Support group - Miscarriages

Hello gals,
I have changed my username! I will be using this username from now...

Hi hamasaki,
Baby dust to you too

hi hi,
thanks! qwer, don't envy me. your turn will come, it's only a matter of time. keep the faith! You know, when emma was conceived, my hubby and i named the little foetus Faith. we used it all the way to remind us to keep believing. i think those of you who were around long enough would remember those postings. we were contemplating using "Faith" as her middle name in her BC but in the end, decided against it. Too long a story to explain to her when she grows up. Besides, I don't want her to think we ever doubted her existence!

Snuffles, thanks. it has been that long already, huh? how time flies. i will send you a pm with the link. how are you these days? coming back anytime?

Bluebells, it's normal to feel this way, i remember after my m/c and when it was taking so long for me to conceive again, i used to get upset, almost angry whenever i saw couples pushing their prams. and on Christmas we were having Child baptism in church, and i cried throughout - just couldn't stop my tears from flowing! it was so embarrassing, but there was nothing i could do to hold them back. My hubby was so stunned he didn't know what to do. But life has to go on, and soon time will heal the pain. cliched as it may sound, it's true.

I wonder how Oceans is. Haven't heard from her for a while. Hope all's well.
Good morning gals!

Hamasaki, yes, I am bz counting down.. 9 days left today

You know gals? I went home pondering about the discussions that took place yesterday. I think we have all come a long way. It makes me happy to see folks like Lyn, Hamasaki comforting new gals like Qwer, bluebells etc, cos I remember that not too long ago, Lyn and Hamasaki were also very sad about their own losses. So qwer, you see, everyone makes a little small step. I am sure you will get there sometime!
We must all jia you together, ok?

hi folic,
yah and old grandma here will still be comforting everyone here for a long time to come and seeing everyone coming and going.

Me later going to colour my hair and going shopping!!! Here's to a new start!
Good Morning Gals

Now I have got a nicer sunflower
I like sunflower cos it cheers me up...

Hi Folic,
Soon you will be counting down by hours liao!!!

Hi Java,
Have you thought of what colour for your hair? Do you believe in Feng Shui? This is the period of 8, and the good luck colour for hair is brown. It's nice to have a new image for a new start too
Hi grandma java, yah, grandma folic will also be here

Lyn, sunflowers are my fav too
So sunny and cheerful

Actually not really hoping for a gal gal... Boy boy or gal gal also can... as long as it's my baby
My MIL prefer a gal gal cos she got two boys and she havent got a chance to dress up a gal gal...
Dear all,
Sorry to trouble all of you.and really thank you so much for giving me all the support & encouragement. Ok ok, I'll jia you! I'll come over the forum more often & voice my emotions. I hope I'm able to overcome this depression. In fact I'm working very hard already. Yesterday juz highlighted my shoulder length hair. 100% of my colleagues said I look good with this new hair colour. They said this new colour brightens up my face. Before that, my hair was very very black.

Hugs to u.I can fully understand how you feel.cos I'm also trying hard to overcome this too. My two sis-in-laws juz gave birth (one to a boy, another to a gal) a few mths after my m/c. I want to avoid also cannot cos they're my niece & nephew!! Worse thing is 1 of my sis-in-law is staying with my parents. So whenever I visit my parents, I'll see my bb nephew. Of course I feel the pain, but what to do? Initially I refused to touch them, but now, I started to carry my bb nephew already. Really very warm inside my heart carrying him in my arms! Sometimes I was thinking to myself that how nice it will be if this bb is juz mine, hee..heevery stupid of me right??

It's glad to hear from you again. I think you're a very strong woman & I salute to u! Take good care! Btw, I'm not angry with my mum, juz that during that period, I was in a 'roller coaster'.so I was quite rude to her. Now guilty lah..

Countdown to 9 days! OHI'm also very excited for you.very anxious to see your little baby's photos. Do share with us ok?

Someone u know,
Thanks for your posting!

Like your lovely sunflower!! It's my favourite flower! Cheers me up!! Very colourful!

