Support group - Miscarriages

Linggie: oh... 3 ... Ya lor see! She can do it.. We too can do it!
we can have 5!

Qin: its fine with the spotting. U can try having it twice every month.. Which is what i do... Pretty good!

Ying: its a fully body massage and a womb massage. She will detox your body first by massaging... Making your blood circulation run... And lastly she will massage your womb, to remember the wind in your womb n tummy and also to pull your uterus up in place again.

And then she will wrap it up. You will have to keep your tummy wrapped for hours... Drink a glass of warm water after th massage.

Its $60 per session. Its 1hr.

Linggie: you can make appt with her on sat. I did my massage on a sat. But in the early afternoon. She is pretty flexible.
very nice lady. She can help you arrange a good schedule.

Wow ! Thread is fast today !

Hmm gynae advice usually can ttc after 3rd AF but for me, have to wait awhile more as I had 2 DnCs that are quite close.. My TCM sinseh has given the green light tho' but will wait awhile more to be better prepared both physically and emotionally..

Oink : is your gynae dr lim at tmc 5th floor ?

Pigy : am the same age as you. I was initially hoping for a bb this year to avoid amnio, but cannot now.

Ladies, need your advice. Am actually contemplating to
switch gynae. Which would you choose ?

1) A more experience and of few words and of chop chop
consultation ?

2) one who is willing to listen and more understanding and is more generous with mc/ hosp leave ?
Christine - how sessions did u booked? Anyway thanks for ur info...

Mommytq - ya ya.. I'm with Dr AL Lim. He quite nice lah... But I really hate the waiting time... Is ur Gynae Dr Lim as well?
Ying: the sessions are booked one by one. So i calculate my dates.. Sharon did mention. Its the best to do the massage after af... The massage will take effect better.

Mommytq: i think having a doc who listens n help you thru the emotional rides are better. At least they know if u are ready or suitable for ttc or any other treatments.

For me, im seeing dr phua at kovan. He is nice and he do give me good advice n tells me not to worry about ttc.

He guarantee me that my next ttc will be a good one. He says my body is well n all. During my dnc period, he took real attention to my body. His fees are cheap too. So, i ended up decided no to change gynae.
Hi all,

I am new here..Been a slient reader for these 10 days..But today decide to post cos couldn't get to sleep...

I am expecting my #2, however went to 2 gynaes today and was told that the yolk sac seems abit too bit and there's no fetal pole or any visible heartbeat. It's unusal as I am already into the 8th week regardless of the date of my last menses or conceived date...

The options given to me were Wait for another week and see whether it will be expelled out naturally or opt for a D&C.

Anyone can share with me the experiences and cost of D&C at KKH or Raffles Hospital cos I am still deciding which one to go as I am seeing 2 gynaes.

We thought we will conceived very fast just like my #1 but It seems like God had played a cruel joke on me, we were trying to conceive for the last 8 mths, and just when I am going to give up, came the news that I am pregnant and the best thing is the due date is so close to my #1...BUt now, God decide to take it away from me..I have been thinking I don't smoke, drink and never do evil deeds, but why this kinda thing has to happen to me? I know of mummies who smokes even when they are pregnant yet still can have healthy babies...Why is life so unfair...

Never knew it will hit me this hard even though I have been mentally prepared since the last visit...
Loss > sad to hear another story here. we've all been through it and are here to grieve, rant and find strength in each other to pull through it. we'll all be here for you.

same here, i was happy that i got pregnant after 2 years of trying to conceive. it was our first bb and we were so looking forward to it. i'm in my late 30s and biological clock is ticking away fast. but fate was not with us and the bb. in the beginning i couldn't help but seek to find an answer to it. looking back it was probably a way to find a closure to it. there was never an answer to it, it just happened. it still hurts but i've slowly come to terms with it.

no matter how sad, please do take care of your body. your next bb will need a healthy mummy to bring the bb into this world. do a mini confinement, take tonics and have plenty of rest.
Dear loss, it is alright to grieve and get it out of your system.
To be honest, almost 2 wks has passed, still have tears swelling up whenever I think about you, been wondering why it is so hard to conceive and finally succeed, it doesn't work out. Me and hubby are both non smoker and lead a relatively healthy lifestyle...

