Support group - Miscarriages

Omg , is it me or the confinement food?? I have been having loose stools (almost like LS) since tuesday...

My mum said mayb my stomach not used to all the food suddenly...


I understand how you feel. Perhaps sticking around with people who understand you or those in the same circle will helps. This make me think of one of my gf, who cried like hell when her AF came for the first time she ttc. She said her close friends mostly strike on the first time. But she did strike on the second month and gave birth to a beautiful girl. This is one of those people who will not understand the ttc journey we had all been through. They will not understand some of us have to go through so much to get our own baby.

Talking about praying, I actually went to bkk and chance upon the Erawan shrine and I went to pray. A friend told me to go there since I am there, but I was not really keen so did not ask for the location. Perhaps its fate that I happened to walk past the shrine, so I went in to pray. 2 months later I was pregnant. Too bad, the pregnancy did not lasts.

I think our emotions play an important role. I remembered I saw an articles about the sudden increase in birth rates for England. They back tracked and realised that the conceptions took place around the olympics period where everyone is happy and joyful. I strike during cny period, where I am happier, no work stress, everyday eat, laugh, gamble, sleep. I choose to believe a happier me helps in conception. When I did the past iuis, I am so stressed, esp the 2ww. Gynae also find it weird. 2 years of ttc, no good news. Did 3 iuis, all unsuccessful, yet we conceive naturally in between those iuis. So, I decided to take things easily now. Focus on tcm to tiao my body back and start again.

Stay positive and HAPPY, ladies!!

I almost want to start a blog on my bb the day before I went for scan n shocked to see hb stop..

Ya inside the blog also have all my godson daily growing up stories too..from a small bb to a 15kg 2 years 5 mths boy. he never fails to give us laughter. wait till ur goddaughter starts to learn to walk n the moment can walk, u feel the happiness like the parents of them accomplish a big mission.

we shall all work hard towards our goal n get well soon..
Dolly Girl,

I had some digestion problem when I took too much red date tea.
You can try cutting down on the tea and see if it helps.
hey dollygal,

me too! its almost a month since my procedure (late miscarriage) and ive been wondering why my stools are still kinda loose stools, as you so correctly described. i thought with all the heaty things we've been taking, should be constipated / nose bleed

ive been a silent reader here, sorry if my entry here seems sudden. interestingly, ive just started a private blog too. i have all these emotions that i feel have no avenue out. the whole world expects you to be normal and move along. and so i put on a brave front at work, with friends, with family (i dont want my parents to worry about me).

after some time, its like people forget you were ever pregnant. even my tummy has deflated, like pregnancy never existed.

our sleeping babies should be celebrated. we should celebrate the happy moments we spent with him/her, as short as the time was. but people whos never gone through the pain of loss will never understand. they just tell us "get well, its ok, try again". it is not ok. we lost a child. we lost a future suddenly. i grieve for the baby girl i lost. she is different from whatever future child I may have. writing helps me channel those unspoken, difficult words that cannot be said to people, because its too painful.

i thank all the support forums for the incredible emotional relief we get, and wish everyone speedy recovery and a chance to be mothers again.
Every baby lost is a future lost, it can never be forgotten, till jow i still remember all 3 babies i lost after wk 18 n 22. Each n every single one of them is special n unique. We will never forget them, just that we keep them deep in our heart. It aches at
Time when we misses them, but it will never be forgotten till death.
Yes I will never forget our 1st bb boy. Only we know how deep the pain of the loss. I keep thinking why infection has to set in & mercilessly take away my innocent bb... He was growing healthily, whyy does this have to happen?? What have I done wrong?

I am still waiting for the lab tests report on my infection... I cannot accept my gynae saying bacterias are in every women's vagina, some just well... got infected... So im just sway? I felt I needed to knw exactly what type of infection, if not i will never rest my mind for my next pregnancy... I dont think i will b able to take it if the same thing happen again...
I also haf BV n fungal infection almost throughout my pregnancy, i did a swab every week to check, once detected i start pessary for it, so was like on pessary every 2 weeks for 7 days. I am diabetic so bery prone to these too. My dr was very concern abt the infection tat can cause premature rupture of membrane n other complications so i was on flagyl pessary.

