Support group - Miscarriages

Thanks you!! Im staying positive. All worries goes away... Haha!
Best to ur lining.. When will be ur next checkup?

Im sure everyone here can understand ur pain n loss.
There is no advise of how to get over the loss etc, cos til now we still miss our bb but i decide not to hang on the past and continue tiao my body until my bb come back to me. Old saying, time will ease ur pain. Feel free to cry as much u want, it a process of relieve our pain. Dun keep inside u.. Anytime u can share wit us here. Big hug!

Are u still bleeding?
Meantime best to have a mini confinement, drink LRD everyday.
Try to wear sock at home to keep warm.
For me, once my bleeding stop, i visit TCM to tiao my body.

thanks gals for your advice... i totally know nuts about all these !!!...

Mine happened in June... I allowed myself to cry as hard as possible.... time will heal, trust me.. your family and hubby's support is very important right now... talk to your hubby...
Health wise, Replace Plain Water with Longan Red date tea daily.... Eat Sesame Oil Ginger Chicken, Chicken Essence, Sleep Early, Cover yourself to prevent from catching the Cold wind.... After bleeding, you may want to see TCM to tune your body back.... Big Hugzz !!! Talk to us as and when you feel like talking... and Have plenty of bed rest, don't carry heavy things, don't do Housework.....

Stay strong!! The ladies had given you great advises on how to take care of your health during this confinement period. Health now is the most important, need to tiao back before start to ttc again.

Take care!! Hugs~
Min, Celestine, Jhw, princess, many many thanks for sharing. I'm feeling much better now after letting out yday night and today. Hubby and parents/ in-laws have been very supportive just that I need time to get over it and not let emotions run again so prefer to be at home w hubby.

I still have a little bleeding and slight cramp. Originally wanted to visit my tcm today but I shall wait a few more days given the advices. I don't cook and don't quite like tingkat food, will take note to take more bu stuff and keep my body warm.

Anyone with tcm dr zou yumin? If so, usually how she help after m/c?
No prob at all.. supporting each other is wat this forum for.
I took more then 2 weeks to stop crying, almost everyday.
Go ahead to let go of ur tears when u needed, everyone ard u will give the space for u.
This time HB support is most imp. He doing a great job.

Im with Dr Su from Bukit Batok.
What we having is, powder form of medicine. My hb is pills type.
Both couple needed to see her. She believe TTC all abt husband and wife, both body need to be in good shape. She also will keep asking us to brew Ba Zhen n mix with DOM.

yes, you need time...time will heal... if you are alone, feel free to come in to talk to us.
For me, i gave my bb a name, Faith.
and i bought Forget-me-nots seeds to plant in memory of him (but not planted yet, going to)...
you could find some ways of your preference to remember & acknowledge this child. By Doing this, i realise one can Let go better..

I also seeing the same TCM as Celest...
Both me and my hubby taking his med...
Me also taking bazhen weekly except AF days..
Dr Zou is good too i heard....

If u can't take confinement food, then at least try not to eat Cold food or Liang Stuffs
*hugs* hope you can recover asap..take care..

going for my scan this friday..

Ive made and tasted the red bean soup with longan
Nice! Now can have an alternative way of eating red bean soup thanks for suggesting!
oh miloqueen
i visited dr zou for 4 times only...for me..i dont think she's workable for me as i feel strange after taking her medications..
ChrisL, thanks for your concern. Is the red bean soup more for those during 2ww?

celestine, jhw, thanks very much too for your enouragement. HB and I went to see Dr Zou in the end and she was rather assuring. She prescribed me something to flesh out the stuff to ensure my uterus is ready for ttc again. I have been with her for the past half year and so far, ok with her medicine. She also gave advice to do mini confinement like what you gals shared.

For me & my HB, the saddest and most painful moment was really this afternoon when we received a postcard that I had sent out to him secretly from Vatican City when we visited Italy 2 weeks ago. That day marked a special day as it was our wedding anniversary and when I tested positive. The postcard will now be a safe-keep with the 5w scan printout from my first gynae visit to show to our baby's siblings next time.
Btw, I've been given mc for this week. Gynae says I can go back to her for more days if I think I need longer rest. Do most of you take another week from work to complete the confinement?