Can only explain by god's will and pls continue to have faith =) and take gdcare to nurse urbody back.
Oink, he is my gynae too.. His waiting time is really bad. My Hb will always doze off during the wait time :p

Chris, very true. The whole episode is already an emotional roller coaster and would need someone to relate to...

Am in dilemma because the gynae with the chop chop
consultation is the one who see me thro' my first born and the 2 unhealthy preg, so he knows my body best

But then again, i had some unpleasant encounters during my 2nd unhealthy preg.. So ..
May, i like your statement "the nxt bb will need healthy mommy to bring him to the world. "

I guess that is the motivation for all of us now
Christine, u r indeed very well disciplined!! Did so much things! maybe should visit Chinese TCM soon hmm
Oh...MummyTQ same age as me...good to hear that hee
ya..for those in 30s...we are like racing against the clock something we can only try our best

Loss, I had my D&C at KKH 2 weeks ago...Chose the C class since I was just staying for 1 day. AMt not very sure but was thought overall $500. As I was in terrible pain n was bleeding very badly, I admitted on same day and waiting roughly about 1/2hour before they proceed to push me in already.
<font color="aa00aa">Is D&amp;C painful and roughly how long can we recover...I got a friend who told me she pain for 1 month after D&amp;C...Freaks me out..</font>

Pigy: <font color="aa00aa">I was abit hesitant to go back to KKH because of the service there. My31 was born there, though I opt for class A1, the service they provided is still nowhere there. But my gynae there is very nice.</font>
Loss > heard from my gynae that d&amp;c is only a short procedure. i was admitted in the afternoon and out by evening, half day surgery. no pain, can walk about as normal but was told to rest as much as possible. bleeding for a day or two, and light spotting for about 10 days.

the skills of the doc who does the surgery probably accounts for the pain your friend suffers. heard if not done well, can result in scars and impairs future pregnancies.
Hi loss

D&amp;c not painful. U will b completely knock out during e op. So no pain. After op can go home straight.
Hi Loss,
No, D&amp;C is not painfull. The procedure is a fast 1 which takes bout 15 mins and you r done.

There'll only been some cramps after the next day, u'll b fine.

no worries ...
Havent been here for a while. To those whom have recently suffered a loss, big *hugs* yeah.. its painful to lose your loved ones. Do vent your frustration and share your emotions here with us. We are all in this boat together...

Christine - happy to know that you are TTC..I pray for good news for you after 24th. You are one determined woman whom have put in so much effort .. I really admire you leh. Stay positive and see positive soon!

Loss- D&amp;C is not will be put to sleep. you may have some cramps after the D&amp;C though. But it all depends on the skills of the gynae. I dont think mine was done properly. I had bleeding for more than 1 month and was put on cytotec followed by another round of D&amp;C. If its done properly your bleeding should stop less than 2 weeks I think..

mommytq - understand your dilemma. I will go for the understand and patient gynae. My #1 was delivered by an experienced gynae and she is super duper chop chop, you will wait for 1 hr or more and consultation is less than 5 mins! She is not so keen to help with my miscarriage problem. But she knows my body well I guess. So i changed to another less known gynae who is patient and willing to help. She tells me what i need to now and make me feel confident to TTC again. I dont know if I go back to my 1st gynae if I strike..just go with the flow first. I understand that not many gynaes are keen to follow through with miscarriages cases.
that is sad to know...we chose to go back our old gyne bcos they would know our body best...

i m quite determined to change to a female gyne bcos they are more empthatic i feel, i seek my 2nd opinion with Dr Caroline Khi and she is really very kind
Btw can I check whether when u gals go for follow up after d&amp;c did the Gynae give an tai Yao??? My Gynae give it to mi and ask mi to take on e i tested positive.but seeing that an tai Yao I feel sad again don know y.
qin > did a follow up 2 weeks after d&amp;c to check if there's any blood clots. if done well, should be cleared. no an tai medication for me. but i was instructed to go back if pregnant or after 6 months.

