Support group - Miscarriages

mommytq - I think he did told me the reason for doing it lah... but i didnt bother to listen.. HAHA... coz im thinking whether shld I spend the $200+.. LOL. Anyway, did u do the test? What is the test for?
I only remember he told me not to hv Sex for 1 ~ 2 months(poor hubby)..
Den only light exercise..
Control my diet... hope I can lost at least 3kgs..

reineluv > you need lots of rest now. no more housework for you! be a good girl ok.

mrs ho > you can start a few days earlier and end a few days later as there may offset in ovulation period.

yingoik/mommytq > hsg is to check on the fallopian tubes and the condition of the uterine interior. hsg can only guage the condition of the tubes but not 100% accurate, only thing is that this is less invasive as compared to surgery. but be forewarned, i personally find the pain pretty unbearable. that's they there's a clause on the form that says the it'll be fully chargable once the procedure starts, if patient wants to stop still have to pay full price. after the hsg, i had bad cramps for the next few days. whereas i felt no pain after d&c. frankly if not because that i've paid and the clause, i would have called off halfway.
Mrs ho: yup around there. So u can start from day 10. Counting from the day u started af... All the way... To day 19 or 20. N then wait till the next af... See if it arrives...

U can keep monitoring your temp. If it continues to stay high during your ovulation till your next af, u are highly to be preggie.

Try not do it on the actual ovulation day.. Cos u may miss it.. Cos ovulation comes earlier or later it depends on indiviual.

To hit jackpot.. Start a few days before estimated ovulation day... N stop few days after estimated ovulation day ends.

It usually works after trying for just a few months.
hi May,

ya..nowadays ther's really a lot of mc..

im recovering well, i hope so as i wan to try again after my 1st AF in may..thou i dunno when will the 1st af arrive and dunno when is my ovulation..

i took iron pills and also TCM herbs everyday..don dare to drink cold drinks but sometimes cannot tahan still will ice water/ice coffee twice or thrice a week...

im here to jia you for everyone!
Ying, May, yup i did the test cause he want to check the health of the uterus to make sure no scarring. To minimise risk of another mc, i just go along.
jo's mummy, I was from Nov 11 thread also!! My m/c was in april as well...Really glad you are to encourage everybody. Ya...I can't resist cold drinks as well...
hihi pigy,

initially i feel very sad bcos i din expect this will happen to me & disappointed bcos really desperate to hav a bb in bunny yr, then when finally pregnant n edd is end of nov, im so really happy..however, mayb i don hav the luck to hav bunny yr bb..

worst of all is after rest for 1 week n i return to work, my closest colleague told me tat she is pregnant!just 1week later after my edd.. at 1st i really feel uneasy..but then i tell myself i shouldnt think -vely..of cos i told her im okie so tat she won feel bad also...i know its hard for her to tell me too...anyway i hope she can pass some bb dust to me...

now is already May, almost 1mth after my m/c. waiting for my 1st AF cycle n will start to ttc asap..
Went back to hometown (Msia) last weekend and also heard of many good news..some cousins r pregnant as well as some relatives daughter...

many relatives tsaid to me "can start to ttc already"..bcos they saw my boy already 2yrs old..i didnt tell them abt my mc but i told them i will JIA YOU!!
jo's mummy
oh no, i was also from nov mtb thread earlier on. my MC early april, it's past 4 weeks for me now. so sorry to hear about you too... i was also hurrying to catch the bunny bb, but i guess, i don't really care about the yr anymore, just as long as i can have a healthy baby, we must jiayou ok! actually juz recently, my friend gave birth end of april, and i saw the newborn and my heart ache. i'm happy for her but i also mourn for bb that i lost, so i understand how you feel.
Hi ladies
Can I ask, how long after m/c or d/c did your first AF come? It's more than 4 weeks for me already and my AF is nowhere to be seen.
hihi Ashley!

I think for D&C, it will comes ard 6-8weeks..not so soon...

Me too waiting for my 1st AF cycle..i didnt go for D&C..
Anyone knows if we can take TCM herbs together with prenatal supplements like folic acid, omega fish oil or multivitamins?
jo's mummy I am thinking of that too. Right now, I am taking prenatal supplements but I think if take TCM herbs I will give a time difference of at least 2 hours before I consume otherwise will check with Chinese Physician what they say.
Lets see what the rest says.
Hi Jo's mummy,

I remember you. I'm so sorry for your loss. Till today, i find it hard to talk about it. Just a few nights ago, I started crying like crazy when I applied cream on my tummy.
Hi Ashley, if you have weird hormones like mine, AF will come like within 17 days.

