Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Java,

no cannot take leave in the morning, cos got many meetings going on. I will just take time off the whole afternoon, cos must go to TMC and then to RH for follow up. Thanks for remembering me in your prayers.


Hi gals,
The thread rather quiet today huh!!

Hmmm.... not seen Tubby's post? Tubby... where are you? Busy?

I finally managed to register as new users in fertilityfriend. I tried using my email address several times but not successful, so I tried using my hubby's email address and it works. Think I must have interrupted the transmission during my first attempt, that's why it disabled my registration using my email address

My BBT chart shows that I've ovulated on CD11. Wonder is it accurate or not because I used to think that I ovulate about CD14. Anyway, I've BD'd on my CD10 and CD12... so see got results in this cycle or not lah..

Hi Tiantian,

enjoy your trip! Hope the weather is good!
Eat some sushi for me ok?

Hi miaomiao, hope FF is right and you have covered your bases

Hi folic,
Certainly hope so

All the best to your detail scan ok.

Hey tiantian,
I'm also flying off to enjoy my break from my work.
I'm leaving on 15 Nov for Perth.
Hi Miao2,

Hope u will succeed in this cycle.
Enjoy your holidays too!!!!

Hi Folic,

I am already drooling when I think of the ramen and sushi.
Don't worry, I will eat your share as well, ha ha
Hello all. I am back in Singapore!!! Finally! After more than 1.5 years, things have really changed. My fav food and clothes stores have disappeared... why??
I have only till next week to do all I want to do.. time is very short.

The weather here is not too great (rains every day) but I'm still very happy. Strange but the older I get, the more I appreciate home.

Tiny, sorry for the big boo-boo I made. And a big CONGRATULATIONS to u.
Must eat lots of nutritious food for bb yah?

Odie, good to hear your news. You too must take care and stay happy during your pregnancy. I hope to have good news to share too. Thanks for the well wishes.

HI jujube and ULN,
Do u know that the harrods food hall now holds special 50% promotion almost on a weekly basis? There is also a Krispy Kreme (donuts) in house. Very unhealthy but very delicious!

ULN, if u want to stay on in UK, ur husband-to-be (err... or are u already married?) can apply for a dependent visa and work there as well. May be something to consider?

Hi Folic, I hope the scan goes well for you. Dun worry, we will all pray for you.

Hi Ocean, you've been missing too. How r u doing?
Hi Snuffles! Welcome back!
Hey don't worry, you didn't make any big boo boo lah. Just thought i hadn't updated you that's all. You're only back for a week? Are you back with ur hubby or by yourself? Remember to eat all you want before going back!

Take care and enjoy your stay here.

<font color="119911">Snuffles</font>,
Glad that u r finally back in Singapore!!
Oh, but so fast u r going back huh!
Agreed weather is not so good, but if u r at home, a raining day is always a nice cool day to cuddle in the bed and sleep!

Ai yah, me not missing lah!
Got came in to read, but quite busy so not much time to post!

I'm ok, but feeling tummy very heavy!
Really feel like bundling my tummy and tie it around my neck so that the tummy will not be pull down due to gravity!!
Otherwise, maybe i need a trolley!
Felt so clumpsy, big and fat these days!

By the way, is ur hubby back with u?

<font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, i am sorry to learn abt ur frightful adventure with the HPTs!
Thought Clear Blue supposes to be very good &amp; accurate...
But lucky, u r taking things quite positively!

Hehhee...<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>
Good that u see ur little one heartbeat!! So happy for u! Remember to take care of yourself and not to overwork hor!!
Hello Folic,

How's your detailed scan??

<font color="ff0000">Ocean</font>, I like all your postings with colourful icons, always never fail to make me smile.
Snuffles... welcome home!!! Yup the weather has been very bad for the last week or so. But I guess it shouldn't deter you from going around the island abit.

Folic... how's your scan?

Miao2... all the best to you. Hopefully come month end we have another graduate.

