Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Crayonshinchan (CYSC?), yah
I think the bonding between the couple after such an event is really amazing. We learnt to rely on each other and see the 'true' side of each other. Something that I really treasure. btw, crayonshinchan is one of my fav cartoon characters... i have the soft toy on my bed!


Tiny, I enjoy looking at Emma's photo. She really likes to smile in her sleep
I can't wait to pop!!!Now, I am actually glad that I actually got Gestational Diabetes, which allow me to induce at 38 weeks, by hook or by crook :D
Then no need to wait and wait until neck long long!

hi all, i also sometimes think that if i didn't have a m/c, emma would have an older sibling already! but no use thinking of such things, i've decided to enjoy her and not look back.

haha folic, u are funny. but u are right, at least you know when baby's going to arrive, don't have to worry about this or that...i remember the last few weeks every little pain i felt i'd be like 'is this it?' and most of the time it wasn't!! so frustrating!
hi tiny, baby emma is soooooo cute and loving sweet..

Yr darling likes to say Cheese (smiling face) hor... Cutie...

Folic, wow, soon baby is coming and U be carrying her in yr arms.. feeling all gear up for her arrival.. Congrats once again..
oh yes, positiveme... I agree that we should all work hard and Jia You together..

Baby dust to all TTC gals and plsssss more good news here...
Hey folic... you're making me *eye red* leh...
I still have to wait until my neck long long! Even though I'm in 38th week... worse still I have no symptoms at all!!

Hi Tiny, your baby resembles you or your hb? Besides, from the photo, noticed that her nose quite big... keke.
hi joyce, i dunno...when she was born everyone said she looks like me. now her features changing and some angles looks like her daddy. yeah, her nose rather prominent, remember from the 21 wk scan already could tell? ;)

i am confused now. so Crayonshinchan is the same person as CYSC and Sunny is the same as nyny?

And Snuffles, glad to see you again! how have things been? you haven't come by for a long time. hope all's fine, you're back in UK again?
hi gals, thks so much for support. your encouragement has strengthen me. i felt quite vulnerable this time and broke down suddenly several times over the week. i am really glad to have the support of my family and friends.

frankly, i lost my spiritual faith the day the doc confirmed that i had a missed abortion. but yesterday, a friend visited me and when she spoke to me, i felt something. it's as if God is sending me a message. i don't know if it's because i am feeling vulnerable and needed some spiritual support. but i truly want to believe that someone is watching over me.

and of course, not getting the support of my company (or rather immediate boss) is stressing me out. including my bedrest cum post d&c op, i will be out of office for 3 wks. my boss questioned it. eventhough i told her abt my miscarriage, she didn't sound compassionate at all. i intend to get a letter from my doc to submit together with my mc to the HR dept.

i am considering taking no pay leave or quit. take a break from work and rest. i can't stand my boss and i hate the thought of going back to work. but what am i to do after that? maybe working will help in my recovery?

i am recovering day by day and i am just thankful that there are people that truly love and care abt me.
tiny, emma is so cute! just want to congrats u again on the birth of your princess.

folic, ur turn coming soon and i am so glad that we are having another graduate soon. congrats to u in advance!

joyce, waiting for ur good news soon!

snuffles my fren, glad to hear from u. hope all's well in uk and good luck to ur ttc-ing. i am concern abt whether i would dare to try again next time. i know i will have to if i want to be a parent. jia you to us!
hi millie, glad to hear from U.. I understand how U're feeling now... But then, I still do hope U're coping with it well with the strength, love, care and support from all yr loved ones...

Sounds a bit harsh, yr boss seems to have no heart of Gold or rather not compassionate at all ... Seems to me, she is not a nice lady....
I do hope that things will work out well and smoothly in yr work-place...

Do take the time to rest well and may U recover soon... Let God be the guide and angel for U in this difficult period... I believe he will guide U thru this...
hi Millie,
I am sorry to hear about your loss.