Lyn, Hamasaki,
Jia you, Jia you!! Baby dust to u!!! I'll also jia you a little, but juz dun want to give myself too much pressure lah...
Yap yap... I like sunflowers... It's like smiling at me when I see it when I am down. It does cheer me up... I can remember those big and beautiful sunflower fields when travelling in France and Italy with hubby... Beautiful memories

Hi qwer,
We will jia you
But dun give yourself too much pressure... Have have lor.. dun have then dun have lor... Pressure also no good to our health... Baby dust to you too
Meanwhile, enjoy "er ren shi jie" with hubby
really like your cute cute pics....brightens up my day! "er ren shi jie" lah...I already hv a 2 yr old gal :p
folic, i like what you said. and i guess i'm somewhere in between old grandma and old auntie?
lol.gif's been a long time! i also realise something, the newer generation's posting a lot more colourful and animated!
really makes me feel 'old'!!!
Thx 4 all the lovely gestures.
BIG HUGS to you gers 4 ur support.

occasionally, i still look at the ultrasound photo of my BB. The initial period was terrible.. i was doubtful of my gynae. wat if they made a mistake. i only had very little spotting (and no heavy flow), so how can bb be gone? But with time, i'm slowly coming to terms with it.

anyway, just wanna share with the rest...
"When we are young and learning how to walk, we fall down. But that doesn't mean we are afraid to walk again."
-This goes the same for us... when we fail, we shd not be afraid to try again.
oops... sorry...
I have forgotten you have got a 2 yr old gal gal already.... Enjoy your "san ren shi jie" for the time being then...
Me still "er ren shi jie"
- gonna be at least 10 years couple life before baby arrives already...

I am not very young actually... I am reaching the number 3 in front already
. My hubby sometimes said I am very "auntie" when I do the bargaining when we buy things
He's not used to bargaining.


Maybe you can consider keeping the ultrasound photo in a safe place. I have kept mine
. I bought a pregnancy calender book last time. I saw it when I was packing to move house. I wanted to throw it away, but hubby said dun throw... so I kept it in my drawer now but I dun take it out and flip

Actually, for me, on my right brain, I will be very happy to have my own baby. On my left brain, I am scared of pain and recurrence of the miscarriage.
When I was seeking treatment for spinal injuries many years ago, all the doctors and nurses that I came across, all told me one thing: "You are so young. You might suffer when you get pregnant next time". Even the physiotherapist told me that. I tell myself "one step at a time"
and pray to conceive soon
I did not get any spotting. After the surgery, my gynae told me my baby already rotting inside. Trust your gynae. They should know the pain of a miscarriage and they should be very careful before diagnosing...
hi lyn,
haha you are funny, i think when any female tries to bargain we switch to 'auntie mode'..anyway don't worry abt age lah. there are always people older than you!! like me, i've already hit the big 3 but it's ok! young at heart!

anyway why did u have spinal injuries?
Hi gals,
I am only away for a few days and there are so many postings already!!! Panting now to catch up with the postings.

Hi nyny,
sorry, I miss out your posting last week. For my case, my AF went haywire after D/C. First AF came 3 weeks after D&C, 2nd one came 8 weeks later!!!!Then became 25 days , 24 days etc. All in all, it took at least 6 cycles for my system to go back to normal.

Hi Tiny,
Emma is sooooo cute and adorable.

Hi Millie,
I was thinking abt you the past few days. Hope you are feeling much better now. Like wat the other gals say, if your boss is so idiotic, just quit and look for another job. Your health is more impt. Take care ya.

hi Folic,
Wow, 9 days left!!!! Really looking forward to see yr bb gal's photo soon.

Hi Bluebells and sereneoh,
Welcome to this thread. The gals here are very supportive and encouraging.

To the rest of the gals, lyn, missylee, hamasaki, sum/qwer, nyny, snuffles, positiveme, we all jia you together ok? In fact I feel very stress cos I am consider the oldest member among the new members. Those gals who belong to my batch like Tubby, Odie, Miao2 etc all graduate liao....

