Support group - Miscarriages

Happy Blessed Birthday!!
Good to see tat u hanging on strong. JIAYOU dear...

This forum really move super fast. Hard to catch up. LOL

Best is to find another Gynea for a 2nd option.
For me, the 6 weeks spotting aft D&C, i experiences spotting on my mid cycle.
My Dr suspect something wrong with my hormones tat causes it, cos aft all the scan he can't see anything wrong.
Shorty i was given clomid to regulate my hormones and ovulation.
Now aft the clomid session, my bleeding had stop.

Agree with the girls.
Got to search for a TCM or Gynea tat u feel comfort with.
When u got pregnant, u got to face them mths wor.
no i think it is not only for today..
but they did not state when the promotion will end.. so if your milk finish up, u can go grab le...
Buy at Unity very worth it cos still can earn linkpoints and rebates
Ladies, thanks for all your replies and advice. i'm so glad i found this forum.

i din do d&c this time, coz u/s show got nothing left inside, the size of the uterus oso back to normal. ya, i agree with u abt the online reviews too. the "free" part is v attractive! n seems tt the drs there r not bad too.

oh no dun feel sorry, i'm glad to have replies from all of u. i posted coz i needed some validation for my feelings somehow, n other pple wun really understand y i m doing all these. i dun feel comfortable judging the tcm, to her credit she did explain the fertility related issues to me.

Happy birthday! thanks for sharing the article with us. Hope your dad gets better soon and try to think positive? when things aren't gg too well for me (like now), i tell myself, "this too will pass" the unpleasant states cannot last indefinitely and everything will become a distant memory with time.

agree with u, tt everything happens for a reason. like the chinese proverb, sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3.

ya! forum moving v fast these 2 days, i also cannot catch up, haha. my regular tcm prescribed some meds for me, so i think i will just complete those first then see how after tt.
Thanks Jhw... will grab asap.
Discount here i come!! *^^*
Ya, i like buying from unity. My Folic Acid also is from unity house brand too. Only less then $5.. Cheap!!
Keke.. Looks like we're all unity fans.. Haha.. Last yr they had this recycling program.. Just bring back the empty bottles of your vitamins.. I think for every 5 or 10 bottles, they just give u $10 voucher.. I have a habit of keeping them till i bring them down to recycling bin.. When i saw the promo, brought all the bottles, think i got $30 voucher.. Hope that recycling program comes back.. Haha..
its very nice of unity to have this program
i will take note !!
but so far i didn't keep any boxes of folic acid... should have keep them !!!
hi all, i've a mc in yr 2008 i did not gave up and had a gal in 2010.

I wanted to gave her a sibling. so i ttc last year. went thru 3 mc. 2 early mc, 1 mc in 22 weeks (just last week).

I'm feeling very very pain due to my last mc. feel as though i killed my own baby. the last was lost due to incompetent cervix. if only i find out something is wrong earlier, baby could b save. if only i didn't mc so much, my body or my cervix would able to hold the baby till he is healthy enough to survive. the day before my water bag was burst, baby heartbeat was normal, i can feel him moving.

now i'm trying to move on. trying to find other experience the same thing as me. did anyone conceive successful even tot after found out with incompetent cervix? I'm trying to find hope if i can ever have another healthy baby again.
Celest, jhw,

Ehh.. They only want the bottles.. Quite a few brands participated in the program.. Don't think they want the folic acid boxes..
Sweet mummy,

So sorry to hear about all that you've been through.. Hugzz.. Most important for you now is to rest and recuperate.. Maybe you can consider going to a gynae who specialises in high risk pregnancies for checks when you are better.. Take good care k..
Sweet mummy,

Sorry to hear about your loss... hugzzz..
Now most importantly is to give yourself time to tune back your health and don't overwork your body.... take care and stay positive... your gal still need you. Your baby will not want to see u upset and blame yourself ... i believe he is in better place now...
Sweet Mummy,
Sorry to hear abt ur lost. At 22 weeks is such a torture pain. Big hug!
As what Min81 mention, u can go to NUH and find a gynea whom specializes in high risk MC.
Most imp is to build up ur body now. U still have ur daughter, be strong for her. JIAYOU!

