Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Reine *hugz* I can understand how you feel. Have a good confinement and build your health back. I have a female masseus for my first preg, if you keen u can PM me, she charge me $50 per session previously,not sure of the rate now. For MC, recommended to take 2-3 sessions.

Hi ladies, I'm very confused and pissed at the same time. I have been under TCM care for 1 month plus. Now im at my 50 day cycle and still no sign of ovulation and period!! Prior to TCM, my period cycles about 30-35 days after D&C. Before D&C was about 50-60 days. What is puzzling is that my BBT is very low, hovers around 35.8 and highest at 36.2 only and have been erratic. I emailed my physician and showed her my BBT she said its too low and im too me to continue the warmer med she prescribed.

Now im quite paranoid, i've been googling on low BBT and it points out to hypothyroidsm. Also mean i hv low progesterone level. I seems to have some of the thyroid symptoms. It get me thinking that my past 2 MCs could it be due to this? Probably not enough hormone my preg cannot grow......... Sigh and didnt help that gynae also said I have PCOS.

Any ladies with thyroid or low BBT problem, can to share?

Sarina: u can try taking chasteberry. It is said to help regulate af n balance hormones. And bring up the progesterone levels.

I have it but i cant take it cos im currently ttcing. Is known that chasteberry cant be used while ttcing will after the fertilizing process.
dear reineluv, sorry to hear abt ur lost.. i can understand the pain u had gone thru, my little one left me in feb @ 7wk+ cos bleeding n no hb dedected. nw i had accept it n try to keep myself happy, rem with a happy mind set den will hav a healthy body. so pls b strong okay?

for the temple praying for unborn bb, i did the 超度 there during the qing ming period at puggol buddhist temple (a white temple opp puggol park). I will continue to do it when they hav the prayer in July (Ghost month) too.

I had engage a malay aunty to massage too, had 2 session with her last n this mths. she say my womb alot of wind n help me push my womb up with full body massage. both time i did were b4 my ovation period. let me knw if u need her contact ya. take gd care n stay positive for a healthy mindset okay? =)
Hi Christine, where do I get chasteberry? But im also TTC ... but with my errative cycle i donnoe when i ovulate. Im so late..I didnt even date to do HPT, since I have no symptoms I take it im just very late. Btw, how are you coping?
pigy: the evacuation of the uterus is like "a clean up" similar to D&C , i think... After that, we are advised not to have sexual activity for at least 2 weeks...
Hi Sarina,

I did my proc in mid Mar. AF came 5 weeks later. And I started taking BBT again when AF came. It was low, ard 36.2 and 36.3. My BBT during AF used to be ard 36.5. Wasn't too alarmed as thought it could be my body has not fully recuperated. Now that you mentioned......Is low BBT an after-effect?

Did you take your BBT previously? How were your BBT like previously? I have read that there are ladies who conceive even though their BBT is low. Guess it is individual. Perhaps you want to seek the opinion of a western dr?

Actually, I feel warm nowadays. Took quite a bit of nutritious stuff after my prooc. Think they helped. Previously, I seldom sweat. Now, I perspire often and people who shook my hands said that my hands are warm. So, I am also a bit puzzled about the low BBT. Think I better check with my tcm dr too.
Sarina: hmm.. I bought it from but since u ttcing u cant take tat too... Take raspberry tea leaf? Take it till your ovulation period start.

Hmm.. Just start trying tis month... Still no news but i bleed alo this month n cramp is like everyday. Today is my day three of af... But still i feel some cramp.

My hub say my cycle is back to normal. But its a day late for this month. But so far so good.

Will tend to try again next month. I calculate my ovulation period using the online calculator.. Its a rough calculation though...

In order to hit the spot, my hub n i intend to try doing it every two days n see if it works. Cos this month i tried doing it a week before ovulation period n continue doing it. But stopped before ovulation period ends. So did not hit the spot this month.

Maybe over exercise.. Thats why it may interrupt my fertilizing process... Felt disappointed though but still have to keep trying.

I cut down on exercising, n focus eating mor veggies n fruits.
Christine, I think you may have over exercise like me. Really hoping to hear good news from you again.

