Support group - Miscarriages

wow! <font color="0000ff">Tiantian,</font> your post so colourful today. must haf stolen a lot of icons huh. i must steal some from u too

<font color="ff0000">Tubby,</font> yeah, i'm trying to be optimistic now, its better than wasting my time imagining the worst things &amp; scaring myself to death
like what u said, i do have a lot of stuff on hand to do now, like packing all my things to be ship back to spore &amp; preparing for my big day. i will see a gynae as soon as i go back to allay my anxiety, hopefully this r all just unnecessary worries. i also have stretchy watery cm the day aft BD but i can't tell if its spermies or EWCM. next time, i will use java's method to check the discharge.
oh yeah, gd luck on your scan this sat

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font> so hapi to hear that everything turn out well for u &amp; your bb. see, there's nothing to worry abt. must rest well &amp; avoid all
gd that your hubby is doing all the work for u, must gif him a pat. update us again when u see your gynae in 4wk time.

<font color="119911">Java,</font> u must have use too much energy to make cake
be careful hor, next time dun strain yourself. take more food that's high in fibre.

hi adora,
congratz on seeing ur bb heartbeat... it's a milestone for ur lil' dot..
rest well for now &amp; let ur hubby pamper u...

hi java,
i took my temps daily... temp hovering ard 36.0 to 36.2.. but for the past 3 days.. stuck at 36.2 leh.. dis morning, tot the thermometer faulty, retook &amp; temp drop to 36.1... now i dunno which temp i shd take...

tokking abt charting hor, until now, i got no guts to go into fertilityfriend leh... veri scared i'll hv outburst when i saw my last chart wif a BFP...
think i'll register for new a/c soon..

good to hear u r optimistic!! ALL of us will be rooting for u here... JIA YOU!!
hi tubby,
actually if you dun mind you can log a miscarriage under your last chart, then start charting again. If I'm not wrong, fertilityFriend does not allow you to create another member using the same computer. Anyway having more cycle charts allow fertilityFriend to better predict your O days.

Excerpt from fertilityFriend
You are entitled to a maximum of one free Fertility Friend Membership (per individual and per computer)

Last time I wanted to play cheat and register another member, coz I wanted the VIP benefits, but fertilityFriend manage to detect that I'm using the same comp, I've yet tried to "hack" fertilityFriend to bypass that check though. hehehehe
Hi Adora,

Glad to know that every thing went well.
. Please rest well hor.

hi Tubby,

If it's really your EWCM, then shd try to get your hubby into some action tonite, don't want to waste mah......
. All the best to your checkup on Sat.

Hi Missy,

Paiseh, I steal alot of icons from Ocean, ha ha. So you are flying back to Spore for good???
hi java,
thks for the info.. i'll try to create a new a/c dis week using my office's PC... hehe... shdn't be a problem liao rite? let u know if i succeed anot okie?

tiantian ah...
me damn disappointed now.. jus called hubby &amp; he told me he got to work late tonite, earliest knock off will be ard 11pm!! i hope my eggie wait for me tomoro!!! still see dat clear stretchy CM leh... aiiyoo....
Hi Missy lee,
Yap, it is only 3 mths away, but I dun really have the mood to get it organised. I wanted to create a video, but a bit lazy liao. I will be holding my dinner in Singapore (Grand Plaza Parkroyal). The co-ordinator just called yesterday to ask us to choose our wedding cards and go for food tasting. I am a Malaysian, still thinking to hold one in Malaysia or not cos I want to keep the dinner a small one in Singapore (26 tables). Still thinking about having just a buffet dinner by the pool in Malaysia. If all my relatives turn up from Penang, I gonna use up all my 10 tables... no more space for my friends already. Where are you now? Think you better start looking out for venues or even book now. I booked my venue in Feb 2004 for Jan 2005, places that I like booked up already. That time I narrowed down to Conrad as first choice, Grand Plaza Parkroyal, Pan Pacific, Four Seasons, and Intercontinental. It was a tiring process going around hotels to hotels over the weekends. I have a friend who wanted Conrad too. She wanted a weekend and all booked up already, and the earliest date she can have is in Oct 05. She started her booking in June 04. I have another friend who wanted Pan Pacific and started booking in Feb 04, and most weekends already booked up till Jun 05 in Feb 04.

