Support group - Miscarriages

ok java, now you said your dreams, no more problems! You will not have any unscheduled visits to the docs and you will be fine!!
It is true that the more you think, the more you dream and I agree with Linda, preggies have the weirdest of all dreams!

tubby, that story about your sis is funny


Hi everyone,

I hope you are well. It's great that we have such an active community providing support and care. With our common wishes and prayers, I'm certain there will be happy news for all in time to come.
I came across this material recently (and alto' it is old news), I thought I would post it here so you will be aware and will share the info' with all you know

TAMPON ALERT - The Dangers of Tampon-Related Toxic Shock Syndrome


Toxic Shock Syndrome develops when the common bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus produce a toxin which is absorbed into the bloodstream. The toxin rapidly overwhelms the immune system and attacks the major organs, leading to kidney failure, collapse of the lungs and in severe cases, cardiac arrest. Alarmingly, half of all known cases of Toxic Shock are women using TAMPONS.


Always begin AFTER a period starts
Early symptoms may include headache, and/or sore throat
Aching muscles and high temperature
Followed by vomiting, watery diarrhoea
A red rash, confusion and dizziness, and
Very low blood pressure

Only one or two symptoms may occur. They do not necessarily occur all at once and may not persist.


Remove the tampon (save it if possible)
Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention
Inform the doctor that you have been using TAMPONS
Take a TSS information leaflet with you



Survivors of Toxic Shock Syndrome may have been hospitalised for weeks and there is usually a long recovery period. They may have suffered:

Loss of fingers and toes due to gangrene
Permanent kidney and liver damage
Deafness and blindness
Peeling skin, and loss of nails and hair
Continual infections
Short tem memory loss
No energy for months or even years
Psychological and emotional distress


Use the lowest absorbency needed at each stage of your period
Avoid using tampons continuously during a period. Alternate with sanitary towels, particularly at night
Use a towel at the end of your period
Change tampons every 4 to 6 hours
Dont use tampons if youve had any unusual discharge
Wash your hands before and after use and handle the tampon as little as possible
Alert your family and friends to the symptoms and emergency action required
Only use tampons made of organic cotton
Read and keep this information leaflet or the leaflet inside the tampon pack


Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are carried by most people on the skin or in the nose no matter how frequently we wash ourselves. They are usually quite harmless and can naturally migrate into the vagina. Certain strains of the bacteria can produce a toxin known as TSS-T1 when tampons are used. The vagina is a very susceptible place for RAPID absorption of toxin. The toxin gets into the bloodstream and circulates around the body attacking the vital organs, especially the kidneys and lungs. The toxin overwhelms the bodys immune system producing acute organ damage. Younger people are particularly at risk, as their immune system is not fully developed.


The bacteria in the vagina is usually harmless. Although the exact micro-biological reason for toxin production has not been established, it only happens in association with a tampon.

It could be because the tampon introduces oxygen into the vagina, or the tampon provides a surface for the bacteria to colonise.

However, it is known that higher absorbency tampons containing man-made fibre are the highest risk. Also, CONTINUOUS use of tampons during a period increases the risk.



As tampon-related Toxic Shock Syndrome is not a notifiable disease, the official statistics rely on a voluntary notification scheme. These statistics are unreliable. However, from 1990 to 2000 it is believed that 22 deaths have occurred in the UK due to TAMPONS.

Since millions of tampons are used in the UK each month, the disease is considered rare. However, it can strike any woman or girl without warning and can act so rapidly that more fatalities amongst tampon users is inevitable. So remember: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE TAMPONS!

Communication is essential. Health and safety information on leaflets should be red regularly to identify if any new, crucial information is presented. It is also vital that young girls ensure that they discuss with their parent when they decide to use tampons. Somebody else should know when tampons are used so that prompt action can be take if the sufferer is unable to help herself.


Telephone/fax: (+44) 0161 748 3123
Hi folic,
Thanks. I think you will make a great mother! Very reassuring.

