Support group - Miscarriages

I think its standard procedures for gynae to check if anything is wrong with us to have no good news after ttc for yrs. They will check for ovulation, make sure tubes are ok etc.

I cannot rem the price now. Tonight I update u.

Hope clomid works. So dun hv to go thru those tests.

FYI. On another thread, one lady share that clomid if taking long term no good for our uterus. It will thin the uterus which in turn cannot conceive. I was so scared that I ask my gynae to check mine when i do iui. But I din take many times, abt 5-6 rounds now.

That 2 year of TTC, I didn't go back my gynea at all. During that time, I'm very busy at work n family issue. The next visit to gynea was 2 year later, when I got pregnant. Ho Ho Ho!

Omg.. Clomid hv such bad effect.
The Dr only give me 2 round of clomid. Hope that it wouldn't affect my uterus. Wah! It make me worry, now I scare on clomid liao. Shd check with my gynea further.
princess, you are welcome!!
it is never too late as long as you still have the determination to have baby!! You know, at least you found him better than never have found at all Cheer you on!!

Every drug have their goods and bads. Back then, my mc doc say maybe its clomid. Cos one of the side effects of clomid is that it helps u to ovulate but it does not select a good follicle. If our body were to ovulate on our own, every mth a good follicle is chosen. Doc is just diagnosing that since can fertilise, so it may not be sperm prob, cos only gd sperm can swim all the way there to fertilise.

Then my concern is whether to take clomid, since there is such side effects. But doc say dun take clomid wun ovulate, also a prob. Haiz....
I know wat u mean, we are like stuck in between.
Now it worries me too.

Previously my Dr saying my MC could due to bad sperms tat swim to the egg. The sperm or follicle is bad n causes pregnancy to end half way thru. Dr was saying it best that it ended early then later stage, it be even more heartbreaking for me.

Maybe tonight I will speak with my hubby n decide.
Dun take clomid, I Duno when I can have baby. Take clomid, might have tons of bad effect n even MC again. Haiz!! Why Isst so hard for us to get pregrant.
Celestine, since tts the case, i think i have to encourage my hubby to eat healthily too. He been eating junk too. Celestine, do continue ur tcm and ask ur hubby to take tcm too. Maybe better than taking clomid? Now i cannot wait to finish my tcm and go visit dr su.

Ling, u may want to try tcm n tiao ur body first.

There is another alternative to clomid. Its letrozole. This does not thin the uterus but its more expensice. Its abt 10x more then clomid for 5 days supply. Clomid is less than $10, letrozole is abt $100.

Ideal uterus lining for implantation is 6-14mm. But iui/ivf may set higher standard like 7.5mm and above. Last mth, doc measure mine was 11mm. She say its good.

Maybe got chance u can check on that to rest your mind.
Now I really duno wat I shd do.
Wish to try on clomid but as wat princess mention, it have lots of scary cases. Trying the TCM, I duno how well it works for me too. Tonight will sit down with my hubby n talk this over with him.

How ur gynea measure ur uterus lining? By scan itself?
The previous time my gynea did a scan n saying my lining is good, but he didn't mention how thick it is. Or I forgot.. Hehe!
Even try the clomid, I might only try 2 cycle. MAX!

Next mth I'm heading to Bkk with my hubby.
If my AF arrive within 2 week later, then I can start clomid but can't see my gynea for any scan due to my bkk holiday. That
worries me. Trying to tell myself not to worry too much. I might not be so unlucky. Still can't help to worry. Piang.

Will speak with my hubby tonight.
Best to let him know n prepare for anything. Touch wood!
jhw & celest,

Do u have O prob? If dun have, den dun take lo. I dun have O prob in the past, suddenly one particular mth, I din O. I was so angry then cos I plan trip to maldives to have bb...haha. In the end, I din O. I test from CD13 to CD24, all -ve. So, I come back see doc and start clomid lo. If not for iui, I wun take it. Cos i am ovulating normal now.


