Support group - Miscarriages

hi adora,

Congrats!!! Why dun u upload a pic of your test kit? A faint line is still a line!!! Do u know when you ovulated? Actually if the time you tested is abt the time u will get your period, u will be abt 3 wk pregnant. By then implantation is over. Not to scare you, but if you are getting spotting, its better to see a gynae, so that he/she can check the gestational sac, give you hormone pills and/or jabs to stabilise pregnancy if needed.


ya agreed with java, do see a gynae asap and verify the reason for the spotting. Most likely u will be prescribed with hormone pills to help u.
hi java,
read abt it from a chinese newspaper... dunno whether LianHe Wanbao or SinMing... cos i was too distraught liao... i think it's one of the weekday paper last week.. hubby got nothing to do, so he read old newspaper at MIL's plc..

hi poohy,
yup.. dat's the case... but i felt dat the s'pore gynae shd hv advised her of the risks at her age.. so dat at least she's mentally prepared for her kid... dat means he dint do a thorough review for his patient rite?

hi adora,
Congratz... like the rest hv advised.. do consult ur gynae abt the spottings... u r ard CD 40 now rite? which means u r almost 6 weeks now..

agreed with u that the gynae shd have at least mention the risk to her instead of assuming that she shd have done it in japan with her previous gynae even though she is in >wk24 already and could not selectively abort her bb.

I think she shd also bring law suit against the japanese gynae. He/she really shd have advised the patient of the risks and need for diagnostic testing for down syndrome given her age which very obviously heightened her risk for ds bb. And this shd be done pretty early in the 1st trimester or early 2nd trimester according to norms. I calculate she shd at least be in her early 40s when she was pregnant.
Java, Jus Poohy & Tubby, Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Tubby</font>, you are right, my CD 40. You mean I am 6weeks liao I tot only 4weeks.

<font color="ff0000">Java</font>, not sure when ovulated. I think is during 11-16 Sept coz that is my fertile period according to the ovulation calulator.

The last time I visited Gynae at 8weeks. Actually tot of going few weeks later. Now, got spotting I might monitor for a day or 2 and see how.

Spotting is very little, like that serious??
hi adora,
i calculated based on ur LMP... an ultrasound from ur gynae would be the most accurate one...

if u dun feel uncomfy abt ur staining, then u might wan to monitor for a day or two... but hor, for pregnancy, i would rather be more KS lah..
my last pregancy i got spotting (veri light brownish stains) on CD 31 &amp; i rushed down to KK liao...
Hi gals!

wow, so many postings already!

Tubby, I read about that news article as well. Your gynae is not the lady's original gynae. She has another gynae in Japan till about 24 weeks. By then, it is too late to do any DS testing. In any case, u/s are not foolproof and we can't really tell everything from the screen. I know the lady is quite old but don't think it is 46/47 when she gave birth. I don't think you need feel shitty.. as if you have entrusted your life to the wrong gynae. I had a similar experience like you. My previous gynae was also under a lawsuit when I went to her. However, I did not think she was giving me poorer care or that she was negligent in any sense. Anyway, the court did not find her guilty subsequently. You should judge your gynae based on his interaction with you, and not with that lady in the case. I think there is a lot of emotional baggage in that case- for eg, her in laws blamed her, her husband was not supportive etc.. that all pushed her to go to court. Hope you don't get to upset by it.

Adora, congrats! I would suggest that you see a gynae re the spotting. It will at least put you at ease. I think it is too late for implantation spotting, which should happen before your expected AF. You have already past your expected AF date, right?

akzo, actually many hopsital practice sms reminder. Raffles hospital too. However, if you have already gone back to your original gynae, I guess there is no need to go back to KKH. BIG HUGS!
HI to everyone else! Hope you have a better Monday than me!
So hectic, then engine like not started on Monday morning!

hi adora,
We are all very KS ppl here after our past experience. I had staining (pinkish discharge) at 5 wks, the day itself I went to see my gynae liao. Why dun you test again using the digital preg test kit? The one that tells u whether 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant'? To be very sure that you are indeed pregnant. Do keep us updated with your progress.

you may not be in your 6th week yet. It depends on when is your ovulation day
So if you ovulate late, then maybe its still early. It may yet be implantation bleeding... cos I read somewhere that implantation is a process... not just a 1 time event at that point in time. The embryo is in the process of implanting and burrowing into the uterine lining the early weeks.