Sticky discharge is normal. I got yeast infection too when I was in the UK. I got it treated and still can get pregnant. So dun worry. Initially I also tot with yeast infection before, I wun be able to get pregnant then I decided that I want to go for a preconception test. But I got pregnant before that. Then... sigh... gone... But at least I know yeast infection will not affect my fertility after being treated.

Hi Java,
I love black chicken soup oso... but now I dare not take chicken cos I scared my wound get itchy.

Hi tubby,
Good luck... give you more baby dust...

psst... steal from Ocean first...

Hi Adora,
Congratulations for seeing your baby's heartbeat
... At least it's one stone unloaded.

K, tok to you gals tomolo... enough sitting today liao.. gotta go rest. Last nite I got insomnia again... Woke up in the middle of the nite and suddenly thought of my baby and cried for a while...
Hi Odie,

Take care of yourself and we will all 'jing shen shang zhi chi ni 'for the next 9 months.

Hi Ocean,

I went to check the winning 4D numbers after reading your postings. I feel like hitting my head against the wall.. First Prize Leh!!!
Anyway, what give you the inspiration to buy this number? it has been many months since our wedding date.
I don't have much luck for 4D and toto. I have tried buying all numbers from nice car plate numbers, my dog's licence number and even my medical certificate reference numbers... but I never have the luck. My hubby also constantly reminded me that buying 4D is not a very good investment, so I given up liow.
Java, Missy, Tubby, Tiantian, ULN
Thanks for the concern &amp; advise.

Java, I am still working, trying to minimise standing or walking around to often. Hmmm since the day I tested +ve... hubby and I had not had sex already
...coz I had been having brown discharge &amp; we think is better not to...

I had also stop taklking cold drinks....I long for a cola

again for all TTCing....<font color="0000ff">GOOD LUCK</font>
Hi ladies,

have been reading up on this tread for a while. Just would like to know if any of you had experience "chemical pregnancy" before? I had a chemical pregancy 2 weeks ago and would like to know if anyone had a similar experience to share?

<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> i've remembering reading somewhere that says the quality of sperm is reduce if the man ejaculates daily, so maybe its gd for u &amp; your hubby to take a break for 1 day, can store the bullets until power power
than shoot, like that sure bulls eye one ! i found this link on the webby
u might want to gif it a try, it seems to work pretty well. i'm gonna try it out for this cycle, have to go &amp; buy the robitussin syrup too. sigh! i always thot getting preggie was a naturally &amp; easy thing for woman but now, it semms so ironic that i have to make so much effort.

<font color="ff0000">Tiantian,</font> yup, me &amp; hubby going back to spore for gd!
my hubby's posting is oni 2 yrs &amp; tis Dec will be the end of our 2yrs stay in U.S.

<font color="ff6000">ULN,</font> there's still 3 mths to your big day, u can use this period to recuperate &amp; rest well &amp; i'm sure u will be the prettiest bride ever, that's something to look forward to, isn't it? i'm thinking of having 25 tables for my dinner, venue tentatively is Hotel New Otani. i know the bookings now are all full till Nov 05. i might delay my wedding to Dec 05 depending on the bookings. i know yeast infection does not affect fertility, i actually got preggie the last time while i was having one. i'm just worried abt the other aspects, like the quality of my eggs no gd lah &amp; so on.... that's y till now still no gd news.

<font color="119911">Pageup,</font> wah! first prize! that means Ocean strike big big leh. aiyo, next time must bet on your lucky number since Ocean's bb is bringing lots of luck
can share the luck with her mah.

Hi <font color="0077aa">future,</font> sorry to hear what happened. *BIG HUGZ* to you.
hey girls, there's something wrong wif my 'upload attachment' icon, when i try to click it, there's no window poping up to allow me to browse for the emoticon. now i can't add all the cute cute icons to my post
anyone pls help??
hi ocean,
Wah u win first prize!!!! Can reveal how much are your winnings??? hehehehe

hi adora,
Yah I think u should abstain from intercourse until abt 12 wks. Stay out from caffeine and cold drinks for the meantime. Coke is a definite no no!

hi missy, tubby,
Another tip other than Robitussin, if you roughly know when is ur O day, BD 2 days before O day to clear the old sperm, so that during O day, fresh new sperms are available to better "attack" the egg!
Morning ladies!!
last nite, my hubby came back at ard 10+ &amp; i ask him wanna ramba-ramba anot... he showed me a 'surrender' gesture... expected lah!! i told him i saw fertile CM the whole day... then he said 'egg-white kind izzit'??!! i was so surprised he remembers how fertile CM looks like..
anyway, he said he will be cooperative tonite lah.. hehe...

