Support group - Miscarriages

Good morning ladies

I am feeling better already. I posted a long message 2 days ago to reply everyone, but whne I wanted to post, I got an error "page cannot be found" and I lost the message. Din come in here yesterday cos gotta rest... I started bleeding quite a lot again and got me a bit giddy. sigh... sometimes feeling a bit impatient to get well.

Temping sounds interesting... It reminded me last time when I do a research in measuring breast temperature to detect breast cancer early and painlessly. There are two peaks in the temperature of the breasts... one peak around ovulation and one before the disintegration of the endometrium tissue.

Do you all take more than one temp reading then take the average? Sometimes these equipment will have variations. I'm quite a KS engineer, I always take a few readings just to be sure.

I have recently met someone who was in the same situation as me. She told me caesaerean is not as bad as the operation I have been through... At least her experience kinda gave me some comfort and reduce my fear... cos I am very scared of the pain after the anaesthetic effect is gone... a very painful experience... guess I will be a candidate for caesaerean in future pregnancy liao... must save more money liao if gonna get pregnant for the hospital bill...

Odie, congratulations on your new job. 40% increment is a lot but being underpaid for a few years, as the economy improves, you deserve it. Do you have a specialty? I got a friend who specialise in divorce...

<font color="0000ff">Elle</font> &amp; <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, me pai sei lah
u said u like reading my posting!

<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, i guess after detailed scan, the rest is normal scan till third trimester whereby we will have a Growth Scan.
After that, think it will be almost time for welcoming the
little one!!

<font color="119911">Miao</font>, i dun like to do things that required monitoring!!
Cos me is a lazy person! Just remembered that yesterday, i forgot to take my muti-viatimin!!
Jiat luck, hubby always said i dun take care of myself n BB!! Think i am a very careless &amp; forgetful person!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, Jia you hor for ur ttc-ing!!
Yes, yes, we all support one another hear

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, u in legal trade??
So if i need legal advice, can look for u??? Hmmm.. no wonder i sometimes find that ur english hor, very powerful!!!

Good for u!
By the way, so when u be moving houses?

<font color="ffff00">ULN</font>, glad that u met someone who can shared her experience with u! It really does help when we heard that things are not so bad as it appeared! Do rest more!

Just joking lah. I wish you all the best in your new job, new house and most of all, u know what lah hor?? Jia You Jia You.........


Give me the website of the cute cute picture leh, so nice and cute.


I am quite concern abt your bleeding again. By right, the bleeding should stop liao. Even if it doesn't stop, the flow should be less mah. When is your next appt with your gynae?? Maybe can check with him. Take care.
halow ladies, its been a while since i last logged in.. was out-station..

wonder hows everyone doing now..
i really hope that everyone is happy and healthy..
take care..
Hi ULN... you still bleeding alot? When is your next appointment with the Gynae? Do have a follow-up soon if the bleeding gets out of hand.

I'm not a lawyer... just a legal exec... so no specialty :p However... litigation was my core for 6 years straight. Did well for my family law... and had always been interested to do family law but somehow the opportunity never came along.

Ocean... you sure you forgot the multi-vitamins... or you conveniently overlooked ;) Ah hahahah... I hated multi-vitamins... the one thing that I didn't quite look forward to when I was preggie :p

You can look for me if you need half-bucket filled advices... but if I give you wrong infor... don't look for me hor :p Powerful??? No lah where got (see singlish wor :p)

I'm officially moving this Sunday. Mother-in-law said this Sunday is auspicious... and everyone is worried that if I'm preggie... I can't move house... so better do it soon. Hence I am moving into a half-empty house. The rest of the stuff will need to go scout for it slowly :p

Hi TianTian... yup you too must jia you jia you in the you know what ;) (*shouts jia you jia you*)
hi Odie,
happy for u dat u r paid at mkt rate now.. i agree wif Ocean, ur english is quite good &amp; last time i wonder abt ur profession as well...