During my second miscarriage, my gynae also mentioned that it could have been an infection but unfortunately it could not be proven but just a suspicion.

I am currently into my 3rd time trying and I just found out that I'm having an infection and its suspected to be BV. The doc did a test and in the meantime they put me on meds, which they said was safe even if I were to get pregnant. The results will be back soon and so far I realise the feminine wash sold in the markets are indeed not suited to use. Even the expensive ones that said to prevent such infections with some kinda added ingredients made the situation worse. The second I stopped using it, the smell was gone.
how well we understand each other, coz we are all battling feelings of loss and hope. i shed tears reading your stories.

Vac, you are do darned brave to try and try again! i salute you, and the many other ladies for your resilience and bravery. This was my first pregnancy and to discover no HB at routine 19 week scan has almost destroyed me. To have to go through the trauma of mini labour to separate us was truly rubbing salt in wound. Im not sure how to survive another experience like this. But, try we must, and I will. so i took tips from this forum, and put myself on mini confinement, and will do TCM too, in future.

Anybody else experienced loose stools like myself and dollygal?

Im curious, Vac, Chanel, how old are you? I wonder if older pregnancies give rise to higher risk of mid-tri m/c. Im 36+ this year.

Chanel *hug hug hug* like you, im putting myself through a series of tests, coz yes, what the hell happened, and we should do whatever is possible in our power, to avoid a recurrence next round.

For mummies who suffered later m/c, perhaps you can visit the mid-Tri termination thread.

Thinking back, i cant believe i went back to work 1.5 weeks later. How many days of mc is the standard? at close to 5 months, I should have had at least 2 weeks! but going back work brought fresh distraction from the loss, so perhaps it wasnt such a bad thing. I had to face 200+ colleagues, beat that for hard.
VAC, Hope03, what is BV?
VAC, did the close monitoring & treatments clear your infection?

Female, Im 30 this year trying for my 1st bb... Its a tough journey so far. Im given 1mth HL & really glad for the break. I still cry everyday & now i have no memory of how my bb looks like anymore no matter how hard i tried to remember... I joined #miscarriagesupport in instagram & reading similar stories posted daily made me feel im not alone, particularly stories of subsequent successful preg gives me the hope & strength I needed to move on.

One day, our dream will come true.
Hi, i lost my babies at age 22,23,25. Had my first bring home baby at 30 after 104 days of hospital stay. My Dr was VERY VERY careful with me as i was on high risk for strokes and clots everywhere in my body due to my pregnancy condition. BV can cause premature birth so i was tested every week and it did go away on and off with pessary. But reoccurence was very frequent, i am diabetic. U can try n look up for bacteria
All mummies dun lose hope. And dun ever think tat its ur fault for wad happened. Never think that its natural, find out the cause of loss if possible to be better prepared for the next pregnancy. Its never a women's fate to suffer from miscarriage, we must and can do something about it.
though i lost my baby at 7th week , but my doctor told me something quite meaningful ..
she said something like "is good that we found out at the 7th week , if it happen at 4th or 5th month you might feel more miserable as u can already see the baby shape etc.."

i cried for the 1st n 2nd day .. but now looking at the bright side. .

wondering when can we try for a baby after D&C?
Jane doe,

Usually is 1-3 months after d&c, after your first AF came and went back to gynae for review, she will let you know. If you are seeing TCM, they will also inform you when your body is ready to start ttc again.

Take care.

BV is bacterial vaginosis. I am due for review in a couple of days and usually the meds will clear it but BV can be persistent or in my opinion some of the others like yeast infection can also be persistent. The PH level of the vaginal walls have to be back into it's healthy state inorder for it to heal well. Nevertheless, it may or may not affect your chances depending on individual.
Went back for review today after dnc last mon. Dr said everything ok n we can look at fet after my menses come .tat means fet ard in july, u tik i m ready for it so fast. Then he ask me back do u tik u re ready...

