one fault here..

I think I myself got too anxious and excited.. Cos the symptoms that i had this mth was slightly different as be4 so I raised the alarm.. Thought something was wrong with me..
Me sotong...
Lyn, i agree that life can be sooo ironic at times.. The more we stress ourselves up over babies and TTC, the more chances of us failing in our mission of striking baby jack-pot..

Gosh, me feeling sooo sian again liao..
Good Morning Ladies,
Today I am CD38. My normal cycle is 32days, so way past my deadline. AF where are you???
hi yasmin
possible that you strike? ")

hi decimal
don't give up hope and also don't put too much stress on yourself. always remember when the time comes, you will have it. if the time is not right, no matter how desperate, how anxious we are, we will still not get it. cheer up!
GOod MorNing ladies,
hugz to all of you.
hmm.. let's all work hard together again.

The long vesak wkend is coming soon.. plan something for that wkend.
<font color="0000ff">Good morning gals!</font>

When is Vesak day? hehe... I forgot the holidays "schedule" already...

IUI can be a stressful process for both the husband and wife. Cos it's not 100% strike technique. My hubby also against "manual pregnancy"...
Think about how happy you will be in Taiwan with hubby, enjoying the shopping, eating and sight-seeing...

Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan... Here I come!
u no need lah.. everyday holiday for u.. ha ha...

anyway, vesak day on 22nd May. 23rd May (monday) will be a public holiday. So another long wkend.

but this will be the only holiday, and the next one only coming in august, national day.

ha ha.. office worker like me will keep track all these holidays one. hee hee.
No I have not. I dont think I strike leh. cos BD only 2 times and also not ard ovulation. Dont think got chance.

Hi bluebells, yup me too! Always keeping track of the holidays.
i got a friend only BD once, just right after AF. and she strikes!!! so, it's all depend on luck.
Really ah sunny,
I BD on CD14 morning and remembered feeling cramps on CD18, shld be ovulated on CD18. BD again on CD27 or 28. Got chance??
Well, something tells me I am not preggie....
hello n morning gals

Pochacco - Wow! u so lucky. i oso BD 1/2 times after my D&amp;C (but i dont allow hubby sperm to go in) n after that i was so so worried. (now think of it hor, i very silly leh) Aiya! i should have BD everyday leh

Lyn - i told Royal jelly in capsule form. (i cant tahan the taste) hope that after we taking this we got gd news soon \ clipart{biggrin}

yamine - Wow! Wish u gd luck n hope o hear gd news from you soon

hamasaki - yalor! got such bad people around (maybe they dont really treat us a their family member) oh! Dont get upset liao, ignore wat your hubby say. we jia you together yeah!
<font color="0077aa">Good day ladies,</font>

How's everybody today?

<font color="ff6000">Bluebells,</font>
Give me 5! workers like us definitely monitor all the public holidays round the yr! But June &amp; Jul no more holidays.

<font color="119911">Decimal Point,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">*Pat Pat</font>I can understand how u feel now. If u read thro the past postings...I was very depressed few days ago also. Using OPK, monitor temp &amp; discharge etc indeed add on to my stress. I totally agree with <font color="ff0000">Sunny &amp; Lyn</font>, life is very ironic....what I can say is, it's all fated. When it's time, the baby will come look for us. I know it's very difficult to relax &amp; dun think abt it...cos I'm also trying to psycho myself to relax. What to do right? The more we stress up ourselves, the more difficult to conceive. BD becomes unnatural, everything seems to be forced &amp; fake. In this kind of condition to BD, it's rather hard to strike. I was also very disappointed when my AF came last mth. I keep telling myself to relax. We hv to help ourselves, cos nobody can help us one. So <font color="0000ff">Decimal Point,</font> dun despair yet. I believe in miracles!!

To those who're TTC
I'm sure our wish will come true!

<font color="aa00aa">Yasmin,</font>
I hope u hv good news to annouce soon. Dun wish to stress u...
Confused - understand that. After we BD, we also worried but we think only once should not loh... but still like tat...