Loss2011: IC! 2 weeks? I think I will give myself longer period before engaged in sexual activities just in case. Need to build up my health first.
Dear ladies,

I have been a silent reader when I lost my first in Nov.. I just lost another today.. haizz.. both were chemical pregnancies. i can't seem to get past the 5 wks stage.. my first mc was at 5 wks exactly, while 2nd one is 5 wks 6 days.. i would have been six wks tmr..

haizzz... really down.. i dunno what's wrong with me!
Reine > so sad to hear of another loss here. feel free to pour out your feelings, frustrations and thoughts here. while each of our situations may be different, we've all been through it one way or other and lost our beloved bb. it's ok to mourn the loss and grief over it. please have lots of rest and eat nutritious food to build up your health.

Pigy > think would be better to wait till after 1st af. if get pregnant again too early, body may not be able to take well to it and may result in mc.

Christine > our eating habits mostly veg and little meat by most standard, and i only got preg after having more meat in the diet. not exactly a lot but more balanced. guess it's the key word - moderation. try to be more relaxed, it will also helps with ttc.
Loss2011/christine - i think i caused a misunderstanding i had my mc in jan this year... so it's the normal 2 week wait after ovulation when I'm waiting for my period. 2 AFs have passed, so I have started TTC...

piggywiggy - sorry to hear about ur losses. I wonder if 2 chem. preg would b considered as recurring chem. pregnancies. If so, it may warrant further investigations...maybe u want to discuss with your doc?

Sarina - i do take BBT charting occasionally, but mostly to double check the day of my ovulation or confirm I ovulated, or whether my AF is coming. Day of my ovulation there is a slight dip - maybe 36.3 or 36.4. After ovulation, my temp will jump to 37.1 and stay there...... until AF comes and it will drop to 36.5 - 36.7. Not sure if this helps. Ya I think it'd b good if you check with ur doctor...
wonder what is chemical pregnancies.....
Piggywiggy...really must be hard on u to get over 2 MC. Let time heal you emotionally and yr health as well.

May: I agree as well. I am not going to rush anymore. If by rushing means another MC then I rather relax and let body get ready first. Meanwhile, can enjoy freedom first before we have our own kids thats one of the way we can tell ourselves to relax.
Stressed - when you are considering adoption, there are quite a lot of factors to consider. Age of child at time of adoption, whether or not to reveal the truth about the adoption in the future, circumstances surrounding the child prior to adoption. I would suggest you do proper research and consider all the pros/cons first.

If not handled properly - there may be lifelong effects on adoptive children (e.g. a sense of identity loss, guilt, shame etc)
Pigy - er i tink chem pregnancies occur at the very early stage of pregnancy. For eg. a woman may find out she is pregnant before her period is due and very soon after her period comes. The body expel the foetal material when it finds that the baby is not healthy i guess.
May: yup! I am now relaxing le... I stressed myself too much...

Pigy: i really hope so too...

Beowie: oh... Yeah normal... Dont worry.
regarding bbt.. While u are talking about it... My bbt had not really rise when i ovulate.. But during that week my body will be very warm.. But temp is always ard 36.6 to 36.8.

If not normally i will be just 36.2 to 36.5. But sometimes it just jumps up n down...

For your two weeks wait.. Its fine to carry on with intercourse... I mean.. Just be normal with it. Cos the more u purposely wait n try for it hoping for it the more it wont come.

I remember the first time i got preggie. I did ttc.. But did not specially wait for my af to come to see if im preggie. When my af was late that time i didnt bother still...

Until my af was two weeks late then i carry on with a test kit. Sometimes i think we should really just let it flow...sometimes woman can get preggie during that non ovulation period.

So just do it when u feel like. Maybe there will be a higher chance of conceiving with more frequent sex.
Christine - yeah I think it should be fine to hv intercourse during the 2ww, but just want to check the opinions here.

actually, the time i got preggie was the only month i didn't hv intercourse after I have ovulated during the 2ww. And that was after trying for >1 year. So that's why i was concerned.
I feel moody today actually. Recently, I have found a job with higher salary, so decided to resign fr my present job. I initially thought my notice period is 1 month. So i informed my new company notice period is 1 mth and arranged the starting day of my new job. Today i found out that i made a mistake and that it is a 2 mth notice period. I have informed the new company but have yet to get their reply as to whether they are ok with it.... and I have resigned.

My hub told me that even if i'm without a job for a while it's ok since we can focus on TTC and he can support me. It's his way of comforting me but i feel v. sian
Beowie: yup!i intend to try more ways in order to hit the jackpot more accurately... Its not easy to hit it... Sometimes try damn hard but i just dont hit...