Doc measure thru v scan. I am not sure if norm u/s can see.
actually i never really check for O .... i only use smart phone apps to see when is the O date and when is most fertile, then i tried during those fertile period suggested by the hp apps....

do give Dr Su a Try... i feel very amazed after i read the reviews from the gals in mummy sg...
its a pity that i cannot paste the link here for you to read the amazing experiences that the gals shared... because this forum did not allow another link shared of other forums
I dun think I have O problem. My cycle ard 29 to 35 days. Last week I test on CD19 n it show positive but it appear more then 10 min, I duno isst accurate. =P

Previously been TTC for more then 2 years n I dun wish to wait any longer anymore.
Duno where goes wrong. Dr say that my womb n lining is good. My hubby wanted to do tests as well but Dr said that if I able to conceive then he shd be no problem. *headache*

What do u mean by appear for more than 10 mins?

I also dunno what went wrong. ttc for almost 4 yrs, natural 2 yrs no gd new, iui also dun work. Yet can preggy naturally when least expected. Till now, still no gd news. Really dunno what went wrong. Doc jus say nowadays unexplained infertility very common. Sigh...
I'm using the ovulation test strip. It stated we need to wait for 5 min for the result.
5 min I read n it only faded line. So I throw it away.
Aft more then 10 min, I accidentally saw the test strip in the bin which show positive. So I duno if the result is accurate.

Ur recent IUI fail? Hug hug!
While I'm waiting for my D&C, a nurse telling me that normally aft women D&C they conceive very fast after that bcos our womb is totally scrub clean which make the sperm stick on the womb easily. But now more then 3 mths, I dun see any news. I might be over Gan chiong but thinking of i might needs to TTC for years again, make me freak out.
think only read results within 5 minutes else not accurate..who is your dr? without going for an SA test on your hb's swimmers, it is unfair to pinpoint that everything is normal (sorry to say but im just being frank here) As i've read about misdiagnoses by the doc wasted some years of a couple's TTCing time somewhere is good to take tests so to find out. cos 对症下药 mah..

*hug* for you that your iui is unsuccessful

me too ladies..feel down these days..though i know it's my hb's swimmers problem but then can't help to think maybe problem lies with me too

I heard of that before. A lot ppl told me after mc very fast get preggy de. But still it doesnt happen to me. Really dunno what is wrong w us?

I read the test strips after 5 mins, but I realise they do continue to change after that. For me, cos I start testing from CD13, so I normally keep them aside to compare.

Abt the iui, I dunno. Breasts soreness subsiding. Temp goes up & down. These 2 days a bit crampy. Got a feeling its going to be disappointment again.

Haven't see u these few days?

Today is post iui D15. I am still waiting...I dun wanna test for preggy cos afraid of disapointment again. Now, breasts already not that sore, if temp drop, den AF will come le.

Sometimes I thought of that too. My tests all ok. hb's troop only normal form got a bit prob. But sometime I do think could I still have underlying prob. Cos for iui, its using gd troops, gynae say my uterus is good. So the only thing we wun know is my follicles.
Big hugs to celestine, chris and princess... .
Please dun be disheartened. keep praying according to your faith and religion. I really hope i can hear good news from everyone of you here ..... u gals were my great support during this sad period ....

I just read online that zinc supplement or eating food with zinc is great fertility boost. shall we try? On top of that, green beans are also great fertiliy food...but we cannot eat green beans too frequently as it is liang.
princessleopard..yeah been busy at home, cleaning more often as im allergic to cats and thus more time consuming to vacuum daily and was busy searching for airticket and booking..will be back following week though .. good to at least see my folks to temp. not think so much..

jhw thanks..can't help it but still feel down..zinc? hmm..maybe i should go get multivit ..
I totally agree with you, been suspecting some problem with my hubby too. In fact my hubby voice out to have a test but Dr keep ensuring he shd be fine. Guess it time we get 2nd opinion. Haiz!

Hug hug! As long u dun see anything, then there hope.
Dun give up. Believe the rainbow bb will arrive, it only matter of time.

Just talk with my hubby abt bad effect of Clomid.
He also scare by hearing it.
Will plan to go for detail scan to see my lining before I start the Clomid. Play safe then be sorry. I had enough of those scary incident.

