Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Gals
Wishing all a happy lunar new year!

Nyny - Good to know tat u can start the battle again. Good Luck to you.

Hi Miao2,
Glad to know that yr checkup went well and u are expecting a princess.

hi Gals,
here's wishing everyone a very happy and properous chinese new year.
Hi girls,
Thanks for the well wishes.
nyny, was going to tell u that u can start trying anytime after bleeding stops, altho u may wanna wait till ur 1st cycle is over. according to my gynae, it's easier for dating purposes in order to correctly monitor ur pregnancy if you do get pregnant immediately.

java, thanks for the wishes. good to take a break & have a holiday. i was thinking abt what u said abt neglecting ur hubby, this is a great time to catch up and nurture & strengthen ur relationship. and what better way than a relaxing time away from work & stress!

millie, how r u? i remember u had a check up last Fri or something, hope all went well.

Happy New Year to all of you!


PS: emma's birth story can be found in the Feb/Mar 2005 mum to be thread. I posted it on Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 5:40 pm...a bit long lah, so didn't wanna post it here.
thanks gals

hi tiny
i did bring up this waiting for 1 cycle to finish qn to my gynae. he just told me that, that's not a problem. 'cos after the scan, it will tell how many weeks the pregnancy is already.
hi hamasaki
i will try 1 month later, i think. depends lah. now starting enjoying shopping normal clothes leh. :p
and the phobia of m/c still there. i think it will always be there with me for life lah. do you think so?
okie, do try when U are really ready..

For my case, i do have a phobia of M/C before, but no matter what, life still got to go on.. So i try to take it easy and let the past go and welcome the new brand future..

i really hope U will try to overcome this problem..
i am not sure if i can. think the 'nightmare' will always be there. it's just the courage of trying again.
Nyny, jia you!

Millie, how are you? Have not heard from you yet. Hope you are able to post soon!

To everyone else, HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!!

think it takes some time to 'heal'.... i'm still having phobia of m/c too...

dear all,
Once again, Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone!! I won't be in office this can only read this thread on Monday. Tata!
Happy New Year to Everyone.

Folic... I'm so envious of you. I can't wait for my due date... sometimes the amount of work in the office makes me look forward to my maternity leave :p Anyway take care in the meanwhile.

Sum... looks like there are alot of cases whereby the hole will close on its own after a while. My cousin had a hole in his heart too since young... life is pretty much the same for him (just that he takes extra care in not doing strenuous exercises). The hole apparently closed up when he is in his early twenties. He is now in his mid-thirties and father of two. Have confidence that your little niece will be running around and active like all the other kids with proper medical care ;)
I did not have a good start to this new year.. On CNY eve, i was bleeding badly and there were huge globs of blood.. one of them was as big as the size of my palm.. din see the doc until advised by my fren.. yesternite.. went to KK and did a pregnancy test and cfm i was pregnant.. 8 weeks.. i was very happy and excited.. the doc did a scan for me... but he couldnt find anything in the sac... he told me there are 3 reasons.. 1) i had a miscarriage 2) the baby is in the tube and 3) the baby is smaller than 6 weeks and cannot be detected..

took a blood test and waiting for results of the hormone count which will be ready on sat.. it was happiness to devastation for me within minutes.. i am really hoping for the best...
Sorry to hear your story. Don't thiink too much about CNY, these things are out of our control and can happen anytime. It doesn't mean it's going to be a bad yr for you ok? Take care!
Hi Sum,

happen to see ur posting abt the hole in baby's heart

well, my church fren baby gal hv 4 holes when she was born
but they pray until something happen (P.U.S.H)
that the 4 holes are completely close under God's miracle healing

so I pray that ur SIL baby will be heal soon!
CYSC... sorry to hear what you are going through. Stay hopeful!

Preggie... sorry to say this... but you are not :p Jay knew about it last month. Anyway when is your 2nd one coming?
Hi Odie,

2nd one? ermm... planning but no action yet

So happy for you!! I was browsing through the threads when i saw you nick! wow!! it sure is good news
Specialists Trying to Unravel the Mystery of Miscarriage

Published: February 8, 2005

he first time Patricia McCreary became pregnant, she had a baby.

"I look at that now as this nave bliss time, when I thought
pregnancy meant a baby," said Ms. McCreary, who lives in Seattle.