Pretty disappointing though....
Christine, both my gynae n tcm sinseh advise to do alternate days from day 10 to 17 ( assuming you have 28 - 30 days cycle ) . You might want to give it a try !

Beowie, for me, I wouldn't hv intercourse during 2ww. Because of past "record". Ks la haha ! Better be safe than sorry :p. I even avoid raw food during 2ww for the last preg :p
Mommytq: maybe i will give that a try.. This month i only try day 10 to day 13 only... So maybe i miss it..

Yeah for the two week wait i will also avoid food that isnt suitable during preggie n eat food that aid fertility.
esp. Asparagus n spinach.
Beowie > so sweet of your hubby. if you're really so keen on the new job and new employer cannot wait, one way is to pay your current co in lieu of notice. or can try negotiating with your current co for early release, no point for them to retain a non-interested employee. sometimes a higher paying job means more sacrifices are expected on your part, do weigh your priorties and consider well.

Sarina > PCOS, some cases can be reversed if weight is lost. or did your gynae offer you the possibility of ovarian drilling? heard that most conceive naturally after going through the surgery.

Christine > for my last preg, after ttc for some while, just when i got relaxed, i strike! so really i think mood plays a large part. we also did some modifications to our diet, more balanced. tomatoes, oysters are good for the body.

Mommytq > like christine, the 2ww period i also tend to avoid raw food and unsuitable food for preg ladies.
Hi All,

really appreciate your concern.

Can I check if it's normal to have lower abdominal pain on the right? I kind of have this sharp pain shooting through on and off, not sure if it's an infection from the procedure.

Piggylover, I tried to pm you, but you don't accept pm.
Hi dana, i hv neved measure BBT before my 2 MCs. I start to take things seriously after my MCs. Coz conceiving my 1st was fast and fuss free. Trying for #2 is a major headache. My tCm lady told me im too cold and to O temp need to be above 36.6, mine highest is only 36.2 fhroughout my 51 day cycle. AF still not here yet, sian! My gynae want to see my 4 mths later since im unxer tcm, she wanna see if it helps before she put me on clomid i guess.
Hi Christine & Piggy,
I read from a fertility book that exercise is to help blood circulation, esp to the reproduction organs. Too much exercise will cause the body to work hard and will not help in fertility. Moderation is the key. In addition, how much exercise is beneficial is relative and depends on the existing activity level of the person. For example, brisk walking/jogging is good exercise for a office worker who sits down all the time. For someone who is already active, eg a service staff who moves around all the time, activities of a higher level may be more beneficial.

Perhaps try to moderate your exercise level? Slowly step up?

Hi Piggywiggy,
Sorry to hear about your loss. Take good care of your health and try again. Jiayou!

Is your tcm giving you anything to regulate your cycles and help in your BBT?

Did you do a mini confinement after your MCs? It is important to feed your body with nutritious food to nurse it back. Have you tried dom?

I did ivf previously and it was recommended to drink red dates drink to keep womb warm. Perhaps you wanna try? I tried but no effect on my BBT. Some ivf ladies also use heat pad to keep womb warm during 2WW. I tried a few times but found it too uncomfortable and stopped.
Reineluv - I dunno issit normal to have the pain.. But 3 days ago I also hv the sharp pain at my right side... pain until i wanna cry ah! but only for 1 day lah... tonight I'm going to see my gynae, maybe I can check with him... den let u know again =)
Dana - my tcm lady is giving me some meds to improve the egg quality rather than regulate menses. She said to take clomid for regulating cycle but as it will thin lining she will gv med to increase lining. Im moving on to another med today supposed to be more heaty, hopefully will increase my temp. Im a muslim cannot drink dom. Btw i hv a bottle of dom unopen, colleague gv during my last d&c. If anyone wants it, pm me FOC but self collection at my hse in bedok ya

May - nope gynae mention try clomid first but hv not. Prolly let me try this first if cannot then she what she suggest. My fren too had pcos, was suggested the ovarian drilling or a jab to stimulate the ovary. She went for the jab and hv triplets! But i don tink i go for the jab coz the risk of having multiples is v high.
REINEluv: I've it too!! Once in a while as well. Doc never says anything at all when I ask haiz..
yingoinkoink (yingoinkoink) : See if your doc provides you with more info.
Dana: Yalor. I learnt it the hard way. I was continuing my normal exercise routine as usual like swimming, aerobics and jogging, gym like 4-5times a week and by the time I learnt I am pregnant abit too late. Now, will just do it in moderation.Thanks for the advice!
Your tcm sounds like she has a firm plan for you. Hope we will hear good news from you soon!

