Support group - Miscarriages

Ok... Let's talk about something happy
Gotta think positive...

How's Valentine's Day?

I cooked dinner for hubby and myself last nite.
Menu was grilled pork chop with apple sauce, and broccoli and butter herb mushrooms as side dish... And finished off with Baileys frozen with Tiramisu ice cream as dessert... Hubby said dinner last nite was nice when he woke up this morning...

huh lyn, did u asked doc why is it like that.. should ask doc for more info leh..

wow, what a romanttic dinner U had with hubby last nite.. So sweet of U to cook up a wonderful dinner for him.. That;s great and thoughful U are.. The hard work spent is worth it.. He loves and appeciate it a lot..
Hi gals,

hope everyone had a wonderful valentine's day.

CYSC, i'm sorry to hear abt your loss. pls do not blame yourself, there's nothing you can do to prevent it. concentrate on getting well instead of thinking too much. feel free to come in here if it makes you feel better.

Lyn, why did your dr told u it was right ovarian cyst in the first place? u might want to seek a second opinion just in case. don't worry too much, not all cyst are cancerous. take care ok.

My AF came today, sigh... thought i stand a chance this cycle. on a lighter note, i ovulated on day 13 this time round, finally its back to my usual pattern. i still remembered i was asking u gals if there's anything to take to make my ovulation earlier, at least now my body is working. hopefully this is a gd sign my cycles are straightening out. anyway, i will be seeing my gynae in 2 weeks time, crossing my fingers & toes everything will turn out fine.
hi gals
i am now waiting for my cycle to come. gynae told me it will come in 2/3 weeks time.
we are still pondering when to start trying. hmmm...
Hi hamasaki,
My appt with the doc at KKH is next week, so I did not get to see the doc yesterday. I asked the radiographer questions and I was told that she's not suppose to tell me anything
gotta wait for my doc to tell me... hmm... Now I see the diff between going to KKH and GlenE, and also to a gynae in Mt E. The best scanning experience was with the gynae at Mt E cos I got to see what he's scanning and he answered me whatever I asked.

I spent 4 hours preparing the meal, including a trip down to NTUC to shop for the ingredients.

Hi missy,
In my last appt with the gynae at KKH, there was a lump. The doc said I have bigger right ovary and I asked "how come". She said it might be right ovarian cyst. I can feel that lump too. Then last week, the lump disappeared already. Then yesterday I went for a scan, there's a cyst on the left ovary, and the right ovary is normal!!!

I will continue to see the gynae at KKH then see how. I am seeing my original gynae end of March. See how it goes... If it's too bothering, I will bring forward the appt.

At least your body is back to normal, missy
. ***BABY dust to you***
Last nite I asked hubby whether he wanna go to Myanmar in March. He said "OK"! I am so happy
Then he asked me to draw out the itininary this morning

Maybe will treat it as our honeymoon then
We have been travelling a lot for the past few years around Europe... So not much kick... But Myanmar sounds so exotic and nice, which give it some kick
hi lyn
i heard that cyst will disappear one leh. maybe the cyst found in another side is the new one. meanwhile take care.
Hi twice, i also have 2 miscarriages b4.Was very depressed then, n i adopted a child who is 2 years old now. Currently, i'm preg again. don't put too much pressure on yourself n let nature guides your way.
take care.
hi Lyn, i believe all things will be fine and dun scare yrself now..

All the best in yr check-up next wk..

WOW, 4 hrs in preparing the meal..
Good morning gals,

My blood results came back. It is confirmed that I have the protein S deficiency or Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS)(or Hughes Syndrome). Basically it is where our body makes antibodies to attack a foreign matter (the baby), in making the antibodies it causes blood clots which block the placenta and ultimately take the life of the baby. (it is the protien S found in blood cells that works against the 'phosphilipids' in antibodies - if that makes any sense)

It has been related to 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester losses. It is little known (actually only really 'discovered' in the mid 80's) and is very hard to diagnose as some women can have it sitting 'dormant' but still read as a positive on the tests. Also some women can have healthy babies and then have the syndrome become 'active' and then loose babies.

The treatment for it is basically low dose asprin (to thin the blood) and sometimes a blood thinner injected daily.

Other 'symptoms' of it include placenta abruption, family history of lupus, thrombosis etc. Although most people only have one of the symptoms (in our case recurrent miscarriage) or still birth.

Personally, I can't understand why it is not routinely checked for as the 'answer' to it seems so simple. My doctor will be refering me to see a hematologist to get more bloodwork done.