hi java,
yup!! i intend to BD on alternate days from CD10 onwards... see how... last nite i was quite emotional.. cos i heard my parents saying dat my elder sis is preggie... i know they've been trying hard since beginning of the yr... i shd be happy for them.. but i jus can't help feeling jealous &amp; sad for myself... aiii... i need to organize my tots...

wow Ocean!!! first prize somemore!!! if u bet $1, i think it's $2k... wow!!! Ocean.. u r one lucky gal!!

hi pageup,
nix time hor, ask Ocean's for her lucky no. &amp; we'll all go &amp; bet BIG BIG ya.... hehee...
dear future,
*big hugz* i'm sorry to hear abt ur loss... guess for watever kind of m/c dat we hv gone thru', it's veri impt to rest ur body &amp; 'bu' urself during dis period...

come in &amp; chat wif us... we r all supporting one another here...
Good morning Ladies,


<font color="ff0000">Odie</font>,

How's your checkup??

<font color="aa00aa">Tubby</font>,

So how was last nite?? Hubby very cooperative?? Lots of BB dust for you.

<font color="119911">Adora</font>,

Now you must "guai guai" hor, try to abstain from all caffeinated drink and rest more

Sorry, <font color="ff0000">Missy</font>, can't help you. Maybe you can try again?? Cheers

Hi <font color="0000ff">future</font>,

I am sorry to hear abt yr loss. Do come here and chat wif us.......

<font color="0000ff">Ocean</font>,

Wow, 1st Prize ???
Yr BB gal really bring you luck. Can give me 4 numbers to buy for this weekend???
Good Morning to all....

Feeling terrible today....experience my first MS this morning. My head is spining &amp; when I went to the ladies...suddenly just feel like vomiting.

So far, had not experience MS before...tot I can escape from that...
Oh <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, u din buy?
Yap, i noe many mths liao but as i mentioned, i go for economy of scale.
So sometimes, i wld also forget that number too... When i saw it on Teletax on Sunday, i also wondered if i got buy or not!!

lucky i got buy, so <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, u r right, me only buy $1.
That's the first time i strike 1st prize!!

Hubby was saying that this is to recover the $4k that i loan to my close friend who after that disappeared! No longer in singapore!

But still, i feel quite happy. Think my BB gal wanna treat her parents for dinner so that we be nice to her!
hi ocean!!!,
Wah u win $4K!!! Alot man!!! Can go for BIG BIG feast!

hi tubby,
ur hubby very good to you. Last time not everytime my hubby cooperate with me. When he is feeling tired, he will reject me on the second nite, if I have already ask him to BD the nite bfore. Usually I dun initiate to BD, but becos I wan bb, then gotta swallow my pride.

hi adora,
poor you! But MS is a good sign that your bb is growing well. So you should feel relieved!

ocean, I really like this smiley
err java,
actually, dis is our first attempt at TTC.. so i think he's still quite enthusiastic... but hor, if we dint strike after a few attempts (touchwood!!), then hor, his 'fire' will wither oso lah... actually hor, i dun mind initiating sex from hubby... can be quite fun... when i'm not working, i am the one who always initiate... hehee....

&amp; hor, Ocean strike $2K... still quite a big amt.. veri happy for her...

Ocean!! u sound like my MIL leh... cos everyweek she bought so many nos. until she can forget whether got buy or not... hehehe... me hor.. dun hv no. to buy one... hubby onie buy our carplate no. every week... for 4yrs liao... no luck!!! ;p
HI gals!

another long day for me!
Just had curry fish head at Samy's and now my tummy feels warm!

Adora, glad to hear that your baby is growing well. Take care!

Ocean, you lucky gal!

Tubby, goood luck this cycle and happy that your hubby is so cooperative!

Future, sorry to hear about your loss. If you would like to find out more about chem preg, maybe you can check out the discussions on There would be many women there who have gone through that. Sorry I don't have info on chem preg. Do come in chat with us sometimes..

HI to everyone else! Hope you are all doing well!

hi everybody.. how everyone doing now.. hope all of U are happy and healthy..

there are so many postings and i couln't catch up with all of U..