I was given 1 month HL all in all, cos I had on-off bleeding and spotting then. I think it may be better to go back to work after you are physically and emotionally prepared.
i also flew long haul not long ago in july and ended up in a chemical pregnancy..(that was on top of my actual m/c earlier this year)

think red bean soup should be ok as a normal dessert cos in your case should avoid cold and liang stuffs only..ladies do correct me if im wrong..but then i suggest to take it after your mini confinement..and yes i also think you should give yourself more time to recuperate..physically and emotionally..i myself took a long while away from work (i work with young children so the pain is worse as i was reminded constantly) but depends on individual though..cos some ladies might feel it is better to occupy oneself with work to keep busy as to not let mind wonder off thinking too much..

Actually, i feel that doctors give the hospitalisation leave more for us to heal mentally rather than physically.. I was also given 2 wks, then during review, doc asked if i wanted more leave and just gave me another 2 wks even though i was well.. Like chrisl, i also work with children, so i just wanted to prepare myself a little more before going back to wk.. So go ahead and ask for more leave if you want.. I too still keep my bb's 5 wk scan printout in my bedside drawer..


Wow you've tried it already! I've not bought the red beans yet.. Hehe.. Have to add brown sugar right? Was thinking if no sugar will be quite bland..
Chris, min, yes gynae also said leave is to help me get over it than physically required. Ok will approach gynae if I feel I need more time. I usually bring my laptop home everyday but somehow just decided to leave it in office last night. Seems like all things happen for a reason.
Hi all sisters...

I was confirmed miscarriage today at KKH after a ivf..did a BT it dropped ...and scan there was no more feeling very sad and still sad.....why God played such a joke on us? I still don't know how to overcome this blow cos it's in me and now it's gone....

I was given anti biotic to take for a week....Dr Tan HH will arrange a natural cycle for me the next round cos I got freezed embryos......

What supplement should I take or any Tcm to recommend me near sengkang area ? How many mths shd I rest before embarking the cycle ?

Dear sisters ....need ur advises.....
Fwah...was bz at work today now then can log in n so many posts.... Read up also took me almost 15mins...hee

Hi miloqueen and LS, a very big hugs to u gals. All of us here went thru the same ordeal... Take yr time to grieve n do a mini confinement. Maybe can go for a short holiday to take a break. It works for me abit. At least I felt happier when I'm out of town

LS, if u can, u read up abit on the posts the sisters here wrote. Best is to do a 2 weeks mini confinement after Eat more ginger sesame oil food, drink LRD tea, avoid liang stuff, dnt bathe cold water, keep body warm for tcm,I think alot of ivf sisters go to dr zou at amk. U wanna try?

Sorry for your loss. Stay strong! I know its difficult for you to accept it but you have to. I went through a few times of iui and so-iui too, I lost my bb at 9 weeks. Been ttc for 4 years.

Right now, do a mini confinement with lots of foods cooked with ginger. Drink LRD tea everyday to replace plain water. Wear sock all the times at home. Avoid all the liang foods and cold stuffs. I did not take any supplement / tcm during the confinement, only taking all the heaty stuffs. Some ladies took tonics during confinement to tiao the health back, but it does not work for me as it cause more bleeding for me. Rest more!

I am seeing Dr Su in bukit batok. Sengkang area I am not sure, but a lot recommend Dr Zou in AMK if that is nearer to you.

Usually gynae and tcm recommend to start ttc around 1-3 mths later, depending on individual. I was told to if first AF came back normal, then second mth can start ttc. Its better to can the green light from both gynae and tcm.

Cry whenever you want, its better to let it out then to keep it within yourself. Its unhealthy that way.

Take care!! Hugs~
sorry to hear that. Be strong! How long have you been ttcing? Hmm your body might respond better in natural FET as it is drugfree (no injection and suppression etc)
GBOB, I like your nick. I intend to plan a staycation or short trip in Dec.

LS, jiayou we can do it. Take time to sort out your thoughts, we need to think positively now to move on and to be on the journey again. God loves us and he knows what is best for us. If bb is not healthy, he will do the needful and give us the courage and strength to overcome this.
GBOB.....thanks for ur advise and trying to overcome the grieve......btw when can we see the TCM as I am still bleeding ........

Princessleopard......sorry for ur loss too.....I can feel ur must have been difficult ....even when replying u I can help but teared.......I went thru 2 iui, and now the ivf....and this 2nd bb really meant a lot to us ....cos we are a small family ....not close to other cousins...and our siblings are not married we are afraid when we are gone our son would be alone in this world...... So we were so thankful to God for this 2nd bundle .....but we lost it's really painful....
But I guess we need to walk out of it......