Gals, tell u something, (don't tell Java hor), I met up with her just now and she looks GREAT !!!

Wonder how is Joyce now?? Anyone knows if she has pop?
I had a "great fall"
during my JC years during training and that's it for my sporting life... I had a surgery and the pain took 1-2 years to go away completely. On and off I still get pain if I do something strenous. Since now my gynae said I had fibroids for quite some time already, I am confused whether sometimes my back ache is caused my the fibroids or my back problem...
I haven't let my gynae know that I had back problems before... He did not ask so I did not tell him lor... Later he thinks how come this patient so many problems one...
hello all, wah thread so busy today! java and folic, you are both really strong and wonderful 'grandmothers' for all of us here!
i am getting back my faith. quite funny, i was feeling down yesterday and that same fren called me abt the same time to chat. sometimes, can't help but wonder if there are really some angels watching over us.

qwer i thought of taking up some course but i think lazy me would just discontinue half-way. think i shall just pamper myself more. i actually have planned to go colour my hair next week! then spa. hee...

bluebells, understand how you feel. i am now staying with my mum again and so, i get to see my little niece everyday. she's only abt 2 mths old. having her around does make me sad sometimes but i love carrying and playing with her. she's so adorable!
like lyn, i keep all my ultrasound photos in one box. i don't take them out to see. it can be quite painful. but i don't want to throw them out too.

tiantian, don't overstep my seniority! you not as old a member as me yet....haaa...oh well, important thing is we will all graduate one day and be great mums! yeah!

lyn, do i call you sunflower?
do you still go for therapy for your back pain? it sounds bad. i think there's no harm to let your gynae know your condition when you are pregnant again. you may need bedrest when your tummy get bigger.
Hi TianTian
I also not young already
already not 20s liao (you get it)
ha ha

Hi Millie
Glad all of us here have learnt to be more optimistic
Hi millie,
The treatment for my back problem has stopped 2 years after the surgery. I got used to the pain and learnt how to take care of myself. I also think I might need lots of bed rest if I get pregnant. I have read about "who are not eligible for epidural". I think I am not "eligible". I think the epidural space is near my slipped disc. I did not ask my gynae... Just one step at a time

Just something to share:
Just now, I was looking through my windows to the swimming pool. I saw a family of 4 downstairs with a photographer taking pictures. They have two sons. The two sons have side burns just like the dad. They were playing in the pool - running, crawling, shouting, splashing water... The younger son is so chubby and cute! I feel so happy when I was watching them play... What a beautiful scene...

Give yourself some more time to adjust. When I was at home recuperating from my D&C and surgery, my cousin's wife came to visit me. She was in her third trimester. She gave birth to a cute little boy two weeks after my D&C. At that time, I did not visit her till the second month when I was better. I did not feel sad, nor happy. She is blessed with this baby after 4 years of tears. I should feel happy for her which I am now...
It's ok need to say sorry leh.... Btw, you're not old ok...I juz hit digit '3' last Dec! Hey where u got all those cute stuffs? Really enjoy seeing them moving!!

Millie ang,
ya, juz do whatever makes u feel at ease. Btw, I also learnt haircutting at another CC. I can practise my skills on my 2 yr old gal cos she very scared going to the kids salon. I think I'm taking up lots of courses to make myself occupied. My auntie said I'm a bit crazy liao, cos last Dec juz completed my part-time diploma course then now start to learn all these short short ones. I hope by keeping myself so busy, I'll not have time to think wild.

Btw, I threw away my that baby's scan. Initially I kept it & looked at it every nite. Then my hubby told me not to dwell on it cos the more I see it, the more depress I became. So in the end I threw it away.
hi tian tian
wow... even the AF goes harewire, we still can TTC right?
did you check with gynae why the AF cycle becomes so irregular after d/c? so, has it become regular now?
My menstrual cycle oso haywire after D&C. My cycle used to be very accurate at 28 days. Now it's like 38 days!

I got those cute stuffs by surfing through singapore brides and the web. I save them and then upload them... I think these icons will make people more happy cos I feel happier when I saw them

Now the kids of the family are geared with fins and those hand floating things... So cute...
K, gotta get back to work already...
Hubby said I day dreaming...
Hi gals,

you have all been bz today!

