Support group - Miscarriages

<font color="ff0000">hamasaki,</font> the prenatal pills that i have are the leftovers from my last pregnancy

it was prescribed by my gynae &amp; i still have more than half a bottle left. i dunno which brand of prenatal pills are gd. i dun think can be bought over the counter, think need doctor's prescription.

thank U missylee, maybe i will go over to the doc clinic one day for check-ups and ask him to prescribe me some prenatal pills..
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Tian tian</font></font>, to add colours to the enlarged tone, is the same format as u enlarged or change colour.

U just keyed in <font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">\2 { \ {orange</font></font>}} There must be no space in between!!
hey gals,
my scan today is quite disappointing!! saw 3-4 eggies but they r veri small... abt 7mm onie... not gd for fertilisation... moreover, menstrual lining is onie 6mm... a good thickness is abt 10mm... gynae did explain dat for dis cycle, i may be ovulating late... she asked me to go back for scan on coming friday... to see whether those small eggies will grow to a gd size of at least 20mm... &amp; hopefully my menstrual lining will thicken to 10mm...

however, i am not veri optimistic abt it... i told her dat on wed &amp; thurs, i did hv EWCM, maybe i ovulated early.. she told me CM is not a good gauge of ovulation...

hv been feeling rather down &amp; fed-up!! feel like wasted all our efforts... i know i'm supposed to enjoy the intimacy for hving sex... but at the back of my mind, it's still all abt getting preggie lah!!! gynae says even if we BD from now till nix Fri, it's no use cos eggie is not 'ripe' yet... aiii...

i am expecting a long cycle for dis one.. my temp dis morning drops from 36.4 to 36.1 &amp; hving those creamy discharges... aiya... am totally confused now!!

missy &amp; miaomiao,
i think dis cycle u gals JIA YOU together... mine most likely gone case....
<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">*BIG BIG HUGZ*</font></font>
look on the bright side. like what your gynae said, there's still chance your eggies will grow. meanwhile, try to focus your thoughts on other things instead of thinking too much into your temps &amp; cm. u can still 'have fun'
with your hubby, just dun think of it as baby making, enjoy the pleasure of it.

good luck for your next scan, hope u see big big eggies &amp; thick thick linings!! we can still JIA YOU together!
Hi tubby,

Don't give up yet.
What your gynae said is true. If you vist fertility, they will recommend you to do additional test like ferning, ovulation detecting kit to confirm ovulation.

We always hear people say, the more you want to get pregnant, the more difficult it will be..I'm sure you have read many stories about couples gone through all kind of methods but failed to conceive. But after they decided to give up, they succeeded having baby naturally.
The keyword is 'relax lah'.. maybe try to change your priority... intimacy comes first.. baby 2nd??
hee hee...
I also need to remind myself to relax too.
hi tubby, dun be disappointed and give up easily.. try again and again.. there will still be hope for U and not a gone case.. i will pray hard for U..

and to relax and dun stress yrself up too much.. i know that U are eager to get pregnate but than i still feel that if U could relax and lossen yrself a bit, things might just change for the better.. gd luck..
hi tubby,
Yes. Dun feel discouraged. Like wat missy said, at least u still got chance to BD again when the eggs ripen. In the meanwhile, focus your tots on other things. Actually I find that you are in very good shape as compared to those weeks just after your m/c and worried abt your spotting incidents. At least now you are more relax and even having RA tots! Stay cheerful and happy and RELAX!

hi ocean,
Yes. My govt is back since last week, so abit more busy.

hi gals,
Later in the morning I'll be going for my routine gynae checkup. Pls pray for me that the checkup will be smooth! Later I will come in and update u all.

Have a great Monday!
Hi gals!

Tubby,BIG HUGS on a monday morning! I hope the second scan will bring you better news. Did the doc say if there is anything you can do to increase the uterine lining?

Ocean, baby gal luck strikes again
Hubby striked 4d on sat again! hahhaa.. he won quite a bit even though number is in starters prize only. He kenna scolding from me for buying so much!

Java, good luck! Hope to hear from you soon!

As for me, I have a rather lazy Sat, where I slept in between meals and a rather hectic Sunday, where I was in JB for most of the day and went shopping and makan in orchard in the evening. Baby was rather active yesterday, cos I think the mama was too hyper yesterday :p

Have a great week ahead!
Morning ladies.