Thanks for ur advises and support too.....will do a mini confinement .....but am still bleeding not sure how long it will's been gg to 2 wks......

Chris.....I have been ttc for abt a yr since after my 1st bb...I have failed 2 iui since this June.....I failed and rest 1mth....and failed and rest 1mth.....and tried this ivf ......
Is natural FET chances lower ?
hi ladies, i would like to share my journey with you all as well. My first preg was blighted ovum, 2nd one was a normal pregnancy with a healthy baby girl. I just MC in Oct12 as the baby stopped growing at 6-7 wks although heartbeat was detected earlier on. It was difficult for me to have it happen 2nd time as we wanted to have a sibling for our daughter. Luckily my husband was supportive and i have went back to see my TCM doctor after my first menses ended. The TCM doc recommended to go for blood test on 2nd day of menses to check on hormones and also to do more exercise to regulate the "qi" in my body. Let's all JY together
Dear all,

I've been silent and withdrawn from my friends these past weeks. My only comfort are my beloved hubby and my family. I am nearing the end of my confinement. I gave birth to my late baby boy on 26th october 2012. Me and my husband have been trying really hard to get pregnant for the past 3 yrs. We obtained good news in july 2012. He was in my womb exactly 16wks 6days. Within seconds, the water bag broke, and when i reached hospital, few hours later, i gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. He looks so peaceful. Till now my tears cant stop falling. I know all of us here lost our beloved, and i know its not an easy journey. What pains me so much after his departure, 2 days later, my breast was so engorged and the milk kept flowing. People say if baby crying, the milk will keep flowing.That week was so tough, coz i was wondering if my baby really desires for his mum's milk.Now, the milk has reduced tremendously, only once in a while it will seeped out. Today, 21st Nov, i was supposed to go TMC for a full scan to find out his gender and his internal health, i guess it's just remain a memory. I am sorry if my post disturbs all of u, but i just want to let it out into this space coz i know i am sharing with people are facing the same loss as i do.thank you for listening...
Dear lyn_dz,

I am sorry to hear about your lost, you must be devastated after trying for 3 years. Dont have to apologise and dont worry, all the sisters here are really helpful and when we need a listening ears or to rant, this is the place to be. We are all here to lend support to each other. Give yourself sometime to grieve and dont rush. Most importantly like you said you have the support of your hubby and family.

I lost my baby girl on 17 Aug 2012 @19 weeks after staying (total bed rest) almost a month in hospital due to water leakage and bleeding. That period was really the lowest point of my life as we have been ttc for 2 years, hoping to give my elder girl a sibling for company.

All of us have been thru what you have thru, we are working hard to tiao our body back and start ttc again and hope our rainbow baby comes back to soon.

Meanwhile take care

Hi LS, u can start seeing tcm but I think better Dnt take tcm meds whilst u r still bleeding. When I had my mc I stopped tcm totally.

Hi xynn n Lynn, sorry to c u girls here. A very big hugs to u two. We have all been through the same pain... We can understand each other. Hope u ladies will pick yourselves up soon enough... Life goes on no matter what... Hugs
Hi LS and Miloqueen,

Take good care of yourselves, eat well, sleep well. Maybe a short getaway is good for you. Me and hubby went for a one week holiday in Sydney in Oct just to give myself sometime away and to unwind a little.

Lets jia you together and our rainbow babies will be back sooner that we expect!


Thanks. We are all strong ladies here. I think some of the girls here went thru worst time than me and they managed to pick up and move on, I am super motivated by their faith.

Hope to spread baby dust here to all of you soon.
hehehe..lets work hard together.

LS, xynn, lyn dz, wendy,

Sorry to hear about what you ladies went through.. Big hugs to all of you.. I believe we're all strong ladies here and will be able to jump back right up after we've grieved..

Let's all jia you together and hope we can spread loads of babydust to one another soon!

Take care!!
Out of sudden, saw more and more sisters here.
Sad reading each story.

Girls, everyone here is amazing strong. Im glad tat we have the forum to support each other.
Anytime come here and share anything wit us. We will hold each other hand and move on. JIAYOU!!
Dear Lyn and Wendy.......