Hey SNUFFLES!!!! Long time never hear from you. We are all wondering where u disappear to. Are u still in States? How are you?
hi ladies,

it's been a long time since i log in. how's everyone?

me still no good news to share. can't help but feel rather disappointed.

got to go now. take care everyone!
i will log in again soon.
WAH today two missing souls report back liao ah! snuffles and millie!
welcome back! Do give us some updates about yourself. :D

Yap <font color="119911">Snuffles</font>, how are you recently? Think the last we all heard from u was that u might be back to Singapore. So are u?
Nevertheless, glad to hear from u again!

wow.. wow... was imagine <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> taking a broom
to chase the bad dreams away!!
Am glad that u r feeling alot better!

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, like wat <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>
said, just <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Just Go For it!</font></font> Who knows what will happen!!

For me, these few days had been very tired and sleepy!
Think i had not enough sleep due to the more frequent toilet visits!!
Hi Millie! Hi Snuffles! Really haven't heard from u for a long time. What have u been up to? Snuffles still in UK?

Java, java, maybe u think too much in the day so at night also dream about it. don't worry, k? God will take care of you and baby.
hi tubby,

i am actually in my CD26 now...
but my cycle is quite long, between 34 - 40+ days... hence the ovulation period is later...
we did try but not that actively... didn't want to stressed ourselves too much...

yup, do go for a massage and enjoy...

hi java,
like what the girls said, most pregnent ladies would have weird dreams... don't worry so much about it...
as for your gynae, just visit him before he goes on leave and get him to leave you an emergency contact no (to reach him) when he's overseas if possible...

hi snuffles,
so long never hear from you...
did you in the end came back to singapore?

hi millie,
don't worry...
guess our time will come soon...
hi oceans,

did try but not too actively... kekeke...
see what happens...
can't really predict my ovulation day as there were no EWCM and i was pretty stressed up last week, trying to meet a project deadline... so, guess my cycle went a little haywire...

did you try going to toilet first before you sleep and not drink too much water (before you sleep)?
maybe this might help...
you must get enough rest, ok...

now I know I am not alone on the absence of breast tenderness after MC. And I also notice the usual cramps I get on 1st 2 days are also gone.

Adora, yup, I stay in Sengkang, thought of seeing Adrian if he's good since he's near my home and I read somewhere he is available on sat afternoon too. That would be very convenient. Will go see him then after this AF and see if hubby and me are comfortable with him.

did u guys see the same gynae when u conceived again after MC? somehow i tend to relate KK with the mc although the gynae successfully delivered 3 babies for my friends. When I went back to the private suite for follow up after mc, I always hate to be seeing many bissfully pregnant ladies and being reminded of the mc.
<font color="119911">Hi gals,</font>

wow! this thread is so active today, can't catch up man!
I was busy cleaning up
my hse today, the boxes for my shipment had just arrived, been busy packing my stuff the whole afternoon. really looking forward to going home soon. i was very stressed
with the paperworks for sending my dog back to spore, till i got insomnia, in the end me &amp; hubby never BD
for the past few days but 'heng' its not my fertile period yet.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Dear java,</font></font> <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Big Big Hugz</font></font>
dun think too much into your dreams, u know, ppl always say bad dreams are actually the opposite in reality. like what folic did the last time, u r dispelling the bad vibes by saying out your dreams. also, got our dear tubby helping u to sweep the bad bad vibes away! for me, bad dreams usually affects me for 1 day coz the memories is still fresh in my head. i'm sure u will feel better &amp; happier tmr aft a gd nite sleep
if u r worried abt your gynae being away for 3 weeks, talk to her &amp; get the name of your backup gynae. like what Linda said, most babies aren't due till at least 38 weeks, so dun worry to much

<font color="0000ff">Jus,</font> u were saying your cycle is long &amp; ovulation is late, i would think you shd be O'ing anytime soon. like what tubby mentioned, just go for it
who knows, u might just catch the eggies
for me, i can't rely on EWCM to predict my O. i dun get EWCM or maybe when i got it, i didn't realise it. i usually rely on my temps &amp; breast soreness as a indication for my
i haven't start the SMEP with my hubby yet, i think i will just try but won't follow the plan faithfully. so siong to BD so many days. but i believe the plan does works, i mean how to miss the eggies when u BD for so many days?!

