Support group - Miscarriages

hehe ocean, yah lor i miss U..
my eyes blur after seeing so many msgs.. esp: lots of people are senting their Congrats to Tubby..

i got a 'slight' fright jus now... the colleague sitting opposite me, she will always burn her Bel-air aromatherapy scent in the office.. actually i quite like the scent.. always make me veri relaxed... but hor, i remember reading dat most essential oils not good for pregnancy... when she lighted up the flame, i panicked liao... so i casually ask her 'hey, for bel-air, u know got wat contraindications anot??' then she replied 'yup! pregnancy!'.. i cld feel my heart popping out... then she asked me 'u not pregnant rite?' i was like.. ???!!! then i bend over & softly whisper to her' err, can dun light up anot?'... immediately, she asked me whether i am preggie liao huh?? but she was veri nice... immediately switched off the burner... i hope dat lil' amt dat i inhaled in is OK hor?? i got siam to the toilet & then to another plc.. ;p

hey Ocean,
i heard dat nipple darkening is for bb to see the nipples easily when breastfeeding... it's my greatest wish to breastfeed my bb...

hey hamasaki,
yes!! i will focus on happy tots!

hi tiantian,
YES!! i believe another BFP will show up veri soon!! *bb-dust to u*
tubby, i think if U juz inhale a bit is Ok.. luckily U told her fast..

i ever heard before that nipple darkening is for Baby to see clearly and easily when breastfeeding.. scared their eyes small small can't see clearly then bit or suck the wrong place..
tubby, i think if U juz inhale a bit is Ok.. luckily U told her fast..

i ever heard before that nipple darkening is for Baby to see clearly and easily when breastfeeding.. scared their eyes small small can't see clearly then bit or suck the wrong place..
Hello Gals

Whow this thread is supper active....can't catch up happy to see another grad among us.....Hope to hear another good news soon....

<font color="0000ff">Tubby</font> <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">CONGRATS</font></font> to you...
Just like you, feel like I am a snail...when I walk with hubby worst...I have to "PULL" him back coz his one step is my 2-3 steps....

My nx appt is also on 16 Nov....shld be in my 11th week by then...really hope everyting is fine coz I lost my 1st one at week 12....Hope this little one is growing well.

Nowadays, I feel very sleepy
...every morning I am so reluntant to get out of bed....great that weekend is coming I can sleep sleep sleep....

Take Good Care of yourself!
thks Adora!!

i think each one of ur hv a 'milestone' to cross... &amp; i'm confident dat u can make it!! let's JIA YOU &amp; remain optimistic...
meanwhile i am sprinkle more bb-dust on the TTC-ians...

hehe... usually i walk quite fast &amp; quite 'chu-lu' in my actions... think it's time for some ladylike manners now...

my hubby says he feels like walking on moon when i'm at my snail speed... hahhaha...
hi adora, trust yrself and remain positive.. just like what tubby says, stay and remain optimistic..

God Bless U and yr bb healthy and happy always..
hi adora, trust yrself and remain positive.. just like what tubby says, stay and remain optimistic..

God Bless U and yr bb healthy and happy always..
hi adora, dun dwell on the baby that U lost.. now U have a little human being growing inside U.. just like what Tubby says, remain and stay positive and optimistic..
Everything will be fine..

God bless U and yr little darling healthy and happy always..
Hi Ocean,

I can't think of why clearblue can give false positive. Maybe I got an expired test stick?? I got the test kit from a personal health care shop which doesnt'have much human traffic and I didn't check the expiry date. Anyway, having a healthy pregnancy matters more to me than getting pregnant.

Hi Odie,

Don't worry too much when there isn't any other abnormality. I also read that tender breast is only obvious 2nd trimester onwards. Perhaps you can request for more regular checkup so that you and your gynae can monitor the baby's development more closely.

Hi Tubby,

So happy for you..