Best is to monitor the staining... if it persist, do go to a gynae just to make sure. In any case, the gynae would be able to give you hormone support which will give u more peace of mind ;)
<font color="aa00aa">Adora</font>, Congrats!!
So happy to hear that u r preggie!!
I do hope that your good news
will trigger another group of current ttc-ian to get confirmed one by one!

By the way, spottings can be due to implantation or maybe leftover menses from the previous cycle. As long as it is brown and dun get more and more, or dun turn pinkish or reddish, maybe it is still ok. But do monitor it and went to see gynae if needed!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, <font color="119911">Java</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="ffff00">Tiantian</font> &amp; <font color="0000ff">Mao</font>, thanks for your concern!

On Sat and Sun, i was abit worry
about my BB as her movement seemed to be very little. Both day, i felt my tummy near the belly button there having slight pain.
Was thinking if i need to go KK but decided to monitor and see how. Tell myself maybe BB is sleeping
and thus not much movement!

Then today, tummy feel funny. Think had stomachache and also feeling nauese and cold sweat.
Initally was thinking of going to see doc, but after managing to clear tummy, found out that i was having diarrehia.
Now i felt better just abit weak!

Suddenly, i can feel abit more of BB's movement!
Maybe too much rubbish inside my tummy...

Yes, <font color="ffff00">Tiantian</font>, do let me know more about your friend who also had low amniotic fluid during her pregnancy if u can. Thks!
It is sure reassuring to hear that she had delivered a healthy BB.

<font color="119911">Java</font>, u also must stay positive. I know how u felt about making plans for BB. Like I was supposed to chk on KK's Delivery Package last Thursday. But at the end, i din asked anything after knowing that my amniotic fluid was low.
So i guess i waited for things more confirmed first....

<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, try not to feel so disappointed. Remember u actually "bargain" with ur Chinese Shih Sei to let u ttc earlier? I know it can be very disappointed, but just tot of it as ur trial session!! Try to relax. I have read up some articles that when we r stressful, we produce some hormones that will hinder the "boy" meet "gal" process! Jia You! Jia You!!
Hi Gals

Thanks, Thanks so much for all the advise.

<font color="ff0000">Folic</font>, yes AF due on 26 Sept, past 1 week liao...if spotting continue will see gynae.

<font color="0000ff">Java</font>, Yes I agree due to past experience, I am also very conscious of every little body changes, pain etc...that's why also quite worried of spotting today...

<font color="ffff00">Ocean</font>
My spotting is light brownish in color. Will see how tml, if spotting persist will see gyane at once.

Really hope is due to implantation..
Hello Java,

I know I am very late but it's better late than never. Here's wishing you a very happy belated birthday.

Hello Adora,

CONGRATS!! You made it liao. Hope there will be more graduates after you. Regarding the staining, somehow I feel that you should see your gynae asap. It's better to be kiasu.

Hi Jus,

It's ok. Don't be sad. Let's jia you together next cycle. Cheer up.
Hi Oceans
*HUGS* I will continue to pray hard for you and your baby.
And with so many positive endings cases around, I am sure you both will do well.

Hi Adora
GREAT!!!! I think in any case, better be KS lor. Since you know you are pregnant, and you will need to go see gynae anyway, why not see one earlier to settle your fears of the unknown? Then you can really be a happy mom to be mah! No need see GP liao, just go direct to gynae.

