Support group - Miscarriages

Ai yoo..<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, pai sei lah!
The thread runs too fast liao!
So u be converting to pte patient? But u wun be under KKH, is it?
Cos i saw that u probably be takin Dr Ang?

Yes, i do experienced there is any trainee officer together with the doc. And there was once, Worst, the "experience doc" which i thot to be maybe a Specialist, is actually a Medical officer!!!
Imagaine a MO teaching a Trainee when he himself already not so good!

Oh <font color="119911">Java</font>, do rest well at home! For me, i still feel nausea once a while, like when i jog alittle bit to chase the bus!
Try to drink more warm water and rest alots!! Have ur beauty sleep!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, looks like u r better nowsaday!
I feel so happy for u!
Hmmm... good that u r working! Can earn alittle bit extra cash!

Me going back in 4 week later! But regret, i forgot to ask for a scan!!
Never mind lah, saw that i got an Open Date with the Consultant under High Risk Clinic! At least, any problem, they will refer me back and maybe the MO will look at me more seriously!!

until now, i still miss my lil' angel veri much... but i learn to control my tears liao...
&amp; oso, wif each passing day, my confidence in TTC grew by a little... i tell myself i can DO IT in future... i'm not giving myself a timeline... try not to give hubby stressful times again cos he really kena big time from me after my m/c....
Hi Java,
Have a good rest for today... hope you will feel better tomolo. Drink lots of water to flush out the heat.

Hi Ocean,
What about telling the sonographer that you wan a view of what she's doing? I think doing scan with sonographer and gynae are different. Two gynae I went to, when they scan, they will let me see exactly what he's scanning though I dunno how to read the ultrasound. Maybe will learn that skill when I got the time.

I have stopped taking the painkiller yesterday
Not much pain liao just a bit of sharp pain in my lower abdomena and V that dun last very long... still bearable.

I stop crying liao but I still take the tranquiliser. Just got no mood for other things. Just want to be alone and in a quiet environment for now. Sometimes feel so sad cos I cannot do simple things myself. Drop something on the floor and I am unable to pick it up
cos it hurt. Wanna watch TV cannot even pick up the remote control from the coffee table... really frustrating.

I went to my geomancer over the weekends. Gotta go do some prayers for my baby in heaven. She calculated say it gonna be a boy and predict he will be a very good addition to the family
sobs... rubbing salt in my wound. My hubby din say much about the miscarriage, he just said nevermind cos he dun like kids. I think he din telll me the truth. That day in the car, he just said sadly it's gonna be a baby boy a bit wasted.

What is the procedure to become a subsi patient in KKH? Maybe consider having one private gynae and one with KKH... My cousin see 2 private gynae and a midwife from the government hospital in Malaysia while pregnant... but she tried for 4 years liao...

oh u also experience it b4?.. these MO sometimes act 'professional' dun you think so?

yah.. me most likely wld convert to another hosp. anyway once i change my gyne the clinic wld be within 5mins walk from my home, even more convenient.. heehee

U leh?.. Insist on staying on with KKH as subsi?? decided to take the risk of their bad service huh?
hi Java,

Rest well, sleep well and drink more water. Hope you will be back to office tomorrow.

Hi Tubby,

Happy for you that your 3rd AF came on the dot. Yes, this shows that your system is more or less back to normal liao. Take things one at a time, try to relax and do not put too much stress in TTC'ing. I wish you all the best.


It is good that you have stopped taking painkiller. Do not force yourself to do anything, just rest as much as you could and give yourself sometime to recover. Keep thinking abt yr wedding preparation and you will not have time to think abt your m/c. Cheer up, ok??
Thanks <font color="119911">folic</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Tubby</font> and <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tubby</font>, will share with you gals after my checkup on thursday.
Ocean... good for you!!! Continue to drink your fluid and rest well. Yes.... I tendered my resignation last Friday ^.^v. Not getting more than what I had expected.... but still very happy with it. Yup... got the eyes about 1 month ago and not doing the furnishing =)

Java... how are you? Better?

Tubby... good luck in your attempts ;)

ULN... every step you take is still an improvement... no matter how small. Keep that up!!!
Hi all

I am feeling much better now both physically and mentally. less crying i wld say but still can get quite moody sometimes just like today.