Do have more rest and MUST stay positive.
Wish every mum to be and ttc-ians here have a smooth pregnancy.
Hi Tubby,
Congratulations.. May God bless you and baby for a smooth pregnancy.

Hi Snuffles,
Welcome back to the sunny Singapore (as compared to gloomy London). My hubby (we ROM in 2000 and wedding dinner gonna be in Jan 2005) got his career in Singapore, so it was not easy to make a decision to ask him to go to somewhere foreign.

Have a nice weekend and rest well everybody...

I went to see my gynae this morning... not very good news... something i have been avoiding since my d&amp;c. After tat I feel so sad and walked along Orchard Rd and then went to the library to borrow some books about infertility. Beautiful Christmas decor there...
morning gals!!

thks pageup, Joyce &amp; ULN!!

tested again wif clearblue jus now... somehow i jus needed dat extra assurance...
mabbe i oso got the POAS syndrome... hehee....

hubby was quite sweet last nite.. he asked me do i feel dat he's not giving me extra attention since i found out i'm preggie... he said it's becos he doesn't wan me to feel more pressurized if he starts fussing over me... aiyooo... my heart jus melted away..

hi ULN,
i hope u r feeling better after a good nite's sleep.... *big hugz* if u wn to vent it out, we hv excellent listening ears for u...
Wah, Tubby, You're up nice and early! Can't wait to test again hor? hee...don't worry, i know how u feel! Your hubby so sweet. He must be so happy too...i think for my hubby he was more relieved cos we tried for so many mths and he was feeling more and more pressurised!

So when are u paying a visit to ur gynae? Take care my dear!
How are u feeling today? May I ask why you said not very good news? Take heart and like Tubby says, if u want to let it out we're here to listen k?
hi Tiny,

yup yup.. dint managed to sleep well over the past few days... cos keep on thinking whether my HPT is accurate anot.. whether my eyes r paying a trick on me... or whether Duphaston cause a false positive?? aiya... jus so many ???? in my mind... ;p

so decided to jus test again to confirm everything...
my nix visit is 16 Nov... i jus went to see my gynae on Thurs... i am well assured by gynae...
i think she trust me too much dat she dint even ask me to retest my urine at her clinic.. ;p

hv a wonderful weekend everyone.. i am going for my fren's wedding lunch later...
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, dont worry abt the Belair thing now since ur collegue din light it on liao! And i remember from the news that it is only certain fragance... but hor, i forgot which type liao!

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>, so u sleeping at home?
So nice... me in office working!
Now feel so sleepy!!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, oh, so that is next week lor??
Enjoy the break and remember to bring more warmth clothing as it shld be quite cold now!! Yap, hope u come back with gd new!
Oh yap, just to update on my doc visit!
Yesterday went for my regular checkup!
As there was no scan done, so not excited at all lah cos last visit forgot to ask for it!

The lady doc was quite nice though she was only a MO.
There was a trainee with her too!
She asked if i got finished my antibiotic given to me on my last visit and explained to me on the urine tract infection that i had. Said that if not clear, sometimes it might affect BB during birth.
But usually they will inject antibody thru our blood vessel during that time for safety precaution.

Then, told her that recently, my whole body is acheing
and my weight increased greatly! <font size="+2">5kg</font> within 4wks leh!
But she said this is normal for last trimester as BB is growing bigger!

Then she use the dolphher to let me listen to BB's heartbeat and explained that "this <font color="ff0000">Su Su</font> sound" is not heartbeat!
That druming sound which is faster although sounds like heartbeat was actually the blood flow from plancenta to BB. And then this "<font color="ff0000">Bok Bok sounds</font>" is the heartbeat!
Actually, to tell the truth, all sounds alike to me except the "Su Su sounds"! Kekkee...

Will have my Growth scan on 3/12/04.

So am i right to say that 16/11/04, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> and <font color="119911">Adora</font> will be having their gynae visit lor!
Wow, will feel quite excited for u 2!
Remember to talk to ur BB often!