Hi Tubby,

Like wat the other gals said, don't be discouraged.At least you enjoyed the intimate moments with your hubby. Tat's the most impt.
BB can wait...

BTW, my AF also came knocking at my door on fri but I am not too disappointed as I din really BD much.

All the best to your next checkup on fri.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Ocean</font></font>

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">I GOT IT LIAO, TKS</font></font>
Hi girls,
Been a while since I came here! How's everyone?

Hi Adora,
Hahaha, sounds silly but I do pray you get MS all the time till your second trimester!

Hi Odie,
Yeah yeah! End of mth you shld be able to see a tiny life inside you growing well liao! Rest and dun worry yeah?

Hi Tubby,
Sometimes it happens before you even know it. For all you know some super sperm survive long enough to meet your ripen egg then leh? Tory was supposedly conceived on the 3rd day of my menses (according to gynae-and I dun hv the heart to tell him I was menstruating then) Hahahaa... Just relax.

Hi Java,
How's your routine scan? I will be logging in to hear news from you later.

Wow folic
Your girl really really lucky leh. Bet the daddy dotes on her even more! Hahaha... I want to win some $60+ dollars also no have. Always kena eaten by singapore pools
How's things going with you?
Hi Tubby... I fully understand how you feel. I was in your shoes... you sounded just like me few months ago... very anxious to catch the egg. Any way to improve the lining? For now try to focus on other things first and stay positive that you will hear good news this Friday. Good luck!!! I'm sure your turn will come soon.

Hi Linda... yup... while in the midst of trying to encourage others to stay positive... I'm trying to keep my spirits up too =) Getting dizzy easily nowadays... so I hope that is a good sign ;)

Congrats folic... you and Ocean take turn wan har? kekekekeke :p
dearest missy, pageup, hamasaki, java, folic, tiantian, linda &amp; Odie!!!

i guess my disappointment stems from my 'damn-high' expectations lah!! cos all the signs seemed rite for me.. i had EWCM.. my temps r low, feeling horny &amp; my hubby was super-cooperative... juz cldn't accept the fact dat my eggies r so small... it jus felt dat my gynae poured a bucket of cold water on me... aiiii....

now my temps r quite high... 36.5, no more fertile CM liao... so i cldn't be ovulating dis Fri leh... okie lah!!! dun wan to read too much into all dis signs liao... i feel like stopping my temp-taking... jus treat dis cycle as annovulatory &amp; kwai kwai wait for AF to visit me..

BUT HOR, dun worry lah... i am NOT GIVING UP!!!
waiting for nix cycle to 'cheong' again!!
before my scan, i did ask gynae wat can be done to improve my lining.. she said can gimme hormone support... after the scan, i got no mood to ask her anything liao.. will ask her dis Fri... i think i will KS abit, will ask her for the vagina gel... dun quite trust Duphaston liao.. tell u gals secretly.. dun scold me huh.. last cycle i took duphaston after my supposed O-day everyday until AF comes but hor, flow is still light...

wow Folic!! been hearing u &amp; Ocean striking 4D quite often hor.. bb-gal really 'wang wang' both of u...
Dear <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i so glad that u r picking yourself up!
And BEST OF ALL, u r not giving up!!
Dont be so disappointed! As what Linda had said, sometimes life find its way to survive!!
Let's see what the gynae says on ur coming visit on Friday!!

You just relax
and enjoy the intimacy
moments with your hubby first!

Wow..<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, good for ur hubby!!
I was thinking if ur BB gal dun like u to scold ur hubby?
The last time, think u also scold hubby, and then he strike!!
wow, ur hubby still win quite alot?? Good for u!!

I think my BB gal luck only work well me!
I was just feeling so lucky when i just found out that hubby had lost quite alot recetly!!
Much more than i had strike, and was quite angry with him, but since already happened, i just hoped that he wun play again!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, update us when u back from ur checkup, ok!
Deary Tubby,
I was busy the whole morning so I didn't come into the thread. Just read through your post. Good to know that you are not disheartened. Don't worry too much liao ok. Since this is your first TTC "exercise" after the long rest. Give yourself some more time to warm-up lah. Relax more yah!!