Odie, are U pregnate.. if so, CONGRATS.. how many mths are U pregnate now and when did U know this happy news..
Yap, my dear <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> really noe me well!!
Oh, i think <font color="119911">Java</font> thot that i got $4k is cos i mentioned that hubby said can reover the money that was loan to my good friend!

Actually that $4k was our joint account, so we are quite heartache when this friend of mine disappeared..
Luckily, hubby never really blame me but he will sometimes mentioned to me <font color="ff0000">Imagine if we got back this amt, it would probably be used as my hospital bill and i wun need to go as subsidised patient!</font>

But then, really think that i am quite lucky lor!!
Too bad din buy more... but maybe i buy more, it wun strike too.. cos i think i only have small small luck!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, sounds like ur MIL??
Oh, so <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, can called me Mummy!! Hahaa..
Hmmm.. <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, maybe can once in a while buy ur customary date!
But dun tell ur hubby that.... else he will think how can pple ask his wife to gamble!

Then hor, i noted
that u been workin hard
this two days!
Remember not to stress yourself and must must must relax
! Hope to hear some good news frm u!

<font color="ff6000">Audora</font>, try to hang in there!
Just tell yourself that this is signs of your little angel
telling mummy that BB is growing well!
Must think positively!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, huh?
<font size="+2">4numbers?</font> Kekee....
If have hor, i wun b sitting in office facing computer!! Will be at home sleeping liao!!

sorry to hear abt your loss. Chemical pregnancy is just another term used for very early miscarriage. The reason why its called chemical pregnancy is because the pregnancy is confirmed only by positive biochemical marker (beta hcg) in the blood test or urine test(pregnancy test kit). The pregnancy was never confirmed via the presence of a intrauterine gestational sac seen by ultrasound (which is then called clinical pregnancy). Thus the loss normally happen very early probably before wk5 where a sac could be visible thru u/s.

The sperm did fertilise the egg and implantation process probably did started. However, before things could develop further the pregnancy is terminated. Early pregnancy loss is normally due to chromosomal abnormalities or inadequate hormone support.

You will experience heavy bleeding during that cycle where you had chemical pregnancy. Most likely soon after you got a faint positive on the pregnancy test kit. There may be blood clots too.

summary is.. its a term used for very early pregnancy loss.

do take care and rest more ok...
of cos i dun mind lah, mummy Ocean!!!! hehehe...
ur postings neber fail to bring a smile to my face... u mean ur gd fren jus disappear like dat after taking ur 4K? i hear liao damn heartpain for u leh... 4K is alot of money!! i think Heaven is thinking dat u r such a good gal... so rewarding you wif lottery money...

Thks for ur advise, i will relax... TRYING HARD TO RELAX!!! but now my mind is focusing on dis Sat's scan on my menstrual lining... veri scared to hear negative comments... *praying veri hard*

Odie, think u must be bz now... when u r 'free-er', pls come in &amp; update us hor...
<font color="ff0000">Joyce,</font> i can upload my icons liao! dunno y, i din do anything to it also. i tink my pc a bit 'sock sock'

<font color="0000ff">Java,</font> thanks for giving us the info.
i usually O bet CD16 to 18. i will tell hubby to clear his bullets 2 days before my O, i'm sure he will be more than happy to do that.

<font color="ff6000">Tubby,</font> preparing for tonite's mission
? r u still having EWCM today? how's your temp this morning? any rise yet? its normal to feel jealous when u hear other ppl getting preggie. till now, i still have this kinda feeling but then i dun let it bother me too much. i will tell myself i shd feel happy for them &amp; my turn will come soon. dun let it bother u too much too.

<font color="119911">Adora,</font> i think its actually gd that u r having such strong MS. its a way your body is telling you your pregnancy is strong &amp; healthy, that's what it think. coz the last time i was preggie, i din have any MS at all. now, i always pray the next time i'm preggie, i want some strong MS, silly rite?

<font color="aa00aa">Ocean,</font> 2K is still a lot leh, at least can recover half of your loss. remember to keep buying your numbers, i'm sure your
will continue to bring you some more luck.

