Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Qwer, yah. I'm under John Tee, Premier service @ TPS (Beside 7 eleven). Scanning will be done everytime, and the queue there is not that long unlike at clinic A.
If you are under subsidised patient, you'll be handle by those trainer/officer. But if you're under private, you'll be only attended by your own gynae.

Hi missylee... I'm so tired of waiting liao.

My gynae estimated that my bb's birth weight will be ard 3.6 - 3.7kg.

Hi qwer,
As a private patient, you can choose to see a Specialist, consultant or senior consultant. First consultation, specialist will be $55.60, Consultant $65.70, senior consultant $80.80. Subsequent consultation, specialist $36.40, consultant $46.50, senior consultant $56.60.
As a subsidised patient, x-ray, lab tests, etc will be subsidised. I am not sure about the private patient but it's stated "itemised charges". Subsidised patient also pay only $1.40 per item per week medication for standard drugs.
For more information, you can go to

Hi missy,
My appointment is at 4pm. It only takes me 35 minutes to get there by bus, so I will start to get ready to go at 3pm
Hope you will get good results next Thursday. Actually I dare not go ask guan yin niang niang whether I can have baby this year. Maybe I will ask when I go there next. I am thinking maybe if I am in a good mood after seeing doc, I will pop by "shi ma lu" to bai bai. Dun get too stressed up ok? Being too stressed is no good for TTC...
Did you "an" the niang niang properly? Make sure the statue is solid, not empty in the middle.
Over the weekends, I went to Fu Lu Shou to buy a set of Fu Lu Shou
. We finally found a set that is carved from jade. We got several criterias that makes it difficult to find one that is suitable. We want something that can match our modern living design, carry a baby and not too big in size.
The salesgal asked whether we wanna "tian ding"... blush blush...
cos we only interested in those with baby...

I read quite a bit on feng shui. In the west corner of the house is the descendent corner. However, it is the "tai sui" corner for this year, so I am not sure whether can activate the west corner of the house. I think better not... secarly activate the "tai sui". Another option is to sleep with head pointing in your husband's "nien yan" direction. hehe.. for me, we sleep exactly opposite to hubby's "nien yan" direction cos no choice, cannot turn the bed around... I will be looking into how to have more descendents luck when I got time
Hi Joyce,
As a subsi patient, will we be attended by medical officers? I was seen by a registrar who has impressive training... She's already a gynae and her degree and trainings were from Oxford. So I am quite satisfied for now. I will be seeing the same gynae today. I dunno whether I will get to see her again the next time...
hi lyn, hope U strike this cycle... all the best to U..

Tell U gals hor, have U ever had mixed feelings... On one hand, I wanted to get pregnate this year and the other hand, was afraid and not too sure if I'm able to bring up my child well and was afraid of delivery etc etc...

I told hubby abt it and he seems like none of his business kind of attitude... Hmmmm, me like a bit fickle-minded or what... me also dunno..
I also have mixed feelings... Last nite I just told my hubby that I want a baby, but I am scared. I have back injuries before so I am very worried I will be in pain and need lots of painkiller during pregnancy. Plus I am not working now, I cannot find a job and get the paid maternity leave. Plus financial burden too heavy for my hubby. Plus very scared of pain of delivery... I tell myself one step at a time. "Chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi".

My hubby gave a a hug and tell me everything will be ok
. We are at the age whereby the alarm is ringing liao if we want a baby...
Oh ok... I know my sis goes to SGH and everytime she sees a medical officer. There's once when I went with her and I had a bad impression of the medical officer cos I know more than him!

What about complicated pregnancies? Will the medical officers handle those cases, or the cases will be passed to the consultants?
hi lyn, me and hubby sleep side by side leh... so when my head turns, i saw his face lor... is that good enough in order to have and get enough descendents luck..

my guan yin was put in the middle of both living and dining area.. why must AN the nian nian leh...
hamasaki, lyn, r both of u like me not working now? coz i realised both of u come into this thread quite often. i've been rotting at home since coming back from U.S. in dec. got a couple of interviews to go to, hopefully can get back into the working world soon.

hamasaki, i think u r our youngest "auntie" here

lyn, ya, i'm really too stressed up with ttc liao. but sometimes its really hard to control leh.

joyce, wow! your bb is quite a big boy! 3.7kg leh. its gd that u opted for c-section,otherwise sure very tiring one. my friend also had to have c-section with her bb gal, her gal weighed 4kg at birth.
yup, We both more or less the same... me is looking for a new job and too was afraid what if I get pregnate liao, nobody will ever want to employ me.. then the financial burden will be all to hubby...