Sorry, made the wrong suggestion re dom.

Christine & Piggy,
After my failed ivf cycle in Nov 11, my tcm was not for me to start exercising. He only sort of allowed brisk walking.

However, I wanted to start exercising as I had gained some weight and felt super un-glam. So, I started with brisk-walk for about a month, then progressed to slow jogging. But, I went back to brisk-walking after ovaluation.

Maybe psychological, but somehow, I felt exercising helped. I failed ivf twice but managed to conceive naturally this round. Of course besides exercising, there are other factors such as change of diet, a new tcm etc.

I intend to stick to the same plan this round. It is about 1.5mths after my proc. I should start brisk-walking soon. The heart is willing but the flesh is weak

My tcm warns to be careful after ovaluation, in case pregnancy is in view. No heavy carrying etc. I was not very attentive to his advices before as I never thought I could conceive naturally. But now, I am going to be a good gal and be pampered by my hub

All the best to you too!
Dana: i had been doing brisk walking. But over a long period of time. I remembered i was dieting few months before i got preggie and was exercising daily. Eating really little.

But tat was for the sake of my wedding photoshoot.

After the shoot i eventually ended up being lazy... Eat what i want. No more exercising.. Once in a while i still swim. And i got preggie only by trying once.

So i realised, if i really want to ttc i canot diet at all.. I cut down my exercises to only 50mins a day n a lighter speed of brisk walking.

Still thinking should i still carry on with everyday or 4 times a week.

After i stop my harsh diet n exercise, i eventually gained about 3 pounds...

Oh ya.. To ask the ladies here... My af this time round seems weird.. I get so tired easily every since day.. N the bleed is heavier this time my cramp is like everyday but very mild...n i tend to eat alot..

And recently i am having really bad hair loss.. I was wondering is it the cause of coq10. After i start taking it i tend to have serious hair loss. Anyone facing the same problem?

And all these are like what happen when i was preggie but i did bleed so is my af, i shouldnt be preggie right...

Any advice?
May - thanks for your advice. Appreciate it. i have good news. the co is v. nice and said they are willing to wait the 2 mths for me and asked me to finish up my work properly. So I am v. happy about it!

mommytq - i tink tis mth is quite hard to avoid it as i'm actually gg for a getaway to bintan.... so i'd just let nature take its own course and just have fun/destress/relax.

Reineluv - i continued to hv abdominal cramps on and off after my dnc for 2 wks - end up there was still some leftover blood in my womb which my doc had to drain away. Doc said that it's not serious. After that I recovered and ovulate normally. Hmmm in general, it is common to hv some cramps here and there so ur cramps may not mean anything. As long as u are not bleeding excessively and have severe pain... it should b ok.

Christine - my hub is a freq traveller all year round so each mth, i'd pray that he is ard to do his job during my ovulation period haha. My hairdressor told me hair loss could b due to oily scalp. Could it be the shampoo u are using? I had v. bad hair loss during preg/mc. but these two months, it's reduced significantly. I also read that MC does cause some changes in AF patterns. For eg. a woman with heavy period may hv light periods after mc and vice versa.

heavy bleeding doesnt sound like u are preggie..... but if u are worried, perhaps u can take a temperature test first. If ur preg, ur temp should remain elevated..... in the high 36 or even 37 deg range. That's the cheapest way. The most accurate way is to do preg. test lo....
Beowie: ya lor.. That is wat i tot too... I changed my shampoo liao leh... Was thinking is the side effect of coq10.

Now i stop my coq10 and see how it goes.
Christine & Beowie,

I have bad hair loss too after m/c, and it's common. I heard it's due to the hormones. The hair loss has reduced much as time goes by.
Dont think it's due to COQ10.
Holidaygal: my mc was 5 months ago leh... Plus my hair loss problem stopped a few weeks after i did dnc.

I dont know wat is the actual problem to my hair loss leh...

Oily scalp? But then i am using the same shampoo all the way.

Malnutrition also cant be... Sudden weight loss.

My weight had been stabled for a month le, plus during my extreme weight loss period i dont face hair loss problem leh...

So im pretty puzzled... Quite scary to see so much hair dropping...
Enjoy ur trip Beowie !