<font color="ff6000">Tubby,</font> maybe you haven't O yet? see how your temp is tmr. still got chance can catch your ripen eggies
but then again, try not to read too much into your temps &amp; stress yourself out. relax relax a bit hor.

to all ttc-ians!
Hi folic, jus, millie, tiny, ocean, java

I'm very well. How are the rest of you? I'm very happy to hear good news from some of you. Folic, java and ocean - take good care u mum-to-bes! I will be waiting to see pics of ur bbs soon.

Poor Java, dun think too much abt the nightmare. *Big Hug*. I get this eye lid twitching thing now and then and this never fails to send me into total paranoia. Pray hard and all will be well in the end.

Millie, where have u been? I'm still stuck in UK leh. Did not manage to return home in Sept cos' I couldn't get tickets so I looked around and thought to myself " this job is killing me.. feng shui not good lah..gotta go". So guess what? I got myself a new job starting next month! Now waiting to finish some paperwork so I can snatch a quick trip home. Oooo.. I want to eat beef noodles. Was very sad and down for a while (cos' things seem to be in a rut and I have no confidence at the moment to ttc)but hopefully this is a good sign of things to come. :D

Jus and Tiny, I didn't forget u either. We got to "jia you" but I think our bbs will all come in good time. In the mean while, let's look on the bright side and enjoy couplehood with our hubbies.

And to all the other girls here, a big hug and lots of luck from London.

hi folic &amp; java,
dis 'broom-whacking' story is quite a classic in my family.. sometimes my mum still do talk abt it...

hi jus,
hv u tried temping before? althou 2 gynaes hv told me it's not an effective way of predicting O-day, but i quite believe in it... cos i can really see the shift of temps btw pre-O &amp; post-O.. as for EWCM, sometimes i oso dun hv it.. mabbe due to stress &amp; diet...

my dear Ocean,
i think ur bb gal is resting on ur bladder, dat's why u always need to wee-wee... dun drink too much water b4 u sleep ya... &amp; tell ur bb kenot be so notti... must let u hv a good rest...

hi whitefloral,
for me, definitely i'm NOT going back to the same gynae... too much bad memories there liao!! &amp; I oso won't choose dat hospital oso... my hubby oso agreed on dis one..
i can recommend a gynae to u... went to see him for second opinion but it's too late.. bb orady not wif me when he did the scan... he's veri nice.. althou he got lotsa patients waiting for him.. but he took time to console me while i was crying away... He's Dr. Douglas Ong... clinic in Mt E... but he can oso delivers in Mt A or TMC...

hi missy,
yesterday's temp at 36.6 &amp; today is 36.4... aii... dis kind of temp how to be O-ing?? it's way too high liao... &amp; my CM is creamy/sticky kind now... guess i'm really reading too much into all dis... aii...

eh!! dis weekend must ramba-ramba wif ur hubby hor... since u've been so stressed up the last few days... let ur hubby inject some happy hormones into ur body... hehe...

dear millie,
yes, i believe our turn will come veri soon... *sharing wif u some of the bb-dust from the preggies here*
*big hugz*

hi snuffles...
glad to see u... congratz on ur new job... i'm sure more good things r coming ur way... Odie oso got a new job &amp; then shortly after, she got preggie...
Hi java,
{{{HUGS}}} Think positive ok? Gotta be positive.
When I was pregnant I also had weird dreams. I got one very funny dream. Maybe you all also wun guess it. I dreamt of chasing cockroaches in my house and putting them into plastic bags. Then when I was at the last cockroach, it chased after me instead and I woke up... By the way, I am afraid of cockroaches one... Relax ok? Dun get too stressed up...

May God bless you.

I will go back to the same gynae. I think my gynae is very good, so I will stick with him after this M/C. I like gynae to tell me what I should do and not telling me too many options to let me decide what is best. I have met other gynaes who are like that. I will try to think on the positive side.

Hey Snuffles,
It's getting cold there... take care... I was in the UK for 3 years and just returned home this year. But I will be going back to the UK next year
. I love shopping in London... hehe.. I am one of those who contribute to the crowds during weekends.
hi Ladies,

Good morning. Din log in for a few days and there are so many postings liao!!!
Trying my best to read all the threads, 'panting" now.....

my dear <font color="ff0000">Java</font>, Hope you are feeling better now.<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Hugz, Hugz</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font> and <font color="0000ff">tubby</font>, all the best to your checkup tomorrow.