Hi Tubby,
Pls dun think so much. Now that information is so readily available on Net and mags and books, we all know roughly what we want. Like I know there is a nuchal screen, blood test so in case they never schedule me, I will ask. I also keep asking my gynae then if Tory's cord is fine, if her water levels are fine nearing her birth. I am sure your gynae is fine...
Glad to hear that your baby gives you some affirmations through her kicking

Ya-lor true also would try to take it in my stride

Yup, see the gynae if your spotting persist
Now, must start taking more healthy food

Thanks would be working hard this month kekeke
And Happy Birthday to you!!!

Tian tian,
Yup, lets jia you together

Are you also TTC-ing this month?
Yes <font color="0000ff">Adora</font>, do go and see a gynae if by tml u still having spottings. After what we had gone thru before, sometimes, it is better to be KS abit. In the meantime, try to walk slowly and have lots of rest.

<font color="aa00aa">Linda</font>, thanks!
Really hope can be like u to deliver a healthy BB gal.

By the way <font color="ff6000">Tiantian</font>, i think <font color="119911">Java</font> birthday
is tomorrow, right?

<font color="0077aa">Jus</font>, yap, it is really very assuring to feel BB's kicks especially when i know that from all my previous scans, this BB of mine dun really like to move about. So the sonagrapher usually had a hard time to check on her details. Now with low amniotic fluid, it is worst!

Hehehe...<font color="0077aa">Jus</font>, send the stork
to u, <font color="ff6000">Tiantian</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="119911">Odie</font>, <font color="ffff00">Missy</font>, <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, <font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Mao</font> and all who are ttc-ing!!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Yes tomorrow is actually my 26th birthday. Sianz... now I must tell ppl I'm in my late twenties liao. Feel so old.
Hi Jus,

I intend to start TTC next month. So, we can all jia you together.

Hi Java,

read too fast,thot your birthday is over liao.
Adora... congrats!!!! Your efforts finally paid off. Don't forget to spread us your babydust :p

Java... happy sweet 26. If you are old hor... than I am worse than you. Now I am upset liao... you better take back those words... muwahahahha :p

Jus... fret not. There's always tomorrow. Like my hubby said... if positive... we are happy.. if negative we should be happy too cos it means more BD.
Hi gals,

having a headache now... donno why also... mebbe last nite never sleep properly.zzzzzz

tiantian, let's strangle the b'day gal tomorrow! Fancy complaining about being 26 years old...

I really feel like eating french fries now... :p read the postings about A&amp;W curly fries... mebbe this thurs, after gynae visit, will go bugis MOS burger for lunch.. muwahhhhhhaaaa!

<font color="0000ff">Tiantian, Linda, Jus, Ocean</font>
Thanks for your concern! Spotting only a bit this morning. Hope I don't get it again.

Now, trying to walk very slowly &amp; carefully.

<font color="119911">Odie</font>
Yes, I will remember to spread the BB dust but after I visit gynae &amp; confirm the pregnancy first.
Happy 26th Birthday, Java!!!
Aiyo, you so young
Think I should join folic and odie in strangling you

Really glad that you are more positive
Keep up your spirit!!!

Real life examples to reassure you from the ladies here
So, dun worry so much
Just need to be more aware and sensitive to any physical changes

Tian tian and odie,
Yup lets jia you together for this cycle
Yesterday, me n hubby had a talk
Both me n hubby felt stressed up by all these baby-making business
Think it has sort of taking a toll on our relationship as well
Any of you girls face this problem?

Hows your headache now?
Hope you are feeling better

How are you feeling today?
Hope your spotting is gone
Hi gals, good morning!

Java, Happy 26th Birthday!

Hope you enjoy the beginning of your mid 20s... :D hhaha!

