Support group - Miscarriages

many many postings over the weekend and today!

<font color="aa00aa">ULN</font>, like what the others said, i think u shld concentrate on recovering fully first and maybe try for 1-2 cycles first!

You see,
i feel that life had its way of findin the chances of surviving\image[fairy} and who knows, ur hubby strong troops of army might just find their way to ur eggie!!

<font color="ff6000">Mao</font>, i was thinking it appeared like u strike liao leh!
U have tested 2 times liao, one on Clear Blue and the other on Watson!
Ok, maybe dun talk ClearBlue since <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font> got a false positive HPT. But i did hear that Watson brand one is as accurate too!
So i think u must have strike liao!

Wah...<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> <font size="+2">4 testings</font>??
I think that is the trait of this thread hor???
We like to test and test and test again to confirm!!

Hmmm, my gaining of weight hor, i really hope is cos BB is growing well. Me already 5 wks never see BB liao!
So dun noe if its BB put on weight...Scarly is ME who put on weight how???
Then i more and more fat and will have difficulty in shedding off those extras!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, i also wake up many many times at nites to answer to calls of nature.
But after that, i will have hard time falling back to sleep!
Last times, i dun have such problem.
Dun noe why...
Cannot be BB's kick cos hers is gentle and light!
Maybe cos now i heavier and more clumpsy...

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, i also hope that it is <font size="+2">that</font> that
win the battle and u come back with gd news to us!

Hi gals!

Joyce, good job!I am already quite irritaed by 'her'.

Missy, welcome back!

Ocean, I also wake up often to go toilet. EVen in day time, the number of toilet trips is driving me nuts! Sometimes, I can feel the urge to go again, immediately after coming out of the loo! I think my girl is also kicking my bladder at times, can feel the sensation of wanting to pee when she kicks sometimes.

Ya <font color="ff6000">folic</font>, I was so
when I saw this name appeared in this thread. So irritating!

Hey <font color="ff6000">folic</font> and <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, I've got the urge too when my boy is kicking or pressing on my bladder... nowadays he's so active... and very 'chor lor' too!
hahah Joyce! don be mad lah... jus ignore
My gal is very active today also.. I think doing somersault inside liao! My hubby managed to feel the kicks by placing his hand on the tummy last week. so thrilled!

Hi Ocean and missy,
Thank you for your encouragement. I will count down to the green light to TTC.

Hi folic,
It's quite tempting to stay a little longer, but I dun find Perth interesting... People I have asked did not enjoy Perth. Even my hubby not willing to go to Perth for honeymoon. He rather go to Vietnam.
Wah... Your hubby going to Japan... Japan very nice. I love Japan but burnt a big hole in my pocket. I find Europe is cheaper than Japan. Has the typhoon and earthquakes subsided in Japan? Haven't been following the news these few days...
Hi gals, need some advice here
i'm in a dilemma. i'm in the midst of preparing my wedding now, just confirmed my wedding date &amp; have made a tentative booking for my banquet. the thing is, on one hand i'm excited &amp; looking forward to my
on the other hand, i don't want to put my ttc plan on hold. i'm aching to be a mummy &amp; really don't feel like stopping ttc. i know this 2 things can't happen at the same time. i've discussed this matter with my hubby, we both feel that its best for us to take a break from ttc till near our wedding day. coz if we cont to ttc &amp; if i get preggie a few mths before our wedding, things might be more troublesome like the wedding gown etc. but then, my hubby still
bd with me &amp; shoot inside
when i ask him why, he says he forgot
i told him this mth will be our last mth to ttc until our wedding is over, if i get preggie, it will be a blessing for us. sigh... i really don't know what to do. can anyone advise??
hi folic, wow, yr baby gal so cute.. can do somesaults inside.. If my baby do this to me, dunnow what will i react..
Same same folic, joyce.. when i was pregnate the previous time, i always have the urge to go to the toilet to pee. but each time, i either pee a bit or nothing comes out at all.. So tired to wake up frequently in the nite.. Sometimes in the day, also like this.. My legs always feel so tired and numb after it..

i juz hope my next pregnancy wun be like this. Praying hard now..