Haiz i really dun know. I thot we have to rest at least 2-3 mths before start ttc..i told him i may want go holiday in july, he said by all means. Can go holiday even after trsf..b more relax...

Then i said i gg tcm to tiao my body. He said better not. Just relax my mind, dun do so many things..

Buy when he asked me back m i ready, i m aso not sure. Seeing tcm next tuesday n decide how bah. I defintely will go tcm tiao my body which i tik still helps...
Dollygal, ur doc seems more positive on recovery while mine is more conservative. Do see a tcm. My galfren did after her d&c & she did recover quite well.

The med could be very 'bu' 補 so if you do see breakouts after taking d tcm med, let ur tcm doc know and he/she can adjust the prescription.

I think usually western doc are more positive about this. My gynae always tell me to start ttc after my first AF. But TCM are more conservative, usually its 2-3 months after d&c, but of course they look at individual recovery rate. For my gynae, she believe east and west remedy works best, she is the one who ask me to go to tcm to tiao my body too. So, I have no issue with bringing up tcm issue with her.
Hi ladies, i went for scan and doc says sac is empty at 8w. Took cytotec and let it do its job..Today no more pain..but emotionally i just feel the loss more and more. i feel that getting bfn for previous ivf cycles is lot less painful than getting a bfp and then losing it.. sorry for my ramblings, i dun really know who to ramble it to. switched off my hp i dun even wanna talk abt it to my family and friends who know abt this...

I understand how u feel. I saw heartbeat at week 5&6 then week8 no more was a blow to us too..
I just did my dnc last monday, altough life goes on but i will never forget this whole thing.
It takes time to recover but do take care of ur body...
Hi Dolly, thanks. I know you been through a lot too.. I tink you are also under Prof right? Well today is nearly a week and I feel halfway normal. Taking my time to grieve and get back to normal...
Nur, i keep telling myself that she is gone now better than later at midway. Its more devastating..
Yes we are all sad w the loss but there is really nothing much we can do.this aso mean our body are not ready for it too. Go do a mini confinement n get ur body strong back.

Nope, i m not under prof.
Gosh.... dunno what got into me since last night. Suddenly miss my babies.. I tot I have gotten over liao. Now I realise it will never go away. Just that it gets buried deep inside us. DH always dun understand... who can understand? Sigh...

Well, in fact, when we say gotten over it, it does not mean that everything is over. It only means that we had done grieving over our babies. And we can move on from here. They will always be our babies, our angels. They are not gone forever. I believe a good closure is important. I bought my angels each a baby treasure box to keep the ultrasound scans. Lately I also customise each a cross with their name engrave on it. Dealing with these openly make me easier to overcome the grieves. My hubby is very supportive on these matters.

Research says a person needs 5 years to get over death. I think its true. When my grandpa passed away years ago, I cried whenever I think of him. It took me more than 5 years to talk about my grandpa without tearing. This is life.

Feel free to share your feelings here. A lot of ladies here are good listeners.

Take care!
Its never easy to get over. Till date, i still tear when i tik of my grandpa although its coming to 20 years soon.

As this is our own bb, it will never b forgotten. I made my dh bot 2 teddy bears charms in pink n blue from pandora in memory of our angel.i wore it daily since then..

Went back to work today, lots of ppl ask me how m i n how come i nvr tell them i miscarriage if not they won't keep email me to do this n that. I just tell them how to say it out, i scared i cry. But they were angry that my immediate boss din inform them n got me a backup while i was life goes on, my quota still running, i still have to work n earn more more money for the next even though i grieve, i still do my work as it is...
Hi dollygal (dolly_gal),
Never easy, my work required me to meet or see children or babies photos every now and then. There are even photo reminding me of my babies too. Stay strong! We will have our baby in our arms soon. We are all here supporting each other!
i have been a silent reader..joining this thread to share my story..

i found out that i was pregnant after trying for 2 years. my hubby and i were overjoyed! but good things dont baby heartbeat stopped at week 7. i did a D&C on week 8...we thought all was well and told i can try again after my 1 cycle.

