Support group - Miscarriages

hehe tt's a bad habit of mine, trying to zz early but its so hard somehow.

jhw, min,
moderation is good, i wish i can moderate his diet to reduce all the deep fried things tt he eats almost everyday. sometimes so hard to convince him. different upbringing got v different ideas about moderation somehow, aiyo dunno how lah... btw wat's the diff between healthy in tcm vs healthy in medical science?

Una & Jhw,
Guys will never listen to their wifes. Duno why they doesn't. *_*
So i throw to my TCM to do the talking, she will feel his pulse and start telling him to reduce nonsense food and start exercise.
A period of time, he did behave well but of cos it wouldn't last. So keep depend on others is better then we keep nagging at them.

For TCM, they believe in avoiding those liang food and drinks.
Our body needs lots Qi.. which if our body too liang, will affect alot.
Liang food inculding, Fruits, cabbage, crab...etc
my gynae told me its ok to ttc after my af comes, i din really ask about bd, but i think after af comes cfm can, before i not so sure. i think some pple have to wait longer coz they might have had a molar pregnancy. but i oso haf to add tt the tcm told me tt i haf to bu my body a bit more coz now weaker alr, else may just end up with another mc. i read somewhere tt u r more fertile within the first 6 months after mc.
All that having been said, i think ur dr can offer the best advice

its normal to see some brown spotting, need to inform the dr only if u see fresh blood. think shd b no problem

thanks for ur info, tt's quite a number of tests, if i dun recall wrongly u started taking the tests on nov 10, tt means ard 1 month for all the tests to be done?
u know the hardest part about my hb? he doesn't understand chinese! n most of the time tcm talks in chinese, n explain all the impt things in chinese. translate oso like lost in translation, words coming out from my mouth dun carry the same weight as the drs words.
ya! the tcm told us not to eat cold food, n avoid eating fruits at night.

I guess try to get him to reduce bit by bit rather than stop totally? Maybe let him know it's for his health rather than for ttc..

Western medical sci is not so particular in terms of diet i guess.. For eg, taking fresh milk cold is fine, but as u gals mentioned, tcm say no gd.. Salads are gd cos veg not cooked and high in vit, but in tcm could be thought of as cold food.. So i guess, just everything in moderation.. Most impt is to be comfortable with what you eat.. Don't eat something and keep thinking about it and feel guilty after that.. Will see what the tcm says when i see him next wk.. Last time, i was also kan cheong and kept asking him if there's any food to avoid.. He kept saying no and to just keep up with our usual diet cos we're doing fine.. But he encouraged us to drink home made chicken essence too.. Hope all's ok.. Haven't seen him since m/c and lap..

Ya no point worrying.. Anyway, i believe it should be ok cos you've tiao your health for some time


Oh.. Keke.. Ya i heard he's quite witty and funny at times..
Ladies, thanks v much for your sharing. I'm seeing gynae after first AF reports so will take the chance to ask if it is safe to start.

I've heard old folks/ tmc saying that m/c are due to the womb being too liang. So even if after confinement period, should still avoid all liang/ cold food while ttc. Should also exclude food containing spices like wu xiang fen e.g. ngoh hiong, braised duck, bak kut teh as the spices used can spike our system. Cold drinks, tea definitely no no, so I'm trying very hard to resist.

Jes, I suspect after d/c there might be only spotting since the uterus has been cleaned up by the d/c. Mine was natural and it took about a week before bleeding (like heavy flood AF) stops.
my tcm ask me to avoid all liang food, cold food and spicy food...until i carry my baby in my arms... no tea, no coffee too... in the past i hav been eating too much of these....
Jhw, yah same here was advised to stop taking those. Eating them had become a habit and actually not much choices left if you really want to avoid. Taking drinks for e.g I'm now going for warm water, milo, holicks and oats. I kept telling myself I got to be disciplined if I want a healthy baby.
It was less then 1 mth for those test be done. It wasn't hard to place a appt at all.
All requires is waiting for my menses to arrives.
Day 2/3 is blood tests n V-scan.
Day 7/10 is for Hsg tests.
For the Pap smears was taken during my first appt with the Dr.