Like you, my boss was not supportive and wanted to know the details which I didn't feel comfortable telling. Don't care about him/her! Ultimately it is our body we are responsibe for. I am thinking of quitting too cos after my m/c, my work became really much heavier. But I dun feel like abandoning my team members who have been working so hard with me together. Although I am well now, I do worry that my hectic life will affect my pregnancy when I "succeed" next time.
Hi Java... glad in a way that you finally found out the cause. Stay confident that you will overcome this hurdle.

Millie... I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. I hope that with a change of gynae you will be able to arrest the problem soon. Take care in the meanwhile. I don't usually encourage people to quit on impulse... but if it is taking a toll on you and affecting you emotionally and mentally... I don't think it is worth your while.

Folic... I hope you have a smooth delivery. Don't worry excessively about not putting on enough weight. I am having the same problem as well. I just try to assure myself everytime that as long as the baby is healthy... we are on the right track. And of course I don't have to work too hard to lose weight after delivery :p

Bookworm... it is quite common to have cycles going haywire after a m/c. Very often... we might end up with a longer cycle.

Tiny... thanks for sharing the photos! I really like the one with Emma smiling in her sleep
Your little princess is adorable!! So envy....

Dear all,
I don't know why everytime when I think I hv overcome the depression, something strike me again! Last week had a company dinner. 1 of my colleague was happily joking with another of my male colleague, asking him when he's going to be a father. He annouced to us that his wife is pregnant & due in June. I'm very depressed again after hearing it...cos if my m/c didn't happen, my due date also in June
Good morning gals!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Hubby and I went out and do a lot of 'couple stuff' like watching movies, shopping etc, cos it is likely to be the 2nd last weekend that we have with only the two of us

Joyce, I am sure you will 'win' me lah
BUT, i only got 10 days left ok?

Odie, I am not too worried about the weight gain
In fact, I am building dreams that I might end up lighter than pre preg!

Sum, BIG HUGS! It is very common to have ups and downs. I found myself staring at babies in prams shortly after my loss. I lost my baby in Aug and he was supposed to be a Dec baby. In Jan/Feb, I started seeing a lot of new borns that were being brought out by their parents after one month. I just can't help staring at them, until my hubby has to pull me away. There is no standard 'instructions' on how to get better.. but it will.

Millie, glad to see you post. It is frustrating when you don't get the necessary support you needed. Perhaps some time off away from work is a good idea and if it is financially ok, perhaps you might want to consider resigning. Whatever the case, no point getting upset over insensitive bosses, ok?

Hi All, have been reading some of your posting here.. wish to join in the group. i had a stillbirith last year October. Plase read abt my posting at

i'm thinking of trying again this April. i really long to have my own baby in my arms. i am wondering which gynae i should choose. i will not go back to Dr Koh for sure...and i've seen John Tee too..didn't really like him. Too causal and easy. Can someone advice me? Thank you in advance.

Hi Java,
Take care.
Hi Millie,
Hope you will get well soon. Just take some time alone and think about the pros and cons of quitting your job now. If it will make you feel better and get on with life, go for it...

Hi Sum,
Are you in depression? Hope you will recover soon. You gotta think positive ok?
I was in depression too when I had the miscarriage. My depression was triggered by other things in my life too. I went for counselling. The counsellor told me to think positive. I tried and I succeeded.
However, I still feel sad when I see preggie who are due in April... My hubby's colleague also due in April... I felt sad when I saw her at my wedding... I try to tell myself that I should not feel that way, I gotta think positive to be happy...

Last weekend, I went to pray pray. The "shi fu" told me that it is best that me and hubby have a baby rooster
. On top of that, she told us the best is to have a baby in April, May, June...
I did not cry, I just feel sad inside me, not as sad as it would be cos I still could put on a smiling face... It immediately stike me that if I have not had the miscarriage, I would have an April baby rooster. I am telling myself all these are God's will...

We were told that if we have a baby rooster at the end of the year, it will also be good... I have discussed with hubby that we will try this cycle and next cycle, if I dun get pregnant we will stop trying for this year... Hubby was joking say we can try when we go for our honeymoon next month

Ok gals, we jia you togather ok?