Hmmmm... work is good so far. Kept busy... not like my previous job... idle until I feel so damn bored. Which is also why I don't really have time to log in anymore. Besides the company is quite strict about using the PC for stuff unrelated to work... and they keep track of the sites we visit. It was stated explicitly that that we cannot even check personal emails. So I guess that no more foruming during office hours liao. And once I get home... I have to get down to doing housework :p
Hi gals!

I am now on a con call with Europe, so posting at the same time. It is a long day indeed!

The scan went well. The baby is growing well. The doc says that the placenta is a little low, but no cause for concern at this point. During the scan, the doc says that there is some resistance in one of the blood supply artery to the placenta but when my gynae reviewed the results with me, she says it is not worrying as the other artery is working well and the baby should be able to get the necessary nutrients. That's indeed a relief
The other concern about the baby I had before the scan was whether she will have a cleft lip( I am taking some arthritis medication and that is one possible side effect). I wam glad to report that baby has a perfectly formed lips

Other than that, the dietitian is allowing me to take some sweet stuff like one scoop of ice cream once in a while..
so I am mighty pleased with it, even though I don't usually have a sweet tooth.

Snuffles, welcome back! Actually, I am enjoying this cool weather
but it is prob too hot for you. Hope you get a chance to eat and shop all you want!

hi odie,
Wah your new coy so strict. I dun think I can take it if my coy is that strict. Actually my coy also keeps track of the websites we visit. But I dun care, I still continue to come into SG Brides, etc.

hi folic,
Glad to hear your scan went smoothly. Your sonographer is TC Chang right? His fetal assessment is very detailed, esp the heart part. In my first pregnancy, I went to a 3rd party called Agape. Their equipment is not so sophisticated and I dun remember them checking the blood flow in the heart and placenta. Did you see your bb's heart in colours of blue and red? I was quite fascinated by the heart pumping. Really amazing how his scanner can zoom down to the heart and see the intricacies.
Wah so now you can eat ice-cream liao. Last Tuesday night went to Gelare Cafe at Tampines to eat Waffles with cookies and cream.

ok now back to work!
Hi gals

would like to chekc wif you guys, normally my AF will a bit late lar previous is CD 38 then AF come ...then this time round CD28, i got some brown discharge then i tot AF come liao...but after that no more...erm...any one encounter this before? am i preggie?
hi gals,

hven't come in for a while... actually decided to take time off from TTC after my last gynae's visit...

the plc where i'm working now has a Guardian pharmacy nearby... everyday i'll walk pass it.. so on mon, i went in for a walk &amp; came out wif a HPT... cos i remember Ocean's experiences wif Guardian... i always tell myself nix time i must test wif Guardian... comes Tuesday morning, i had 2 dreams.. one is abt a lil gal.. can't remember the details but in the 2nd dream, i saw my hubby bathing a lil' boy... when i woke up, i decided to test... cos i'm at 10 DPO... to my greatest surprise, i saw a faint positive... actually wanted to rush down to gynae liao... but decided to wait another 2 more days &amp; retest... today, at CD 26, i got a '+' wif clearblue... went down to the gynae &amp; she was veri reassuring.. wanted to get the vagina gel from her but she says some gals kenot apply properly cos hv to insert quite deep into vagina.. so she says take jab best!! gave me a proluton jab (double dose) &amp; i was advised to rest well, drink more water, dun carry heavy stuff &amp; dun catch the flu bug... i didn't hv any scan today cos she says it's still v v early &amp; she dint wan to give me vaginal scan, sometimes will cause 'spxtting' (hehe, my sensitive word)

i am keeping myself optimistic now.. gals, pls pray for me dat i'll hv a smooth-sailing 9 months..

many thanks for those who have consoled &amp; encouraged me earlier... everyday, i draw strength from ur words...