Felt really sorry to hear abt ur loss.....we are all in the same boat ......I know the feeling is will just felt sad suddenly esp when no one is around ... But please stay strong .....let's keep the faith .....god will plan and lead the way....

Please be strong ! Let's all JY together okay?
miloqueen, LS, xynn, lyn dz, wendy,

hugs, sorry to hear about ur losses, sad to hear so many losses suddenly. Hope that all of you will feel better soon, jia you.
lyn dz,
quite sad to hear ur story, somehow reminded me of myself, i was supposed to go for my first trimester test, but ended up doing a DnC on that date, can understand ur grief.
hope that your body will recover soon and try to get as much rest as possible.

Yes, we can all walk through this and have our rainbow baby soon. First, take good care of your health first.


Sorry to hear that. Its not easy for you. After my mc, I also have engorged breasts and milk flowing out. I heard its not uncommon but according to my gynae she never had a patient who had milk at this early stage, cos I mc at 9th week. I asked for pills to stop the flow as the gorge is very uncomfortable. And of course a very sad thing actually.

Take care!
sorry missed out your question hehe..yes cooked liao cos i have ready ingredients in my pantry
I added yellow rock sugar leh

I see.. hmm im not sure of the percentage of success though i figured out that since no drugs are used might be better for the body to function..

sorry to see newcomers here...agree that we are specially strong..that will make us better mummies in future!
Hi ladies,

Just saw this and wanted to share to everyone.

"Just because I laugh a lot, doesn’t mean my life is easy.

Just because I have a smile on my face everyday, doesn’t mean that something is not bothering me.

I just choose to move on, and not dwell on all the negatives in my life.

Every new moment gives me the change to renew anew.

I choose to be that."
Ladies, confinement can take tang gui black chic soup right? Is it normal to still have cramps after m/c and how long does the bleeding usually last?
Milo queen,
The bleeding/spotting will stop in 4 to 6 week.
Cramps I does hv sometime, but wouldn't last long.
If u feel a lot of pain, go back to ur gynea.

Best not to take any tonic now. Wait til ur bleeding stop.
For me, I only drink LRD with old ginger.
Oh, bleeding will take so long to stop? I had some bad cramps (feels like those AF days w heavy flow) just now but it had stopped. Think I will monitor closely and consult gynae if need be. My tcm gave me some powder to help 'clean up stuff' so not sure if it is due to that too. Thanks Celestine!

I did not have any cramps at all but spotted for 5 wks until my af came.. But i had d&c and not naturally m/c so could be diff.. You should be expecting your af anytime betw 4-6 wks.. If there's too much pain, best to go and see gynae k.. Take care!
Min, ok thanks for the advice. Btw, was the spotting fresh red or brownish in your case? Should be able to tell btw the spotting and AF right?
Mine was natural M/C
My next AF took about 7 weeks to arrive
But my bleeding only 1 Week plus
Cramps only Two days
For me I started taking Tonic even when i was bleeding.... But Heard from some sisters here, better not to take any tonic until Bleeding stop.... just take LRD tea bah

My spotting was red for the first 2 wks.. After that became a little brownish.. Should be able to tell the diff cos spotting is way lighter than af flow..
Hi milo queen, if u r still having bleeding/spotting, best not to take dang gui or any other Tcm soups or meds... Wait till bleeding/spotting stopped then u start to bu... But of cos if your Tcm advises u to take then u shd heed his/her advice

For natural mc, u will encounter cramps now n then, usually if cramp v pain means uterus is tying to expel the remains... Just put a heat pad on your tummy, it will ease the pain a great deal... At least it does for me. Hugs
Thanks v much everyone for the useful info. I also suspect it's my body trying to expel the unwanted stuff out, now I'm feeling alright so will continue to monitor. Have also been placing a heat pad on the tummy area, it helps!

I didn't cook or order any confinement food so went foodcourt to get those herbal soups like dang gui black chic soup. Not the most ideal but better than nothing. Think I better opt for something else now.
Milo queen, if really no choice have to take outside food, just try to avoid Liang stuff eg. Bittergourd, cucumber, old cucumber, barley, green beans, etc.

Other the food mentioned by Gbob,
my tcm also ask me Not to take pineapple, watermelon, green tea, and yogurt, white cabbage.... u could take nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables stems and durians, very good for body...
oh ya u can buy yao zi mian xian and vinegar pig trotters from hawker too... also confinement food