Babydust to all TTC-ians...
Hi Sereneoh,

welcome to the thread. I am glad that you have found the strength to try again. I am currently seeing Dr Thong Pao Wen at Raffles Hospital. I find that she puts me at ease during consultation and really take good care of me, due to my previous loss at 23 weeks. I think it also depends on what you expect out of your doc. My first gynae is a very detailed and experienced doctor. I appreciate her care for me as well. However, I find that I get very stressed under her care cos she would refer me to all sorts of specialist once some problems is detected. Eg, when I have Gestational Diabetes (very boderline), she sent me to see a endocrinologist and I ended up having to use insulin etc. For Dr Thong, all I see is a dietitian and with proper diet control, I was able to control my diabetes without using insulin. Perhaps it is also not fair to compare both doc, since my first preg is plagued with all sorts of complications like bleeding/spotting in the first tri etc, while this second one has been smooth sailing.

But if you would like to see a doc at Raffles Hospital, I would recommend Dr Thong. Raffles is also fairly new and faciilties there are good, I feel.

Good luck in your TTC journey!

folic & lyn,
Thanks...I think my emotions fluctuate badly. Think I'm not totally 'recovered' in my heart. Cos whenever I thot I'm ok, there'll be something sure to trigger me. I really don't know how to overcome this. If I see a counsellor, he will sure tell me to relax, see things at the brighter side blah blah...but I dunno lor...I juz cannot totally let go of the memory. I juz can't.

Btw, I also went to pray pray juz after my m/c in Oct 2004. The chinese medium - he(2) sian(1) gu(1) - a lady god, told me not to feel sad anymore & told me i'll hv a bb this yr. She told me to try again after CNY, which is now. I dun know how true, cos that was my 1st time to go pray pray...I never stepped into such place to ask the chinese medium before.
I think the impact on me is very great cos during that m/c period, nobody consoled or comforted me. Even when I was hospitalised for 4 days, my parents & brother didn't visit me at all! Only my hubby came. My parents think it's very normal...& they didn't comfort me or anything.

After I discharged, I went to my mum's place to stay & she cooked good food for me. But I don't understand why she's not sensitive over my feelings. I still remembered my auntie called her on phone to chit chat, asked why I was staying at her place & my mum juz blah to her! I was very depressed then & scolded my mum for being too talkative. Then I cried every nite b4 I sleep... I always called my hubby at the phone & told him how sad I was etc.. but he always told me not to talk abt it anymore & juz forget it. I don't have time to weep...during that period, I juz cried alone in my room. Nobody knows that I was so sad, cos I acted a happy face in front of them. I think this is the reason why till now I'm still not ok inside me. Now I really dunno what to do....I may need a lot more time to heal.
hi sum
hug hug. maybe your mum didn't know how to console you, you know old generation is not good at expressing their feeling. but from her good food, you can know that she's really concerned about you.

just like my mil, she nvr said anything on my m/c. and when she knew that i was pregnant, she didn't say anything at all, we didn't even feel that she's excited about it. but then, after few days of the d/c, she told me to take good care of myself so that she won't be kong1 huan1 xi3 for becoming a grandma soon. then, only i knew that she was actually happy about the pregnancy. c, old generation is not used to expressing their feeling.

can't tell you don't feel sad, 'cos definitely you will feel sad on m/c. but life still has to carry on. don't let this incident stops you from being happy again. cheers
and the happy mood will let you conceive faster. take good care of yourself.

hi serene
i am seeing Dr Paul from TMC. he's a gentle doctor. so far, i c 2 gynae b4, think he's good and gentle in scanning.
hamasaki,decimalpoint,odie,folic,lyn, thks for support. i was so upset abt my boss the entire weekend and cried a lot. much better today. important is get my health back. i will go back to work first and see how it goes. if i can't tahan, i will quit.

sum, it's ok to have the mood swings. i have my moments too. just this morning, i don't know how long i stared at the photo of lina ng and her baby boy in the newspapers and cried. and then the beckhams got another son! wah, they like want baby then make and then succeed easily!

the important thing is we tell ourselves that we are strong and we must look ahead. we are here to support and strengthen one another. if you really need to, talk to someone. i think a trained counsellor will help in your healing. do give it a try if you need to.