This afternoon one of close friends sms me to tell me tat she is pregnant. She can see the sac but no embryo yet. I feel very happy for her but was also on the verge of crying when I thot of myself. I held back my tears somehow and called my hubby. He comforted me n said that what's not fated to be ours will not be n who knows if we will hv a pair of twins next time. Surprisingly during or even after our conversation, I didn't cry although I was feeling kinda of nasty. The "why must it be me" thought just came back and I am trying hard to brush it aside. i know will eventually grow out of this

Folic, congrats to you on having a princess.
Yap <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i can feel that u r much much stronger and better now!
Am happy for you too!

Hmm.. good, that's my dear <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> trying not to stress ur hubby too much! I agreed that ur hubby had been very sweet and nice during those days for you! Really envy u for having such a sweet hubby!

<font color="119911">ULN</font>, it is good that now u can stop taking pain killers! Well, no mood for other things is understandable after what u have gone through. U see, not only u undergone D&amp;C, but the doc at the same time did a minor operation for u and thus it is like a two-in-one operation!
Since u have no mood for other things, can i ask u to rest more then!
U really need to rest well!

To be a subsidiary patient, u need to get a referral letter from polyclinic. From there, the nurse will make appt for u with the hospital. As long as u dun choose a doc, then u will be under the subsidised rate!

<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, that MO i telling u with a trainee, he looked very experience, but upon talking to him more, he never really answer my qn! Like i asked him how come i still got spottings? Then he will asked me back. Told him he is the doc, he shld be the one telling me!!! Goosh, at the end, i found that he only know how to beat ard the bush!!
Wonder how he taught the trainee....

No lah, i dun insist on whether to stay or not, but i just realised that all my reports had been with KKH. As mine is not a simple pregnancy, i think i cannot just transfer my case over to another hospital.
I heard from my SIL that some gynae dun wanna to take up the case once we had proceed too advance. Think i soon going to be in my third trimester liao!!

Yes <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>!! Will continue to drink more water to boost up BB's pool of "urine"!
Hey, glad that ur new job had been secured and u r now moving ahead!!

Huh? U got what eyes??@.@
Your keys is it? Hmmm... hopefully by the time u r ready to move in, i can hear from u another good news!!

<font color="aa00aa">Adora</font>, how are u getting on? U had ur second scan liao??

Haha..the MO u met really act professional hor.. Check with you registrar is higher rank than MO huh? So far i've met with registrar but during my last visit i saw MO.. Alamak.. he's so young looking that i feel that we r buddies haha .. Communication wise not a problem but agree lor..after much serious qs-ing he kinda like just simply brush you off.. I recall i asked him something abt my skin condition which i never have b4 preg.. i said ever since preg, both my lower arms turned so dry and itchy.. i scratched till got minor marks liao.. So i asked him got any medicated creams to apply.. U know wat, he laugh leh!.. he seem to feel that i'm over reacting.. to him its an 'alien' condition.. and said to me.. jus apply any moisturizer will do.. I also know lah.. but i heard some gynes will have those special creams for us to apply mah.. I tried moisturizer but it helps only short term.. tomorrow never apply the condition will still be there.. no cure one.. Luckily now its getting better.. there is one stage i scratch like mad.. Ya he is the one who also rejected my request for scanning lor

U have the same concerns as me.. i also feel that i've all my detail reports with KKH if i were to leave hor.. mayb quite a hassle.. But not to worry, in fact i manage to get copies of those blood test results that is done quite sometime ago.. so if really change gyne i wld bring these reports along lor.. Oh i didnt know that some hosp dun take up your case if proceed too advance.. Like that i gotta act fast if really want to change hosp.

Wow.. so fast u going to your 3rd trimester!.. Congrats on crossing over the 2nd trimester!.. So have you bought all your BB's stuffs?..Paiseh hor i forgotten liao.. u r expecting a girl or boy?..
Hi Tiantian,
I have no mood to think about the wedding today. Sometimes just feel like just have the dinner in my gown and keep to the minimum number of tables and nothing fanciful...

I feeling quite moody today. Just want some quiet moments and be alone. I even find my parents watching the TV too loudly, so I just hide inside my room and read something. I played the piano this afternoon when everyone has gone out... quite soothing for my soul

Hi Ocean,
I had a 2 hours nap this afternoon before my mum woke me up for dinner
. Really like the queen in the house now... Tonite will have an early nite with the tranquiliser then I can sleep well at nite. For the past two weeks, or even before the D&amp;C I have been waking up at 2-3am and cannot sleep anymore. Perhaps due to anxiety before the bad news, then depress after the operation.
If I want to just go for a preconception tests such as blood test, etc, do I go to the polyclinic? Or would they refer me to KKH? Are the blood tests or other tests and scans subsidised for subsidised patients?
Wah... you are reaching the third trimester... jia you
I think in government hospital, you can pay for a report. Maybe you can enquire about the possibility.
I tot it is not changing of hospital but more like changing of gynae? Elle and Ocean, are you referring to other structured hospital? Sorry I quite KPO... I am quite bored now... My parents watching TV, and I wan to be alone. Actually I like NUH among the other structured hospital, but dunno can be subsi there or not.