Since u 2 have not done any test yet. I think its good to get it done. At least know the root of the problem.

Thanks. Though symptoms seems disappearing but I am still telling myself as long as AF dun report, I still got chance.
i see thanks doing a comparison between brands and also budget budget hehe i see, yes!! Af no come still got chance ok!!

Celestine yes better go see another doc to get a diff opinion..

Re: on clomid, i've a fried who took 1 cycle and strike with a bb boy now
Good morning, ladies.

Phew, my AF came this morning. Exactly at 4 weeks.

I have a girl. She is 28 months old.

I’ve not done any pre-conception check before. It does sound scary!

I’m like jhw, only check using phone app to tell me when the O date is.
If I do use, when should I start testing? For how long?
If tested positive means on the very day need to BD? How long this timing will last?
During O period, will reflect as positive? Then every day need BD or alternate?
Sorry for asking so much question because I intend to try using test strip. Always I will ham-tan or agar-agar, I think at least there is some guidance.

D&C can conceive very fast becoz womb has been totally scrubbed clean. How about natural whereby there is no scribbling? Do you know?
Princess n ChrisL,
Notices u girls sleep quite late wor. Haha!
Yes, will get more detail test to ensure everything is good. Cross fingers

Princess, u dun mind to intro me ur gynea too?

Congrat Congrat.
Aft ur AF end then best to wait til next cycle then TTC again.
As that way then u able to see when is ur next cycle to calculate ur O day.

For natural, I'm not that sure wor.

I think I am the only one who sleep late...oopps. Chrisl's time zone diff from us. Lately got to rush some presentations for my course so cannot sleep early.

I am seeing Dr Joycelyn Wong at TMC. Very nice lady. But her appt is very packed, u need to book early to get the date u want. & waiting time is usually 1-2 hrs at the clinic. She is nice to give us her email address so u can email her for any enquiry that u have. So, u dun have to call clinic & ask nurse to pass the Qs. Good gynae always have to wait. I think there is a thread abt her. Maybe u can have a look at what others say abt her.

Congrats on ur first AF!

To calculate O day, I used my basal temp. But temp is only a guide, & u need to monitor for a few months to know ur own temp trend. It's good to use temp & OPK together. For me, since my AF range from CD28-32, doc advised me to start using OPK from CD13-18. On the day, u get positive, u need to BD on the very day. If hd's troops no prob, then can try again the next day. Cos for us, there's troop prob, we are advised alternate days instead of everyday.

After u get positive on the OPK, the next day u should notice ur temp goes up. That means u r ovulating. From this, I normally know that the OPK and temp is tally & accurate.

Measure the temp before u get out of the bed, and try to measure ard the same time everyday to get accuracy.
Elo dearies...

Thread moving very fast...

Hope all of u r doing fine..I am trying to read up as much I can from here..But got confuse alittle..I tink..

But those sistas who has gone tru the painful process of mc...Dun blame urself...All this happens for reason..which only HE knows..It is difficult to let go..Very true..Couldn't agree less..But we have to...We will never forget our loss..They r forever in our hearts...

I went for my follow up check up...Wat a long wait for my dr...Had some emergency case to attend..So waited 2hr plus to see him...Now inducing my menses so can do SIS to check the uterus..He wanted me to go on clomid since I am a PCOS sufferer..But had tried that before many years back..Up to max dosage till 6 months..No news of ovulation..Then Dr ask me to consider SO-IUI or IVF..Did IVF..But failed..Well it's k..At least there is that sign I can still get pregnant...

U sistas must take good care of urself...Try ur best to let go of the pain....

Hmm Princess u mention abt letrozole...I wonder whether kk has this..Maybe will do some reading 1st before I ask my gynae...U tried this before?

I havent, I just got to know it after I took the clomid for this round of so-iui. If not doing iui, I will not be taking clomid, since I am ovulating again.

If u need to take clomid long term, I think its better to check if kk have. Since taking long term clomid no good.
Princess..ic..No I am not taking clomid again...I told my dr..No I am taking clomid since it doesn't work for me...So he told me to try naturally...Dunno will work..But will try..I have irregular menses..So I dun ovulate either..Well will just try..