Yasmin - good luck to you... kekeke...

Bluebell - never notice that the next holiday after vessk is only in Aug... mmm, then my next holiday should be in aug already,,, so sianzzzz...

Qwer - today where are you???
<font color="ff6000">Dear ladies,</font>
I've a very weird experience last nite. Would like to ask u a question - has anyone here experience/heard that ovulation can take place twice in a mth??
Well, I stopped using OPK for 5 days already &amp; I was not so depressed liao. Yesterday whenever I went toilet, I noticed EWCM for the entire day. So last nite, out of curosity, I took out 1 OPK to test. Yesterday was CD22 liao...&amp; my cycle now is abt 28-30 days. To my surprise, I saw 2 double solid line again! I thot my eyes playing tricks,
thot I siao liao but HB also confirmed that. But how can it be right? Ovulate twice? Or the OPK is spoilt? Aiyoh....<font color="0000ff">*scratch head</font>
Qwer - kekeke me too only see your first posting after my posting... i will help to research on ovulation.... are u going on holiday???
hmmm... It's not possible to ovulate twice a month with a 28-30 days cycle.
I have read that OPK can also be a test for pregnancy, but cannot be relied on 100% due to the false negatives. Not to put your hope too high, is the test line darker or same color as the control line? Positive on OPK is when the test line is darker or same color as the control line. Since you have PCOS, will your cycle varies from time to time?
<font color="ff6000">Pochacco,</font>
Thanks hor....
Me not going on holiday leh....last nite proposed to my HB abt short trip to maybe Bangkok together with my gal. But he sounded uninterested. Then I know liao...I zipped my mouth....his work lah...very hard to take leave now. I tell myself never mind lor....dun go holiday, can save money too!
Dun go holiday also can have quality time with family
and enjoy yourself

hmm... I just came across a website that sells vitamins saying that Vit E can prevent miscarriage... wonder how true it is... *scratch scratch*
<font color="aa00aa">Lyn,</font>
Ya lor, that's why I'm also thinking it's impossible leh. Last nite test line was same colour as control line. I agree with u that PCOS has varied cycles. But I'm taking chinese medicine so it's under control liao lor. Variation won't be very great, maybe juz 1-2 days. Anyway, bo chap liao...dun care so much already. Must tell myself everyday must be happy....

Ya lor stay in S'pore also can spend quality time with family...
Hi qwer, have you considered going holiday alone with your gal? I'm thinking of bringing my son and mum to M'sia (cheap and nearby) during the long weekend holiday period. As my hubby might be working that weekend thought of going there w/o him. Kekekeke.....I dont mind going with jus my son alone. Also quite curious to find out if I can handle him alone.
<font color="119911">Aiyoh, Yasmin</font>
I dare not try leh....scared scared. Cos now she got this 'terrible twos' symptom. Once I was alone with her @ Parkway Parade, she wanted to enter a shop to see the artificial fish. I went in with her &amp; we stood there to watch, but after so long already she refused to come out. Then I hv to persuade her to come out &amp; maybe hv a Barney mobile ride. But she's not happy &amp; then WWII started! Aiyoh....she yelled &amp; cried outside the departmental store, her shoes flown abt 1m away &amp; she sat on the floor crying. Then I juz squatted beside her &amp; watched her cry. When she starts her tantrum, I'll not give chance. No, means no. I'll watch her cry at a safe place till she stops. But then hor....very paiseh cos many pple looked at us. Even those hairdressers in the hairsalon also came out to see. After a while when she cooled down then I quickly carried her &amp; left the place asap. So I dare not try alone to bring her overseas. I'm not so capable. This incident happened few mths ago, though now she has improved a lot, I still scared.
Qwer - ur daughter really hard to handle but it seem nowsaday kids are like that lei... i am so scared...