I cant tahan the delivery pain... and hubby knows that... We have discussed this issue be4 and I told him most likely I will be having a C-section or maybe with normal delivery with Epi... Well, he said Ok cos no choice lor...
hahaha... lyn, u answered my question before i even post. so, u also not working now, boring hor... me so restless at home at times. wow! u really read up a lot on feng shui.
regarding my post on the forum talk... u supposed it's more for preggie mums?

hmm.. i read the topics and i tot perhaps it would be kinda "useful" for the future, eg. know wat the ultrasound pict mean...etc.

oops.. now i'm going 2 b sitting amongst preggies. siao liao... pay liao.. cannot take back. :p
hi missy, I have quit my media-job liao.. so looking for a new one now... but can't find lor, so no choice got to stay at home to be a housewife for the time being... (shiok) hahahaha

har nor, if no one age is younger than me, then i'm the youngest auntie in this thread liao... (ai yoh yoh)....

hi missy, i agree its hard to control when U're eager to get pregnate and have a baby... I understand that... but i still do try to relax if I can... try to take my mind away from it by finding things to do to keep my mind away..
Wah Lyn,
Thks for the info, u really know the charges in & out, ha ha.... I'll browse thro their website, thank you hor.

What is TPS (7 eleven)? Sorry, I don't understand.
I mean sleeping in your hubby's best direction (determined from ba zhi), both of you.
I got low pain tolerance... Maybe last time I had too much painkillers already... I prefer natural birth cos if I C-section, all my future pregnancies will be C-section, plus I can only have 2 kids cos I was cut once already. On the safe side, max is 3 times C-section to avoid uterine rupture. I think I cannot opt for epidural cos I was cut at the region where the epidural space is
... Sigh.. lots of worries...But I tell myself gotta be brave!

Hi missy,
I am not working.. :p I am "jobless" for a year plus already. I do my work at home, do housework, but no pay and no leave.
Dun get too stressed with TTC. Gotta relax. I know it's difficult and I am also learning not to get too stressed up.
Hi gals,

wow so many postings!

No I have not gone to pop. It is unlikely that I will pop before my scheduled date, as that by itself is already more than 2 weeks from my original EDD
. Today is the last day that I am in the office. I will be on leave tomorrow and then on Monday -Wednesday, I will be at an offsite meeting. I will go to the hospital on Wednesday evening to start the inducing process.
So, you might not hear from me till after I pop

I got the time at home ma... So I read a lot
. I read about feng shui, pregnancy, women's problems, marriage problems, etc. And I also gotta read for my work - super boringggggg... And I read Singapore brides too.. kekeke... Lots to read hor? So my time get occupied
Now I am helping someone with final year project, so got something new to read
- commercial kitchen ventilation system...

Maybe it's not as bad as I have thought.. Maybe will have a lot of people like you just going there to listen... But from the topics, it sounds like gonna be attended by many preggies...

hahaha... shiok to be housewife hor? Sometimes I feel bad for my hubby le... He working so hard. Everyday almost work till midnite, coming home at 10pm is considered early. Then weekends also work
. I can have afternoon nap, go swimming as and when I like, cook, do things I like, go shopping... A bit guilty sometimes...

I find out before I actually go.. And I ask a lot of questions when I go there... hehe...
Wow Folic... I am feeling very excited for you le... Can hold your baby in your arms very soon
My friends told me it's amazing to hold your own child the first time. They told me it's something that I gotta go through to feel it cos it cannot be described...
Actually I was reading about the basal metabolic temperature chart. I was reading how to take the temperature correctly and how to analyse from the chart... Quite interesting though. Conclusion is the temp chart can only tell us when we have actually ovulated, so cannot rely on the chart to find out when is ovulation. And the chart can show whether we do actually ovulate. I gotta double confirm the analysis of my chart with my gynae to see if I am right...
hi lyn, oh i see.... me dunno the ba zhi between me and hubby... well, never mind lor...

just let nature takes it course.. Still pray to my Guan Yin at home.. hope she will bless me with a child soon this year...

hi folic, wow, next wed its yr big day... a day where all yr waiting is over... a lovely BB gal is welcomed into this world... An early congrats to U..

wish U all the best and may U have a smooth delivery.. Hope U able to share yr birth story and little gal pics..
hi lyn, a bit shiok to stay at home... no stress and problems at work... can stay up late and wake up late...

wow, yr hubby work until soooo late.... so ke lian leh...
haha... But I am stessed at home sometimes... I wake up the same time as my hubby and prepare breakfast for him
. I wait for him to come home every nite...

