Support group - Miscarriages

Ya, I cried too. How wonderful that the baby came alive when the parents least expected. It's like a 2nd live.


We did not teach pre-birth bonding. We start the bonding the moment baby is born. I had been researching on that too. I even buy a kit before to let the baby listen to music. But because there are layers of skin, fats, placenta etc before the music can reach the baby, thus if noise level not control well, baby might not hear it. The best is our voice. Baby definitely can hear. So, the way we speak can directly influence the baby in future.

Actually, when people say babies are always closer to mum, its not just because we spend more time with them. But our motherly voice and heartbeat, remind them of the peaceful time they spent in our womb. So, when they cried, hold them close to your chest, let them listen to the heartbeat and reimmerse into the memories and stop crying.


Thanks for sharing
That's really amazing and touching..
WOW.. i go and search for the book. Hehehe!
Go ahead to those big bookstore, u can ask them to carry in for u.
Last time i remember my fren make enquires before.

Once i got pregnant, i sure go to ur course.
My fren told me, when she got pregnant, she will keep listening to a song. When her BB was born, whenever she cried, my fren will play tat song for her. Amazing tat she actually stop crying shortly. When her BB able to talk, she can even sing the song out when watching the video of the song thru Youtube. So i strongly believe tat BB able to listen even inside our womb.

That is the wonder of bonding.
I actually wanted to introduce more classic, soothing music to my baby. Cos both HB & I can be hot-tempered at times. So, I need to culture the character before that.

you will be a very good mother in future !!
How about playing piano or ukulele?
will our babies be able to hear us play?
or Shall we Sing? If Sing, then i must go learn to sing nicely....


I am trying to find the ebook too !!! if i found, i will share with you gals...

OMG motherhood is amazing... i can't wait to be a mother right now

Thanks! I am trying to be a good mother.

Surrounding noises baby can hear but not as direct compare to mother's voice.

Motherhood is amazing.
Can't wait to be a mother. If only we can speed up the time of ttc n strike. Haiz!
Such a blessing n wonder feeling to see our own bb grows under our loves n cares.
Believe everyone here will be a amazing mother.
would you all still TTC this month, if husband have sore throat? or flu?
i really give up.
Awhile ago, i still feel hopeful talking to you gals.... next minute, my hb told me he sore throat due to eating too much junk food.
and yesterday my AF ended... planning to TTC this mth... looks like no need to TTC again.
i dunno why my hb must do this to me.
i am really giving up

It's ok, don't worry so much.. Just BD as normal, and even more around ovulation!
Think alternate days around ovulation is ok.. There is never a 'perfect time' to ttc.. Since u've planned to start ttc, just go ahead.. Think positive k
Hug hug!
No worries, ttc as normal. It wouldn't affect at all.
As wat min say, ML on alternate day on ur ovulation.
Try not to stress urself, it wouldn't help as well. We might strike when we less expected.
The more we wanted to strike, the more harder it seems. Now I have start to let it go easy.

No prob
Must try and relax.. I think last time mich was telling you about some breathing techniques.. Try it k..
Got to depend on ur days of cycle wor.
For me, my cycle is 30 to 33 days, so my ovulation shd be 14 to 18 days.

Actually I'm quite confuse abt the ovulation thing too.
I'm attending natural family planning, I was taught to ttc bases on my mucus.
Once ur AF ended, for few days u will feel dry.
After tat slowly u will see milky. TTC once u feel flowing n see mucus like raw egg white. It the best to allow sperm to swim into our womb smoothly with the help of mucus.

If for eg, ovulation is on cycle day 18, can BD on cycle day 16, 18, 20, 22.. Of cos, before ovulation also can do it as much as you guys have the mood to.. Keke :p
I just went for my follow up check up with Gynae today... Turns out I have a small "lump" or "clot" in me.... Two months ago when I went back for follow up after my mc, this thing is alrdy there... Dr told me to try naturally n if bfp no need to worry Abt the lump n asked me to come back c him two months later, bfp or not. So here I am... Went back to c him n the thing is still there... Dr says might b polyps or might b remainder of my bb cos I used cytotec n mayb wasn't flushed entirely... Have to go do hysteroscopy next month.... Sigh... FML
Thanks min and Celest !!
ok i will try my best to take things easily... and to BD on alternate days....and to look out for raw egg white !!!
.. now i must make my hb recover first !!!....