Got me confused between bleeding from D and C or really AF. But then again, I'd cramps. So I deduced it's AF lor.

Then my HCG level is still high. Hopefully, it goes down by the time my operation is up.


Aiyah, I'm repeating my rant all over again.
Thanks for the inputs, guess I have to wait awhile more. It's just frustrating waiting, as I want to ttc soon, n I have long cycles. Gynae did mentioned giving me clomid but not for the first cycle,only for the 2nd cycle.

It's ok to rant...I still have crying bouts and sadness. And it's horrible when I see so many pregnant ladies ard, even in my office.
pigy, me too will take the supp after like 2hrs drinking the TCM herbs. which TCM u went? i went to NTUC TCM @ AMK hub...

stressed, its worries. actually i think u r really stressed by ur nickname...tats y u will still cry so hard when u think of it...u must learn to let it go..think positively..maybe its bcos the fetus is not healthy tats y it cannot continue to grow...or think tat bb is now healthily n happily with god's protection..

i know the feeling is very too...bought de stretch mark cream to apply so early but now whenever i see it i will feel very not comfortable/not i decided to put it inside de drawer, place wher i cant see it easily..

try to relax urself so tat u can prepare for the next 1 which is coming very soon..ppl always say tat 1st 3mths after m/c we r most let us now prepare our body for the next pregnancy...
ashley, me too waiting anxiously as wan to ttc asap..hubby also ask me when will my af come..

y u need to take clomid? i tot clomid is for those very hard to conceive ppl?
jo's mummy
i told my gynae my AF cycles haywire, very long, so he suggested giving me clomid to regulate it. but first cycle must come naturally first, then 2nd cycle onwards if i want, i can go back to him to get clomid. the waiting is the most sian...
Hi everyone, just a sharing, I agree that losing weight is the first solution to fertility issuse.
But important to lose weight using the right approach as many approaches out there just concentrate on losing the kilos, minus all the nutrition and health, so the effect is worst. You can chk out TRA, its a really good program. Next, look into good supplements, as it is very important for your body to conceive as a lack of micronutrients usually will compromise the ability to conceive. Think logically, how can our body provide for another living thing if it doesn't even have enough nutrients to provide for its own daily processes? Logic? That's when miscarriages happen, the foetus becomes a threat to us the mothers. Doctors that are not well versed in this area will not advise you well, because in medical school we learn how to treat diseases, not how to be healthy. Think abt this fact, do your research on the supplements. If you need some help, you can PM me. All the best!
I think its really to each personal health.. Like the chinese saying not everyone can go for tcm.

U can take chinese medi but u may not absorb them. 虛不受補。so it really depends.

Some ppl can be allegy to certain supplements. Some weak in absorbing due to malfunction of liver n kidney?

It really all depends. Some is due to our body itself that isnt well developed.

Some of us have problems with our uterus or bloodor anything which we cant do anything about it but to go under specialist care.

It can be due to mental stress too. Alot of possiblities. So.. Exercising can be good way to detox n really aid fertility. But we do it the right way.

Ii was told, if i was to ttc, i must make sure i must not exhaust myself during exercising. If i feel tired after exercising, that means my body overworked.

We just maintain healthy diet, take supplements we know it benefits, go under the tcm, exercise, to be relax n not stress ourselves too much.

If u are able to get preggy, that means wd still have chances, if babies are able to develop that means we are still able, just that we may not be well nutriented or detox, therefore bb did not carry on living.

N can due to the genes. So, we find ways to avoid them to cure them.

We dont know what will happen next. We can pnly do them step by step. We as mothers to be will do our best to be well. And if mc still happens we can only seek help from doc.

If we still end with more mc. Its either we give up or carry on trying if not adoption will take place.
jo's mummy: TRA is "The Right Approach" slimming product by MLM company NuSkin. It is a very healthy 3 months program of slimming down which includes a very good multvitamin pills. I took it that time because of wedding. I did slim down alot but because I didn't keep to my diet after that, I put on again. hee.
Hi Pigy, sorry to hear that, then you must really work on your health. I have clients even in their mid 40's getting pregnant after their last child is in their late teens! All because they started basic nutrition. Dear Pigy, you may want to take the basics like lifepak, marine omega and add vitality, the latest gene technology anti aging supplement frm nuskin. I've also had great news frm a lot of couples.
ANother thing to note, husband also play an important role in terms of their health. They too need to take the right supplement. I also agree with Christin,that's why I'm super excited this coming october, pharmanex is launching their latest product R2, working on precisely what you have mentioned but this time, detoxing at cellular level. Amazing isnt it? I'm going down to US, to witness the launch! Wait up for my news
I think most of our hubs here did take supplements too. Internal damage sometimes really cant be helped. Having bb is not easy. Even just trying to get fertile.