Ocean! i oso like to read ur posts... everyday must read ur posts to brighten up my day or bring a smile to my face...

hi java,
i will experienced some sensations during my fertile period but somehow i jus can't identify the exact day of ovulation... so hv to depend on temping...
i wonder how come all ur husbands so cooperative one? my hubby say it's a turn-off to make love on specific moments... so i hv to resort to seducing him real hard during my fertile days... hehe...

hi ULN,
the bleeding u mentioned is it from the wound due to ur op or from the vagina? if from vagina, it's a lil' bit worrying... do consult ur gynae abt it... in the meantime, best to reduce any physical activities... must kwai kwai rest ya..
Hi Ocean,

OIC so after detail scan left a growth scan then thats it liao ha..
I wonder wld the growth scan be as detail as the detail scan?.. How many weeks left b4 u are schedule for the growth scan?

I heard when reaching 3rd trimester the frequency of scanning wld increase from once in 3 weeks instead of 4 weeks..

Have u got all your baby stuffs ready liao?
Hi gals,

long time no post. been really bz in the past few days, so can't sit down and write detailed postings.

ULN, I am glad you are feeling better emotionally. However,I am worried about your constant bleeding. Hope your doc can do something about it.Don't overstrain yourself ok?

tubby, actually, my hubby also don like to do it on schedule.
He would always say I rape him
In fact for the last BD session, he was having a flu but I insisted cos it was THE day
Well, luckily we did it and now I have the baby. hahahaa

Odie, glad you found a new job and I hope you have an easy time shifting house this Sunday
Looks like everything is going well for you and I am sure it will be going well in the area which you are most concerned with

Elle, for my case, the schedule for my visit is every 4 weeks till week 28, then 2 weeks till week 36 and then weekly after that, I think.

Ocean, how are you? Hope things are well!
If you keep forgetting your vit, I suggest you buy a pill box, those that you can put the different pills you eat for each day in different compartment. I find that it helps to instill some discipline. I put it in the pill box cos I have 3-4 different pills to eat each day

Java, how are you? Feel more power kicks from baby?

missy_lee, good luck! I hope you have patience during this 2ww
Don't monitor your temps until like stock market ok? Relax... breathe in...breathe out...

Hamasaki, welcome back. How are you?

Joyce, your gynae visit is today? How did the detailed scan go?

Hi to everyone else that I miss. I hope some of those who have gone 'missing' will come back and report to us their progress as well!


Hi tiantian,
My next appointment in a month's time
Is it not normal to be bleeding for so long? Two weeks plus already
some more these few days bled more and I felt a bit giddy yesterday and today. Jialat...

Normally after d&amp;c, will there be any bleeding? For how long? I met a lady who had fibroids operation without d&amp;c, she told me she bled for only 3-5 days...
jialat... I a bit scared liao... I got d&amp;c and op, maybe i not normal...
Tubby, the bleeding from vagina. It was brown for the last two weeks, but these two days red like fresh blood...
The stitches removed liao, but I can feel pain coming from internal.

I dunno if you believe in some of the old myths. The myth is that cannot move house while pregnant also just in case disturb the "tai shen". Physically, I think you mustn't move anything oso ah...

k k.. I gotta log out liao... go call my gynae... getting a bit worried...
hi ULN, i felt that the bleeding is a bit not normal.. coz U have been bleeding for more than 2 weeks liao.. its best to give yr gynae a call and if possible, go over to his clinic for a detailed check-up.. keep us update of yr news..

halow folic, thanks for yr concern, i'm feeling ok except for a bit of flu.. been busy with meetings and lots of work.. so sian, there will be a project that requires me to work on weekends on Nov .. weekends should be a family time but i will be stuck at work..
so how are U now.. everything fine with U and baby.. I'm so happy for U, luckily U ask yr hubby to do it with U on tat day so U can get pregnate.. luckily, God bless U now with a healthy cheerful sunshine baby..

hi odie, congrats to moving to yr new love nest home.. dun tire out yrself.. moving house is a long tiring busy process.. take care.. if U can't finish moving and packing/unpacking all yr stuffs, leave it to some other day to do it.. remember to relax and take care..
Hi ladies,

just want to come in to say hi.