OK, I am going to have some bed rest liao... My friends overseas who din know I got miscarriage asking me when my pregnancy will be stabilise
... so sad... I got no mood to tell them yet. K gonna log out liao before they catch me on chat... nite nite...
Oops.. I have left out some...

Hi Odie,
Thank you for the encouragement

Hi Suzanne,
I oso feel quite moody and toking to my hubby, I feel better. But nowadays I think my hubby stressed at work and about me oso cos last weekend he went to play mahjong with his friends to release stress.. then I sleep at home alone lor...
Last weekend, my hubby's friends came to visit our new house with their kids. I just keep myself busy doing some cleaning and din tok to them too much cos I scared my tears will flow down in front of them. I just feel sad for myself.
Hello, Im back again. Really had a hard time catching up with all the postings. Phew! Just managed to finish reading the past weeks postings.

Oh Tubby,
Thats good. Your AF is here punctually and indeed its a good sign that your cycles are coming back. Take time to relax and dont get all stressed up like me. Good luck and lets join Tiantian and Odie..well jia you jia you ok!

Hi Folic, congratulations!! You are having a
leh. Cheers!!!

Hi Oceans, very happy to know that things turned out well for you. Continue to have faith in yourself and your little precious ok. Just relax and dont think too much.

As for the ladies who have just experienced a m/c or d&amp;c, just want to say that weve all been there so we understand how you feel. When you are here, you are not alone. Allow time to heal your wound and try not to dwell on for too long. Must always try to think more positively on things. Post in here to "fa xie" your thoughts is good because we are here to care and share.
hi gals,
I'm back!!! Feel much better, thanks for your concern!!! This week my SIL went overseas for business trip, so lend us her car for the week. This morning kenna slap with a $30 parking fine!!!! Just because we just put a night parking coupon starting at 7.30pm. The parking attendant came at 9.12pm!!!!! Wah piang, they super "on" man!!!! After that my hubby use wrong road, kenna 3 ERP gentries, altogether 5 bucks!!! We were saying next time we dun wan to buy car liao, buying is easy, really hate the fines and ERP paying!!!

hi Tubby,
Good that your AF is regulating itself liao. Take it easy yah!

hi odie,
You mean u tendered from ur previous job? So when are you starting ur new job? What do you mean "got the eyes about 1 month ago and not doing the furnishing"? Pay not as good nevermind, so long you are happy in your new job that's more important.
<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, no lah! Think i still got abt 3wks to go!
Well, instd of saying changing hospitals, i think it is more of changing to a fixed gynae. Some very good one like Dr Kowa, he would not want to take any preggies after sometimes in 2nd trimester. This is because he stated that he wld not be as confident... something like that!!

For hospital, think got money can liao lah!
Oh, <font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, then u so lucky lor, almost all of ur visits are Registar! Yap, their rank are higher than MO!

<font color="ff6000">ULN</font>, glad that u r giving urself more time to rest.
I do agreed that when i was resting at home that time, i was really treated very well and my mum pampered me so much!!

I am not too sure abt preconception tests, but if Polyclinic cannot do the tests or the checkup, the doc will refer u to the govt hospital. U can actually told the doc whether u want NUH or KKH!

<font color="aa00aa">Miao</font>, u told me to relax, u also must relax urself!!
I do wish that very soon, we will have some nice surprise from <font color="aa00aa">urself</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="119911">Tiantian</font>, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, <font color="0000ff">Pagup</font>, <font color="ffff00">Missy</font> and all who are ttc-ing!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Oceans</font>,
Yes. Thank you. I certainly hope so that Ill pass with flying colours soon!

But hor
I feel rather disappointed with my current cycle. I might be again having late ovulation in this cycle or even no ovulation at all. As you know, this is the first time Im using the OPK for detecting my o-day.

I was taking my usual 30 days cycle as a guide, so looking at the instruction manual Im supposed to test day 1 on CD12, then consecutively for the next four days.