<font color="ff0000">Jus,Millie and Snuffles</font>, <font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Welcome Back</font></font>

And to all the other gals who are TTC'g, lots of


and to those beautiful MTBs, have lots of rest and always be cheerful and positive
Hi Java!
I believe the chinese saying of "thinking too much in the day will result in nightmares". So maybe in your subconscience, you are worried still. It is normal... As for your high danger zone, I believe you will sail thru it!
I really really believe you and baby will be fine.
and to add on to Tubby's broom.....
"Sprinkling salt, garlic, pineapples all over Java"
Chase all your bad dreams away!
All will be fine now.

Hi tubby
Glad that you are positive! Continue being so!!!
hi all,
Thanks for sweeping away my bad vibes. Last night I had a bad dream again, but its not pregnancy related. Anyway I told tiantian and my hubby abt it, so the bad vibes also dispelled.

hi tubby,
How old are you hah?

hi millie,
wah u also disappear for a long time. What have u been busy with? Sometimes I go to Compass Point to "look" for you. hehehehe
hey millie,
u stay in sengkang?

anybody staying in punggol besides me &amp; java?? i know Ocean live in Woodlands &amp; whitefloral in sengkang oso..

hi linda,
thks for ur support!!!
err... ask u huh... wat's the purpose of pineapples dat u used on java? is it becos in hokkien, it is 'ong lai'?

aiya java,
i am 'older' than u leh... me a 'dragon gal'... hehee....
that's good java to relax and dun think of so many bad things during the daytime.. well, just relax and enjoy yr pregnancy now..

i guess i'm consider quite lucky coz i did not dream of any bad and werid dreams when i was pregnate the last time.. maybe i did not think of so many bad things so they did not reflect as nightmare dreams at nite..

I went to Great World City yesterday and chanced upon a Mother Works Shop at Level 3.. Saw some of their maternity clothes and have a strong urger to buy it and keep as future use.. But i heard people saying that when U are not pregnate now, its advisable not to purchase any of these clothings.. Dunno if its true or juz a myth..

wonder if any of U ever heard of these before..
Hi <font color="ff0000">snuffles,</font> how's the weather
in UK now? is it winter yet? i'm also away from spore, currently residing in U.S. but will be going back for good very soon, in time to celebrate X'mas. is your new job gonna be in UK too?

<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> could it be your temps are a bit eractic for the time being? did your gynae said anything on your last scan whether or not u O yet? but still dun read too much in your temps lor, just relax &amp; go for your scan tmr. who knows, you might just hear gd news tmr
dun forget to update us abt your scan result. me just now ramba ramba with hubby liao, buay tahan liao
btw, i stay on the other side of Spore, choa chu kang.

<font color="ff6000">ULN,</font> r u still getting giddy spells? and has your bleeding stop yet? i hope u r feeling better
take gd care hor.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">tiantian,</font> let's jia you jia you!
lotsa bb dusts
coming your way.

<font color="119911">java,</font> let me help u chase all the bad vibes away!
bad dreams...
<font color="aa00aa">hamasaki,</font> i heard of ppl saying that too, what cannot buy maternity clothes lah, baby stuff, blah blah... myth or not, it all depends on individual lor, whether u 'patang' or not. my mum in law &amp; mum told me its ok to buy baby stuff, they r not patang abt it.for me, i half believe half don't believe lor, coz i got buy lots of baby clothings &amp; stuff from U.S. to bring back to spore for future use. can't resist buying the cute cute things.
thanks missy lee for yr advice.. I'm not a Pan Tang person so i dun care..
i too cannot resist myself from buying those cute little clothings and the maternity clothings.. but each time i want to buy those items, my hubby stop me..
well, the maternity clothings are not that cheap also.. though of buying but than scared by the time i can put it in full use, the design of the clothings is out-dated liao or turn yellow..

so dunnow whether to buy or not.. scared my hubby say me siao to buy the items so soon..
<font color="ff0000">hamasaki,</font> think my hubby will also say i siao if i buy maternity clothings now
that's why i don't dare to buy even though the maternity wear here are so much nicer &amp; cheaper than in spore. sigh...
can only look, see, look, see.
yah lor missylee, same same.. can only look, see, look but cannot buy buy buy..

i think maybe one of these days, i will get myself a maternity top coz i really like that piece i saw.. dun care what my hubby will say abt me..
Hi Linda, how is bb Victoria doing?