my family members also did not console me but i think our parents and siblings show their concern in their own ways. think chinese families are just not used to showing affections and care openly. like our mothers cooking 'bu' food for us. my father, bro and sis-in-law never said anything too. but they seemed to be more concern through the ways they behave and talk to me.

i think it's good to just cry it out. i understand abt putting a brave front. i tried to be brave but when we are really down, we must let it out. don't be shy abt crying in front of your family members and frens. this time round, i told my frens abt my m/c. when they visited me or called me, i couldn't help but cry while talking to them.

my mum also tell everyone abt my m/c. and now, everyone knows that i have recurrent m/c. i no longer feel uncomfortable abt them knowing. rather, it may be a good thing. the kaypoh ones will know that i am trying to have children and have difficulty in it. at least, they will stop asking! the really concern ones will visit and console me. although they kept saying that i must have worked too hard (their generation will never understand the scientific reasons for m/c), i don't feel offended. i take it that they are showing their care in their own way.

it's not easy. each of us takes different time to heal. do take care and post your thoughts here. i really feel it's a good way to let my thoughts and feelings out.

hi sereneoh, glad to have you join us. i won't recommend you my first gynae. he's a good and experienced doc but he lacks emotional empathy. i am used to him by now but he doesn't give patients the emotional support if we need to. i am now seeing dr christopher chen (the ivf specialist). he's ok so far. professional but ex. doesn't speak much but his nurses are very kind and gentle and i feel comfortable with him so far. i will continue with him for the time being and hopefully, something good will turn out from it.

lyn, it's beyond our control on having a 'suitable' baby. when i first started ttc during my 'innocent' period, i planned to have a monkey baby. now i thought i will have a rooster baby. and now, given that i can only try 3 mths later, it's going to be a doggie baby if all turn well! i learn not to expect too much. i shall wait for the day that God will send me my gift. you jia you and relax, and i really pray that you'll get a rooster baby!
where are you heading for honeymoon?
sereneoh, i am sorry but may i ask if there's any tests done on u, ur hubby and faith on the possible causes on what happened? i understand if it's too painful to talk abt it. i myself am searching for the reasons behind my recurrent m/c and it'll be good to share.
hi tiny, baby Emma is soooo aodrable & lovable! thanks for sharing her pix with us

Dear Sum, its natural for you to feel sad at this point of time. totally understand how you feel coz it happened to me too. i had a mc in aug 03, during that time, many of my friends had either just announced their pregnancy or had given birth. i felt terrible upon hearing their news & seeing their babies coz deep down in my heart, i still missed my baby a lot. but as time goes by & with the support from my hubby, i slowly got better & no longer feel sad when i see babies. {{{Hugs}}} hang in there, i'm sure very soon u will have your very own baby in your arms. let's jia you together!

Hi lyn, i hope your wish will come true very soon! i also hope to have a rooster baby. in fact, i also went to pray to Goddess of Mercy & Song4 Zi3 Guan1 Yin1 last week, got a good lot, its says my wish will come true & my only wish is to have a baby soon. btw, i will be seeing my gynae next fri, will know my blood test result & my hubby's SA result. will update you gals abt it.

folic, 10 more days & you gonna have your baby in your arms *envy* so happy for u

dear millie, i'm glad to hear you are coping well. take care.
hi gals,
Still remember me?

I need some advice. Hope some1 can help:
1) It's 3+ wks since my d&c and my AF is not here yet. Does anyone know if this usual? How long is the usual cycle?

2) Does any1 experience any discharge wks after d&c? i have this watery (slight yellowish) discharge for about 1wk+ already, and felt quite fed-up abt it. always give me the kinda "wet wet" feeling. Is this normal?

3) Is it okie 2 babydance b4 my 1st AF come? not sure how long i have 2 wait after my d&c.

Hi Sum,

Actually you are on track if you tell yourself that you are ok... On and off something will trigger your sadness... It happened to me too. But it's getting less often already and hopefully it will diminish. I hope you will not feel sad as often as time goes by. It takes time. Now it's my 5th month after the miscarriage. 1 month after my miscarriage, I could not sleep and sometimes I took tranquiliser to help me fall asleep. After counselling, I tell myself not to think of the incident very often. Then 2-3 months after the miscarriage, I had nightmares almost every nite. I woke up in the morning crying and felt very uneasy almost every morning. I asked my gynae how come I still have disturbed sleep although I dun think about the miscarriage during the day, he said it's my subconscious mind. Now, at 5th month, I dun have night mares every nite already... Only once in a while...
I think it will take time.