But five years and four miscarriages later, she said, "When I hear
someone say, 'I'm pregnant,' to me it's like, fear and dread and when
am I going to get my heart smashed."

The agony of infertility for thousands of American women is not that
they cannot conceive, but that they cannot hold on to their babies
beyond the first few weeks of pregnancy - and no one can explain why.

Doctors say that as many as 3 or 4 percent of couples who try to have
children suffer from what doctors call recurrent pregnancy loss, in
which women younger than 40 experience three or more consecutive
miscarriages with the same partner.

A fourth of those couples, doctors say, will probably remain in
the "don't know why" category. Researchers at the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention estimate that of the 6.23 million pregnancies
recorded in the United States in 1999, 1 million ended in
miscarriage. A 25-year-old has a 15 percent chance of miscarrying. By
42, that figure exceeds 50 percent.

Miscarriages, though common, are rarely discussed. Nor have they been
much studied until recently.

In most women, miscarriages occur because an embryo with genetic
abnormalities is not viable, and that is also true for some losses
among women who miscarry often. In those cases, women can opt for in
vitro fertilization and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. That
ensures that only embryos deemed genetically normal are implanted in
the uterus.

Other causes of recurrent pregnancy loss include anatomical
abnormalities in the uterus, diseases of the immune system, hormonal
imbalances and problems with blood clotting. Infections and, more
rarely, chromosomal abnormalities in a parent, can also be factors.

Patients and doctors say that treatments can differ wildly from
practice to practice and that there is only a limited consensus on
how to address unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss.

"Doctors forget to order the very basic tests, check the uterus,"
said Dr. William H. Kutteh, a specialist in immunology and
reproductive endocrinology at Fertility Associates of Memphis. Over
half the women Dr. Kutteh sees with recurrent pregnancy loss, he
said, have never been given a cheap, simple test for insulin
resistance, although that problem is associated with higher
miscarriage rates.

Even a treatment as venerable as progesterone, a hormone vital to a
healthy pregnancy, is divisive. Some doctors swear that it helps.
Others argue that it does nothing but postpone an inevitable
miscarriage. New research suggests that very high doses of
progesterone may be effective in some cases, probably a result of the
hormone's immunosuppressive effects.

"How many patients do we save from miscarriage with progesterone
supplements?" Dr. Alan B. Copperman, director of reproductive
endocrinology and infertility at the Mount Sinai Medical Center,
asked. "Not that many. Do we do it routinely? Sure we do. It's a
mostly harmless, inexpensive treatment, which a lot of patients go
on. But it probably doesn't save that many pregnancies."

Dr. Kutteh said that when he was a student 15 years ago "there was no
training on pregnancy loss."

"It's just one of those areas where there wasn't much known," he
added. "And there were not many experts, and there was not a
consensus on what to do."

Now, he said, more than 25 training programs turn out about 50
specialists a year.

Despite exhaustive testing to find a cause, many miscarriages go
unexplained. This was the case for Ms. McCreary and for Isabel
Letsch, 25, of Baltimore, who has charted the reproductive history of
her three miscarriages after failed fertility treatments in a Web
log, Isabel's Journal.

"It's just a big mystery," Ms. Letsch said. "My doctor has given up
hope and told me it's because I'm overweight."

No data support that diagnosis, she said, adding:

"I know I can get pregnant. I've never got as far as to see a
heartbeat. We know it implants. It just doesn't develop any further.
We're just kind of frustrated."

Ms. McCreary said she received conflicting advice from doctors in the
same practice. One advised trying in vitro fertilization with pre-
implantation genetic diagnosis. Another expressed skepticism about
I.V.F. for women who repeatedly miscarry.

"Two people in the same office, and I really respect them both," Ms.
McCreary said. "They have no idea. There's nothing they can point to
except for my age."

Dr. Aydin M. Arici, director of reproductive endocrinology and
infertility at the Yale School of Medicine, said, "Everybody would
agree there's no agreement."

Recurrent miscarriages have many causes, Dr. Arici said.

"For two-thirds of the known causes," he said, "there is a specific
treatment. Then you have about 40 percent where you don't know
exactly what has caused it. So there are some empirically unproven
treatments out there that are highly debatable."

