Support group - Miscarriages

Chris, thanks for your well wishes.

I also find herbs better. But timing wise dr zou suits better. Thinking of tsb too but no acupuncture. Going 2 places to see tcm is too "siong". Maybe need to persuade DH. Meanwhile think will go dr zou 1st.

Hi Ladies,

Can share the contacts of the tcm u consult? Why did u go to them.. as in they are known to be good for woman health? Want to consult one soon since I have come to the end of my one week mini confinement.

Think it will be a sleepless night tonight...

Going through this made me realise that being parents is really a lifetime affair. From the time my mum knows we r doing ivf till now, she has been through all with me. She is sleeping over at my place tonight so that tmr morning she can go with me. She say it's my dad who told her to come stay over. DH will not be with me tmr cos of reservist.

I'm grateful that I have such loving parents... but also guilty for making them worry when I'm already 33 liao..

Sorry for ranting... just want to find a place to express my gratitude...
no worries, just see which one you prefer and suit your timing. Most of all must be happy and not stress
That's the 1st step to recovery. Your parents are so lah don't be guilty, i am sure you'll be able to repay them with good news again soon..just must stay positive ok gal? Hope you'll hv a good rest later...

mama aki
here you can find some details of various TCM docs which some ladies at the ivf thread put together..some ladies here are fans of Dr Su
Mama Aki

My TCM is Dr Su, same as princess

there is some changes in timing, i heard she does not take patients on Monday and Wed Nights anymore.

Fu Nan Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre
Blk 152 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 St.11 #01-266.
Tel : 6896 1618
Physician Su

Operating hours:
Mon: 8.30am - 12pm
Tue: 8.30am - 12pm
Wed: 8.30am - 12pm
Thu: Closed
Fri: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Sat: 1.30pm - 5pm
Sun: 8.30am - 12pm
PH: Closed
Hi ladies....

I don have to do d&c...all out but left abit clots which gyna egave me cyotet pills to take and also i taking tcm powder form medicine.

I am seeing TCM Chen Mei Er. I asked for powder form now as i have no time to boil. But I will see her next wk and i will ask for tonic to brew to bu my body.

Hugs Baby PK.... How are you feeling now?

All ladies here will see their rainbow bb soon k!
Praise, that's good news... take care..

I'm ok. My mum is cooking for me and with her ard, she's keeping me company.

Hope to hear good news here soon... ladies, let's jia you jia you!!!
Mikko, usu gynae will advise to start ttc after the 3rd cycle of AF (my gynae advised that). But some gynaes will advise 2 mths of AF.

Last time after my d&c, i convieved at 6th mth after the d&c. So if you really trying, i think will be able to hear good news soon. Actually for my previous d&c, i never do any mini confinement or take any tonic or tcm tonic leh. But this time i am going to take tonic to bu my body.

Have a good rest and take care k.

That's good. Are you resting at home now?


Different doc have different sayings. Perhaps its due to individual recovery rate. Last time I did d&c, after first AF came, I went for review. Doc scan all ok and clear. So, she say I can start ttc right away. I went to check with tcm as well. She also give me green light to ttc. So, I start on the first month after d&c.
my bb supposed to be 8+ week this week. I saw the heart beat at 6+ and 7+ week.

but at 7 week+, bb only grew 2.5mm (very slow growth) and saw a faint heart beat.

at week 8 no growth and no heart beat found. Gynae said not optimistic but she wanted us to seek for a 2nd opinion before making any decision.So i did 2 blood tests and result will be out tomorrow. if HCG level never doubled, i've to terminate my pregnancy. heart pain...

Hope for the best in your result tomorrow. I know this is a tough time for you now. Feel free to talk to us here, you have our support and understanding.