Nvm dear me go read up on letrozoloe and aks him on my next visit in Aug...;-)

How r u?
Sigh, today temp went down. I just finished progesterone pills yesterday. So, I think my AF coming today or tml. iui failed again! I decided to take a break from iui, go back tcm and tiao me & hb. Was thinking of giving up measuring temp & OPK. Take a break and rest.
Thanks princess!
Will do some search on her. *wink*

Long time no see u here.
Believe everyone had start to move on, only sometime will go haywire. Lol!!
I'm curious abt the letrozoloe too.
Dun mind share with me once u ask ur Dr? Hehe!
some clinic have, some dun. Mine dun have. Cos doc straight away give me progesterone pills to take after iui. So no need to go back for blood test to see if progesterone level good anot. So, I just wait to see if Af come.

Will update u more when I see him in Aug..Need to do the SIS first and get the result before seeing him...I am curious too..But will go and read up first before asking..Last time like goondu..took clomid without knowing wat it is..Now smart liao..hehehe

How r u dear?
Princess's agonising waiting period...But watever it is..Since now u dun see anything..Keep the spirit up..If AF comes strong and move on..Go for a break dear...

I am planning to go for a break this year again..But will see how..hehehe
Hug hug princess.
Last time I use to be super hardworking on bbt n Opk too.
Until I totally give up, the next few mth I got preggi.
Sometime my body too tired on those test n only success when we give it a good break.

Meantime continue to TTC n see ur tcm, dun give up hope.
It might works.
Me also one blur blur chick.
Only until princess share with me the bad effect of Clomid, then do some research, then i know how terrible it can be. Lol! Dun mind I ask Wat is SIS? Wat test Isst?

Me only got to know a few years back wor..Got a shock of my life..Well take already...So no choice..Just hope it didn't affect anything much in my body..

SIS is a scan to check the uterus cavity..They will put like salt water into the uterus to check any abnormality growth or any scarring of the uterus..I wan to do cos I did a D&C so worry abt my uterus...And also wan to check any abnormility growth too..Failed so many IVF liao..Might as well check..
After my course finish in Nov, I will go for a break. I love holidays! Used to travel 3-4 times a yr, but now cos ttc, I dun plan for flight trips cos scared book le, cannot go if preggy. I miss the

Things really happened when least expected. That time I also strike unexpected. That mth, hb was sick, after taking medi, he cannot perform on my O day. He's so stressed up. Although in the end, we did BD but I dun even think there is troops in me. SO, that mth I knew for sure AF will come cos totally no hope. But in the end, preggy. Weird isn't?
Princess...Thats the thing..when we dun expect anything..It happens..Miracles from HIM above..

There is this saying when u really want something so bad..U may not get it..But when u dun really expect it..It happens...
Thanks ladies.

Ya, I have been thinking of this for a while now. Maybe its time to execute. Mayb I am one kind, cos the bbt have accumulate for yrs now, suddenly want to break off, feel so uneasy. haha
U ladies very guai take opk...I nvr did...I did like few times..Then gave up...Got fed up since I know PCOS like me dun ovulate..Stress also make things worst..Dun care liao...

But if u gal have menses regularly..then ovulate ...I think gd idea to do bbt and opk..But will be stressful i tink...

Well best scenario is just do it la...Dun stress so much and enjoy the bd cuddling session with dh...

My this gynae..He gave tips on when to bd..He say count ur menses as Day 1..From Day 14 bd...So next bd will be D17 and so on..But I may ovulate very late so difficult to count..

I start bbt and opk since i see this gynae. Though she say my AF cycle is regular & I do ovulate but my CD is 28-32. So, need to do bbt & opk to know exactly which day O lo. If not difficult to strike. Moreover, in e past, my hb's troops quantity & quality no good, so she say must be accurate, dun waste e troops. But now, after tcm, hb's troops quantity is above normal, only left quality issue. So, going back to tcm first. If this new tcm I am seeing is good, I will update u gals.
