Support group - Miscarriages

Ocean, so there is a heartbeat! It must be a wonderful feeling for you and your hubby. I also hope that I will win this battle.... It would be an early birthday gift! However, if I'm not, then I will look forward to my trip next month. I hope others will succeed too, then we can celebrate together.

Tiny, I have been very busy! Had been a crazy month and whenever I can "eat snake", I'll come in and browse without posting though... My chart somehow detect my ovulation at CD 30 but I think I ovulated on CD 24 as that was the only day I saw CM. Below is part of my charting:

20 to 22 May - 36.4
23 - 36.8
24 - 36.6
25 - 36.8
26 - 36.9
27 to 29 - 36.8
30 to 1 Jun - 36.9
2 - 36.8
3 - 36.9

I got some nutrition tips from one of the magazines I bought in London last year.....

During 1st trimester, each day we should comsume:
6 servings of grains
5 servings of vegetables
2 servings of folic acid-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, brewer's yeast, wholegrains, wheat germ, milk, salmon, root vegetables, nuts
2 servings of calcium-rich foods: milk, milk products, green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds

I think it's hell of a lot!!

You girls meeting up?? Can I join if I can make it??

hi ocean, ocean is nice name
i am glad to read tt all went well with ur checkup. same to u, tiny
do enjoy ur hols!

as for my checkup, well fr the scan, the doc cld only see a small dot abt 2mm which is very small for 5 wks. does not seem gd. i told him abt my fear. doc asked me to be positive. but he asked me if i want to take blood test to see if my hcg doubles or wait for another wk. i decided to do a blood test. going for my 2nd blood test on sat. i try to be positive but i felt low at times after i left the clinic. shall know results earliest mon.

i know i shld be positive thinking but the 'why' did cross my mind so many times. the only test left undone is chromosomes testing on me and my hubby. unless this is the reason, we may never know why.

i just need to share my thoughts with someone besides my hubby who cld say nothing else except 'don't worry' and 'there's nothing we can do'. my greatest fear now is actually the thought of having to go through d&c again. wld it affect my chance of having a smooth pregnancy in the future?
Hi Millie,
like u, we also feel that there's nothing we can do until anything is confirmed. we're just trying our best to stay positive and hope for the best. i think the next few weeks will be like another 2WW! but we are here for one another, so come here when u're feeling down k? A big *hug* for u.

Don't think about the tests first. just think about eating proper meals, looking after urself well these few days. take each day as it comes, guess that's the only way to get thru.

i was also trying to read up about corpus luteum cysts (which i have - a rather huge on in my right ovary...abt 30+mm) and scared myself when i read that it can rupture and may need to be removed surgically. but i told myself that my gynae will monitor me and will be able to advise accordingly so i shouldn't worry as yet.

so take care millie, and all the best for ur blood test results.
Hi again, millie. i found a website which gives the average gestational sac diameter and it says that at 5 wks, the sac can be anywhere between 2mm-9mm. so don't worry too much ok? the article is here if u wanna read. it's very detailed.

besides, we are only 5 weeks based on our LMP, but we're only abt 3 weeks from the day of conception. so it's still too early to say. hope that helps to reassure u!
Morning ladies,

I did the test yesterday... negative-lar...
so, i guess i would have to wait till next week before i call my gynae

be positive...
previously, for my pregnancy, the 'sac' can't really be seen during my first ultra-scan
the gynae told me not to be too hopeful (guess because he can't really see anything...)
but, well, my pregnancy lasted 4 months
so, be positive! and don't worry too much!

you are right...
no point worrying yourself too much...
i am sure that your gynae would monitor you closely...
hi millie,
My heart is with you. I hope and pray that everything will go smoothly with you this time. Have courage my friend. Try not to think negatively though I know sometimes you can't help it. Everytime a negative thought comes to mind, think of lovely things like whiskers on kittens, snowcapped mountains, seagulls flying across a calm river, etc.

folic, today u not in here yet?
<font color="ff6000">Hi Ocean</font>, hubby is ABC, not mixed blood lah (how I wish ya

Aiyoh, me ar, I'm quite tall hence I look longer &amp; slimmer also
Pretty?? You are right, I'm <font color="ff0000">Pretty</font> tall lor, heehee

I think I'm stressed out as I just had another breastfeeding dream last night. Haiz... hope the wait will end soon

Thanks Ocean, you are so sweet
<font color="aa00aa">Dear Millie,</font>
All of us who are here have this fear. I think our hubbies are trying their best to comfort us.

