Support group - Miscarriages

Magpie: Male gynaes will tend to be more sympathetic as they never has the experiences of cramps and giving birth's wat I think la..

I did my evacuation yesterday..Overall, it was fast but now still cramping..But not much discharge except a bit spotting...Hopefully can TTC again soon...Hurts me so much to see My #1 so disappointed.

Magpie, for me, i think depends on gynae.. Am changing from he to she .. :p

Loss, rest well first.. How old is ur #1 ? I think kids ( esp younger ones ) kind of know whats going on even without telling them ...
Magpie > i think really depends on individual preference and gynae. tried both male and female gynae but decided to stick to the female one.

did you conceive naturally this time round? if not, you can get your gynae to check on your fallopian tubes when you go for fibroid removal surgery. check with your gynae if the fibroid will affect fertility. i understand that it will depends on where the fibroid is located and its size. please take care and enjoy your holiday.
mommytq: My #1 is turning 4 this year..Very expressive litlle guy..I told him this little bb is not coming to our house and he keep asking why. I told him it is returning to God because it is unhealthy and god needs to take care of it.

On the day of surgery, I asked him to pray that God will take care of me, and he actually bursted out and say:" No, if I asked God to take care of you, I won't see you anymore! Like BB like that..Don't worry, I will take care and protect you!" I tell you, tears starts to flow like don't know wat when I heard that...Maybe my hubby is right, he says we should count my blessings instead of misfortune. Cos our biggest blessing is my #1..
Loss, he is really a sweetheart, a child always help to put perspective in place =) rest well and our time will come

May, I also quite sure I m changing a male to female gyne, I guess we r looking for the doc to be more understanding after what we went thru

Christine, I had my 1st massage, Sharon is really a sweet lady, thanks! I told her u recommended her on the forum
yeah, its about comfort level with gynae, male or female.

my pregnancy was natural conception and unexpected. I mean I had ovulated around CD 40, not that i charted but i have clear O symptoms. I dont know if it was because of late ovulation, heard the egg quality isn't good enough.But my cycles are really long over 45 days and past year has been super irregular.

I was on clomid about 1.5 years back. One gynae put me on it when i just start TTC. Well, i gave up clomid cos I had visual side effects and my hubby got real concerned and asked me to stop after 3 cycles.

Lemme see what other option the gynae recommends this time

@ Loss
rest well, hope the cramps stop soon. I know they suck... do not hesitate to take the pain killers the doc gives u.
Loss, am very touch by what ur boy says. It's amazing and comforting how a 3 yo + kid express his love for mommy. Simple yet powerful !
Hi, seems like most gynae advise to wait for 3af to tcc after d&c. Mine said i can 'do whatever i want' after 1af when i had a d&c in early feb. My 1st af came exactly 4weeks after d&c, hubby & i didnt take any precaution, just going by my 'safe period'. However my cycle for last mth 'decided' to takes longer, i ovaluate at a much later stage and now i m pregnant again. I changed my gynae cos the previous one is the chop chop kind while this one is more detailed & patient. He, too is shocked & worried tat i got preggy just aft 1 af. Will there be any complications getting preggy so soon? My gynae now still cant see the sac but i still tested positive. He reckon i conceived only 2-3wks ago tats why still cant see the sac & tats why i was still tested negative last week. He cant estimate how many weeks i m preggy now even though i m already 6weeks from my last menses date. Complicated isnt it?

It may come for a reason, but i hope it will stay for good. We even cancel a getaway trip nx mth as gynae wants me to rest more. With my 4yo, also quite diff to rest. Really m keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth pregnancy & healthy this time.
ytanhn > congrats. don't worry, my gynae told me can try ttc after 1st af. just take good care of your health. am sure that you'll have a healthy and bouncy bb. good idea to rest more at home. no matter how easy a trip, the travelling and walking is definitely more taxing to your body at this stage. take care.
Ytanhn, congrats ! Stay positive and rest well ! It can be a stressful period now, but you'll see the little heartbeat soon!