Hope everyone is well and ok.
hi everyone, just want to update you. my 4th pregnancy was not successful. had a rollar coaster ride over the past 2 weeks. there's a foetal heartbeat detected but it's very weak and was on mc for the past 2 weeks for bedrest. on mon, no heartbeat can be detected anymore at abt 8wks+ and i had d&c done yesterday.

i had a second opinion done at dr christopher chen and i think i'll stay with him. his fees are expensive but he gives me the confidence that he can source out the reason for my recurrent miscarriages. he did a scope for me while doing my d&c. check my internals at the same time to see if there's any problem. he said he'll conduct other tests on my hubby too at a later stage.

now, i am on mc resting. sad but no longer devastated. just disappointed yet again. hubby seems more affected than me. he's skeptical and pessimistic on what other tests that be conducted on us. we may end up with more disappointments.

java, i am glad the reason for your loss has been discovered. i do agree with you that such blood tests can be conducted at early stages as there is available treatment. still, gynae usually presume the best until something happens.

nevertheless, rest well and i hope that your 'problem' will be well sorted out. take care!

i have not been reading the thread and so, i hope everyone is doing fine. i will come in again when i feel better.
Hi millie,

am so sad to hear that. Hope you're coping well now.

Hi Java,

glad that you've found out the causes. Be optimistic, you'll be a mother eventually.
Hi gals,

Like to seek your advice in this matter. I had a natural miscariage in Nov last yr ,almost the same condition as EverythingWillBeFine, and since then i have been trying for a baby.

we failed for 2 months and i tested again yesterday CD 32 and it was negative.

Can i check, does this natural miscarriage affect our body?

my hubby and i do not take any medication nor did any check up
Hi Millie,

I am really so sad to hear abt your loss again. Please take care.

Hi Java,
Glad that u found out the causes. Yes, I agree with Joyce u will be a mother again.
Hi Java,
Glad you've found out the cause. Hope your additional bloodwork done later will give you more solutions. Take things easy & slowly ok.

Dear Millie,
Be strong ok. I understand that kind of disappointment & sadness you experiencing now. I'm poor in words...juz hope you will be able to overcome this time. Take good care.
hi millie,
Firstly I'm so sorry to hear about your recurrent losses. I've been reading alot of recurrent miscarriages and stillbirths. I can't say I'm expert in this matter, but did you read the article in ?

Maybe you can get Dr Chen to do a detailed blood test on you for TH1 cytokines or Natural Killer cells. I hope he can find out the cause of your recurrent miscarriages and get you treated. My thoughts are with you.
Hi millie,
I am sorry and sad to hear about your loss. I hope you and your husband can pull through this period of time. I will pray for you that Dr Chen can find out the cause.

Hi Java,
I am sure you will be a mother. Glad that there's an explanation to your loss. At least the doctor will be able to manage your pregnancy in future...
Hi Millie,
Hopefully the tests will yield something so that Dr Chan can provide a solution. You rest well and do really bu your body. A confident gynae will do wonders, I think you can be rest assured with him.
Sometimes we think men shoudln't be that badly affected, but well, they are human too. Do support each other well.

Hi Java,
Like the girls here, I am glad that you found the underlying cause. Perhaps the blood work later will yield better news. The blood thinner injected daily...could it be done prior to pregnancy?
hi millie
sad to hear what you have faced.
take good care of yourself.

hi java
glad that the doc is able to find the cause of your previous loss.
i wonder how come this kind of test is not included in the initial blood test that pregnant women do?

hi gals
i am in CD01 today. quite surprise that my AF comes within 1 month after the d/c. is it normal?

I am glad to see your posting. It is good that there is some answers to why it happened. I hope that one day, when you are ready, that you will be a mother again. BIG HUGS!

Millie, I was thinking of you yesterday. I am sorry that it has to happen again. I hope Dr Chen will be able to help you get preg again successfully.

Bookworm, sorry to hear about your loss. I think miscarriages, regardless of nature, will affect the body somehow. What is your usual cycle length? There are times when the cycle lengths go haywire in the first few months after a miscarriage. For eg, mine is usually about 32-35 days before miscarriage. After that, it is usually about the same but there are a couple of months when it was only 26 days or even 43 days (the cycle I got preg). Sometimes, cycle length also changes due to other factors like stress etc, and may not be related to your earlier miscarriage.

hi Java, i'm glad that the reason behind yr MC and baby have been found out.. I agree with what the other gals had said... U will be a mother one day.. Take care gal..