Sum, maybe your parents and brother know it hurt, and dunno how to react to you. If they show that they were sad too, you would feel worse. I also went to my mum's place to stay after I was discharged. It did not help in my recovery emotionally. I think during time like this, hubby's comfort will help more. When I can walk properly then, I went back to hubby's place. I think our emotions were pretty similar. I cried alone in my room too. All I had was a telephone. I shut myself away from all my friends. I threw my temper at my mum then... But luckily my mum is understanding... and she just left me alone when I was not in a good mood. It was quite bad for me. I had a major operation togather with D&C. I could not talk for long cos I felt very weak and breathless as I lost too much blood. And I was dependent on others. I could not even pick up a things when I dropped them. I could not shout for help then cos I was weak... All these added to my depression... As for my hubby, like your hubby, he also asked me not to brood over it and dun talk about it. I guess ur hubby and my hubby feel sad also and want to help us to get over it... Just give yourself more time. Whenever you can, try to think positive. It is difficult, but it helps as time goes by. Do things that you will be happy. For me, I played the piano when I was depress and it gave me some peace... At the beginning, I felt happy when I think positive, then sad again... but as time goes by, the frequency of sadness decrease... You gotta help yourself to heal... I read a lot of buddhist teachings too to help myself.

Tell you what... nowadays I dun read the newspapers nor watch TV. It's all about babies babies babies... I have not been reading newspapers nor watch TV for a few months already... I try to keep away from things that will trigger my sadness...
hi bluebells
i think it's quite normal. there are ppl have their AF after about 6 weeks of d/c. it's all depends on individual. for me, my AF comes after 3 weeks + after d/c.
i also experience some watery discharge. so, i got to put panty liner loh.
my gynae actually told me that i can start anytime after bleeding stops (after d/c). but there are ppl advise that should let womb rest for at least 3 months then try.

i would think that if physical and emotion is recovered, then start TTC again loh.
missy, millie ang, sunny,
A big thank you! I'll keep reminding myself to relax & be happy. I must try....

In fact need to thank everyone here for the support. When I've nobody to turn to, I'll come here to 'pour out' my feelings. I hope you ladies won't feel I'm very 'ma fun'. I really learn a lot & feel a lot better everytime I talk to you all. Thank you.
hi sunny,
is ur discharge slightly yellowish 2?
mine's heavier the moment i get out of bed in the morning. but if i go toilet often, i dun get 2 see it. How long did u hv that discharge?

i'm a bit apprehensive of babydancing now. we r going on contraceptive, but i'm kinda afraid would we get any infection by bbdance..etc..cos our cervix was opened during the d&c. (that's wat the antibiotics was for right? to prevent infection?)
And heard that penetration might be painful.
Hi missy,
Wow... That's good... You got a good lot that your wish will come true
Really happy for you.. We jia you togather

Come to think of gynae appointment... I have an appt at KKH this Thurs... Hope I wun get too nervous. I think my ovarian cancer blood test should be negative cos nobody called me...
In my last appt, I was so nervous and I had disturbed sleep the nite before... I gonna see my original gynae after my trip

Hi Millie,
That "shi fu" also said we can have doggie baby. Better if it's a gal
. From my age and predicting from the gender prediction chart, it's not difficult to have a gal gal... I do agree with you it's beyond our control.. It's all fate, I think...
We will be going to Myanmar for 10 days next month. It gonna be a free and easy trip. I have planned to stay in 5 star hotel for a few nites and hubby just agreed to my proposal last nite
Hi bluebells,
I think it varies from person to person. Mine came 8 weeks after d/c. But I had an operation togather with d/c.
I think you just relax and penetration will not hurt... Dun think about having pain.. Just relax...