Min81 & Jhw,
Wa... even best! Thanks Jhw, going to grab by tonight. LOL

Aiya... then waste of effort liao.
How they able to know the vit bottle is bought from them?

Thanks for the info
Will go check it out since gotta buy ensure soon too..


It doesn't matter if the vitamins were not bought from them.. Think they basically just wanna collect back the bottles for recycling.. As long as the brand is under the list of particiating brands can already.. This yr so far don't have leh.. Dunno whether they'll do it again.. Hope so! Keke..
i'm hoping to find other mummy tat experience the same thing, and successfully get pregnany n give birth to a healthy baby... finding hope

May i noe what's the diff wif gynae dealing wif high risk MC. n is it exp to see such gynae?
Sweet mummy,

Sorry to hear that. Stay strong and take good care of yourself. Sorry I do not know much about incompetent cervix and cannot advice you on that. I think finding the expert is better to advice you from here.
Wah! Today my menses came light.. Strike 1 in 7 for a weekend period!
Heng... Still manage to squeeze a appt for my blood test n scan at NUH.
Phew... Thought need to wait for next cycle.
Sweet mummy,
I'm not sure abt high risk gynea compare to normal.
Guess they will do more tests for u to find the problem etc.
Maybe u can get a letter from polyclinic, it really much cheaper. But I duno if u can chose a Dr.
sweet mummy,
sorry to hear about ur situation, dun blame yourself for anything, its not ur fault.
the link that jhw shared seems to have more information. I oso did read online tt there are some ladies who had incompetent cervix n conceived n delivered successfully. seems that the gynae will have to sew up the cervix when u reach a certain stage of ur pregnancy. hope you will b able to find an good gynae who has experience in handling such cases.
Take care and rest well
Thanks for the link, ladies. I'm afraid that I will need to bed rest for the entire pregnancy if I ttc. As I've already ttc for a yr, felt tat I've let my daughter down. As in I can't take part in lots of her activities. If really need to bed rest for whole of next pregnancy or rather low chances of giving birth. I think I'll give up.
sweet mummy
sorry to hear about your loss..i think sometime last week, there's a sister VAC who posted, she had experienced loss and then recently gave birth to a bb. You might want to look thru the archive and contact her

hehe im also having my af now ;) And i am so cranky! haha
Oh yes! Heng ah... Thought I need to wait for next cycle. Haha!

Wa! We came at the same date. Lol!!
Last time I often crank too. My hb forever can't understand why I keep throwing temper. Even I try to explain. Hate the feeling... Can't ctr.. Lol!!
Sweet mummy,
U walk in, believe they will charge u in private rate.
Try to go polyclinic and get a letter.
Duno isst possible, u can try to call the clinic and ask.
Sweet mummy,

The clinic is by appointment only.. Have to call and make appt before going.. I suggest you go by polyclinic referral first.. The charges will be much lower..
haha me too my hb don't understand at 1st but then as time goes by when i said ''PMS PMS!'' then he smartly goes away..then offering me chocolates when he comes back near me lol..dunno why the times ard PMS or AF days i feel like eating chocolates..i love kinder bueno or ferarro roche chocolates!
Celestine, chrisl,

Me too! Haha.. But have kinda been better at controlling it after i got married.. But really understand that easily irritable feeling.. Keke..


I like those chocs too! Recently my friend gave me a box of ferrero rocher chocs but it's new type, the wrapper is all dark brown.. Very nice too!
Have u started on the progynova already?
oh? nice too? I saw them but didn't try b4. I like another type also same by the same company but then it's white & with coconut, nice too!!
Yes started on thursday night, that day it gave me a bad migraine
and will be going for my scan next friday..i hope the lining will grow swee swee
Stay positive! Least we are now making good checkup n things to solve our prob etc.
Jiayou Jiayou! Ur lining sure be swee swee!!

Today I went blood test n v-scan.
Glad tat everything goes well. Another will be hsg test.
Jiayou Jiayou!!