Its good to use the more natural way to be fertile. Using food the good way rather than supplements.

Sometimes too much supplements can spoil the system. I cut down on certain supplements n take the important ones instead n exercise few times a week.

Eventually, i watch a piece of news saying that there will be a new ivf method which will be less side effects n higher chance of success.

I dont know if sg has it but i saw it on a taiwan tv news channel. Its safer too.

So sometimes we can use technologies to help us but it may fail but at least we try.

We have lots of ways to solve our current problem. But it can be the hard way or the easy way.

So it really depends. We mummies to be in future just hope for the best for our kids.
Hi all,

I just lost my 1st at 4wks+ last week, went thru d&c yesterday. Am keeping a positive mind and hope I recover fast so I can try again
Any tips for getting the body back in shape quickly?
Tethysea: sorry to hear abt your loss. Hope you r recovering well. Be sure to go on mini confinement. Its very important. Dont take any cold foos n drinks. No over night left over food or water.

Keep yourself warm at all times. Try not to bath in the evening. Bath once a day. Best is in the morning where u can blow dry your hair n keep yourself warm.

Lots of rest. Its fine to eat now. Weight loss comes in later.

Usually our confinement last for two weeks. But u can do it longer if u think u are not recovered.

Try to avoid drinking water. Drink tea. The ingredients fo the tea is ginger, red n black dates, dangshen n dry longans.

Cook it in boiling water for an hour or two. N drink it down like water everyday. Eat spinach, its good for replenish your blood. N try using rice wine to make chicken soup.

Just adc rice wine n ginger n some mushrooms n vinegar n cook it in soup base, add some chocken meat. Drink the soup. Its good to keep your body warm n keep your blood circulation running.

Eat more fish.can go wet market buy, ask for the time of fish to heal wounds. I only know the name in hokkien its call "nor hee".

Keep positive.
recover well n soon u can try again!

Remember to keep a look out on your bleeding now. If ur bleed is heavy n u feel very bad cramp. Do look for your gynae asap. It can ne infection.

Try to drink dom. 10ml to 20ml every night before bed time.

After u feel that u are well again. Try exercisingn take some supplements. Like folic acid, fish oil, royal jelly n pre natal pills,

Dont over take vitamin c cos it will make ur mucus dry up. When u want to intercourse u will feel very painful.

Yes avoid intercourse. I avoid it until my first af came. Im more cautious but usually after two to three weeks u can start intercourse again.

Do take care.
If u feel that u need someone to talk to, cn just tell us here.
Hi Christine! Thanks for the advice
By overnight left over water you mean I should only drink water that has been just boiled?
tethysea > sad to hear. please do take care and have ample rest. for fish to heal wound, i think christine is referring to Sheng Yu. from what i know, it's to be taken at least 7 days after surgery or after wound close properly.

christine > my gynae did prescribed hb multi-vits. he took that for about half a year before i got preg, changed his diet but still mc. sigh, there will always be some unknown reasons. even with today's advanced medical science, there are still unexplained conditions. these, we can only leave it to faith to surmount it. anyway for those who are interested, the mutli-vits is called IMMUVITAL - The Original Swiss Formula, think it's available at TMC pharmacy, about $80 for 100 capsules.
Tethysea: yup. Anything that is left overnight u cannot take. Cos it will create wind in your tummy which is very bad for you at this point of time.

May: i understand how it feels. When u had already done you part about keeping healthy, but bb just dont want to stay.. Or some dont even wish to come... Its disappointing n upsetting.

Even women who goes thru ivf still cant be successful. So its really up to faith sometimes. I believe. But we have to keep our faith going if we really want a child.

So dont give up yet! Good things may come later but its never too late to arrive at the right time.
Thanks linggie and May.

BTW when is the bleeding supposed to stop after d&c? I haven't had any bleeding after the first day, and I hope it's not all stuck inside or something. :S

thanks ladies, i hope you ladies are recovering well also.

this is my most heavy menses in a long while, kinda of scary. i am only planning to try again after 3 just relax