Congrates odie to your new job and new home..
Hmm.. were you from temasek poly legal studies?

I heard from my gynae that the bleeding after D/C normally will last for 2 weeks.
however,I agree with hamasaki,don't wait for your next appointment, try to go down for a check now to make sure everything is ok.

I started charting my BBT, monitor the cervical fluid pattern from last month and also bought the ovulation test kits. Whoa! Those test kits are not cheap, especially the one I bought is the branded one.
The worse is I finished all the test kits even before I get to see a positive sign of ovulation

I think it is rather stressful to go through all these ttc planning. So, I just make up my mind to take my mind off ttc, enjoy life like during our dating days. in other words, let nature takes it course.
hi pageup, i felt that its best to let nature takes it course..
i read from a book or magazine that its abt ttc.. its said something like the more U want to have a baby, the more it will not happen coz U are putting too much stress in yr body and affecting the hormones.. the stress, eagerness and anxiouness to have a baby makes U unable to relax thus affecting the chances of getting pregnate..
so i felt that if U are able to take yr mind off from getting pregnate for a while and let yrself totally relax both inside out, maybe U have a better higher chance of getting pregnate hopefully by end of this year..

take care..
<font color="ff6000">Odie,</font> congrats on moving to your new hse. a new job &amp; a new hse, sounds great to me. hopefully a baby soon.

<font color="ff0000">ULN,</font> your bleeding sounds worrying to me esp when its fresh red blood. giddiness could be a sign of losing too much blood. its beta to call your gynae or bring forward your appt.

<font color="0000ff">hamasaki,</font> i tink its quite true when u said 'like the more U want to have a baby, the more it will not happen coz U are putting too much stress in yr body and affecting the hormones'. i'm feeling tis is the situation for me. i've have tis urge &amp; desire to get preggie but its juz not happening yet. so now, i'm trying not to tink too much abt ttc, juz letting nature takes it course.

<font color="aa00aa">Ocean,</font> where u get all tis cute cute icons from? so interesting.

<font color="119911">Pageup,</font> agree wif u, OPKs are definitely not cheap in spore. its cheaper here in U.S., at least i can get a pack of 5 for $14. but then, i still tink its a waste of $$ as its of not much help to me.

<font color="0077aa">Java,</font> i oso experience ovulation pain similiar to yours. its always one sided, but then when i take my temp the next day, there's no temp spike. i'm wondering if its ovulation pain at all?is it possible to haf ovulation pain days before ovulation actually occurs?
Thanks everyone... and yes I will take care while moving ;) I'm giving my auntie to come visit by this Sunday... otherwise will whip out the stick on Monday. Have not been counting the days... just realised that today is CD37 already. Didn't even know that the month flew by so fast.

ULN... your condition sounds a bit worrying. Try to schedule an appointment with your gynae early.

Pageup... yup I am from TP's legal studies. Hmmm... do I know you? :p Yes... you are right. I find it stressful having to think about when is the ovulation etc. Was consciously counting the days and monitoring the discharge for 2 months... gave up after that because I was stressing myself out really badly. The keyword is still to relax ;)
hi missy,
I went to look back at my last cycle chart in fertilityFriend. Actually my ovulation pain occur 4 days after my temp dip. I'm no charting expert. I just notice the symptoms and note it down in fertilityFriend, then they will plot the graph or me and tell me the best days for BD.

hi odie,
I will keep my fingers cross for you!!!! Hope ur Auntie go 10 mths shopping spree!!!
Hi Odie, Tubby, hamasaki, pageup, missy, etc,
I called my gynae yesterday after I logged out. He asked me go see him asap. I just went to see him first thing in the morning. He gave me an injection and increase the iron pills I gotta take and tell me what I should eat or shouldn't eat. Now I dun feel so giddy already after the injection.
Doc said I can go to his clinic for injection if I dun feel well still

K, I cannot sit for too long... gotta have some bed rest liao. Chat with you gals tonite...