me also never go holiday... miss holiday trip... can really make us paiseh at times hor. Mine, being a boy-boy as long as got pretty gals walking here and there, can tell him Aiyoh look at that lady looking at you so stop crying. He will quickly wipe his tears and give them a cheeky look and complain to them abt me leh. He very vain so I got easier time dealing with him. With my husband he can roll ard and get things his way but me got diff approach to dealing him, which I have not taught my hb yet. And dont intend to. Then can boast, that I do a better job in taking care of him! Hahaha
hi yasmin
i guess if AF not yet come, you stand a chance lah. unless you tell me you didn't BD this month. then i can't tell you that you got chance. hahahaha......

i am also waiting for my AF to come. it's due today. i don't have any preggie symptoms at all this time.
<font color="0000ff">Pochacco,</font>
No scared gal...when it's time to come, you'll be able to handle.

Btw, u still taking the hormone supplement pills?
Hello gals, something to share about handling emotions after miscarriage:

Don't bottle it up.

If pregnant co-workers or friends talk incessantly about babies, just say, "I am so happy you all have so much to look forward to. I can't wait until it is one day my turn." Then walk away! There is no need to stand around and endure the conversation. Even if they say something negative about your sensitivity, they are just projecting how guilty they feel for upsetting you. They know it's their fault. And they have no idea how hard this is for you. Often you'll find out who has had a miscarriage before, because they will seek you out with a sympathetic, understanding ear.
hi sunny,
I was having sore nipples past wk but the soreness has subside today. I have cramps, like pre-AF which started today. So think that I have been stressed with both things at home, like misunderstanding with HB, shifting frm own hse to mum's pl and with office work. Shld be getting AF soon I hope. I dont want to test, cos sure will have high expect then see -ve going to feel down. So, jus waiting .... till end of this wk. By Friday, AF is not here then I will go see a GP and get pills to regulate it.
Hi qwer, something I read in the internet....

Most women ovulate near the middle of their monthly menstrual cycle. The average cycle length for a woman is between 23 to 35 days. It is possible, however, to have a longer or shorter menstrual cycle. Sometimes it is even possible to have ovulation occur twice in one month, or to have a month where no ovulation occurs at all. Most doctors agree that ovulation usually happens 13 to 14 days before starting your period or monthly bleeding.
<font color="aa00aa">Pochacco,</font>
Juz hang in there ok dear gal. Do things super slow, be happy everyday &amp; dun think abt unhappy stuffs. Look at happy things. Once knock off, try to go home rest asap. Now u need lots of sleep &amp; rest. Listen to ur body, if u feel very tired, sleep early.
Also, try to avoid crowded places &amp; hospital visits. Cos many virus out there. I wish u a smooth pregnancy!

<font color="119911">Yasmin,</font>
Thanks for the info. It's possible to ovulate twice in 1 mth ah?? I also heard that ovulation occurs around 14 days b4 the start of next period. But my case is super weird. Cos my cycle is abt 28-30 days. CD14 is already over leh. Last nite was CD22 but my OPK gave me a positive result! Must be OPK spoil liao. It's really impossible. I really surrender liao.
Dunno what's wrong inside me now. Only heaven knows.
Hello ladies, i'm here..

Yah lor confused, there are all sorts of people in this world.. Guess we must not be affected by them or it will make our day upset..

Lyn, okie.. I will try to be very happy and stay positive.. Now I'm thinking of what to buy in Taiwan liao..
Qwer, dont worry. You are normal. See below, extraction from internet.

Is it possible to ovulate twice in one month?

Yes. Of course, if you have a cycle that's less than 30 or 31 days, it will happen, but be separated by a period.

I assume you want to know if you can ovulate twice without a period in between. The answer is, yes, but rarely.

First, two follicles (the fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that eggs come in) might be so similar in size that Nature does not choose between them and they will both ovulate after one LH surge. This is how "non-identical" twins happen. It is more common with ovulation inducing drugs, such as clomiphene and FSH.

Second, the two follicles (very rarely) mature at quite different times. A second LH surge might happen. In Nature, sometimes it seems anything can happen, even if it does not make much sense! We think some ectopic pregnancies (pregnancies in the tube) might happen this way