I find it difficult to read the result line on the test kit, the line seem to fluctuate because on the first and second day the line was very faint, then the third day there was almost no line there. But on the fourth and fifth day, the line becomes slightly darker than the first and second day but not as dark as the reference line (the kit says that the result line has to be darker than the reference line in order to show a LH surge). So none of the 5 days I tested has got a line darker than the reference line. (Hope Im not confusing you with my readings )

I actually showed my hubby my daily test kit, asking him if hes able to see a difference in the daily results. My hubby feels that Im even more stressed up using this test kit.
So, in the end, we just try our luck in this cycle lor.- BDing on alternate days from CD14 onwards until CD20.

My next AF is suppose to be sometime this weekend (punctual)/next week(late). So we'll see lah!
hi miao miao,
I have never used a OPK before, so I dunno how to advise you. Previously I did charting and used fertilityfriend website to predict my ovulation days. Its good for ppl like me with long cycles and irregular menses.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Ocean,</font> so hapi to hear tat things are goin well for u &amp; your bb
thanx for your well wishes. hopefully i will deliver gd news soon.

Hi <font color="ff0000">Tubby,</font> its gd tat your cycle has straightened out. relax &amp; dun stress yourself too much when ttc-ing. let's jia you together wif <font color="ff6000">miao</font>, <font color="aa00aa">tian tian</font>, <font color="119911">Odie</font> &amp; <font color="0077aa">pageup</font>!

Hi <font color="ff6000">Miao,</font> i've used OPK once before concurrently wif charting &amp; it has given me a clear darker line &amp; i knew i ovulated based on my temp rise. in your case, i wld think u haf not ovualted yet. are you doin charting as well? i wld suggest u try temping, it shd give u a better idea abt your ovulation day.
Thank you for your advice. I'll try out this method in my next coming cycle but I'm not sure when I should start taking the temperature reading. I know that I'm suppose to take the temperature reading as far as possible at the same time for every day.

Sorry for being so suar gu hor. How do I know if I've ovulated? Please advice further.

Thks Tiantian, Odie, Ocean &amp; Miaomiao,
i will try to relax lah.... but of cos to say it's easy, to DO is difficult...

to the TTC-ians, let's all JIA YOU together...

hhmm... from the look of it, my AF is not going to be a heavy one again... i think the safest way is to go for a scan liao lah.. i dun wan to guess &amp; guess wat's happening inside... add more stress like dat...

hi Ocean,
i neber tot dat one day, i can think of my lil' angel without crying too much... but now, at least i can...
thks for encouraging me along the way... U must also JIA YOU okie... u'll see ur lil' princess in a few mths time...

hi java,
drink more water... alot of pple kena flu nowadays.. weather not good... &amp; hor, punggol traffic warden damn ON one leh... dun even think of cheating them a few hours... i kena 2 summons within 1 week last yr... then we decided to buy season parking... hehe...

hi miaomiao,
it's good dat ur hubby is supportive of ur TTC attempts... i dun think my hubby will be so ON to do it consecutively for bb's sake... ;p did u test the OPK wif ur afternoon urine sample? heard concentration is highest in the afternoon... mabbe u'll get clearer results wif it... but hor, let's HOPE dat ur AF dun visit u for the nix 9 mths liao lah...
No leh. I tested the OPK with the morning urine. The instruction manual says we can do the test anytime within the day but we have to be sure not to have passed urine at least four hours prior to the test
Java... paiseh... its not "eyes"... typo. I meant that I got the keys one month ago :p Me starting new job on 8 Nov... still waiting for my boss to approve my request to off-set my balance annual leave. If she approves... then will start on 1 Nov. No lah the job is paying me far more than what I am earning here... about 40% increment ... kekekekeke. Just that I thought that they will be even more generous and give me more :p So you still skiving at your new job? ;)

Tubby... I agree... say easy but to DO hor... that's a different story. I think the 1st and 2nd month of trying will be the most stressful... after that most pple will start to "kua phua" :p
hi tubby,
I teach you how to cheat abit. You can park your car at Punggol Plaza. Currently the gentry is open to free parking, the parking attendant will not look there. *cross fingers* All along we park there, but yesterday just happen that we lazy to walk, so use night parking coupon. then suay suay kenna fine liao. You know why they so "ON" now, traffic police outsource this part of their work to CHUBBS, I think they got quota to meet one.
hi odie,
What??? 40% increment? That's ALOT!!!! ai yoh u still wan more. Did ur current coy try to counter offer you with better salary? Last time my ex coy dun let me use my AL to offset, so had to serve 2 mths notice and convert AL to cash. Dun say like that lar, skiving!!! hahhaha in a way yes. But I think next week I'll be more busy liao.
hey miaomiao,
wif temping, yes! u shd take ur daily temperature at ard the same time...

