Support group - Miscarriages

oic...yup go may hubbie last time low sperm k liao...only me problematic....Argh...

No stress, it will work out one day. I read online, ladies with PCOS do get preggy after treatment. There is still hope!!
My gynea also use the same calculation too.
Guess he bases for women whom cycle falls on the 28 days.
If ur AF come ard 28 days then it might works.
For mine, my cycle ard 29 to 25 days. * headache*
But previously, I hit the jackpot on the D15. Those calculation is so hard to learn n understand. As everyone have different cycle day n not accurate.
Princess...Yup read some did strike naturally...I am the unlucky one..hehehe...Mine not 28 days cycle leh...So like that difficult to count..But nvm la..Just do it..n see strike or not..Stress free...

I am only gg back TCM in Sept..

Lets all Jia You...Jia You...
Princess...ya lor..just have to wait and see...For me maybe I am used to it liao...Every mth no news..10 yrs plus of wait liao..

Hope HE hears me and grants me when the time is right...

U gals Jia You Jia You..;-)

I had a fren just got preggy naturally after more than 8 yrs of wait. Your time will come. I understand this journey long & tedious but when our rainbow baby arrival. I believe we all cherish our baby more than anyone else, who conceive easily.

I really hope to hear some good news from this thread soon!!
Princess...Wow good to hear...Yup our baby will be very precious to us..A long wait to receive a beautiful present from HIM...

I really hope all u gals will strike too...
Celestine !! good luck to U!!
I hope the bukit batok TCM can really help u
i can't wait for my confinement to be over.
i want to visit her too !!

I buy OPK from them before. But the last time I contacted them on organic raspberry tea. Email them twice but no reply at all. In the end, I order & ship from usa.
princess .. oh i see... i am thinking of buying the organic raspberry tea too
i read from previous pages that it aids uterine muscle.... or should i ask TCM whether it is safe....
jhw, I also wanted to check with my tcm. So before I check, now I only drink during the safe period, that is during AF and before O. After O, I din drink.
Thanks for the recommend.
Really hope that she can help us.
Update u aft I visit her.. Hehe!

Dun be disheartened.
See those artist, they can give birth at their old age. Believe we can too. It only take us to believe n nv give up trying. HE will give us our grace as long we trust fully in him. Jiayou all of us!
i probably will visit tcm this sat.
after i check, i will update you

i check google translate , chinese name is 有机覆盆子茶... but i wonder if i say raspberry , will the tcm understand or not... hmmm...
Remember my tcm saying best us to avoid any Tea, cos they are "liang", which is harmful for our womb. For raspberry I duno Isst ok.

Hmm... Plan to buy royal jelly.
Look the content, seems good for my hormones problem n help fertile. Buy from US, shd be cheaper bah. Wink!
i am also very interested in Royal jelly.
maybe getting from this website.
u mention buy from US is cheaper.... any idea how to buy from US?
i feel like forcing my hb to eat too.
i feel that in order to have healthy bb, he should be responsible too... sound kinda bad of me to say that... but i really think it is true to certain extent.... anyway it is good for his health in the long run mah
Celestine...actually after awhile I dun feel disheartened or disappointed liao..Maybe too immune...or sian...I just try my best and leave it to HIM...

It's just after my mc I dun feel like attending any baby ceremony...Dun feel like going at all..Weird hormones...heheheh

I thot the raspberry u sistas mentioned here is not liang...I initially wanted to buy from the gla blog..but since I can't predict when I decided against it...

me too... i dun feel like attending any baby ceremony... even though i am truly happy for a friend who is giving birth soon
but i scared she angry with me
how should i put it so that i won't have to attend yet i no need to cook up any excuse to lie to her....
jhw...I am hepi for those I know who gave least dun hv to suffer like me..having fertility problems..then mc somemore..But looking at babies makes my heart ache even more..

That's y I dun attend..I have one this coming weekend..My colleague wife...

Luckily got cussie engagement so escape..even if no activity on that day..I will give a white choice I dun wan to put myself in a miserable situation and be hypocrite going gooo gaaaaa with the baby...It's really nobody fault...But I dun wan to hurt myself or upset myself even more...
Thanks jhw.

I am not sure if raspberry is liang. But looking at the benefits, I wanted to give it a try. Just not sure that is it safe to drink during first & second trimester. cos websites varies in this info. Some say drink only during 3rd trimester, some say ok to drink everyday, anytime, cos its meant to strengthen the uterus for conception.