3 weeks after my D& horror began. I had a terrible stomachache one fine day. from the date i was pregant till then..i had constipation. in fact, constipation is my first sympton. but why after DC i am still constipating?? initially i thot i was suffering from food poisoning but the pain was so bad that i could not even walk. every move is painful. i cant even turn to my side. i was sent to A&E. was told i might be having a etopic pregnancy! i told the doc it is not possible as i had a DC 3 weeks ago and no intercourse since then!

docs did their test on me. every touch sent me screaming. my blood pressue is only 30/50...doc saw my uterus was bleeding. I had my first op for the day. the surgeon stopped my bleeding and told me that they confirmed i am having an etopic preg. and need to be operated immediately.

i was in 4 hours operation and lost 3 litres of blood. i was hospitalised for 3 days and 1 month of hospitalisation leave..

after my recovery, i went back to my gynae..he was shocked and in his 30+ years of practice, i was the 2nd patient he encountered with "heterotopic pregnancy" (ie 1 is in the tube & the other is outside the tube)..and the chances is 1 in 1000.

the sad thing is etopic pregnancy cant be detected unless there is pain. but throughout my 6 weeks of preggie, i had no pain..

doc told me to try again after 6 months..but i duno if i have the courage to try again as recurring etopic pregancy is possible..

when i see my pregnant heart still hurt..
Hi Twinsy (twinsy),
It is never easy, however that does not mean you should stop there, because by doing so, you are forever going to envy other people. You can be a survivor and a mum too. I had 2 mcs, 3 babies, after a series of tests, no obvious root cause except maybe impaired glucose issue, in short, back to square one. However, I told myself, I am just going to build my health to be stronger for the next one.
Don't lose heart, I know is not easy, that's why we are here in the forum to encourage each other. All the best to you and continue to believe, remember our thoughts manifest!
Just saw tcm, She say do fet after menses come as recommended by gynae.. a bit too fast. Try natural first.

Then got lecture by her y nvr see her for an tao yao when pregnant.. can help me yo hold the bb..

Haiz it's over liao... dun want say too much..
Twinsy, *hugs* like what Felicia said, we should not give otherwise we will only envy. We tend to regret for things we didn't try rather than regret what we did. Hope you have recovered fully from the operation. Build up your body before trying... Take care..

Dollygal, I find it mean for your tcm to say that now.
anyway, jiayou ok... hopefully we can be cycle buddies 3 or 4 months later.

I just got my 1st mens after the dc.
Maybe that explains why my emotions went hay wire that day... plus I saw on fb that quite a number of my friends are pregnant... with 2 or 3 kids... maybe I should hide them for now.

Ladies, stay happy and try not to be too stressed. Dun give up!! My DH say we have tried our best liao. This time dun have we try again... so I hope ladies here will also jiayou!!
This week my face break out badly , after 2 weeks of confinement food finally my body cannot take it. Tcm say my tongue quite red means heaty..

I tik dh choose to bury the sadness behind n deep in his heart, cos he once said he is sad too but if he is not strong for me both break down, then how....
Lab result confirmed placenta infected but unable to identify what kind of infection/bacteria... No answer in the end. I feel so helpless & angry... its like a ticking timebomb for future possible pregnancies...

Hope03 - Are u doing regular blood tests to detect the BV? Has your BV cleared after the med? My gynae just mentioned she'll prob do test for infection in the 4th or 5th month for my next pregnancy since I got it during my 6th month this time. Felt its inadequate still...

Dollygal - We'll get better emotionally day by day... I was crying everyday & became anti-social, even to my family. I felt I only needed my hubby & shunned my friends & family. Glad it was only a passing phase. Now I find I can talk about what happened without breaking down. But not sure how I will cope when I resume work in 2wks... I just hope no one asks or give me the sympathy look... Got to face a preggy boss too... :{

Twinsy - *Big hugs* Please rest well... No doubt the fear of the same thing happening again is deeply etched but lets be positive for our next rainbow bb. We can do it!
Dolly gal - I'm having rashes on my face... Was thinking it may be the medications I'm taking... Now that you mention, Maybe it's from the confinement food I've been taking for the past 2 wks.

