Support group - Miscarriages

I think most impt now is focus on getting our health back. Prior to getting pregnant after trying #2 for almost 2 yrs, I went for ovulation test and tube test to make sure my reproduction system is ok. Everything ok. So I just told myself let nature takes its course then. Most impt is stay healthy
teddybaby, dawn, Princessleopard: Thank you for sharing your experiences. Ok in that case I will look out for any fever. And will give me another month for natural mc to happens.

Haiz when we're in 2WW, we wish af dont happens. When things go wrong, we wish af to come soon. Life is full of conjecture...

I understand how you feel. Me too, when waiting for the first AF to report after mc is really like a struggle. Cos during ttc, that is the only thing I never want to see.

Hope things goes well for you!

Sometimes a peaceful life is desirable too...hahaha

Hope a natural mc will happen, d&c is more harmful to the womb compared to the natural one.
Hi all, i alsi had an mc in july 2011. Basically blighted ovum. Was my 2nd preg. Naturally miscarried... Happened at 7-8wks but sac size only 5-6 wks. My cycle was long n irregular cuz i was bfing my #1. Din wana stop bf completely but wanted to still try for #2...

Saw on some internet soyrces that vutex fruit n raspberry leaf pills
Help for my case where luteal phase is short due to bf. So i found on n started taking... Within one mth i saw improvemt. In 3 mths got preg..

Now my bb is 8m old... Try to google for these supp if they can help you toi
Usually after d&c, how long bleeding will last? Its been 1 week for me already, much lesser now and turned. brownish.

Also do u sweat alot at night after d&c? I sweat alot at night during my confinement for #1, now also, though not as bad as during Confinement. Wonder if its normal?
Teddybsby , I had my d&c last Friday . Still bleeding . I do sweat a lots maybe we are eating confinement food ?
Take care .

I sweat too at night, perhaps its normal.

For my first, the bleeding is on and off for about 4 weeks, but back then, its d&c and I ganna infection, that's why. For the second one, bleeding stops about 3 days later after the discharge. But I was taking cyctotec and tcm to help the process, so it's faster.
Thks ladies. My d&c was last Mon. I wonder if its 虚汗 as what tcm says for pple who are weak. My gynae also gave me cytotec to take the night b4 procedure and there after I took 生化汤 and other tcm soup to tiao as well. hope to recover soon, still taking daily naps and don't waking up

Now that you mentioned about 虚汗, I think my tcm told me about this too. Maybe you can talk to your tcm and ask for prescription. I took the medi and immediately stop sweating.
Just want to share: I have pcos which I did not know.
Ttc for 2 urs with no result, seen gyni, went through clomid and even 3/4 iui( cannot recall). Almost give up. Then got preg with no medical help but miscarried at 7 wks. I cry so bad.

A Fren intro me to tcm and I went to see. Chinese doc say I must have patience for tcm takes time to work. Well it took me almost a yr plus n I got preg and give birth to a wonderful girl in 2009.
A yr later, I got pregnant again but at that time I m v v v stress with my work and my bb was miscarried at 8 wks( I saw her little heartbeat at 7 wks but it jus go away on its own). I can tell you I feel pretty bad about that cos at time I feel it might have been my fault for not taking gd care of myself.

In yr 2012, I have my second bb girl. I feel so happy and blessed having two girls.

I hear comments on having try for a boy or so but deep in my heart, I feel so blessed that god/ Buddha give me two wonderful children.

So Dun give up....... Keep trying... You will get your wish come true in no time. Wish all of you LUCKS!!!!!

I think its quite normal. After 2 days, my bleeding was almost gone cos pad very clean, I thought it was weird cos I heard usually abt a wk. Then the next day the bleeding came back again. Last few days its not a lot, but brownish type.

Yup, will be seeing my TCM doc this weekend cos ask me to go back in 2 wks time. Hopefully will be sweating less by then.

Antz, thks for inspiring us. My #1 also in yr 2009
Teddy thanks . I hope I will getting better . Friday then go see tcm . Today still got cramp and bleed .

Ant dream , thanks for sharing . Mine no 1 is 2009 also . I really hope I can get no 2 ya.
Hi teddy , u hl till when ? My gynea give me till this Friday . I hope next week go back to work I can handle .

U now better already ? Got drink red dates drink ?
Your D&C last fri, norm to still have bleeding now. First 2-3 days I also feel abit cramp, not sure if its becos I cried a lot also, cos can feel the pull when I cried hard each time. After that no crampy feeling.

My gynae gave me HL 2 wks.

Ha talking abt red dates drink, I drank for 3 days only got ulcer liao, ulcer still recovering now. TCM doc ask me to drink 2-3 times a wk instead. And I wasn't even eating very "bu" food, still heaty, bleh. What abt u?
Hi teddy , my doc only give me 1 week mc . He said enough already . So I going back to work on next Monday.

I everyday drink red dates drinks since last sat , eat food which cook with ginger and sesame oil . Those confinement food . I not really pu my body yet . I read they said after menses then pu . I going to see my tcm on Friday and seek his advise . He told me we can't drink ba Zhen yet .