Bubbli, I think its ok to drink la, although u cant predict O, but this is for the uterus, future give birth also easier, faster and less painful. My 2 cents...hehe
Princess...oh is it...hmm..let me think ...I just bought this cholorophyll and performa form this lady...Will try this one 1st...
Bubbli, what is that for?

I also avoid all the baby showers. But the upcoming 2 sil's baby showers, I dunno how to escape. Those are the 2 I really dun want to go. Cos all relatives are there, they will start the "when is your turn" thingy. And there will be plenty of babies around that day. Plus, my sils will be very sarcastic with me. Very sian....dunno what to do.
Princess..I was reading tru..then saw this product..There's a customer who is taking this with some bio slim product and manage to regularise her thot of trying to see whether it will help to regularise my menses....

Cholorphyll - is wheat grass I tink..
Performa - Hormone herbs....

oh 2 sil baby showers..that will be hard to escape..go for awhile and disappear can? Sometimes I dun understand y pple wan to kepo so much..Really sick and tired hearing them asking and talking..Fed up at times..Me attend but stay for awhile only...Dun wan to spend my time talking to pple abt when la...Y ur sils must be mean one...Hate some pple who very ya ya just becos they can get easily and we dun...For once have they ever understood our situation..which is never of cos...

I hate family gatherings..especially those big gatherings...can't stand some pple the way they talk abt hving babies..
bubbli, I see.

They ya ya cos jus a few yrs they already have 2 kids each. One of them even worse, last yr cny, she announce to everyone that this year she is going to have a dragon BOY. As if gender can choose. Should wait & see if it's really boy. Cannot imagine her face if its really boy. She always get what she wants.
oic...aiyoh can like that one huh...Can predict hving a boy...So if gal..dun wan is it..Siao ur sil..(sorry to say)..

I can imagine how mean ur sil is...

If she gives birth to gal..then black face is it? Ask her go and take waster paper basket and cover her face...Pfft....

I think if u r not ready..Dun face them...Wait u upset even more..
Now i very scared of gatherings too.
i dun want to hurt myself or make myself sad , like what Bubbli say, though i am really truly happy for my friends.

Sometimes, maybe friends and SILs or relatives, they just indulged in their own happiness and fail to be sensitive towards our situation.

But i also heard some of my good friends who complaint about their SILs being sacastic (not the case about baby but other things like compare this and compare that)
Yes, she black face lo. Her first is gal, she come home from checkup, both husband & wife went straight to the room withotu even greeting anyone. She's very angry its a gal. Poor thing is my bil, he ganna scolded by her, cos gender determine by guys. My mil very heartache that her son everyday have to ganna her scolding. My mil din even scold her son before. See how bad she is.

I think I will ask my hubby to go. Anyway I haven't go back for 3 mths liao.
dun be disheartened..

i hope someone can tell your SIL horoscope is not important...
i used to think getting a dragon is big deal too.
but ever since i lost my bb, i seriously feel that bb health is most important than anything. Personal happiness is also important. Do you feel that your hb and you become closer and love each other more after this incident? BB will come back to you soon because he see that his mummy has become healthier and his parents become more loving.
jhw, sometimes 2 families union can be very tough at times. Cos u dunno how the family members is like. This particular sil I mentioned also like to compare things lo. Whatever I buy, the next moment, she also buy but better than mine. I am very sick of all these stuffs. I am trying to lead a happy life cos work stress already very high. But ppl like these keep stepping on our tails.
i think it is really tough to have such person in our life. TO keep comparing this and that.
In fact, her life is miserable too because she keep wanting to win and will never be satisfied.
Only thing you can do is, try to meet her less frequently.... life is very tedious in singapore already.
I dun have SIL yet..coming soon...Dunno how my turn will be..

Sometimes I really dun know whether they pretend not to see our situation or purposely trying to make us feel down...
Princess...eeeekks...can like that one...y gender matters so much...Sorry to say ur this Sil dun appreciate wat she have and can get easily....

Ur another SIL lagi worst..Can like that...

I tink the best ask ur hubby to go and attend...U try not to show ur the other sil wat u buy next time...

Sick leh these pple...Aiyoh..Really pity u Princess...
jhw, dun think she will listen to anyone. Now my mil & fil are all bullied by her. Poor thing.