Got lots of gals here with you one. ok
Take it slow and steady...

hi gals,
I'm back! The checkup went great! bb is now abt 600+ grams, which the doc say is growing very well, in fact abit bigger. Heard the heartbeat also. When I asked the gynae is the heartbeat rate normal? She is quite surprised that I asked that question and said "Of course!" I think she thinks I'm paranoid. I told her about the mild contractions I felt last Thursday due to vomiting too hard. She said its probably irritable uterus. So as a precaution she gave me ventolin medicine to eat in case I feel those contractions again. *cross fingers*. Also my sugar level went back to normal! Yeah very happy!!! Thanks folic for the GD diet, seems like it work too well. This month only gained 1 kg. So can afford to eat more!!!
Good afternoon to you all!
This is always a good thread for me to visit to perk me up.

I have yet another question...
On 10-Sep, I did my D&amp;C.
My doctor said my 1st period will be 4-6 weeks after.
As of today, my period has not arrived yet.
Do any of you experienced such a delay?
Thank you.
Hi Java,

good to hear that all went well! Must continue to keep a lookout on your diet yah?
Did I read you ate durian puffs??
You know durian is banned if you are watching your sugars hor? must guai guai ok?

Tubby, that's the spirit! BUT remember, don't be your own doctor!
Continue to consult your doc and I am sure things will work out fine!

Hi <font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> glad to hear your spirits r up again!!
i totally understand how u feel abt having high expectations but only to get disappointed at the end. i'm also a 'guo lai ren', sometimes placing my hopes too high, read too much into my symptoms (which in fact r just PMS!
), get obessesed with my temps &amp; cm... blah blah blah... but then, i'm lucky to have a very supportive hubby, he will constantly reminds me to relax &amp; take things easy. so tubby, if can, try to relax ok? if u feel uncomfortable taking temps, just skip this mth. i also like that, some months can't take the stress of seeing my temps go up &amp; down, so stopped temping halfway, end up, some of my charts r only half complete
btw what's Duphaston? is it a kind of hormone supplement?

Hi <font color="ff0000">folic,</font> wah seh!! strike 4D again?! u &amp; ocean very 'heng' leh. your bb &amp; ocean's bb r both lucky gals, always bring you guys luck. must continue to buy your lucky numbers leh, 'scally' this week strike again.

Hi <font color="ff6000">java,</font> glad to hear everything went well
. btw how many weeks
r u at now?

Hi <font color="aa00aa">autumnloss,</font> in my case, i mc naturally, din have to do a D&amp;C. my 1st AF came 4 weeks after my mc. like what most doctors say,4 to 6 weeks is the normal timeframe for 1st AF to come. i would advise u to call your gynae &amp; ask your gynae abt it.
hi autumloss

mine came 6weeks after D&amp;C. U may want to consult ur gynae again.

java, great to hear that bb is growing well.

my 2nd AF is here
yeah. will heed the gynae's advice and wait till 3rd AF then start BD again.
for so many years, I always had sore and tender breasts few days before AF. Although my AF irregular, this has never failed as the 'warning sign'. After MC, that physical symptom is gone. Now i have ache in my legs before AF comes.

anyone knows of Dr Adrian at Sengkang? I want to get a 2nd opinion when I am ready to TTC again. Will see him if he's good.
Something to brighten your day

As if we didn't have enough to worry about with the outbreaks of
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the Ministry of Health is now
asking the public to be on the lookout for symptoms of the following
contagious diseases:

Severe rashes around the mouth caused by kissing too much ass. The
No. 1 disease in Singapore. Civil servants are unusually at risk.

Uncontrollable urge to continually dial friends on mobile phone to
share with them such important information as "I'm now on the MRT" or
"I'm walking towards the car." Victims can be recognized by large,
twitching thumb.

Blotchy skin condition caused by eating too many packets of instant

Affliction whereby victims make frequent trips to Bintan, Batam and
China to take on additional brides. Middle-aged men are at significant

Compulsion to date Asian females. Very common affliction amongst
foreign talent/expatriates working in Singapore. Also known as
Pinkerton's Disease.

Flushed complexion, high blood pressure and sometimes depression at
finding out one has not touched lottery.

Excessively large breasts. This disease comes in several variant
strains: Heavytitis A, Heavytitis B, Heavytitis C and sometimes
Heavytitis DD.

Feelings of stress and panic caused by lack of internet access.

A compulsive need to colour one's hair. Reddish brown tints are the
most common symptom, but health authorities have reported a new strain
of blond highlights.
Hi Java... give yourself a pat on the back for doing well ;)

Autumn... my 1st AF came on the 6th week after D&amp;C. You might want to check with your gynae just to be sure.