Jus, thanks for asking. My headache is gone now. I was quite mad at my hubby yesterday. Told him that I wanted to go off at 530 cos of headache but he went off to play xbox with his colleagues in office and end up we only leave office at 630. My face black from Alexandra all the way back to Pasir Ris
So last nite, he very good boy, some more massage my shoulders for me. hhahah

Re the baby making biz, yes.. sometimes, if it becomes too 'routine', it does take a toll on the relationship. Really, the key word is relax.. hard to do, but really essential!
Jia you ok!

Adora... take extra care right now and try to visit your gynae soon (because I want the babydust... kekekekek :p)

Jus... I suppose everybody will feel stressed out because of that. But BD really became very mechanic when you count the days. The 1st month was damn stressful.. by the 2nd month I more or less gave up (but still count the days lah) and by this month I quite bo chap liao :p. If you feel that it is really affecting you and your hubby... should try and focus your thoughts on other areas... like planning a trip, refurnishing your home or meeting up friends whom you haven't contacted for a while.

Folic... me too will get upset when I wait too long (got place to sit down ok lah... if need to stand I sure buay song wan... muwahahahha :p) Not sure why my patience seems to wear out really fast lately... time to do some self-assessment.
<font color="119911">Java</font>, Happy 26th Birthday!!

Ok, after wishing <font color="119911">Java</font>, <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Odie</font>, i will join both of u in stranggling the birthday
gal for saying she is old!
Hi <font color="119911">Java,</font> <font color="ff0000">Hapi Birthday</font>! hey i'm 26 too, same as u leh.

Hi <font color="0000ff">Jus, Tubby, Miao, Odie,</font> ttc aft a loss is indeed a very stressful journey. i had my fair share of disappointments &amp; cryings too. after ttc for 9 mths now, i've learnt to let go &amp; not get too work up when i see AF. of coz, i'm not giving up ttc too... i still hope to see my BFP soon. so let's all JIA YOU!! <font color="0000ff">Jus</font>, <font color="ff0000">*big hugz*</font> its ok to feel sad &amp; disappointed. juz remember, your turn will cum soon, who knows tis mth be the one!

Hi <font color="ff6000">Adora,</font> *Congrats* so happy for you! how's your spotting? has it stop? take gd care &amp; eat more healthy food. have a happy &amp; healthy 9 mths

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, let's all jia you together!
Thank you all for your birthday wishes!!! ok lah ok lah I very young lah. happy? I think once after age 21, you wan your birthday to come slower. Now become lao chao bo, always jealous of hubby seeing sweet young things.

Hey folic, yesterday I also face black black with my hubby!!! Yesterday we started the tingkat dinner with Select Catering, coz we heard that the food is nicer, only thing is its more expensive than the other caterers. My hubby was complaining on the proportion of the food, keep saying he jiak buay ba. So this morning I tried to cancel, since they only came for one day and I have not paid yet. Select told me I have to pay $18 for yesterday's meal plus $40 admin charge!!! Wah lau they think they credit card company or what?? So this morning quite angry.

Do you all drink caffeine drinks? I used to drink tea in the mornings. But eversince pregnant, I stopped coz doc asked me not to drink caffeine drinks due to my spotting. This morning I buay tahan, finally drink one small cup of tea with little sugar!!! Reward myself with a small birthday present!! hehehe.

hi adora,
Glad ur spotting has diminished. Do let update us with ur progress!

hi jus, odie,
I agree that you feel like a sex machine when you do it to make babies. The tension builds up esp during ovulation period!!! I read that most women become "in heat" during the fertile period, but I only "in heat" when nearing my menses. So this doesn't help at all. So I had to create my own fantasy lor. So relax girls!!! Jia you jia you!!!
Hi <font color="ff0000">Jus</font>, i face the same problems too. the first few mth after my loss were the hardest. i blamed my hubby initally for my loss coz he brought me on a trip to disneyland &amp; at tat time i suspected i was preggie but did not test to confirm yet. i told hubby abt my suspicion &amp; told him i dun want to take any rides juz in case i'm really preggie. but hubby kept insisting i take the rides wif him coz he dun think i'm preggie. i was so angry
wif him coz he showed black face to me when i refused to take some of the rides. then end up, i was really preggie at tat time &amp; i lost my bb. but after a few mth, i realised tat neither my hubby nor me is to be blamed for the loss of my bb. i guez we r not fated to be wif our angel.