Take care!
thanks ladies...

going for d&c tomorrow. blood level dropped.
did another external party scan today.
confirmed no heart beat and no growth.

any tcm at north area to recommand?
Thanks ladies for your support during this tough period. I went to see Prof Mahesh last thurs and he adviced against D&C as he is of the opinion that the tissue won't have high chance of yielding much results for genetic testing as its been left inside for quite a while. So I was given cytotec and everything was flushed out. Now I can concentrate in recovery. Will go back end May to start the series of tests. Lets jiayou together!
Auraci, all the best for the d&c... take the advice given by the sisters here, ie to do mini confinement after d&c...

You can try Dr Zou at amk... many ladies here go there. I just went there today for the 1st time. Find that she's quite friendly. Charges is reasonable too...
dawn - I went to see prof mahesh last thurs too.
i read up about the investigation and stuff gathered, this is very useful to prepare me mentally what i am going to go through.

Jia you!

Great to hear from you again.
Good that you do not have to go through d&c too. Do mini confinement and get your body back in shape. Keep us posted on the progress. I heard Dr Mahesh is great. You are in good hands.
Hi auraci,

How's the d&c? Take care n have a good rest...

Zou Yumin TCM Physician & Acupuncturist
505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2670 Singapore 560505 Tel: 64560833
Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 1.00pm, 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Saturday, Sunday & PH 9.00am - 1.00pm
Closed on Wednesdays
Hi All

How do you explain to older kids that bb no more? Till now my no2 (4yr old) still can't accept the fact. When I told him no more bb in my tummy , he shouted back "No still have"
Hi mikiko,

I just bfp again recently with ivf at nuh.. My ivf doc says i can see a regular gynae now so i chose to see Prof Mahesh.. My 1st visit with him is this thur, can share more info with you after that.. So far, i've heard very good reviews about him.. He's at the Women's Clinic at nuh, gotta pay private rates.. I'll let you know the cost of consultation on thur..

Thanks gal..

I went to see Prof Mahesh yesterday.. They have just revised prices from 1st may and they are pretty steep.. 1st consult $130 and repeat consult $98.. But if preggy, will be more worthit to pay $700 for package from wk 22.. He's a very nice and reassuring gynae and hubby and i feel very comfortable with him..
Thanks Min for the updates. As compare to Adrian woodworth Dr Mahesh is much more ex. Adrian package is $588. Package starts from the first appt. But I die die oso won't go back to Adrian even those he is cheap.
Hi ladies, would like to check with you. For those who took cytotec or had natural miscarriage, how long did u spot for after the miscarriage? I have been spotting for 2 weeks since taking cytotec, scan indicates that all is cleared out a week ago, is that spotting normal?

Babymilo, have u started the series of blood tests yet? Unfortunately when I went to NUH on 25april AP Mahesh was on MC and the replacement doctor was not sure about the testings for recurrent miscarriage. So I'm scheduled to go back on end May.

Congrats Min! It's always encouraging to receive good news, hope that your pregnancy will be smooth sailing

Lets all jiayou together!

Did you have bad experience with Dr Adrian?


My spotting stopped 3 days after taking cytotec. But last time when I did d&c, my spotting lasted 2 weeks. Did your gynae say anything about the spotting?
Hi Dawn,

You do not accept PM so I have to post here. If you are a Christian, wud like to recommend you read Nerida Walker's book, God's plan for pregnancy. I was very encouraged when reading the book and it really help me in preparing to be pregnant and also through my pregnancy.

I had 2 miscarriage and was giving up hope as I am already so old but God bless me with a pregnancy at 42, my whole pregnancy was rather easy and I was looking better than my normal self.
Keep believing in God, if is your desire to have a baby, He will not forsake or leave you!
Auraci & Dawn - Stay strong and take good care of yourselves.
Ladies - I've been absent for a while. Hope everyone is doing well.
News- I'm in my second trimester now with a baby girl. Super paranoid at all times though, nonetheless I'm really glad that girl girl has been doing well so far.
Hi Dawn,

I terminated my pregnancy at week16 through D&C. My spotting lasted me for 2 weeks. Went back to gynae to scan. He said my uterus was clear. He prescribed me norethistrone
this is to stop my spotting.