So glad that u went to see your gynae. Has your bleeding stop and did he tell us what cause the bleeding?? Please rest more and take care.
hi ULN, did U asked yr gynae abt yr condition and what did he said. i feel so worried for U..
i was wondering if the injection medicine have wear off, U might experience the same pain again and i feel that its also best not to rely on the injection too often..
take care and keep us update tonight..
hi missylee, i think if U can relax and take yr mind of from TTC for the moment, maybe soon U will strike the Pregnate Jackpot..
i wish U good luck and dust lots of baby dust to U..
<font color="0000ff">Java,</font> u mean u got your ovulation pain 4 days before ur temp dip? i dun quite get it leh, y is it temp dip &amp; not temp spike? i thot ovulation occurs oni when your temp spikes?

<font color="ff0000">ULN,</font> i'm so glad u went to see your gynae. so did ur gynae tell u the reason for ur bleeding? is the injection to stop ur bleeding or giddiness? i hope u r feeling better now. rest well.

<font color="ff6000">Hamasaki,</font> thanx for ur well wishes &amp; i caught ur baby dusts
hopefully auntie dun come visit for the next 9 mth.

<font color="aa00aa">Odie,</font> good luck on testing! i telling ur auntie to go holiday for 9 mths.
hi missy,
I tot ovulation starts when temp dip? after that the temp will keep rising and remain high if pregnant. Correct me if I'm wrong. That's why I tot my O pain should occur at the temp dip and not 4 days after.
<font color="ff6000">Missy</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, tell u all hor..
Actually all those cute icons
are a results of my savings from all those gals that upload pics in this website!
Shh...considered <font size="-1">stealing??</font>

I think <u><font color="ffff00">Tiny</font></u> had ever posted the links before too... but cant remember where.
Another person got cute cute icon
is <font color="119911">Joyce</font>!

No <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, i dun purposely forgotten to eat my mutli-vitamin.
Just that it happened i had put one bottle in my office
and now that if finished, i forget to bring another....
See... very forgetful me!

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>, no need those containers lah! I only got one medicine to pop only.
So scared that my BB "undernutritious"!

<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, dun think growth scan will be as detailed as the Detailed Scan as detailed scan checked on all internal organs plus blood flow. Think for growth scan, they checked on BB size, measurement, and maybe blood flow?
I also dun noe when is mine but i heard from sonagrapher is abt 32wks or so!

Nope, have not bought
any BB stuff yet!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, for you!
<font color="ff0000">Java,</font> i oni noe ovulation had already occurred once the temp spike. i'm not sure abt the temp dip coz i nvr had temp dip before. fertilityfriend usually put the day before my temp spike as my ovulation day. i'm 10DPO tdy, hoping i can pass 15DPO before testing.

<font color="0000ff">Ocean,</font> how to steal the icons?? teach me leh... then i can steal some from u too
<font color="ff6000">ULN</font>, i am also happy
that u bring forward ur appt!
Hopefully your bleeding will stop soon. I think u have much bleeding was cos u had D&amp;C together with operation.
<font size="+2">Please, do have more bedrest!!</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Missy</font>
, that was fast!
</font> Before i say anything, u had already learnt!!!!
So smart hor!! Kekkee...
Yap... Shhh.....
Dun let pple noe!!
yes missylee, i also hope yr auntie will not come this mth and next mth and the next 9 months, then U for sure will get pregnate.. good luck..

take good care ULN and U must rest more.. take more healthly food.. yup, did yr gynae said anything abt yr bleeding and giddyness and what is the injection for.. curious..
Hi tiantian,
My gynae did a scan and he said my wound looks good. The bleeding is the adjustment of the endometrium lining after the miscarriage. My uterus haven't fully contract yet.

