Support group - Miscarriages

Wah peifang
you're 1 year older than my sis hehe

are you also undergoing ivf?

can provide the name of your female tcm in chong hwa? Thanks!

my female tcm is 张淑珍
i still dunno if she is good because i have not started on the medicine.. only starting after i complete my antibiotics...
will provide more reviews abt chung hwa after i finish first treatment
Celestine !!! do try and don't give up any chance !!
i am so tempted to try too
but my hubby ask me to try two rounds of Chung Hwa medicine first Since I cannot travel too Far to the West Side this two weeks due to mini confinement.
But i must go to this Dr Su after i finish my Chung hwa med....
I can't wait to hear good news from all the gals here !!
yes, i just pop in.... no need to make appointment.
U can actually arrive early to take queue number... But i didn't wait for very long.. only Wait around one hour...
Oh yes! Dun give up hope. Thanks for sharing.
Stay positive is the key to success. Jiayou!
Now whatever method that can make me conceive, I sure try.
Will update u abt this Dr Su, if he really make me pregrant then it a miracle. Cross finger. Haha!
She is a female ... hehe
good luck, i really hope to hear good news from every oneo of u here. I decided to go for dr su next month.
just a quick check, do u all go for preconception checkup before ttc at gynae or never go?
I didn't went for any check up before TTC.
Previously my Gynea did a scan, he told me that my womb n tube is fine.
Last night my hubby was saying he felt that my gynea wasnt good enough n planning to change gynea which recommend by my Sil. Which I wasnt keen at all. Since I'm see him for a long time, he have my medical report which I think he know my condition much better.
ChrisL - I failed my 3rf fresh ivf in Apr 12. Sian......Now, plainnig FET.

jhw - You sound much positive now. Taking action is a good step forward!

Celestine & Princessleopard - Hello and good luck for a bfp very soon.
I was positive until i did my blood test at kkh just now.
the nurse poke my vein so many times but could nt get the blood out. Then she say she cannot do it n change nurse and poke another side. Its so painful and now i have to wait two hrs for the results. Being here really make me depressed n, i cried again, thinking my bb is no longer with me.
Sorry i m such emotional freak. Watsmore i came alone today, make me feel worst
Thanks Dana!

My 2ww is almost over, 3 more days to go. Trying to stay clam & relax now. Try not to think too much of the result. If this iui still fail, I am going to take a break. Since my new tcm say his patients who failed countless of iui, come to him within 6 months conceive naturally. I am going to give it a try.
Good morning, how is everybody doing? Enjoyed your weekend?
I visited a friend who has given birth to a girl last month and was a bit emotional when I saw the baby. Memories came back to me, can’t help but cried.

jhw, this is a phase that we have to be real strong and stay positive. Yesterday, I told myself that I will definitely conceive (with a boy) again, my girl will have a sibling to play with. I will have a normal and smooth pregnancy. No choice but has to do it since I’m all alone here.

Mine was blighted ovum too. When I did my 1st scan on the 5 week, detected no sac. I was worried and felt something was wrong. My gynae said perhaps I ovulated late or my AF was later than the date given. But I was skeptical because my dates are quite choon always. I choose to stay positive but it just didn’t grow and finally left me on 1st June. I’m still waiting for my AF to come so yet to know how my 1st cycle is.
You’re still young. I think it may be good to consult a TCM and tiao your body.

I’m now not seeing any TCM since there isn’t any here! But I will visit my TCM when I’m back next month. She is just located below my block in Toa Payoh and she is a volunteer at Zhong-Hua too.

Wow! Don’t worry you will graduate. Jya you.
jhw - You are not alone. We are rooting for you here. Get away from KKH while waiting for blood test results? Can take the free shuttle and go walk walk at Bugis Junction. Jiayou jiayou jiayou!

Princess - You will succeed. No need for new tcm
Good luck to u!
Meantime stay relax n dun think too much.
Hope hear good news from all of u here.
Need some positive energy. Lol!!

Hug hug!
It not easy to go back same place where we lost.
Today will be last day u gona do all this blood test. Stay positive. Jiayou!!
I'm having light brown discharge again. Haiz!
Duno what wrong with my body.
Read some website n it stated it could due to ovulation bleeding or in-balance hormones.
It started since Sat. Haiz! Got to see my gynea soon again. Dun have the courage to see him again. I'm so tired of all this.
Thanks! Will observe til tomolo.
If still brown discharge, then I will give a call to gynea.
Thought everything falls in place n can ready for TTC, now again those brown discharge during my ovulation date. Haiz!
Abt to give up now. I'm so tired n Sianz!
I can understand. Hang in there, ok? This thought is common for all who been through the journey of ttc. But due to age or sometimes health prob, we cannot take a break.