Hi Sum,
I am sure you can get over it soon
, like we did...
Thank you for sharing. You're right....on & off something will trigger me, though it's not so often anymore, I still feel very bad deep in my heart. My 1st mth after m/c was very bad too....though I didn't have nightmares, I cried & cried till I fell asleep every night for 1st mth. I know it's useless to brood over it, I know it's better to get over it. That's why till now I'm still trying to be more positive. But sometimes when I thot I already got over it, then something trigger again & I started to feel sad.

Btw, I also play the piano to soothe myself leh. My hubby also told me to read some buddhist teachings but I'm not interested in reading it. I'll continue to think positive & hope I'm able to overcome the sadness asap.
Pls dun worry too much abt the report. You'll be fine ok. And yes, njoy your honeymoon next mth. Hmmm....interesting country.
Wah Sum... so coincident...

My counsellor asked me to listen to some light, soothing music too. So when I dun feel like playing the piano, I will listen to Class92.4. At least dun have babies advertisement, etc. hehe... I even went for a talk about depression organised by "Tai Pei buddhist center" by a popular psychologist. Nothing buddhist during the talk though... Reading the buddhist teachings, it helps me to find my directions in life and give me some peace by knowing realities.
Be patient, time will heal your wound
Do things that will make you happy too
hi sum
no problem.
just pour whatever you want here.

hi bluebells
yap, a bit yellowish. it comes after the bleeding stops and the watery discharge stopped few days b4 the AF.
Dear all,
I've changed my name to 'qwer'. Juz learnt that my cousin also visit this site to browse thro' some of the wedding preparation guides. Don't want her to find out.

From Sum.
geesh... I dun feel like doing my work today... Now I am feeling hungry... Gotta find something to eat...
I just emailed my hubby that I crave and ate the cookies and finished up the Pringles today... Maybe it's my ovulation period... I seems to get weird PMS during my mid cycle ever since the miscarriage... Then hubby reminded to go excercise later... hehe...
Thks I'll be patient. Ya, I'm doing some things to occupy myself now. I'm taking up a jewellery making course at the CC. Course commencing next wk. I've also started knitting. I've stopped for many yrs, now picked up again. Juz begin to knit a cardigan for myself. I hope with all these to occupy me, I dun feel so bored at home & keep thinking of those unhappy things.
Wow qwer... You took up interesting courses... I wanted to take up a make-up course at Cosmoprof so that I can make-up myself better, but it's costly... Dun wanna burden my hubby too much since he's oso paying my medical bills... Now I make do with surfing the web...
feels so upset.
my colleague brought her little bb gal to office..barely 2 wks after birth. i know i shd feel happy.. but i can't face seeing a little bb so soon.
Hi qwer, I think it is a good idea to pick up some hobbies to keep one occupied. I think you are doing well.. just JIA YOU, ok? The usual reactions from people around us tend to be such... they will want you to forget and move on. While I think it is important to move on, it is not easy to forget. You will learn to remember the event without so much sadness or so much pain after a while. But it will be a memory that will remain with you for long time. Asking someone to forget it and move on is a very common thing to say.. when one is at a loss of how to comfort another person or what to say in such an event. People don't know that sometimes, not saying anything is the best thing. No one else in my family acknowledge my first son, even though I carried him in my tummy for almost 6 months. Even now, my mum will sometimes say things like, you first time go into labour blah blah blah, when talking about my current pregnancy. I have to remind her that I did go through the entire labour process the previous time. She only acknowledge that a few weeks ago, when she told me that I will proably have a fast labour when inducing, since I have gone through labour once. But my hubby and I will always remember our son, and the day he left us will always be a special day for us. I am sure you will overcome your depression one day. Just come over the forum and voice your emotions, ok?

Bluebells, Don't feel upset. It is a normal reaction. Just stay away from the baby, don't have to 'purposely' feel happy if you are not up to it. Just let your feelings go. BIG HUGS!