One theory explaining why some women repeatedly miscarry is that the
immune system somehow fails to recognize and protect a pregnancy, and
instead mounts antibodies to attack it.

This idea has led doctors to try two treatments intended to to
restore normal immune function. One is intravenous immunoglobin
therapy, a blood product pooled from thousands of donors and used to
regulate abnormal responses of the immune system. The other is
lymphocyte immune therapy, which uses blood from a woman's partner to
prompt her immune system to recognize a pregnancy.

The immunoglobulin therapy is being studied by Dr. Kutteh and Dr.
Arici. But the lymphocyte treatment, promoted on the Web as a
possible cure, , has been restricted by the Food and Drug
Administration because of fears that it in fact increases

At least one American doctor is offering the treatment in England,
and some women are traveling to other countries for the therapy. "The
theory is wonderful, but the data never really showed that it
worked," Dr. Kutteh said.

For two years, Dr. Kutteh has run a controlled clinical trial of the
immunoglobulin therapy in a subgroup of women with unexplained
recurrent miscarriages who have given birth at least once.

Dr. Arici has joined the trial, begun by Dr. Mary Stephenson at the
University of Chicago, and early results seem to indicate a possible
benefit to this specific subgroup.

The doctors note that the studies are complicated by the fact that
even without treatment, women whose recurrent miscarriages cannot be
explained have a 60 to 70 percent chance of a successful pregnancy.

"About 40 different treatments over the past century claim to be
successful, and some sound O.K.," Dr. Arici said. "But when you look
at them, all of them claim about a 70 percent success rate. When you
take this unexplained group and give them tender loving care,
contact, reassurance, about 70 percent will carry to term."

Carol Turner, a nurse practitioner in Westport, Conn., had many tests
after two ectopic pregnancies and several miscarriages. No underlying
cause was found.

Yet, all three of her daughters were born without help and after
unsuccessful fertility treatments. The third was conceived after in
vitro fertilization resulted in yet another failed pregnancy.

"We had an exit interview," Ms. Turner said, "and the doctor
said: 'You're not a candidate, I'm never doing that again to you. You
have a zero percent chance. You will never be pregnant again.' And a
month later, I got pregnant on my own with my last baby, who is very

Faced with the prospect of doing nothing except waiting and hoping
for the best, many couples seek out expensive experimental
treatments, sometimes found on the Internet.

"When women are going through this, they're desperate to try
anything," said April R. Simonoff, a vice president of the Long
Island chapter of Resolve who had unexplained miscarriages.

Ms. McCreary, who is trying to decide whether to keep trying to have
another child, found some solace when she discovered Chez
Miscarriage, one of several infertility Weblogs that are wickedly
funny, as well as wise, mixing raging profanity and sisterly support
in fairly equal measure.

"I just felt less alone," she said.

Allison Rosen, a therapist who treats people with infertility
problems and is editing a book of essays on the topic, said: "People
don't understand the deep connection to the unborn child, and they
don't understand it's the death of what feels, to the potential
parents, like a real person.

"The grief is so silent. We don't have rituals mourning a
miscarriage. So the pain is isolating."
dear ladies,

Thanks for ur encouragement.. it has been a tiring has been confirmed tat i had a miscarriage.. sigh.. i shd have been more careful and less ignorant...
Don't blame yourself. more often than not, there's nothing we can do to prevent such m/c from happening. for now, just rest well and recover. take care.
hi cysc
sorry to hear that.
rest well and eat well. the 1st few weeks of rest are important for you to recuperate your health.

for me, i don't take cool food at all and only shower with herb water once every 2 or 3 days (can't take shower everyday). do take lots of ginger and sesame oil cook food. and you can boil red date + ginger + 'dang3 shen1' + longan to drink. i seldom drink plain water these few weeks. most of the time, i boil that as my daily drinks.

don't walk too much, try to have more bed rest. also, don't let wind/fan blows directly on you. treat it as a mini confinement period.

take care, talk to us when you feel like to.
hi nyny,

i am resting now... family and relatives are taking good care of me.. cooking for me.. however, i still bathe, wash hair and have fan blowing at me... is tat ok?

i feel totally fine... am i normal? i don feel weak.. but just tired.... am i supposed to feel this way?

my gyna told me tat i do not have to do DnC.. but family and frens have told me to go for it.. cos it cleans everything out.. i am in a dilemma.. shd i or shd i not?
thanks tiny and hamasaki for ur words of encouragement.. at times i do blame myself for being so ignorant.. not even knowing that i am preggie...
hi CYSC, do not blame yrself for what had happened coz its not yr fault in this case.. At times, MC happens without one knowing it .