Whitefloral... me too. I have irregular cycles and have always relied on breast tenderness as a sign of AF coming. After the miscarriage... I stop getting it. But it will be a good guage to know if you are preggie next time ^.^ v
2 of my team-mates at work are pregnant.
1 due in Feb-05 and the other due in Apr-05.
I would have given birth in Mar-05 if I didn't lose my baby. Sigh....

Strange about my 1st AF. This is 7th week liao. If it still doesn't come by end of this week, I'll have to ring up my doctor early next week. Sigh...

Hmm... maybe I'll be like Whitefloral and Odie... PMS symptoms change after mc! My PMS symptoms include pimples outbreak and breast soreness. Hehe hopefully they'll disappear hor...
hi morning ladies...

i had a good cry last nite in hubby's arms.. long long time i dint do dat liao... guess the pent-up frustration, disappointment &amp; jealousy (over my sis' pregnancy) caused my outburst...

hi miaomiao &amp; Ocean,
it's hard, but i am trying to look forward... actually dun feel like going for scan dis fri... veri scared dat mabbe my eggies dun grow well.. or hear from gynae menstrual lining is veri thin.. aiii...

hi missy,
totally agree wif u dat hubby's support is veri impt... without him... i wldn't hv come so far... will enjoy our er-ren shi-jie be4 Heaven decides to give us a child..

dear java,
glad to hear bb is growing well &amp; ur sugar level is rite on track... but hor, dun eat too much durians... notti gal...

hi Odie &amp; whitefloral,
mee too leh!! i stopped hving sore breasts ever since my m/c... i tot something wrong wif them liao... ;p at least now i know it's 'normal'...

i saw adrian be4, once only... his package is considered the cheapest in s'pore... so his clinic is always crowded...i find dat he rush thru' my appt... hubby dun like him... so i dint go back for follow-ups...

hi autumnloss,
my 1st AF came 9-10 weeks after d&amp;c... especially for gals who hv done d&amp;c, AF may come slightly later... it's best to check ur gynae ya.. cos every individual is different..
hi ladies,
I am back... was super busy last two weeks... now that i can take a breather, i am on MC!!!
wow, the thread is moving fast...

Odie, congrats!!! your moment has finally arrived...

adora, happy to hear that you are well...

folic, wah... strike another time? your baby very clever!!! even in the womb already knows how to make mom n dad happpy!!!

java, glad to hear that your check-up went well...

miao miao, missy lee,
i actually tried the sperm meent egg plan for the last cycle... i mean tried half way... kekeke
we tried to BD alternate days and without using the opk...
but gave up mid way cos it was too stressful...
nowadays, trying to relax more...

how are you?
nowadays, i dun follow the chinese prescriptions anymore, cos i find that it lowers my white blood count... think the chinese sinseh i went to, did not really understand the genetic problem that both me n hubby have... kekeke...

tubby, hamasaki, missy lee, tian tian, whitefloral, pageup and all who are ttc-ing,
good luck!!! and let's jia you together...

mine came quite late as weel, about 8-10 weeks later... dun worry so much...
give a call to your gynae and check with him/ her...
Hi java
So happy that both of u are doing well...
Sorry but how many mths u in now? And dun you notti think this mth only gain 1 kg then eat non stop ah!
Next month then u know!

Hi autumnloss,
It differs from individual. And to a certain extent, also depends on how long your d&amp;c bleeding lasts. When in doubt, call ur doc. I also experience changes in PMS after mc &amp; birth. For me, my periods stop being painful and no tenderness of boobs. Think it is cos of hormones...

Hi tubby,
It is understandable...sometimes it is better to cry then to try hide everything and put on a happy face.... Let it out and u shld feel better. Kudos to tubby's hubby for being so understanding! It makes both of u treasure each other more isn't it?