Wow so many postings today.

hi sereneoh,
Finally see you inside here. I mean not that I hope to see you here, you know wat I mean. These girls here will give you very good support and encouragement.

hi Sum/qwer,
I agree with what lyn and millie said. I think your mum cares for you but dun show it verbally. She does it by action by cooking confinement food for you and taking care of you. But dun hold back your tears. Cry if you need to. There was once my mum cried infront of me, coz she see me suffer so much, she feel heartache for me. At the end I also cried together with her. During my 1 month confinement, we talked alot and grew closer. I think I never felt this close to her for a very long time, maybe since primary school? We talk openly about what happen to the baby, the findings she discovered on the internet (yes, my mum is very internet savvy!), etc.

hi lyn,
I hope you feel much better now, do you still need to take sleeping pills in order to sleep now? I hope you enjoy your honeymoon. I'm glad reading buddhist scripture help you heal better. I think religion plays an impt role in improving one's faith and giving you renewed hope. Last time I read this book "The road less travelled". The very first statement is "Life is difficult". Strangely it brought me much peace that I'm not alone in facing trials and difficulties in my life by setting in realities.

hi bluebells,
I think you should wait until after your first AF to BD. Coz your body hasn't regulate its internal juices, so if you BD now, you will feel quite dry down there. Using KY jelly will help too!

hi millie,
Been thinking about you. How have you been? I read about what you said about losing faith and how a fren came to visit you, etc. I just want to say that God will only give you trials that He knows you can survive them. Perhaps He sent this fren of yours to help you in your healing process. I am very thankful that this second lost of mine, I am able to receive better inner healing due to close frens and family. From the moment I heard from my gynae that I've lost James, I called my church fren and she spread the news of what happen to my church support group and everyone started praying for me for a fast and smooth delivery. I had a fast labour of 4 hrs. My best friend, hubby and mother was in the delivery suite with me right after I delivered James. The most painful part was when the nurse had to wheel me up to the ward from the delivery suite, separating me from my baby forever. With Jordan, I had to suffer that alone (with hubby of course!). But with James, I had my best friend, hubby and mum with me to share the tears with. I told my friend that I'm sorry that she had to witness such death, coz not many ppl can stand attending young children's funeral, much less a dead baby. I even joke with her not to be too disturbed such that she dun wan to get pregnant liao. She said she got problem finding Mr Right what more getting pregnant!

Hi gals,
Actually I seldom come in here as often, been in another US thread that specially talks about stillbirth. Also I've been talking to other girls with the same blood clotting disorder as me. But ultimately I'm still very tempted to come in here now and then, coz I know you gals for so long liao. I think I'm the longest member here, to have lost bb twice. I've been around here for so loooonnnnggggg, since this thread started. If you all look back in the archives, my name used to be snowcat. I think you all also know how I feel, since some of you guys have been around after my first lost. Tomorrow is James's 1 month birth/death anniversary. Last Sat, we brought Jame's urn to the church. The marble inscription was ready, and it was time to put Baby James in God's care and protection. We said our goodbyes and that mummy will always remember and love him. I feel very guilty that we did not do as much for Jordan as we had his ashes scattered in the sea instead. Jame's death overwhelmed our rememberance of Jordan. I pray to God that this would be a closure to all the deaths in our family and may this be a start to a better future. I hope God hears my prayer.

I dunno why I so lor sor today.
Hi Java, good to see you so lor sor today

Actually, I told some of the gals on the US forum about your blood test results. One of the gals had that as well. She lost one baby at 2nd tri, and 3 susbequent first tri losses before she got diagnosed. She is now almost close to 3rd tri in her current pregnancy, the furthest she had ever been, and she is injecting herself twice a day with heparin during pregnancy to thin her blood. Hope that helps you in some way.
I am also glad that you had a service for James. I don't think it will over shadow Jordan's memory in your heart.. each is special their own way. BIG HUGS!

hi folic,
Yes I read abt heparin injections. Not sure if I have to go through that. Will wait for the hematologist/ my gynae to decide. Not sure if I dare to try for a third one though. Now I just want to get my life back to normal. Pregnancy for me is very stressful, as you know last time I had to constantly track for bb's movements, etc, at the end I still lost the bb. Now I feel so much more carefree. Wah lau, how can you discuss with your frens abt me!!! I must ask for copyright compensation. hehehehe.
Wah lau Java. how can you mistake my kindess for kpo-ness? I know that someone in my discussion group had what you described. so I thought I would ask about it. KINDNESS AH, OK?!

