Support group - Miscarriages

Magpie > hope you're feeling better now. sounds like your health has suffered, and if possible it's best not to travel. if really have to go, please do see a gynae before you leave for your trip for peace of mind. it's not going to be fun to be sick while on holiday overseas. also, get a travel insurance. most of us here went back to see our gynae two weeks after d&c. for me, i wouldn't go back to the gynae at glenneagles, not after he had missed the bb still inside after the mc and his wrongful diagnosis had caused you so much pain and suffering.

i rested for 2 weeks after d&c and was mostly at home. only go out when hb accompanied me.

Magpie, agree with the girls. Need to see gynae before you travel, at least seek advice if you really have to go for the trip. Afterall, health is more important. I rested for a week before I went back to work. Plus, especially your health now seem rather weak seem to have more complications than usual case, not so sure if you can feel free to explore and eat the food at the country you be travelling?
Check with u all whether normal to have menses but spotting not yet stop at all? Today I feel cramping and saw blood not sure is it menses or blood clot??? Feel scared
Magpie, same as the girls, best if you can get clearance from gynae before flying ( if really need to fly - the body is still very weak n need to bu, so best is dont fly.. ). If I were u, i wouldnt go back to the gynae who misdiagnose. Wont want to risk health.
Thanks piggy, May and Linggie. I will get an appointment and talk to the doctor before I fly. My husband scheduled this holiday as he feels (rightly) that if i stay in Singapore, I won't take off work. He believes my body and mind needs a break from work and anything to do with pregnancy.
Its very encouraging to see all you ladies TTC after MC. I used to feel I'll never be ready again. I have many a fertility issues, but i see there are many here who have worse situations to overcome. I guess that should teach me to not cry so much about my problems.
I never let myself think of the pregnancy as my 'baby' i never even used the word and used to object when my husband would do so. All that because i feared a miscarriage and did not want to go through painful heartbreak, more for my dear H. But looks like it'll help if i have a proper mourning and will actually help me move on, although I kept telling myself that i already have!
I see my post and throughts are petty much vague, i dont know what i want at the moment (other than of course for the bleeding and cramping to stop for once)I hope its just the miscarriage blues and my mind will clear up eventually.
Really sorry for my unsure peculiar self, i havent really spoken about this to any of my friends(who are mostly either expecting or busy mothers)i dont want to trouble my mother any further (she was with me during the 12 weeks and MC, taking care of me). Only here have i been able to really talk, thanks for listening.
Qin, it happen to me too. I monitor a day and it stop. U might want to monitor for a day too and if get worse, you might want to consult ur gynae.

My spotting has been on and off for 3 weeks Liao. Today cramp and gt blood discharge too. So I wonder is it menses???? Ur same as mine too?
Magpie > other than my hubby, this is the only space i could openly grieve and mourn the loss of my bb. i have not spoken to any of my friends or my best gf about my mc. my hubby has been supportive and i feel i shouldn't burden him with further grief. i'm sure he is just as sad about the loss as me. it also wasn't easy for me to conceive. i tried for about 2 years and even left my job to relax my mind and body for pregnancy. i'm trying to stay as positive as i can to prepare myself for the next bb, if god shall grant me.
ERRR..if done D&C, my doc says minimum must wait 1 month before menses come back, some will have to wait till 2 months if its a very thorough cleaning.
Magpie, I'm sure all of us feel sad and especially to think we need spent extra effort, extra $$ than others to build up our health again to try to Tcc again. I also wonder why others can so sucessfuly be pregnant throughout which I used to take for granted but hey we are not alone here, thanks to all the girls here we have one another for support.
Hi Magpie,

Really sorry to hear about your experience. Take time to mourn and let your emotions flow. Don't bottle up your feelings. It is natural to cry. I was like a running tap for about 2 weeks
Need to get it out before you can move on.