Think men are like that... they have to stay strong so we can wallow in total sadness without a care while they hold the fort & make the world stop for us. I told my hubby he is the wind beneath my broken wings. Wish there are things I can do for him too...
Chanel, When I went Back work ytd. I just smile when they asked me how m i.... I m trying to keep myself going.aso informed some vy old colleagues or biz associates wat happened. Cos many of them thot I went long holiday.

Even when I met my new big boss ytd morning, he said no worry.. u will get it one day..
OMGosh! Didn't your gynae see it when you went for a heartbeat scan in week 7? He should be able to scan it
can't imagine the pain you went thru!
my Gynae aso contradicting. Said I no need go tcm but I heard from my tcm today he actually send one of his pregnant patient to her cos She still spotting even at week 16. He personally call my tcm said he can't find any place at her butt to jab liao can my tcm take care of her.
N now She at week 35 liao.. gg deliver soon..

I told her my gynae said it's big improvement that I got pregnant this 6th ivf attempt. She said of cos Cos I was taking her herbs for the past 8 mths. I only stop gg see her when I start stimulation. Which was quite true too lah. Watever it is. We gg to try all over again..

I feel so sorry for you. Why didn't your gynae scan & see that there are actually 2 foetus? I am feel so sorry that you have to go through that.

Keep trying, dun give up. Perhaps things have just happened, and you are not prepared and ready for it yet. But since doc advised to start trying 6 months later, maybe by then you are ready and have got over it. I had 2 mc, though I am afraid history may happen again but I never give up trying to have my own baby.

Take care.

I think every body reacts to heatiness differently. For my first mc, my MIL cooked confinement foods for me. After taking for a few days, I start to have headache, which I ignored at first. But this headache never subside for the next 1.5 weeks. Then I start to have nose bleed. I told her perhaps the foods is too heaty for me as I am originally heaty. My second mc, I ordered confinement foods from caterer. All works well for me, not weird symptoms.
hi ladies anybody here had blighted ovum? apparently that was what i had. my qn is if i do FET, will i get same outcome since it is the same batch of eggs and sperm? And how soon can do FET. my specialist say 3 mths but i wonder if go tcm and prepare can go earlier?
thanks all..yea i was badly traumatized..everything just happens so fast!.

Chris & Princess L: gynae did scan..but nv scan outside! coz according to my surgeon, if they see the waterbag in the tube, nobody will scan outside unless there is pain or something. thus the missed. it happens..0.01% and i hit it..

I see. I am not sure about the procedures but I thought scanning the outside should be the usual protocol as most pregnancy should start at the uterus.

Anyway, it had already happened. I understand that this whole thing happened too fast for you to recollect. I went through that before too. Now, the most important thing is to take good care of your body and adjust back to normal.

Hi Nur

MY 2nd and 3rd MC was due to oblighted ovum... I have a live birth approx 2 years after the MC. Having said that my first MC was a pair of twins at 12 weeks.

To those talking about TCM to be the miracle cure sorry to burst the bubble but my 3rd MC was also under TCM care but still failed.

Main difference I did was to eat more healtier food. It could be a placebo or no effect at all but mentally I felt I did something else. I also started taking Royal Jelly with Honey and COQ10 because I read about the benefit of getting rid of bad radical cells. I am not sure if the vitamins did me any good but I manage to get pregnant a few months after the miscarraige clinic flagged me the go ahead to try.

The selenium is good for people with impaired autoimmune disesase. Think diabetes, hyper/hypo thyroid as they tame the activity of the antibodies. Most people say to take brazilian nuts but too much can cost selenium poisoning. Hence I think going with the vitamins is the best bet.

Here's the info about the honey

Here's the info about the Coq10

Sometimes everything is a pychological effect. But keep the faith girls...