Tiantian, HIHI, good to see you here again. Hope you had a good chat with Java. I am sure you girls are at some dessert shop or something sinful like that!

Sunny, yes, still possible to TTC when AF is not regular. I am one good eg. Just that you might need more effort in monitoring when you ovulate etc. Good Luck!

qwer, those are really interesting classes. I saw them being advertised at the CC near my home and my hubby actually wanted to take up the hairdressing course.
Now that I see you try your skills on your gal, I will ask my hubby to go sign up.. then my gal will be his first customer. :D

Millie, glad you are feeling better now.

not sure if u gers r interested.

saw on sunday papers, KKH is running a forum on 13th Mar, Sunday, on Having Healthy BB.
Talks by some of the gynaes in KKH.
$5 charge with light refreshment.

Any1 interested? if so, i'll post what they are going 2 talk abt. I would get a seat for myself there 2.
hi lyn, hope Ur whatever wishes will come true soon... yup, as long babies are healthy and normal, doesn't matters if the gender is a female or male...

hi folic, yup time flies... i remember that I joined this thread last year...(can't remember which mth liao) and was feeling upset over my loss... WOW, almost more than half a year has gone, and me become old bird liao comforting other new gals...
hi qwer, dun put any pressure on yrself... take things slowly and step by step... all the best to U..

hi tiantian, I'm jumping with joy to see yr posting... how are U...

Nope, Dun put extra pressure and burden on yrself... U will join the graduates like Folic, Ocean etc etc one day... Super lots of baby dust flying all ard to all TTC gals...
Hi morning gals,

Hi lyn,
The java I saw was b4 the makeover but she already looks great. Her tummy is flatter than mine. I always look like 3 months pregnant.

Hi nyny/sunny,
Of course you can still TTC even when AF goes haywire but then u may have a problem detecting your ovulation period lor. I did mention it to my gynae but accordinging to him, its quite normal actually. Most gals here have the same problem. Don't worry, take one steps at a time, ok?

Hi Joyce,
So u are still around?? Feeling excited for u liao.
thanks tian tian and folic. today is my CD 07, tot yesterday AF stopped already, then i took bai fong wuan yesterday. but today, still got somemore. sianzz.....
Hi Millie,
You so cute. Ya, I forgot Folic and Java are "grandmothers", Tiny is "aunty", you are "Lao Ta Jie" and me, "Ta Jie".

Hi Positiveme,
U mistaken liao. When I say seniority, I am not referring to age, I am referring to how long we have been around in this thread. But hor, I also not young liao, already in the 30s range.....

Hi Folic,
I met Java for lunch din go for any sinful dessert.

Hi hamasaki,
U jumping with joy when u see my posting?? U miss me isit??
Those feeling old should ask joyce how old she is!

Anyway, don nee dto feel old lah.. I am the true granny... 35 this year liao
Just make sure you are young at heart, then can liao.. but very impt..young at heart doesnt = lao hiao ok? :D

hahahaha tiantian, yah lor miss U...

wow, java... a young lady at age 26....

yes, folic, its true that age doesn't matter so long U feel young at heart....
haha.. then i must be the 'xiao-mei' here. (in terms of thread seniority, not age)

wah...since folic is the "grandmama" here...just a qn for grandmama... i was reading the previous archives but too much... so stopped. so wat happened to linda (the creator of this thread), bebechic...etc.? they shd have all graduated and left this thread?
Hi Bluebells,

Ahem, let "ta jie" update you : Linda is now the proud mother of bb Victoria. In fact she just came in and chat a few weeks ago. As for bebechic, if I remember correctly, she has already given birth last Sept. "Grandma" Folic, correct?
clever Tian tian. you deserve your 'da jie' title.
actually millie can also me 'aunty' cos we joined the same time. then you can upgrade to 'lao da jie' already!

bluebells, some graduate and leave the thread, others graduate and hang around me...cos i have a lot of good friends here mah!