hi missylee, i still think its best to wait till yr wedding is over before U ttc.. like what U said, if U got pregnate now, U have to make changes to yr gown etc etc..
So when its yr wedding date.. Can tell us..
Hi missy,
I think if you dun care what other people say, then continue with TTC and be a pregnant bride
. I was prepared for that... If I haven't lost my baby, I would be 6.5 mths pregnant on my wedding day. Then one doc recommended c-section to get the baby out at 7 mth which is 2 weeks after my wedding dinner... I was prepared for that after a while. The only worry is being pregnant is tired enough, it would be worse considering there's so much to do and running around for the wedding. Nowadays the bridal shops will be equipped with gowns for preggies... Well, my bridal shop do have, but limited designs... So not much worry there I think.

Hi hamasaki,
I am feeling much better as the day goes by. I will be going for gown fitting again this Saturday, then photoshoot next Saturday. Now headache looking for printer to print my wedding cards.
My sis is now travelling in Vietnam, I asked her to tailor an "aosai" for me
. Really looking forward for her to come back. She tailored 2 for me. Probably one will be my tea dress
and one for the buffet nite before my wedding day. Then tailor a long tuxedo for my hubby too cos my bridal shop's tuxedo got no tail one.
hi ULN, where will U be having yr wedding dinner at.. and are U having yr wedding soon. Early nest year izzit.
As i know that if U are having yr wedding dinner in a hotel or restaurant, most likely the hotels or restaurants will reccommend U with the name cards of the printing companies where U can sent yr invitation cards to for printing.. Will cost cheaper also..

if U need my help, let me know.. i used to sent my wedding cards for printing to a place can't remember where.. I can give U her contact number and U can call her up to ask for her address and her charges of printing of the cards..
hi <font color="ff0000">hamasaki,</font> thanks for your advice
my wedding date is fixed on 19 Nov 05 which happens to be our ROM date too

hi <font color="0000ff">ULN,</font> actually i'm like u, i don't bother what others think abt me if i really am preggie during my
there's nothing to be ashamed of, in fact i will be very happy. i'm just worried abt the other aspects like what u mentioned, if preggie, will be very tired plus have to run around preparing for wedding &amp; stuff, not very gd for bb
i think i will cont to ttc, then see a gynae once i return to Spore, from then on then make plans. oh yeah, i nvr heard of Lupron or Zoladex, is it a kind of medicine?
Good morning gals...
I will be busy watching over the contractors shoulder today :p at my new home... Have a nice day...

My dinner will be at Grand Plaza Parkroyal on 21 Jan - a public holiday
. I thought the hotel's recommendation will be more expensive...

I think you are overseas with hubby for some time already, no need to say pple will also guess BD already la... So no need to be ashame of if pregnant on wedding day. It's just a ceremony. If you have siblings who can help you with the preparation, it will be much easier. Actually I dun find my wedding preparation so hectic. Or maybe I haven't reach the "urgent" time yet. I find the sourcing for banquet locations and bridal shop is more tiring.

Meanwhile, both you and hubby can start writing down in a spreadsheet who you are going to invite. That would make things very easy later on. I got my list quite some time ago, then I add in as time goes by when I thought of anyone. Now I already got my table arrangement more or less settled in a day, meaning who sit with who. I only invite relatives and very good friends, cos I wanna keep it small and dun wan to stress myself too much.

Now I pray I dun have to go right up north of Malaysia (Kedah) to send invitation... cos the majority of my relatives are there and in Penang. Think my dad wants me to do that... I argued I am not guy side cos my cousin (guy) just had his wedding dinner.
I still yet to book the buffet for the nite before my wedding for people who I not inviting to my banquet. Save me the trouble of counting heads oso...

Lupron and Zoladex are hormone injections
. I went to the web and search for GnRH type of treatment which my gynae has recommended. The more I read the more I get scared...
Zoladex gotta be injected into the tummy one... sobs... My hair stand when I read about it. Think I will tell my gynae I dun wan injections... I am just wondering if anyone had this treatment before and how it feels like...
Hi gals,
I really buay tahan liao. So I told my hubby last night. Then he gave me a worry.
He ask me if it's safe to fly if really confirm?? And is there a need to check with the gynae.

What do you gals think leh?
Good morning gals!