Millie, I'm disappointed and sad to hear of yr 4th miscarriages again..Take care and rest well..
Dear millie, i'm really sad & sorry to hear abt what happened, at a loss for words now. whatever it is, don't give up hope yet. i'm sure your gynae will be able to provide u answer soon. meanwhile, pls take gd care of yourself.

Dear java, i'm glad u got the answer now. With the advanced medical technology, i'm sure u will be a mother very soon. let's work hard together!

hi nyny, from what i know, AF usually comes within 4 to 6 week aft mc. how many weeks is it for your case? i don't think there's anything to worry abt as long as there's not a great amt of blood or cramps.

hi bookworm, this kinda thing can't be rush. take things slowly & don't focus too much on ttc. 2 mths of ttc is normal, not all women conceived on their 1st try. in my case, i've been ttc for 14mths, just started to see a gynae to find out what's wrong. so don't worry too much, ya.
Hi gals,

just a quick post to update you on my doc's visit today.

Baby is getting engaged, which is good news. Doc has confirmed that she will induced me on 3rd Mar. That means I get into the hospital to start the process on the evening of 2nd Mar. They will insert a tablet into me to start to soften the cervix. After that, I will be able to go home and wait for labour to start. I go back to the hospital the next morning to be put on drip to speed up the contractions etc. I am getting excited and nervous at the same time. I didn't put on too much weight again. Baby gained 500g and I gained 300g... so nett, I put on 5kg so far. I pray that I will be able to go into natural labour by 3/3, so that I don't have to go through induction. But watever the case may be, I pray hard that I will have a smooth delivery. Thanks gals for all the support that you have given me so far. I don't know how I will cope if I don't get to air my thoughts on this thread. BIG HUGS EVERYONE!!

hi folic,
so happy for you!!!

hi missy
today is the 25th after my d/c. the amount is not much. if tomorrow is heavy, that means it's same as previously.
hi everyone,
dint get online & post for quite awhile, cos i was down wif flu & sore throat for the past 2 weeks... still recovering now...

dear millie,
i'm sorry to hear abt ur update... sometimes, a change of gynae will do u good... i hope Dr. Chen will take a proactive approach to helping you in the near future... meanwhile, do 'bu' urself well... *hugz*

dear java,
i hope dat u'll hv a proper closure wif dis blood test results... me loss for words now... but i do hope u'll continue to post ur tots here so dat all of us can support each other here.. *hugz*

hey missy,
sorry to hear ur AF came... hv u tried taking Bai Feng Wan? it's supposed to be quite nourishing for the womb... sorrie, my memory abit failing... did i read somewhere dat u r oso seeking TCM? if not, can try BFW for dis cycle... JIA YOU ya... hope to hear BFP from u soon...

hey lyn
enjoy ur honeymoon.... u guys r quite adventurous to choose such exotic location...
Hi Folic,
Really happy for you. Hope u will hv a smooth delivery.

Hi nyny,
It is quite normal for AF to come within a month after D&C. Mine came just 3 weeks after D&C.

Hi tubby,
Hope u are feeling better now. Drink more water ya.
hi folic, great news U got for us.. Really happy for U.. Yr dreams to be a mummy and seeing yr little baby is due in abt 2 weeks time .. All the best to U and wish U a smooth safe delivery..

hi tubby, hope U will get better each passing days.. May God Bless U with a speedy recovery..
I'm feeling excited and happy at the same time for U folic..

Couting down now yah to the arrival of a new bundle of joys..
Dear Millie,

I've been thinking about you and am very sorry to hear about your recent loss. I feel your anguish very clearly and at the same time am full of admiration for your courage and spirit. I pray that you will take heart and never give up on the dream of having your own children. I've been procrastinating myself since July last year but now reading about you and feeling your strength has given me the much needed push to TTC again. Take care, dear Millie, and be well.

Dear Java,

In a way, I'm relieved for you that a cause for your losses can be identified. Knowing the enemy is half the battle won isn't it? I read somewhere that Courtney Cox (Monica in Friends) has the same condition and successfully had a baby girl last year after numerous IVF m/cs. With your doctor's help, you CAN combact this challenge successfully and have a bb. I wish you all the best and hope to hear good news from you soon.

Dear Folic,

You must be getting so excited! Hooray! I feel very excited for you too - wish you'd have a quick and easy delivery and look forward to seeing your bb pics here soon!