Just leave things to God.

What's ours would be ours. Everything is fated. You should not worry or think too much as it is directly affecting the embryo. Take care

<font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, I cant tell you not to worry cos if i will you, i feel the same too. The fear is there. But maybe, is it cos you ovulate late? And from the website that <font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>'s provided, it seemed to be within the range. Now the positive thing is that you can see the small little dot there.

Remember i told you gals i took the blood test? I was so scared
to go for the next one at that time. Maybe you can try <font color="0000ff">talking to your baby</font>?

I dun noe if it helps, but everyday i will talk to my baby. I will tell baby that on which day, we are seeing doc, doing blood test, scan, etc... Also that daddy &amp; mummy love the baby and waiting for the arrival next year. Other than that, <font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, continue taking Folic Acid. I am taking Obimim too plus hormone pills daily. Eat healthly. I meant, guess at this point of time, this is the least we can do!

By the way, when is your LMP? Maybe can try to compare with mine? Cos within such a short period of abt 5.7wks, i already see doc for 4 times liao!!
hi ladies, thks so much for encouragement. i felt better today. i didn't sleep well last nite but i thought it through. why be so negative at this point. i shld keep a positive mind and not give up yet. i am still on folic acid and doc gv me hormone pills.

all ur thoughts and comments hv helped in calming me down. thks so much. it helps.

tiny, thks for the article. baby mandy, ur cute cartoons make me smile. java and jus, we seldom 'talk' but u hv been so encouraging. thks!

ocean, erh LMP? i not gd with the terms. my AF supposed to be due 26 may and i am quite regular. i am scared abt going for tom's blood test. but just got to go rt?
Good morning everyone!

Java, yes, I am in already but was in con call all day. Don't you miss the fun of working?

Millie, I am glad you took the blood test. At least, it is a faster way to know that your HcG are doubling and that the baby is growing well. I am sure you will hear the beartbeat of this one soon!

Ocean, glad to hear that your visit went well. Take care and rest well ok?

Tiny, the nurse at your gynae so cute
Glad it went well! Which gynae are you seeing?

Curly, I think those portions are for ang mor!
Maybe we should finetune for asian as the metabolic rates are diff. From your chart, it seems that you might have 'o' between 21-22 May. What are the temps before that like?

As for me, It's a busy day at work today. I have a 1pm meeting with a irritating person so that kind of spoilt my mood - no long lunch + boring meeting! Can't wait for end of day!

<font color="0000ff">Curly</font>
, I hope u win the battle too!
For the heatbeat, i also dont know.... but since the report indicated <font color="ff0000">Y</font>, meaning a <font color="ff0000">Yes</font> as the gynae had told me, i just accept it.
Tryin to hang in there, tryin not to stress myself. By another 2wks times, according to the gynae, the chances of M/C will decreased by dun noe how many percentage.
As i lost my last one at ard wk 7... So it is a very crucial stage for me now to wait &amp; to walk across that shadow in my mind! Hubby felt the same too! Currently taking thing one step at a time!

Oh <font color="0000ff">Curly</font>, actually the meeting is with the other thread. You see, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font> and I had our customary on the same mth and we been talkin about coming out and finally the gals are meeting up!
Yap, maybe some days we should meet up too!!

<font color="119911">Baby Mandy</font>, you are slim?
Oh so envy, somemore, tall and slim? Hate that phrase, sounds like model!!
So, u waiting till this weekend to test?

<font color="0077aa">Java</font>, i thought u already not working liao? How come still in office? That day when u wrote that u r cooking vegie with saugage, wow, it make me hungry
!! Felt like storming to your hse for dinner.

<font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, never mind! I know how you feel cos i did a test immediately after my 1st AF. Having mixed feeling, hoping to see a line and yet scared if that really happened! At least now, you know that there is no left over tissues from the last pregnancy.
So the next time, if your HPT showed a line, the indication of a new pregnancy can be confirmed.
Hi Ladies... that's quite a fair bit of post for one morning.

Been a bit busy for the morning... just skive for a bit before I go back to the files again. I'm looking forward to knocking off as well.

Hi Curly, the meet-up is for another group :p

To all who are preggie... I know that asking you not to worry is almost impossible (I believe that when its my turn I will panic as well)... but I guess that other than staying hopeful, eating and resting well... there's nothing else than can be done to ensure that the baby continues to grow healthly.

Ocean... my first menses just ended on Tuesday. Going to wait for another cycle before trying again... so should be early July if my cycle is regular.