Today is my 3 days since HSG, im still having light brown spotting wor.
Hopefully by tomolo it will end.
Spicy food also cannot?! Aiyo... I can't live without them.
Dr Su didn't mention to me wor, only ask me not to take fruit n any liang food or drinks.
Ya ever since mc, i have really been v v v disciplined... nv been so discipline before haha....i now make it a point to drink warm water even in restaurant , i dun ask for ice water anymore..

maybe it is only me.... i always had v bad gastric, so dr su say better reduce or avoid spicy food... i still eat spicy food sometimes because i can't live without chilli but i kept the intake to the minimum
Jhw, miloqueen, celest,

I don't know leh.. Just to share, from early teens, i had bad skin.. When my dermatologist told me to take lotsa warm water, i listened and that's been my habit since.. I don't order drinks when eating out, just drink water.. Coffee and tea, i never had special liking so never really drank.. Don't like carbonated drinks.. Fave drink is milk, horlicks and milo.. Liang fruits like pineapple, i never take cos i don't like that sharp acidic feeling on my tongue after eating.. Think i'm pretty suaku among my frens cos i never tasted a drink from 'gong cha' before, only shared a koi bubble tea with my hubby few yrs back.. But other than that, i take and enjoy most other food..

When i had my m/c, a couple of close friends who knew were shocked and thought i had a fall or something.. It's just that, we have friends who drink or smoke a lot but their pregnancieswere smooth and all.. They didn't expect that this could happen to me.. So now i also try to take it easy, don't wanna think so much, just maintain the usual.. Will see if the tcm asks me to change my diet in any way..
Min81, I know what u mean... Sometimes relax is the key n moderation is ok... That's what I think also.... Or mayb it's just my excuse to indulge sometimes. There was a period of time I v v discipline.... No cold food drinks no coffee tea alcohol, take tcm go accu... End up.... So now I v relax Liao I will once in a while drink coffee tea n cold drinks. Though I will feel guilty after sipping cold drinks la so I only take a few sips.

A cold drink now and then is fine, don't need to feel guilty k.. I just don't think like 1 cold drink a wk will be a lot of harm.. I think the stress from the guilt is more harming
Ensure milk is supposed to be taken cold anyway.. I make a cold one for my hubby sometimes and i realise it's way easier to mix in cold water..

It was very hard for me during the few yrs of ttc and after my m/c cos i didn't understand what went wrong and what i did wrong when my lifestyle seemed to fit with many tcm's advice.. Now have accepted that such things can happen to anybody and not to think too much into it, just do what i can reasonably..

Have you scheduled for ur hysteroscopy?

Dr Su also ask my hubby to stop the spicy foods. Cos he is live off without chilli. Dr Su say it affects his QI.

I think everything in moderation is fine. Between healthy diet and tcm, I think we need to balance things up. I just learn something new from Dr Su that actually we shouldn't have any addition feelings after ovulation like breasts soreness, stomach bloatedness etc. She say pregnancy should be wonderful, shouldn't feel those discomforts. If we do have those feelings, means our body is still not ready for baby. I had breasts soreness ever since I have period? This really puzzled me.
Min81, cnt help feeling guilty when I gulp down sips of cold carbonated drinks. Last time I really drink a lot of cold carbonated drinks. Now I cut down a lot Lo... Talking abt it, I just had two sips of f&n orange!!! Shiok! I drink coffee n tea at most twice a week. Last time is everyday. I just cut down but decided not to totally cut off. Today i just bought ensure. made with cold water first n when powder melted, i added warm water cos i like warm milk. is this ok? My hysteroscopy shd b this coming Sunday...