Miao2, I went to Bali when I was about 6 weeks. As long as you take care of yourself, a short flight to Perth shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure you don't over exert yourself. One thing though, I was feeling quite tired and with the morning sickness, I wasn't really able to enjoy fully. However, it was still a good break for me.

ULN, actually, I think injections in the tummy is not that scary. THere are a lot of 'fats' in that area, making it less painful. I used to take insulin jabs in my last pregnancy at the thigh area. I was taught that if I pinch myself in the area where I jab and then insert the needle, the pinching action will actually take away the pain that the needle creates. Actually, most of the needles used are very fine ones. Don't worry too much.

JOyce, at first, when I read that you like the feeling so much, I thought you are referring to the need to pee frequently!
Yah, the kicking sensation really comforts me and I feel more secure that the baby is responding to me.

Hamasaki, I am sure you will have a chance to feel that soon!

missy_lee, since your wedding is next Nov, if you get preg over the next few mths, the baby will actually be born before the wedding itself. So you must time it such that you don end up doing confinement during wedding month!
I think first and third tri would prob be tiring on a bride, so if you want, perhaps try to time it such that you would be in your 2nd tri during the wedding, if you really want.

Morning ladies...

hhmm.. i was quite 'disgusted' when i found out dat we have 'pervert' loitering in dis thread... glad dat Joyce pointed out...

hey hey missy...
ya lor... really miss u... *serious one* u r usually veri active in ur postings, then suddenly went so 'silent' mah... tot wat happen... good lah.. glad to hv u back &amp; hope u had a good time in LV...

thks!! *bb-dust* for u... hope u'll strike soon.. like wat folic advise, u can still try for the nix 2-3 mths, by the time ur wedding date, u wld hv finished ur confinement liao.. ;)

hahaha... guys always like dat one mah!! how u expect them to remember anything when they r at the verge of orgasm rite??

hi ULN,
drink more water dis week, so dat ur skin is smooth &amp; silky for ur photoshoot nix week.. &amp; hor, the nite before ur photoshoot, dun drink water after 8pm liao... jus sips of water if u need.. in case of water retention..

sorry, can't help u in those 2 medications... but hor, wif better technology now, needles r getting finer... so dun hv to worry too much abt the pain.. follow folic's advise...

hey miaomiao,
it's natural dat ur hubby will be worried cos he cares for u &amp; bb mah... i remember folic &amp; Tiny went holidaying in their early days of pregnancy oso... jus hv to practise caution... ur schedule there's alot of driving involved.. so u can relax while hubby is driving..
if still worried, see ur gynae for extra assurance ya..
Tubby &amp; folic,
Thank you for your advices. I have never thought about this until my hubby brought it up leh. Think I must learn to take everything with a open heart. Just relax and be careful will do lah..
Morning girls,
Miao miao, if you are worried just check with your gynae. I asked my gynae and he said no problem. Since I was not spotting from the beginning (like my previous pregnancy) we felt more assured. I was 5 weeks when we went to Phuket &amp; 6/7 weeks when we went to Hong Kong. In fact it was worth it cos my appetite was really good then and I ate so much yummy food!
But of course don't do physical stuff like bungee jumping lor!!!

Actually I would really love to go to Perth. Short and cheap flight. Wanted to take a trip up end of this mth, since my gyane says i can fly till 11 Dec. But my hubby thinks we should save money for the baby. Guess he's right, I just feel so deprived of a holiday and afraid it will be a while before we can go away again!
What about going to Malaysia? It's also a holiday mah.. Or go to Bintam, or Batam? These places are not as expensive cos save a lot on flights liao...
I think travelling is relaxing, but not backpacking.

wa... I think you are very brave le... I dunno if I got the courage to hold the needle in my hand... I am still scared of injections...

