Support group - Miscarriages

Dear all,
I've PCOS, 3 yrs ago already detected but successfully pregnant with my gal now 2 yrs old. I read from the archive (autumn gal's) posting, that for people with PCOS, their hormornes must be closely monitored during the first 3 mths of pregnancy. This is bcos PCOS ppl tend mot to be able to produce enough hormornes and thus resulting in miscarriage.

I suddenly remembered that the Jurong East chinese physician ever advised me on this. B4 my m/c, she did advise me to do blood test (P4 & HCG test) cos she said I've PCOS better do it. But later when I showed her the print out of my foetus & told her heartbeat was detected, she told me since got heartbeat already, then no need to do the P4 & HCG test. Further my gynae (a female) doesn't do such test. When I told my gynae that I've PCOS, she juz merely laugh it off & said that well, I had successfully gave birth to my 1st child, so nothing to worry. But juz a few days after I saw that Jurong East physician, I had bleeding & ended up in the hospital, then later m/c. Now come to think of it, maybe if I monitor my hormone level closely, such things may not happened. There again, it's all fated...I know...

Few wks ago when my hubby went to see this Jurong East physician for his gastric pain, she reminded my hubby once again - that if I were to conceive again, I MUST do the blood test & to check the hormone level as soon as I know I'm pregnant. I'll listen to her advise this time. If I really conceive again, I'll monitor my hormone level closely & take whatever injections need be.

Btw, does anyone know any good gynae with experience of such high risk pregnancy? Dr Fong is 1 in my list now. I'm juz trying to gather a few now, then if 1 day I really conceive, I don't need to hunt for a gynae. Straight away I can juz refer to this list & decide which gynae I want.

hi joyce, wow, that's fast... only a few days later...

pretty anxious and excited now... Congrats once again and do update us again on yr birth story, baby pics etc etc..
hi gals
yesterday i found out that pregnant women not supposed to take ginseng. so, this made me think back before my m/c.
'cos i had been taking ginseng before and after pregnant. sob sob, i wonder if this indirectly killed my bb.
Hi qwer,


Dun blame yourself ok? It's not your fault. It's nobody fault...
Since you have already got a successful pregnancy with PCOS, it shouldn't be a problem to have another successful pregnancy
. Maybe becos of that, your gynae did not think that it is necessary to give you injections nor monitor the hormones.
With my history of miscarriage, my gynae told me if I get pregnant again, I gotta go to him as soon as I find out and he will give me injections to help to sustain the pregnancy
I dun like needles

I would recommend Dr Peter Chew from Gleneagles. Heard that he's good, but he has long waiting time though...

Wow Joyce! Wah... Very excited for you le! 120 hours away!!!

Congratulations! Hope to see your baby pictures and hear your birth story!
hi joyce, so fast leh, didn't realise your edd is coming soon. so happy for u
looking forward to hearing your birth story.

hamasaki, hahaha... think i can also join u as auntie liao. though i only joined this thread last sept but then i've been ttc for quite a while lor, can consider as old auntie too. if i remembered correctly, u are quite young right? 23?

folic, lao hiao?? hahaha... if young at heart=lao hiao, i sure die man. i'm always in denial when comes to my age. btw i'm going 27 this year. oh yeah, your 'popping' day is coming soon hor, bet u must be feeling excited now.

ya tiny, its great to have graduates like u still hanging around here supporting us. love the gals here! stay around ok.

where's Oceans btw? wonder how's she's doing now? haven't had the chance to hear her birth story. Oceans.... where r u????? miss u leh...
dear sunny, don't blame yourself, its not your fault, i'm sure u don't want it to happen too. sometimes, things just happen. stay strong ok.
Thanks everyone leh... I'm so happy.

I really hope that I got birth story to share, but if I kena c-section, then no story liao...
hmmm... will share the bb's pic for sure!
It might be just chromosome abnormality... then it's blessing in disguise... Dun blame yourself ok?
Pregnant lady cannot take anything that is "huo xue". I tot ginseng can take... Dun trust 100% on information on the internet...
Oh... can make the baby come out naturally? I think I read somewhere last nite when I was searching for information on temperature charting... I read the heading but forgot to read the details...
Not sure leh.. besides my bb is big for normal delivery partly due to previous c-section.
I'll be seeing my gynae tml and hear what he says.
Update you gals again... ok?
thanks gal.... just occasionally i will think of the reasons y i lost my bb. 'cos there is no actual answer for that, so, i am mainly suspecting here and there. :p

joyce, feel so excited for you!!! i hope your bb comes out soon. so that everyone of us got the chance to see the photos.
by the way, bb is a boy/gal?
wah...come to think of it, i prefer to be a 'xiao jie'! hee....