And do you have anyone helping out for the time being ? I understand it can be quite physically demanding with a 4yo ard....
ytanhn: Ya my gynae also says can do whenever we feel like it after 1st af..That's why I hope my discharge can end faster and my af can come faster then I can TTC faster

Btw ladies, my discharge after my evacuation has been very little even though I still have cramps..Bit by Bit..Is that normal?
Thanks! My next appt is on coming thurs, hopefully can see the sac by then.

I do have a helper but she only helps with housework, at least can lessen my burden but i still need to cook daily. Since day 1, i take care of my #1 by myself, somehow i don't trust maids to babysit my child. Luckily i still hv my mum to help but she is physically not tat strong, so babysitting my #1 still bounced back to me. I hope/think i can do it & will try to rest more.

Actually i'm still deciding between 2 gynae. Gynae L delivered my #1 & did my last d&c, he's good but very chop chop kind. Can wait for 1/2hr to >1hr then come out within 3-5mins. Most impt he's cheap & will save money for mummies. Whereas Gynae G is gentle, detailed & patient. Used to go to him since early 20s for any women's prob. Was with him till week 8 of my #1 but he was expensive tats why i changed then. Every visit can be ard $200 till we took up his package at week 16 or 20. His package & doc fees are also more exp too. I'm a SAHM so naturally want to go for cheaper yet i need someone to give me advices & assurance since i had a mc just few mths back. Any advice?
My discharge was also bit by bit aft d&c, lasted ard 7-10days, experienced some cramps too. It's normal so not to worry.
Congrats ytanhn! Keep the positive mindset =) the best thing you can do for your baby now!

How about going to the patient gyne for first few weeks till you feel it is more stable and you can go back to ur old gyne? Unsure this way, how much you can save.

My gyne also like yours, good but chop chop, I had since decided I will change to a female gyne after my miscarriage bcos I feel doctor-patient communication is very important and I really need the doctor's reassurance especially after the mc.
hey gals, wana check with those who had claim from the insurance for the entire episode.

Do your get refunded for the CPF portion paid ?

I got my bills reimbursed except for the CPF portion. Is this how it works ?
Hi ladies,

Im back from my family short trip. I want to know how early can i detect preggie? My af isnt here. Its a day late. N today is just nice two weeks since my ovulation.

I remember my previous preggie it couldnt detect anything as i tested it a day after my missed af.

So i wonder this time round will it be the same? My hcg seems really low that time so i dont know abt this time round.

Plus i stop drinking my raspberry tea leaf for the whole month was thinking can it be due to that. Cos i used to drink that everyday n my af came on time.

But this month, dont have... Hopefully is my miracle. Praying so hard on it. Hope is not just a delay of af...
Mrs ho: thanks! I will.. I hope its a good news too.... Still waiting... See if these few days my af comes anot.. If not will use the kit to test.
Christine > you may want to try the Clearblue digital test, easy to read. i used the normal one for the last pregnancy, tested 1 day late but very faint line which i wasn't sure if it's there or not. so headed out to get the digital one, can tell clearly 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' and with number of weeks too. no need to play guessing game with the line. hope it's your lucky bb. take care.
Christine, Let us know the results soon....Hopefully its positive!

Told you girls previously about my discharge been green...after I've finished my medicine yesterday, its back again today. Super sad..THinking of going see Chinese PHysician instead of western doc, hopefully will not affect my chances of pregnancy~`
Hi ladies,

Its a disappointment... I am having cramps n blood when wipe. But very mild ones. Transparent discharge with fresh blood... Looks pink though...

My af is a day late... Looked thru the internet n hoping it can be implantation bleed but my hope is getting lower....

Hais.. Abit feeling down.. Same goes to my hub. I wonder if its the problem with my hb. He had gain 10kgs since my last mc. N he no longer exercise.. I was thinking could be due to his weight gain?

Or i over exercise during this ttc period. I had been exercising everyday for 1hr 30mins. N i read online that over exercising can interrupt ttc.