Princessleopard, I think what your tcm dr meant is we r not supposed to have PMS symptoms? I think She is right u know...cos last time my tcm dr also say so. She said PMS like cramps, sore boobs, backache before af is no good wor. N when I bfp that time, I really Dnt have sore boobs until I miss my af n hpt positive

You mean you have breast soreness after af? Mine is usually before af.. Is that normal? When feel a bit crampy, means af will come in a few hrs, once flow start then no pain.. We don't normally discuss such things with friends, so i also dunno is it considered normal and ok?


It's ok, just consciously cut down bit by bit.. 2 sips ok la.. Hehe.. For the ensure, i understand it should not be taken with hot water cos it will kinda destroy some of the vits and minerals.. If just slightly warm should be ok..
Min81, I went sgh today n they having promo at the pharmacy on ensure. $34.90 for a tin but free 3 sample packets. Dnt think its v cheap la but since got 3 free packets, I buy lor. Time to start drinking ensure again.... Sigh... When can I stop all the supplements.... Fat die me...
don't feel suaku lah i also never drink b4 or seen or knew what Gongcha was haha
i only knew what that was last year when i went home and my sis bought lol

Ya, she meant PMS symptoms. I really dunno about it at all. Thought its normal.


No, the soreness is before AF, after ovulation. So, according to Dr Su, we shouldn't have a single symptoms.
Chrisl, gbob,

Haha.. Really huh?? Wah lau.. Then why like i'm so suaku among my friends?? Cos i don't drink bubble tea ma, they're like experts.. Keke.. Gbob, not bad ah, got 3 free packets..


Hey i cooked a big pot of red bean soup with longan and rock sugar for my ex colleagues yesterday.. Yummy! The dried longans add a nice flavour
Princess leopard, before I did my lap in April, I always have sore boobs, tummy cramp, backache, legs suan prior to af arriving n all will b gone instantly when af arrives. After my lap, totally no more liao. That time my tcm dr from raffles hospital say got pms no good. I'm glad now I no more le but cnt help but felt like abit abnormal leh cos I too think got pms is normal de. Lolx

Chrisl n min81, I also just cooked red bean yst with dried longan n rock sugar n sago! V yummy lor!! Keke
In my case yes. From May till now no more PMS. I attribute it to the lap lor. But still I think my womb is v weak leh... Tried since Sept till now not successful. Mayb it's the clot there that's affecting, hope the hysteroscopy can help me.
Princess leopard, thank q so much. U nvr fail to comfort me! I really honestly sincerely wish n pray all sisters here can get our bfp n carry our rainbow baby in our hands soon
haha hi5!
Do drink chicken essence and LRD tea often to bu your womb..helps in some ways.

nice hor! haha so nice of you! Cook for your ex-colleagues

Gals im in my 2ww now already..hehehe was to the hospital yesterday and transferred 1 snowbaby cos the other one didn't survived the thaw
So today is my 1dp2dt (1 day past 2 day transfer) Yes my snowbaby is 2 days 'young' only lol

Now im in the dreaded 2ww and thinking of getting a calender countdown made for the month of dec towards christmas for my hubby to while away my time + also packing things in the room! I am so messy!

will soon 'disappear' if i got good news hehe
Chris, looking forward to grabbing your babydust.
Please rest now and delegate whatever housework to your DH!

Wah everyone who tried cooking the red bean said it's nice, I'm also tempted to try now. There are 2 types of longgan - black n flat types and the brownish n round ones, which to use har? You gals use slow cooker or just normal cooking?
Omg, princess i always have backache, is it normal?... argh.. i knew there is something wrong with me.....

Btw i was guilty of drinking koi in the past...

best wishes to u!!!! May u spread your baby dust soon!!!!!

All the best!! Hope you "disappear" soon!! LOL
But go easy with the packing now, take more rest. Dun carry the heavy stuffs.


If backache is your PMS, then it shouldn't be around. Maybe you can check with Dr Su? She never ask me about PMS before, suddenly she ask, I also shocked.

Wow no pms is gd! My first af after lap super painful and heavy flow.. Called dr and he said normal for 1st af after lap.. But 2nd one ok, no pain.. Hope from now is ok, or well.. I hope don't see my af for next 9 mths! Keke..