BTW... are the cycles more regular after a miscarriage?? My cycle used to be 32 to 35 days. Will it be shorter (28 days) after a miscarriage?

After the miscarriage... I didn't have any of the usual PMS symptoms... to the extent that I thought my menses weren't coming even though it was drawing near the expected date.
Hi odie,

I think cycles do tend to be more regular. For my case, since the miscarriage, it has been 33-34 days except for this last one, which lasted 44 days. My cycle is usually about 35- 55 days before miscarriage.

Ocean, Java works twice a week I think

Java, wat you cooking tonite?

<font color="0000ff">Ocean</font>, I think I'm considered slim lah as my BMI is less than 18. But I'm those very diligent &amp; dicipline type, die die must "qiam bui" or I would complain to my hubby till he drops, wahahaha

Model?? Yaya, housewife model lor

I think I will test on Monday which is 14DPO. Kancheong already, just a few more days to go
<font color="ff6000">Millie</font>, LMP = Last Meses (spell?
) Period.

Usually the doc will calculate ur Est Delivery Date base on the first day of your last AF. Does that meant to say that the first day of ur last AF was on 26/4/04?
Hi folic, this is the first time I've plotted this chart:

30 Apr - 36.6
1 to 3 May - 36.5
4 - 36.4
5 to 6 - 36.5
7 to 8 - 36.3
9 - 36.2
10 - 36.4
11 - 36.5
12 - 36.4
13 - 36.5
14 - 36.4
15 to 17 - 36.3
18 - 36.4
19 - 36.2
20 to 22 May - 36.4
23 - 36.8
24 - 36.6
25 - 36.8
26 - 36.9
27 to 29 - 36.8
30 to 1 Jun - 36.9
2 - 36.8
3 - 36.9
4 - 36.9

I just hope that the temp won't drop....

Ocean/Odie, I see..... the meeting is for another group.

Ocean, Tiny, Millie, I think now you should just relax and take things easy and think of all happy things. Like Odie said, it's impossible not to worry..... I'm sure I would feel the same when it's my turn!
Hi Curly,

your temps looks really good. Like I said before, I think you might have 'o' around 20th May.. I am using the slight dip on 19th May as a guage.. I am not really an expert on this. I hope it will continue to stay high for the next 2 days... You already have 13 days of high temps... just 1-2 days more and you can test

curly and baby mandy, hope tt u strike! gd luck!

odie, since my m/c, i also don't hv any signs symptons for AF. the most i hv is slight cramps a day before or on the day of my AF.
ocean, yup 26/4 is the first day of my last AF. if all is well, think my baby is due early feb next yr. tiny, wat abt u?

thks everyone for ur blessings. hope u hv a gd wkend ahead!
Good luck to Curly and Baby Mandy. Hopefully we have more confirmed graduates by the start of next week.

Oohhh... so I am not alone. Good... I shall pray hard that I won't suffer any more signs and symptoms from now on :p
To all of those waiting to test, good luck, good luck! I really hope we can all graduate together cos this will really boost the morale of this thread. it will also be a source of hope to those who've gone thru what we have!

millie, i think we are about the same. my LMP was 29/4, only 3 days after yours. i think i conceived around 13/5. that was around the time we worked hard &amp; BD-ed...same for u right? My gynae explained that it means we're actually only about 3 weeks if we count from the day of conception. But normally based on a 40-week gestation period, we are technically 5 weeks pregnant (cos that is counted from your LMP). So confused at first but i think i more or less understand now. If all goes well, i think our EDDs should be very close! (early Feb).

Curly, I think u ovulated around day 24...not too sure but i think so cos of the ovious high temps after that...but whatever it is, definitely not on CD30 as you said FF detected! Good luck!
Millie, so your AF is actually 5 days later than mine. When i went to KK 24hrs clinic on 21/5/04, ard 4wks, there was nothing on the scan at all. So for your scan at the start of wks 5, by merely seeing a little dot, it can be quite alright indicating the your baby is slowly growing!
I wish I am right! Keep my fingers crossed for you too!

i went to Motherhood to do the calculation for you. Base on your LMP, ur EDD should be 31/01/05. But think this date is incorrect since you might have ovulate late. You are right to say that yours should be early Feb'05! Mine should be 26/01/05, but yesterday after the scan, it was dated at ard 29/01/05.
Hi Baby Mandy, I really like the "hang in there" icon. so cute!!!!!