Hi hamasaki,
After the injection I feel better, not so giddy already. I think it will wear off cos the doc told me if I dun feel well, I can go back to his clinic for another injection, then I will feel better. It is not painkiller. It's vitamins cos I am still anemic.

Hi missy lee,
The bleeding is due to the miscarriage. He said I will have bleeding on and off. I gotta rest for at least a month. The injection is to stop the giddiness.

Hi Ocean..
Maybe I will steal your icons when I get better and got the time..

Actually I din wan to go see my doc this morning cos I gotta mafan my sis, but over the phone the doc said I better go see him asap. The doc told me he a bit worried when I told him I still bleeding and feeling giddy over the phone... At least today he told me what to eat to "bu" my blood.
Yesterday I had a lot of bed rest, then when I go see my doc this morning, no more bleeding... Then after see him, reach home, I started bleeding again... this time with clots... geesh... probably it's really the bed rest that I need so the bleeding will stop. Think I will just monitor my bleeding for a few more days before I call him again.. later he say I mafan...

Thank you all for your concern
At least you all alerted me the bleeding a bit not normal... otherwise I think I will just let it bleed...

For you ladies TTC-ing... give you all some baby dust...
<font color="0000ff">Ocean,</font> hahaha... i actually went to the help section to find out more abt uploading the icons. tats how i noe it

<font color="ff0000">Dear ULN,</font> its gd tat your gynae did a scan for u, at least u noe wat's happening wif your body. the most impt thing now is to rest more &amp; avoid any vigorious activity. take gd care
Aiyooo... <font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">ULN</font></font>, u <font size="+2">BETTER HAVE MORE REST!</font>
still thinking of <font size="-2">"stealin" pics</font>??? Kekkee...

, rest well and think u better drink those logan boiled in red dates drinks
to clear ur wind! Also, if can take it, heard that eatting pig kidney is good too!!
The last time, my mum cook for me during my 2wks mini-confinement, is ok lah, very Q, but i still dun like!
ULN, at least U have got some advice from yr gynae and can rest yr mind for the moment..

but than, U still have to take good care of yrself and hopefully the bleeding will stop asap..
Morning Everyone!!
How's everybody??

Today having <font color="0000ff">Monday Blue</font> again!! Feeling sleepy
&amp; tummy bloated... Maybe just now eat too much liao!
hi ocean,

Yesterday night went to airport T2 to eat ice cream. Think I chock up my sugar intake for this month liao, hope I will pass my blood sugar test next Monday!

Yesterday visited my grandma at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. She met with a car accident last Sunday, her shoulder was fractured and had to be bandaged in a cast. Her thigh bone was broken, so had an operation last Monday night to fix back the bone. She was still in so much pain when we visited her with my MIL yesterday. Pls pray for her that she will have a speedy recovery. The stupid experienced taxi driver who knock her down is one of those new SMRT taxis. Somemore he tried to drive away after knocking my grandma, luckily there's a good samaritan who gave chase and caught the driver. Some people are so irresponsible!

Actually I hope to visit her more often, but yesterday when I pass thru the wards, the strong antiseptic smell made me nauseated. Feel so useless....
Good morning everyone!

I also monday blue like ocean...
This week, i hv big presentation to do on friday.. so whole week will be thinking and preparing for it... ahaha.. hopefully everything will be smooth.

I had a bad dream yesterday when I took a nap. I dreamt that I accompanied someone to a clinic. Then as I sat there, I needed to go toilet (again, one of those dreams that I have when I am feeling urgent while sleeping
). But when I reach the toilet, I saw blood stains and that really woke me up in fear. I tried calling my doc but regardless of how I call, I cannot reach her.. then I woke up.

They say if got bad dreams must tell ppl about it. So I told my hubby and then now I post on teh web. Hope it will dispell any bad omens!