The stress of staying at home is people tend to think I am very "eng" and tasked me to do things... Then ask me when am I going to finish my work

Ok, gotta log off liao.. Gotta finish up my last bit of work before I prepare to go see doc...
Wah...u so good life need to work. Btw, my hubby also as busy as your hubby. Mine weekend also work. Weekday come back at 10pm consider early liao.
Hi Folic,

gong xi gong xi in advance 1st. Think u must be feeling very excited now. I wish u a smooth delivery and remember to share with us your birth story and bb's photos
hi lyn, the most, I juz get ready a cup of his cereal and bread the night be4 and lay on the table for him... so no need to wake up early and make breakfast for him... Anyway, he wants me to sleep and not to wake up early..
Hi all

A lil' update from my checkup today, I will be gng for my c-section tml morning. So won't be logging in again until I come back from my delivery. Wish me luck.
I gotta work in a few months' time. Else I gonna be an expensive maid at home... kekeke... My hubby will have a so called duty handphone for one week every 5 weeks
. Then a pager just in case system went down. Pager will beep everyday. Then on his duty days, if pager beep cannot hear, then some one will call to wake him up... Then Saturday nite downtime at 2am, which means he gotta be in office by 4pm on Saturday, then work till at least 12pm on Sunday. Sometimes dinner time on Sunday...
Sometimes hor... wanna BD he too tired!

wa... so good... prepare the night before. I usually wakes up in the morning and see what he can have for breakfast. Sometimes, "tang yuan", sometimes just bread with cheese, if my mood very good, then make him pancakes. If my fridge have fruits, then cut one for him... Usually he will ask me go back and sleep some more... But I guilty, better stay awake do some housework, then do my work
Hi gals,
Today, my checkup was ok
. Blood test results ok, ultrasound also ok...
Gynae said can go ahead to try for baby... So happy...
Then I told my hubby... Think he quite disappointed not pregnant yet cos gotta work harder... But I did not request for a pregnancy test...

Now I understand the KKH subsi system more. Today I saw a registrar (specialist), the same one whom I saw in my last appointment. She said I have no problems, can be discharged. If I wanna continue to see, and I have no problems, I will see a medical officer (MO). Then if discharged, if get pregnant, gotta go to polyclinic again to get referral. Guess I will stick to my original private gynae... Then go back KKH if I get pregnant...
haha.. I have paid to "test out" KKH's subsi patient system...
I dun feel good
I dunno why my body system haywire... I feeling so tired and feel like vomiting after I ate a plate of nasi lemak just now. I had lunch at 12pm today, then by 4pm I am already feeling super hungry liao... Then ate nasi lemak with a deep fried chicken at 5pm. Now feeling so down and tired and no mood to do anything and worse still feel like vomiting... sobs
and I feel so fat too... shouldn't have taken that oily nasi lemak set...
good luck Joyce... all the best.... Wish U a smooth delivery..

hi lyn, at times, i do wake up early to make breakfast for him... like half-boiled eggs or fry hotdogs for him...

Glad that yr check-up went smoothly today... Can TTC without too much worries..
Good morning all,

Wah think Joyce now preparing to go hospital liao!! So excited for her!

I understand if u go under subsi-patient, u can't choose the gynae. Whoever on duty will see u & on the day of delivery, whoever on duty will deliver u. I called up KKH to enquire yesterday, they told me if the preggie want that particular gynae to deliver her, she has to stay at least a B1 ward. And for Joyce's case, she see Dr John Tee at the private suite (premier package), so she paid slightly more & shorter waiting time. There'll be scanning machine in the private suite & the gynae can juz scan the preggie on the spot if need be. If sign up under classic package, they said longer waiting hrs & no scanning machine in the clinic. Have to walk to dunno which clinic to do the scan. I think they sound very complicated...hee...hee...
Good morning gals...

Guess Joyce should be on her way or at the hospital already!

Yap, I heard about private suite having ultrasound machine. I guess the scanning will be done at the diagnostic imaging department. I feel that the staff there seems to be encouraging patients to upgrade to private patient.

After going to see doc in structured hospital so many times, I realise that appointment early in the morning will have to wait the longest. I usually like appointment in the late afternoon, just before they are going to close, that's when the waiting time is shortest
. Yesterday, from registration to seeing doc to paying took my 30 minutes
. So it's not that bad...
Morning ladies
ITs Friday!
Time really fly!

Hope Joyce has a smooth delivery & hear good news from her soon

Hi Lyn

You have symptons OH!
But congrats your checkup everything is clear
I dare not test... After the miscarriage, all my PMS haywire. I scared false alarm cos in my last cycle, it was false alarm and I had symptoms of pregnancy... But this time, I feel so fat... Dunno is it because I have been eating so much and get so hungry so often and never seem to fill my stomach these few days...
Hi Joyce,
Think you must be in the hospital now. Will be praying for u, take care.

Hi Lyn,
Glad that yr checkup went well. Did the gynae mention anything abt the cyst?? Think u have the symptons leh, how many days late are you??
Yes... TTC-ing... I have been staring at my temperature chart.. dunno how to analyse it... From the chart, I think I did not miss to BD during the ovulation period..

Tiantian, sunny,
I am very tempted to test, but I havent got the courage yet.
My AF suppose to be next week...
This time I feel so hungry... In my last two cycles after the miscarriage, I have no appetite before my AF le... Seems like completely change... Then this time after i eat, I dun feel good... I feel nausea... It's either nausea or hungry feeling

The gynae said the ovaries are normal and no worries to TTC. During the ultrasound, the left ovary is 3 times bigger than the right ovary. The report states that it's likely to be the corpus luteal cyst...