Realize tat we women so poor thing.
Guy only need test their semen, but for us we need to test here n there.
i agree celest
Guys can provide sperms any time
but gals got to check for what Mucus
haiz.. for me, i cannot even differentiate the mucus... yesterday i got egg white mucus
but it is only 5th day after my menses..
so i was thinking it is impossible to ovulate so soon

Hope your lining will be great with the help of progynova!
Are u taking red bean soup too? I've been taking it about 1-2 times a week recently cos i feel my lining during iui cycle not too good either.. I was at 112 katong the other day and took the red bean soup at a small cafe.. They cook it with dried longan, very nice! Thinking to follow that method since dried longan supposed to be good for us anyway right.. Hehe..


Good luck for your test results!
Ya women gotta go thru more.. Well, so long as our hubbies understand and sayang us more.. That time after my m/c was confirmed at the hosp, my hubby asked to stay with me during the detailed scan.. He was by my side the whole time holding my hand and although sad, it was comforting.. We just have to know that they'll always be there for us..


You wanna try using an ovulation predictor kit? Eliminates all the stress from guessing..

Dun worry, you will have a beautiful lining!!


Good luck with the results!! Perhaps our womb are more complicated than the male organ. Going through the tests at least can be more rest assured that things are ok or not. Else its very stressful to keep guessing. So long HB is supportive, I think that is most important. I remembered whatever tests I need to go through, HB is always the first to ask if its painful. He is very scared to put me through pain. It double up when he cannot be by my side for certain test like the HSG. I think this is really comforting to let though we are the ones to go through the tests but we are not alone. Our HB is always there supporting us.
Normally Egg white form before ovulating.
SO best is to ML few days before ovulation... When u see Egg white n sticky, it the best time to ML. Hb troop needs those to swim freely into our tube and if ur egg white is good. Ur Hb troop will stay outside the egg, up to 3 days until ur egg come out.

Min81& Princess,
Yay! I'm so bless to hv such a supportive hubby, he took leaves n bring me to Nuh.
Altot i can go there myself but he instead tat he wan be with me.
At tis moment felt tat im so bless..

He was so worry abt the test result.
He scare tat i might leave him if the prob lays on him. Silly boy.
Been ensuring him. Even we hv a child, when he/she grow up, end up it still the two of us holding hand till old. So i dun see a different. Of cos have a child, it like forming a true fully family. Hehe! Dun have also nvm loh. We still must cherish those ard us.
Hi Sweet Mummy,

I strongly advise you to see the high risk gynae A/P Mahesh at NUH. Having recurrent miscarriages can at times signal issues more than what regular gynae may brush off as bad luck.

I have a frd who have had 3 mid term losses and is on her way to a beautiful baby girl ald under A/P Mahesh. I myself also had 3 1st trim losses and manage to have a live birth in May this year with God's grace!

Dont give up and really the cost isnt that high.. unless there is exceptional like for my case I have had other issues otherwise I guess it is always good to just get a diagnosis.
xie xie sisters for the encouragements
oh min81? red bean with longan sounds delish! hmm i'll go make it soon today!

all the best for your results and tests! Im sure you'll pass with flying colours

yeah why not test with opk cos more accurate leh..
Hi ladies, I just lost my little one last night at w7. Had severe cramps/ bleeding and rushed down to KK O&G 24hr. Doc diagnosed that uterus is already empty. Also followed up my gynae today and she has advised uterus is clean and a d&c is not required at this point. Trying to recover from the loss and many thanks to min81 for sharing this thread w me. Have been looking for one support group for sisters who had unfortunately gone thru the same experience since last evening but didn't manage to locate one.

Hope to receive advice from sisters here on what should I do now to help tiao my body back and the journey to recover from the loss.


Hugzz.. We know what you're going thru.. Be strong k..

Are you up to cooking your own meals or anyone to help you? Normally for confinement, we take food with lotsa ginger/sesame oil/rice wine.. And drink longan red date with ginger drink.. If no one to help you, can call up confinement food caterer and order for abt 2 wks.. If you're still bleeding/spotting, might wanna hold off any chinese herbs till abt a wk later..

Take care!