Missy, whereabouts in US are u? I will still be residing in the UK for a while yet. It's still autumn here and the trees in the park are turning a gorgeous golden red. Getting colder by the week but it's more the rain I mind.

Hi ULN. Why did u return so soon? Otherwise I would have another S'pore buddy around. I hate joisting with crowds but will not miss the bi-annual Harrods big squash if I can help it. :D I head straight for shoes on 2nd floor. Will u be returning for a visit or a more permanent basis? Read that u get giddy spells. Take care
<font color="ff0000">snuffles,</font> i'm at arizona, a place where all the cactus grow. winter is coming soon over here, getting colder &amp; colder each day. r u a PR there? when do u intend to return to spore?
Hi Snuffles,
Glad to hear things are looking brighter for you. I remember the last time u wrote, u were really feeling down. I guess time will heal the pain slowly. Congrats on your new job too! At least, it's a new start and something to look forward to.

Actually I am now into my 27th wk of pregnancy...can't remember if you were still 'around' at that time when I first discovered I was pregnant. It wasn't easy in the beginning, with doubts and fears, but God has been gracious and has been taking good care of me and my baby along the way. I believe your ttc attempts will be successful very soon too!
Lots of baby dust to you and may you be blessed with a baby soon! Not forgetting, Millie too!

God bless.
Good morning gals,

Just want to say have a nice day today! Its the weekend finally!!!
hi gals,

update on my scan:
my menstrual lining grew by 2mm to 8mm, but it's still considered thin... a good one is ard 10-11mm... &amp; no eggies seen... both my ovaries r checked &amp; confirm no follicles found.. it's either my egg quality no good or i've ovulated early for dis cycle.. she says can put me on hormone support &amp; see whether my lining will grow thicker anot.. i hv to take the pills 3 days after O-day... asked her is it due to D&amp;C dat lining is thin, she said possible..
&amp; if i'm born wif dis problem, then technically there's nothing can be done...
when i collect the medicine, then i realized she gave me duphaston... will try to take it for the nix 2 cycles &amp; see how... but i'm not optimistic at all.. cos last cycle i took &amp; menses is still veri light...
gynae oso mentioned dat for my last pregnancy, cld be due to my thin lining dat caused m/c... when i heard dis, i cried on the spot...
<font color="119911">Hi Tubby</font>
Don't be sad....take the medicine &amp; I am sure everything is going to be fine....

Don't think too much &amp; get too stress up, it's not good for your health.

<font color="0000ff">Whitefoloral</font>
I stay in Seng Kang too.....I am seeing my previous Gynae. Had thought of changing but I am quote comfortable with him moreover he knows my previous case.
(HUGS)Please don't think it's definite that it's due to the thin lining leh.. Don't break down again. You've slowly open up your thoughts and now you just cannot let those bad thoughts come in again leh. Be strong Tubby.
You see, the doctor used words like possible and could be. So it's not definite mah. Don't worry too much ok.
Take the doctor's medicine, run through few cycles and try again lor.
Chinese there is a saying " shi shang wu jue dui" right?
<font color="aa00aa">tubby,</font> <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Big big Hugz</font></font>
don't be too upset, like what miao said, nothing is definite. the medicine might not have worked the first time but i'm sure it will work the second or third time. don't give up hope yet
meanwhile, follow your gynae instructions &amp; also try to 'bu' your body. look on the bright side ok.
we r here to jia you for u
Morning Everyone!! Hope everyone is feeling fine and good today!

Oh <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, please try not to be so sad!
Let me give u a kiss!
Ask ur hubby dun be jealous!!

Ok, no doubt a thin lining might resulted in a M/C,
but remember, yours had already grown thicker from 2mm to 8mm, which i think it is a good sign!
And compared with the average, it is only about 2-3mm difference which the gynae can help by giving us medicine such as dusphaston or injection or others like what <font color="ff6000">Tiny</font> was previously given.
I know u dont really trust duphaston, but maybe, the previous M/C is not due to thin linning....