I already went back for my followup last mon. Gynae Nv mention any blood clot but she say that my spotting not so fast will stop. But by end of the month it should stop already if not I have to go see her again. She gave mi an tai Yao is just in case I preg and she won't see mi till week 5 I guess???
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks ladies...This week is gonna be a horrible week...But I am still praying and talking to my bb everyday, hoping that a miracle will happen..Been having weird dreams too...I dunno how am i gonna survive till next Thursday...I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown soon...</font>
qin > did your gynae do a scan for you? mine did and was told all cleared. not advisable to get preg immediately after d&amp;c. was told by gynae to wait till after 1st cycle, read that some gyanes said after 3rd cycle.

spotting till end of the month? that's another 2 weeks. was told spotting should stop after 2 weeks.

My Gynae Nv do abdominal or v scan. Instead she put something into e v there and use strong light to see. I am still spotting now though already past 2 weeks. Not a lot type. When do wiping there's nothing but sometimes panty liner will have stain. Normal?
Hi Loss,

After I was told I need to do a d &amp; c as it didn't come out completely, I also had hoped for a miracle. At the operating table, I still asked the doc to scan to double confirm. But there were a few factors against that 'miracle'. So with sadness, I went ahead with the d &amp; c.

I totally understand what you are going through. I pray for a miracle to all mummies. <<hugs>>
Hi all.... I'm still in the clinic lying on the bed...zzzz...
No pain but the cramp is killing me...
And worst.. Im allergy to pain killer!! Arghzz...

B4 I did my D&amp;C, doctor ask me not to eat too much sweet stuffs.. =(
Can start exercise 6 weeks later...
And can start TTC ard Jun or after Jun....
And he say it's not a need for me to do confinement bcos my waterbag &amp; bb is still very small..(less den 5 weeks?)

Right now the only think I can think of is...... FOOD!!
I'm so so hungry....!!! No food for 7hrs+ le... Arghz
ying > i was exactly the same, feeling so hungry. all they offered me was porridge. finished the entire bowl and still ask hubby to get me some snacks. as for confinement, it's all up to individual. i just catered confinement food for 2 weeks and when eating outside ordered pig stomach soup or vinegar trotters. they make sure i can get out of bed on my own and walk to the toilet before discharging me. take care and have plenty of rest.

qin > not sure if it's normal as i only had spotting for 10 days. maybe the other ladies here can share more.
ying- meaning your doc ask u to try after 1st AF?

i guess now is hoping AF can come asap, sort of like press reset button

i m still spotting, today is my 10th day too, only like 1 2 drops of brown stain on pantyliner

wow 6 weeks is a long time to wait to start exercise..
Hmm....6 weeks!!????? I am thinking of starting right after 2 weeks...haiz..hate the feeling of growing fatter.
For me more red stain after 1 week.
Ladies, im shocked to see a few new ladies coming in... Just finished my exercise.

Sad to see more n more ladies facing the same situation.

Spotting should stop after 2 weeks. If spotting still occur, it can be that your scarring wound has yet to recover. Its better to take supplements. It can aid the wound.

Esp. Folic acid &amp; fish oil.

I really do think that to ttc after three cycle. Although there are miracles at times that ttc after first cycle was successfully but really depends on the body. If your body isnt healthy enough or strongenough, you cant hold the bb, aain another mc will take place n you will haveto wait for even longer month before ttc again.

Its always the best to stay healthy again before trying. I was having hypertension when i got preggie. And i did not control my diet. And my hypertension got worse.

Even until dnc. Doc says my blood pressure was pretty high. I guess, it was my body which was until so much pressure that my bb couldnt grow well.

That keeps me so determine to work on my body. Sometimes it really isnt about the unhealthy sperm or egg. Its about our body.

If we dont love our bodies, how can we love our bb? We have to love ourselves even more before we can love others.

Well, recently i had been alittle off track, did take some junk food. But its a day or two thing...and i still make sure i go into the gym room every afternoon to burn off some calories n sweat out some toxic.

Ying: you doc say 6 weeks before start exercising? I went to my gynae for follow up a week after dnc. My gynae say " why not exercise... You can go back to your normal daily life already, its reall good to loss some weight now. "

And so, i believe in my gynae. But i do light exercise first.. Just 30 mins everyday.. Do brisk walking.

