Support group - Miscarriages

hmm went to work today and news about 2 mothers preggy yet again one with her 5th!! and the other her 3rd!! seems like they pop like nobody's lucky..sorry me a tad emo now..

oh jhw
why no yogurt huh? Can we eat while ttcing then?

Yo Chrisl, Mai sorry lah... We all understand how u feel de... No need feel sorry for being a tad emo... U wan full blown emo here also can... We will b here for u! Hehe

Truly understand y u feel this way... It's like y isit so easy for some ppl n yet it's sooooo difficult for us... Well, god works in a mysterious way... We just have to have faith lor
Thanks again GBOB and jhw, really appreciate all the sharing. I just ate durian!!! At least it brightens up my day as I'm getting sick of drinking chic soup.

ChrisL, I know how it feels. My department has 2 preggies now, originally thought I can join the club but sighs...anyway I went to touch both their tummies before bfp. Go back office I'll do it again. Maybe you should try hehe
Chris, very soon we will be preggers!! Learn from the secret that we shld believe that something already belong to us in order to attract it to us....hehe.... my tcm say yogurt is 酸的, and cold too, so best not to eat.

One sister here, Ling ever shared that we shld get the preggers to touch our tummy....
Yesterday went to review all my reports with Prof Mahesh. Everything is good except my thyroid level is on the low side 13.3, Nk Cell on the high side 17(normal range 12). Now he put me on medication folic acid , baby aspirin & Thyroxine for 3mths. My next appt with be in Jan2013 to pregnancy loss clinic to meet up with Dr Sheila to know more about the treatment for NK cell. I remember there's a sister here also did this treatment. Is it better to do?

I think it's ling.. You can look back at the archives.. There's another lady Ling (lux).. You can find her on the childless not by choice support group too.. The treatment is called IVIG.. You might wanna pm her for more details..
MiloQueen, LS, xynn, lyn dz, wendy
Sorry to hear all your loss.... we understand how you feel....

Ask the pregnant woman to touch your tummy instead.

We just have to face it and be strong... I am on and off been into this emo but nothing can be done... just move on... especially my colleague will mention about his pregnant wife as is only a few days away from mine..... and my boss just given a few baby clothes to him make me feel so sore too..... wonder I will take it when near to my edd when his wife pop out....
Those who see Dr Su, she will back Taiwan from 9 Dec to 15 Dec.
So if crash her date, better go early before she leave. *^^*
im been TTC for the past 1 year, wondering if there's anything wrong with us. Intend to see the highly-raved Dr Su, can anyone give me her contacts?

Do i need to make appointment to see her? Thanks.
thanks sisters! Im way better today ..guess it's one of the side effects of the medication im taking..guess all the things we suffer just to have a bb is worth the wait hmm..

jhw, i see thanks for info

have you tried opk? (ovulation prediction kits) cos this way better to gauge when your fertile days are..
I think dr su change her notice from 2 dec to 15 dec le...


She is dr su
blk 152 bukit batok st 11 (west ave 6)
#01-266, singapore 650152
Tel: 68961618

Operating hrs
mon to wed 8.30am to 12.00 pm
Mon night 6 - 9 pm
thursday closed
friday 8.30 am to 12.00 pm and 6 - 9 pm
saturday 1.30 - 5.00 pm
sun 8.30am to 1.00pm
public holidays closed
Wa.. Really huh!
I just saw the notice on Fri night wor.
She might change the date bah. Thanks for informing.
Oh dear... My medication ended on the 7th Dec. Meaning i needed to see her earlier to get medicine. 0-0
Celest, ya today i went and i saw the notice pasted on her room door is 2 dec to 15 dec... think u should go earlier to get from her......or would u be fine to skip medicine for just another one week?
celest... my friend say she also went last friday and she saw the same as you, 9 dec to 15 dec.
but what i saw today is 2 dec to 15 dec...
think she changed within last two days hehehe
Isst fine to skip for a week?
Tat time heard Dr Su saying it fine to skip 2 to 3 days.
If needed to take medicine, meaning this fri I need to see her again. Faint!

Later going for Hsg test. Super Gan Chiong.
Celestine, you'll be fine just try to relax. The process is quite fast you'll only experience some pressure and slight discomfort. All the best!
yes, I have tried OPK for several months, on good months, it's positive, on bad months, I've got no positive readings...

That's why I thought there might be something wrong with either of us...

Do I have to make appointment to see her, or I can just walk in? thanks.
i think it should be okay to skip for a week leh... otherwise, what you can do is,
don't take 2 packet a day, just take once at night before sleep... then it will spread out until Dr Su Come back? I remember Dr Su told me before if it is too heaty, or not convenient, i can just take once a day.... when is your last day of medicine? i personally think it should be okay to skip for a week de.... maybe you want to call Dr Su to ask....

Oh ya... All the best to your HSG !!! Jiayou Jiayou !!!!
is it super long queue that kind? if i go in the evening, will i be able to obtain a queue number? or will they tell me, "sorry, queue numbers all given out for today, pls come again another day... "?
No they won't if u go within the time frame...
i suggest u go at the start of operating hours...u can get better q no and approx waiting time is one hour
Thanks sisters!!
Went thru the Hsg wasn't tat bad as I imaging.
But I will say the process where cramp came in, tat scary n pain. Still able to endure bah. Hehe!
By way, did u girl had brown discharge after HSG?
The nurse saying it have only spotting n will last abt 2 days but just now it almost like brownish menses flow wor.

Oh... Then I will take only 1 packet then. Haha!
Lazy to go down n see her wor. So tiring...
My medication last til 7 dec,
Celest, jhw,

I think Dr Su travel date is 9-15 Dec. I am also travelling that period. So I purposely went to see her last Sat and ask for 3 weeks medicine. But she cannot give me 3 weeks and ask me to go again this fri or sat...sian.