<font color="0077aa">Folic,</font> u so bad, make me drool now, i have not
fish head curry for so long liao. 'ta bao' some &amp; send it over for me leh
hi missy,
hehe... mabbe i shd send hubby a horny sms later.. to get him into mood &amp; prepare him for tonite.. luckily, he's not working late tonite... so after dinner at mum's plc, we'll ZOOM home...

my CM today is still stretchy but not transparent liao... a tinybit of cloudy... temp is at 36.2... quite constant for past few days liao...

thks for ur encouragement... i will go home tonite &amp; congratz her... i mean, i shd be happy dat i'm getting another niece or nephew... mabbe i was not prepared for the news last nite...

hi adora,
like missy, i oso hope to hv strong MS for my next pregnancy... dunno leh... it's just my tot dat bb is growing well wif MS...
take a good rest dis evening...
<font color="ff0000">tubby,</font> faster faster send some horny sms to your hubby now, let him warm up a bit first then tonite can straight away go into action liao
since your temp hasn't rise yet, i think u have a gd chance of catching your eggies in time. i'm glad u r thinking this way, u shd feel happy that u r goin to be an aunt soon. i'm also an aunt to 2 nephews &amp; 2 nieces. i simply love &amp; adore them to death. somemore, my SIL was preggie a few mths earlier than me, initially found it hard to accept the fact that she has a healthy bb gal &amp; i lost mine. but now seeing my cute niece growing up, i just can't bring myself to feel jealous anymore
hi tubby,
wat kind of horny sms are u thinking of writing? "Baby you wan to make another baby with me?" or "Honey is your XXX aching for me?" hahahaha.

hi ocean,
wah ur fren very bad to run off with $4K. If its me, I think I day and nite cannot sleep thinking abt my $$$. Last time my hubby (that time still bf) play commodity share lost abt $8K, I also sim tia for him. Keep nagging at him. Now his fingers burnt before, he also seldom buy shares liao.
hahaha java, u so funny giving some tips to tubby on writing horny sms.. if for me, i dunno what to write..

my goodness ocean, how can yr so-called what friend took yr $4K and run off without paying.. if U saw her in the streets one day, must chase after her for the money..
next time, before lending money to people, must ask them to sign an IOU to play safe or better still dun lent them the $$..
Hi gals,
How's everyone today?

I was reading the long list of posting when I come across Missy_lee's posted link about sperm meeting the egg thingy.

Just wondering how we can hold our bladder for 4 full hours prior to the afternoon ovulation test leh? Esp. now during rainy days in air-conditioned office?
If that is the case, we cannot drink water for the whole day liao izzit?

hi missylee, there was a period when i am jealous and envy of pregnate women or seeing cute babies.. but after some time, i sorted out my senses and change my thinking..

i believe that one day, i can get pregnate and be a proud happy mother.. so i'm waiting for my baby dreams to come true..

lets jia you together to MTB..
Although feeling terribly giddy now, I am glad that I am experiencing this. My first BB also no MS so now actually hoping to have MS as I heard this shows BB is growing well.

But this is the first time I have MS, earlier didn't experience any nausea at all. Hope I continue to have MS....SILLY right???

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>
So good, can eat curry fish head. The last few times I had spicy food end up got now dared not touch any. Maybe this little one don't like spicy stuff unlike me....

<font color="119911">Java</font>, my hubby also ever lost quite alot in shares.
When i noe him, i saw that he got a few $k in the bank.
But by the time we get married, he only left with few hundred...
Pester him and reluctantly, he tells me abt that he had burnt himself too!

As for my close friend's case, she was my poly's friend... Seriously i dun noe what happened to her.
Think it is quite sad lor that she just disappeared like that!
That time, before she goes overseas, she still in partnership with another friend too... So end up, that friend is worst than me cos of their partnership.... When we talked to the missing friend's father, he seemed like dont bother...
Haiz.... Really dont like to think that she betrayed our trust, but.....

Oh <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i think my hubby would love to have such an exicting wife like u!!
Goosh, so spicy men!!
Me wanna faint liao... too <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Hot</font></font> for me!!

Let me put a fan here
to cool down!!

<font color="aa00aa">Future</font>, i'm sorry to learn about your loss!
Please rest well and take care!

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, how??
Where r u?? How???
Hi Ladies... sorry for disappearing for the last 2 days :p

Was given 2 days MC by my gynae... cos mother-in-law told him that I just moved house and changing new job soon so must rest and asked him to give me MC... muwahahahah. Guess that he knows my MIL for so many years and he paiseh to say "NO"... so he gave me 2 days off :p Went shopping after the checkup. Today was busy cleaning the house and after that... slept like a log :p

Anyway... we couldn't see the sac yesterday. Gynae said that base on my usual cycle (and having noted that 2 months ago my cycle was much longer than normal) I should only be 4.5 to 5 weeks preggie... so not likely that we can see the sac. But he pointed a really small dot to me and suspect that it should be the sac. Going back to see him again next Saturday. A bit worried even though he tried to reassure me -.-"" I really hope that everything will go well. Was prescribed utrogestan (I hope I got the spelling right)... gynae said its some hormone pills. Anybody know what is it for? :p

ULN... *huggies* Good to hear that you are doing better.