And then slowly increaseas my body feels better day by day.

Anyways, girls do stay positive. Everything happens for a reason. We odd to accept it n go thru it. Its not easy but we can do it. We want a healthy n happy bb. So we haveto be halthy n happy.

Our little angels will not want to see us cry anymore.
I very confuse now.... Dunno shld start exercise 6 weeks later or earlier...
Dunno shld I start TTC after Jun...
I better check with him 2 weeks later...

But he did encourage me to exercise la... Coz fron Nov till now... I gained 10kgs lah!! And I'm so so sooo overweight right now!! Arghhzz...
Ying: wah thats alot... I gain 5kg.... Actually is up to your body.. If ur body isnt ready to exercise so soon, then u wait for a little longer. Maybe just cut down on diet first...

Its the best to see what your doc says during your follow up.
Can I just ask if any of you did a pregnancy test after your D &amp; C? I did mine yesterday (my d &amp; c was on monday but miscarried one week earlier).

My pregnancy test kit still say double line. I'm worried because if my beta count doesn't drop to a minimum, I cannot go for my fibroid operations.


I din take any preg test after d&amp;c so nt very sure.


Wah that a lot!! Perhaps try to start off with Ur diet first. For mi I gained 3kg
Stressed: usually the hormones will drop down after dnc. But after tested mc, usually the numbers will slowly fall but will still show sign of preggie.

So testing it usually after dnc will be more accurate. Once it falls to zero, that is when your body shows sign of ovulation or pms or af.

Ying: your diarrhea can be cause by the wearing off of the anesthesia. Some people will have this problem. And can be the cause of preggie. Cos during preggie we tend to constipate. So now your body knows that you are no longer preggie.

So your system is back to normal.
Oink, maybe it's just me that can't relate to him. Did the girls give u anti diarrhoe pill before the procedure ?

Thanks Sarina, linggie, most prob would go for the more understanding gynae. Well, a doctor not only should provide medical treatment, but holistic treatment as well ..
Nope, no anti diarrhea, but yah it can be a side effect of ga as Christine mentioned.

I did not test again either but I am still very emotional, attribute to the hormones!

Have a gd wkd ladies, I have to work tmr sigh
hmm....I got dirrohea also because of the side effect. Can't take it that I went doc to get pills to reduce it...suffered alot man....somemore towards ending of the pills, I got terrible headache! Now, after finishing those antiobotics, I have viginal discharge infection ...haiz..doc says sometimes if take anotibotics and body can't take it, such thing will happen...
Pigy: try drinking cranberry juice, it will help you ease your pain n discharge. Poor you. Be strong ok? Drink lots of water. Eat yogurt also can.
Qin: its sold anywhere. Like peel fresh or marigold, they have got cranberry juices.. but if u want those pure cranberry juices can buy from ntuc. At the organic section.

Aid infections n weight loss.
hmm...Christine is it really good for health?? My sister let me taste it...very nice taste like healthy version of Ribena. hmm....maybe will go ask my sister where she buy hers.

Linggie Ya.cos I got infections before...will have smell, plus sometimes that area itchy and colour is light green.
Pigy: light green is pretty serious. I had the infection during my preggie but it was just white slightly yellow discharge.

Cranberry is good for our body. It can detox our body plus healing infections.

If you were to buy the organic no sugar added one, you will have to add water...

Its sour n tasteless. Which is the actual taste. If u want to be even healthier an of cos a really fast effect, take the organic one.

Just add 20 to 50 ml of it to a litre of water n drink it down like water daily. Its good.
kills bacteria.
Are you serious?????really ma!??? Bacteria loves sugar!! Oh no!! I"ve a sweet tooth! No wonder...I got infections so easily!