Can I check if there is a cap include in the DOM that you buy?
then is she still opening her clinic on 2 Dec to 8 Dec? because what i saw from her notice is 2 Dec to 15 Dec. And My friend also told me she saw the same dates.

The DOM that i bought, the cap is included... it is in fact the cap of the wine bottle.
Princess, I just bought one bottle last week. It doesn't have a separate cap inside.

Celestine, yes will have some brown discharge/ spotting but it should go away in 1-2 days'

I saw the notice on the door front and counter. I did not notice the one you mentioned at her consultation room. But she told me to go again this fri/sat to get my 2 weeks medicine. So I suppose they are still open.

For the DOM cap, seems like what Dr Su mentioned was a separate cap. I told her I only have the cap of the bottle, I see its about the same size of the cup of western cough syrup, so I am using that. Everytime I add about 10ml. Cos last sat I was asking her if bazhen I can add more DOM, as I am adding 10ml now. She say one cap will do, will her gesture show a bigger size. That's why I am puzzled. So, I told her I do not have a separate cap with the DOM, I am using only 10ml. After the clarification, she told me to add 20ml of DOM in bazhen and 10ml in the night medicine.

hmmm, but this Friday is only 30 Nov....

That time, when Dr Su ask me to pour one cap, i asked her whether the cap is referring to the bottle cap... and she said yes... so i guess she is referring to that one

I did not experience any spotting/brown discharge.. But nurse did mention it's a possibility.. It should go off within 1-2 days so don't worry about it

Aiyo, blur me! Thought its Dec already by end of the week, and I can go holiday too.
So confusing, paste 3 notices with different dates.

She gesture me a bigger size cap, so I confuse. Never mind, she say I can add 20ml, then I will do so. Cos I told her I dun like the taste of bazhen, and more DOM taste nicer, so she say max 20ml.
Milo queen, min81, princess,
Ohok. Then nothing to worry abt the brown spotting then. Hehe!
Thanks girls!!

Princess n Jhw,
Normally I'm using tablespoon wor.
Felt the DOM cap so dirty, so I didn't use it.
How u girl measure 20ml n 10ml?

Later I will call the clinic n ask abt the closing date etc.
Later update u girls...
Just now, my doggy was very cute.. Dunno how she lined up her 4 soft toys in a straight line nicely leading to our bedrm door.. My hubby took a pic of her posing beside the toys and put on facebook.. A friend posted a comment 'Time for a baby!!'.. Eerr.. Like we don't want meh.. But i guess to others, it must look like we're those couples who just want pets and not babies..
hmm..*pat pat* dun mind about what others said min..what we know we're already doing what we can..just that the time is not right yet..
Hmm...I never knew the cap of the bottle can use for measurement, I just pour by agaration keke!

Princess, bazhen add Dom nice? Shall try next time when do you usually drink bazhen?

I keep a cup given by GP to measure the medicine syrup. So, I got the 10ml, 20ml thingy. How many tablespoon u add?


Baazhen add DOM is much nicer. Esp for me cos I dun really like the taste of bazhen alone. You can start to drink bazhen after your AF, best within 7 days after AF. Then follow by once a week. I drink 3 times a month. Dun drink during AF.
Ur doggie so cute!! Wat breed u having?
Those ppl just comment n think it funny but I'm sure no intention of hurting u.

I'm same as princess, I can't endure the smell n taste of Ba Zhen.
Adding DOM will make the Ba Zhen more sweeter.

For the daily medication, I add 1 tablespoon.
The Ba Zhen less then 2 tablespoon. Cos I alway pour more then 1 tablespoon. I cannot tahan Ba Zhen. My hb saying I'm now a alcoholic liao. Last time I can't endure the DOM alcohol smell. Lol...
Chrisl, celest,

Hehe.. My shih tzu very playful.. Like to invent her own games.. She also likes to play with the curtains.. She will move in slow-mo under the curtains and love the feel of the curtain on her body.. Weird rite.. Haha..

Thanks gals.. Ya, actually i know i can't be unhappy with that friend cos he doesn't know anything about our ttc journey.. Most pple will probably just think we're enjoying our couplehood and don't want kids..

Dunno how much a tablespoon can fetch. Seems like 2 tablespoon is ok? Cos 20ml is quite a lot. Yesterday my bazhen is sweeter than usual. I think add in bazhen is fine cos cannot taste the alcohol. If add in the daily medicine, 10ml is really a lot cos alcohol content is strong. I do feel hot after taking the medicine.
Shin tsu was one of my hb favorite breed.
My favorite is those big dog, huskies! I know it a torture for them to stay in such a warm country, plus HDB dun allow big dog, no space for them run abt.. So better endure then torture them.

Those who duno I went thru MC, they will keep asking why I still dun wan get pregnant? I dun love babies?
Before MC, my hb relative even tell me. Why I so enjoy couple times n still dun wan bb?
Each time I just say I'm trying hard, still they dun get what I mean. Even touch my tummy n ask nothing yet?!

Next time I will keep those clinic free spoon.
Last time my TCM recommend me to add 1 tablespoon into warm water, so alway I'm using the method.
Now the DOM was like no kick for me anymore. Wahaha!
Maybe keep drinking until my body use to it bah.
hi min81, yes, u r right. most my fren just think we are enjoying & dont want kids.... & think i m very rich cos no expenses for kids...
they still eill ask when meet up' faster pregnant la, u see, my kids so big liao'...
really sian....

celestine, i cant answer relatives that i m trying hard, cos they spread to all that i cant conceive, i hav problem !!!! same for my mil, also think is my problem!! i m so sad.....
so i only can answet them that i m not prepared yet yo take care bb.....