Anyway, now my concern is that u should <font size="+2">RELAX</font>
urself and not giving so much pressure to yourself!
Let's try taking the gynae medicine for a while!

Oh, talkin abt menses, mine after M/C was very very light too.
In fact, it was lighter than all my previous cycles before M/C!
So my lining might not bethick too, otherwise, how come i kept <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> especially during my 1st trimester even though i was on dusphaston! So my dear <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, please remain positive!!
<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, glad that u r relaxing
And hope that ur project deadline is over liao!! Then u can enjoy the intimate
moment with ur hubby!!
i guess u must set it in your mind that it is more for the love that u and ur hubby share,
rather than making Babies, ok!

Oh <font color="119911">Snuffles</font>, am glad to learn that u have found a new job liao!
Really, i feel that ur previous job is too stressful for u leh!
by then u settle down in ur new job, we will hear a piece of gd news
from u!
Do take care of yourself in UK, ok!
Hi tubby,

don't be too upset. If it is not possible this month. Try again next month.
By the way, was your menses very light before your last pregnancy?I'm just speculating, could it due to your body still trying to get back to normal? Perhaps you would like to observe for a couple more cycle?

ladies, just like to share with you what happen to me over the week. I did a HPT last monday, turned out to be faint positive. My hubby and I were very happy as we believed I 'strike' already. But the next day, I saw red when I went to toilet. The worst thought came to my mind due to previous experience. I was already crying when I called my hubby who accompanied me to see my gynae. He did a scan for me but all he see is thick menstral lining. So he did another pregnancy test for me, it turned out to be negative. So the blood I saw was just my menses which came late.
I was disappointed but relieved at the same time. At least I know I didn't have it and lost it again.
I'm still puzzled about the 1st HPT result I saw. Though it was faint, it was still a positive, I verified with my hubby too. I used clearblue, which is 2 times more expensive and claimed to have 99% accuracy
Hi ladies!
Happy weekend! The sun was out this morning and when I went out at 8 to buy breakfast, everyone was out: the old folks doing tai chi in the park, the families with babies and dogs, the kids in the playground, the aunties and maids with their marketing... and sun rays casting gorgeous shadows through trees and buildings... and enveloping me with its warmth... it was a wonderful feeling! >> And now it's all dark and dripping wet again! I think our weather these days is a tragi-comedy!

Hi Tubby,
**BIG BIG HUGS!!!** Hey, if you want to cry, go ahead, let it ALL out! After that, you can concentrate on letting your body get healthier. Like Pageup said, it could be your body trying to get back to normal. If I recall correctly, we had similar symptoms after MC, at around the same time too. I only ovulated on CD32! My first AF was very light too: it only lasted 3 days. The second was 6 days. Give your body time to recover, and do eat, sleep, and relax well. That's probably the best we can do right now for ourselves and our future babies!

Hi Snuffles, ULN,
I love London shopping too!!!
Used to go every year but didn't manage to make it this year because of all that happened. Just met a friend who came back for holiday, he says it's pretty cold there at the moment, so Snuffles, do wrap up and keep yourself snug! Btw, it's been raining A LOT here too. *bleaugh!*
hi tubby, BIGS HUGGIES to u.. dun get affected by what yr gynae said.. forget everything..

We are here to Jia You for U and support U.. U're not alone in this battle..

Take Care and God Bless U..
Hello gals,
I haven't got time to log in for the past few days. Busy organising my wedding guests' list and deciding how many dinners to hold and where... and busy looking for words for my invitation cards... the alarm sounding to ask me to better get going with the preparation. Today I was out the whole day after more than a month of being "locked up" at home. So very happy today... Not much shopping la.. but at least it's not at home

Hi Missy_lee,
Thank you for your concern
. My bleeding has stopped for a week already
. I still feel pain when I walk too much but I will have some rest after that. Still gotta wear a corset, otherwise it hurts... I dunno whether is it my uterus still swollen or what, I cannot bend and I will feel a big lump when I bend and it will hurt. I am very scared uterus prolapse... I am still relying on medication to get away the giddy spells
. Hopefully I will fully recover soon. Now I am starting to take a lot of "bu".