Folic, i didn't see ur post earlier. i'm seeing Dr Teoh Eng Soon @ Teoh clinic for women (shaw centre). he's very fatherly and gentle!

odie, my cycles not only became more regular, they also shortened tremendously! from anywhere between 35-50 to 32. but it took 2 cycles after d&amp;c to shorten. And for this cycle, my gynae says it even looks as tho i ovulated around the time of a normal 28-day cycle.

ocean, when's your next appt? why did u have to go 4 times?
Hi girls,

When I was pregnant, I always print this pregnancy calender. It is more accurate as u can enter either the LMP date or ovulation date.

pregnancy calender
Morning Everyone!

<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, sorry, i calculated wrongly. Recently very forgetful.. i went to see doc 3 times!! 1st time at wk 4(base on LMP) cos i constantly felt painful in the tummy. I did a scan and see nothing. Thus did a HcG blood count.

The 2nd time was 3 days later for the 2nd HcG blood count at wk 5. Finally this wk again for the scan. My next appt will be on 17/6/04.

<font color="aa00aa">Baby Mandy</font>, hope to hear some good news from you on Monday! As long as aunty went shopping, the chances is still there! Good Luck!

<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, i hope you will provide us with some good news too!!

<font color="119911">Millie</font>, today you are doing the blood test,
right! Good Luck!
Millie, all the best for today's blood test. Don't be scared ok?

Ocean, my next appt is also on 17/6! It'll be at 2.30pm. Praying that all will be well.

Have a good weekend everyone! And for those testing or BD season, good luck! I'll be leaving for Phuket this evening and back on Mon night. See you when I get back!
<font color="ff6000">Ocean</font>, I hope so. However, if I don't get pregnant, I won't be sad too as I can concentrate on my studies first. Actually my mum asked me to focus on my studies &amp; have baby no 2 in 2006. But I just wanted to give it a last shot. So I secretly BD this time &amp; she didn't know a thing

So I'm ok with both results
, i.e. BFN or BFP.
But I hope the rest who are TTC can have good news real soon!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font>, yes,
is what we need!!
<font color="aa00aa">Baby Mandy</font>, ur pics are so cute!!! Kekkee...

Well, since you have set your mind at a more relax pace
, then we just wait to see what life have in place for you!

Actually i quite anxious for <font color="119911">Millie</font> and thus i log in even though my computer very very slow now!! Wish that everything is okay!

<font color="0077aa">Tiny</font>, so we had the same timing. What is your EDD? Yes, let's hope all is well!
Enjoy ur trip but at the same time take care of yourself!

Have A Good Weekend, Everybody!!
ocean, thks for ur concern. bad news to share with u and the girls here. it is not my fate to be a mum again this time.

did blood test in the morning and met my mum in the afternoon to go shopping. abt 3pm, while walking, i felt a gush of discharge. went to the toilet and my worst fear came true. my entire panty liner was soaked with blood. went to kk hosp with my mum. waited for an hr plus to see doc. when the doc did a scan for me, she cldn't see any sac. concluded tt i hv miscarriaged.

the weirdest thing is i am not sad or crying. i just felt immune and lost. fr waiting at kk to the checkup to coming home now, i wld describe my mood as ok. i cld even joke with my mum when watching the ms universe telecast on tv at kk.
what is sad is tt i don't even hv the chance to wait for the blood test result. maybe god wants to shorten my period of anguish and pain?

what is funny is tt the doc who checked for me at kk is my ex-classmate! fancy meeting an ex-classmate during such circumstances and hving her look at my private parts! but maybe it's because it's her tt i felt more relaxed and cld tell her my entire history and she was patiently listening. she kept so quiet during the vaginal scan tt it was me who asked if the sac is gone. and she nodded her head. actually, the moment i saw the blood on my panty liner, i already know.

to hv recurring miscarriages is a horrible feeling but really, i don't know why i am feeling so calm. maybe because i was already uncertain abt the pregnancy since seeing the faint positive sign tt i am more mentally prepared for the worst scenario.

i am now even thinking on when my AF will come and then i can try again. i am not even questioning the 'why' esp when my ex-classmate (the doc) repeated all tt i already know - abt the tests tt cld be done and the unknowns. most of the time, couples just have to keep trying.

i hope i don't need to go through a d&amp;c. my ex-classmate said tt i don't hv to. think i will go see my gynae on mon. i am given mc for a wk but i don't think i will use it. i shall get on with my life.

another funny thing is my mum is so calm too. i think she was already prepared for the worst when i told her i was bleeding and we took a cab to kk. now, she's cooking all the 'bu' food for me.