Must rest and relax.. Walk around in the house gd for blood circulation but don't do heavy housework k.. All the best!
Keke.. The gathering with my ex colleagues very last min so we decided on potluck.. I gotta save money, cannot order exp stuff like them so i cooked something that i already had all the ingredients.. Haha..

Actually, even now, i'm taking brazil nuts on alternate days.. I think it's ok.. The red bean sou was something i tried in a cafe and was sharing that they add dried longan.. It was really nice so decided to try cooking it
I used the blackish and more sticly kind..


Oh so i guess it has to do with our health.. I was at my fittest in junior college.. Exercise a lot.. Every month, my af i got no feeling at all, so i'll just put the pad on the day it's due.. Seems like many ladies spot before af so got warning.. For me, it just starts by flowing already (sorry if tmi.. Hehe).. I started to get crampy before af when i started wking and exercised less..

Ya, perhaps. Mine is only breasts soreness. No bloated stomach, spotting before AF and cramps before or during AF. So, I thought normal and its ok. Cos just one symptom.

Dr Su say its could be stress. But I told her I am not ttc for these few months, just concentrate tiao my body only, no stress leh. But she say sometimes there could be invisible stress that we are also unaware of.
Princessleopard, jhw

Ya agree with dr su, sometimes we are not very conscious of our stress.. But i guess we try not to read too much into the symptoms.. My friends with terrible cramps and pms symptoms and irregular cycles also got preggy naturally soon after marriage so it's hard to say too.. But since seeing tcm can tiao lor.. But if can't be perfect also don't stress ourselves..

Ya, trying not to think too much into it too, cos friends around had been talking about PMS, its just seem so common. Just that, Dr Su said if have PMS, means my body not ready to conceive, makes me sian lo...

Actually i don't think i know anybody who has absolutely no pms symptoms.. It's good u only have 1!.. Don't think too much into it k.. I help u shoo shoo away negative thoughts and send u lotsa positive vibes!!
Jia you jia you!!
Hi hi chirsl, I've been religiously drinking chicken essence n LRD tea for two years! Lolx. Will miss u a lot if u "disappear" but I wish n pray u will "disappear" from here!!! Jia yo!

Min, my first af after lap was v v v heavy also!! So means it normal ba. But 2nd af didn't come cos I bfp. Then first af after mc became v little flow n now got clots... Zzzz.... I oso Dnt know got pms is good or no good la but I'm glad Dnt have la cos no need feel so xin ku ma. Last time must use heat pad on back n tummy now no need. Thank god.

Princessleopard, I do think have a bit of PMS shd b normal leh! So many ppl have wor! Dnt worry, u continue tiaoing with dr Su I'm sure she can help u! Hugs
All best luck to u!! So happy! Grab bb dust from u. *^^*
Dun carry too heavy stuff okay. Rest more n relax.

Dun care abt pms too much, since u already seen Dr Su n tiao ur body.
Last few mths ago I also felt tender breast. Dr Su continue giving me medicine n ask me to ignore. For this mth, I dun feel ache or pain anymore. Continue take her medicine n soon out body will be ready. Stay positive dear!! We are on the road to mummy lane..
thanks for the info! paiseh ask so many q...

ah, salads r very valid, salad bars r suddenly so popular in sg! i asked him if there is anything i shd avoid, then he told me not to take any bu soups else i will start bleeding again. then oso tell me not to drink tea.

jhw, GBOB,
last time my yoga teacher keep telling us to reduce the amt of meat n chili, not sure y chilli oso make the list. mabbe its acidic? den i m supposed to avoid tea, but tcm din mention about coffee. from my online research, seems tt caffeine might increase the probability of miscarriage. i'm gg to abstain from coffee when i ttc.

my digestion oso not so good, i almost always get pimples on my chin when i take cold stuff, but i love gong cha/koi n their chewy pearls! 1 or 2 pimples i can bear, but now things r different... better listen to the tcm.