Yah, I agree that you should take break from pregnancy stuff for now. Time alone will decide when you are ready for the next one!

Hi Millie, i'm not really sure what test i took..seem like blood pressure test, glucose test, tyroid test..some DNA test too..not very good with the medical terms.
It's Worse at Night
Written by Clara Hinton | Sep 07, 2003
The pain of losing a child is often described as a feeling like having a hole right in the center of your heart. The hole leaves an empty, alone feeling, and nothing seems to be able to bring comfort or joy for a very long time.

Every parent who has gone through child loss knows that feelings of deep, inconsolable grief do eventually become more bearable, and for most parents, joy does slowly return. A parents heart is able to heal, and that empty hole in time will not feel so raw and lonely. That takes a long time, though, and it takes lots of struggles and tears as a parent treads the difficult path of child loss.

Keeping busy and interacting with others during the day often helps a parent to get through the grief a little bit easier. Taking care of the daily tasks of everyday life often keep a parents mind busy enough not to dwell on all of the painful details of losing a precious child.

Many parents express a sincere dread of the night, though. When all is quiet and the lights are turned off, one must come face-to-face with grief, and the pain is once again inescapable. Many grieving parents cannot fall asleep, and their hurting hearts become more consumed by loneliness than ever imagined when night arrives.

If you find yourself falling into a cycle of not being able to sleep because the grief overwhelms you at night, talk to your doctor. It might be necessary to take a short-term sleep aid to get you through the anxious moments of being alone at night with your grief.

Practice taking deep, cleansing breaths. By slowly breathing and repeating calming words, you can help to reduce the anxiety associated with being alone at night with your grief and fears.

Pray. There is a peace that is associated with prayer that is healing to the mind, body, and soul. When a parent can express fears and heartfelt emotions through prayer, a feeling of calm often follows. Many grieving parents have claimed the phrase let go and let God as their remedy to getting a calm and peaceful nights sleep.

Remember that morning will come. Often, our greatest fear is that this feeling of complete darkness following the loss of a child will never leave. Remind yourself often that every day is one day closer to the time when you will see the sun begin to peek through the clouds again. Grief will not always consume you. Joy, even though different now that your child has died, will return to your broken heart and you will begin to see life through new and different eyes.

Finally, remember that it is normal to have difficulty dealing with grief at night when your grief is still very fresh. Every problem seems to magnify when darkness falls, and grief is no exception to the rule. Turn on a light; get up and fix a cup of warm milk or a soothing cup of herbal tea. Put on some headphones and listen to a healing CD or listen to a calming radio station. You will no longer feel alone in the dark, and morning will arrive before you know it.
Wow, sooooo many postings today.. couldn't catch up with U all...

hi sum, i have never asked and consult medium for any problems that I had... Dunno why leh...

I too was hoping to get pregnate this year coz me and hubby is targeting to have baby born in the doggie year... So let's work hard towards our goal and do not be depress over our MCs.. Let's look ahead to a brand new future..
Cheers and Jia You...

hi millie, hope U're getting better each passing days... Pls do take care and visit us here for all the support, strength and encouragement that U need... God Bless U and family members..

hi lyn, baby dust to U.. Hope U can have a baby born in this rooster year, if not, have a baby born in the dog year also good... U hoping for a gal gal huh... Wish U all the best in TTC and enjoy yr holiday next mth... Hope U will have baby news for us soon..

hi java, Happy to see yr posting today.. yr mum, hubby and best friend are really so supportive caring to U during yr sad periods days.. Take care gal..

hi folic, wow, U have another 10 days plus of couplehood left before baby comes and join yr big family... ARe U having a countdown yet to the arrival of yr little princess and got yrself all prepared for her arrival...

Hi bluebells,
Hugs... Just walk away when your colleague is there and you will feel better
... Slowly it will not hurt so much...

Hi Java,
Glad to see your post
. I am fine already. I dun need sleeping pills. Nowadays I fall asleep as soon as I lie on my bed in hubby's arms
I have heard about that book but I have not got the time to read it...