i can sense my hubby's disappointment but i am thankful tt he rushed to my side at kk and he is very concern abt my welfare. i was telling him abt when we can start planning again and he scolded me. said most impt is i am fine and no complications will arise because of the miscarriage.

i know all of u will be very sad to read abt my case. rest assure i am fine. thks!

java, i kept talking abt going to see chinese doc but never got abt doing so. think this time, i will go for chinese treatments and just take care of myself and pray tt i can become a mother one day.
hi millie,
When I read your posting, my heart went out to you. I hope God will give you the strength and that His Spirit will calm and console you. Do not give up and despair. If you feel the need to cry, just let go your tears, talk to us, we understand how you feel. Tonight I will pray for you that you don't have to go for another D/C. How abt going to the chinese physician that Helen of Troy recommended, Ngee Ann Traditional Medicine Centre? Do keep us updated on what ur gynae say on mon. As for now, sleep well and sweet dreams my dear friend.
Oh Millie, my heart goes out to you too! I have to say that you are a very strong woman. Let's hope there's no need for d&amp;c..... Rest well and take care of yourself. God bless.
Dear Millie, I really don't know what to say except give you a very BIG Hug

Please take good care care of yourself &amp; try to "tian yang" your body.

I would like to share a story with you. My girl friend m/c for 4 times. Her problem was due to her weak womb which can't sustain the weight of the embryo.
For her very last pregnancy, she didn't want to risk further hence she was bed ridden for 9 months. Her son is 3 years old now. My point is once you know the problem of it, it would be easier to "fight back". God bless you.
Hi gals,

I am really glad to have chanced upon this forum. I have been pretty confused and lost for the last 5 days about my pregnancy......

On 1 June, I went to a gynae to confirm my pregnancy. I was told I may have m/c as the gynae was not able to detect the fetal heartbeat. Given some hormone pills and folic acid, I was advised to rest and go back for a scan in a week's time.
Size of the foetus was about 5mm.

Couldn't believe it and also wanting to seek 2nd opinion, I went to KKH for a consultation on 4 June. Sad to say, result is the same, no heartbeat detected. Foetus was about 6 weeks. After seeing the scan result inlcuding my previous scan, gynae noted that sac has shrunk in size. Though he was quite sure that it's going to be a m/c, he suggested that we do another scan in a week's time to confirm. If still neg, will do a d/c on the same day.

I am just thinking is 6th and 7th week too early to see the heartbeat? Would there be a chance that the heartbeat will only be detected slightly later for my case....maybe 8th or 9th week? Should I wait for another week if they still can't see the heartbeat on the 7th week. I dun have any bleeding at all throughout this period.
Hi everyone

I've been so busy that I have neglected my computer for weeks and weeks..Think got spider web liao...heehee.. I already told myself not to be so anxious about concieving but hor...still cannot control leh...sigh...duno what to do..
This morning I found some white sticky discharge on my panty..perhaps ovaluting?? Better dun let the chance slip through again.. so maybe I'll try to BD-ing tonite.

As for millie, I felt so sad for you. I think you are very strong throughout the whole traumatic situation. Your next pregnancy will be a smooth one, I bet.

Last but not least, wish all people who are TTC-ing or mother-to-be have a nice wondrous journey and


from JoYcE

I'll be back..heehee
Dear Millie,
I am so sorry to hear about the news. You are a tremendously brave girl and I hope you will pull through the experience stronger for it. Please take good care and let us know how we can share your pain.

so sorry to hear abt it... you had been so strong. I will be praying for you. pls take care... *hugz

A BIG HUG for you...
So sorry to hear the news...
You must take care and take more 'bu' things to strengthen your body...
As Snuffles has mentioned, do let us know if we can help in anyway...

Take care
Hi Haneb,

During my previous pregnancy, the foetal's heartbeat was detected between 5-6 weeks...
But, i do understand that in some pregnancies, the hearbeat is detected a little later

Maybe you should wait till the week is over and confirm with your gynae...

Meanwhile, take good care of yourself... ; )

Hi Millie... I don't know what to say to make you feel better. Probably a hug will be the best ... *huggies*. Do take care of yourself and do whatever that needs to be done to make yourself feel better. See what your gynae advises you on about your recurring m/c... hopefully you will be able to arrest the problem if any.