Don't worry !! Maybe after hysteroscopy, your rainbow bb will come smoothly and naturally !!! but why didn't your gynae suggest to remove earlier?
Jhw, he said it was quite small n ask me to try naturally first wor n if BFP shdnt b a prob wor... N asked me come back follow up two months time lor...
wow the forum move v fast today! need to search the archives to see ur ans! haha.
sorry this post v lor soh, but so much on my mind...

jhw, min, celest,
hb din go to see the tcm coz he's overseas. the tcm dr told me tt the $120 is a one-off consultation collection, subsequently she will only charge me for meds. turns out she is a tcm fertility specialist, n will only see patients for fertility related problems.
no meds prescribed or anything, not even a blood pressure check. when i called her to make the appt (no walk-in cases), she ask me to bring my documents from the gynae n all my test results, but oso din really look at it closely. just tell her i mc twice, n she told me tt mc sometimes caused by male problems, so need my hb to go for tests.

actually i just feel somewhat worried that she charge me so much coz she know my gynae is in private practice, but no way of finding out, coz she dun have a price list n can't seem to find much information about tcm consultation fees, unlike gp dr who have a range of prices they are allowed to charge. it happens tt this tcm is recommended by my gynae; i tested normal in all the blood tests; for both mc combined, they draw ard 18 vials of blood from me to test, n still no root cause. so my gynae told me some pple consult with a tcm, but he emphasized it is not compulsory, entirely up to me.

v lor soh, but just need to rant a bit, still have bleeding from the natural mc, dunno y so long, so ask the fertility tcm if there is any meds tt can b taken. then the dr say eh? y u never do dnc, then just brush it off n say it should stop by itself soon. finally i feel i cannot take it, n still dunwant to do a dnc, so i went to see my regular tcm dr, n then he prescribed meds, then wondered y the other drs never do anything about my bleeding? makes me wonder if i shd still go back to the fertility tcm n get my hb tested.
Is your gynae by the name of christopher... and the tcm is in jurong?
Few mths bck i also heard abt a tcm and gynae recommended each other to their patients... and some ppl feedback that they are just out to earn money...
I m not trying to scare u.... only tell u what i read from the other forum.. maybe not the same gynae and tcm...

I feel that you should seek second tcm opinion... and maybe u can tell your gynae what the tcm say, ask for his advice and suggestion on what to do...
Jhw, will b the first Sunday after my next af arrives which shd b arriving on 29 Nov. means prob 1st or 2nd Sunday of dec...

Mich, i feel if u Dnt feel comfortable with your doctor, be it Gynae or Tcm dr, then just Dnt continue n find another one... No point if u have doubts ya

i just found the actual name...
is your TCM Jurong West Ying CHuan?
and Is your Gynae Dr Christopher Chen or Dr FOng?


All the best to your hysteroscopy !!
Did gynae tell you how to get prepare for it?
Yeap. No food n drinks 12 hours before n must insert a cytotec the night before lor... I hope I wnt vomit due to side effect of GA... Zzzz

I agree with gbob.. If you are not comfortable with your gynae or tcm, you might wanna consider going to another doctor..


I had a hysteroscopy done during my lap as well.. So it's a keyhole surgery too right? You are with dr loh? Don't worry, i'm sure it'll go well
Take good care after the surgery..

Ur cytotec is to be inserted vaginally? Ohh.. Mine was taken orally.. By the way, do u have to take oral fleet to empty bowels too?

Go slow with ur water intake after u wake up from GA then maybe won't vomit.. Although i was thirsty and wanted to drink, the nurse controlled intake by giving just a teeny bit at a time so i won't feel nauseous..
Min81, mine is pure hysteroscopy. That time when I did lap also pure lap no hysteroscopy. No meds given to clear bowel wor... N yes I'm with dr Loh

Thanks for the links. Dun worry so much about ttc. Try as per normal, remember the process is more important. If strike, good. If not, try again. I feel you have better chances than us, who had been ttc for many years. Who knows, you may be the first to spread the baby dust. Leave it to fate. So long you have done your part, there is no regret. Some people can strike even when they are drunk and babies are still very healthy. Dun let this affect your relationship with HB and your mood.

Its ok to change tcm if you are not comfortable with them. I changed 2 tcm dr before i see Dr su now.


Its normal for gynae to observe for the time being before coming to decision. I remember during a routine check, she saw a fibroid, but I was told to sit on it first as its small and may come out together with the next AF. So, 2 months later checkup, indeed it disappear. Since now have to do hysterocopy, then no choice lo. But at least after that you can start ttc at ease. Dun worry too much, things will go well.