Adora... congrats on seeing the heartbeat and that everything is well with the baby. I hope I can see my baby's heartbeat soon as well.

utrogestan is also called prometrium. It is a natural progesterone suppositories.. can be taken orally or vaginally ... support your pregnancy
Hi Odie,
4-5 weeks is really early so maybe can't see the sac clearly yet. the small dot is probably it, actually. Don't fret! Just take good care of yourself these few days and look forward to your next appt. Hormone pills are to help to stabalise the to strengthen the lining something like that. i was given hormone support till 10 weeks of pregnancy as well.

Adora, congrats! I can't remember if i have already congratulated u but i don't think many weeks are u now? Guess MS kind of assures u that you're ok, huh? i didn't have any and kept wondering if i was still pregnant...basically everything also worry!

Java, you ah! I'm sure you also dying to write horny sms to your that we're so deprived!! hee..

Hmm...i wonder how Tubby's doing. must be busy seducing him now!!! You go, girl!
<font color="ff0000">miao,</font> try to
sips of water instead of gulps. i remembered i couldn't tahan my pee for 4hrs too, so i tried to drink less water. then slept till afternoon, woke up then tested with the OPK. how r u doing with your temping? r u using fertilityfriend? any question, feel free to ask

<font color="0000ff">ocean,</font> your friend very 'cham' leh, run away with your $$. 4K is a lot of $$ leh, aiyo... i heart pain for u
but treat this as a valuable lesson, next time think twice before u lend such big sum, or like what hamasaki said, better still dun lend.

<font color="119911">hamasaki,</font> i no longer feel uncomfortable seeing other preggie women. have to learn to take it easy or else i sure die man
somemore lately a lot of my friends announce their preggie news, must be happy for them. i know my turn will come soon too.
let's jia jia you together

hamasaki, sorry for being kaypoh hor, how long have u been ttc?

<font color="aa00aa">odie,</font> 4 to 5 weeks is still early to see the sac, but the dot might just be it. dun worry too much, i'm sure u will see &amp; hear your
very soon. its gd that your gynae gave u hormone pills to help stabilise your pregnancy. next time when i'm preggie, i will also ask the dr to give me some. i've read it really helps to support pregnancy. i know that celebrity Sun Ho was also taking some hormone supplements &amp; she had 2 mc before. it must have worked pretty well seeing her big

<font color="0077aa">tubby,</font> got accomplish your mission last nite
? i hope the lil' swimmers found your
how's your temp today? any rise yet?
hey MORNING to all my buddies!!!!

it was a fruitful nite for me!!! hahahha....

hey java,
cannot disclose my horny sms over here lah!!! too RA liao... wait my posting kena deleted by administrator.... hahaa... but i'm really glad my hubby soooo cooperative... really dint expect it..

hi hamasaki,
usually, me &amp; hubby tok alot of nonsense, including RA stuff... so it's quite easy for me to send him such stuffs... last time, when i'm not working lazing at home, i will send him several horny sms-es &amp; he can't wait to get home... u can start by sending the 2 sms tot by java lor...

hey Tiny,
yes, at abt the time u posted, we were beginning to get into the mood... hehee....
after mission accomplished, hubby jus fell into deep sleep immediately... i see liao quite heartpain leh...

dear Ocean,
i think it's quite impt dat sometimes we add spice into our marriage lah... then at least got something to luff abt... u try dis on ur hubby, i'm sure will make ur hubby shiok shiok oso...