I Plan to continue drink red dates when I go back to work . Office always very cold . First three days my bleeding not much only four day start getting more and got cramps .

How are you now ?
teddy, shirley,

Drinking red dates is good, even after confinement I still drink everyday now. But not to replace water, I drink 500ml everyday as I put in a hot flask. TCM say its good to keep our body warm. You can put 1-2 slice of ginger as well.

Yes, if still bleeding cannot bu now. After bleeding stops, then start to take bazhen or shi quan da bu tang. Also, can start to drink DOM every night to heal the wounds.
I had bazhen n shi quan during my mini confinement. Anyway after 2 weeks of confinement food, I became vy heaty hence I din drink any longan red date after tat.
So I tik depends on inDividual body. after I finished spotting then I start tcm herbs which was abt 2 weeks after dnc.
Today is a month after dnc n I m awaiting af to report..
i aso not sure but TCM said my af always accurate so shd be today lah. I have never wanted my af to come so anxiously lor..

once I go back to work, not much time to tik abt wat happen. just tiao my body n hope my af regulate and start trying natural first before go for fet.

I got too heaty during confinement as well, perhaps I am heaty originally, so all the ginger foods and longan drink, I even got nose bleed. After confinement, if you want to drink, just drink 500ml, unlike confinement, we used it to replace water, so we drink 2L everyday. So, it will not be as heaty.

First AF will report 4-6 weeks after mc. For me, d&c came 6 weeks later, natural mc came 4 weeks later.
Hi Dollygal & Princessleopard

Thanks for the reply. I think i will continue to drink red dates drink when i back to office . I hope i can dont think so much .
tick tock tick tock... nothing is still happening to me. 48 days past embryo transfer. 14 days past empty sac seen. tick tock tick tock...
I think if your body can take it, can continue drinking the red date logan water. For me, even during this mini confinement, I can't take it daily, too heaty. My ulcer since last thurs still haven't recover! And when I drink its only 2 cups a day, not even using it to replace water. TCM doc say my body not suitable to take shi quan da bu or 8 zhen soup.
Thks Chris, think I will wait a few more days see how. Cos I took a look at the link and I think it contains steroid, based on this statement here:

"Prolonged use over extended areas may cause systemic absorption of the steroid and as a result
one may expect typical side effects."
Teddybear: I see. The information says not to use more than 5 days. Usually if not serious, it work after 1 apply it for 1 night. I don't apply in the daytime. Previously, you can't buy it at the convenient pharmacy (unity/guardian) without prescription but I found out when I bought recently that it's possible now. It's an alternative. No problem
hi everyone

After reading this thread, i must say all of you are strong mommies and mommies to be

I have my #1 boy in 2009 thru ivf.. thereafter, I tried very hard to have #2. Failed FET, 2nd Ivf, had 3 natural conceived but all ended with D&C at week 9 as gynae coudn't detect hb.
I am currently on hosiptalisation leave, doing mini confinement. But I can't stand the humid and hot weather here, ocassionally on the fan :p

Wanted to ask which TCM you ladies go too? I also intend to continue Coq10, any idea which brand is better? i read that simplified form in ubiquinol is better, dunno true or not.

Let's all jiayou together. We will be blessed with bb someday so long as we dun gv up!
Hi bee,

You are a strong mummy too!

So sorry to hear about your loss.

I personally went to Dr Su @ Bukit Batok. I heard good feedback about her, so I switch to her. I had seen her for less than a year now.

I am not sure about Coq10, sorry cant advice.

Yes, let's all jiayou!!
Hi Princess
I pretend to be strong, didn't cry in front of DH this time :p We have done all necessary test eg. chromosome and results showed that me and DH are ok. I concluded age is the main factor!!

Oh, Dr Su, I know her, nice lady. I have seen her 3 years ago for very bad menses cramps, good. Thereafter, I switched to Dr Zhou, Dr Tan Siew Boey... I realised distance is one main consideration for me :D

Read someone wanted to go fortune teller?? Mil told me to go somewhr near guanyin miao to ask how many bb i will have.... if you have someone "realiable", share the info with me. TIA.
Hi Bee
Im seeing Huang Yi SHi at bedok north . If you interestd i can give you his contact.

i went fourtune teller at Malaysia de .. at one of the temple at kluang so he advise me to pray 婴灵 on 10 July and go pray 地蔵on 14 July .
me and hubby will just go and pray。

Can i check with you all, did you go temple pray after the mc ?
hi Shirley
I stay near Bukit Merah Ikea.. Bedok is far, like bukit batok and AMK :p. thanks for the name card.

I pray to zhu sheng niang niang and guanyin..
Bee, do rest well and take care. pls pm me for tcm doc. I see one at Queenstown, near your place and she specialize in gynaecology. Will give more info in pm

Shirley, u don't accept pm? Wanted to ask u something. Can u pm me instead? Thks