My hb & I are always loving...haha. We had been together for more than 15 yrs, always like boyfriend, girlfriend rather than husband & wife. For me, after this incident, I am actually more concern about my hb, cos guys are usually not as open as women. They keep things to themselves. I can cry it out but he cannot. He have to be brave when I am weak. So, I try talking to him many times, wanting him to open up. I am glad that one day I did succeed to make him talk abt this mc and he cried. Its so unhealthy for him to keep everything to himself. He only share happy things with him, and keep sad things to himself.
No idea where can i buy cheaper wor, i just realize the benefit of royal jelly. Haha!
Will do some research and share wit u soon. =D

I agree that HB shd place a part on improving their own health etc. But meantime no pressure toward them, unless they willing by themselves. No point pushing them and stress the marriage out too right. Now im staying cool but meantime of cos try to improve my Hormone problem too.

Princess & bubbi,
I totally can understand.
My hubby side, forever having those mthly gathering. Those gathering is the super big group type that u can't even find place to sit lor. They know that we are trying so hard to conceive and yet no news. Yet they wan to keep asking stupid Q, like when u are u going to get pregnant, etc? I come to a point that i will point to my HB and tell them to ask him. I will walk off the area. They thinks that i dun wish to get pregnant ma, it not up to me to chose ma. Stupid ppl. Aft the MC, i have nv show face to them ever since. Just wan concentrate on our own then busy ard with their Q&A.

Sorry, i will avoid going there, why torture urself.
If really no choice, then throw ur hubby there alone and say that u not feeling well. That wat im doing now. Hehehe!
Ur SIL the same as mine, Brainless ppl. If inside is a girl, is she going to throw away? Nonsense. As long BB healthy and normal, that most imp.
bubbli....ya la, I already avoid as much as possible. She's staying with my in-laws, so worse lo. I go back in-law house have to ensure they are not around, if I dun wan to see them .
jhw, I agreed. My hb also say what the sil want to do, let her be. Anyway, her life is more miserable than us. Always following our Brainless...
My hubby almost same as urs.
Keeping everything to himself, only those happy then he will voice out. See this way, make me heartbreak too. I need to force him to share out too. Once finally, he cry out loud that he feel guilty of not protecting me during my pregnancy.

This is already one thing that your SIL lose to you. I think she fail to recognise true happiness.
its nice of you to be able to make your hb release his emotion. Your HB seem to be same as my brother, always keep unhappy things to himself. Even when my brother watch soccer, his fav team Man U score a Goal, he just smile, not like others who shout "GOAL!" and when the other rivalry team score goal, he keep a black face and refuse to talk, while others will shout and complaint. Typical Libra character.

Me and my hb become closer after this incident.
Before that, we always bicker over small issues.... and both our tempers are quite bad one, always refuse to give in. After this incident, i tone down le. My hb also surprisingly become more caring towards me, though sometimes still scold me... hope this loving mode continues. But my hb let go very well, unlike me, still crying non stop until today.

maybe i can go ask TCM where to buy natural royal jelly with bee pollen... maybe chinese medical hall sell it cheaper.... hehe....

i ask my hb many times le.... he say he is not sad.... hmmm i also dunno leh... maybe he is just acting strong.
Wow that is so cheap !!!
okok.... if i going TCM tomorrow, i am going to ask her whether we can eat Raspberry tea and/or Royal Jelly... then we can decide woo hoo ~
jhw, ya i agreed with celest. That is how guys react. So, sometimes we have to watch out for their feelings. I get to know how serious the matter was, is when my mum passed away. My hb was nice to drive my mum to the clinic cos she having fever for many days. Then, was referred to govt hosp where my mum passed away. I am skipping the details here. But it was abt 2 yrs later, on one sad occasion that he suddenly blurt out that he feel so guilty that he caused my mum's death. No one blamed him for that, no one even thought of that. We only blamed the hosp. But this thing is in him for yrs. Imagine a guy's heart is so good to hide stuffs. From then on, I always look out for his feelings and encourage him to talk openly.

jhw, I believe deep down in him, there will be sadness cos its ur bb. Now, I can still rem clearly my hb's expression when doc show us the u/s that bb's size is small & no heartbeat. I have never seen that expression before. I can feel his heartache already.