I usually will drink a lot of water... Ok gotta control myself not to drink too much water the nite before my photoshoot.. cos usually I drink a lot of water at nite oso...

miao miao,
It's just a short flight, just rem to drink lots of water or orange juice for the Vit C on the flight. Dun sit still for too long to prevent DVT. Rest well at nite, eat good food and enjoy... Think if there's no spotting, should be fine to travel la... just enjoy...
Haha Tiny, you are just like me, feeling deprived of a holiday.
I just changed my passport early this year and I was just flipping through it the other day. It is so boring, only stamps from Malaysia, 1 Italy trip,1 Bangkok trip, 1 Bali trip. My Malaysia trips are mainly weekend visits to JB, to visit my MIL, so not really holiday. Then I look at my old passport, so many different places that I filled up the whole passport within 5 years...
I am really looking forward to Mar, after I pop and confinement, I will go to BKK with my hubby for a couple days. Main reason is to go back to the 4 face buddha shrine to offer thank you prayers
Then I will get my fix for massages as well!!

hello gals,

Good mornings.

wow so many postings!! Really need some time to finish reading.....

<font color="ff0000">ULN</font>,

Zoladex is a strong hormonal jab to supress the cysts from coming back. I was given 3 jabs in 3 monthly interval after removing an ovarian cyst from my left ovary. You will not have menses for at least 6 months. Be prepared for this.

Don't mean to scare you but the jab is really painful as it is oil based like the jab for pregnant woman. The needle is quite thick actually.

Maybe you should consided Lupron which is injected into the backside. I tried both, and Lupron is definitely less painful and needle quite fine.

Have a talk with your gynae first b4 you go for the jab. Be strong, ok
Hi folic,
Did you go to the 4 face buddha in BKK to pray for baby? My cousin who tried for 4 years also go there every year, at least twice a year. Now they got a cute and healthy baby boy coming to full month soon...

The article about Zoladex gave me an impression that the needle gonna be long... cos gotta inject quite far in the tummy rite? sounds very scary...
The moment doc recommended injection, I was like "oh my god, not again". Then I read about that, it really scares me off.
If I will miss my menses for 6mths, how come my gynae ask me to start to try to conceive 3 mth after the op. Think I better ask him more. Any side effects after the jab? So after the 3 jabs, need to continue the treatment or the jabs will last for a few years?
Haha <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, hmmm... I love the <font color="119911">PEE</font> feeling as well.
Guess my baby boy are having rest now, yesterday wriggling and kicking whole day. Must be tired liao.
Wah so many postings today!!!

Just woke up from my lunchtime nap!

hi tiny, folic,
I also feel deprive of travel. Miss my snorkelling trips to Malaysia. Everybody's going somewhere this long weekend!! Anyone here taking leave on Friday? Me coming back to work on Sunday, hopefully its only for a short while.

hi missy,
I know your urgency to have another bb, but I would advice you to wait until after your wedding. I'm speaking from experience, coz I was extremely tired especially during the banquet where you have to stand up to shake hands with your guests. Also if you have morning sickness, trust me, you won't wan to be juggling nausea with wedding preps. Everytime I go for my fren's wedding, I think of how fat I looked on my wedding day. All brides wan to look beautiful right?
hey gals,

i remember reading abt a recipe for chicken &amp; red dates soup... been searching for the whole morning.. but can't find liao...

hubby tot of preparing dis soup for me but we r not sure of the qty... 1 whole chicken (skin removed) &amp; how many red dates? any other ingredients? any nice recipes for soups to recommend?
An early congrats to U missylee.. If U really dun mind people saying, then its up to U if U want to TTC now..

ULN, i printed my invitation cards at $70 for more than 300 over pcs.. I find that the price is quite reasonable.. didnt yr hotel recommend U the printing compaines

When the gynae ask you to try 3 months after the ops, did he say that b4 suggesting u to go for the jab or after going for the jab?? Better check with him.

You will have menopausal side effects like hot flushes, mood swings, weight gain etc etc..... The treatment is not permanent. It will only last for a few years. FYI, my cysts are back !!!!
but somehow, I managed to get pregnant though it was a short one.

Do consider carefully b4 going for the jab. Take care.
yes folic, my turn will come soon.. i hope.. thinking of that feeling must be quite shiok for U..
I remember when i was pregnate the previous time, i always feel so tired and sleepy.. Can sleep for 1 whole day also no problem.. also feel moody and want to cry.. Have lots of food craving and can go all the way to buy my food even its late at nite..
My hubby says me Siao (crazy) at that time..

wow java, so good U juz woke up from yr afternoon nap.. so how are U now..

hehe joyce, yup, since yr baby boy is sleeping now, quickly catch up some beauty sleep then.. if not if he is awakw, U are going to be busy again. HEhehe
hi tubby,
One black chicken, doesn't matter how many red dates, maybe u can put in abt 8. Some fresh logans, and wolfberry seeds (gou ju zhi). u r done!
Hi Java, tiny, folic
I also miss travelling so last trip was to NZ last Dec.