<font color="aa00aa">ULN</font>, how u doing? Hope u r feeling better now!

<font color="ff6000">Pageup</font>, maybe next time u try the Guardian brand! I mean personally, i feel that the brand is quite sensitive and also cheaper too! So usually i will buy a pair!
Hope that we can hear good news from u too now that our next batch of graduates seem to start emerging!
Hi gals,

so active thread, even on a Sat!

Tubby, I POAS a total of 3 times
Your hubby is very sweet!

Ocean, glad that your scan went well. My next visit is one day ahead of yours
So we will more updates about babies at that time!

ULN, busy with your wedding prep? Hope youa re feeling better.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you all have a great weekend!

hi java,
sorry missed your post so never reply you earlier.

Yes. We'll be going to Fremantle for the fish and chips but we're not going to Margaret river.We'll be heading to the south western region but bypass margaret river.
hello gals,
I was busy whole of today with my new home. Just got the lightings fixed and very satisfied with the result
I try to think positive. My doc said I shouldn't wait to try to conceive already
based on my age and my condition. I am below 30 still... He also recommended me to take a course of injections to control my tumour growth cos they will grow back
sobs... I hate it... It makes me feel like a sickly person. I think my doc foresee I will have problem conceiving or maybe my tumours will grow back soon
. He said I was very very lucky to have conceived.
Don't worry ok? After my m/c, when I saw my gynae, he said i have symptoms of PCOS. But he said since I could conceive by myself previously, he asked me to try again naturally before he put me under any programme. We tried for a few mths without any result, it was so frustrating and upsetting. i had made up my mind to see him to ask for help already, when i managed to conceive that very cycle.

I also had a friend who had thyroid so she was told by her gynae that chances of conceiving were low. but she managed to and she now has a very cute happy baby girl!

I know you may feel your case is not the same, but what i'm trying to tell u is not to be discouraged, cos there are success cases altho such bleak pictures are painted, even by professionals!

New home, new life, so look on the bright side ok?
It's only a matter of time!
hi ULN,
Yes like wat Tiny said. Dun worry too much abt what your gynae said. You HAVE CONCEIVE BEFORE, I'm sure you will conceive again! Just stay calm and RELAX, enjoy your wedding and of course SEX! I'm sure your next bb will come naturally. You must kwai kwai go for the injections and any medications. Nobody wants to feel like a sick person, but if it is for the good of your body and your future bb, then just tahan for the meantime. Tok to us for support yah?

hi tubby, folic,
Wat does POAS stand for?

hi ocean,
your description of the doppler sounds is very cute and funny. Usually my gynae doesn't explain all these to me, unless she's in a good mood. My next checkup is on 23 Nov.

I'm awake at almost 3am in the morning. bb is kicking me, so can't sleep. Recently, I also find that I feel heavier, just now went to walk at the pasar malam near my place, felt quite tired after that and the heels of my feet were aching. After sleeping a no of hours, my upper back and shoulders will ache, I think its due to shift in centre of gravity to the lower half of my body. I'm still trying not to toss and turn too much at night.

In the afternoon, I saw my ex-colleague who gave birth 3-4 mths ago. She looks different, not so friendly and her mind looks preoccupied. Last time, she is more friendly and jovial. I noticed that most ppl after giving birth are not as carefree as before, they are busy with the new addition to the family. Its also difficult to meet them for dinner, not like before they were married or not yet have any kids.

ok I'll try to grab more sleep....
Morning java,
POAS = pee on a stick

We were all once victims of that addiction!

By the way, what were u doing up at 3am??
Morning ladies... dropped in to say "hi" before heading off for my steamboat buffet at Coca.

Didn't see my gynae yesterday... found out that he has gone on a holiday. Guess that I will wait until my next appointment... which is actually this coming Saturday. I have stopped worrying about it for now... cos the pain seems to be coming and going. But last Thursday and Friday was crying like mad again... because last Friday was my supposed EDD. But I'm ok now.