Linggie: yup. Just two more weeks i can ttc again for these two weeks i will try to cut down on workouts...dont want to over stress my body too much.

And hub is going to work out fo these two weeks..
Haha sorry I was referring to my last one, replying to Christine with regards to when tested positive.

I can only start trying fr July onwards, waiting for menses to come
Linggie: oh.. Haha.. I was thinking if i ate too much supplements.. Cutting down to only fish oil, royal jelly n folic acid.. And cutting down on work outs...

While my hub got to do some exercise to detox alittle...

Sometimes i feel that being over healthy may not be a good thing... I ended up with not absorbing most of the nutrients.
Christine > take it as more time for your body to strengthen. heard from some mummies that it's best to limit to light exercise during the 2 weeks wait. detox is recommended every three months. anything excessive is no good, the key is moderation.
morning ladies, how are you doing?

last night went for my followup with gynae. he scan and check all's well, but commented that it might be a while for the first AF to arrive, must wait maybe 2-3 weeks more. and he gave the go-ahead to ttc after my 2nd AF, so am looking forward to it. he also mentioned to take folic acid now, so now i'm taking folic acid and pre-natal vitamins. maybe can start to ttc in 2-3 months time. hope AF comes soon!

all the best to us here! may we meet in the mtb2012 soon yah?
agreed with may, usually i do power yoga etc then during 2 wk wait, i cut down to less intensive yoga
sigh...i dunno when i can start exercising, going to take it easy and start this week, already in 4th week, shld be alright!

Ashley! Well said, lets see each other in MTB2012 =)
Hi All,

Not sure if you girls still remember me. A year ago, i went through D&C cos there was no fetus in my sac. Yesterday, I went through D&C again. There was no heartbeat despite baby being 6weeks and my HCG level was dropping.

A year ago, I thought I could pick myself up, and that this will not happen to me again. I guess I was wrong. I have no idea what went wrong, what I did wrong, why did God do this to me twice.

No one can answer me. I went to TCM for a year, and she said I was ready. Although the pregnancy wasn't planned, and came as a surprise, I thought God finally decided to bless us with a miracle. And I was wrong.

I went to the TCM at Marine Parade, he said my fetus was weak, my estrogen level was too low, and my HCG level was dropping. He was right when the results came back.

For the past year, I had to control myself when I see friends, relatives getting pregnant, it's going to be another painful period for me again.

I remembered someone mentioning going to the temple to pray for the unborn fetus, do you guys have this information?

Perhaps because there was a fetus this time, we had a connection, I want my baby to be strong and reborn into a better family that God has in plans.

I so hope that I could be the one spreading babydusts. I'm sorry girls for sharing this, hopefully it doesnt dampen your mood to ttc.

The nurse also said that I should get a malay masseue to help bring my womb up for the next pregnancy. Please send me any contacts you have as well.
Reine: i am feeling the same as you do. But although i only went thru one mc. Bb has got no heartbeat at week 9 but only found out when i started bleeding at week 12. It was a huge blow for me even until now.

I maybe happy on the outside telling myself to be positive but deep inside, im am torn apart. Now, although im trying to conceive but worries do flush into my head every now n then. Although i did my part on exercising, eating well, having good nutrients, but somehow i feel that im stll missing of something.

I have got lots of family issues on my side n hub's. Feeling so down as another family conflict broke ou in my family today.

Im currently at my breakng point. And this issue got my hormones runnig wild agan, i guess its another empty window period for me in may for ttc.

Im seeing. Sharon, who helps to do detox n uterus massage fir 60 bucks each session.

Its one hour each session. I feel that its pretty good. U may want to try her out.

To i can spread some bbdust luck to others here, but i guess my luck isnt tat good after all. I shall just keep it till it is all well...
Dear Reine, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, do take gd care and rest well.

I just had Sharon over last week, she is a really nice lady.
Sorry Reine to hear of your loss.

It's been 3 weeks since i miscarried. And I'm still having bouts of sadness. I am thinking if I should adopt instead.