2 weeks later (exactly 1 month of my mc, i had my first cycle which this lasted for 3 days only.Not heavy menses or no clotting. One week later, i had 3 days spotting of light red bleeding. I do measure my BBT now. I ovulated very late. my cycle changed from 4 weeks to 6weeks

Currently, i'm on TCM with acupunture. It does help me to ovulate after med and acu. My doc said it's normal for our menses after mc. it may take 2 to 3 cycles to adjust back. The haywire is caused by our hormones are trying to adjust back to normal cycle.

Dawn, if your spotting is not a heavy bleeding, clotting, cramping or with foul smell, I guess it's better to seek for gynae help. Otherwise, u may need to seek for TCM help to nourish back. Hope this info can make u rest assure.
Take care
Hi Princess, no sweat. Thanks for asking, I was feeling pretty down a couple of days ago when my 2nd FET was cancelled as my 2 embryos were unsuccessfully thawed. So now waiting for my 3rd ivf try..meanwhile indulging in some 'sinful' food like ice cream, hotdogs etc. You? Any plans for a short get away holiday to relax a little?
Hi Chrisl,

Dun be dishearten. All the best to your ivf!!

It's ok to indulge sometimes. I think its kinda stress when we totally refrain from those foods and only takes foods that is good for the body and womb.

Actually I went for a weekend getaway last month, cannot do a longer one as work schedule is packed. Really need a rest and getaway from all this. I had tendered my resignation, going through 2 miscarriages is so taxing. I decided to take a break and change a new environment.
Thanks kinda numb already lah..just try loh cos if never try no hope mah. Good that you're doing what you can for now and a change is good
Jia You together
i just had my D&C 3 weeks ago .. this is my first pregnancy and it did not success due to baby heartbeat stop at the 7th week ..

anyone same scenario ? anything we can do to prevent? =(
Thanks ladies for all your helpful replies. The doc did ask me to watch out for any increase in the amount of bleeding, cramping or fever, all of which are fortunately not applicable. The spotting has decreased to just steaks but I will call my doc tomorrow just to have a peace of mind.

Shoppixe, a big CONGRATS! Great to receive good news on this forum

Spring Ong, thanks for the recommendation, I will get that book. Very nice of you to reach out to me. I sure need all the encouragement I can get. Your baby is a good testament of His Love!

Chrisl, all the best for your next IVF. I'm planning to indulge in some sinful food as well since I'm ordered not to try again till all the blood tests are finished and we get the results, which probably will be end July.

Princess, how are you?
Hi dawn,

I am fine, thanks!
I just got my first AF last week. I will be monitoring if I am ovulating to ensure things are back to normal. I will be going back to TCM this week too. If all goes well, I will start ttc soon. Start all over again, JIAYOU!!
Feeling confused now. First pregnancy thru 6th attempt ivf..finally got it..

Week 5&6 detect heartbeat but today week8 ++cant find hb but fetus did grow from 0.7cm to 1.53cm...i m vy scared now, dr saif go back to scan on wednesday at his the other clinic n see how. Will devide from there..

Now i aso dun know shd i go seek another dr advise tmr or wait till wed???
you might want to seek 2nd opinion? Or wait cos i hv a friend said she went 1st doc and she can't detect heartbeat then week 9 with another doc detected..and yeah just continue with the progesterone supports. Are you on any?
Hi everyone,

I wanna check with u all whether your gynae advises u and your hubby to go through karyotype testing before?? The test is to test couple genetics whether one of them is carrier or not.

I terminated my first pregnancy at week16 due to chromosome abnormalities. The baby life was fatal. My hubby and i being sent for blood test.


Wish you all the best tomorrow. Trust your doctor and ptay that all will be well ... I been through this path so many times unfortunately and I know how awful the feeling. I will stick to the same doctor. Your attempt at IVF is much admired! Salute to you and trust in God that he leave no one barren.....


I did the kayrotyping before. However mine was non conclusive. I have other condition through other tests at the miscarriage clinic. Hence dont worry too much on the karyotyping so far I have not really heard of couples who cannot proceed to TTC due to this. There is cases for sure but really rare