Tubby... forgot to add that the same thing happened to me too. Few days before tested positive... I dreamt I had a son. The dream was very vivid and I can still remember the baby's face. He was sitting on a high chair, stretching out his arms asking me to carry him and calling me "mummy". So sweet!!! =)

ULN... sorry to hear about your case. But miracles do happen. It happened to you once and I'm sure it will happen to you again. Stay positive kay?

Folic... wah seh... lucky girl... everytime strike 4D. So when are we getting a treat? :p

Java... I guess so. I think it is only natural for pple to behave a little differently especially when entering new stage in life. After a while when she gets use to the handling the baby... she should be back to normal.

Okie... gotta go.... hubby pacing up and down behind me. Ciao!!!!
Hi girls,
I was impatient so I tested using Clearblue this morning. Today will be 11DPO. I'm not hopeful 'cos I only BD a day before and after the day of my fertilityfriend bbt chart "calculated" O-day.
I really thought my eyes playing tricks on me leh....I saw a blur '+ve' sign. But I dare not confirm it because I remember the experience pageup had. I dare not tell anyone yet.. including my hubby. I'm scared to disappoint him. Believe I'll try again a few days later huh.

Hi miao miao,

don't give up hope yet. It only takes one strong 'soldier' to get the work done.
Maybe you can try again on 16DPO to be very sure. Perhaps, it is because I'm 'anti clearblue' now, I recommend you to try other brands. I went to Watson to compare different brands of HPT kits. A few of them are as sensitive as clearblue but only cost half the price.

Good luck.
hi miao miao, wish U good luck .. hope there will be good news coming from U in a few days time.. keep us update..

wow odie, yummy steamboat buffet.. I love that.
Glad that after crying hard last thu and fri, U are OK now, dun let it affect yr current pregnancy ok.. take gd care of yr little one and yrself..

Yes yes Odie, yr baby dream is so sweet and U can actually saw the little baby boy face and remember it..

Have U ever wonder if this dream is telling U or hinting to U that the baby boy might be yr little darling.. Wish U gd luck..
I am feeling better now. To console myself, we tried to take risk once and pregnant liao. We took the risk of BD 2-3 days before my fertile period for once. Otherwise will be during my infertile period. My hubby agreed with me
... We only risked once... I just din tell the doctor.

I think I will be as worried and anxious as you gals if I even get pregnant. It is amazing how I value life more now after the miscarriage and think of having a baby so often. I have never thought of that before except telling my brother I wan a kid by this year... That time, was just say say...

Ok... Good nite everyone... Have a lovey nite.
Hi blur_green,
We didn't take any package. We just simply bought our airtickets and plan out our own self-drive itinerary.

Our 1st night will be in Perth.

2nd day - we'll be heading to the Caversham Wildlife Park. Then to Cervantes for the night.

3rd day - The Pinnacles Desert at Nambung National Park. Then to Mandurah for the night.

4th day - to Bunbury Dolphin Discovery Centre and to Busselton jetty and The Underwater Observatory. Then to Pemberton for the night.

5th and 6th day - nothing planned out for these two days yet. Prob we'll just drive along the nature parks lor. But we'll be staying in Albany for the 5th night and then the next day we'll drive back to Perth liao. Shop around for one more day.

Our flight back to Singapore is on 22nd Nov.

The info. above is rather brief lah but hope can give you some ideas huh.

hi miaomiao!!!