Hi Snuffles,
Maybe it's winter, the infamous gloomy weather that's making you feel not so great. I missed home a lot a lot, so I decided to return home asap. I was away from hubby for more than 3 years and it came to a point of breaking down and too much to bear with the gloomy weather of UK, so I returned to Singapore to be with hubby again
I will never miss going to the bakery and food section in Harrods if I go to London. I will return on a temporary basis, probably two months... I dun wanna leave my hubby again.. It was really a hard time then. I still have friends in the UK and they are complaining about the cold.. Do wrap up warm and take care...

Hi tubby,
Is that the side effects of D&amp;C? I just went to a seminar about sex today. There will be another seminar about planning for a baby on 18 Dec 2004 if you are interested. Think I will be going for that talk... to see if there's anything useful that I can apply when I decide to TTC
They have Q&amp;A session... {{{HUGS TUBBY}}} With the advancement of medical technology and research, there is always hope... Dun give up, tubby... {{{HUGS}}}

Hi jujube,
Yeah... I can spend one whole day not finishing shopping just along Regent street. I like to go to Covent Garden too.. and the very early trip to Hyde Park, sit there and people watch... Really nice and relaxing. I like to go to London to de-stress when work got a bit too much...

Have a great weekend, gals...
Hi Ladies.. haven't had time to actually reply for a while. My checkup on Sat went well... saw the sac and the heartbeat ^.^ v It was a relief... I could feel my heart in my throat before the checkup :p

Tubby... please don't despair. Like what Ocean said... if your lining has thicken... there is hope. Continue to stay hopeful and take your medication religiously. You have come this far... you cannot afford to give up now.

Snuffles... like me... I hope you will see your BFP after getting a new job ;)

Pageup... I know you must be very disappointed. But I'm glad to see that you have taken it positively. Good luck for your next cycle.

ULN... good for you. You have taken a big step towards recovery. Enjoy your preps.

Good nite everyone.... starting my new job tomorrow... not sure if I will still have the time to log in this often :p
Good morning ladies...
Seems like everyone was busy over the weekends. Hope you have a great weekend. For those who are pregnant, hope you have a good rest.
Good morning ladies,

hi Tubby,

Don''t be so sad ok. You were so positive the last 2 weeks and shd continue to keep up with this spirit. Wat the gynae said is not conclusive and she can only uses words like "possible, maybe". Just continue to take the hormone pill she gave you and try again the next cycle. Ok?

If you can get pregnant b4, I'm you will succeed again one day.
Hi good morning everyone! I am trying to stay cheerful on a Monday morning
It seemed like a perfect day to laze at home! (actually, everyday feels like that to me these days

Hi Tubby! It is tough to hear a diagnosis which you don't like but at least, the doc has a diagnosis and is helping you recover with the correct treatment. Some things cannot be rushed. Just have trust in the doc ok?

Hi Pageup! Sorry that you got a false positive. That must have been quite a fright for you! At least it was not another miscarriage though... Jia you! I am sure you will succeed one day!

Hi ULN, glad to see that you are busy preparing for your wedding!

Hi Odie, that's great news! Continue to take care of yourself ok? Don't get over stressed!

HI everyone else! Hope you are not feeling as sluggish as me on this Monday morning!

Hi Pageup,


Pls don't
. I know you are disappointed but am happy with you positive attitude. Let jia you together ok?

Hi Odie,

So happy to know that your checkup went well and you can hear and see the BB heatbeat.
Guess you must be in Cloud9 now

Do rest more
and don't be overly stressed out in your new job, ok?
Morning gals,


<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">HELLO!! ANYBODY OUT THERE</font></font>

This thread seems to be sooo quiet yesterday.....Where have everybody gone to?????
Hi gals!

tiantian, feeling lonely?
when you going for your holiday? next week? *envy*

I am going for my detailed scan tomorrow afternoon. Feeling nervous this whole week. Hope everything will be fine. Pray hard for me ok?


hi odie,
You must be estatic on seeing your bb's heartbeat!! So how's your new workplace?

hi folic,
Dun worry I'm sure your detailed scan will go smoothly. Are you planning to take leave the whole day? You are always in my prayers.