<font color="ff0000">Jus</font>, its gd tat u &amp; your hubby had a heart to heart talk. i hope things worked out fine for the both of you. like wat Odie &amp; Folic said, relax &amp; focus your mind on some other things.
do you look or feel tired after the miscarriaged?
coz i come back to work and alot of ppl told me that i look tired.
what should i do now
Hi Java
<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday</font>

<font color="119911">Thanks Everyone for your concern!</font>
Yesterday spotting stopped so thought ok liao but
just now went ladies, found some staining again. How come it always happen in the morning??

same here. When I first had my miscarriage, everyone asked me why my face looks so white, like going to faint anytime. I din have much appetite at first few weeks.. so ate lesser .. end up thinner also.

just eat normal and resume your normal routine... soon health will be regain. Can also exercise ... will make u feel more healthy. Though I din exercise... cos too lazy.
U know <font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, i can feel your frustration and disappointment especially when u had worked so hard in terms of taking Chinese Medicine to improve ur body for a few mths liao before ttc-ing.
Agreed with <font color="0000ff">Missy</font> that it is good
that u had a talk with ur hubby about this openly.

Try, try very hard to relax and maybe focus your mind on other things. Maybe go out for movies or seaside... Stay romantic
and then, let things happened...

Jia You! Jia You!
We are all behind u!!

<font color="ff6000">adora</font>, how are u today? Will u be going to see gynae today?
Hi Akzo,

I think it is because you are emotionally drained, that's why it showed as pale/tired look physically. Try to take things easy for a while. Eat nutritious food. It will be better soon.

Adora, were you trying to poo while in toilet? The last time I had spotting, it is always cos I had difficulty pushing stools out. Maybe that could be the reason. But I think it is better for you to go to the gynae.

Java, wow, the cancellation fee is so expensive.. so looks like you have to stick with it for a while? I still drink coffee/tea.. cos I don't have anything to drink when I eat out! So I order teh-o kosong or teh-c kosong sometimes. In the morning, I drink like 2 sips of cofeee to wake me up!

Akzo... I think "lethargic" is the word. After the MC, I don't have the energy to do or think about anything because I was feeling down and nothing seems to be able to perk me up. Give yourself the time to grief and recover from it... don't stress yourself out trying to look and feel good infront of others. Focus on yourself for now.

When you come to a proper closure... you will naturally find yourself bouncing back. A proper closure really comes after you are being true to your own feelings and not when you try to put up a false front.

Don't think too much... just be true to yourself ;)
Hi Java!
Me same age as you... But one month younger! Hehehehe...

Hi Akzo
I think most of us do. After MC, we were all emotionally and physically drained. Takes a while to get back to normal. How long has it been? Just make sure you eat more tonics and rest often. Dun carry heavy things okie?

HI Ocean
How's everything?

Hi folic, massage somemore... Face balack black got "value" huh??
Hi Java,
Happy Birthday again! No comments on this old or young thing!

Adora, congrats! Do check with your gynae regarding the spotting. better to check early ok? Take care!

these few days i dunno why i feel so sleepy again! can't seem to wake up in the mornings...
ya..every commented tat i look pale and tired..maybe i do not have a good rest..during my mc at son keep pestering me to keep him company..maybe i do not have encough. i been taking "ba zhen" every to nourish my health. and i do not have a very good appeaite..can't eat much. i see feel that i lost something after the mc. my jean and pants was a bit loose
Thanks Folic &amp; Tiny

I just called gynae for appt in the afternoon.