ur temp will be at it's lowest during ur O-day followed by consecutive rise of temps over the nix 3 days... dis is in general how to detect the O-day...
Err... tubby,
In that case how would I know when to BD if the temperature is the lowest during the O-day? I find this rather difficult to judge leh.. 'cos I will not know at what temperature will it be to be considered the lowest and by the time I know that the next three days temperature rises consecutively... I would be late for BD liao. huh? So sorry har.. I'm really very puzzled leh!
i used to read from the TTC thread dat the ladies over there advise to use the afternoon urine... where the hormones level is highest...

wow wow wow Odie!!! 40% is alot leh... things r looking good for u... &amp; i'm sure there'll be more good news coming ur way... u know wat i mean rite?? hehee...

hi java,
ya lah!!! i spoke wif the traffic warden from CHUBBS before... u know wat he told me.. last time they not so ON one, but becos some residents complain to them dat there r many cars without season tickets &amp; parking 'free' there, so now they r veri ON liao!! i really buey tahan to know dat i hv such 'neighbours'...
Hi miao miao, charting is meant to use as a guide to see if you have a ovulatory cycle. It is not meant to use as a prediction on when you ovulate. However, if you chart for a couple of months, you will start to see a pattern and you will be able to guage when you ovulate better. For my case, I know I have long cycles, ranging from 35- 42 days. So if I happen to see a temp dip around day 21 onwards ( 14 days before CD35), I will try to BD that day. Then once the temp spike happens, I know that ovulation is over liao and just start counting 14 days of high temps to either expect AF or do testing on that stick!

OIC folic,
thank you so much. So it also means to say that to be kiasu hor, we can use both temp charting and the OPK right?
<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, i cant help laughing
when <font color="119911">Java</font> asking u abt <font size="+2">The Eyes</font> thingy! Hahhaa...

<font size="+2">40% increament!!???</font> Now my <font size="+2">eyes</font>
really popped out!!! That is alot u noe!!
i faint liao.............******

<font color="0000ff">Mao</font>, about this charting hor, maybe i am lucky or what, cos i never do it before.
I think it is abit confusing.... Last time before my M/C, my cycle was really very haywire, abt one and a half mth to 2 mths' time!!
But, i was lucky to strike very fast after my customary though it ended in a M/C

Oh, i just wish that u dun even need to do the charting at all as ur Aunty would only visit u 9mths later!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, no need to thanks me lah! U also supported me too what.
We all here worked together to stay positive!
If i forgot abt that, u can grumble
at me n vice versa!! Kekkee....

i like to read your postings so many cartoons very cute..

Check with you hor.. At KKH after detail scan what's next har? i mean any more detail scan after the 20th weeks?
Hi <font color="0000ff">tubby</font>,

Thank you.
folic has answered to my queries on the charting portions. I've just went into several pregnancy website and searched for BBT charting tool. I find it rather sophisticated though.......

Anyway, I hope you dont get too worried about your menstrual lining ok. Just find your gynae and ease your doubt, and you can start ttc soon ok.

Hi <font color="0077aa">oceans</font>,
Oh! You also find it confusing hor. the BBT charting tool. And I feel that its a rather long process as it takes a person several cycles to understand the ovulation pattern and Im a rather impatient person at times lor.
Hi <font color="ff0000">Miao</font>, so paiseh... reply u so late. i see <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> had answered most of your questions for me. u can use fertilityfriend as your charting tools if u are not familiar wif temping. its actually tells u your ovulation day based on your temp readings &amp; other fertile signs like EWCM. u can start temping on the 1st day of AF rite till the next AF comes. u shd see a pattern of high temps aft your ovulation, tis high temps will gradually drop once AF starts &amp; tats the pre-O temps. ovulation occurs when there's a temp spike, the temps remain high consecutively for 3 days &amp; throughout the cycle till the next AF comes.