Hi odie
I hope more dizziness comes your way!
hi folic, Linda, tubby,
Thanks for your concern over my eating habits and weight gain. I will definitely not eat durian again, coz I dun wish to have another merlion episode. Yes, the temptation to eat sweet stuff is still there, but I will try to curb such cravings.

hi Linda,
I'm 23 weeks now. folic's sensitive figure.

hi tubby,
Your hubby sounds very nice, let u cry on his shoulder. *pat, pat*. If my hubby, he will say, "why u cry again?" or "ai yoh what happen again???" Just go for your scan with an open heart and mind. Pray before that for courage and acceptance.

hi odie,
How are you now? Any MS? Merlion act?
Tubby... *big huggies*. Me equally emotional as you... think I have cried countless times. My hubby said that I have made the tissue company really rich :p Anyway... I personally feel that it is good to let it out of your system... as long as after the outburst you must remember to stay positive. I cried when I tested negative... when my AF came and even after I was tested positive. Oh well... I guess it is just one of those days.

Hi Java... I'm still the same except that I get giddy spells... sometimes even when sitted... otherwise I'm doing ok ;). But I have been having dreams of me having my favourite food. 2 days ago I dreamt that I ordered laksa... when the laksa was served my alarm clock rang... damn!!! This morning I dreamt that I was preparing baked potato... put it into the oven... and damn that alarm clock again -.-""
<font color="ff0000">autumnloss,</font> *big hugs*
i know its hard to see ppl ard u getting preggie but dun feel sad, your turn will come soon

<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">*Bigger Hugz*</font></font>
i hope u feel better aft letting out last nite. gd to hear your hubby is so understanding &amp; supportive
like what u said, just enjoy your 'er ren shi jie' first
meanwhile try to relax &amp; dun get too stress up.

<font color="ff6000">jus,</font> i also find the sperm meet egg plan a bit 'siong'
have to bd alternate days until O day, then subsequently 2 days in a row. phew!!
i thought of trying it this mth too but now a bit scared that either my hubby or me dun have the energy to bd
so many days

anyway, let's jia you jia you with the rest of the gals who r ttc-ing!!
HI gals!

finally got some time to come in and post.

Hi Linda,missed your posting yesterday. I am doing well.
Very happy and thankful. Now looking forward to detailed scan next Wed.

Hi autumnloss, I am sure you will be alright but do check with the doc if you are feeling uneasy. I remembered tubby waited for quite some time for her first AF too.
We are not machines, there are bound to be cases where it takes longer than usual to arrive

tubby, hope you are feeling better today. It's good to let go and don't bottle up your emotions.

jus/missy, looks like you both are working hard huh?
Good luck this month!

odie, pregnancy does bring about all sorts of weird dreams! I have so many that I lost track of it all, but I remember feeling amazed that I can dream up such 'stories'!

whitefloral, I have not seen Dr Adrian but have read some pretty good comments about him in other threads. Heard his charges are reasonable as well. Good luck!

Hi to everyone else that I miss out
Hope you are all doing well!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Jus</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Welcome Back!</font></font> You are not feeling well?? Must Take Care! Good Luck to you this month!

<font color="119911">Hi Whitefloral</font>
You staying near Seng Kang? I did consider seeing Dr Adrain too...cos I find my Gynae very expensive.
Hi Java

Glad to hear that BB is growing well..

Ya, u better try to avoid those food that cause Merlion...the feeling is terrible. I experienced it during my last pregnacy when I ate nasi lemak...So now I avoid all food that is cooked with coconut.

I use to like sweet stuff but now i prefer sour &amp; salty food.

Like Odie, I also get giddy spells, so far only vomit once or twice. This morning puked when i smell of curry puff in teh office. (One of my colleagues was eating in her cubicle) Now, really can't stand food smell in air con room.

I don't eat much nowadays, always feeling very bloated after meals so dare not eat too much. Yesterday, I was so hungry during dinner time so ordered a plate of mixed vege rice. I ate less than 1/2 plate of rice but felt very bloated all the way until bedtime.

Do you have this bloated feeling too??
Hello ladies...
I am feeling much better liao
I have been reading the thread quietly... Actually I did replied and typed a long reply, but my computer went #@$%#@$# then everything gone... I too lazy to reply again. I am reading some self help books also
Now I feel happier...

Hi folic,
Congrats on winning 4D. It is a blessing. I did strike once before. That time I told myself if I strike, I will give part of the winning for my sis's operation to remove her breast lumps. Then I did strike, 500 bucks. How I wish I can strike again
to cover my medical costs... haha.. just called my hubby to go buy my ward number for tomolo...

Hi Java,
Glad that you baby is growing well.

Hi tubby,
{{{HUGS}}} Dun give yourself too much stress. Take care, ya? Hubby's comfort is always the most comfortable at times like this
. Be happy for your sis and you will feel better and get the "happy hormones" to reduce the stress of TTC.