Folic, i wasn't trying to poo in fact from sunday till now has not clear bowels leh. Abdomen a bit pain just now....really scared!
Hallo Java, our Birthday Gal today!! wow!! sweet 26 hor!! enjoy ur day wif hubby...

hi Adora,
sometimes too long neber poo will cause pain somewhere near the abdomen as well... or mabbe ur womb is expanding so u feel abit pain... since ur appt is dis afternoon, i'm sure gynae will advise u accordingly...

hi akzo,
i oso look pale &amp; feel weak initially... no matter how much 'bu' stuff i took, cos of the emotional drain &amp; stress, my physical appearance still look weak... onie after i managed to 'see open' abit, then slowly i become more energetic.. it takes time, slowly nurse ur body okie..

hi Ocean,
glad to hear dat bb is giving u some kicks here &amp; there... guess it must be a wonderful feelings as described by many MTBs... we will all be here to JIA YOU for both of u ya....

hey gals,
last nite i told my dad abt my gynae's case... he seems veri agitated... but it warms my heart to know dat my dad still remember his 'grandchild'...
Hi Java,
Happy Birthday...
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Java, Happy birthday to you

Wish you a great year ahead and have a nice day with your hubby...
You are only 26. I am older than you le...

Hi adora,
I read that it is normal to have spotting. However I think it depends from case to case. I read that spotting is normal from my gynae's book. He published a book. However, when I went to see him on 7th week and I told him I got spotting. I only had spotting for one day. Not a lot, only a little bit. He immediately said not a good sign.
After the scan, he told me why I had spotting but I do not understand what he's talking about. Something to do with the placenta detached from the wall. I would suggest you to go and get it checked asap.

Hello people,
I am feeling better already though still a bit of pain from the surgery. Cannot live without the painkiller... Woke up at 3am this morning to take my painkiller... pain till I cannot sleep properly...
Come to think of it, I think my gynae already suspected I will end up in a miscarriage. He asked me weird questions everytime I go see him. Questions like do you still feel breasts being swollen, are you sure your menses is accurate, anymore spotting, etc. And asked me to pray hard when I saw him on my 9th week. Then he said he already gave me all the necessary "an tai" medications. I got jabs oso. Unfortunately my gestation sac shrink already when I had a scan on 10 weeks 5 days. Then D&amp;C on 10 weeks 6 days.
My baby already started to rot inside me liao... sobs...
The other day when I went back to see my gynae, while waiting, the nurse tok to me. It seems like miscarriage is very common.

On the bright side, I no need to postpone my wedding dinner liao and be a beautiful bride end of this year
I already ROM in 2000. Actually quite intimidated when I go see gynae. Gotta fill in number of years married and I get the type of cannot conceive case look. sigh... After the surgery and miscarriage, I had no appetite, so I slim down liao
Hubby said it's an expensive way to lose weight.

After D&amp;C and surgery I was pale for a week. My hubby said I was super pale right after the surgery. I lost a lot of blood and had blood transfusion oso...
Akzo, maybe you can drink black dates boil with red dates and longan. I have been drinking this and looks better already. My mum oso look reddish on her cheeks cos she finish up the drink that I cannot finish everyday...
Hello gals,

wow so many postings liao.

Hi Java,

Think I am late again today. <font color="ff0000">HAPPY SWEET SWEET 26th BIRTHDAY</font> again. Ya boy, you better take back your words on being OLD hor, I super upset cos I belong to the age group that starts with "3" hor......

*hugz glad you are feeling better... but i dun think its normal to keep having persistant need for painkillers... may need to see gynae on this.

I think what your gynae explained to you regarding placenta detached ... etc is called subchorionic hematoma. I had that too this round ... was bleeding very heavily.