I AM VERI EXCITED FOR U!! U tested on sunday morning rite? perhaps tomoro u can test again tomoro morning.. since it's still early, best to use morning urine sample... let us know the good news tomoro...

hi pageup &amp; Ocean,
something i dint mention here abt the HPTs i used.. the 1st Guardian HPT gave me a faint BFP after 5 min... when the control band appears, the test window is empty.. so i tot i'm not preggie.. but after 5 min, a faint line appears... instructions from the box says to read results from 3-10min...
the 2nd HPT i used 2 days later is actually Guardian's... but hor, after 10min, oso nothing.. but i was so convinced dat i'm preggie dat i rushed down to Watson to buy clearblue... then i got '+' after 1min... then hearing pageup's experience wif clearblue, i can't set my mind at ease.. so bought 'clearblue compact' &amp; tested again on Sat...
so in total, i POAS 4x...

if u wanna use Guardian's, buy the one wif the latest expiry date one.. i compared the 2 &amp; found out dat the 2nd HPT is actually older version of the 1st... cos the logo looks different on the instructions manual... but the outside carton looks exactly the same...

hi Ocean,
glad u met a detailed &amp; caring MO dis time round...
ur description of ur bb's heartbeat is veri cute.. can't help smiling when i read it.. no wonder u 'complain' dat u feel heavy.. wow... 5kgs in 4 weeks.. but it's a GOOD sign dat bb is growing well mah... happy for u..

hi ULN,
it's impt dat u follow ur doc's advise, to control ur tumour growth... when things r in ctrl &amp; u get preggie nix time, u'll hv a peace of mind to face ur pregnancy &amp; not worry too much abt other stuff... i'll pray for u dat ur doc gave u the green light to TTC soon... meanwhile, must take good care of urself...

hi jujube,
thks!! *sprinkle some bb-dust on u too*

hi Odie,
ur dream sounds veri sweet... can even hear the bb calling u mummy...

big hugz to U... u've crossed a big hurdle last weekend... glad for u dat u r once again positive &amp; strong...
Morning ladies,



Do test again a few days later. I really hope you will strike this time. I am also packing my HPT and pads to hokkaido and will see which one wins. Please pray for me.
Good morning ladies

Hope all of you had a good good rest over the weekends, esp those who are preggie.

Hi Tubby,
Congratulations! Meanwhile, take care and have a balanced diet and rest well.

I haven't decided whether I want the hormone therapy. The doctor gave me 3 weeks to think about it. The doc said I should start trying asap 3mths after the operation, which will be abt 2 mths time. My AF not here yet, now in 7th week after the op liao... still waiting. Tok to hubby about that last nite. He said we will try next year after the wedding
. Hopefully my fertile period will be during our honeymoon.

Hi miao miao,
I am going to Perth too. I have booked my ticket to go on 16 Nov and back on 18 Nov
But I might change my travel plans. Maybe will change to the week my hubby is going for reservist. Will you be visiting Fremantle?
I will pray for you for a positive test
. Do take good care while travelling and have a balanced diet while travelling...

Tiantian, good luck to you...
Hi tubby,

Thank you very much. Actually hor, I'm very KS leh. Went to buy the Watson brand HPT last evening - the cheaper one, and tested this morning. Saw a very faint pinkish line in the result window. Still rather unsure so dare not tell my hubby.

So... I've decided to test again on my supposed AF day.. this Sunday.
Then I'll let you know ok.

Wah how come so many of you going to Perth. Did you all buy the one on promotion at $399 by dunno which airline? I also wan to go leh, but cannot go now.
hello Tiantian,
i pray pray veri hard for u dat ur HPT wins as well!!!

hi ULN,
Good for u! use dis period of time to tune ur body back to pink of health &amp; get ready for ur nix pregnancy... now u hv a wedding to focus on.. at least dis will keep u occupied for a while..

hey miaomiao,
i am veri happy for u... 99% strike liao lah!! take good care of urself in Aussie okie? aiyoo.. mabbe i give u my mobile &amp; then u can sms me the good news when u r in aussie...
I was reading an article about Feng Shui for babies. Wondering if any of you believe in Feng Shui. I have been reading quite a lot about it