Have a great week ahead!
hi folic,
Hey we posted exactly at the same time!! You are probably having one of those pregnancy dreams. I even better, recently I dream I go out with other guys. I must be in a state of self-denial!!!
I didn't tell anyone though, coz I kinda like the dream. hehehehe.
hahaha java.. i think u are deprived...
Sorry to hear about your grandma. Hope she recovers soon. Old people tend to heal slower. Advice her to take more calcium during this period to aid the healing process. After she is off those medication by docs, you can ask her to take biocalth, I think that is good for healing bones and stuff. My mum takes it on a daily basis and she says her knee cap doesnt crack now and she can squat.

Wah, <font color="119911">Java</font>, ICE CREAM!!
So <font color="119911">Java</font>, for the time being, u must eat more soupy thing!!

Oh, so sorry to learn abt ur Grandma's case! But isn't it lucky that the passerby actually managed to grab hold of the "almost hit-and-run" driver!! Really hate such pple
&amp; it would be double-charged! Hope
ur grandma will recovered soon.

Oh <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, think u must be thinking alot! You know last night i watch the Channel 8 Chinese drama on the <font color="ff0000">My left eyes can see spirits</font>! Then, i think i really dreamt of spirits!!
But cant remember exactly what happened..

Dont worry
, sure ur BB gal will be growing well and swimming happily inside ur womb!

By the way, was telling my hubby that BB going to treat us for dinner!
Think she really bring some small luck!
So, <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, think having BB gal will really bring some small small fortune to the parents!!
Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, thanks for asking. Everything was in normal range. And I was quite relieved when I found out I was expecting a <font color="0000ff">boy</font>, duno why... Besides, I have forgotten when is your detailed scan liao, guess it should be coming soon, right?

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, wish your grandma have a speedy recovery.

Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, it seem like ages that we both din chat for a long time, so how are you lately?
Your tummy should be very big by now, hor?
hi java, sorry to hear of yr grandma accident.. the taxi driver is really bad and mean to drive away after hitting her.. he should have stop and sent yr granny to the hospital.. really hope to see him been sent to jail.. (or at least ask him to pay for yr granny medical bills)..

hi joyce, congrats for expecting a boy.. i guess maybe U feel relieved might be becoz U or yr hubby family people is placing high hopes on U to give birth to a boy..
anyway, have a good rest and take gd care.

hi Ocean, sometimes when i see horror ghost shows, sometimes i might actually dream of them later in the nite.. strange.. maybe we think too much or what..

hi folic, i had a bad dream too yesterday.. dunno how come dreamt that my hubby died but dunno the cause of his death.. feeling so scared now and i have not told him abt this..
hi Joyce,
Congratz!!! so now we have 2 boys &amp; 2 gals is it??
hopefully, we'll hv more good news over the nix few mths...!!

hi java,
sorry to hear abt ur grandma's accident... folic is rite... old pple heal slower... so hv to take extra care now...
hehe... last nite.. i had quite a nice erotic dream oso.. dreamt dat me &amp; hubby hanky-panky in the car... dat car somemore looks like a sports car... damn shiok!! hahhaa....when i told hubby dis morning.. he's smiling ear to ear...

Hi missy_lee, Odie &amp; miaomiao,
i know the 3 of us r nearing the end of your agonising 2WW... veri kan chiong for all of u now.. hope the baby-dust u hv caught from the preggies here will come to good use now...

hi folic,
i dint know bad dreams must say it out to dispel it.. when i had bad dreams, i try my best not to say it out cos afraid it will come true... at least now i know can let go liao... thks.. dun worry... DAT was just a bad dream... *big hugz*

hi Ocean,
u sound like u jus strike 4D leh... is it?? else u won't mention dat bb going to treat dinner rite? wow.. ur bb gal really bring lotsa luck to u leh... nix time must shower her wif lotsa gifts hor..
Hi all,
Sorry for not "reporting" earlier... My AF came to visit me yesterday. Rather sad to tell about it but.... happy that she's punctual lah.

I've started my first temping chart in this cycle.

Hi gals!