*BIG HUGZ* to all the wonderful gals i've known here...
I have this colleague who is a mother of one, working in the same dept as me. Usually she will talk to me about pregnancy and giving birth, etc. Just now we were talking abt my footsteps sound heavier, etc, then talk abt whether I plan to have a second child. I also dunno why I told her, I told her that this is not my first pregnancy. She was shocked! Then I told her what happen to my first. She started asking the whys like how come the gynae didn't do this and that, etc. Realised that it still pains me to talk abt the details even after so long.

Well, its raining heavily outside. Can't wait to go home.
hi tubby,
Congrats!!!! Guess all those horny SMSes really helped!!! Dun worry too much, just continue to rest well at home.

Seems like odie started the next batch of TTC graduates. blur_green, maybe it is your turn? Keep my fingers cross for you.
hi pageup,
JIA YOU for dis cycle!! ;)

hi snuffles,
welcome HOME... pamper urself dis whole week.. indulge urself in our local food... eat to ur heart's content ya!!!

hi Odie,
glad to hear u r enjoying urself at work &amp; of cos, to be able to see ur bb's heartbeat...

Hi folic,
oso glad to hear dat ur detailed scan went well.. i'm sure dis can really sets ur mind at ease...
any more winnings dis week? hehee...

Hi Ocean,
ur description of ur belly sounds cute... i look forward to fit into ur description

hi miaomiao,
i oso ovulated early dis cycle... *bb dust for u*
perhaps u can oso test early nix week.. who knows, mabbe u'll strike oso!!

hi missy,
i oso hope dat u'll strike for dis cycle *bb dust for u* did u seduce ur hubby last week?
hi java,

thks!! come to think of it.. mabbe those horny SMSes really helped... cos mabbe it makes my hubby's soldiers stronger &amp; cheong to my eggie!!
Congrats Tubby.. keep us update of yr baby news.. when will U be going for the check-up or scan.. guess U are earger to know the results..

hugs to U java.. i still feel sad whenever i talk abt my baby to my hubby.. i guess the sadness and pain will always be in our hearts.. No matter how long..
that's good tubby to stay optimistic.. i guess U have really strike.. Be ready to be a mother in 9 mths time..

Did U have any spotting at all or had yr period.. if not, then i guess everything will be smooth-sailing for U the next 9 mths..

pray hard hard for U..
hi tubby,
Wah ur hubby's soldiers very strong leh. They must be bursting to come out after he read your horny SMSes. Must be too RA liao! hahahahaha. Yah do keep us updated. Do u know when is ur EDD?
Oh <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>
I feel so happy
for u!! kekkeee....
Cant help laughing when i read abt ur Guardian Experience!!
Sounds like what i've been doing previously!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, am also very glad that u r staying very very positively!
So ur next appt will be in another 2 weeks time!
U must guai guai rest well and dont move about alot hor!!

Talking abt moving alot, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, why
r u doing hsework?
Must not exert yourself, u noe!!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, no lah, think <font color="aa00aa">Adoroa</font> is the 1st one here! Let hope all have a smooth 9th mths followed by a smooth delivery of a healthy BB!

<font color="0000ff">Tiantian</font>, ur posting also very cute mah!

<font color="119911">Blurgreen</font>, sorry, cant advise much, but maybe u try to test 2 days later if ur AF not here yet! But just in case, must rest well in the meantime and hope to hear gd news from u!
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, great to learn that BB is growing well as per ur detailed scan!
Wow, can even take ice cream!!
So when will be ur next appt?
Yo tubby,
Aiyo... I'm so happy for you leh!!

Oh. I certainly hope I'll graduate in this cycle too. But I'm only in my 8DPO so still early to test.
I told my hubby the other day that I'll be packing in my luggage both my sanitary pads and HPT. See which one wins!
Hey Tubby,
So happy to hear the news! Hahaha...we were all thinking of you *that* night...
Got evidence some more, if you look back at the archives! Hahaha...