tiantian...i still remember the promise of posting my turkey trip photos. will post them one day soon. really a beautiful place.

joyce and folic, will be awaiting for your good news soon!
do share with us your experiences and photos.

sunny, i used to think that it may be my fault for consuming something or doing something not suitable. i now think otherwise. actually, if a foetus is healthy, it'll develop well on its own....unless we consume something really toxic like drugs for a substantial period. my sis-in-law can't live without coffee and she drank coffee daily throughout her pregnancy period. early miscarriages usually would mean that the foetus itself can't survive. don't harbour over it ok. it's not your fault. let's look ahead.
hi missy, Bingo, U still remember my age... I'm so touched... Finally, got someone to accompany me liao in the auntie category... (hahahha)paiseh..
sum, what passed are passed... dun think of them anymore... The more U think, the worse U will feel later on.. it will only makes U feel upset and nothing more..

i have crossed that difficult path be4 and right now, me juz dun want to think too much of it.. Of cos, at times i will still think of that incident, but I have try to take things easy... what has happened has happened, there is no way to turn things back...

Do look ahead of the future and lets both of us join hands with other TTC Gals...

Jia you to the end and graduate to be proud mummys... Next time if we do meet up, can bring our babies out and show off...(hahahha)...
why u mention pregnant can't take ginseng? i took it for 1st 3 mths during my 1st pregnancy, my gal 2 yrs old now. 2nd pregnancy but m/c - i also took ginseng. Really cannot take ah?
Good Morning, Gals!

Hope you will have a beautiful day today

Tell you gals, I am praying that I strike this cycle. I am plotting my temperature, and it has remained high these few days. I tell myself gotta prepare for the worse if AF turn up next week. I dare not test now... I dun have symptoms of pregnancy. But I do realise I seems to eat a lot for the past few days, and I had back ache... I dun wanna pin my hopes too high, later a great fall will be worse...

BTW, I am seeing my gynae at KKH this afternoon... Dunno what she will say about the left ovarian cyst. I tried to understand the ultrasound pictures. It looks strange. I got two dots on the right ovary image.
Joyce & Folic,
Wah...extremely excited for you'll be carrying your sweet bb in your arms very very soon!
All the best to you both & may you have a smooth delivery!
Looking forward to hear your birth stories & photos!

Thanks...I know what over is over. I know what you mean & really appreciate it.
Yes, let's join hands together...I'll slowly build up the courage to TTC again & hopefully yes, we'll meet up to 'show off' our bb, hee heee...
Hello Lyn,

Do let us know the outcome of your checkup later on. Now juz relax ok...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll pen down Dr Peter Chew from Gleneagles.
thanks millie

hi qwer
'cos when i took the bai fong wuan which contained ginseng, i saw from the packaging that pregnancy lady should not take it 'cos there is ginseng inside.
Hi qwer...
Wow... your icons so cute
They do brighten up the thread
I think I am more relax for this appointment cos I did not have nightmare last nite

bai feng wan is a mixture with other herbs rite? I think some preggie do take ginseng. Best is to avoid any types of supplements just in case... I used to take EPO, fish oil, etc... Now I avoid them totally, only take gynae prescribed supplements. EPO contributed to my big fibroids. Dang gui is chinese EPO. So to play safe, I dun take any supplements already... scared already...
Hi Joyce,
I understand that your current gynae is Dr John Tee from KKH? May I know his charges? Is it long waiting hrs? I've heard that go KKH checkup must wait very long hrs for urine test, then queue up again for blood test, and queue up again for scan is it true? I also heard that KKH doesn't do scanning on every visit. If that's so, how to monitor the foetus? I've heard that during labour, those trainers will come in & observe you, I find it very embarrass many pple watching.
Pls advise me if all my hear-says are true. Thank you...
I agree with Millie Ang, that it may not be due to anything that we eat, as long as it's not drugs or anything.

I've a fren who doesn't trust all these chinese herbs at all.
She said birds nest is juz expensive jelly! She didn't eat a single bit of 'bu' during her pregnancy. Instead she juz ate normal food & pineapples a lot...cos she likes pineapples. She gave birth to a health bb boy leh.... Sigh...I think it's all fated. Anyway, pls don't think abt it liao....juz move ahead. I'm still learning...let's move ahead together ok....forget abt the past. I'm sure our dreams will come true one day!!
Hi Lyn,
Thanks for your compliments....I learnt from you lah....hope u don't say I kopi-cat, hee...hee...
I do agree that more icons here brightens up the thread, if not I always feel 'blue blue' one.... Especially your spinning sunflower!'s your I see this sunflower, I know it's you, ha ha!