Haneb... usually a heartbeat will be detected around the 5th to 6th week. But I think it will be a good idea to just wait for another week to see if the baby is growing. Meanwhile do take care of yourself. BTW... not all miscarriages will have bleeding or abdominal pain. This is a "missed miscarriage". That was what happened in my case. I didn't know that my babies have died until 2 weeks later when I went for my regular checkup. There were no tell tale signs at all.
<font color="0000ff">Millie</font>
, I'm so sorry to learn about ur loss!
How are you feeling now? Seriously, if you do need to cry, pls cry ur heart out! We would be here for you!

<font color="ff6000">Haneb</font>, I feel that you should wait a little bit longer. I heard frm my SIL that her doc, Dr Kowa, usually waited till 8 wks before confirming that the baby is loss. And i think i ever heard from someone in this forum, that her BB heartbeat was finally seen on wk 9. Unless u r bleeding, otherwise, i just felt that as long as there is chances, do wait!
Hi Millie,

I am sorry to hear this sad news when I logged in this morning.I am glad that you are positive and I am sure this will definitely help towards your next pregnancy. Take care and rest well!

hi ladies, thks so much for ur concern and thoughts.
hving this forum to come to really helps. i hv shed tears whenever i think abt it. but i am ok. just felt very tired and weak.

i hv moved back to my mum's place and being taken care of. still bleeding but i hope not to go for d&amp;c. thought of going to see gynae today but i felt so weak. decided to stay in and see how tomorrow. so far, no pain or heavy flow. so shld be alright i guess.

i may not come in as often for the next few days as my mum is very persistant abt me lying in bed and rest. think i'll grow fatter and fatter with all the sleep and 'bu' food! and yup, i am making full use of the mc. my mum wont let me go bk to work. but guess it's for the best lah.

thks java. my mum brought me to go to this chinese sinseh in serangoon area tis morning. she got the info fr her fren who hv high praises for this sinseh. he specialises in miscarriages and pregnancy. i felt gd after hearing what the sinseh says. he's a nice man and he understands the emotional turmoils i am going through now. i felt very at ease with him. well, i need to be on his medication for 3 mths and i can only try again after that. so, for the time being, i shall rest well and not think too much.

anyone interested in this sinseh? i can get info fr my mum. was not paying attention on where i was. i know it's ard serangoon north area.

any buddhist here? remember i mentioned abt this temple ard havelock rd? it's the 'Tian Gong Temple'. behind concord hotel. tt's a 'shi er niang' (twelve mother) in the temple tt is said to be very 'ling' abt hving children. my mum also wants me to go there consistently.

think my mum is doing all these for my gd. so, i shall follow as she says and hope tt i can hv a smooth pregnancy in the future.

gd luck everyone! hope those who r trying strikes and those who hv striked to hv a smooth journey ahead!
haneb, the waiting time is agonishing. i can understand. but don't give up hope yet. do wait for another wk or so. i really pray tt all goes well for u. do come in and share with us ur fears/ thoughts. it helps tt there's an avenue to share it with.
Hi millie,

Its better that you rest and not move about so much (thats what my mom advise d me previously as well)
And let your mummy pamper you ; )

I have passed by the temple that you mentioned
Is it near great world city?

I would be going back to my moms place this weekend
Shes bringing me to one of those sinsehs as well
Although my condition was due to genetic problems, they said that diet/ Chinese herbs may help
Actually, scientifically speaking, the percentages still remain
But for me, as long as theres a chance, I am willing to try ; )

Meanwhile, just relax and be pampered
Btw, do take longer leave if you need...
Check with your company on the hospitalization policy
(at least, this would not eat into your MC)

Most importantly, you must take care!
How's everybody today? I just came back from Orchard, went to do facial. Me today 10 days after O day, *sigh* I know the waiting time can be stressful.... Keeping my fingers crossed, though not putting in too high expectations.
Hi Java... I'm stoning abit in the office.

Well I guess that its just like waiting for a bus or boiling the water. The more anxious you are... the longer the wait it seems. If you take your mind off it... the days will just zip by ;)
Hi Java,

so nice.. go facial. Hope your AF will not come this month!

I am stoning in my office. I got a sudden bout of backache which becomes this excruciating pain in my butt (literally). I went to tui na just now and he twisted me in all sorts of angle. So painful.. but at least I feel better. But my head is pounding... cos I couldnt sleep last nite due to the pain. Sigh!


Hi Jus, Odie, Ocean and millie,

Thank you so much for the concern and sharing your experiences with me. Appreciate your postings...

Esp for millie, you are such a strong lady. Do take good care of yourself for another strike ya....

For now, I will cross my fingers till this thursday's followup. Hope to see some +ve scans...