Besides taking care of your emotional health, pls nurse your physical body back to health too. Like the rest of the gals, I am also not comfortable with you going overseas now. Perhaps consider postponing the trip until you are stronger physically? If not, do be very careful about your diet when you are abroad and don't tire yourself out. Hope the gynae can give you good advice.

Before your departure, take the nutritious food recommended in this thread, where possible. Personally, I find taking dom at night is good. Helps in sleep.

Don't worry about not being yourself etc in this forum. All of us have been through similar experiences and have benefited from the support here. Feel free to express yourself.

oh yes...i just keep crying even at embarressing goodness, like you! i believed i have moved on so i m blaming on hormones which is causing all the emotional outburst but please take however long you wish to grieve!

mine is definitely not menses from the blood, it is dark brown unlike menses... sigh waiting for my 2 week check this week
linggie, I am sure everything will be alright. Do keep us update ok?

Ya...I thought I am a very "Da Nu Ren" because I always try avoid crying in front of people but I still can't manage to control my emotions when doc that moment reveal that hateful truth to me.
Hi Magpie,

<<hugs>> to you. Take all the time u need to grief. If you need to take leave, please do so. Don't take the stress on the expense of your health.

I also have a whole myrid of problems before i got pregnant. Hence my pregnancy came as a surprise to me. But alas it's not meant to be. I am taking steps to finding a solution to each of my problems.

I have no one to talk to about this too. I know my husband is sad but it's not the same.

The first day I miscarried, I dreamt hearing a child calling mummy mummy but there was no one. What a horrid omen!
hi ladies... I got question again... =P

After my D&amp;C on fri.. i start bleeding heavily...but only for that day. On the next day... no more bleeding and spotting at all.. issit normal?
Coz i read through previous threads, and alot mention that bleeding will only stop 3 or 4 days later...
im quite worried! =(
thnanks pigy

ying, i reckon it is normal, i had no spotting for 1 week post Dnc, then 2nd week, started bleeding on and off every 2 days...bled 3x this week already

i think generally no spotting nor bleeding is good, so dont need to worry if you are not.
Qin, ohh.. Mine not that long. I was spotting after the dnc for a week and got sudden bleeding for a day and it stop the following day.. U want to call up ur doc n check ? Better to get peace of mind

Thanks. Called my Gynae and she say if by this thur I have yet to stop spotting or bleeding I have to go back to her. Shall pray hard everything is ok. Is bad enough to suffer mc I hope will not have another nightmare
Thanks everyone for being such a support. I have booked an appointment with a gynae. I will concentrate on getting my body back in shape first.

I sincerely hope all of us are able to conceive and have healthy babies. I guess we'll win the waiting game sooner or later.

I went for my 2 wk check, my gyne said may bleed up to 1 month sigh I asked him did I overt-exert myself when working, he said definitely so I asked him is it bad to bleed, he said it is okay. Made me very puzzled lar

Anyway he said the uterus is clean... Sigh should had requested for longer hospital leave. Now mc is barely enough to last theyear already
ya, same here... i was ordered to complete bedrest for one month before miscarriage due to bleeding and plus the one week rest after dnc, my annual mc is completely wipe out !
Hi ladies
I think i'm ready to move on now, feeling much better and not crying all the time. my colleagues at work kept noticing my swollen eyes and kept asking me if i'm alright. now, better already. hope all of us here feel better and we can start to ttc soon again.

i stopped bleeding 5 days after my wash, and i didn't bleed that much either. maybe my gynae cleaned me up pretty good? haha. but i read that bleeding might last for 2 weeks, anytime unsure, good to check with gynae.

i started drinking chicken essence, birdnest and taking my vitamins and folic acid already. i want my AF to faster come!
Ashley - glad tat u r feeling better.. =)
I'm still feeling abit weak.. whole body very pain.. dunno y..
I started drinking chicken essence only.
I really dunno when can I start to drink bird nest, Folic acid and Royal Jelly... argghzz...
I think I just expel the bb myself...and I jdunno wat to do except flushing it away. Now my doctor said I shouldn't do it cos they normally will send it for testing...Is it true?
i didnt ask to test mine bcos my gyne said 80% is due to chromosomal abnormalities so he didnt even ask me...