Just do be careful in future then and take care..
Hello gals...
How's CNY?
I cannot change my username
I am getting a bit jittery these few days. I saw on TV about a patient saying that big ovarian cysts are very likely to be cancerous... I am going for an ultrasound later... Wish me luck!
It's more advisable to do D&C after m/c. This is to clean the womb & prevent infection inside. Did you ask your gynae why he says no need?
hi cysc
i went to see chinese sinsei, and his advise was same as my mil. your body should be stronger than mine, that's y you feel perfectly ok.
for me, for the 1st few days, i wasn't feeling very well. and not sure if it's because of shower with tape water on the 2nd day, subsequently, i got fever. that's y i just listen to what others told me. and there are ppl also doing mini confinement after m/c. personally, i think it's better to follow what they said. 'cos in long run, i won't know what will happen to my health. :p

for me, there was no bleeding and any discharge at all, just that the bb had no heartbeat, that's y i did d/c to clear it. but the gynae will do a scan for me after 2 weeks to make sure everything is cleared. will your gynae do scan for you as well? if after the scan, it's confirmed that everything is cleared, i guess there is no need to do d/c.

ladies, what do you think?
anyone so unlucky to have experienced miscarriages twice??

now a little don't dare to try...
Dear all,

I've this very confused feeling inside me now. My hubby wants to start TTC but I'm still very confused & scared. Especially after I watched the korean serial "Glass Shoes" - 1st episode, the mother gave birth to baby & later she went to heaven. Sorry I'm not trying to frighten others here, but I think I may need to see a counsellor or something?? I've too much worries already. What shld I do? I know everyone is telling me to relax, think of brighter side etc...and I'm also assuring everyone that I'm ok. But the weird feeling is still inside me. Even the show has great impact on me. Is there something wrong with me?
Hi Sum,

my gyna told me i don need to do DnC because after scanning, he found not many clots left.. That is why i dono to listen to one expert or to many frens and family....

and sum, don be afraid to try again... that is just a show... don take it so seriously.. i dono how long ago was ur MC, but for me, its been only a week and its still fresh inside me.. i oso dread the day when bed activity comes and i dono what to do.. hahahaa.... for us women, i think it wont be tat easy for us to forget at all.. it all takes time.. talk to ur hubby abt it... hope to hear good news from u ;-)

tell u this u will have a shock of ur life.. i did not know tat i was preggie and i actually had a MC on cny eve 10+pm... I did not want my parents to worry and went to her plc to entertain her with mj lor.. then still went out whole day on chu yi and chu er.. it was chu er then my fren sounded the emergency bell and asked me to go KK.. Throughout these 2 days, i din even take care of myself and ate all the new year goodies and all the cold drinks... so now i think to myself, there is no point in buying so many tonics to "bu" myself.. all will go down the drain.. i guess i will have a lot of complications in my health in future ;-)

my fren had to do DnC bcos of no heartbeat too! but don think too much.. she got preggie 6mths after tat and she is the proud mother of a 10mth old girl...
Hi gals! I am finally back to work after a long break.. now a bit difficult to start the work engine. :p

CYSC,don't blame yourself for what has happened. Sometimes, it just happens, even to the most well read person and even if you do absolutely nothing 'wrong'. I think each of us will go through such a phase of wondering what went wrong but sometimes, it is inevtable that we have to accept that we never know the real reason why things happen. As for whether you need a d&cl, I think u should consult your gynae. As long as everything is dispelled, as confirmed through u/s, then it should be ok. Unless you experience unusual bleeding for extended period of time, it shd be safe to assume that everything is ok

twice!,unfortunately, miscarriages do happen mutlitple times to the same person. I won't say it is unlucky, but there could be some medical reasons to it. Perhaps you could consult your gynae and do some further testing before trying again?