I see.. Cos during my consult for lap, doc suggested to check everything, and i also signed to give permission if anything other than the cysts are found, it's to be rectified as well.. He said no point i come out of surgery and then he tell me to go another surgery if there's something else.. I'll probably faint.. Haha.. Good to get hysteroscopy done, doc can check inside of uterus.. Dr loh is highly recommended by ladies on ivf thread so you're in good hands

Lucky u don't have to clear bowels.. Eeky feeling.. And painful butt!! Haha..
how come u will guess dr fong? so accurate! did u hear something abt him?
ya, my gynae is dr fong, but the tcm is at holland dr, not the jurong one. my gynae's pricing is quite reasonable for a specialist, n oso tt time my dnc he do everything himself, so i thot he got good medical ethics. but then the tcm is another thing altogether!
now still considering if i shd
1) continue with the fertility tcm
2) see my regular tcm
3) find another tcm, seems tt dr su, ban choon chan n tong chai free clinic r quite popular.

bleed more than 2 months alr, u/s scan show nothing in my uterus, by right, everything is back to normal. he gave me the option of doing a simple dnc or waiting it out, i opted to wait. this time i thot of doing acupuncture, but not sure y i cannot seem to make it to the acupuncture dr's clinic, something or other will just crop up.
Now i can't zz thinking abt the previous post, n I'm beyond the 20 min limit to delete the previous post.. I feel a bit bad somehow, I dun mean to imply tt the tcm is not good or anything, coz I haven't even started receiving treatment yet. Just tt perhaps i dun have much yuan2 with her so i dun seem to like her too much. But she perhaps did help other couples to have a baby successfully. My problem is more of an1 tai1 so mabbe I'm a little irrelevant to her.
i read about them as well..but to be fair, i personally don't believe 100% everything it selling a particular apple vinegar or boasting a particular hawker stall..

but you can't be wrong esp when face to face the doc is showing you how he/she does'll more or less know whether he/she is trying to rip you off..sometimes, i think is all it takes - some business minded ppl to spread some 'good words' online and desperate ppl like us trying for bbs will 'die die also must try' This is the power of online yeah loh..hmm..actually from my view point, go for a 2nd opinion (gynae also) to find out. You mean you are still bleeding? Sorry couldn't remember but when did you do the d&c? On which TCM, why not try the tong chai free clinic cos now you've paid so much for the other one..hmm im not sure, but for me im kinda cheepo haha i will go for the free clinic..

hmm since your af is just over, maybe give a few days of rest for your hb (let him recover for the sore throat 1st loh) then till when he's better just in time for your ovulation period ..then take your chance on him! hahahaha *wink*
Min81, not sure y Loh didn't do a hysteroscopy together with the lap the other time. But he did removed all unwanted things inside me during the lap. My womb was cleared n I was given the green light to go ahead try. Now this polyps appeared after my natural mc de... So he thinks it might b leftover... Meaning not cleared fully. But he is not sure cos he cnt really c inside thus he say do hysteroscopy to see n remove....

It's my birthday today n my 76year old dad had a sudden fit episode at 3am just now... M now in sgh a&e waiting for him to b admitted... I think I m really sway this year... Sian...
oh no..i hope your dad is ok, be strong k gal..
wishing you a happy birthday and all your wishes and dreams come true!
Thanks chrisl, old man gotta b admitted. This is his 2nd episode, first was in July. I have "experience" this time so not so flustered like the last round. He seems to b ok now... But still have to b admitted to do tests etc.. Usual routine.. My only wish is he b ok
somehow God really has a plan, if I m still pregnant, I really Dnt know WTD when old man had the fits in July n now... Imagine me now 6 months preg n something like this happened... Stress xia!
Thanks, chris, princess, celest, min...
i will relax n jiayou!!!

happy birthday!!!
How is your dad now? Keep us updated...
Dun worry, because this year will be over soon...
new year new hope, n good luck..

Oh no, sorry that my posts make u worried... i didn't mean it, sorry sorry.. u even lost your sleep, terribly sorry!!!
Not so much about dr fong actually. Ppl are most complaining abt dr chris and jurong tcm. Just happened that jurong tcm sometimes will recommend dr fong to her patients....

But like wat others advice , change a new tcm and gynae if u are not comfy with them. When next pregnancy come, u will have ten months with the gynae... better find someone u comfy with...