Maybe plan a getaway around your next O day to relax, perhaps may strike...hehe
Minnieluv... thanks... i will stay strong... i guess its harder for any of us to get over because we really love our babies. I just went Zhong hua last Sat... and she diagnosed and said that my body is very very weak...

Dana, i am back home now.. i am finally out of that place... though they ask me to go back 2 weeks later, i decided to find a private one instead... totally not comfortable with how KKH handle things

Celestine... i understand how you feel... because going back to the same place really make one feel depressed.. this morning i was real depressed because KKH reminded me of my bad memories... i think i will find a private Gynae next time. But right now, since u not going to find a new Gynae, better still go back to have a check on your condition because it is very important for your health to be well taken care of before TTC.
All the best to you and keep us updated !!

Princess, all the best to you !!!
Hi All,
I just had a second opinion from a private doctor that i confirmed have blighted ovum and will be going through D&C later late this week. I am in my 9 weeks going to 10 weeks. Slight cramp this 2 days and hopefully it will not natural miscarriage till the D&C session.

May i check is there any food one should and shouldnt take after the D&C?

I heard from my colleague that the process is painful. Is this true for those whom have been through this surgery?

SO sorry to hear that. Hugs~
You can do a mini confinement after that. Food cooked with lots of ginger. Avoid "liang" food. Dun drink cold water. Drink longan red dates tea.

D&C is not painful cos u already under anaesthetic, at least for me. After that, woke up, nurse give u some biscuits & milo to eat. They will monitor for a while that u dun feel dizzy or nausea. Then can go home.
Princess n Jhw,
Will go back my gynea asap to check my condition.
My HB lost confident in my gynea n keep forcing me to change a new gynea which recommend by my brainless Sil. Told him a million times that I'm not going change my gynea bcos he know my condition more then anyone. Yet this moment he wan to stress me out. Arggg!!

Sorry to burst out. Just now I break down n cry out loud.
I'm doing all i can to improve my body n yet I dun see a slighty improvement. I'm so down...

Sorry to hear abt it.
Sad to see another sis here in this forum. Hug hug!

As wat princess said,
U wouldn't feel anything during the whole process. When u wake up, u might be in ur room. For me, I stay over for a night, as Dr wan to see my condition for next day.

Oh... Prepare a few long pad too.
As aft the D&C, u will have bleeding.
The hospital provided only those daily use pad. To me it wasn't long enough to prevent any overflow.

Sorry to hear abt ur loss. Hugs.

Like what Princessleopard, do a mini confinement.

To me, D&C is not painful, it's the heart... the nurse'll give some sandwiches and drink after that cause fasting is needed before the process. They'll monitor for awhile and can go home.

Celestine, don't give yourself too much pressure. Hugs, Hugs.

We can't rush thing, just let it go by natural. Relax and cry if you feel better after that.

I know u wanted to start ttc soon, but your health is the most important now. Dun get too impatient over this. Soon, you will get the green light to ttc.

Cry is u want, its better to let it out then to keep them all in u. Its not good for health too. Last sat, I cried too. Till now, I havent delete the pregnancy app I downloaded. I saw the updates that my baby is 37 weeks now, almost ready to see this world. Too bad.....

This journey is not easy, but we all can do it. JIAYOU, LADIES!!!
Piggy81 - Hugs.......D&C is not painful. The physical pain is nothing compared to the emotional pain. Take good care of your physical health and nurse your emotional health too.

Celest - Jiayou! Don't rush. Make sure your health is completely restored first.

jhw - Yup, do what you are comfortable with. A new hosp is a good & hopeful start. never under-estimate psychological impact.
Thanks for allowing me to burst all out.
I'm still hanging on, only that sometime I abit hay wire. Lol
Made a appt with my Dr tonight.
Cross finger! Hope the news be alrite.

I'm not rushing for the TTC, already give everything to hand of god.
I'm just angry at my hubby. Forever no matter what my in-laws thinks or said, he will listen to them. I know what bests for myself, what made my Sil thinks that I shd change my Dr to her recommend. My in-laws forever wanted to ctr my decision. Bth...
Hi Celestine
sometimes i understand the agony when hb cannot understand our thinking....
my hb also cannot understand why i am so sad over an embroye or fetus... he felt that it is not even a life yet... But in my heart, it is already my precious bb even though it did not have the chance to come to the world.
Hb's support is very important... have a good talk with your hubby and like what other sisters suggest, go for a short trip, so that two of you can have a good talk without other people around influencing your hb's thinking... sometimes guys are like that.... tell your hb that if change gynae affect your mood even worst...tell him that U are already trying your best to do everything u can, eg looking for good TCM.. and ask him along to visit Dr Su too...

Piggy81, u are the same age as me... i am sorry to hear about your loss. i also suffered a MC one week ago... and now i am trying my best to heal emotionally... take good care of your health from now on dear sister...
Mens dun carry the life inside them. They dun understand that it mean so much to us. As what my priest said before, studies shows, Mens takes 3 weeks to get over the sorrow but women 3 years. They easily get affected by others but forget easily. That why dun step onto a lady foot easily. Hehe!