For those who are preggie... do rest well and take good care
I think having MS is a good sign baby is growing well.

For those TTC, good luck and relax...
Just a piece of information to share which I have gathered - For those planning to get pregnant, the vital vitamins are Vitamin B complex (50mg a day) with B6 and B12, plus folic acid (800-1000mcg per day) (mcg=microgram). By the way, folic acid is vitamin B9.
For people like me who had a miscarriage, vitamin A, vitamin E and Beta Carotene tend to be lower.

I can imagine the "sian-ness" when seeing people around having babies. I was depress after my d&amp;c, then two weeks later my cousin's wife gave birth to her baby. I tell myself I gotta be happy for her and now I am really happy for her cos she has been trying to conceive for 4 years. She had two failed IVF, after that somehow she managed to conceive naturally.
I just got my keys to my love nest. My hubby has many couples with new-born babies. They bring their babies along to view my love nest. That time, I was still depress, I just let my hubby entertain them and I hid myself in the toilet or kitchen or bedroom, wherever I could be alone, to do some cleaning...
Now I think on the positive side and I am happier

hmm... I am still waiting for my 1st AF to visit. Now in my 5th week after surgery. I haven't feel any breast soreness yet which I would for exactly a week before my AF. Yesterday I noticed some weird light brown, sticky discharge. Today also have... Did any of you experience discharge before the 1st AF after d&amp;c?
hi tubby, i hope yr baby dreams will come true soon.. its alright to cry once a while but dun let yr sis pregnancy affects U.. Yr baby wish will come true one day.. relaxed and enjoy..

wish U gd Luck..

hi everyone.. how everybody doing.. folic and ocean,, I really envy U gals.. yr baby girls bring so much $$ luck to U.. so good..
morning everyone!!

my temp dis morning is 36.6 leh... hhmm.. i really doubt dat i'm ovulating dis week... ;p

was busy the whole afternoon, so dint reply to your postings... thks so much for your encouragement &amp; comforting words... i am feeling slightly better now...

hi java,
my hubby always say dat i am made of WATER, becos i cry veri easily... he knows dat i will feel better after crying..
i prefer to cry out loud then to force myself to put up a strong front lah.. I will face dis fri's scan wif an open mind.. or rather, i am prepared for the worst liao.. ;p

hi linda,
i agree!! if not for my m/c, i wld neber hv seen how PATIENT my hubby can get wif me... i was a complete wreckage for whole 2 months after my m/c... even now, still got crying attacks...

hi jus,
glad to hear frm u! please take good care of urself... r u in ur fertile period now?

hi missy,
i read abt the 'sperm-meets-egg' plan as well... it's really veri shiong &amp; i guess it'll create alot of pressure on the couple as well... actually i believe veri strongly in observing CM one... but hor, dunno why gynae say not accurate.. aiii....

hi ULN,
usually before my AF arrives, i will hv some slight brownish discharge... sometimes sticky, sometimes creamy in texture... mabbe ur AF is visiting u soon... monitor for 2-3 days first ya..
hi missy lee,

yup, agreed... the smep plan is really siong... not to mention stressful as well...
that's why we gave up in the end...
but i do believe that if you followed it faithfully, should be able to conceive pretty fast... hee hee

we are not very active this month...
was afraid of the stress and disappointment...
would try to let it take its natural course...

all the best to you as well!!!
hi tubby,

yup... my fertile period supposedly around this week, but no ewcm leh?
so, also not too sure what to make up of it...
Hi gals,
Yesterday I had a horrible and sad pregnancy related dream, I actually woke up crying. The depression and sense of loss is the same as that during my confinement when I was missing Jordan so much! I'm in the middle of 2nd tri and as my pregnancy progresses, I feel more stress and worried. Dunno whether when I reach 3rd tri I will freak out already. Yesterday I also found out that my gynae will be on leave from the 19th Dec - 9th Jan. Although I dun wan to look too forward ahead, but can't help thinking that during that period I'll be in my 31-34 weeks. My danger zone! I think I will talk to my gynae during my next checkup, see how she intends to handle my case.
hi java, i'm sad and worried at the same time as U.. relax and pray to the Goddess of Mercy.. hope she can help U overcome this fear..

dun stress yrself up now.. give yr gynae a call if U're worried and hopes she have some alternative plans for U.. take care!!
Hi Java,

just share your bad dreams here.. it will dispell the bad vibes
I had a bad dream a few weeks ago and after posting here, I can't even remember what the dream is all about now.