then ur doc expect you to bring the foetus back for testing after you expel it? will be a very sad experience though.

how come u ladies didnt take hospitalisation leave? HL is 3 months so even if 1 month bedrest, still have some left...
My gynae simply refuse to issue me hosp leave. Reason he give is coz am not staying in hosp. I reaally cannot understand then why other gynae can issue !

If my preg can be sustain and need further bedrest, I ask then how? No company gives that many days of mc as entitlement. The reply was to take unpaid leave. Duh !
Linggie: Actually I saw my gynae this afternoon. And he told me my cervic is still very tightly closed..So he will do D&amp;C tomorrow morning for me..Who knows, I experienced very bad pain on my way back, then when I reached my carpark, something just "dropped" out..And when I went to the toilet, I saw the "bb"...

Dunno wat to do, so flushed it away, who knows my gynae was abit pissed and told me I am should kept it and bring it back to hospital immediately...

ANyway, I told him the pain was greatly reduced after I expel it..but he still ask me to go ahead with the D&amp;C tomorrow...

Nv ask for hospitalisation leave cos I am a SAHM..
i m sorry to hear that loss, must be a horrible experience...maybe your gyne really wish to rule out chromosomal abnormality. rest well after D&amp;C yah!

mommy, ya i heard alot ladies get hospitalisation leave even for bedrest. is your gyne practising in a hospital? is that the reason why some gyne can give HL vs MC? but after DnC, you get hospitalisation leave rite?
Linggie, he has his own clinic. I was given mc after dnc, cant get hosp leave as well for the same reason - am not staying in hosp. I would thought shld give hosp leave since i did a procedure but no lor. Ur gynae issue u hosp leave after dnc ?
Mommytq - no wonder u dun wanna go back to him liao.. Haha! Anyway I also didn't ask for HL lah... Coz I always tot I can only get HL if I'm staying in hospital..
And I really very gong loh!! I shld stay in hospital coz I can claim my insurance.... Now I dun think I can claim loh! Haiz... Stupid me!!
Ying, this is one of the reasons :p. When are you going back for review ? U can actually continue on folic acid and multi vits ( this i learn from gynae which i went for 2nd opinion ) , not sure abt bird nest tho'.

Mommytq - going back review on next thurs.. and gonna purchase more Folic acid! =)
Anyway.. any husband taking Folic acid or Royal Jelly as well?
yes! hospitalisation leave bcos the procedure was done in hospital and even the HL form came from the TMC. i was stupid, didnt take more so now request for more can only take MC.

i claim from medisave, exact amount to be claimed unknown yet
for me, gynae also gave me MC, no hospital leave. i think must use up MC first then will issue hospital leave, not too sure about this though.

i check my medisave deduction, it's around $670plus. will be going back to review on monday.
Pigy - I think Im gonna ask my hubby to take Folic acid as well...
just thinking why life so unfair.. we need to take care of our body.. eat those vitamins.. exercise.. watch my diet.. no sweet stuffs.!!!
But my hubby leh, can eat those unhealthy food..!! argghzzz....

Unlike u, I din stop bleedIng after one day.started bleeding after 3 week d&amp;c. Nw very worry abt Tml checkup. Scared it is leftover tissue from d&amp;c. come started bleeding after 3 weeks to the D&amp;C? Hmm...sounds very abnormal? Think u better ask the doc during the checkup. DOc told me after D&amp;C if still bleeding after 1 week must tell them.

yingoinkoink..I forgot where I read saying hubby can eat folic as well ..will have healthy sperm for diet...I didn't really watch..but did try to eat more healthy stuff. Now, taking chicken essence and the Dom liao. Mum says 1 month after D&amp;C then eat the bai feng wan.