Anyway, dun think too much and try to relax more ok.. especially u had a blood transfusion. Do be sure to go back to your gynae for followup to make sure everything is ok. Make sure things are all back to normal so that will not affect future ttc
akzo, "bak zhen" is "bu chi". I think you might need something to "bu" blood. The black dates drink would be good for chi and blood. Can add bak zhen inside when you boil it. Chicken of essence also good to bu blood. You can also boil "dang gui" to "bu".

I just read a sentence from my gynae's book. Too much fears and worries, sometimes will lead to miscarriage. Maybe my baby stopped growing becos of my worries... cos I had nightmares every nite. Two days before the bad news, I even dreamt of the scene my gynae asking my to go for D&amp;C
Hi poohy,
Thank you... hugz...
I tried not to take the painkiller, but the pain came back and I cannot sleep. I have reduced my dosage already bbut still cannot live without. Last nite, I dunno why but my vagina area hurt. It's those types of sharp pain that wun go away. Maybe last nite I walked too much. I went to the airport to fetch my friend for abt two hours and I came back very exhausted.

Ok I will check on that... dunno about subchorionic hermatoma. I did not bleed a lot le. Only light spotting brown in color for a day. Does that cause miscarriage?

Actually after the surgery, I am thinking twice whether to ttc. Cos I am scared of pain. I dunno if caesaerean is going to be as painful as the surgery. I rem I felt the sharp pain and cried when I was woken up. I think I was still on the operating table when I was woken up cos I still got tubes inside my throat. I gotta be on drip with painkiller for the whole nite. Very scary... I think I in a confused state of mind... Think I am traumatised by this failure

I will be seeing my gynae this Saturday. Hopefully can remove the stitches
then I will be free. And get the lab results why my baby stopped growing...
Hi tiantian,
I only heard of SWEET 16, not SWEET 26. hehehe I think all gals very sensitive when it comes to the age thingee.

Thanks again everyone for the bd wishes!!

hi adora,
I'm not sure why staining happens in the morning. Mine once happened at night before I sleep, another time was when I woke up in the morning. Maye gotta do with the production of progesterone in the mornings??? I'm glad u are seeing ur gynae this afternoon. Look forward to hearing from you again.

hi ULN,
I think I worse than you. I mean noone wants a miscarriage to happen. I also ROM in 2002, got pregnant before my customary wedding, went thru my customary as 5 months pregnant bride. Everyone knew I was pregnant then. 3 months later miscarriage. At that time, I felt as if I'm acting in a movie, as if everything is in a dream. During my confinement I kept thinking of what my relatives will think, etc. Now I dun look back, wedding is long over liao. Do have a good rest. If you need to take painkillers, go ahead. Last time I took painkillers and sleeping pill. It was a traumatic experience for me.

hi akzo,
Eat tang kwei, its very good in blood circulation and "bu xue". Take care.

<font color="119911">U</font>, i am glad to know that u r feeling better.
But u must rest alot cos after a miscarriage, we women, lost alot of blood. We are considered more weak than giving birth. So, please, please dun walk alot.

And, if ur pain persists, suggest u bring fwd ur appt with ur gynae instd of seeing him on Sat, ok!
At this point, dun think too much abt ttc-ing. Take your time first to recover first.

By the way, how come there is stitches?

<font color="ff6000">Akzo</font>, i remembered my collegues saying that i looked pale when i first went back to work after 2wks of rest at home. Oh dear, think u must have not enough rest if ur son is pestering u when u r at home.... Maybe u can try to drink Ess of chicken everyday. I drank ess of chicken that time for abt a mth, and i think i really feel more refreshed.
Pls take care hor!

<font color="0000ff">Linda</font>, I am feeling okay! last night was very worry abt BB as she din really moved. Then, at abt 3am and 5am, i can feel her movement. Was abit relax then.... Seriously, at this point of time, i think there are only one thing that can reassure me, that is my BB Movement!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, u r staying with ur parents? Try not to ponder so much abt ur ex-gynae case since u will not be seeing him again!

Yes, i will try to stay happy and u too, must stay happy and cheerful ok!!