Your gynae is only away for 3 weeks. Just schedule an appt with her before she goes. Then you can have another when she is back and that would just be like any regular check up that you have now. You won't feel the 3 weeks gap. In most cases, gynaes will have a backup doc and it is usually someone that they trust as well. So don't worry.. look on a bright side... I am sure you don't have to run to your gynae during those 3 weeks!

Hi folic,
Glad that you are doing well.

Hi Tubby,
Maybe it is really true that out of everything, something will definately be good. Do continue to have faith and I await to hear good news from you for your scan!

Hi Java,
It is normal for preggies to have the strangest, weirdest dreams... Try not to concentrate on them. As for your gynae being on leave, check with her who you shld contact in case you need checks and reassurance. And most babies are due abt 38 weeks, so not to worry too much. You can also schedule a visit just b4 your gynae leaves for holiday and check w her whether the baby shows any signs of arriving early. My doc sees it by the reduction of fluid.
yup java, what folic and Linda had said, do follow their advices if U want to..

dun worry too much.. have a checkup with yr gynae before she is on leave and see her again when she returns from her leave.. dun worry too much..
dear java,
*big big BEARY hugz* althou i can't say dat i totally understands wat u r going thru' cos i'm not preggie yet... but i do at times cry &amp; feel intensely sad as if the loss happened jus yesterday... guess it happens to everyone of us after a m/c... as for ur fears, do discuss wif ur gynae to ease ur mind.. BUT HOR, i'm sure u'll breeze thru' dat period one lah... hv FAITH okie..

hi jus,
if u r in CD10 &amp; beyond, jus GO FOR IT man!!
mabbe ur EWCM will be appearing soon..
yeah Java!!

jus say out LOUD ur bad dreams here &amp; we'll help u chase away the bad vibes!!!!

hi linda,
i have jus made an appt to go for a body massage dis Fri after my scan... i dun wan to think too much abt my scan liao... i'll ask for the hormone support so dat i can take for nix cycle...
hi hamasaki, folic, Linda,
Thanks for your advice. Still remember I told u all my bb has 2 cysts in the brain, I've read before that the cysts are harmless even if they do not go away by Wk 30. In fact some adults have the cysts too. But in my dream, I dream that the cysts could burst and my bb's life could be in danger. Although when I woke up telling myself, its not logical, but the fear of loss is overwhelming, that's why I woke up crying. OK I've posted it here, hopefully the bad dream is DISPELLED. I find that my emotions are really roller coaster, after the checkup that day, I felt more confident abt my pregnancy, now I'm down in the dumps again. But now feeling much better already.

I know who is my gynae's backup, I've consulted her before during one of my spotting incidents. But not sure if she specialise in high risk pregnancies. My danger zone is 3rd tri, coz previously I lost Jordan thru umblical cord accident.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I also hope and pray hard that I won't have to run to my gynae during the 3 weeks. Or have any unscheduled visits!!!

Do u realise that sometimes ur reality fears are propagated to bad dreams at night?
take care java.. if i have any kind of bad dreams, i will surely tell it loud to my hubby and mum.. I will also run to the temple to pray hard hard to the Goddess of Mercy..
find that after praying, my mind and body tends to relax and also will feel more at ease..

yup java, i find that all the fears that we have in the morning sometimes will come back as bad nightmare dreams at nite so its advisable not to think so much during the daytime..

relax and enjoy yr pregnancy.. Take care!!

everything's cleared liao... so java, dun worry liao hor..

dis reminds me of my mum... when my younnger sis fell veri sick (i think veri high fever) when she's 5-6 years old, she told my mum there's someone at the corner of the room smiling at her... wa biang!! my mum took the broom &amp; whack so hard at dat corner.... but we concluded dat it's hallucination caused by her high fever lah..

hi hamasaki,
Yes. I also pray to God to take away my fears and bad dreams. I will take ur advice and TRY not to think too much during the day. Must be my work too free liao. hahahaha

hi tubby,
Thanks for the BIG BROOM. Now I will dream of brooms tonight. ur mum is so nice to accomodate to ur sis's hallucination and actually whack dat corner!