Take care of yourself.
I'm scheduled to have an operation to remove my fibriods in June and am wondering if I'm under Caesarian package from Sharon. I'll email her. Thanks Christine for contact.

Truly sorry and huggzz for your babies. I am sure both ur two babies love u a lot and know u love them a lot too. There are in good hands and u must keep that hope and flame burning in u that one day, u all will reunit somewhere, somehow. Please stay faithful. Its not easy when others are celebrating birth while moms who miscarriaged must silently mourn with no official death certificate and others expect u to continue with life quite instantly. Thats why this thread is so good and god sent. But u will survive k, take baby steps and u will get there
It does not matter how long but u will get there one

I don't visit this thread frequently now but used to write quite a bit here years ago. When I read what u wrote, it struck a chord in my heart as I have gone thru what u did years back. Also had 2 mcs and the feelings u are experiencing are all so familiar. I am a mom now but I am not complacent. I still remember my lost little ones and think of them fondly. So u can do it one de. Take care of yourself and u who says u cannot spread babydusts. Ur turn will come and when it comes, it will be sweeter than ever.

U definitely can chao1du4 for ur babies for a nominal fee of about $30 (meant have changed as I did mine a few years back) at Ju2 Si4 Lin2. I have attached the contact below. They conduct chao1du4 fa3 hui4 a few times a year. U can call their no to check for the coming one. Need to go to their office to register, tell them ur hubby and ur surname and make payment. During the fahui itself, u can even go to the temple and look for the slip of paper that the temple uses to represent ur baby and pray for ur baby. No fix ritual to say to ur babies, just say ur heartfelt words and tell them how much u love them. Can even buy simple toys (personal choice) and put on the offering table. The temple will burn them ultimately as a symbol of offering.

Another place u can check:
Kong Meng Sau Monastery is:
Homepage at
88 Bright Hill DriveSingapore 574117 Tel : 453 4046/453 1009/458 4454

Ju Si Lin
Tel: 6737 2630
17 Kim Yam Rd (near to robertson quay)

Jia you and u will get there one.

To other mommies who have experienced loss of babies, hang in there and u will all make it one day de
Reineluv, sorry to hear about your loss. Don't be harsh on
yourself, everything happens for a reason.

I had 2 dncs as I lost both heartbeat at the early stage of preg. I kept telling myself... Baby must be trying to save Mommy from more heartpain, thats why they decide to leave me early.

So don't self-reproach. Its nobody's fault and definitely not yours. Rest well and build up your health.
May: yes.. I agree with u. Its recommanded to exercise three times a week not more than an hr. But i did it six times a week all more than an hour. I guess my body was too busy burning fats than conceiving. Plus i had got a bad emotion outbreak during ovulation period..
Hi all, been out of action for a while...
Reineluv, sorry to hear about your loss. May u hv a speedy recovery... I think Babygalore's post gives us hope that it is possible to have a smooth preg even after 2 mcs.

recently, my good friend gave birth to a beautiful daughter. I went to the hospital and when i held the newborn in my arms, tears welled up in my eyes. It's an amazing feeling to hold a newborn.
I wish for the day I could hold my own newborn baby.

is there anyone in their two week wait? My period is due next thursday. my hopes aren't high.... i'm going for a short trip this long weekend to bintan.

My friend advised to avoid intercourse during 2 week wait. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
Thanks all for all your kind words. I hope 1 day, I will be able to come here and share my happy news as well.

I'm still trying to get over it now, I know I will be strong.
Dear reineluv,

So sorry that you have to go through all these. Keep the hope in your heart. 1 day, you will be rewarded with your heart's desire.

Don't forget to do a mini confinement to nurse your physical health back.

Take care!
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Beowie,
I also in the 2 weeks wait period...Just did my exvacuation last Wed. I tried to search for more info online about the 2 weeks wait and found this :" Patients should avoid sexual intercourse, douching, and tampon use for at least two weeks to prevent infection while the cervix is closing and to allow the endometrium to heal completely." </font></font>