like wat <font color="0000ff">Tubby</font> said, i agree wif her tat afternoon urine contains higher concentration of hormones than first morning urine. i tested my OPK wif my afternoon urine, ard 4 pm if i remembered correctly.
Hi missy,
No problem. Thank you for your information. I've not tried charting but most prob can try it out the next cycle. See how my pattern looks huh.
Hi <font color="ff0000">miao,</font> gd luck for tis cycle! i hope you won't nid to start charting next mth &amp; you won't see AF for the next 9 mths. <font color="ff6000">jia you jia you!</font>
hi miao2,
I know how it is to be impatient. But such things cannot be hurried. Took me abt 3-4 mths to see my ovulatory cycle. But you must take note that not everyone will have a temp dip to signify ovulation. Also remember to buy a thermometer that measures basal temp and not the normal fever kind. I used the traditional clinical mercury thermometer. My temp dip is usually abt 2 degrees. Fertilityfriend is very useful as it "predicts" the best days for BD using your past charts. Go there to find out more! Dun worry, we are all "guo lai ren", last time I also very confused abt when to BD, coz by the time my temp dip, my temp rise liao, so ovulation has taken place. I was very lucky in my last cycle before I got pregnant, I had ovulation pains on my right fallopian tube, so I told hubby "quick quick!!" All the best to you!!!

hi tubby,
You very funny leh, even tok to the person from CHUBBS!!! Ya lor sometimes those neighbours really spoil market one. I hate kay poh ppl.
Hi Folic, Java,
Thank you so much for all your information.
I'll go take a look into fertilityfriend for more guide about charting.

Wow Odie,

40% increament!!??? Unbelievable!!! giving us a treat?? (hint hint) ha ha........I think my eyes also almost popped out.....


Like Elle, I also like to read your postings. So many cute cute icons one.....
wow! which industry and which line you in?
i have nvr heard of 40% increment that is really a lot...envy envy ;)
hmm... y so quiet today?

<font color="ff0000">Odie,</font> wow! 40% is a lot. how i wish i can find a job tat pays 40% more than my previous one... oni in my dreamz i guez
dear miaomiao,
our dear Folic has given a veri good &amp; clear explanation on temping... i oso learnt alot from when i started temping... BUT hor, must remember to RELAX... i remember my heart pounds veri fast at the end of 2WW every morning when i take temp... :p

hey java,
hehe... actually my hubby is the one dat spoke to dat CHUBBS' guy... cos he tot by befriending dat uncle, mabbe dat uncle will not give summon to us... alamak!! wrong move lah... kena twice in a week!! hahhaha....

hey Ocean,
YES!! we will continue to encourage each other here! Be it TTC or during pregnancy... *Big Hugz*
40% increment is because I am underpaid.

I was already underpaid in my last job and I took a further pay cut when I accepted the current job. That time was thinking of doing something different mah... so gladly took the pay cut.

Going back to do what I used to do... so of course must ask for market rate... if not damn lugi. Finally catching up with my peers after so many years ^.^v

I'm in the legal line. Good pay but super stressful :p

Tiantian... you want a treat har? What would you like to eat leh? =)
Hi java,
You so cute. Tell your hubby to "quick! quick!"
But hor, how do you know that it's ovulation pain har? I've never experience pain before leh.

Hi Odie,
Yes. I'm also very interested to know what Industry you are in because 40% increment is really A....LOT....! So if you are given such big jump in the salary, does it also mean higher return higher risk? It must be a rather stressful work is it? Wow.. really make me "lau nua" leh

Hi tubby,
Yup.. the magic word is Relax. That's what I'm trying to do now.
Oh Odie,
So that explains the high pay you are getting huh! Lucky you managed to grab this chance on this position. Good for you!

Well, since this is your "lao ben hang", I believe you'd know how to manage your stress right?
<font color="0000ff">Tubby,</font> hahaha
i'm oso like u, my heart will beat veri fast every morn when i take my temps, hoping &amp; praying my temps will stay up &amp; if my temps dipped by 0.1, i freak out. but tat was in the past, i've learnt to relax &amp; take things easy now. i'm back to charting tis mth, my temps are looking gd &amp; i'm in the 2WW now.

<font color="ff0000">Miao,</font> let's all relax &amp; jia you together.

<font color="ff6000">Odie,</font> now i noe y u r getting high pay. but legal line is indeed veri stressful.

hi miao2,
Coz the ovulation pain occurs slightly above my right pelvic bone. After my first pregnancy, my uterus became very sensitive, during the fertile period of my first AF, I could even feel some tingling sesation travelling down my fallopian tubes. I read from somewhere that this happens to some other women after delivery as well.