I think I can sense your relief when you said you are expecting a boy. For me, same thing.. I was relief that I am expecting a gal.. no particular reason, it's like a sign that things will be different. I used to refer to Jie as baby during the pregnancy. Now, I have decided to call this new baby ah girl..
So I know it is different
My detailed scan will only happen in 2 weeks time, 3rd Nov. Can't wait for that day to arrive.

Ocean, you win 4d again ah?
So cool! hahaha!

Hamasaki, don worry. Now you say out the dream, it will not come true liao

Hi Tubby, don't worry. I think I am fine now

Miao2, AF being punctual is good
Good luck with charting!

thanks folic for yr Hugs..
I give one to U and yr baby too..

miao miao, dun worry try again.. i wish U good luck and dust lots of baby dust to U..
hi hamasaki, ocean,
Needless to say that driver HAS to compensate for my grandma's medical bills. The worst thing is my grandma was already reached the other side of the road and already one foot on the pavement when the accident happened. Not sure the exact details though, dunno how come the driver can even drive so near the pavement. Bills and irresponsibilities aside, it will prob take months for my grandma to start walking again. Yes, old ppl's bones will take longer to heal, and also she will have to go for sessions of physiotherapy.

hi miao2,
You are off to a good start with temp charting! Take charge of your fertility!

hi tubby,
Your hubby was smiling ear to ear because he is excited of the hanky panky in the car, or izzit becos of the sports car?

Last Saturday, we brought some kids from my church to GraceHaven Children's Home. As much as I wanted to participate in the activities, I was quite lethargic and tired that morning, so just sit one side and watched. My hubby organised the games and built a good rapport with the kids. As I watched, I felt very proud of my hubby for being so caring and patient with the kids. At that time I told myself that I shouldn't worry too much about the outcome of my pregnancy/baby and that my bb has a caring and patient father waiting for him when he arrives.

hi ocean,
How many weeks are you now? Do you feel heavier now?
hi miaomiao,
big bear hugz!! i'm sure wif temping, you'll get a better grasp of ur own fertility... we'll all JIA YOU together okie??!!
i'm glad to hear ur AF is punctual...

hi java,
i think i described my dream wif so much details dat my hubby is visualizing the whole act in his mind... then he ask me whether i am horny anot.. too bad lah!! we were out of the hse liao.. if not, definitely get into action!! hehee....

sometimes, when hubby is carrying my lil' niece, i felt veri touched &amp; proud of him oso... way to go for ur hubby!!
I just received some news from my mum. SMRT agreed to pay all hospital bills. But my uncle intends to get a lawyer to sue SMRT to pay for her physiotherapy sessions and for the inconvenience, etc. Something like Andrea DeCruz case, that kind of thing.
hi tubby,
wah lau. u even describe your dream in so much detail. Maybe he already "on" liao, that's why ask u whether u horny or not. I think if me, I will feel too embarrassed to tell him in words the details, I will SHOW him.
Hi <font color="aa00aa">Hamasaki</font>, not really. In fact I had a 2 year old little monster already. And they were quite disappointed when I told them it's a boy again.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Tubby</font>, yeah. It's 2 boys against 2 girls. So all balance out...
Don't worry, good news will keep rolling here...

<font color="808080">to all TTC-ians...</font>

Ya <font color="119911">folic</font>, exactly. <font color="0000ff">It's like a sign that things will be different.</font>

hey java,
i'm opposite as u leh... when comes to action, i will be abit shy lah... but tok hor, no prob for me!! i think it's one of my hubby's fantasy to make out in a sports car man!!!

regarding ur grandma hor, i think mabbe can try negotiating wif SMRT &amp; ask them to compensate more for the physiotherapy &amp; inconvenience caused.. to go straight to sueing, like veri time consuming leh... jus my opinion lah...

hi Joyce,
guess ur lil' monster must be veri excited to know he's going to hv a lil' bro cum playmate nix yr... i think u r still young... mabbe can try for another gal in a few yrs' time... *hugz*