Stay positive and God bless!
Tubby... congrats!!! Have a smooth pregnancy ;)

Ocean... ermmm... but living in dust and grease also not good mah... muwahahahah :p

BTW pple... I have been getting breast pain since beginning and it is the only sign to tell me that I am preggie. However this morning when I woke up... the pain seemed to have subsided alot and in fact almost non-existent. I'm getting a little worried here... that it might be another missed miscarriage. Thinking of bringing forward my next gynae appointment to this Sat -.-"" What do you think?
hi odie, dun worry too much.. if U are worried, can give yr gyane a call later or tmr to ask him for more info.. See what he says first, if its necessary to go down, he will advised u ..

take great care in the mean time and dun put too much stress and pressure on yrself.. Rest Well..
Maybe you can call up your gynae and let him/her "analyse" your situation tomorrow morning. Don't think too much lah. Have a good night rest lor.

hi odie,
Hmm. I didn't get breast pain during my pregnancy. Maybe the breast pain subsided, but your MS is coming? Dun worry too much, continue to tok to your bb yah?

hi gals,
Today I'm feeling quite tired and lazy! So didn't go to work! Intend to catch up on my sleep and read a book the whole day! So its like a long weekend for me. And for the next 2 weeks, its only a 4 day work week! yeah!!! I find that when preggie, 5 day work week is very tiring. I think the govt should not only give the 3rd mth maternity leave, but also implement 4 day work week for pregnant ladies. hahahahhaha
Good morning gals!

Tubby, CONGRATS!!!
I am super happy for you!
Actually, I saw your posting yesterday but had no time to post. Do take care. I am sure you are looking forward to 16th Nov and I am sure you will be able to keep that appt to sse your baby!
Take care!

Odie, don't read too much into symptoms. They do come and go. I experienced breast pain in my first preg during the first tri but for this current preg, I am only getting breast pains now. So, each preg is different.

Java, so good ah, can go on leave today! I wish I am home.. I know that it will surely rain in the afternoon and then it will be damn shiok to sleep...
Enjoy your long weekend!

Morning gals,

Thanks god it's


<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS</font></font>. You made it liao.So happy for you
. Please rest more
and leave all the
to your hubby hor.
Hi Odie,

Don't worry too much abt the symptoms.
Just rest well
Hope you will hv a smooth pregnancy and a healthy BB nine months later

btw, hv you called the gynae already??

<font color="ff0000">Java</font>, you good life hor, resting at home. Me feeling so sleepy now
Morning ladies!!

once again, dearest java, hamasaki, whitefloral, Oceans, miaomiao, Tiny, Odie, folic &amp; tiantian!!

Thks for your blessings... I'm sure with so many pple supporting me &amp; my bb, everything will be fine...

i reached the office late today cos i walked super slowly, missed 2 trains &amp; 1 red light junction... i feel like a snail cos everyone jus zoomed past me today... hehee....

Odie.. big hugs... if it sets ur mind at ease to see ur gynae earlier, jus go ahead...
i'm sure everything will be fine...

for past few days, i've been pinching my nipples to see whether they r sensitive-to-touch anot... &amp; hor, dis morning i even look at the HPT again to make sure the '+' is still there...

hi java,
nope, i dunno my EDD yet.. &amp; i dun intend to find out yet... trying to focus on happy tots &amp; my nix appt..
(but hor, tell u gals huh, it's v v hard) at the back of my mind, there's always a dark dark shadow lurking ard...

lucky gal leh.. jus joined the co. &amp; yet u r so relaxed... enjoy ur lazy day at home...

hi tiantian,
enjoy ur holidays in Japan... it's a wonderful time to be there now... turning cold.. enjoy the freshest sashima u can find there... yummy!!

i will relax now.. made it clear to hubby dat i won't take any chances now..

hi miaomiao,
enjoy urself in Perth... i pray for u dat ur HPT will WIN!! let us know the good news after ur trip..
ok, now got more time to read in details.. missed some postings...