There's a potent method of improving the feng shui of your house to have a baby. Descendent luck corner is in the West of the house. Use a good compass and make sure you know how to read it accurately. At the West corner, put something to energize that corner. There are many ways and things to put there. For example, one method is to put a picture of a baby there, then put a light to shine on the picture to energize it. Another thing is a rotating crystal ball with drawings of many children (those chinese types), rotate the crystal ball every day to energize the qi. Remember flow of qi is movement.
If you have been trying for a few years and still haven't had a child yet, try placing an elephant figurine in your bedroom and stroking its trunk every night before you sleep. Elephant is a symbol of fertility. Pomegranate is also another symbol of fertility...

Just something to share for you gals...
You will definitely have a chance to visit Perth after your baby is born. Can bring baby there oso le... and take many nice family pictures

When I came back from London, I bought a ticket to Perth on SIA via Singapore. Since cannot refund, I will just use it...
Opportunity to go san xing and shopping...
Hi miao miao

where is Caversham Wildlife Park and Cervantes located?

what about "Swan Valley"? will you be going farmstay? which one is more popular? what about winery?
Hi gals!

Busy monday

Miao2, fingers and toes crossing for you! Hope you get your good news soon.

Tiantian, I also hope your HPT will win in Hokkaido!

Looks like everybody is travelling a lot. Actually, I was just telling my hubby that I got travel withdrawal symptoms. I wish I can travel, even for business trips.. going siao liao right?
Hubby is going to Japan on biz trip in two weeks time... how I wish I can tag along!

Odie, that's a nice sign! So you think you will have a boy?

ULN, you are flying to Perth for only 3 days? Why don't you stay a little longer?

Java, you still having insomia ah? so poor thing! Hope you get some beauty sleep tonite!

ONZ lah.. miaomiao... sunday morning i will wake up early early to loggin &amp; hear ur GOOD NEWS!!

sorrie huh.. tot u r leaving dis thurs?

hey Missy!!
guess u must b busy settling stuffs for ur return to s'pore.. hardly see ur postings for past week.. *miss u*

hi annie,
congratz on ur current pregnancy...
Hi gals,

Haven't been logging in for a while coz i was away on holiday, just came back from LV. just finished reading all the posts, so happy to hear so many gd news!

first of all, a <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Big Congrats</font></font> to <font color="0000ff">Tubby,</font>
see, your missions paid off! u made it, things really happen when u least expect it. i'm so happy for u
must rest well
&amp; take gd care of yourself. its gd that u told hubby no
for the 1st 3mth, better to take precaution. have a happy &amp; healthy 9 mths

hopefully i strike jackpot too, i'm at 4dpo now, don't have high hopes though. but strange, normally my breast will hurt when i ovulate, but this time round, my breast doesn't feel sore even at 4dpo... could it be
?? aiya, i better don't think abt all this now, in case AF comes, i will be more disappointed.

<font color="aa00aa">miao,</font> so happy for u
they say a line is a line &amp; u got 2 faint lines right?? don't forget to update us on Sun. enjoy your trip to Perth!

<font color="ff6000">ULN,</font> <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">big Hugs</font></font>
look on the bright side, what the doc says is not definite. u did conceived before &amp; i'm sure u will again. i also at one point thought that i might be infertile coz we have been ttc for 10mth. nearly on the verge of giving up but then i told myself that i must have FAITH. at least i know i'm able to conceive aft my loss, its just that i have to try harder this time. so <font color="ff6000">ULN</font> u mustn't give up too, must have faith. let's jia you together with tiantian &amp; jus

<font color="119911">tian tian,</font> hope u bring good news too
&amp; enjoy your trip.

Hey Annie, you're a guy, how can you be pregnant?? Stop loitering in this forum, will you? And stop asking for msn or yahoo ID!

Ok, let's say you're really a girl, tell us what happen to your baby... shoot! All of us here were experienced mummy wor, dun bluff ah...