yes missy!! reporting my temp to u... it's at 36.4 today!! was at 36.2 for past 3-4 days... there's no significant dip in my temp leh... so i'm quite confused... *blur* i oso hope those lil' swimmers managed to find their TARGET!!! but today is onie CD 13 for me leh... dunno whether i shd continue to BD on CD 14 &amp; 16 anot?? wa liao.. sounds veri shiong leh... CM dis morning is watery.. which i believed is my hubby's semen...
<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> gd job!
have u been temping last mth? how's your usual temp pattern &amp; ovulation day? i dun think its necessary to have temp dip before ovulation. as long as your temp remain high for 3 consecutive days, it means ovulation had occurred. let's hope your temp stay high tmr! if u want to play it safe, try BD
again tonite but provided your hubby still got energy to do it, wait he says 'tolong' to u
otherwise, BD alternate nitez till your
day. i also have to start preparing for my mission too
! its CD4 for me today, i will start to BD on CD8 using the sperm meet egg plan.
let's jia you jia you together!
hopefully our missons pay off this mth!
hi odie,
Yah like wat Tiny said, utrogestan is to improve the level of progesterone in your body so as to better support your pregnancy. Moreover you had a history of m/c. Dun worry 4.5-5 wks still early to see the sac, so when are you seeing your gynae again? Do take care and sleep more. I find that by sleeping more, the bb will grow much faster.

hi tubby,
Really envy you and your hubby. So open can send horny sms to each other. I and my hubby very conservative. If I send to him such sms, he will say I siao or wat.

I think yesterday's lunch didn't go well, last nite went home and vomited my dinner and lunch. Dunno if I vomited too hard or wat, I vomited abit of blood, maybe came from my nose. After that feel quite faint, so went to lie down. I tot I felt my tummy hardening then softening at few mins interval, I was so scared that its mild contractions. I went to sleep, today morning luckily tummy ok liao *cross fingers*. Really give me a scare. I think I better watch what I eat from now on. Already I had 2 bad vomiting incidents. Funny that before preggy, my stomach not so sensitive. Maybe my bb quite picky abt food, dun like mummy to eat cheese pasta and durian puff!
Morning Tubby... woooohhhh. Think you must have that really sextisfied look on your face now :p For me... I will try to play safe and BD on alternative days for the coming week :p I think if BD everyday may be quite shiong :p

Missy... maybe for the next 1 week you can abstain from BD and by the time you are fertile... your hubby will be damn "hungry" liao muwahahahah.

Java... I'm seeing him again on 30 Oct. Really??? I haven't been sleeping as much as compared to the last pregnancy :p Although I have been barred from doing housework... but I cannot stand seeing the dust flying around... so will always end up doing some chores after getting home. Now my in-laws really regretted in allowing us to move out :p I think the blood was from your esophagus. I used to throw up alot of food when I was young so it happens sometimes :p It could be due to slight abrasions when the food travels upwards.
Good morning gals.

Hi <font color="ff0000">Odie</font>,

Glad that the checkup went well. Don't worry abt not being able to see the sac cos its too early liao. Take the "an tai" pill and rest as much as you could.

Hi <font color="0000ff">tubby</font>,

<font size="+1">Another accomplished mission!!!</font>.
Your hubby super cooperative leh. Sigh, must go back and teach my ah lao to be cooperative.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Ocean</font>,

$4K is alot of $$$ leh.
I also sim tia for you. Last time I also ever lend my ex-colleague $3k, took a long long time to get back the $$ and relationship also turn sour.

If u happen to see her one day, make sure you run after her and

Hello <font color="ff0000">my dear Java</font>,

U very poor thing. Sayang sayang....
Must be careful when wat you eat hor. Hope you are feeling much better now.
Hi Missy,
This is my temperature readings for the past few days.

<table><tr><td>Date</TD><TD>Cycle Day</TD><TD>Temp in C </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>17-Oct-04</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>36.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>18-Oct-04</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>36.30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>19-Oct-04</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>36.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>20-Oct-04</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>36.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>21-Oct-04</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>36.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>22-Oct-04</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>36.10 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

I didn't manage to register myself in fertilityfriend. I've tried several times but still not able to register. Don't quite understand why lor.. In the end, I gave up.

take good care of yr health java.. try not to take oily food for a day or two and rest well.. take more soupy hot foods..
i am also like U.. dun dare to send too RA stuffs to hubby, he will surely open his eyes super wide and say , U this woman how come so dirty and dirty-minded..

hehehe tubby, i am a bit shy when it comes to RA sms or stuffs.. maybe i try one day to send an RA sms to hubby.. see if my hubby will get a shock or not when he reads it..

hi missylee, i believe our baby dreams will come soon.. we will be proud mothers one day.. we work hard together..
at first i wanted to start TTC next year but now, i changed my plans.. I just started TTC these few mths hopefully will get pregnate next year.. but last 2 mths ago, i stop TTC for a whole 2 mths coz i fallen ill for a mth and also a bit busy at work..
Will try again next mth.. build up my body strong first before trying..