I'm glad that he willing follow me to any Dr appt.
Told him that he will need to take medicine too, he ok with that too. That a plus point for him. Only that he easily brainwash by others n force me to accept. Anyway, I'm going to hang on to my gynea, no matter wat they thinks. I can be quite stubborn to what I think is bests for me. Hehe!
Me too waiting to do FET! How many embryos have you frozen? When are you looking to start?

hmm..maybe your sil is trying to be nice to help..don't think too much into it ok..i am sure they are concern that's all that's why..but on the other hand, it's wise to sit your hb down and tell him that you need his support more so now during this emotional turmoil and explain to him that you are very comfortable with your current gynae *hugs for you* and hope your doc appointment went well

lots of *hugs* for you...
No doubt that my Sil was trying to help but due to many senseless hurting words from her mouth, that already make me trying to avoid any contacts from her. For example, she told my hubby, her womb is better then mine n she willing to born a baby n give to him. That alone, make me have enough of her words.

Dr say that my hormones problem again.
Was given hormones pills n a set of clomid. He saying could be my hormones or ovulation bleeding. He dun see a point to scan my womb cos D&C was only 3 mth plus away. Thanks lord! Least not as bad as I think. Hehe!
celestine huh like that ah....hmm..then good idea to try to minimise contact..

good that it went well and you got to rest your mind
Take care and rest well ok! jia you!!
Celestine, i am shocked that a sil will puke such insensitive remarks. if someone say tt to me now at this time, i will probably cry. Most importantly your hubby dun believe in her words n still stand by u...which i believe he is....

I am glad tt everything is fine with u now... now u can rest ur heart le. Ur gynae is a guy ah? My coll oso recommended me a gynae which is guy... still thinking whether to call.
ChrisL n Jhw,
Past is the past.
I learn how to forgive her attitude but I can never forget what she said to me.
Anyway most imp, now I'm a much happier women then previously. Dun need to force myself to face them every Sunday. Hehehe!

Yes, my gynea is a guy.
Reason of liking him was, he a very cheerful Dr n alway been very patient with us. Explain everything in detail to us, a very fatherly Dr. He make sure we get best care before n after the D&C, just like my own father.

Personally, I felt that a guy is more gentle then a female Dr toward our sensitive area. Hehehe! Just my own opinion.
Good morning Ladies,

It has been a long time since I last posted in the thread.... I am trying to find a thread abt losing a foetus and here I found you ladies....

I was 10 weeks pregnant and did a D&C two weeks ago becos the foetus does not seem to be growing... I realise that I really want him so much... but just got to let go when he is not growing. Everything came to a rush for me and now I am still coping although it has been two weeks.

D&C is not painful.

All of us just jia you......
Ling.. i am sorry to hear that !! *hugs* for you

I lost my bb last week too... and i understand your feeling now... i wanted my bb back very much too.

Jiayou to you too ! Let's recover together and work hard to be happy and healthy once again !
Celestine, its good that you don't have to face your SIL again!!

my coll recommended me a gynae which she say is very very good... Dr Henry CHeng... anyone heard of him? from bishan...i am still thinking because it is a guy, like abit awkward to let a guy handle my sensitive area...but my hus say precisely he is a guy that he will be good because most guys had better judgemental skills than gals and are more decisive, not like gals who do things base on emotions.
Glad that everything is fine with you. Try to explain to your hb, I think the important part is that you've to be comfortable with your gynea.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs~
Big hug! Nobody able to get over the pain within 2 weeks.
U may allow urself to cry or talk thru ur pain.
We been thru ur pain, so we understand. Hug hug!
As I alway say, now most imp is to gain back ur health asap, then u can TTC again.

Oh yes! It a huge relieve that I dun need face them.
Of cos, I still encourage my hubby to visit them but hope he wouldn't get too affect by their so call advise.

It bests that u visit the gynea for onces.
Everyone have different feeling, it all abt *Yuan Fen*.
U need to be comfortable with him, then u can allow him to help thru out the process.
Nick mum & princess,
Yesterday was a rollar coaster mood. Sorry for the drama. Haha!
Thanks for the encouragement too. If not, I might still drag my bleeding til now. Hehe!
I think it is up to individual. I heard before from others that guy are more gentle than gals.
My 1st gynea is a guy but I changed to a gals during the last pregency. She can understand my emotions better, she mention to my hb during my mc that the baby is inside my body therfore I will deffinately feels the pain more even though we expected to lose the baby during my heavy bleeding...

No need to say sorry. Good that you let it out here than keeping it to yourself.

Realise that if you relax more and don't stress yourself up, the chances of getting +ve is higher.