I bleed for first few days after d&amp;c after that is spotting on and off for 3 weeks. And since last mon I started bleeding again and I feel cramp and no more cramp but still bleeding. Making an appt to see Gynae Tml. Hope is not leftover tissue which is not cleared after d&amp;c.

When i was pregant my gynae kept giving me 3 days mc as i was bleeding, and would then again extend it. I decided to then take 2 week annual leave and no-pay leave for 4 weeks. I dont know if the gynae could have given HL when i was pregnant and needed rest. Never thought about it then.
After D &amp; C, when i met the gynae (diff one) before i was discharged she told me she will give me 2 weeks HL. I did not want so much as i wanted to be back to work (my boss has been very understanding and accomodating all the while,so i did not want to be on more leave when the project needed me) So the doc told me to atleast rest the 1st week then 'see how' but when the nurse handed me the HL it was for 3 weeks, unitl the end of this month. I have not used it ofcourse, i showed it to my boss, and he told me I could take off whenever I felt sick.
I believe you can ask your gynae for how many days you need HL, explain to her the commute and stress is taxing. Until last week i was taking cab to and from work, altho it'd burn my pocket, because it was a little too early for me to go back to work.
Ying: my hubby is taking folic acid, fish oil, vitamine E with selenium, royal jelly, bee pollen, dandelion root, multi vitamins, coq10 and sea kelp.

My hub also cut out caffeine n acohol ever since i mc. He also cut out on junk food totally.

Try taking selenium. Good for the hubs. To build up healthy sperms. I will gradually improve the sperm quality n quantity. And better bed performance.

For food containing selenium, baked tomatoes n onions.
which can be found in pizzas.

My hub cut out food like pig livers n kidney. Cos these food contain too much vitamin A which will spoil the sperms.

For me, im taking the same as my hub but mine is pre natal pills not multi vitamins. Not dandelion roots but raspberry tea leaf, not sea kelp but organic psyllium husk.

For detox, my hub uses dandelion root. For me, is psyllium husk.

Weight loss, mine is exercise n cranberry juice. For hub is sea kelp.

Oh ya, recently added bee pollen to our supplement
wah..Christine...really seems like you two are doing alot! but have to sure its really good for our body? Will it be like too much of a good thing? hmm

What is psyllium husk?
Pigy: we do seperate certain supplement intake time. So that we dont have to take alot at a time n our body will not overwork on dissolving them.

Psyylium husk is something used for colon cleansing. Its texture is similar to coconut in powder form. Add two tablespoon of it to a glass of water n drink it down 2 times daily. Morning n before bed. 1 hr before taking any medi n 30 mins before food.

Can be found in ntuc organic section.

Ying: sea kelp is similar to sea weed. Its in the family. But its known to expel radiation in the body n aid weight loss. So far i dont see it in sg.

I bought it from

Their shipping is fast. And all the supplements are well known for its brand n very cheap. Alot cheaper than gnc.
Morning !

Qin, dun worry, let gynae assess first. It might be due to over-exerting of body. Rest more k !

Magpie, did u manage to postphone your trip ? U started work quite soon... Take care of health ya?

Hi Mommy

Hope u doing well too. I met a gynae today. He did a scan, said things looked alright (altho said the uterus is a lil bulky???!!!)said I could travel, ML,light exercise. But reminded me not to TTC for atleast 2 cycles. My big fibroid has shrunk but he said there are a 'few' small ones but not to be concerned.
He asked me to re-visit after 3 months and chart my mensus meanwhile. Said I should go for treatment if i dont concieve naturally after trying for couple of months.
Well, I'm going to put all the TTC thing for later, I want a break, hopefully I wont have any complications during the holiday and the flight. He gave me arcoxia to take in case of pain.
Off topic, i find male gynae's more confident than female. Maybe just my POV, anyone share the same?