hi miao miao, work harder.. dun give up.. I will be here to Jia You f
hi missy,
i took my temps last cycle but not veri consistent.. but i know my pre-O temps hang ard 35.9 to 36.2... after-O temps will be ard 36.5-36.8... if i really do O yesterday, i dunno whether i can see my eggie tomoro anot.. aiya.. dun wan to think too much liao... will let u guys know the results of my scan tomoro...

yes..!! let's JIA YOU together!! i think u can start to hv some warm-ups dis weekend liao.. hehe... i started mine since CD7 for dis cycle.. abit horny on my part lah... hahha... ;) if gynae advised us to BD tomoro, then we'll do it again tomoro since it's weekend...

hi java,
no need to envy.. u can start by sending innocent &amp; sweet sms-es to hubby... like 'i miss u', 'i wanna hug u now' to hubby... i believe u can bring a smile to his face at work...
then slowly add in the RA words... it's veri fun one!! try it...

hey Odie...
ya.. dis week got sextisfied look on my face lah!! hehee... it's been a long time since me &amp; hubby had sex on such a frequent basis... after m/c, my libido took a dip quite drastically... i'm glad i'm now back into ACTION!!

like the rest of the gals here... 4.5-5 weeks is really early for sac to be visible.. notti gal! dun do hsework for now... let ur hubby pamper u...
rest well over the weekend...

hi tiantian,
i guess when it comes to sex, our hubby sometimes appreciate our initiativeness!!! so for dis cycle, show him ur POWER okie!!!

hey miaomiao,
i oso tried to register for fertilityfriend a/c but not successful oso... they keep on asking me to try in a few days' time.. mabbe they r experiencing high traffic flow... ur pre-O temps look quite similar to mine.. mabbe u can hv warm-ups wif hubby dis weekend oso... hehee...

hey hamasaki,
i'm sure ur hubby will appreciate ur effort to add in spice into ur daily lives...
hv FUN!!
<font color="ff0000">my dear java,</font> let me sayang
u first. the blood could be due to excessive vomiting. rest well &amp;
more water. try avoiding the food that makes u puke.

<font color="0000ff">miao miao,</font> your temps look consistent &amp; not out of the place, that's gd. do u know when's your usual ovulation day? r u checking your cervical mucus too? as for fertilityfriend, try registering in a few days time. i think there's too many ppl registering now. it happened to me before, i tried so many times before i manage to get an account.

<font color="119911">hey tian tian,</font> your icons r cute! hehehe... let me steal some from u.

<font color="aa00aa">hamasaki,</font> i agree with u, its better to build up our bodies before ttc. r u taking any supplements now? i'm taking EPO now &amp; probably will start taking the prenatal pills too.

<font color="ff6000">tubby,</font> i think based on your temps today, u r goin to O pretty soon. u naughty gal, this few days keep talking abt BD &amp; sex, making me horny too
. i can't wait for my AF to finish, then can start doing some real stuff liao. good luck for your scan tmr
dun forget to update us.

<font color="aa00aa">odie,</font> i buay tahan liao, cannot wait till next week then
i think i warm up first before starting the real BD business
Well <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, then u must have lots of rest
and eat
Ya lor, agreed with <font color="0000ff">Missy</font>, u so fast thinking abt BD liao!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, wow wow...
U got many many lovely pics!
very peifu u!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, pls take care of yourself hor!
If can eat snake
in office, Just do it!
Your govt back already? Hopefully not!!

Oh now <font color="0077aa">Teacher Tubby</font> teaching pple how to send romantic
SMS to hubby!
U getting more and more expert liao huh!!!
hi tubby, maybe i send him an horney sms one day.. need to think first on what to type.. dunno if he will get a shock or others??

hi missylee, i'm taking evening primose and a bit of iron pills.. i can't take too much iron pills coz i will have pimples breakouts easily and will get very heaty after some time.. might be buying some folic acid pills after i finished off the with old batch first..

what kind of prenatal pills brand is good.. dunno which to buy..

<font color="ff0000">Ocean</font>, hee hee, <font color="ff0000">paiseh, paiseh</font>, steal a lot of pic from you. Btw, how did you change the color of the <font size="+1">enlarged font</font>. Mine is always black. I try to format but always got error leh