And to everyone else,

A happy Chinese New Year (sorry it's a little late) from the northern hemisphere and lots of luck TTC this year.
Hi Snuffles, good to see you post again
Hope you can share your success story here with us soon!

Thanks for all the well wishes. I am indeed getting very excited. Hope everything will be fine!

hi gals,
Thanks 4 this support group.

I've suffered a m/c during my 8th wk, & emotions have been a roller-coaster ride.

It has been 3 wks since, b4 i access this forum as it's hard 2 transfer from a MTB thread to this thread, but i find that the gers here r very supportive of one another.
(i think that's wat i need at the moment)

it's gd 2 hear success stories here. May all TTC get ur wishes come true.
hi folic, congratulations... have a smooth delivery...

millie and java, i believe that everyone here will definitely be a mother soon!! Just like folic.. don give up hope.. ;-)

anyway i went for my checkup yesterday.. this past week, i think i have more or less gotten over it until the nite before checkup, i was so afraid that i'll have to go thru all the insertion and have the doc repeat that i had a MC that i started crying.. hahaa...

the registration part was not tat good either.. everyone seems to be asking the same qn "are u pregnant?" are u sure u are not pregnant? cos we have different forms!!!! Even the cashier oso asked the same qn!!! ARGH!!!!
hi bluebells,

well, it does take time to get over.. i have always tot of myself as a strong woman... can control feelings and all.. but its time like this when we become very very vulnerable... do take care.... we need lots of support from family... i am getting better emotionally thanks to my husband ,family, frens and colleagues... come on in whenever u feel down..the girls here are very supportive... ;-)
Hi bluebells,

welcome to the thread. Do feel free to air your thoughts and feelings here. I am sure you will find it therapeutic!

CYSC, like you, I also think think that I am a strong woman. But the loss really makes me realised that I too have my vulnerable moment and that I can actually draw a lot of strength and support from my husband. I have learnt to ask for help, to voice my emotions more freely and through it all, I think it made me a even stronger person.
I am sure good things will come to all of us here!

hi bluebells, sad to hear of yr loss.. do rest well and visit this thread whenever U're free if U need support...

God bless U..

like wat my fren told me, things happen for a reason. After this, i think i would stop clubbing completely, do less vigourous sports and take care of myself more.. something which i don do in the past.. and oso thru this, my relationshp with my husband moved up another level.. i saw the vulnerable side of him too! and the best thing is, he cares for me more now.. ahahhaha...

so girls, something good still comes out of it..
hi girls,
millie, i feel for you, and it pains me that you have to go through all this. keep the strength and let's see whay practical steps you can take from here. looks like your new gynae would be in a good position to guide you thru.

hey java, i'm also surprised the testing is not part of the routine test. now that you've got your answers, i'm sure your gynae/specialist can help you along. don't lose hope ok?

yes..agree with u crayonshinchan (what a long nick!) .. something good comes out of it, and in many cases it's our marriage which is strengthened. we also learn a lot about ourselves which we never knew, and are better able to appreciate life and the vulnearability of it. so, CYSC, bluebells, grief now but not for long. we all learn to move on and look to the future.
hi bluebell
take good care of yourself.
i am also trying to put aside this m/c forever. but it still stays with me after 3 weeks +. i don't feel very sad about it. just that when someone told me that she's just pregnant, i will feel sad at that moment. like my friend, she told me that she's about 4 mths pregnant. i felt really happy for her. but at the same time, i couldn't stop myself from thinking that actually, if i didn't m/c, i am also having same pregnancy term as her.
but, anyway, life still goes on. we have to look forward but not backward. cheers!
Hi Tiny
Your Baby is so sweet & cute really give me courage to try now!!!

Hi Millie & all tcc gals here

We may have setbacks during our ttc process but we should not let them hit us down, we must be confident & not look back on those past.

Lets work confidently together & good news keep pouring over here

Hi bluebells,
I do understand how you felt. I will pray for you that you can get over it soon. It takes time, but meanwhile, come in here and chat with us
I am sure you will feel better as time goes by...

Glad that you have gotten over it.. It took me 2 months to get over it. During that 2 months, I had disturbed sleep and cry in my sleep almost everynite. I did not think about it, but it's my subconscious thoughts... Slowly I am getting out of it

Hi Tiny,
Little Emma is so cute....

Hi nyny,
I dunno what to say... cos whenever I see my HB's colleague (her EDD is the same as mine if I have not m/c) the incident will come back to me...