Some of my colleagues taking leave over the long weekend to go holidays...<font size="+1"><font color="119911">SO ENVY!</font></font>

Hmmm longing for a short trip.....but dunno if it is safe to travel.
Hi Missy,

I also feel that you should wait after your wedding b4 trying for a bb again unless you really dun mind ppl saying. I 'm sure you want to look your best on the wedding day
and not fat and tired, rite?
All the best in your preparation.
hi java,
thks!! so it's black chicken huh... hehee... last Sat we bought a normal chicken, hubby put in too many red dates &amp; the soup is veri sweet... but i finished all up... cos he took the whole afternoon to cook mah...

u really good life leh.. can sleep in the office somemore... wonder if all US-MNCs are so good...

hey adora,
i was told it's pretty safe for travelling after 25 weeks... perhaps u can plan for a short trip during the CNY holidays...
but of cos still hv to take caution lah...
hi tubby,
no lah I slept during lunchtime.

hi adora,
you can ask ur gynae if he/she give u go ahead to travel. For me, I rather wait until I deliver, anyway before I got pregnant, I did quite abit of travelling orehdi. Now must guai guai stay in SG to yang tai.
<font color="ff6000">tiantian,</font> <font color="ff0000">hamasaki,</font> <font color="119911">java,</font> <font color="aa00aa">tubby,</font> <font color="0077aa">ULN,</font> <font color="0000ff">folic</font>

Thanks for all your advice
really appreciate it. actually when i was preggie the other time, me &amp; hubby had already agreed that we r not going to have any customary coz we thought bb come 1st but so sad, i mc. i think i will stick to my original plan, to stop ttc after this cycle. after which, see a gynae when i return to Spore
&amp; do a thorough check on my reproductive system. i know once i get back to Spore, i won't be stressing so much on ttc coz by then i will be busy with my actual wedding prep. but right now, bcoz i'm still in U.S. &amp; surrounded by many preggie friends, really envy my friends who r preggie now
that's why i have this urge to get preggie &amp; when i have nothing to do, my mind just automatically think abt ttc. sigh... hopefully i really stike this time, then i won't have to worry so much, i can just carry on with my pregnancy, finish my confinement &amp; just in time for my
this scenario sounds so perfect, hopefully it will come true

<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> me so touched
when u said u miss me, serious ok
i'm so thrilled to hear that u graduated with flying colours. hope i can join u soon &amp; be mums-to-be.

<font color="ff0000">ULN,</font> u seems to have a lot of
queries abt the medications &amp; its effects, i would suggest u write down all your questions &amp; bring it along when u see your doc, this way u won't forget what u want to ask. take gd care &amp; just concentrate on your wedding for the time being &amp; prepare to be a pretty
bride on your big day!

<font color="ff6000">miao,</font> i think a short flight won't do any harm. but like what your hubby said, its safer to check with your gynae &amp; get the green light. coz ever since my loss, i'm now very paranoid abt travelling during the 1st tri. coz in my case, i didn't know i was preggie when i went to California for holiday, end up taking a lot of rides that are not suitable for preggie women. aft my holiday, then discovered my pregnancy but sadly i mc. i know this might not be the cause for my loss &amp; i'm not trying to scare u or anything. but just to be on the safe side, check with your gynae &amp; this way u won't have to worry unneccessarily.
Wah, many many many postings today!

<font color="119911">Joyce</font>, i dun like the pee feeling!! Hope i can sleep all night through but too bad...
huh joyce, U can't sleep... hmmmm dunno how can i help U..
I guess i can sleep well during my last pregnancy becoz my baby is a lazy one.. only know how to sleep so I follow him/her.. Partly also, he kept me awake mostly at nite.. make me go to the loo so many times till i couldn't sleep well..

Maybe yr baby is trying to keep U awake so that U can accompany him.. He wun feel so bored with no one to play with.. hehehehe

hi missy, i wish U good luck.. Hope yr wishes will come true soon.. Enjoy yr US trip and be ready for yr wedding next year..
Maybe we have a chance of graduating together next year or so..