May.. oh ya...I like that too but abit high on sugar...I've got sweet tooth if I eat that I may end up sweeping everything at a go within 1 day! hahaha
I chanced upon this forum when I was pregnant. I went on to miscarry on 20th March at about 12 weeks. I have been reading through these threads and have found much comfort when it was needed most. I need some suggestions; I hope to get some more help.
It seems it will help me get a closure writing out the terrible miscarriage I have had.
I was spotting, that slowly progressed to bleeding since i was 5 weeks. So even when i did a HPT which showed a +ve, I suspected there would be a problem. My gynae put me on pregnl jabs, but she herself did not sound very confident about my pregnancy. My friends suggested I see a specialist, and so i changed to a gynae in Gleneagles. He put on progesterone jabs twice a week, but the bleeding never subsided. My 7, 8, 10 weeks scan all showed foetal development and heartbeat. The other issue was the fibroid which the doc said is undergoing degeneration. It was growing very fast.
One late Saturday night the bleeding became much heavier and I was passing huge clots. I knew what it meant and we rushed to KKH at 2am. The doc there did a scan (for a painful 15 mins) and confirmed I had already miscarried. He said the foetus was no more there, but the sac was yet to pass. But he said I could wait for my gynae to advice me, which would only be on Monday. I went back home and spent very painful almost 2 hours in the toilet passing more clots. Monday morning i visited my gynae in Gleneagles and via scan he confirmed I had passed everything and said it was a complete miscarriage, so i would not need any cleaning. He said the lining is very thick and i will bleed for few days and then have a heavy next period. He said I could join back work and it’d help me emotionally.
I joined office on Wednesday, but clots happened again and I had to rush back home. I did not want to take more leave and went back on Friday. The clots seemed to be determined to pass only when i was in office. But I managed to stay in office, taking few hours off when it’d happen. The next week, the beeding was normal, no more clots. I thought it was all over. But I wasn’t lucky. The 2nd week, i started getting light cramps. I did not much think about it, until Wednesday when the cramps got severe suddenly, and i passed out in the toilet out of pain. I called my husband to fetch me, but he was atleast a 20 mins drive away. I called my colleague to help me out, but insisted he wait for my husband to reach, as everyone around panicked looking at me and said they would call an ambulance. My husband arrived and took me to Tan Tock Seng first as it was the closest. There they put me on morphine to ease the excruciating pain. Then they took me to KKH. One lady gynae did a vag scan and said to my horror that the miscarriage was not complete and the baby was still inside. I had developed a high fever by then and she said there was an infection. I needed a uterine wash. I could again start feeling the contractions (even thru’ the morphine) and asked the nurses to give me something for the pain, they refused, said i had enough morphine that had already dropped my BP to a 73. The pain slowly became unbearable and i was screaming for the next hour or so.
What happened after that was more of a daze, with me going back to sleep every few seconds. After a long wait they finally took me to the operation theatre for the clean up at about 8 pm. I had to stay overnight and was discharged the following evening after confirming there was no more infection.
The gynae who performed the washing ( i don’t know why they don’t call it d &amp; c) said i may bleed normally for 2 weeks. It’ll be 2 weeks this coming Wednesday. In between I have had episodes of mild and severe cramps/contractions. I’m scheduled to fly for a holiday on Saturday. My worry now is, what do I do, if i get the pains on flight. The pain killers don’t much help. I usually have to suffer through the cramps for a couple of hours just like in my periods. I need a heating pad to help the pain. My latest session of pain was 2 day back, but I thought I was ovulating, cos of the pimples and gas i’m experiencing. I tried to bring forward my follow up appointment at KKH to before i could fly, but they had no slot. Should I see my gynae at Glenneagles? In the meanwhile, i also am suffering from tooth problems, got an infection drained out last week, but again not much help. I’m very tired and don’t know when it will all be back to normal, not to mention being financially weakened from all the treatments and no-pay leave.
Has anyone travelled (about a 5 hour flight) and had any pain/bleeding issues while onboard? How to tackle if something does happen. I will have pain killers with me, but I’m getting anxious due to my ill health the past few weeks.
I’m sorry , this post is so long, I’m just worried if I’ve cleared of the infection or not. The physical pain and stress has been so much that the emotional pain takes a back seat!

oh dear i am so sorry you have been through all these...

you should definitely consult your gyne before your trip, just for assurance is also good for your mental well-being for your holiday and the precautions/medications you can take. do take gd care please

I went back to work 1 week afte DnC, but i still felt very emotional raw and althoughy physically i feel okay, i will bleed (about 1 pantyliner full) after i ran around with my laptop as i am doing sales.