Sum, I think it is important to be ready emotionally before trying again. Voice your fears to your husband. If you are not ready and should something happen again( touch wood), the psychological/emotional damage would be bigger. I don't think there is anything wrong with you..
I went through the same thoughts before as well. Even when the docs say ok to try, I hestitate for a few months but for my case, I got over the hesitating part faster than my hubby. He sometimes say I rape him to get this baby :D. My advice would be to try only when you are ready.. you will know when you are ready.

hi sum
same as you, i got the fear inside me, too. but i always think that 'whatever will be, will be'. and it's not what we can always control 100% on everything. and have faith in god. there is always plan for us. so, to me, with the faith, i am still willing to try though i still have fear.

if gynae found no clots and everything is cleared, then i think there is no need to do d/c. expenses for d/c is not cheap. it's about $1k.
i don't think i can ever forget the m/c incident. it will always stay with me. but, life still goes on, so, don't let it hinder us from living as normal life.
hi cysc
ya, i read some articles that m/c does happen even when women didn't even notice it 'cos it's just very early stage that it's normal to think that the menses is delayed. so, don't blame yourself on this incident anymore.

you still can start to 'bu' your body now. maybe the effect will be slower, but it's never too late to 'bu' your body.
i trust chinese medicine a lot. that's y i am very hardworking now to see chinese sinseh.
take good care of yourself, not only for your future bb, but also for your health in long run.
nyny, folic, cysc,

thank you... i think i'm still mentally not prepared. sigh...i dunno how long will I need...

if your gynae already confirmed that there're not much clots left, then shld be fine. i agreed with nyny, I'm also seeing chinese physician to 'bu' my body. No doubt u didn't 'take care' of your body during 1st two days of CNY, it's still not too late. You can do your mini confinement now & nourish your body.
hi twice!,

Pls read this article

There are treatments for people suffering multiple miscarriages. Pls do not think that its a matter of bad luck. Do get to the bottom of the matter.

hi Sum,
Its very natural to feel this way especially the first session of love making after a miscarriage, coz it reminds you have the product of BD. Your fears are very real and I feel that you should acknowledge them, so that you will feel more ready to try again.
hi cysc
i think my case is very similar to yours. I had a miscarriage at abt 5weeks+. Once i tested that i was pregnant, the day itself i started to bleed more. I started to have spotting even before i knew i was pregnant. Went to see gynae immediately the next day. Could not see the sac. Took blood test to see if it is an ectpoic pregancy. Was on 1 week of bedrest. The blood test results indicate that i was pregnant but the hormones level is too low to see in my 1 visit. Therefore, I went again 2 days later to take the blood test. The blood test indicate that the hormones level increases but still couldn't find the sac. So, I have no choice but to go back. The bleeding and cramp still continues. Then 3 days later, I went to see gynae again. Again cannot find the sac, took the blood test. The horomones level drops and the gynae said that I may have miscarriage. She had ruled out ectopic pregnancy as when she do the V scan she tried to push and i didn't know feel any pain. It's all happened in a week. Before I know i was pregnant, I was miscarriage. I didn't go through any D&C as well, the bleeding continues for abt 2 weeks and then stop. A few weeks later, my menses came again.

I waited for abt 4 cycle before i tried again. Understand how you all feel. But it's okie. After 2 tries, I was so happy that I was pregnant again. Now, i am abt 9 weeks.
A song by Barry Manilow to share with you all:

Last night, I said goodbye
Now--it seems year
I'm back in the city
Where nothing is clear
But thoughts of me --holding you
Bringing us near

And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when Will I hold you again

Time in New England
Took me away
To long rocky beaches
--and you, by the bay
We started a story
Whose end must now wait

And, tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when Will I hold you again

I feel the change comin'
--I feel the wind blow
I feel brave and daring!
I feel my blood flow
With you
I can bring out
All the love, that I have
--With you there's a heaven
So earth ain't so bad

And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when Will I hold you again
hi lyn, all the best in yr check-up later.. keep us update okie..

Someone u know, i think u need some time to let go off the MC thing.. its really not yr fault..

Take care and god bless..

Hi hamasaki,
Thank you...

I am back from my scan. Very strange... From the scan I have left ovarian cyst! Geesh! Dunno what's going on... The doc said it's right, but now become left! I am confused... Should I be happy or not?