Hi Ocean, i also dun really like the pee feeling.. go to the loo so many times is really so tiring.. my legs goes numb and tired after that..
Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, every night I woke up, I can't get to sleep immediately, tossing here and there until tired then fall asleep. Even turning to change side, also difficult.

Hi <font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font>, ya lor, maybe my baby dun want me to sleep...
Hello gals... I am back from my new home. I detoured to the polyclinic today, I am surprised that pre-conception blood tests are quite expensive. All of them add up. Missy, if it's free in US, can get it done before you come back if you haven't done it.

I will call my good friend before my next appointment. She got so many questions for me to ask the doctor that I have not thought of. When I told her about my doc's recommendations, she asked me so many questions...
Wish you good luck in TTC! I will pray for you that you will strike this cycle

How come it's safe to travel after 25 weeks? I thought it should be before that? What I know is if more than 6mth pregnant, cannot enter another country liao unless the tummy not so obvious...

My gynae keep telling me 3 mths after op then can get pregnant everytime I go see him. Before the op, he oso told me that, immediately oso told me. But he told me injections no side effects. He asked me to consider cos they are expensive. Gonna cost me more than 1k in total
My doc recommended a monthly injections for 3 mths. How long after the injection your cyst grew back?

That is cheap. Can give me the contact please?

Joyce, Ocean,
Will drinking a glass of milk help in getting a good nite sleep?
hi uln, call this number 62734648.. ask her for the address and how much she can quote for U.. the more U print, the more it might cost and also pls take factors if U are insecting any pics, etc etc..
Ask her and try to bargain the price..
Somehow going to Malaysia not like a holiday leh...i was in KL over the National Day weekend. Ended up shopping for maternity clothes...but it felt no different from shopping back in Singapore. JB even more like not counted like that
Problem with Bintan &amp; Batam is that in this state I can't do much except laze around in the room...cos can't do the fun things like go-karting or cable skiing...
Oh well, looks like must wait for next year like Folic says lor!

By the way, Joyce, I wanted to ask you how u know ANNIE's identity? Lucky we have you to keep a lookout for us! Or else blur people like me will fall into his trap.
Good morning gals...

Thank you for the contact.

There are many more places in Malaysia than KL and JB. Melaka is nice. You can go there to eat and shop and sightsee. The places of interests are scattered around with the main sights in the town center.

Penang is also nice with lots of things to do and eat. You have lots of sight seeing, lots of shopping, lots of food hunting...

For Bintan resorts, apart from lazing in the hotel or the beach, you can sign up for a one day tour around the island and to Tanjung Pinang, which I did last time. It was quite interesting. If you are interested to find out more, I have built a webpage at . I have put up some pictures of my day tour around the island.
Hi gals,


Was quite busy this morning but managed to find time to come in and say "Hi"


I am not sure if your gynae is being honest with you cos there are side effects!!! and mine was quite bad and my gynae had to give me pills meant for menopause. Did u ask him abt not having menses for 6 months??

Yes, the jabs are exp. One jab is $300++. I was quite lucky at that time cos when I had my 1st jab I am still in the hospital , so I can use medisave to pay for the jabs. The cyst came back 5 yrs later.

Maybe you shd seek for a 2nd opinion b4 going for the jab.
Ok, I will ask my doctor the details again when I see him next. So am I right that your therapy last for 9 months? Cos you took the one jab every 3 mths... and then the cyst come back 5 years after the treatment?
I dunno what to ask the doctor when he told me to go for jab. I just look at him cos I have not heard of it before.

Anyone knows how long after op can I travel? I am going to Perth next week
but dunno can or not...
ULN, i printed my invitation card on a transparent paper then I insect it into the card..
i did not tie a ribbon.. but instead insert a small calendar for my guests..

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font>, at first I duno that 'she' was a 'he' too, I remember got one thread, Chin Leng asked him why he kept asking others for their yahoo/msn ID. So I suspected he's a prevert in this forum.

See? Once I pointed him out, he don't dare to step into this thread already.

Hi <font color="ff6000">ULN</font>, hmmm... I've never tried taking milk before sleep, sorry can't answer you this question. Perhaps <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font> knows.