Ocean, thanks! I am happy about the scan. I will be seeing my gynae in 4 weeks time- 2nd Dec. WHile I am glad that the gynae thinks that I am 'safe' enough to go on a regular check up schedule, I wished I was still seeing her every 3 weeks
I am looking forward to that visit.. it will be my 24th week.. and I would be further along the pregnancy than I have ever been.

Tubby, strange that you should ask. Actually, yes, there was a winning this week.
$90 toto... good hor? :D My hubby really loves this girl! :D

Miao2, I also hope that the HPT will win! :D

hey folic,
dunno why leh... jus got a feeling dat ur hubby strike again... hehee.... i'm surprised i'm so
'zun' leh...
mabbe i shd start buying 4D &amp; ToTo now... then i'll know the sex of my bb way before the usual time frame...

hey!! 16 Nov will come in a blink of an eye &amp; then 2 Dec will arrive in another blink of an eye...
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, u can even feel <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>'s winning??? Wow..
Now, u really sounds like got superpower leh!
Really happy
that u r staying positive! Dont worry abt the shadows.... cos it will always be there!
Afterall, we had bad experience before and along the way, we will have some frightful expereince, like myself. Just remember, not only u have ur hubby
, u still got us to support u!!

Huh, must pinch meh???
I realized that mine look no difference from the start and i dont feel any tenderness too!!
But as pregnancy progress, it jus get darker and bigger, think so that can prepare for breastfeed in future bah!
Big enough for BB to see!
But hor, looked so ugly!

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, like the others say, dont worry so much on the systoms. For me, i felt nothing... just nauseas. If u r concern, just give ur gynae a call
to reassure u?
Must talk and talk and talk to u BB!!

Wah, <font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, ur gal gal really sounds like "Song Cai Tong Zi"!! Give ur hubby so much luck!!

Yap, <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, so when u flying
off?? Enjoy ur trip hor!!
Hmm... that day, i just saw on TV shows abt Japan seafood. The one that make me drool
is the oyster!! So big....
hey Ocean,
i dunno why i asked folic got win money dis week anot.. jus a hunch i guess... i was really surprised when folic says yes...

so far, me got not much symptons mah.. so pinch here &amp; there to see got sensitivity anot... big breasts look damn sexy mah... ur hubby look at it won't get horny meh?? hahahaha....

was telling my hubby 'no sex' for the 1st trimester last nite... but i got 10 lil' 'frens' to help him along the way... he told me he'll go &amp; look for his mistresses... buay tahan!!! ;p
Seems like whenever someone gets BFP, this thread becomes very active!!

hi tubby,
Me will get the BIGGEST BROOM in the world to sweep away your lurking dark shadows!!! Dun think too much, come in here to tok to us, it will chase away the bad vibes.

hi folic,
You will reach 2 Dec in no time then you will be telling us how much your bb weigh at 24 weeks! Last nite I couldn't resist buying pork ribs from Carrefour for dinner. It was selling $2 for 100 grams, so I bought 200 grams. As I was holding one rib to eat, I couldn't help weighing it with my hand. Told my hubby, "Eh I didn't know 200 grams is that heavy, imagine the bb weighing 600+ grams". I must be abit siao to compare the bb's weight to the pork ribs as a scale for measurement. hahaha. Since tubby has a feeling that ur hubby going to strike toto again, you better tell us the number ur hubby going to bet, then we can all have a chance to win as well.

hi tiantian,
Gonna miss you when you are away in Hokkaido!

hi ocean,
I also dun feel any breasts tenderness, just that it feels very full and "zhang". My nipples also very ugly, with small milk lumps around it.

hi miao2,
Wah so nice going to Perth! Are you going to margaret river and fremantle market? They say the fish and chips is very nice in fremantle, but I didn't get a chance to eat it while I was there.
u know huh.. java... when i read abt the BIG BROOM, my eyes turned red lah... luckily the gal sitting opposite me went out for lunch...