EPO - evening primrose oil....Lyn, I kaypo...answer for you ok?
Are you taking the premium package?

The first time I went there, I need to wait quite a bit at the reception for the busy nurse to register me. Then go for blood pressure and weight (not much waiting), then wait to see gynae. The wait is still ok, not very long. Then went for blood test. The wait is not very long too, only one patient in front. BTW, I go to KKH under subsi patient. I was told if I upgrade, no more downgrading. So I think I will stay as subsi at KKH, and see my first gynae in private hospital.

EPO = Evening Primrose Oil.

I think I am going crazy thinking of getting pregnant again... When I see pple playing with their kids, I feel so envy and happy. When I walk past pregnant lady, I feel so envy and imagine that lady must be very happy, and also imagine me being pregnant and happy walking with my hubby on the streets.
hi lyn
i guess once i start TTC, i won't take any herbs lah unless it's prescribed by my sinseh loh. sigh...
wah lyn,
u like that countdown for joyce, I'm also very very excited!!! Serious!

Btw, what subsi-patient u mean? sorry I don't mean at a subsidized rate? I'm wondering if Joyce booked Dr John Tee at KKH as a private gynae for herself? I heard if subsized, cannot choose gynae is it true? so confused.
Hi bluebells,
I just read your post again about the talk at KKH. I think it's more for people who are already pregnant. I saw the advertisement on the papers too. I dun think I will be going for that talk. I dun wanna be "surrounded" by so many preggies. I am assuming the crowds that they are targetting are those who are already pregnant.
Hi qwer,
hehe... I am also very excited for Joyce!

Subsi = subsidised patient. Subsidised patient cannot choose gynae. They will assign any gynae available. For John Tee, gotta be private patient. To be classified as subsi patient, gotta go to the polyclinic and get referral letter first. Walk-in to KKH will be private patient.

For subsi patient, every consultation is $20. First consultation also $20. I saw a female gynae on my first visit which was my last visit. I think the gynae is interested in my case... so her nurse made my next appointment with her for me. Usually, the cashier will make the next appointment. Dunno can request directly from the doc or not...
Hi Positiveme,
He's a senior consultant and he's a lecturer in NUS too. In other words, he trained new gynaes. My GP whom I usually see told me he's very good. He's fast in making diagnosis and attentive, but he dun have a lot of time so his appointment might be a bit rush at first. If yours is a special case, he shows his caring side by not rushing through the appointment. His nurses are all very busy. The ones at the reception do not sound caring and patient... Some patients are put off by them. He's popular hence many patients, therefore long waiting time sometimes.
Hi Positiveme,
He's a senior consultant and he's a lecturer in NUS too. In other words, he trains new gynaes. My GP whom I usually see told me he's very good. He's fast in making diagnosis and attentive, but he dun have a lot of time so his appointment might be a bit rush at first. If yours is a special case, he shows his caring side by not rushing through the appointment. His nurses are all very busy. The ones at the reception do not sound caring and patient... Some patients are put off by them. He's popular hence many patients, therefore long waiting time sometimes.
joyce, u must be waiting to pop anytime. btw u were saying your boy is too big for normal delivery, how heavy is he ah? soooo happy for u, we r all anxiously waiting for u to pop!

hamasaki, u touched leh... your age left a deep impression on me coz i think u are the youngest member here? am i right?

lyn, guess u r on your way to see your gynae now. be sure to update us ok. hopefully your gynae can give u some gd news later.

folic, where r u? don't tell me u quietly go & pop liao??

gals, i'm going to see my gynae next thur, will know all my investigations result by then. can't help feeling worried & anxious. went to pray to Guan Ying Niang Niang last night, hoping to seek some peace. Niang Niang told me not to get so anxious & worry unduly before i even told her anything. She told me i will have a baby eventually, its all decided by the heaven as to when. therefore, i will have to relax & not rush things. at least my mind is now at peace after hearing the gd news. sigh... i really have to learn to take things slowly & steady.

hi chime, okie... we jia you together...

Lyn all the best to U in yr TTC and check-up... do update us...

wow, joyce and folic, a few more days left before BB comes and join yr big family clan... SO happy for U both...

hi missy, Bingo gal... U're rite... I think I'm the youngest member here... anyone younger than me here, I'm not too sure...

WOW, a good news U had from Guan Yin... So u should be finally relaxed and happy to hear that... Follow what she said, will never be wrong... do continue to pray to her...

I had a Crystal Guan Yin Nian Nian statue at my home... I wanted to buy that and hubby agree to get it for me... been praying to her and I find peace and comfort in her...