Oh my, i miss your post on the bleeding part... it has been two months n its not normal. Please find a new gynae and get second opinion.... as for tcm, wait after u see the new gynae then u decide again
Yoyo jhw, he's admitted lor. He is now back to normal n looks fine when we left earlier. He gotta stay there to do some tests n check up to c y got fits... My Dad's "birthday present" to me. Zzzz....

Mich, sometimes mayb hormones gone haywire thus the bleeding... Better check with your Gynae n better still, get a second opinion.... I feel la, best is not to take tcm meds for awhile after a mc..cos I heard tcm meds sometimes can interfere with our hormones.... No offence to sisters here who r taking tcm meds ya...
Gals, found an article on how to improve sperm:-

Here are a few ways to boost his sperm quality today:

1. Minimize toxin exposure.

Sperm are sensitive to industrial pollutants. Sperm abnormalities have been linked to the following toxins, termed “reprotoxicants” for their negative effects on sperm development and maturation. Make the appropriate lifestyle changes to avoid the following:
Heavy metals: found in unfiltered water, personal hygiene products, seafood
Pesticides: found in non-organic produce
Herbicides: found on park lawns, soccer fields, baseball fields, intramural sports fields, golf courses, and in many backyards.
Formaldehyde: found in pressed wood products, hair products, fabric softeners, and many household products
BPA: found in plastics, water-bottles, aluminum cans
Dry-cleaning chemicals: found on traditionally dry-cleaned clothes
Organic solvents: found in household chemicals and paints
2. Eat fresh, whole foods.

Avoid processed and packaged foods and buy certified organic produce. If you can’t afford to buy all organic, steer clear of the “Dirty Dozen.” The Environmental Working Group has found that people can lower their pesticide by almost 80% by avoiding the top 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables (or buying them organic) and eating the “clean fifteen” instead. Fruits and vegetables that made the Dirty Dozen list include strawberries, celery, and apples.

3. Stop smoking.

Studies show that smoking can harm sperm quality. A study in Germany showed that men who smoke heavily may experience fertility problems and damage to sperm's DNA.

4. Minimize alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption has also been linked with lowering both the quantity and quality of sperm. Some fertility specialists advise that when men are planning a baby, they should cut back completely on how much they drink and especially avoid all binge drinking.

5. Avoid animal-derived estrogens.

Dairy products account on average for 60-70% of estrogens consumed. Consumption of dairy products has been linked to certain cases of male infertility.

6. Lose weight.

A 2008 UK study found that men with a higher body mass index (BMI) had smaller volumes of seminal fluid and a higher proportion of abnormal sperm. Other studies have suggested an association between male obesity and increased DNA damage in sperm.

7. Don't over-exercise.

Exercise moderately, particularly while you're actively trying to conceive. Over exercising can cause the internal temperature of a man's testicles to rise and sperm to overheat and die off. Also, men who over exercise and become underweight can also experience increased sperm mortality and poor sperm morphology.

8. Eat foods with sperm-enhancing nutrients.

A healthy, balanced diet is important throughout all stages of life. But there are a few foods that are especially good at helping make healthy, moving, high quality sperm.
Zinc: oysters, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, peanuts
Selenium: Brazil nuts, meat, seafood, mushrooms and cereals.
Vitamin C: strawberries, broccoli and kiwi fruit
Lycopene: tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit
Vitamin A: paprika, carrots, dark leafy greens, liver
B vitamins: dark leafy greens, legumes, nutritional yeast, pomegranates, lean meats
9. Drink filtered water.

Drink filtered water to ensure your drinking water is clean and pure. Our waterways are polluted by industrial waste and their byproducts, as well as pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, herbicides and commercial cleaning products. Heavy metals are the most common of the reprotoxicants reaching our water supply through industrial waste, jet fuel exhaust residue, and a variety of other sources.
GBOB, Happy birthday....
The year is ending and you don't think this way as things do happen....

This year, the last few hours of my birthday I also ended up in the hospital.. lol... my son got virus attack and has to be admitted and I took another 2 days of leave to be with him....

So you are not alone... dont feel sway...

Happy Birthday!!
Hope your dad is better now.
Stay positive, dun think of the negative things. Things just happens, we have to deal with them. Everything happened for a reason. I believed there is always blessings in disguise.

I agreed with Princessleopard.... everything happens for a reason... the god just want all of us to be stronger...
Thank q so much dearies... I m feeling alot better now.. Grumbled abit earlier cos it just happened so alot was on my mind... I do understand that things happen for a reason... Now I can only pray n hope all will b well with my old man.... V sweet of u babes...Thanks gals