Ying, am back to Dr Lim again. Initially wanted to see the she doc as am having pain on off, but her earliest slot is in mid May ! Her girls refuse to slot me in and ask me see other gynae ..
Called Dr Lim and his girls slot me in priority queue the following day. I guess cos of my past "record", they are more accomodating to me.

Christine, could it be not enough rest or sleep ? Or stress ?

Hmm havent seen Qin around.. Hope she is ok..
Christine > agree with holiday gal that hair loss is likely caused by the pregnancy hormones.

Mommytq > most gynaes operate the same way, will only give priorty to their existing patients.
mommytq > then i'm surprised that the nurses had refused to slot you in, very unempathetic of them. for a patient in pain, they should have given you at least the next day appointment. given such an experience, i would reconsider whether to continue with her if i'm in your shoes. i mean what if the delayed treatment results in further complications?
Hiaz. My AF came yesterday. Cramps like crazy. To think my last D & C is only 17 days ago. Then.....get this....

I'm still having double lines on a pregnancy stick. ie my HCG is still high.

Then..... my gyne says it's normal. I'm very sure my TCM doc says otherwise.

Suay to have hormonal imbalance + andeomyocis + huge fibriods. Don't know what to say liao.
hi Reineluv, sorry was not aware abt the setting inside. had just allow the PM on nw, do drop me ur msg n i can reply u there. =)

take gd care ya! =)
stressed, that is fast. Do take care ya especially the raging hormones which is causing emotional roller coaster.

seem like menses will usually come 4-6 week later though.
Hi Morning ladies =)

Yesterday went to see my gynae..
He say everything is fine now. Cramp is very normal but I shouldn't feel any cramp right now..(already 2 weeks since D&C)
But he asked me to go for X-Ray(H.S.G) after my AF come.. But I really dunno shld I go for that X-ray... $200+.. haiz, dun feel like spending more $$...

Hi Mommytq, so did Mr Lim told u why u still hv those type of pain?
Linggie - My gynae told me tat menses will come 4~8weeks later. But if already 8 weeks and my menses still not here yet... den I need to go see him again.
yinggoinoink: did the doc say what's the x-ray for?

beowie: mine's like a sharp pain. It seemed to hav gone away, but I started to have fresh bleeding again. Maybe cos I was doing housework yesterday.

Christine & Pigy: I realised that over exercise do cause me to ovulate later. I was skipping everyday and started to feel ovulation cramps which I have never did last time. Then my whole cycle got longer to 31, 32 sometimes 34 days. Once I stopped skipping, the cycle remained at about 31, 32 days. ABout 3 mths after i stopped, I actually conceived. So I think my skipping had a part to play, though the pregnancy wasn't sticky.
hi girls,

Would like to clarify about BD

When shld we BD to get preg ?? I'm quite confused with the ovulation thingy. Pls advise. THanks thanks.
May, ya having second thots abt which gynae to use now. Lucky this time is nothing serious :p

Ying, he ask me to do hsg test after my 2nd mc too. Did he say why u hv to do? He scan and say everything is ok. Could be bcos ovulating but I never have the pain before during ovulation. Anyway, glad can hv peace of mind now. :p
Reine: ya lor i remember te last time i tried for 3 months with exercises every morning, brisk walk for 1 hr. And i did not get it... Once i stopped working out totally, one try and i got it!

Seems like bbs dont like mummies to exercise too much. They prefer lazy mummies. Haha.

Mrs ho: try calculatingbyour fertilr period online can try searching ovulation calculator. Which is what i did.

It will state a 5 days to 1 week fertile period for tat month. But u have to know how long is your cycle each month 28 to 35 days... State clearly.

Usually 28 days cycle, ovulation starts from day 13 to 15.

To do manual calculation, startvcounting from th day u had your af, count till day 10. That is when u should start trying all e way for week plus.. Try alternate days.

If u want to be even more accurate, try doing it every two days after your af ended. All the way till one week before the next af comes.

Then u dont have to worry when are u ovulating.
in order for healthy sperms to pasd thru during your fertile period, u have to make sure your husband renews his semen every two days. Which mean he has to eject every two days in order to renew his sperms to get successful preggie.

Hope this helps.

Christine, so meaning to say, i should start trying during the ovulation period right ?

Like mine is a 30days cycle, i should be ovulating from Day 15 onwards right ?