thks, me veri touched now.. nix time i will say it loud loud here &amp; all of u will help to chase away my fears!!

besides folic, can oso try asking nos. from our dear Ocean... she's oso 1 lucky gal...
wow, tubby.. A big Congrats to U.. so happy to hear thay all yr hard work and effort has not been wasted.. Luckily, U did not give up and continue to saty positive..
Continue to keep yr spirits high and dun dwell on unhappy things.. Remember to relax yrself and dun put pressure on yrself.. Take gd care of yr little Baby and yrself.. take more tonics and leave all housework and heavy stuffs to yr hubby.. Ok..

wow, folic, yr baby is such a lucky gal.. keep on helping yr hubby to win 4D. I'm sure yr hubby will pamper her when she is born by showering lots og gifts, love and attention to her.. Such a lucky happy family.. Yr gyane appt is coming soon in 3 wks time and i'm sure U are very eager for that day to come.. So happy for U.. in the meantime, U can take out yr baby scans and see it.. 3 wks time will come very soon.. in a bli
wow, tubby.. A big Congrats to U.. so happy to hear thay all yr hard work and effort has not been wasted.. Luckily, U did not give up and continue to saty positive..
Continue to keep yr spirits high and dun dwell on unhappy things.. Remember to relax yrself and dun put pressure on yrself.. Take gd care of yr little Baby and yrself.. take more tonics and leave all housework and heavy stuffs to yr hubby.. Ok..

wow, folic, yr baby is such a lucky gal.. keep on helping yr hubby to win 4D. I'm sure yr hubby will pamper her when she is born by showering lots og gifts, love and attention to her.. Such a lucky happy family.. Yr gyane appt is coming soon in 3 wks time and i'm sure U are very eager for that day to come.. So happy for U.. in the meantime, U can take out yr baby scans and see it.. 3 wks time will come very soon.. in a blink of eye..

Hi java, dun worry too much on how yr breasts might change.. i guess it will change after U give birth or brestfeeding.. My MIL told me that her breast changes after she breastfed.. became smaller and not that ugly..
Well, take great care of yrself now and God Bless all of U..
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> dear ah... dun
anyhow pinch lah!! Now u must sanyang ur skin so that it will be very strentable!!

Now u already c <font color="119911">Java</font> description, where got sexy!
The only thing is that now the breasts look fuller
and no need to squeeze &amp; push so much like last time hor, to get that "long gou line"!!
But the nipples are darker and thus hubby dun find them sexy!! Tell me very ugly
So he cant get horny and always said can looks for other gals liao!!

Oh yah hor, now that <font color="119911">Java</font> had mentioned, when are u leaving for Perth, <font color="aa00aa">Mao</font>? I have been there before! Very nice place but not much nightlife!! Hmm... now i start to miss the 10cts McDonald ice cream cone!!
So nice!!!

U so cute one, go and pinch your nipples!!!
but I am glad that you are very positive this time round.


I also have the same feeling as you. This thread becomes very active when someone tested <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">BFP</font></font>. First it was Adora, then Odie, now Tubby. who will be the next one????
<font color="0000ff">Miao2</font>???? or <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">ME</font></font>huh????
hahaha, think I dream too much liao.

Anyway gals, I just ovulated so it is my 2WW now.Keeping my fingers crossed....

<font color="119911">Miao2</font>,

I also hope that your HPT will win.

<font color="ff0000">Folic</font>,

Really envy you leh. can tell me softly the 4 no. you are going to buy this week?? I promise I won't tell anybody, hahaha


Me leaving on 14th Nov. Hopefully will bring back some good news.......
haha you gals are so funny. I don't know what number my hubby buys so I cant share the number here :D

tiantian, hope you enjoy your hokkaido trip and come back with good news!


<font color="ff6000">Hamasaki</font>, u miss me?
Where got never hear from me! I just posted last evening and also this morning mah!!
Maybe cos the thread is excited that <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> had succeed and so u miss my posting!!
